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QQTT: Do you like ballroom dance?
QQTT2: On your graduation: the girl asked you on dance or you asked the girl?
previous: >>37593985
aaaaaa forgot music
https://unsee cc/album#1zQ7ncI6y1xS
i like hardstyle and i never went to prom looooool
normies pay more attention to peoples facial expressions and body language naturally. this is why they freak out if you don't make eye contact with them and think bad stuff. as an autistic I had to learn this while majoring in psychology, but now I am pretty good at noticing peoples body language ques. It's interesting to watch groups of people. People are socially trained to say one thing, but their body does not lie (except for some really good actors in Hollywood). its fun to see who secretly has a crush on someone, who feels uncomfortable around a certain person while pretending to be nice.
really social normies are good at hiding it in their face sometime, but the feet never lie, they don't think about that part of them.
i think last thread died before i could get my post in but i am NOT autistic
has anybody seen rick?
has anybody seen frisson?
has anybody seen chef?
ok autist pissbaby faggot i bet you can’t eat certain foods because you hate the texture
amazing esl qotts
yeah i do like it it's fun. it was the only thing I got a 10 (our equivalent of an A) on in gymnastics in school.
not really a thing here, but we had a kinda prom like thing except it was more formal, called Vanhojen Tanssit ('Dance of the Olds', finnish high school 2nd year students do it as they become the oldest students in the school when the 3rd years go away for their study break), and my childhood bestie / person everybody thought I was dating (and briefly actually was, she was my first kiss when we were 15) asked me to dance with her so that's what i did. i look fucking ridiculous in white tie, it turns out.

ok then lets just say that you have a lot of overlap with things that autistic ppl experience, and this could be another case of that. better?
yes it's true tha'ts me yap
yes i have a hard time eating chunky spaghetti sauce and soft foods with bread crumbs but thats different
I get how that can relate to reading emotion and hidden intent behind words of other NTs but it's still separate from hearing over mega loud noise which literally feels impossible to me but they can all do
im autistic and i have a huge girly dick
depends who my partner is but generally i would be too scared to even get up and try
my boyfriend at the time asked me to dance then a week later revealed he was talking to a girl and didn’t want to see me anymore

hi chasergen <3 how’s everyone’s day been
I heard someone talk about this the other day. I don't remember ever feeling that way. but there are some foods I just see as gross, like any creamy white stuff like ranch, sour creme, yogurt just reminds me of sperm and smells bad to me.

if I tried eating a cactus that would probably not be a good texture
I need you
Qott: No.
Qott2: She asked me. Well, actually, she told me.
probably guessing based on the situation or hearing bits and pieces and guessing the rest of it, like someone who barely knows English and figures out a sentence from a few words
wait is this an autistic trait wtf i thought i was just weird and fussy
>ok then lets just say that you have a lot of overlap with things that autistic ppl experience, and this could be another case of that. better?
not really. im just really really tired of people implying im autistic when im clearly not. it got old after the 10th time

>qott 2
um I didn't
jorkin it for no reason today
I grew out of a lot of the physical traits of autism after childhood, apparently I used to be really particular and slow methodical about how I ate my food but thankfully never had the extremely picky about food types thing
Hoping you feel it today
It's correlated but it's not like that alone makes you autistic
i feel nothing jorking it for no reason because i can on the couch
Need some one to teach me to dance
There is always a reason
(being horny and wanting to nut)
I posted this in bigen mght as well post it here too but fellas I fell in love with someone thats like a decade younger than me, what do? (28-18)
(I don't even know if they are into me but they did come over to hangout with my friends once)
i'm sorry, i don't wanna make you uncomfortable with this, i don't care enough about labels or diagnoses for that either. it's why i left it open-ended as just implying you're not neurotypical in the first place.
i can’t get horny without another person tho
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when i was a kid there were some foods that i couldnt eat without the textures making me physically ill, like to the point of throwing up involuntarily if forced to eat them.
my parents thought it was all just very very convincing theatrics i guess because they ignored the crying and forced me to eat it all every time. and if i got sick i got screamed at and made to eat even more of it
i got over the texture issues but im pretty sure the being forced to eat it affected me worse in the long run lmfao
jorking it for a reason today
bruh I thought they were at least 20 :( its a third year course
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>esl qotts
knife in my heart

