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>generally get along with right wingers (pro gun, agree amabs are on the shit end of the stick, pro life, agree feminism is a net negative)
>until they start talking politics and about gassing faggots/trannies/"pedophiles" and need to head out
>oversocialized "queers" are the most insufferable and soulless group of pussywhipped gooner simps ever conceived and their BPD theyfab handlers roleplaying polycule stalin holding any actual queers who wonder in hostage
>but I don't have to be afraid of holding my girlfriends hand around them
So the people who hate women also hate LGBT almost as if one is an extension of the other. But you are too fucking stupid to understand that much so you cannot figure out why all the people who hate women also hate you

>oversocialized "queers" are the most insufferable and soulless group of pussywhipped gooner simps ever conceived and their BPD theyfab handlers roleplaying polycule stalin holding any actual queers who wonder in hostage
I'm not sure you've ever left your discord server, none of these words are used among normal people.
The fuck? I love women. I am one and I date women to love them.
Except you believe in forcing raped 10 year old girls to be human incubators and give birth against their will kicking and screaming for mercy. AND even as you do this you engage in "amab" grievance bullshit. Pick a lane!
no guy ever thinks he truly hates women, just that however he's regarding them and treating them is simply what they deserve. no more, no less.
The 0.01% of abortions that happen because of medical necessity (which should be legal) don't justify the vast majority of abortions that are ad hoc birth control shouldn't be legal. I'm against recreational abortions only, life for a life scenarios are more complex and deserve a case by case examining.
>Pick a lane
Get off the beaten path.
I highly doubt you believe in banning abortion except for rape so these examples are stupid
>get off the beaten path
spoken just like any mgtow midwit. you really believe your views are special. they arent and have been defended by smarter people than you
I believe in that
>no response; just cope
Okay then feminazi chud, thanks for playing.
The only issue that matters right now is anti-Zionism. I'll unite with any left- *or* right-wing motherfucker who hates Israel
based national socialist
kill yourself misogynistic faggot
>says nothing about hating women
>gets called a misogynist anyway
You should be hung and quartered to improve trans optics
>you dont like whores killing their babies on a whim?
>you must support 10 year olds being raped!!!!

>The 0.01% of abortions that happen because of medical necessity
Fake stat.

>ad hoc birth control
>recreational abortions
not a thing--also sorry that raped children want birth control "ad hoc"? Nobody should be forced into pregnancy or childbirth. Full stop. Its fucking evil and equivalent to rape.

> life for a life scenarios are more complex and deserve a case by case
Wow I wonder who will do this "case by case" examination to see if a child has the right to remove a fetus from her body in a LIFE FOR A LIFE scenario? Rather than the default, which is to be forced into being a human incubator and going through childbirth, something inherently risky?
Meanwhile the fetus is just getting older and older, and by the time this "case by case" examination is decided its am evil scary late term abortion.

You're a rapist piece of shit forcing raped children into nonconsensual pregnancy and forced birth, then have the nerve to whine about da heckin "amab". You picked exactly the wrong combo of politics for anyone to take you seriously.
>feminists rally for hanging trans women at the slightest hint they don't support them murdering children
Amazing backup from our greatest ally!
>feminism is a negative
>uses the word pussywhiped
typical malebrained trannies cannot even recognize obvious misogyny
None of these things are misogynistic, though being pro-life and saying pussywhipped are pretty cringe.
>children are people
>men and women are equal, neither is superior
>since they are equal they are also capable of evil
Nothing wrong here, you're just grasping.
nta but not sure why you go with pissing off your greatest voting bloc supporters. foid vote moves the needle with their numbers.
They can't take even the slightest criticism. The moment a trans-"inclusive" feminist thinks you're no longer useful for their project they immediately morph into Germaine Greer.
All modern politically right movements are poisoned. You could visit a hobby shop and ask about their game nights. They'll usually have a board game night, a 40k night, MTG Fridays, often local hobby group meetings. Some of the things might sound cool to you.
Why didn't progressives care when it came out that Epstein was running a breeding + blackmail program in subterranean tunnels stocked with MOSSAD-trafficked fourteen year-olds?
Your politics don't actually care about kids getting raped.
>our gReAtEsT ally
Israel? They rape children too, you can go there if you want but I hope you get turned into glass in the process
>terminating a pregnancy because the baby will 100% die an agonizing death within 48 hours of birth? you're a murdering whore!
>terminating a pregnancy because there's a high chance continuing will kill the mother? murdering whore!
>ok those are good exceptions, but doctors won't perform them because abortion is illegal? thats ok, as long as murdering whores get punished!
>you don't want every single miscarriage to be investigated as a capital murder case? shut up, murdering whore!
they're just dudes. they'll never have to worry about dying from a pregnancy gone south.
>we need to save the lives of innocent children by legalizing killing 99.9% innocent children in case 1 in 1000 was going to hurt a child mother
make it make sense
Do you remember your fulfilling and successful life in the womb? They aren't even people, and it's selfish to bring life into this current fucked up world anyway
>I highly doubt you believe in banning abortion except for rape so these examples are stupid
I do believe it is always wrong to force women or children into being human incubators against their will.

However, the fact that pro-lifers explicitly try to force raped children to give birth means they are about one of the most purely evil groups in the USA today. Of pro-life controlled states, half of them make zero exceptions for raped children, and another quarter have minimal exceptions.

