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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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qott: Do you think you are on the right side? Do you think there's a good side an a bad side?
> >>37603073 (OP) #
> I would fuck a MAGAtwink without shame.

> Also should I kms this week? I said I'd wait until January but like now is a good a time aw any?
Notice how the post you decided to reply to never linked to one of your posts? that's because no one asked you
this is the good thread, the other one is stinky stinky
Bic12 fisting videos are so entertaining. Nothing like him saying yeah give me that black gold baby as he fists a dude in arab sheikh outfit.
Or him saying fuck sustainability/ grab her by the pussy as he fists a dude in trump supporter outfit
>Do you think there's a good side an a bad side?
lol not in this election. Every shit choice we had before this one looks like a dream team compared to now. This one is a total clown show. I try not to be that edgelord but jfc

There wont be any more real elections anymore anyways. The demographics are too cooked. I mean, are a lot of foreigners with no interest in our culture or values really going to vote for liberty over benefits? Are they going to support tradition even if we had such a choice? Are they going to pay attention to waste, corruption and theft? No. So what does it matter.

The election will be revealing though, as it will be a referendum on which Jews are better positioned in government to achieve their respective view of victory and control. It will tell us whether the domestic Jews aligned with Brussels are still competent enough to hold power with internationalist support to exploit the US and run it into the ground like Europe and the EUs obsession with stealing Ukraine from Russian hegemony, or if its the Israeli lobby who only care about Israel.

The American left made a mistake of making an enemy so powerful as Mossad; Mossad can run circles around the American leftist Jews in influencing the election.
wrong thread
Eh, it will recycle soon enough.
I'm a little zesty.
I like Brussels.
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i just cannot look like that guy, i do not look jewish
lol trust me, they probably already sent it to pol who will photoshop a kippah on it. Its close enough.
Smells like poop
wassup homos

>Do you think you are on the right side? Do you think there's a good side an a bad side?
yes to both
good boy, now bark
just imagine when shiza gets her pussy installed she will literally smell like poop all day long. 75% of srs recipients report a shit smell emanating from their fake vagina
and apparently hrt makes your genitals smell like fish too
she's going to be wafting fish and poop smells all over poland
Why are gays like this?
im not getting srs
Probably me. I was gorging on hard eggs.
you're a poop already, what difference does it make
woof woof
self hate
Good. You can go back to being a qt twink when youre done with this trans phase.
he's gained so much weight he can never be a twink again
even if he loses it he would have loose skin everywhere
bic12 is an artist
i just yoyod to the same weight didnt have loose skin last time i lost weight
shiza's swedish bf storing shark meat and whale blubber between shiza's fat rolls to ferment for the winter
fuck off xan
both want to kill every Palestinian baby.
Dems are shifting right on immigration, although they aren't calling them murderous, rapist fentanyl dealers, yet.
Kamala isn't offering any progressive economic policies.
The only thing she has going for her is she doesn't want to kill every member of the "LGBTQ ideology" and she didn't offer her vocal support of neo Nazis.

I don't think I'm voting, maybe I'll vote for Cornell West.
wrong post
My mind doesnt work that way. I see people as their peak, regardless of later. Unless they really revel and identify with being slobs. Everyone takes damage eventually.
>The only thing she has going for her is she doesn't want to kill every member of the "LGBTQ ideology" and she didn't offer her vocal support of neo Nazis
I almost took this as a serious post
kamala vocally supports neo nazis in the ukraine thoughever
your post is correct otherwise
>I don't think I'm voting
the american dream
It depends on the type of srs, and the smell usually goes away after healing once slow growing bacteria can populate. Don't scare trannies a lot of them feel bad enough without you.
I am forbidden from talking to my only friend because he got a restraining order...
Are you /fit/?
>Don't scare trannies a lot of them feel bad enough without you.
the ones on here don't feel nearly bad enough
bottoms, is your top concerned for your safety?
What did Kamala say about the neo-Nazi's?
she wants to give them money
your face is idiotic
Are you implying Ukraine is a whole neo-nazi state and doesn't just have a handful of relatively small far right enclaves like any other country?
Is there evidence for that outside Russian propaganda? :x
I hope you like pink triangles
Proud of you sis, brave and stunning.
a pink triangle, pointy side up, represents the shape of her body right now
how come being gay is so accepted in the phillipines but it's only the ugly lighter skinned ones who end up doing it
How've you all been? I'm taking the day off today, so I'm mostly just organising my DVDs and CDs, and maybe recording a bit more of an audiobook. How about you all?
Sis can you do me a favour?
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>disgruntled former Trump white house staffers get glamor jobs at think tank and concoct wishlist called Project 2025
>contains no mention of ending same sex marriage and just promotes traditional ones like the entire history of humanity
>Seeks to end funding for sexually mutilating kids and to stop teachers, typically white childless women, from trying to persuade other peoples toddler sons to be girls
>Trump repeatedly disavows wishlist
>Trump disavows people who made it
>Trump disavows anyone even considering it
>Media again brainwash gays as useful idiots



