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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiraling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for the multitude of trans-related threads on the board. Topics related to personal drama, including but not limited to tripfags or discord, are also not relevant. Please report and ignore any and all rulebreakers!

>QOTT: What's your favourite alcoholic drink?

>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction is disrespectful. Bee kind.

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previously >>37581570
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i don't rly like alcohol because most of it is gross and it ages you but this stuff is very yummy and i one drank 4 bottles of it in one night and i peed a lot
its impossible to really change if being awful is so comfortable and abides by what my brain dictates as reasonable, its just more comfortable to get defensive and upset over everything that can be perceived as my fault because otherwise i'd have to trust someone else that they dont hate me
mybe i should just kill myself because if i put another poor genuine soul through my disgusting lie of an existence completely unempathetically in the moment idk what i'd do
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>blue flavored
>Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.

ah its a lagogen
Lago wants to have heterosexual piv sex with her "gf" male cock but she swears she's a dyke
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yess blue is the best flavour. sometimes i make blue milk, tis one of the best beverages imo
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I had some “blue Hawaii” flavored candy today, was sweet and slightly tropical (like fruity). so good.
Who drew this o///o

Tell me you're american without telling...
sounds very yummy! i am jealous frfr
>one piece swimsuit
genuinely, how do you trust people?
Body suits are my weakness & one piece swimsuits are good too :3
im a bonger:D
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same, I used to wear bodysuits all the time
inb4 cisasiangf chaser
anyways i wish i had an older cisf viet gf sigh
qott: Hennesy!!! or twisted tea
Don't worry, we know you aren't that weirdo
we can tell you aren’t her because you didn’t post a soulless AI generated image
and also the cisasiangf chaser probably doesnt consider viets real asians since their only perception of asians are korea and japan lol
lol i was the viet girl who was told this a few gens ago
>trump voter
>jerks to AI slop
>obsessed with asians
>unable to find a girlfriend
>doesn't know where Vietnam is
>larps about being a mensa member
un-ironically the most putrid user in this gen
Hard agree. Needs to be bullied out of the gen.
You just have keep marching on. I know its hard. But thats all there is.
Watch attack on titan to get inspired. But skip whatever comes after they reach the sea.
For me its the a.i slop that i find the most unforgivable.
And the fact they arent into Vietnamese is such a massive L it defies belief.
The only person who makes me take breaks from here is them because their soullessness is like a black hole of mediocrity i find it very sad and tragic and also repulsive..
>What's your favourite alcoholic drink?
Four Roses bourbon :)
Drink for hotties...
rare office retard W
She finally washed her ass
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Guy charged me 40 cents less for a muffin than he's supposed to. Was he just being nice, or is he rebelling against his boss? Dishonorable behavior, i almost corrected him but i didnt want to cause him trouble. He had a cheeky smile.

Debating whether i should get a hotdog.. decided not to.

I love blogposting post the blogposting wojac i deserve it

Im probably gonna pvp today with my ds3 fren ill have to ask her.

Maybe i should get a hotdog..
where is ryukop
big if true
So are there any actual lesbians here or is this just the charred corpse of the general lesbians left after the trannies showed up?
cheating on my cis gf with clocky girls feels so good idgf
lots to think about
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If i was president i would increase the amount of homelss shelters by 10000%
And id make it so evey district has enough animal shelters and doctors to care care of all the animals and make sure they're healthy.
Ideally we humans should have complete dominion over nature, every animal, and maybe even human should be tagged and tracked by movement to make sure theyre healthy. If a bird is too idle for too long for example a wild life vet could go to their location pick them up and either fix or cremate them.
The ideal society is where everyone is being taked care of, especially the homeless should be in top condition and maybe even be forced into fitness programms that take place in forests.