>whores killing their babies
We also need to acknowledge the fact that very few pro-lifers genuinely consider embryos or fetuses to be babies. And even fewer still give a flying fuck about mass murder. Guns are the #1 killer of children in the US, but OP still loves guns.

If pro-lifers really were interested in preventing fetal and embyronic death they'd do so in ways that weren't entirely focused on forcing women and children into being human incubators. They'd focus on the massive amounts of maternal death due to lack of healthcare (US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world), the massive amount of miscarriages that are caused by environmental pollutants, the women forced or coerced into aborting for economical reasons, the women forced into abortioning from surrogacy contracts, the many embryos killed in IVF clinics.

But no--their first and foremost goal is forcing women and children into nonconsensual pregnancy and forced birth. Whether they can help protect and cherish life, embryonic, fetal life, baby life, child life? They don't care and neither do you.

also claiming women and children who get pregnant are "whores" is incel fantasy. But no, I don't even support prostitutes being forced into pregnancy or childbirth.
>fetuses and children are not the same thing
>2014 gamergate understanding of feminism
not beating the allegations
>if you're not successful and fulfilling your social role you should be culled at your owners discretion
hitler reincarnated into a feminist!?
If pro-lifers really were interested in preventing fetal and embyronic death they'd do so in ways that weren't entirely focused on forcing women and children into being human incubators. They'd focus on the massive amounts of maternal death due to lack of healthcare (US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world), the massive amount of miscarriages that are caused by environmental pollutants, the women forced or coerced into aborting for economical reasons, the women forced into abortioning from surrogacy contracts, the many embryos killed in IVF clinics.

The reason we don't see any of this is because you don't actually consider embryos or fetuses to be people. You just want to force women and children to give birth and when you screech about how women and children who get pregnant are actually "whores" you tip your hand as to the reasons why
das rite those murdering whores who get pregnant to specifically get abortions in the third trimester need to be locked up!
Being a trans person does not give you the right to force little kids to give birth against their will.

95% of trans women and other LGBT already support basic rights to bodily autonomy, its the height of hypocrisy otherwise. Doesn't stop OP or pieces of shit like you
Your idea of a "pro lifer" is the average right wing retard I complained about in the OP. I'm a lefty and a tranny.

Murder is the ultimate form of someone removing another's bodily autonomy. Abortion is murder.
ngl while I do believe calling trans women men is le bad, it sure seems like someone of you, op specifically never let go of your moid mindset
You make men sound like the only good side left in the fight.
>legalizing killing 99.9% innocent children in case 1 in 1000 was going to hurt a child mother
you don't even believe that number is true. why say it?
>you don't want every single miscarriage to be investigated as a capital murder case?
AFAIK that's liberal fantasy. I've only read about three instances of this happening and in all of them the woman told the cops she induced the abortion then she runs to CNN claiming the cops are harassing her hoping for a payout.
I know southern governors talk a big game but they're trying to show their constituents that they're tough on something many of them see as evil. They don't actually care that much.
imagine being this incapable of critical thinking
how do you live?
A straw man so retarded I don't even know where to begin. Is this about eugenics? The inferiority of other races isn't biological, it's a cultural issue. I meant it as a broader anti-natalist "fetuses are not people, it is not murder" but youre clearly more interested in arguing than actually worrying about facts and logic. Also I'm not a feminist women are ontologically below me and owe me sex. Pregnancy is body horror however and I don't want the sex I'm attracted to and love to suffer in that way.
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You know, I hate abortion arguments that jump to extreme cases of endometriosis, rape, incest, etc. Most abortions aren't performed because of that, and most women aren't thinking of these things when it comes to an abortion.
For all of the women who talk about how necessary it is, how there is no shame, how it's just "a few cells", the shame is there in most cases. Getting an abortion isn't something people take lightly, and getting pregnant is something people always fucking worry about, even if it's just a doctor visit away to treat.
For all of the women who despise abortions, don't understand why someone just can't wrap it, can't understand how you can terminate life no matter how early in gestation, the mood always changes when an unexpected pregnancy does happen. Whether it's from a fun night out, being too young, or any number of things. The only difference for them, is that there is even more shame.
Motherfuckers with dicks never, ever, have to seriously consider the consequences of getting pregnant. They never have to worry about it, and of course, they will never actually have the problem staring them in the face.

I don't like abortions, I think after a few weeks it's pretty fucked up, which is why I think people should have even more access to birth control, more access to abortions, so pregnancy can be terminated as early as possible instead of hanging in limbo. There should be more support for women.
Of course, there are genuinely people who might get abortions like candy, but are they really waiting until 4 mongs months and getting a crazy fucking procedure every year? You're mad.
The fact that men say "this isn't a women's right issue" is so fucking retarded, as if to imply women aren't human beings with empathy for other human beings. To imply they, as the person who has to bear a child for 9 months, doesn't Care about the child.
I understand limits on when (after conception) an abortion can be performed, but they already exist.
>t. Pussy holder
>wowwww you agree with the other groups points you agree with? unbelievable
>admitting to being a bootlicking sheep
If you were interested in preventing fetal and embyronic death you'd do so in ways that weren't entirely focused on forcing women and children into being human incubators. You'd focus on the massive amounts of maternal death due to lack of healthcare (US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world), the massive amount of miscarriages that are caused by environmental pollutants, the women forced or coerced into aborting for economical reasons, the women forced into abortioning from surrogacy contracts, the many embryos killed in IVF clinics. You'd be insisting on getting a uterus implant and trying to implant as many frozen embryos you can into yourself lest they be murdered.