Meanwhile at Trump campaign...


I am not endorsing Trump. I am showing you how your entire non-"straight" identity was concocted to wrangle the most retarded among you for lobbyists and political panic, and its clearly working perfectly as you dance to their tune.

The rest of you, presumably, are getting laid.
Missed ya my slavic boii, what movies have you been watching btw how was the party?
I haven't been watching a lot, I've had a lot of university work. The party was kinda fun, I was a bit awkward at the start but I ended up having a great time. How about you?
Wow what a chud, am guess I supporting Harris now...
show us your cd collection
let's see if you're real
I'm so glad we have this general for special moments like these
I don't care if he waves a gay flag for gay votes. One admin actively tries to fuck us, the other does not.
Thats nice, when is your bday? mine is tomorrow getting drunk as is. Wish i had friends ._.
i have respect for mister trump
keep ya'll calenders open, we're seriously about to learn jays birthday. Do not freak out, stay calm
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I'm out rn but this is an old photo. Sorry the titles aren't really visible, it's mostly Sigur Ros and Nick Drake because I'm a music normie.
Mine is in a few days, happy birthday for tomorrow Apostle!
Can you twatter message me?
what for
And I'll add that trump is only disavowing shit now that it's proven to be unpopular, as he always does. He's been to shit related to project 2025 and said nice things about the movement before it got traction as something that would be unpopular for him, and now he pretends to not know anything about it, and also that there are good and bad things, and picked a VP who wrote the foreword for a book by the head of project 2025, which has conveniently been delayed in publication until after the election. So don't pretend that Mr Trump has any real qualms with project 2025. He just sees it as either useful or inconvenient to him, the same way he sees gay voters.
But he's already tried to fuck over gays in his first administration to appease religious conservatives via religious exemptions in the foster system, so he either sees gays as more inconvenient than useful, or he sees religious conservatives as more useful than gay conservatives.
>few days
Mama mia! That is not enough time to craft a gift fit for such a great adition to this gen as jay. Baka baka! ( ;`Д´)
>Trump just wants to create a tiered marriage system where gays would get the shorter end of the marriage stick.
Oh well as long as he is just discriminating against us and not trying to end us, I guess that's ok?
i wrote another poem
this one is called ouroboros

What books do you read jay? :3 I am still on that philosophy boook and onto les miserables en francais,

Fuck off, he is a nice bloke.

To help me better stalk my e-crush...
I'm not emptying my closet to get made fun of on 4chan.
how would me messaging you accomplish that
I mostly read postmodern stuff, if I can. I really love books that take an idea and just elaborate on it for hundreds of pages, and dissect it to the point of meaninglessness. Stuff like Frisk, Moby Dick, The Monk, stuff like that. How about you, I think you like fantasy novels, right?
can you just message him for me then pls baka
80% of the gay general the past few days has been a fat ugly tranny camped in the thread repeatedly rejecting the advances of an ever fatter uglier bipedo who also appears to be here 24/7. notice what's missing from the equation? neither of them are even gay
i don't think so
Would you donate your money for these poor ukrainian soldiers?
I cant believe i got one of the most popular guys in class mad at me on my first day here! What a failure i am (ーдー)
which two are you talking about?
Moby Dick is pretty modern, comperatively, and yes I enjoyed it :D I like fantasy read alot of warhammer goyslop but it never sticks unless you mega nerd. I do enjoy high fantasy like Tolkiens world and mythology tales in general. Big sucker for epics ;_; I know oldest cliche in the book but damn its so good. What is Hungary's national epic and Scotlands' as well? Do you like fantasy?
pooza aka nym and the apoostle
Russia hates the west and hates gays so I don't see the issue with fucking them over.
The funniest thing is Shiza pretending she hates TheApostle's attention and doesn't want his dick
Don't worry I do have a life outside, I am just bored and enjoy youse compnany.
I can't believe /lgbt/ is being taken over by trannies! What shocking and currently new information none of us have been aware about over several years already
they are the ones running mindlessly like lambs to the slaughter for another man's distorted notion of righteousness