>I got a 10 (our equivalent of an A)
yyou had this as subject at school? whaat?
>and my childhood bestie / person everybody thought I was dating (and briefly actually was, she was my first kiss when we were 15)
> i look fucking ridiculous in white tie, it turns out.
ahaha heella cute

>my boyfriend at the time asked me to dance then a week later revealed he was talking to a girl and didn’t want to see me anymore
shit, sorry for you. so you didn't dance?

i can teach to dance waltz only
personally i wouldn’t go down that route, there’s a power imbalance between you two and some life experience difference, at best it’s just a bit weird and at worst it’s downright creepy and seen as wrong

also why are you hanging around 18 year olds
how bad huh
kid fucker lol
I can't get horny without being called a pissbaby and getting beaten up
i didn’t dance because i was scared to lmao, i was still a boy back then and was depressed as all fuck so i didn’t wanna stand out
ew pissbaby
I'm rooting for you
lock in, can't fuck with dem kids. You gotta learn to not think with your weenor lest you become a story she tells younger women about when she's 30
i would like to do sex and i need another participant
love it
i didnt go to prom because i was too self conscious and also nobody asked me to go in the first place
I miss meemaw
I need someone to infodump on me, the huge dick is secondary to that
I'm in university so my social circle is like 22-25 years old, the kid is somehow a third year at 18.
Halfchub, let's make it full
She's being a beautiful girlboss at the office
it's really sad.
I would like to do cuddling and I need another participant.
>Do you like ballroom dance?
i think it looks neat but ive never done it
>On your graduation: the girl asked you on dance or you asked the girl?
graduation? you mean prom? i asked her, of course. boys are expected to do the asking...
>how’s everyone’s day been
ive only been awake for like three hours but it's been good so far
i want details
>what do?
nothing, because that's a kid. what could you possibly have in common with someone who was a minor earlier this year?
honestly you'll probably figure that out yourself after hanging around him for a bit.
She's so pretty and wears that office lady outfit so well
they're an adult so who cares?
idiots maybe, and americans... but i repeat myself
that sounds very intimate and not the kind of transaction I am looking for. but I wish you luck
i think we can come to an agreement
you into old uglies?
You right homie, thank you. There is no way this shit would work. I'm getting back to studying
Alright, fine, I'll do it.
What kind of transaction were you looking for, anon?
i don’t know man i just want attention
ur bean but ur prolly just baiting ur not rly stupid enough to think autistic ppl dont exist right.
You're so fucking real for this
why fine if you don’t want to don’t force
It was was my gf, she knew if she asked I'd decline but if she told me to I would. Simple stuff.
We are in the same program in school and they are some how more well read than I am because they turned into a baby communist during the lockdowns
also valid
The huge pp probably wasn't real then
i miss frisson she used to be mine
I miss her she used to be mine
just saw meemaw's thread and maybe girlmoding is actually possible
shes goals
I was just being silly, anon
she’s not real
frisson is currently mine, get fucked other anons
Why do trans women refuse to give Indian men a chance?
frisson cheated on me by posting nudes on b while we were dating

captcha: kathy
Because they smell bad.
Hope everyone is having a comfy Saturday afternoon. Anyone have anything special or interesting to share today? I genuinely wanna hear it!
Qott: love it! I can do a few types of partner dances, though not amazingly well.
Qott2: I went to 6 proms, asked by guys and girls and also asked a girl once but don’t tell anyone
need a chaser to help me convert from lesbianism
Ok done with the workout

Who else did stuff or is doing stuff today?
Do you think Indians have a chance with the smelly butt tranner?
Based frisson cucking rick
Probably. Super autist trannies smell really bad.
Of course I am, all days are comfy. I already shared the pup pictures, nothing more special or interesting than spending time with animal could possibly happen.
I've never had issues with women or tranners
>t gymcelled brown person
>i asked her, of course. boys are expected to do the asking..
mmm. no? in my class the girls decided among themselves which guys they would dance with.
me asked the tallest and prettiest (imo) girl lol
i wasn't the coolest guy idk why she chose me, i literally weighted more than her on a few kg and we were one of the main couples.
i like dancing, but fuck i haven't chance to do it right as i wanted