Unfortunately we live in a world where people care more about themselves...
ive had a crush on office autist for like 2 years but she thinks im scary.. now i have to kms
i know right, literally the only good part of being a lesbian is the hot cheating sex i have with people that look like men behind my gfs back
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There are many people i used to be scared of and i get spooked easily. But since you're mentioning this so soon after i recently mentioned the only two tranners im scared of, i can logically deduce you are actually an anon who has never crushed on me, more precisely you are the false flag anon who likes to pretend to be people to sow the seeds of chaos. I shall dub u f flag anon, shortened to fagl anon.

Now, how did i reach this conclusion?

The only two tranners in scared of r
1. Mario.
2. Jordan.

1. Hasnr been on 4chan for ages as far as i know.
And 2 is already in a relationship.

Yea im kinda smart. They dont call me a detective for nothing..
i can have a thread crush and be in a relationship
im also false flag anon.. sorry, but the thread is boring otherwise
Thread smells like unwashed ass rn for some reason
Fagl anon
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Office retard origin story
its you my g, sorry no one said anything.. we didnt want to be rude~
big if true
in the description of the video is a link to "more funny videos" @ 2damnfunny dot com so now im scrolling that and i found this image 4 yall
>2damnfunny dot com
that's my browser homepage, check it every morning with my coffee. great site
its kino
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erm no trans women are women and female kys
PaintShop Pro
>increase the amount of homeless shelters instead of just giving them homes
homeless people need to be close to services which are in urban areas
if you give them all homes in the suburbs how are they going to access services? they can't drive. they don't have cars. they're high on crack.

we should give the homeless all the alcohol and fent they want so they die off, or just straight up give them deadlines to get work or be euthanized
do americans REALLY?
yeah, rent control and universal income would be my policies but I'd also start another drug war
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the big mans back
lots of employers here require a proof of address
have you stopped to think about joining the democratic party?
Let's consult our resident homelessness expert stacker5
if i were female madame president id have montly battle royales between a bunch of homeless and land lords because its a win win when they all die

i havent been on a lease or whatever in like 10 years, employers dont look into your address they literally just want bodies to ground down for profit. You can use a friends or even a homeless shelter as an address for that purpose
she has a toothache and is sleeping
lately all shes said while awake are things like "kill lago, replace lago, must get revenge" and so on so id just assume thats what shed say if awake
theres no one in my life for me to even form a creepy rapey crush on
maybe berlin od'd on a ditch somewhere :(
and I never got to punch her toned tummy, rip
Here. Is it just you who always asks about me here?
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>id have montly battle royales between a bunch of homeless and land lords because its a win win when they all die

What the actual fuck. Thats psychopathic do u realize that?
no these gooner boys are obsessed with you
If I was president I'd send Jordan to prison and stacker5 to a domestic abuse shelter, just so we don't have to hear from those 2 lunatics anymore
landlords are le good!
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If I was president I'd start a war with Israel
>What's your favourite alcoholic drink?
vodka and monster
its like alcoholic jolly ranchers
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Sorry bubs! My house, my rules!
i never have to worry about being homeless because i live rent free
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I wanna be a police officer. The world needs to be cleansed of crime.

Thats what im a blade of the darkmoon enjoyer
why? ryukop barely posts
>QOTT: What's your favourite alcoholic drink?
I order a specific cocktail that was popular in the 1950s, the bartenders usually have to consult their little IPA guide to remember how to make it, sometimes they remark that they have never seen someone under the age of 70 order it and/or have not made one in years, and NO I will not tell you what it is since I don't want to let anyone in on my secret favourite drink lest it be usurped by hipsters
you belong in jail retard
i sometimes fantasize about a white southerner and inheriting a big cotton plantation after my dad dies but since i'm a woke forward thinker i treat them with respect and dont overwork them and pay them and educate them and let them in the house and free them if they ask. i'd even let them decide who i vote for.
buck status?
oh my god i rewrote this so much that i deleted the word "slave" and forgot to add it back
massa treat us good
"He's a free nigger—so, return his property, and obey the law."
if you just sat down jefferson davis and frederick douglass in a room together and gave them weed the civil war would've ended by june 1861
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I know I've done some mean things in the past but I would really appreciate thoughts and prayers for me right now becayse owieee owwwwww owww my teeth ohhh it hurts owwwwwww hellpp.. helplp... oowww
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Here's a link to the lesgen server (link in OP doesn't work some bozo made it wrong) if you wanna talk about my teeth hurting
am i allowed to be racist and gay there?
hello lesbians
I'm not a lesbian, not even a woman, but I have pure urge to become a lesbian. What should I do with it?
rare trip
didn't know you still post on 4chan
omg of course!!!
good meowning everypony
In case it isn't obvious, the trip code X4c8I4/rpct is Jordan's pooner (stacker5) and she has made her own discord server and for some reason insists upon impersonating lagoloaf aka tripcode rUmB4/X2vyO to advertise her server