i feel nothing for them
in fact humanity is better off without them
Mádach is the Hungarian epic writer, I think, although I'd be curious to hear what others have to say. I haven't been able to get into Tolkien ever, it felt like a lot of work for me, in terms of remembering dates, and names, and species and stuff, so I always felt a little lost reading it. I don't actually know what the Scottish epics are, maybe Beowulf?
i dumped a guy much hotter than him but ok
highlander is the definitive scottish epic
>said nice things about the movement
Youre confusing the Heritage Foundation with some of the people they hired out of his former WH. Trump has said nice things about Heritage because they have been around for ages, but not those individuals and their internal "project". He has explicitly disavowed them in particular.

>picked a VP who wrote the foreword for a book by the head of project 2025
So his VP did something in the past that someone else in 2025 used, and that somehow makes Trump a villain. This isnt even good sophistry. This is how they tried to paint Ron Paul as a racist for donating to a newsletter that wrote something politically incorrect. Just throwing shit at the wall trying to find something to stick.

> tried to fuck over gays in his first administration
>via religious exemptions in the foster system
Meaning you expect government to demand Catholics deliver children to homosexuals. Not a good look.

So you think that means Trump "fucked over [all) gays". Okay. Now a question.

On both hands, how many gays do you personally know with children or actively trying to adopt?

>he either sees gays as more inconvenient than useful

Most people do. Because deliberately do shit for attention like whine to get married and join the military, and then once they get it, barely use it. Gays just like having tantrums for faux outrage. Just like you're doing now. If you were actually actively trying to adopt, you would've said "fucked over *we gays*". But you didn't. This is like how white women get offended on behalf of blacks just to bitch.
BEOWULF is saxon and broadly germanic I suppose. What is your epics about? Cool stepped nomad warriors? :P

I guess you aren't DND fan. hehe you like to destroy and not to build I see ... do you play some vidya maybe start with the king maker series its pretty easy?
>implying I am not more of personality type
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If you don't vote trump you aren't a real pedo and shouldn't be allowed in gaygen
Better that hundreds if not thousands of kids get sexually mutilated to give lip service to 'gay marriage' that no one wants or uses as something other than a theoretical prop to sound as moral as heterosexual families.

And yet gays claim to care about other peoples kids.

Who do you think actually buys this?
My epic is kinda a lot like Paradise Lost and other Miltonian stuff, it's a reworking of biblical myths into a more universal narrative. I don't really play videogames, I play a little bit of Animal Crossing, but that's about it. Maybe I'll play kingmaker!
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you are literally a morbidly obese neo-nazi
>wants his dick
lol even I caught that and I was barely paying attention to their exchange
your personality is foul
I love animal crossing sorta games! My Time at X series is my favourite. Especially the new installment where you have to navigate enviromental degergation in desert town. I wish more games taught you some sort of skill at least or usefull knowledge like for example to conserve water etc (I know its basic but some people just don't get it).

