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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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What can be done to defuse the /lgbt/ civil war?
didnt a bunch of nhs gp’s stop prescribing adults with gender dysphoria their hrt because of these stupid whiny cunts
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you just know it's fake when you mix insects with LGBTs
do you think bob galbraith knows that transbians are apart of the LBG but he isnt? by both the transbian’s definitions or his own
>scream and insult trannies, call them rapists and threats for years, get their Healthcare taken away
>they respond with a lil banter
why are they like this
lol sterilizing gay people
genius plot
Why do transbians (all trans activist are transbians) have such low disgust? I'm pretty sure a hon handpicked those insects.
transbians are lgb
idk but honestly this is funny as fuck
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>this is how the UK media is titling it
How disingenuous can you be?
I'd hardly call disrupting that rancid pack of astroturfing straggots a 'civil war.'
Youngshits and passoids would need to denounce the actions of these hons to defuse this. We all know it's in a hon's nature to terrorize like this.
just say ur a pussy
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>great detransition
Wasn't the LGB alliance not even LGB just filled with old mumsnet hags
imagine timetraveling and having some poor victorian child try to comprehend this
oi mum that baeddel has a suck fine cloth, did the queen give it to her?
Probably just women married to men that call themselves bi because they kissed a girl while drunk at a party once
middle aged to elderly straight british women are all of a sudden “identifying as bisexual” and they expect all of us to play along with delusional lie?
God we need to start calling these people Australian or something to get them to shut up
You get a few grifters that at-least bother claiming to be Gay/Bi/Lesbian. But the organization is overwhelmingly both hetro and GenX/Boomer. It is a pretty naked astro-turfing group.
It is also pretty well funded thanks to working with anti abortion, anti gay marriage and anti trans groups from the US.
JRK is actually pretty typical of the average member:
Rich, aging Blairite/light blue Tory that is not gay or bi themselves but claims to be a gay/bi 'ally'.
They dress up their hated of trans people behind a progressive facade in order to try and make support for trans people a wedge issue. Pretty much the same way how (2nd wave) feminism is also used as a common shield for transphobia.
>lgbt civil war
>look inside
>it's homophobes vs lgbt
2 more weeks
I assume the transbians picked those cockroaches one by one from the walls of their black mould infested apartments
it’s theyfabs who did this actually
>don't bother to clean up your conference roomes
>insects spawn
>"it's the transoids fault!"
>"they used their telepathic hrt powers to break in"
The complete eradication of transgender ideology at every level.
holy kamoley these people are literally against gay right wtf how can brit media be so disingenuous?
aren't they literally against that tho, because it's antifeminist?? (which isn't necessarily wrong)
yes so it's literally just "nooo you don't understand AFABs NEED to be breedable at all times"
that and "woman is when biologically destined to be bred" but we are definitely heckin feminist and not a bunch of hags and lads viewing all young women as breeding machines
rare win for the pooner lites
>LGBT civil war
>Event with multiple heterosexual speakers and majority heterosexual attendees
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>oh you disrupted my event seeking to remove your rights and access to healthcare?
>Well that proves me right
>*Pixar smirk*
>suspected trans protestors
I like how this is worded as if being trans or an ally is a crime kek
>people aren't dying more so widowed rate is the same
>divorce rate remains unchanged
>the blocks of gay marriage and civil partnership equal heterosexual marriage
>gay marriage grows as civil partnerships decline
>no change in single or heterosexual marriage
Somehow this means gays are sluts? It's not even poor statistical analysis... It's just being an illiterate.
>so much for the tolerant queers
Trannies act like terrorists and then wonder why the public, media and government start to turn against them.
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>another false flag
TKDB aren't a false flag, they're just doing zap actions like it's the 80's because they can't be criminally charged for anything as children
This thetoric would be more convincing if the government and media hadn't already decided to wipe us out before trans people did anything to try and fight back. The public had already been turned against us for years before TKDB had even formed.
Her dogshit movies even refute this point. Grindelwald hosts a meeting of nazi-wizards and some aurors react to a crowd member about to attack and kills the crowd member. Grindelwald takes advantage of the moment and tells the attendees to spread the word that him and his followers aren't the violent ones. The message behind it is pretty obviously "These are scumbags and will cry out in pain as they destroy you to gain sympathy." She wrote the script, she explicitly understands this political theater. It's not an accident or a blindspot.
>releasing a bunch of bugs
why are 'phobes such drama queens?
using 'queens' as an insult is what 'phobes do
There is no civil war, grifters are pretending there is just like they pretended the whole MAP thing was LGBTQ+ but actually it was conservatives play-pretending and living in their own little reality.
transbins are gay men. they are lgb
You made one of the classic blunders! (Underestimating the eternal anglo)
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>Talibans act like terrorists and then wonder why they control and dominate their public, media and government
groups only get called terrorists either after they've lost or when they still haven't won yet
pooners have long been on the forefront of doing stupid stuff that advances lgbt rights. you hate them for being annoying and over the top but don’t realize that it takes action - including their annoying pestering - to make change. gays didn’t get rights by sitting inside and discussing how to pander our optics to straights.
Yep, lots of GPs just cutting people off.