I asked her to just be normal and make it clear there are 2 servers due to irreconcilable differences, and I even offered to put both invite links in the OP, but for whatever reason she isn't interested in cordiality... which I honestly do not understand because I have always been nice to her, but then all of a sudden she just turns on us. It's bizarre

Anyways. The actual discord invite link is, and always will be, https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
Who cares, all discord drama is off topic
dude relax lol
I can't believe you're real
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mm frankly speaking the palpitations of my heart are completely cordial at this precise moment
idiot girls
It is very sad & strange how you can be nice to someone for months and they are nice to you back but then one day out of the blue they randomly decide to start dunking on you for no reason and also ignore every attempt you make to at least end the friendship somewhat amicably

At least I know that at the end of the day I was a good person
you kicked us from the server totally unprovoked without talking to me even once. you turned on me not the other way around buddy. what did we even do exactly? I still don't know
>I still don't know
thats not what you said to me in dm on 10/07
yeah you asked why I said mean things, but you never specified? could it be we were just joshing around
I was raised that actions matter more than words, maybe you missed the memo on that one
You're attributing anonymous posts to my wife and I, how is that fair?
yall should just kiss already
I know exactly what you're trying to get me to say and I'm not going to say it lol
??????? what do you mean? the truth?
You know exactly what you did and you know exactly how I know
Don't be an idiot
;_; I can't believe you would do it for free. I trusted you bnuy
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Nobody is a Janitor
Wow you guys are good at missing the point
man i just want a friend to talk about fnaf with
unblock me then
my lesgen enemies are fighting again
>unblock me then
is this directed at me?
you i'm luz right i'm not who you're thinking about
>you i'm luz right
you know* i'm luz right
days without lago and her clique ruining the gen: 0
>5% lago
>95% people complaining about lago
i don't think lago is the problem kiddo
all this shit flinging is reminding me of the bickering between sophie and k
It is very sad & strange how you can be nice to someone for months and they are nice to you back but then one day out of the blue they randomly decide to ban you from their gf's discord for no reason and also ignore every attempt you make to at least end the friendship somewhat amicably

At least I know that at the end of the day I was a good person
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doesnt seem very cordial to me
i feel strangely bad for all parties involved even tho they're both always mean to me
Don't pretend like you didn't say abhorrent things about me stacker5
I'm not dumb enough to tell you exactly which one of the 50 insults in your arsenal hurts me the most
:( now you're just making me feel bad
rte > abc (aus) > abc (usa) > cbc > bbc
haven't watched new zealand news yet but it's probably based
CSPAN is the best because you can prank call them and they're too stupid and/or broke to put their program on a 10 second delay
NHK >>>>>>>
cspan is closer in style to political streamers than actual news
i doubt it but i haven't learned japanese yet so idk
They have English broadcasts
>They have English broadcasts
what's the point of that? why watch foreign news specially tailored for an international audience when i can just learn their language so i can watch their news in their language to gain a better understanding of their perspective?
She's very busy and takes sometimes two days to respond to my texts...
im very sad
She should post more, a lot more
I called the mayor and told him whoever is in charge of the roads in my city doesn't know their arse from their elbow
they have like 2 irish shows a day and the rest is in english shut up
does someone needs their diapy changed?
i can't fucking win...
Flyns ring in ds3 is painful to try and understand. It makes no sense to me what the heck is a breakpoint 50 breakpoints blah blah blah.. why cant they just use normal language. All i need to know is at how much weight does it do max damage, and at how much weight does it do the least damage, and at half too..