Right here babe. Location?
If I started a weekly Chasergen podcast, would any of you come on it? Some tranners I know would probably be ok with being on it but they're not trips. I already have a few episodes in mind:

>Jade interview
>Twinkchan interview
>Sarah and Pichu episode
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Listen to your blue-clad wretches
Yelling of courage and honour
Courage and Honour
we need more episodes to get it going
why is it the trans trips here are actually nice but other trans girls i meet are just catty and bitchy and full of themselves for no fucking reason
What if you spend time with… two animals? Or… a whole basket of puppies!
if my voice passes i fucking would
i dont think id participate unless you let me manvoice it the entire time and then only reveal that im me at the very end
Most trans trips here put on fake personas to cultivate attention

t. have been in many tranny tripfag's dms
where do you meet these others trans girls that you speak negatively of
sponsored by Rick begging for Frisson to take him back
they’re nice to me :c
if its irl then they tend to dislike me because i wanna pass and 3 times ive been told thats apparently transphobic
online, well they just act bitchy because its online
On a Saturday?
Fr tho
Your voice doesn't need to pass. I already have one tranner with a passing voice who I know would be up to co-host it with me to make it less awkward.

If you're Twinkchan that would obviously be fine. We could get your take on the whole schizo rick thing too.
Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah. While this sounds amazing I will not let myself think thoughts of it and diminish how splendid my day already was. I do not have a basket of puppies and choose to think not of it.
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jealousy and a need to prove themselves. they think punching down makes them more valid in their identity
This could only go poorly... also this reminds me of breadanon -_-
i would listen to it but too shy to participate
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r8 my fit
let's go to the bass pro shop
>been told thats apparently transphobic
thats just their cope, because they cant do it
aw hell yea
I do! It's the only dancing I can do and not feel like an absolute idiot :) :)
I dropped out and got my GED at the beginning of graduation year. Do people dance at graduation??
i want it to pass >:(
and in my idea i'd be host

actually i don't have anything interesting to tell, i'm so neet and boring
this would turn into a nightmare circlejerk so quick istg
Are you trans too or some dude?
I'm a man and I think I'd be a pretty good host
I would beat you up the entire episode
i am not twinkchan, i am pichu. too lazy to put trip back on after yesterday
i would manvoice the whole podcast if you let me not reveal im pichu until the end
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yeah i never understood it desu, like wouldn’t the end goal to be passing as your preferred gender? at least that’s what mine is
also i like your name!
>Do people dance at graduation??
i guess i mean prom, just in my country we traditionally dance twice (on graduation and prom) im just stupid
I feel it. What kind of attention? Do you want praise or to be called cute?
eagerly awaiting rav interview
that's not as exciting as i pictured
that should be enough to drop him anyway
im pretty sure through all of America it's expected that a boy ask a girl to prom, not the other way around. idk where you're from tho
good luck, sis
im working up the motivation to go hit the treadmill right now, as it happens.
>>Sarah and Pichu episode
why are we together?
but yeah, i suppose i would. Shame about my voice, but it still sounds like fun
well there's your problem. the variety you meet irl are a different sort than the ones you'll meet on /tttt/. They're the kind that won't let you say "tranny" and think passing is toxic. that sort of personality doesn't last long here.
I have only interacted with some out side of here but they have all been nice.
I hit legs so hard I had trouble walking down the gym stairs
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Ah I see.
You’re in the middle ground between BPD Freddy Krueger Blanchardist Transbians who’re obsessed with passing and Super-Sensitive Pussy Faggot Reddit Echo Chamber Trannies

Tough spot but if it means anything you’re built for chaser cock
Can I be the fat guy that just laughs and contributes not much else?
If I get to where I'm okay with my voice I'd consider it desu
Ohhh. I went to two proms and danced at one for one song. Our proms sucked anyways though
Your posts are all awful anguish, please stop
My life is the opposite of exciting. I make sure of it.
I need to get rid of this mullet thing I've got going on. t. Chaser
Would you be up for going on the podcast though?

That's fine. We can talk about Pokémon.