You instead claim only that you want to force women and children to give birth (embryos have full use of a woman or child's body starting on day 1 and any attempt to remove this embryo is "murder" after all! that's way worse than forcing raped kids to give birth!), and also are pro-gun even though guns are the #1 cause of death for real children. Also whining about how those evil 10 year old afab whores incubating children against their will have it so much easier than grown ass amabs like you. That's it, that's the summation of your "politics". Not very lefty imho!
>Most abortions aren't performed because of that, and most women aren't thinking of these things when it comes to an abortion.
The insidious part about this "debate" is that even people who disagree with them still frame their thinking on their lies
*Until 4 months
Not mong months
>nooooooo you must be an isolationist prole with zero class consciousness or comradery with trustworthy constituents
What does this mean
excuse me but I'm a fag on hormones and I truly hate women
>inb4 jealousy
it's not jealousy, it's contempt
to clarify, people who disagree with [anti-abortion activists] frame their thinking on their lies
> I hate abortion arguments that jump to extreme cases of endometriosis, rape, incest, etc. Most abortions aren't performed because of that, and most women aren't thinking of these things when it comes to an abortion.
It is natural to go to these extremes when those extremes are the current front of the pro-life conflict. Of pro-life states, half make zero exceptions for raped children and another quarter make minimal exceptions.

There's no point in discussing various points of moderation and minimization of abortion (where most pro-choice people exist) when pro-lifers are that extreme that they are forcing raped kids to give birth
I mean, the "debate" gets framed around lies from the anti-abortion groups. Like that women are frivolously getting abortions in the third trimester like they're changing their hairstyle or something.
>noooooo I won't address your argument directly I've made you something you fundamentally aren't in my head so therefore I win ahahahah
To mention class consciousness to me is absurdist. (Im American so I'm speaking about American politics) the conservatives don't give a fuck about you. Leftists are the only people that actually "fight" for anyone's rights and they're pathetic infighting pansies. The right jacks off corporate executives as they execute minorities (not the niggers or spic, but YOU) and they whisper in each others ears "this'll get 'em we'll finally win" as they bust their loads. You dont understand libs and conservatives are two sides of the same capitalist coin. Pathetic degenerate, have fun getting raped in a male concentration camp
The only way men can do right by women is by creating the conditions in which women don't have sex when they can't safely get pregnant.
>To imply they, as the person who has to bear a child for 9 months, doesn't Care about the child.
If you care about someone, you don't kill them.
>t. fellow pussy holder
Ok but, the majority of abortions aren't performed because of rape or medical issues. It's a good percentage but it's not even sort if the majority. Idk if this is directed at the thread, or me.
But if it's not at me, yeah. I think it's funny that the only thing people with dicks can think why an abortion is performed is because of the rarest of circumstances and eeeeveryone else has either never had an unexpected pregnancy or is trying to get pregnant. El oh el.
Actually, yeah it is, because most people aren't that crazy. This is the internet. It's not worth arguing with people who say "You need to have your brothers son" or "You need to give birth to something that will kill you", that's when you Do something instead of Say something.
But something like, 80%? Or more? Of abortions are not because of this, which is even MORE appalling to pro life people, and much more valuable to talk about.
>argument built on lies
Post pussy or you're a rapehon
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Did you just tell me to post nudes and then call *me* the rapehon? Touche.
>unconscious living matter IS human!!!
>no you dont get it, when I remove my ability to produce sperm by utilizing MY right to bodily autonomy its ok that the billions of sperm in my testes die!!! that isnt killing billions of babies!! its just getting rid of cells!!
>not like early term abortions, the golf ball sized cluster of cells that afabs develop during pregnancy is actually somehow completely different.

anon please check your house for black mold the cognitive dissonance is getting out of hand
I am ftm and will post pussy after you post yours. Also, acting like a rapehon gives me gender euphoria, checkmate liberal
It's sickening how quickly "accept everybody for who they're born as" libs jump to flat out murdering anyone who happens to have been conceived through rape or has a medical disability. At least the rightoids are honest enough to call themselves eugenicists when they argue like one.
Removing a fetus or embryo from a raped child's body is not equivalent to murder, and pro-lifers don't consider fetuses and embryos to be equivalent to babies in any other circumstance.

>Actually, yeah it is, because most people aren't that crazy.
We aren't talking to "most people". We are talking to pro-lifers. Of pro-life states, half make zero exceptions for raped children and another quarter make minimal exceptions. They are that crazy, they are that evil, they are that demented.
>completely ignoring the comparison of sperm and embryos
kek, u admit defeat ideologically

tell me anon, if a hospital were burning and you were a firefighter, would you grab a child out of the fire? or would you fill your arms with test tubes containing fertilized embryos?
Its sickening to force women and children to incubate pregnancies or give birth against their will. Pro-choice is against the government being involved in forcing someone's hand either way. If a woman is raped and she wants to give birth, I am all for it. If a woman is raped and she does NOT want to give birth, I am all for that. Children giving birth is something I am basically always against because they cannot meaningfully consent but even then if they are an older teenager I think its far better to give her the space to decide for herself.