Think El Cid, Song of Roland or Homer!

you still dating btw?
*xanthippo's dick
fuck off ukraine has hot men and i want them alive
Its ok to want his dick and still be mad at him. You are gay. People know you can't help it. Better to let it go unsaid than look foolish denying it.
soldiers are typically low iq humans
they are disposable for a reason
im not mad im passively appalled
you can leave them for me?
Meh, I like you shiza but you are tiresome, do you know that?
Not drafted soldiers
He has said specifically about project 2025 that there were good and bad things about it, and also that he knows nothing about it, whatever is convenient for him at the time. If you are not familiar with trump, "I don't know anything about X" means that X has become inconvenient to him.
He is like any politician in that when something becomes inconvenient to him, he will distance himself. The issue is that pissing off his conservative base that hates gays is one of the things that defines becoming inconvenient to him. Well, it's only an issue if you're considering voting for him as a gay and care about your rights, anyway.

>VP said something in the past
Wrote the foreword for the book written by the head of project 2025 that will be coming out, not "said something in the past." And Trump picked this guy personally. If Walz said or did something similar, you'd hold Harris to account for the decision of picking him, rightfully so.

>wow you expect the government to make catholics to hand kids to gays?
I expect the government not to go out of their way to fuck over gays in the foster system. You should too.

>well well well, I see you didn't personally say US in there, did you? I won't address you point then
I'm in the gaygen anon, I'm here because I'm a fag and I've been married to my husband for 8 years. You can keep pretending that the Trump admin didn't directly try to fuck over US in the foster system and try to walk back our rights if you like, but I won't.
i am not the one killing them
they are suicidal
nobody can force somebody into a conflict
Thats what a draft is buddy
You have been promoted :O
You are now one of my elite employees
I bet you are swearing at in bolish me in your annoying nasalily voice rn
the draft is when if coerced into violence
suggesting violence against one's own commanding officer and see how quickly they refuse outright to deploy you
this is like pot calling the kettle a n****r
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>tfw leaf
>tfw going to be thrown off a rooftop and stoned to death in under 10 years because of "progressive" voters
>fighting to defend your country
Low iq
>fighting against your own country
High iq
You are probably just a coward.
surely you mean conservative?
For a moment I thought it was some sort of Chinese Poetic device but nop It's just regualr Islamobarbarism.
Has anyone seen the new bambi horror movie?
Ah, I tried those "My Time at X" games, but they looked sort of complicated, and I'm a bit of a moron when it comes to games with that kind of gameplay. Yes, I am still dating my boyfriend, sorry Apostle.
i dont rly talk to myself
i am not a coward
i am just not prepared to fight for some made up fake bullshit cause that enriches somebody who isn't me :3
is it really as bad as the posts on /pol/ say about life in canadaland? I recently saw a clip of some Indian door dash driver spitting in the juice drink of a customer. I gagged. and then another one where two Indian women got caught throwing a bag of their poop into the river o.o
>trudeau/singh coalition has been in power for 8+ years
>literally importing over a million people into the country EVERY year
>they're all from one region of the world and incredibly hostile to canadian cultural norms
>"bUt tHe cOnSeRvAtIvEs!"
c'mon, dude
Sad! Anyway you don't seem to be into the bear types anyway ;(
muslims are pretty conservative/regressive
>is it really as bad as the posts on /pol/ say
never, no
So you would rather spend 20 years in jail than 1 year in war with like 90% survival rate?
stfu and get allahuakbar'd then, luv
nothing would change if people like you didnt exist
absolute waste of space
What makes you think I'm not into bears? They're 100% my type.
Lack inner monologue - noted. Clearly you are the NPC in my tale. I am such a main character my voices speak back to me and even multiple ones at a time xD CARPEDIEM.
ah god, don't tell me you're another femboi
Canada has something like 40% foreign-born population - which isn't including the ones who reproduced while they were here.
The major cities are gone, and the surrounding areas aren't much better.
Trudeau started flying them into smaller, more remote towns to "increase diversity" - specifically because there were too many "old stock" Canadians still living there.
It's a disgrace, and most Canadians are too propagandized to even consider their total genocide as a problem to be addressed...
I wish I could have seen Canada before The Fall, but alas.
Are you implying femboys arent based?
No? I'm just a normal gay guy, I don't go in for the twink femboy aesthetic.
I miss weca
I'm so fucking pissed that I missed bucko's cock posting yesterday. I hate this timeline >:
i'm implying femboys should be exterminated
He always posts the same pic
I don't like "LGB"((( fuck the T))) but I like Islam even less.