I thought you and pichu are friends so it might make things more smooth
It's Saturday and the weather is nice. Go outside and do something friends
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Besides the early bedtime me and who

t. chaser
Ideally we'd get plenty of chasers on to talk about their experiences chasing. There's a lot of different topics that could be covered and it could unironically be very interesting.
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i need to share my personal chao gifs with you
can’t believe i’m saying this to someone in chasergen but holy shit consider closing this tab
Let’s see a video of you dancing and of your butt lol
Haha that’s how you know you did a good job.
There's a fucking blizzard outside you stupid american
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me and pichu reading chasergen together
i only very recently learned to live that way. you have my respect.
>I thought you and pichu are friends
uhm i guess you'd have to ask her about that.
but regardless id be happy to be on at the same time as her. Or just anyone, i think that'd be easier than being alone like jade and twinkchan.
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>idk where you're from tho
small town in eastern europe
i guess our women are just built different :DD
no, it's like we practice the dance and dance it as a class in front of our parents and teachers
not just dancing

lol mb americans have it differently aaaaaaaa
Put some good music on and hit it. I believe in you
They make some interesting post for aure
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this one was naoto's chao
Go outside and build a snowman (!)
Post pics when he finished
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i guess there's been a big shift in what a lot of trans people actually want out of transition. i feel like they're something else entirely from what we are. oh and ty
I looked like a chad at prom and then became a woman incels hate this
Jade and Twinkchan would both be extremely interesting to interview for very different reasons. Anyway I'm going to stream next weekend if I have more time. It will just be me and a tranny and then other people can join in if they want.
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i like everyone in chasergen but that post had me like “yeah this is trying too hard damn”

oh my god so cute
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this dude's name is Martian Soil and he's the very bright grandson of my starter chao for this save file
Did you become a Stacy?
yeah a different type of transgender i guess

also i love kindred they were my second highest mastery champ back when i actually played, lambs laugh was so sweet and her voice was goals
The cutest pre-trans pic I've seen itt is pichu with her little bow tie
what mods are you using for your world
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this is that starter chao, named Wawa Bawah by my friend
can an anon tranner join?
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some of these arent chao but most are
get jennie on the podcast
this sounds so fucking funny I would do it omfg
lol why the heck would I be interesting?
Making my trans gf carry me through savage
what a fine display of autism
how do people recognize me like this?
I post like two times a month
I’ll be one of the chaser guests
i really should just play the pc version modded instead of emulating it like i have been the entire time, im just too used to playing it with a gc controller
I love you meemaw
Anyone can join. I'll just post the stream in cg when we start.


Don't be stupid

Okay I'll prepare some topics to discuss
sounds like the sorta thing you'd do
must-have fighting style tips for the gay pissbabies
post when you do and i'll show up in the chat
love you meemaw<3
jade is a really fun and cool person. met up with her earlier this year
i love the character but playing jg makes me depressed now
i saw you around for a while and learned who you are from frogposter
holy shit sex digits
nice digits
>must-have fighting style tips
I'm extremely good at teaching people how to fight, but it's all hands on demonstrations
woah nice quints
Who the fuck is meemaw?
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Mfw waiting for mwah
holy quint

playing league makes me depressed unless a fun mode is out or me and my friends are playing tft
speaking of, when is rav gonna play aram with me
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I'm going to a park at sunset to see if the comet if visible yet <3
This one made me laugh loll
Picrel bc technically it wasn't a butt before so now it actually makes sense
Oh weird. Honestly I wish we had some sort of dance class though ig I wouldn't have taken it anyways
Kindred is so freaking fun. All of my friends hate playing her(them? Wolf&lamb)
Real, I love mwah
nice quads meemaw <3
t. adoring fan
>speaking of,
Literally whenever you want ;-;
okay there are a million women that we'd all like on the podcast
but what about chasers?
my list:
>FatDog (rip)
>Timur (chaser chaser)
>>FatDog (rip)
do... do you know that hes still here?
I was planning on having Nils on so that's a good idea
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If only it was that black & white

Some people think it’s transphobic because: (This is their mindset btw. I personally don’t give a fuck. Caring about this wont get my dick sucked by a tranny)