Are for forced abortion. Flipside of the "forced pregnancy" bullshit. Not a relevant political force, though it can exist as a "soft force" insofar as support for the disabled and impoverished is minimal. (Pro lifers don't give a fuck about this soft eugenics)
>8/10 of americans support exceptions for rape/incest
>10/50 states have no exception for rape/incest
How did we get here, man
>(Pro lifers don't give a fuck about this soft eugenics)
no that's just what the media tells you about pro lifers and you've chosen to believe it
except it really isnt. every pro lifer i know is for gene editing
the only people here who support the muzzies are retarded queers. no one else is impregnating 10 year olds besides jews and shitskins.
oh wow a personal anecdote with a tiny sample size you fucking got 'em anon
>wanting an end to war is cute when youre 10 but retarded when youre an adult
hell really is other people
For real. Everyone replying to me said pro lifers jump to this extreme when OP already said that's immoral. Bitches be stupid.
>still no responses to
literally nothing you say will be taken seriously by me until you can come up with any sort of defense against these lmao
what is this the middle ages? you hons dont intimidate me sorry
I am a passoid pooner I demand entrance to the female restrooms I want to smell their piss
Hey you might be retarded.
Women's problems in society are caused by men and men's problems in society are also caused by men. Only stupid men play the victim about this. Feminism is based and seeks to improve the lives of both men and women. Also most queers aren't like the loud obtrusive gays you hate. Most of them are chill and normal so you don't realize they're queer and assume they're straight so in your mind gay people become a monolith for the ones you notice and don't like. Your nazi friends will never accept you and they would probably kill you if they thought they could get away with it. If you want actually cool friends you should try hanging out with progressive straight people. they are probably educated and act like normal people, most of my friends these days are straight cis progressives and I love them all dearly.
neither is a response to me?
>no that's just what the media tells you about pro lifers and you've chosen to believe it
You dumb fucking bitch. Of the states without expanded medicaid (healthcare for poorest of the poor), 70% are also controlled by pro-lifers! They fucking hate the poorest of the poor. And

Of the 10 worst states to live with a disability, 8 are controlled by pro-lifers! They don't give a fuck! OP is a pro-lifer, look how much of the OP was spent talking about their politics of bolstering support for the caregivers of disabled people or expanding healthcare for the poorest of the poor--ZERO!

You are gaslighting everyone if you want to pretend that pro-lifers give a flying fuck about the soft eugenics that pressures women into getting unwanted pregnancies due to fear of impoverishment, caring for a disabled child, destroying their ability to earn money for themselves, etc. They are first and foremost interested in forcing women and children to give birth, that is what they set out to do and that is what they accomplished.
did you just move here or something? politicians are rapists, simple as
>the only people here who support the muzzies are
White Christian children absolutely do get raped, I don't even know what else to tell you

OP said that "true life for a life scenarios" were 0.1% and could be "looked at at a case by case basis". That is what OP said.
its easy to stop being poor but not if you cant control your coochie
>gassing faggots/trannies/"pedophiles
Firstly, never happened.
Secondly, OP is directly equating trans people, gay people and pedophiles...
I've literally heard people say this shit irl (Rural oregon)
they're paraphrasing right wing people calling lgbt people pedophiles
god damn the reading comprehension around here is below ground level
Idk man, I've heard people fantasizing about driving their trucks through crowds at pride parades. There is definitely a pervading sentiment in the right that just wants the eradication of minorities
>t from suburban Georgia
I lived in Utah where people might actually support that and never heard it either. I think liberal americans are so used to their echo chambers they dont actually know what the other side is like.
It honestly depends on the individual and their circumstances. Some people are in a much better position to boost their earning potential than others.

But yes, mothers almost always have much worse circumstances when it comes to lifting themselves from poverty, or even remaining middle class. Many women are thus pressured to abort even when they may not truly want to. If pro-lifers really cared about the heckin embryos, they would make it a priority to ensure mothers are protected economically. They don't, because they don't give a fuck! They'd sooner jack off Israel!
>I've literally heard people say this shit irl (Rural oregon)
Oh hey, that's literally me too. I'm in the city now but I grew up in the sticks and laugh at the libshit transplants who think this state is all craft beer and rainbow flags.
I don't care about pro-lifers because I don't care about women. How does that make you feel?
>muh israel
you sound /pol/tarded bringing this up for no reason all the time
>the poor women in poverty are being FORCED to KILL THEIR BABY because uhhh they're hungry sometimes
utter derangement
>I don't care about pro-lifers because I don't care about women. How does that make you feel?
It makes me feel like you are a tiresome narcissist who insists on making people talk about how they feel about your dumb snowflake ass instead of issues effecting actual suffering people. If you don't care, then shut up and fuck off.
If pro-lifers really were interested in preventing fetal and embyronic death they'd do so in ways that weren't entirely focused on forcing women and children into being human incubators. They'd focus on the massive amounts of maternal death due to lack of healthcare (US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world), the massive amount of miscarriages that are caused by environmental pollutants, the women forced or coerced into aborting for economical reasons, the women forced into abortioning from surrogacy contracts, the many embryos killed in IVF clinics.

The reason we don't see any of this is because you don't actually consider embryos or fetuses to be people.
You sound like a narcissit who enjoys talking about your feelings. Sorry I asked.
multiple pro lifers itt have already stated they're lefty, op included, so you can stop with copy pasting this magapede screed (trump is pro choice now anyway)
OP literally said they're right winging. I don't know why I'm still reading this thread. Masterful bait.
>OP literally said they're right winging.
Trump has always been pro-choice, he's an empty bloated sack of shit that exists only to get more money in the hands of Himself, Israel and Boomers in that order. But we aren't talking about Trump or MAGApedes. We are talking about pro-lifers, which is not remotely "lefty" and which the following always applies:

If pro-lifers really were interested in preventing fetal and embyronic death they'd do so in ways that weren't entirely focused on forcing women and children into being human incubators. They'd focus on the massive amounts of maternal death due to lack of healthcare (US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world), the massive amount of miscarriages that are caused by environmental pollutants, the women forced or coerced into aborting for economical reasons, the women forced into abortioning from surrogacy contracts, the many embryos killed in IVF clinics.