People who need hrt. I'm very glad I'm deeply distrustful of the system.
>suspected trans protestors

We live in a real life V for Vendetta, I can imagine the boomers clutching their newspapers in anger at the suspected trans protestors whilst they wait 5 years for a 10 minute appointment for their bad back
They did a survey, out of 600 members 2 identified as lgbt
>light blue Tory

She's an ultra Conservative, who hangs around Baroness Nicholson discussing bloodlines
British media's job is to manufacture consent.

The new thing is human rights bad. They're gonna repeal human rights and the public will demand it
It's always the T wedging away from the LGB (normal gays). I wish they'd just fuck off and leave us alone
>normal gays

I'm glad your conference was ruined
very interesting. you mentioned something about nature? do you think there is anything natural about your psychotic, child-like seething at a computer screen? i think it's time you go back on your meds.
I wish we never found the cure to aids. You pathetic limp-wrist faggots don't deserve it. All you do is bitch and you've deluded yourself into thinking you're normal. You're a freak of nature and your rights won't be spared either
not me, i said this was a win
fuck optics to hell and fucking optics whiners should be outed
...this lgb alliance doesn't have any gay people in it does it :|
so the lgb alliance is against gay marriage and in favor of biology denial
i thing the lgb alliance might be fake guys
>get their Healthcare taken away
nobody should get free healthcare, work for it, what are you, useless?
They've also gone after private healthcare providers.
i've been waiting three years for the gender clinic to get back to me
currently sitting with half finished laser and no hrt
Retard, I hope you get into a severe car crash and the medical bills puts you in debt permanently. You have to sell your house to pay it off. You are now homeless. I come into your tent at night and rape you into submission
LGB Alliance are fifth columnists at best lmao, likely just cishets larping as gay.
Cool, stop taxing me then you fucking cunt
Here's video and comments for the disruption.

Holy fuck normies are dumb, really fucking dumb

wtf is this pickme garbage lmao
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LGB Alliance aren't pick me's, their goal is to repeal lgbt rights
aren't all the subs with 'actual' behind their name just right wing versions of the actual subs? it's like junior varsity and varsity

no bug chasing joke yet? really?
This is actually very funny and based because a literal gang of 15-18 year old trannies did this, the woke right doesnt want you to know about that though
>Warfare is right. Trans groups feel entitled to the bodies of gay and lesbian people, this is classic abusive behavior.

>They colonize gay symbols they have colonized gay history and they will not stop until they have colonized the rights of sexual minorities.

Is this genuine schizophrenia or do fags actually believe this?
they don't believe it and it's not schizophrenia. they just hate trannies and will take any excuse to make that seem justified and normal. i fully believe that most of these people in private when questioned enough by someone will admit that they exaggerate to reach their goals.
log off from xitter
It sounds to me like how chuds talk about blacks
I wonder if they're jacking off to tnwo in secret
>saying words is the same as biological warfare
Trannies, everyone.
>biological warfare
When did they release anthrax into the room?
Yeah, pretty much. A lot of those commentators will be hardcore maga supporters who live in poverty and just want us gone
Yeah, calling on a mob to ruin someone's life is as bad as disrupting an event held by the fucking British govt.

Take that boot our your arse
>When did they release anthrax into the room?

JK Rowling spoke at the start, worse than anthrax
A swarm of insects is also biological warfare. Or if the intent is not necessarily to harm, but to chase everyone off in fear, terrorism.
nothing, there isnt a civil war and this only hurts people who hate tranners
take the psyop and leave
>releasing cockroaches into a room is just like strapping a suicide vest on and blowing yourself up
Most trans people are disabled and/or unable to work because of their multiple neuroses. Almost like being trans is a mental illness in itself or something
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the terf movement is finished, almost all of these crusts will be dead or locked up in an NHS nursing home withinin 10 years time
>Most trans people are disabled and/or unable to work
These are people who want me dead, and I don't even know they exist. Mad to think they have the backing of billionaires and entire governments and they can't stop me.