Thats literally all i gotta know but noooo people have to make it complicated so i dont understand what im reading.
Good morning I'd like a cis asian gf

Honestly anything sweet and sugary.

Rent free forever
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I've taken my pain free life for granted and I'm paying the price. I thought I knew what a 10 on the pain scale feels like, but I was way off. I can't even eat I'm in so much agony. Ever heart beat I can feel in my jaw throbbing and pressing against my molars. When this is all over and done with im going to go outside and just walk in the sunshine be grateful
are mandinka lesbians valid?
I did. It's not cavities it's my wisdom teeth they erupted wonky and they're pressing against my back molars under the gum line. It feels like someone is hitting me in the jaw with a hammer every second
i'm so fucking high rn i'm cracking up at the pimsleur lesson
it's been throwing out random numbers for the past 7 or 8 lessons in the middle of conversation and now it just taught me how to say "no more numbers please" and i can't stop fucking laughing i love dr. paul pimsleur's sense of humor may god rest his soul
i'm literally at rock bottom i want friends
omg and now it taught me how to say "i want to know more numbers"
amazing lesson holy shit
it tricked me into asking for more numbers....
dude they keep making the characters delay the number segment they're fucking edging me bro
no more numbers please
i think my favorite number to say was ciento treinta
>the absolute state of lago simps
numbers aren't real but they call them real and imaginary when they are all imaginary
mathematicians are schizos
it hurts lesgen it hurts it hurts owwww owwwwww owwwwieee
how do i top my bi gf without turning her into a dirty chaser?? i need her pussy so bad but i don't want her to fetishize me for my dick if i use it with her
jordan just said that i'm a catfish because my frengen post is too feminine and makes me appear like i'm trying to come off as a girl
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How does one cope with the fact they will die without ever having a partner?
anon this is lesgen
men post where they please
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People say I'm jealous, but my kink is watching
You ruin your life, you losing your mind, you dyeing your hair
People say I'm jealous, but my kink is watching
You crashing your car, you breaking your heart, you thinking I care
People say I'm jealous, but my kink is karma
Any music recs for a depressed pathetic sapphic girl?

Other than Mitski, of course, I already listen to her music every day
girl in red, chappell roan, phoebe bridgers, clairo, faye webster, ethel cain, st. vincent, soko
trannies ruined my life
i'll let fucking anyone manipulate me no matter how dumb they are it's crazy terri schiavo couldve manipulated me
My wife has been depressed for the past year now and its rubbed off onto me. I am at the lowest point in my life, but I love her and don't want to move back home. How am I supposed to choose what to do? I've considered leaving for the past 5 months. It's tearing me apart, my two options are to 1. go back home and focus on myself (i have direction in my life but i can't pursue it with her emotional state, it's too draining), alone and shattered broken that we didn't work out. or 2. continue living with her and be dragged down with her in her pit of despair, possibly staying sad for a long long time

We've been together 3 years. I'm completely attached to her and she's completely attached to me. I went through a lot to move to her country. But it's just so rocky my brain doesn't work anymore from all the thinking I've done over it. It's not easy to return here either so if I go back home I won't see her for a long long time...
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Dying hair is more of a happy manic thing. But mania is followed by deep depression so ig you’re still right.
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Oh wait I think those are lyrics.
they are
my teeth hurt
hi! i'm not the same anon and i would never touch 4chan otherwise but i heard your story some time ago and think it's really sweet and i wanted to say i hope you're both doing well
incest is not good
pining, longing even, craving if you will
>What's your favourite alcoholic drink?
Manhattan or an old fashioned with rye
incest is hot and good
I'm yearning for another tranny doubt you feel the same
We don't need another intolerable slop poster
things you can't say in public except online
cereal milk...
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she's trying to gaslight me that we fought the dogs but we didn't we never fought the dogs but she keeps insisting but we didn't we never fought the dogs she's saying it was her world my world hacked world but we didn't we never fought the dogs we didn't we never fought the dogs she's lying she must be because we didn't we never fought the dogs no matter how much she tries to convince me we didn't we never fought the dogs she's just gaslighting me yes she's just lying we didn't we never fought the dogs we didn't we never fought the dogs they are alive the dogs are alive because we didn't we never fought the dogs
picking out new flatware and dinnerware with my wife is healing me
Tbh I think my relationship with my sister is so fucked because if I ever get too friendly with her I’d totally come on to her
You live rent free in your mom's basement
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Don't know if I can open up
I've been opened too much
Double-crossed, glossed over in my Pathos