There is no "lefty" way to force women and children into pregnancy and childbirth.
>which is not remotely "lefty"
She gets along with right wingers when they are talking about that "afabs" (aka including raped little girls, not just women) have it too easy and should be forced into pregnancy and childbirth. That's it, that's their "lefty" politics!
>There is no "lefty" way to force women and children into pregnancy and childbirth.
Stalin did it. Americans have no idea what lefties are capable of because the worst radical lefties they have to deal with are young brown women.
keep going, I think your IQ is about to hit the water table
They're right, you know
you can read the op at any time and see none of that was ever said or implied
I was conceived through rape and I honestly wish I was aborted because of the amount of suffering emotional and physical I caused my mother
The Soviet Union temporarily banned abortions for less than 20 years (after being the first state to legalize abortion)---not because the heckin embryos were people, but because of handwringing over the birth rate. No left wing states are perfectly lefty all the time, but communist and socialist nations almost always support basic abortion protection and do so far more consistently than fascist states.
terrible larp or bpdemon mom you need to cut contact with
Tell that to my dutch uncle
lol the american brown woman cope here we go
>generally get along with right wingers (pro gun, agree amabs are on the shit end of the stick, pro life, agree feminism is a net negative)
Oh look there it is.
literally detransition please you're so obviously just an AGP man
>when they are talking about that "afabs" (aka including raped little girls, not just women) have it too easy and should be forced into pregnancy and childbirth
let's see, from what you can cleary read using your eyes this statment from you doesn't match with their post stating
>generally get along with right wingers (pro gun, agree amabs are on the shit end of the stick, pro life, agree feminism is a net negative)
as you can see nowhere was raping 10yo girls, "afabs", or anyone having it easy mentioned
>any concern that doesn’t address all related concerns means you’re a hypocrite

Your side is dishonest and only succeeds because the people you’re killing can’t talk for themselves. It’s an incoherent belief at its core and is perpetuated largely through the power of assumed oppression.
Abortion is the Palestinian genocide of biology and women who get them are the Israelites claiming it's justified.
afab is the contrast to amab. If amabs get "the shit end" then afabs have it easy or at least easier.
Afab is a strange wording too, of course. It either refers to the earliest childhood conditions (little girls being socialized in such and such a way) or to biology, and not just hormonal makeup (which trans women also change) but the ability to incubate new life and give birth to it.

This means you believe those afabs, including 10 year olds, should be forced into giving birth against their will, up to and including rape (most pro life controlled states do just this).

Dead sperm cannot talk for themselves either.

If pro-lifers really were interested in preventing fetal and embyronic death they'd do so in ways that weren't entirely focused on forcing women and children into being human incubators. They'd focus on the massive amounts of maternal death due to lack of healthcare (US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world), the massive amount of miscarriages that are caused by environmental pollutants, the women forced or coerced into aborting for economical reasons, the women forced into abortioning from surrogacy contracts, the many embryos killed in IVF clinics.
The reason we don't see any of this is because you don't actually consider embryos or fetuses to be people.
I have noticed that there is a contingent of mtfs who have reproductive dysphoria and desperately wish they could get pregnant and become mothers but they are to autistic to be able to see things from other people's perspectives so they can't understand how for some people pregnancy and childbirth are their worst nightmare. They just straight up don't understand that some people don't want to be mothers
>afab is the contrast to amab. If amabs get "the shit end" then afabs have it easy or at least easier.
>Afab is a strange wording too, of course. It either refers to the earliest childhood conditions (little girls being socialized in such and such a way) or to biology, and not just hormonal makeup (which trans women also change) but the ability to incubate new life and give birth to it.
>This means you believe those afabs, including 10 year olds, should be forced into giving birth against their will, up to and including rape (most pro life controlled states do just this).
Women vs their own basic biology episode 87536
>US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world
is that why american shows have people whose mom died in childbirth a lot? I remember hearing about that a lot on TV as a kid because Id watch americaan TV but never met someone in my life ever who that happened to or someone whos mom that happened to
Why do LGBT people defend pedos?
Yes, that is what those terms actually literally mean

Unwanted pregnancy is unfortunate but very solvable and women and children have been removing unwanted embryos/fetuses from their bodies forever.

The enemy is tyrannical minority control and the state trying to force pregnancy and childbirth on unwilling participants.
>Yes, that is what those terms actually literally mean
no it isn't
it’s because they lack theory of mind, it’s quite sad really
Or they understand it and understand that killing something with a brain is bad, worse in fact than one person being sad.
Its solvable by killing someone else because women’s feelings are worth more than another humans life.
>caring about other peoples feelings means you're mentally ill
Antisocials should be exterminated in the revolution
Wishing you were dead because your mom is sad is at the very least irrational
Says the ones killing for conveniences sake.

This. This is, and always will be, it. I started as an embryo. You started as an embryo. Everyone did. Killing an "embryo" is killing a person.