They can't do a fucking thing to stop me, with all their hate and money.
This is for the actually disabled ones, the rest have crippling neuroses like breaking down if someone calls xer "sir" or "him" or need constant validation and attention else they'll scream bloody transphobia, until HR realizes transphobia is not the problem and has to let them go
in the post you cited.
>"Very little data exists on disabilities among transgender individuals."
LGB alliance is a billionaire-funded cancer. I'm not even a commie but I absolutely approve doing everything in our power to disarm those who want to take our rights away
kys soicaca
> passing discriminatory laws and banning healthcare is "saying words"
illiterates, everyone.
fucking boomers every time man
>/lgbt/ civil war
90% of the attendees are cishet tho
>the rest have crippling neuroses like breaking down if someone calls xer "sir" or "him" or need constant validation and attention else they'll scream bloody transphobia, until HR realizes transphobia is not the problem and has to let them go
imagine believing this
you clearly don't work in tech
i mean no he's right i do think this could technically be argued to be labeled as terrorism. you can definitely say the point is to invoke fear to stop the thing from happening again. that being said though personally i really can't imagine the point here was fear as much as it is just disruption. more like a protest than anything else.
if JKR is known for having black mold in her million worth house and now there's insects in this hate meeting are you really surprised? she's just filth and filth call to bugs, not complicated at all really
terfs and fags are the biggest pussies
>"Very little data exists on disabilities among transgender individuals."
mUh stAtisTIcs prOVE mE rIGHt
Gay people should be sterlized. Otherwise they are using surrogates, which usually involves forcing third worlders to carry their children (it was happening in Ukraine on mass scale before the war, people would carry a child for 9 months to get money to buy a car)
post programmer socks
>opinion vs want of violence
Are you on the right side of history?
>actual old fags
where do you think they got the cockroaches from? their rotting neovaginas?
>Gay people should be sterlized. Otherwise they are using surrogates, which usually involves forcing third worlders to carry their children (it was happening in Ukraine on mass scale before the war, people would carry a child for 9 months to get money to buy a car)
>funniest terf joke
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its not musk's fault faggots are engaging in terrorism
>on 4chuds
>doesn't DIY
you have no one else to blame, but yourself
oh my god; surrogacy is genuinely so disgusting. like the fact that they are just fine with using someone else's body like that - whether she is getting paid or not - is so fucking repulsive. i literally knew a fag irl who i thought was cool until i learned he had his son through surrogacy instead of adoption and then i immediately lost all respect for him and became homophobic again. literally repulsive subhuman behavior
pretty true. i view it as similar to prostitution. like i don't think it should be outlawed, the people relying on it for money really shouldn't be denied a way of making money they need it, but actively wanting to engage in it as the consumer seems morally dubious
Which clinic are you at? They do good deals for laser hair removal on those apps, fresha, treatwell
The bots have started the new psy op
Not a bot. Why are gays making kids in the most fucked up way. You're gay, just don't do it. That's the whole advantage of homosexuality.
This entire thread is the most mentally unhinged shit I've read in awhile. I regret ever wishing anyone in this community a happy safe life.
Everywhere you go will be the same deep down. Reddithons will just smile and tell bigger lies. That's the only difference. Have a nice life :)
holy shit nta but i didn't know people could even get into sanyford. i got put on the waiting list for it when i was like 16 and ended up DIYing. 3 years later and was still on the waiting list. then transferred to Chalmers and got an appointment after like 6 months. checked back on the waiting list and they still hadn't processed people who were referred when i was kek
btw don't get too jealous of me, Chalmers is completely useless. especially their endocrinologist whose name is PROFESSOR RICHARD ANDERSON and he is a twat. absolutely nobody likes that guy
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it's hilarious too because if you look at the fags of their day it's literally just
>Drug dealer (rapist pedophile)

and for the women? they're all clearly straight but going incelmode out of rage against the moid

Let's be real about what the LGB alliance is: A NAMBLA reunion
What's that? A Heritage Foundation talking point? In 2024?

Totally organic bro!
I've been at Tavistock for the past 5 years, as in I was referred 5 years ago and heard NOTHING.

since my referral i completed my transition, so it will be interesting if/when they ever see me
LGB alliance isn’t a fucking real LGBT organization you retard, kill yourself
The LGB alliance is in fact primarily populated by straight and 'bi' 'allies'.

No I am not making that up, there is a minority of actual gay and lesbian pick-me types but the vast majority of the organization/movement's membership are straight 'allies' and 'bisexuals' who are almost all suspiciously in exclusively heterosexual relationships.
so rboken and numb i can't find it in me to go out and find alternatives
i'm just living alone waiting to die at this point, if i get to transition that would be nice
You are where I was 5 years ago. Total despair. Just gotta accept no one can help us but ourselves. We don't have that luxury.

We have to do everything ourselves. It's a heavy burden but take it one day at a time. You can do it anon, one small step each day
racism is banned on this board
"do you know what a molly is, master francis?"
dont they just sit there what would they do

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