I'm feeling stoned and alone like a heretic
And I'm ready to meet my maker
I'm feeling stoned and alone like a heretic
I'm ready to meet my maker
Lazarus got no dirt on me
Lazarus got no dirt on me
And I'll rise to every occasion
I'm the Mephistopheles of Los Angeles
Of Los Angeles
the elusive 3rd option: talking to your wife of 3 years and resolving the problems at hand instead of just letting them fester and encouraging abandonment
dumb bitch
So I guess I'll go home
Into the arms of the girl that I love
The only love I haven't screwed up
She's so hard to please, but she's a forest fire
I do my best to meet her demands, play at romance
We slow dance in the living room
But all that a stranger would see
Is one girl swaying alone, stroking a cheek
The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy
Till all of the tricks don't work anymore
And then they are bored of me
toys :D
I bought a Beyblade X stadium today at Toys R Us (it still exists in Canada) and you will never ever ever ever get to see it or play with me because you are a big dumb loser
We're better than ever! Thanks for asking
yeah well.. I'm going to carve jack o lanterns soon..
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Lesbros, how do we recover from this?
ok but that smile tho
we blame it on trannies
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>captain dyke on deck
>runs aground
>catches fire
not a good look
a tranny probably got into the captains deck and tried hitting on her, distracting her and making her sink
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I wrote a very long thoughtful psot but it didnt go thru. Did someoen delete it?
i ated it
yes i deleted it because that was hella embarrassing, good luck with that shit thou lmaooooo
it has happened to me before multiple times before. someone told me its because i used the word tranny 3 or more times, probably a filter to stop chud spam on other boards, but its weird they implemented it on the tranny board since we should be allowed to use it as much as we want. acorn if ur reading this pls delete the filter its annoying
I got pared from server. wanted to menton theis there but can't.

I am very worried abt sex appearance/theory stuff. I had a dream last night which reminded me of the topic. The dream was a frame story where i was watching a tv show on a tv screen at a hotel or hopsital. The tv show was derivative of the irl one hunter schafer is in. In it, it was a flashaback epsidoe where hunter schafer as a child was a foster care child who just began hrt or was pre hrt and was worried abt bullying/abuse and puberty stuff/preventing puberty. This reminded me of the "theory" which is that only trans who begin hrt prior to age 13/14 can look female due to science. I worry this is true and that therefre i can never look truly female like pre puberty beginers like schafer in the dream or women. Additionally i saw some posts on this same topic in a sevrer. Id post the screenshot but i cant remove names. basically people said clavicles and baby hairs were sex determistic. One said like "estorgen based puberty tends to leave clavicles angled" or something like that. Which reminded me of the worry. My plan has been doing "tests" or social experiments irl to see what sex i am perceved as. I will complete this plan as i have scheduled/plan. But i worry over the theory/science issues and fear even if i suceed fully at tests i cud still worry. So im worried abt this too and not quite sure what to do except follow thru and hope for the best

What are your houghts on this situation and concept?

That makes sense. I reposted it. i didnt use the word tr*nny but i did use the word B*nn*d and d*sc**d
You're fucking retarded
some words are probably softbanned so that when you use them more than 2 or 3 times it automatically clasifies your entire post as spam and filters it. because of this i now save my posts whenever its more than 2 sentences long

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