Your mom should care about your feelings sometime. It's obviously very hurtful to you when she says you should have been aborted.
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>is that why american shows have people whose mom died in childbirth a lot?
I don't know, but in historical dramas it happens a lot because it happened to women a lot more before the advent of modern medicine. Picrel
Pro-lifers in general hate modern medicine, really really hate universal healthcare or even those healthcare programs for the poorest of the poor. Hardcore conservatives are also for un-banning marital rape, banning voluntary divorce, and trying to get girls married off as soon as possible.
If pro-lifers really were interested in preventing fetal and embyronic death they'd do so in ways that weren't entirely focused on forcing women and children into being human incubators. They'd focus on the massive amounts of maternal death due to lack of healthcare (US has some of the highest maternal fatality rates in the developed world), the massive amount of miscarriages that are caused by environmental pollutants, the women forced or coerced into aborting for economical reasons, the women forced into abortioning from surrogacy contracts, the many embryos killed in IVF clinics.
The reason we don't see any of this is because you don't actually consider embryos or fetuses to be people.

>I started as an embryo. You started as an embryo. Everyone did.
lol no, if you want to be clear we started as sperm and eggs
>Pro-lifers in general hate modern medicine, really really hate universal healthcare or even those healthcare programs for the poorest of the poor. Hardcore conservatives are also for un-banning marital rape, banning voluntary divorce, and trying to get girls married off as soon as possible.
all wrong
Nah I’m left wing and love universal healthcare. I just think you’re making a thinking error involving basic moral calculation.
If you pretend its a women's rights issue you're a liar making excuses for murderers
Again, you being wrong about one basic moral issue doesn’t make the other person responsible for everything you dislike.
This. It's like saying Israel is a "jewish rights" issue. Oh wait, that's what they do, and they get away with genocide because of it.
Feminism means equality which means men are responsible for making every woman happy forever
I sure hope your vegan then
I'm OP and I am! My 2 year veganniversary is coming up soon.
Yup but veganism is worthless as economic warfare but it’s pointless practically. What’s your point exactly? That trying to do good things is dumb because most people are bad? Why do you want to kill minds?
The abortion question more or less comes down to whether or not you give a shit about fetuses. I don't so abortion has never really been an issue for me but I can see how if you valued fetuses you'd be against it.
Finally a sane and self aware post. Thank you. I care about fetuses because I know that had I been destroyed as one, I wouldn't be here now and living a beautiful life with a beautiful wife to be.
I disagree with you on your opinions but I applaud you for your consistency in your morals
No I just wanted to see if they had a consistent set of morals or not. If they were going with the "le killing things with a brain is wrong >:((" thing then it'd be silly to only have that view apply to humans
Of the states without expanded medicaid (healthcare for poorest of the poor), 70% are also controlled by pro-lifers.

??? We can see where the pro-life movements priorities are and its first and foremost focusing on forcing women and children to give birth. Look at all the time pro-lifers spend scolding women and children for "killing babies" by removing unwanted embryos from their bodies in this thread....vs how much time they spend scolding IVF clinics, industrial polluters, politicians seeking to gut aid to the poorest of the poor
Even if you think it only applies to humans, a fetus with brain development is a human mind
This isn’t about which twitter caricature you’re most mad at it’s about a fairly simple and straightforward issue.
Yes the sexist hypocrites who want to give women special treatment and call all men rapists care deeply about the problems men face.
you sound very annoying and i am glad i don't have to interact with you irl
You also wouldn't be here now if your dad wore a condom.
>This isn’t about which twitter caricature you’re most mad at it’s about a fairly simple and straightforward issue.
This is not about "twitter caricatures"

On the concrete, real world level, pro-lifers do not work to expand medical care. Of the states without expanded medicaid (healthcare for poorest of the poor), 70% are also controlled by pro-lifers. Not "twitter". Real life that effects real people. You are fucking stupid if you do not engage with this.
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>I disagree with you on your opinions but I applaud you for your consistency in your morals
Wouldn't this mean you're disgusted at yourself for your inconsistent morals? Assuming you know veganism is the morally correct stance, yet want to kill children in the same position.
Then what about a fetus without brain development? Anencephaly is a thing.
I mean, I’m anti abortion past the point of neural development and I believe in universal healthcare and an expansion of respect to every person. So you’re literally wrong.
No because we have a different set of morals. The exact same set of morals are not universally shared between people. Everybody has their own moral code. Something that is acceptable for one is abhorrent for another
>Women's problems in society are caused by feminism and men's problems in society are also caused by feminists.

>If you're pro life you have to be a socialist

Bootlicking moron, your precious politicians won't give you special treatment if you simp for them.
If the person literally does not exist you can abort said nonexistent person, yes.
Why do you have the right to say one set of pain and death is good and another bad? Just your emotions?
your main baggage is that you think everyone doing something you don't like is a cartoon villain cackling in their lair because you, yes YOU, are the center of their universe and they get off on watching you get mad from their actions when this is simply not how the world works

people act on self interest first, the interests of their trusted allies second, and the spite of their enemies maybe 6th after a few random personal hobbies probably
literally the only reason anyone you don't like is doing something you don't like is because they see a personal benefit to it, you don't even exist to them
if you can't figure out what they're getting from it you won't ever unravel it, you'll just waste your time and effort wailing at a strawman you heard about on tv
>This means you believe those afabs, including 10 year olds, should be forced into giving birth against their will, up to and including rape

Strawman, fuck off.
inb4 stirneryes.jpg
People also work on basic moral principles which might be hard for those without them to understand
I don't care about you as an individual. I care about the REAL WORLD pro-life movement. The shit that effects and inflicts massive amounts of suffering people in the REAL WORLD.
But lets pretend I do care about your dumb ass, like I'm your bestie or something. Please show me all the posts in this thread where you (or anyone else!) rails against politicians for killing people, including embryos, by failing to expand medical care. I can link you plenty accusing women and children of being "whores" when they are pregnant and murderers if they end a pregnancy.