It’s transphobic because the goal of passing makes the act of transitioning seem hollow.
Is transitioning not about trying to be your genuine self?
Or is transitioning just reinforcing backwards western traditional gender stereotypes?
Example: “A womyn has to be this & that to be a womyn because uhhhh SOCIETY SAID SO CHUD”
they are a fun character, but you need good positioning and that can be hard to ask from most players. fall behind and you just lose. definitely can see why some wouldn't like it
Rick and Snake cagematch episode
yeah but he likes to pretend he's a different dude now, so im respecting his wishes shhh
frogposter voice reveal when???
>I'm going to a park at sunset to see if the comet if visible yet <3
wtf really cool
we had'nt dance classes so we just skipped regural and danced. it was fun
i'll be on the podcast with timur, would talk about our motherlands or something
I am not forgotten, yay
I'm glad I'm not namable here
he unironically has a gay sounding voice
I am very glad I did not add that creep jfc
Tell us what happened lad
kill & behead AssFaggot players
what creep?
He's a closet fag
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watching black adam. this quote is pretty cool
>prove your strength. destroy your enemy and all he cares about. make him beg for mercy, but deny it until his final breath
Yeah that's true. They just can't seem to grasp how to play them
Yeah! I'm excited
And oh weird. Sound very fun though :)
well yes
oh youre watching blacked adam? thats great sweetie
kinda edgelord desu
what kind of movie being mentioned would get the most angry responses from this general? a marvel movie maybe?
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beating chasers up
watching black panther with my chaser boyfriend
ahahhah very sweet
the matrix
watching black panther with my black boyfriend
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That line kind of feels like a 15 year old wrote it
I don’t know honestly. There’s a lot of junk out there
i do need to quit playing league yes
This is me with overwatch
I hate it but I keep playing
u are the sexiest and kewlest c:
Anguish is a gay bottom, right?
Aw, ty catposter:)
overwatch haunts me too
It's bug spider Cincy anon in a new form
does anguish like black guys? me and my bf have a crush on him
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Why are the gaygen rejects racist?
I thought they were talking about mwahnon who to me is meemawhon but apparently there is another
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meemawhon is what some people call me for being a 29 y/o oldschn*t
like who
Slipping it into mwah on a Saturday afternoon
You and anguish
MWAH! hello our queen!
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my 5'2" chaser trying his best to mount 6'3" 240 lbs me (he has never topped before)
you are calling me racist over we wuz? on fucking 4chan?
nu uh I just showered no silly
hello angel!
Mwah saying this when she slips it in
That and you’re constantly saying the n word
I'm sorry I'm dartless
so what nigga reddit is two blocks down
It's clearly a pattern with you, I don't know why you're pretending
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haha real
as I grope man bumbums
>nu uh I just showered no silly
Ok kissing mwah on a Saturday afternoon
incredible filenames here
mwah can you say a few kind words for all of our large round hairy chasers who might be watching from home?
I could get you a dart ;)
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i flirt with racism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, misandry
doesnt mean im any of those things
if you dont get it that ok
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Do chasers like Live Agar
That's a really stupid thing to say, but it fits you in that way so it's ok
If the podcast ends up being making fun of me I will be upset and cry
You promise?
doing the podcast then hooking up with the host afterwards
You just want to fuck me for 12 hours and get me pregnant
Ignoring the blatant data gathering idea.
I like when she bullies us
is that so wrong?
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most alt left people of color also participate in that, its abt questioning the culture and resisting the mainstream, tribalism and bipartisan politics, its fine to be disinterested in interacting with it but if you cannot grasp it you are a genuine simpleton
pee pee
gathers your data without your consent
you cannot claim mädchen amick while stating such opinions, i won't allow it
I dunno it's possible I go along with it for the content
There's not going to be any bullying. It'll just be me and my tranner asking you questions, basically an interview.
Playing with fascism, homophobia, transphobia, etc isn't counter culture, and believing it is is genuine brainrot. You're not some brave outlier for saying slurs, you have the some politics as a highschooler
I guess not, but I don't know if it's worth it
which one?
neither because thats scary and I have social anxiety
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all the divas belong to me
you'll like it once your male instinct is suppressed by my dart
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Posted waiting for you w/o name seeing how it goes does it make me more mysterious
I did too at first
Any thoughts on guys , let’s say hypothetically speaking, 8 years older?
>You're not some brave outlier for saying slurs
never claimed im brave but i am an outlier within the americanized homogenized popculture, and newsflash i genuinely dont notice when i say them i just say what comes to mind because the words hold no sway over me lol
What’s the topic for the first episode of the podcast?
I swear half of you forget what website you're on.
>you have the some politics as a highschooler
literally why i'm using slurs
you have not earned them.
So because we’re on le super secret website we let racism slide?
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haha <3
big hairy chasers are cuddly angels who deserve many squishes :3
that's not too old imo
What? Wrong context.
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weep me a river sis
>le super secret website
so close, its the counter culture website
to me this is just a forum :)
Can we at least do it romantically?
I was thinking a couple of different topics