Oh aren't you a top thought? I thought tops are more into feminine kinda guys ? I am sorta like that.
i do have inner monologue i just don't speak out loud idiot
which one? the shadow cock?
This is somehow shocking to non-thirdies? I assume this is a given in thirdie nations. I also pooped in the river once, around town...
If you like postmodern stuff you should try reading Beowulf then Grendel. Beowulf is an epic and Grendel is a postmodern retelling. They're both pretty short and i found it enjoyable.
No, the depressed brown salami
fuck weca. fuck him right in the bussy (disclaimer: I actually don't who that is :3)
Can twinks that have long hair, shaved, and paint their nails but aren't femboys be allowed to live? Asking because I know someone like this.
I'm not surprised at all. Ive never thought highly of you anyway so such a lowly subhuman behavior is actually expected of you, dear
I will protect all the femboys..
noooooooo I missed it D:
Hot top from western canada with a feminine bf and good taste in music (that’s all i know about him)
>tfw post-wall femboy
I miss wearing chokers...
very grim. canada is not in my list for vacation now I guess
There is no wall you just didnt take care of yourself
>There is no wall
no matter what you do, you won't look 18 when you're 46
Ahh, okay.... How's granny? I hope she is putting piogori back in the shiza.

In my defence it was 1o'clock in the morning and I was disoriented and having psychotic breakdown... If you got to go you go to go...
why can't you wear it now? got a fat neck now or sumting?
Not her, but eventually your neck gets thicker and manlier and your Adams apple starts showing.
wish you had just drowned while shitting in that poor river desu
chokers do not look good on old men
I don't really like the whole top/bottom thing personally, I'm ideally somewhat asexual in a relationship. I do bottom for my bf though.

That sounds like my kind of thing, I'll give that a go! Thank you anon.
I'd rather you shit in the river than be throwing trash into it ngl, people piss in rivers all the time and nobody cares. At least one will break down eventually.
How old are you?
Trust me, there are far worse shitters on that river than me...
>chokers do not look good on men
femboys hit the wall at 20, 25 if they're lucky
It’s ok biboomer
Holden won.
>umm like... i'm a better shitter than you
lole. you're so embarrassing
chokers look great on bottoms what are you talking about?
wtf are you talking about
i guarantee he doesn't even know what tfo means
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>t. straight man
this looks awful
Yeah, the ribcage loses it's taper, waist widens, the neck and shoulders get muscular. Luckily the degree to which you have to "masc up" is overstated on 4chan, you can still be a cute sweater wearing even twink long after the wall, you just can't pull off skirts anymore.
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For a man to look good in a choker, he must:
>be attractive
>not be unattractive
And remember - the same way you match your belts to your boots, you match your choker!
That's cute :3 Mind for 'cord yet? Want that Jayussy. *droooling*
discord with apostle = get doxxed. be careful, jayanon :)
Good god, I'd rather be river shiter living in rags.
Sure, but the "wall" is not 25 like everybody here thinks
Tops just like emasculated men, but from a femboys perspective this is not fashion, he could have a couple dangly chain necklaces/pendants and his outfit would be drastically improved.
No rings is also a miss
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Let’s talk about men
This. IMHO exclusive attraction to 18yos in guys 30+ is a bad sign. Sure 18yos can be hot but after 25 guys can be hot if they take care of their skin, teeth, etc
Love that hint of package and beefy build
Why are you so afraid to admit that Holden won?
Yeah, but by the time your body starts getting more masculine in your mid 20s some of the feminine clothes that looked flattering at 20 are going to start looking less flattering. Not that you can't find other ways to fem it up, but 27 y/o guys rarely if ever look good in a skirt, and that's not for lack of dieting, gym, and skincare.
they never looked flattering
I hope nym and jay are okay >:(
fucking troon discussions. I wish I could astroproject and roundhouse kick these fuckers
Stop harassing people?
>but by the time your body starts getting more masculine in your mid 20s
That doesnt happen
._. okay...
Stop doxxing people?
I never doxxed any one doe...
ok gypsy queen
You acc seem nice idk why everybody hates you so much
rude. I am offended.
stop replying to yourself, gypsy queen