Where do you think the focus is?

>point of neural development
describes an ongoing constant process starting at the differentiation of stem cells and ending in adulthood, not a "point"

>respect to every person
Not compatible with forcing people to incubate pregnancy and give birth against their will.
So in your morality, killing voiceless children is fine because bodily autonomy of the birther trumps the bodily autonomy of the child, and the mass torture and killing of imprisoned animals born from ceaseless rape solely for you to eat is fine?
Ok then you aren’t a moral agent and I can disregard what you think about moral issues
For me both veganism and abortion come down to the fact that I don't really care for anything that is not capable of communicating. As a result I don't really give that much of a shit about fetuses, retards or most animals. For me, my line is the ability to communicate with others. If it isn't capable of that then I don't care.
So you don’t care about the actual question you’re mad at a group of people
Ok well that’s a dumb belief that would lead to you executing mute people and the autistic.
>that would lead to you executing mute people and the autistic
inb4 stirneryes.jpg
>we have to be pro choice!

Bold choice
Sign language is a thing and has been a thing for centuries
you're just stupid anon. like one side is cringe and the other side wants you to fucking die. I wonder which one is the greater evil? be for fucking real
I mean you’re not capable of reasoned communication but I respect you like I respect ants, babies and badgers
lol nice try to try and twist basic prosocial functioning as "bootlicking" and authoritarian oppression as heckin freedom loving or whatever.

>t you think everyone doing something you don't like is a cartoon villain cackling in their lair
I am talking about the pro-life movement in the real world. Your main baggage is that you think you are the main character of the universe and that anyone (indeed, everyone!) should take your individual positions into account rather than engage with the real world.

For these type of real world issues, that inflict real suffering on human beings in real life, we need to look at the pro-life movement as it really exists. Of the states without expanded medicaid (healthcare for poorest of the poor), 70% are also controlled by pro-lifers.

Of the states controlled by pro-lifers, half have zero exceptions for rape and another quarter have minimal exceptions.
Last I checked Jews were capable of language but correct me if I'm wrong.
>>we have to be pro choice!
this is what every single pro baby killling argument breaks down to
>we need to kill poor people, the disabled, the queers, and especially the non-white
>oh but it's fine since they're just "fetuses"
A mute with no hands
They executed the retarded before the Jews hitleranon
you are so wrapped up in your own personal aneurism that you're screaming down posters who agree with you
The same way deaf people without hands can communicate
By being executed by you?
If you haven't impregnated your girlfriend then you are not right wing. Assuming you are white.
If you don't support mandatory continuous pregnancy for all womb-bearing white females then you cannot be an ally of the right.
It's about white births.
If you're non-white and you're gay then that's perfect and you're doing your duty.
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>until they start talking politics and about gassing faggots/trannies/"pedophiles" and need to head out
being a right-wing tranny is like the dark souls of being trans
Shitty and for the retarded and tasteless?
I hope you walk into the gas chambers willingly when your time comes.
I know your not arguing in good faith but I'm going to ignore that and tell you to look into the world of adaptive sign language. Deaf people with no hands are capable of signing with their feet and being understood. Even muted with no hands or feet are capable of communicating with people. It's a genuinely fascinating glimpse into human ingenuity
But if they don’t put in the effort then handless Steve goes to the chamber so abortion can make sense
>Shitty and for the retarded and tasteless?
hon hands typed this, take the wristpill alice

>I hope you walk into the gas chambers willingly when your time comes.
when judgement happens, the common enemy will no longer be able to create artificial psychosocial divides and barriers between individuals and groups
This thread is full of people who have not developed theory of mind
Authoritarianism relies on information control herr retard
More that they haven’t developed fear of societal punishment for thinking differently. I’ll never feel inferior to someone like you who can’t think themselves to the end of a thought
That's how you know mtfs are woman is when they act just like butthurt infertile woman do
>The ability to understand that other people think differently from you means that you can think for yourself
No your conception that people who think differently from you and your friends have no theory of mind means you can’t think for yourself
I've kinda just realized that when it comes to abortion, how about we make a world where women don't even *want* to abort

we will continue to culturally shame women who are irresponsible though; that's a natural feminist development in society, and i'm glad it's happening.
You can’t make a world without crazy and cruel people. This statement could also be applied to rape and murder.
Yes anon, a lot of problems would go away if the world was a perfect utopia. Do you have any ideas on how to get us there that don't step on any other groups toes in the process?
Oh no I'm aware that people in this thread think differently from me. I disagree with a lot of what's being posted in this thread but I understand where they're coming from. I was talking about the number of people here in this thread who don't seem to understand that people have different thoughts processes than their own. This goes for both sides of the argument btw
Just say you hate autistic people anon. That’s all that means.
I am autistic
Agreed, however the "live and let live" attitude that can usually be taken with disagreements in how some people do things can't be taken when the disagreement is whether certain people can be let to live.
Pro-lifers, yes, all normal people hate pro-lifers

>the question
Theoretical answers mean very VERY little in the face of real world actions that really inflict massive amounts of suffering. Nobody is this detached from material reality, not even you. The fact that pro-life movement, as a whole, clearly is acting in bad faith with respect to "embryos are equivalent to babies" means this question is just asinine and worthless.