>age gaps between chasers and tranners
>where to meet trans women
>what the dating scene is like for chaser and for trannies
>reddit trannies vs 4chan trannies

Feel free to suggest more interesting topics
Happy Saturday to everyone, especially the 30s chasers :)
of course bb
It's very overtly right wing leaning, just with a lot of maladjusted people, but it's not really counter culture
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>Put some good music on and hit it.
i did!
i took like a hundred pictures in my sports bra but they wer all bad and likely to get me banned anyway, so this is all i got :P
i am once again begging you to join my server
oh okay. fair.
Ok I'm on the way mwah, smooch time
>i am once again begging you to join my server
I just don't know what I would meaningfully contribute desu
Don't do it.
Some good topics. Maybe have an advice section or something
Happy Sunday :)
Hell yes. And I get that I’m trying to get more comfortable with taking pics of myself but I always end up deleting everything.
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“welcome back to /chaserden/, unfortunately our intended guest tonight ended up with brainworms and is now detransitioning so we’ll be bringing in an old classic guest”
>The Lovin Spoonful’s “do you believe in magic” starts to play
>Timir walks in
“so Timir, tell us, what’s it like being a trip AND a chaser?”
“ вce в пopядкe”
just plain wrong
>unfortunately our intended guest tonight ended up with brainworms and is now detransitioning so we’ll be bringing in an old classic guest
me af fr irl
>“ вce в пopядкe”
Chill out gangsta cat
Ok that is interesting to know …
well you are smol and rare imo
Do people still say that
You kinda scared me, I thought I got the day wrong for a second!
Yeah visibly autistic girls are my type unfortunately she's too twittersphere and thinks we're all bad evil no-no guys or reppers here
To be fair there are some
>“ вce в пopядкe”
nigga what
Lolol I typed the wrong thing. I’m in the future for some reason
Wow you're actually so autistic. Very cute.
I like smart autistic guys with cute quirky interests and mommy issues
This happened to me on Thursday, I was like “happy Wednesday!” and they gave me this stanky look like I just wasted a significant part of their life by talking.
I like snail guys with no dart
Would a tranner want to watch the Green Knight with me this evening
Are tranners into gymcels? I'm smaller now because I picked up trail running but I'm bi and kinda hypersexual and in university so I'm surrounded by young everythings
cant take dev patel seriously cause i still just see anwar
>i am once again begging you to join my server
i made a temp disc that you can add if you want, see if i fit into the server ok

disc is gingeranon.
please.. I need a dartless snail bf... please...
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Forgot my pic and my link
That's me, that other anon hasn't gotten me yet
I want you
Ya I have been getting confused what day it is a little more recently. I’m a mess rn
What do you want me for?
what if every tranny in here got gigaskullpilled all at once
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ayo peep the drip
nooo warwick
Oh mein gott.
Taking Pichu to the arcade and forcing her to watch me play instead of posting on 4chan.
oh my god i love this shirt fjsbfndnc
goes crazy hard
unironically looks like the boymoder meme girl (good)

new thread. it is silly time! :D
Can I kiss your beautiful thighs
Ma'am we've been going to like 700 posts lately if we don't wait longer we're gonna clog up the board
sorry but it's silly o'clock
What the fuck.
whatever you just described sounds kinda hot wish some guy would do that to me
i know it sounds weird. and the video was. but i cant get it out of my head i want to find it again and figure out wth is going on in the video

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