i refuse to argue with robots
it is a waste of time

enjoy your fluoride and please do not reply to my posts :)
i don't want nothing crazy.
i just wanna make pancakes for the kids and have a mimosa with the wife. why? cause you deserve a break. ya done good.
What's jayussy? Sorry, my English isn't great.
I guess google is just a Jewish payop or something, right?
because you have no argument
Why do you want everyone to fight in a war so bad?
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my argument is i am not dying for israel
simple as
jay + pussy, he’s talking your hole
Portemanteau (meaning smashing together of two words to create a new word) of Jay [ your name ] and pussy {Or in this case boy's pussy or colligually known as bussy }. Basically Jay + Asshole*pussy = jayussy. Sorry tried to use some math and Com sci to make it more understandable hope I didn't fail. Do you have any one to pratice your english with btw? Professionally.
skussy has a better ring to it
>cum comp
>Clip of black guy
My friends told me about this meme recently and I think it's so funny now.
Nice ai results
Oh right, sorry but I don't have a pussy. I just practice my English with my flatmates, who correct me if I say something retarded.
I mean, I could scrub through the articles by hand just to get a similar summary the hard way and you'd have still btfo it with some 1 liner, so it's better this way.
>Bones stop growing in length between the ages of 16 and 18. But the total amount of bone tissue you have – your bone density – continues to increase slowly, until your late 20s.
Your argument was that some major change happens between 18 and 25 such that you cant wear the same clothes after it and thats just not true
it really upsets me that cute Ukrainian men and cute Russian men are killing each other right now.
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if your hole and nipples arent pink i do not want it.
he suggested that the bone structure becomes more masculine from 25 onwards which is objectively wrong and tranny pseudoscience
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the average age of a recruit in the russian army is 45, for ukraine its 43
>pink nipples
>brown hole
it's over
but they do get more masculine aka more robust. tranny science is infact doing their best to either stop the masculinization when young or reverse it with hormone therapy and surgeries. you some kind of a tard or sumting?
same ;w;
at least i am a hot rigged middle aged twink
the average age of transition is 20. why haven't you done it yet?
post penis and balls
how is that even possible unless you've been frying your asshole in the sun all summer long? pink nipples are the signs of a pink hole. that's the universal formula
bone growth typically stops increasing in late 20s unless for in the case of some kind of abnormality
it doesn't start at 25
it starts before you are born durrrr
why? shouldn't you be looking at pussies instead and saving them to an srs inspo folder?
my turds are massive
fecal staining
someone post that russian twink dancing
why cant you post penis and balls its like you arent even gay
i like that your first response to somebody calling you a woman is begging to see their cock like a sissy. you really are a tranny
Just ignore these retards haribo
no such thing. you're both retarded and I'm very suspicious that none of you have pink nipples to begin with. IMPOSTERS!!!
ok post feet
i love my life, it is so great, i cannot get enough of it
why are you like this god, what did i even do to you
oh God no. I cringe seeing his retarded try hard at being cute facial expressions
Hahahaha, no man I mean I want your asshole :P Sorry sometimes you just got to be crude. If you want I could help you with your English. I helped two Russians friends from A2 to C1 over the last few years....
I wasn't implying it started at 25, that was the age I gave up because my rib flare bothered me, it didn't happen overnight, either. When I was 18-20 my ribs were tapered and decidedly feminine, but slowly flared, I did not measurements and don't know if the bones grew or the angle of them just changed.
i have pink nipples tho
and blue eyes
cute tho
>...but by the time your body starts getting more masculine in your mid 20s
you posted this plus you smell like butchered genits
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opinions on plus-sized guys?
puberty transitions the body towards adulthood. aka maturity. the bones get longer, harder and thicker as the man grows in age over the years after the onset of puberty. doesn't happen overnight of course but down the line sure
Fat white pig. Die, die, die!
post hole (for research purpoise)
Ah sorry, I think if I were to practice English it would be with someone who doesn't find me attractive, I get a bit anxious otherwise. Sorry, that is a very nice offer, but I will pass. It's nice of you to have helped those Russian guys though!
most men do not go through puberty at 25 lol
maybe 12
he looks annoying to deal with
all those cute daddies.... it's such a crime.
heart attack at 30
Well to be honest I haven't seen photo of you either sooo.... We will never know ;_;
pork's my favorite kinda meat. tastes the most like human
Nobody is for Harris