Embryos are alive, so is sperm, eggs, fetuses, etc. This does not necessarily mean an egg is equivalent to a fetus, or a fetus is equivalent to a baby. But they are all alive in the biological sense.

It is never okay to force a woman or child into being a human incubator or give birth against their will. If you could attach a grown man to a young child and force that child to incubate him, it would still be wrong. Not because I don't think that grown man is alive, but because the government forcing people to become human incubators is evil. Its a severe overstep in terms of bodily autonomy and in terms of government overreach. We don't even force people to donate blood, but pro lifers will force a 10 year old to grow an entire baby in her body
>Pro-lifers, yes, all normal people hate pro-lifers
wrong, abortion is and has always been split near an exact 50/50 with variances only by who does the poll, both sides are "normal" and deeply hate each other
this says more about you than anyone else
Within the context of my country I'm okay with abortion even though I think it's murder because many people are too retarded to be parents and the foster kids I know were either neglected or molested
by their foster parents
Not being able to focus on the actual question isn’t the sign of brilliance you believe it to be. In fact, in a basic moral calculation it is completely moral to force a woman to be an incubator to a human with neural development. Because one side is a person dies and the other side is a person is sad. You’re attempts to muddy the issue are embarrassing.
Also it’s not the government forcing anyone to do anything. It’s preventing them from killing a person that is burdensome.
we already have that world, despite everything the number of women who never birth even one child in their lifetime is still only around 15%, almost every woman alive wants to and will become a mother. the issue that everyone is freaking out about is moreso that women aren't having 4+ kids anymore
I’d rather be molested than dead tbqh
Fair enough I guess
fuck off mecha hitler women's feefees are real issues unlike the lives of innocent children
To extend what I said i think it should be socially discouraged but accessable to prevent very bad situations
Seconding the other anon. I was molested and severely neglected and I'm glad my mother failed to find the resources she wanted for aborting me.
I understand, i projected my own feelings I think, personally I would rather be dead
Yep sounds like a sane and nuanced take on the issue. This is why everyone loves liberals, their rationality!
based op, everyone else sounds like a LOSER wtf
>wrong, abortion is and has always been split near an exact 50/50 with variances only by who does the poll, both sides are "normal" and deeply hate each other
Once again, lets look at real world effects, where pro-life has lost everywhere it is actually put up to a real world vote. "Pro-life" on a poll is deliberately meant to be euphemistic. They won't call themselves "pro-nonconsensual pregnancy" because they know thats evil.

The category of people who really support a total abortion ban like that seen in Texas is < 10%.

I answered the question.

>in a basic moral calculation it is completely moral to force a woman to be an incubator
We don't even force women to give blood, even though a person dies without it. The only reason why you feel comfortable giving away her entire body is because its something that does not effect men

>a person is sad
You need to read a book if you think the only outcome of pregnancy and childbirth is "sadness" (PPD). In the absence of medical intervention it is easily one of the leading causes of death for women, and worldwide it is a leading cause of death among 15-19 year old girls. This type of trivializing of pregnancy/childbirth is one reason why every normal person hates pro-lifers.

>Also it’s not the government forcing anyone to do anything
Yes it is, without the government women and children would continue to end pregnancies the way they always have.
just be a fucking libertarian like the rest of us dumbass
Based and same
Fuck AIPAC traitors
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being pro gun isn't necessarily right wing, theres more to politics than whats mainstream thank god. to the rest though lmfao get fucked retard you get what you deserve literally just stop being a retard kys
>captcha 0NG0Y
Anon, its 2024 believing in liberty is 'right wing' now.
I don't really understand how someone who has experienced the horror of their body changing in a way they desperately do not want can't empathize with what a huge deal being forced to carry a pregnancy would be. Unless they just own up to being religious.
Because the answer to my body horror wasn't to kill someone innocent. If I had to rip apart another person into 1 inch chunks in order to stop the body horror, I don't think I could have done it.
right wingers are retarded
I love guns and hate niggers but women are better than men
And i actually fucking hate white people too
And rich “people” are clearly the problem
>generally get along with right wingers
Ah, so you’re retarded.
>mad af pussywhipped poorfag chud
>oversocialized "queers" are the most insufferable and soulless group of pussywhipped gooner simps
Have you considered that half of the mra manosphere is its own form of oversocialized, insufferable, soulless pussy obsessed men putting on a performance?
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Right wingers operate on axioms, hence why it's impossible to debate them or change their opinions. Men can't be women, abortion is murder at any stage, HRT is mutilation, immigrants can never assimilate etc.
>but I don't have to be afraid of holding my girlfriends hand around them
Yea, at least they're harmless unlike right-wingers.
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technically true sometimes but polarism singes both ends of the coin, rise above it, it's your enemy either way. modern idea of libertarianism is a joke and so is every other mainstream ideology. if you're OP you're actually fucking retarded i'm not even kidding like please state if you are so i dont have to waste anymore replies on you but if you want social progress in any direction you probably realize it needs to be divorced from the economy asap, commercialization of ones' beliefs is a vile parasitic organism and if you adopt any mainstream politics or offshoot of it youre feeding it

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