Boomer democrats will vote for because they hate Trump and I’m fine with that. But nobody’s for Harris
>You can't speak imprecisely on 4chan or I'll have a melty and call you a trans.
I gracefully transitioned into my Eden twink era, it's much more likely you are the tran with how triggered this is making you.
he should never take off his shirt again
I think big guys are hot, but they always want you to ride and they run out of breath easily.
he cute
cersei did nothing wrong
and when did I ever claim that? puberty marks the beginning of transition towards sexual maturity (both primary and secondary characters). that's all. it's not like a guy goes from a hairless smooth high pitch voiced baby faced boy to a thick hairy deep voices masculine faced man as soon as he hits 12-14 years of age
I did
Yes, I don't like posting photos of myself online, someone once recognised me from a video from when I was a kid, so I am planning to avoid posting photographs until I've got a beard or something.
i am skunk and i have a very nice frame and i am not big boned at all despite approaching 30
men and women alike enjoy my body

plus i am a normal guy and i am not interested in genital chopping or doctor's orders
why do you even bother, gypsy? jay seems high IQ enough to not fall for your doxxing traps
The tranny is mad because I made her realize masculinization isn't over for her and she should've started HRT years ago
Sorry jay <3
why i cannot find men sexually attractive properly, i just want to get my dick sucked and fuck a dude in the ass but i just cannot get turned on by most men at all, am i not supposed to want to fuck any dude that moves??
i would like a hole to be just a hole but it does not seem like it
No problem, thank you for being respectful
Model skirt and crop top for us, I'll decide if you look like a femboy or a man in a skirt.
maybe because you're not actually gay
i am a middle aged man
definitely not a femboy

i am sexy though and i have a flat tummy so i look nice in a crop top
Efem* auto correct is being agro, and so are you
This after they burned through the whole population of younger guys?
i don't even know if youre calling me a tranny or if you're confusing me with someone else
t. not a troon
Hypotechtically what event during the course of history would you change in your own life or in the greater scheme of things?
40 year old femboys... grrrrr
eden were not a twink
Well this all started from talking about skirts and chokers, we were specifically talking about crossdressing and not if middle aged twinks are hot (they are)
you're trashy though.
Arent you a bottom?
i am a tranny repper so the attraction is all over the place and mixed with dysphoria, i am very sexually frustrated but it is not like i can have sex either, only sometimes the attraction works porperly, and no i will stay here and not leave, do not tell me to leave
You are my beast you bastid >:(
But enjoy your day ^_^
You too Apostle, I hope you find a bf soon
The one you replied to
i do not have a bulbous rib cage despite being a middle aged man who ALWAYS has been on zero prescription drugs

tranny science btfo
prevent gypsies from getting to Europe so that their offspring like you wouldn't be shitting up our gay general thread today and we'd be spending comfy time on here
shiza x larry:
An eastern european (b)romance, or Balkan troubles? Discuss.
oh okay
>killing poor innocent children and women
Only a pidor would be capable of such things...
ya, like i could bottom for any dude probably though for most i won't enjoy that much, i literally don't know, last time i had sex i did not even know i wqs trans, it wqs a while ago, but not like top, i am migrating towards top, sometimes i feel like i can top for some reason..
Shiza wouldnever defile herself with such jewish rubbish...
Well post skirt and crop top and I'll judge.
preventing as in closing the gates. you should have stayed in india
My bussy could fix you
>ohh noo i am 19 and i am turning into an ogre
yea maybe you just have inferior genetics lmao
hormones or chopping your cock off won't correct that
i just want to take things slowly with someone and not sudden since i never got that experience, only random shitty fast hook ups and i am probably not used to gay sex, this is my explaination i think
Implying Gypsies wouldn't have been high caste in shitndia...
ummm andy samberg and seth rogen could get it actually
Why don't you kill yourself, you disgusting fat bitch?
adorable post
Aww ur a romantic :3
well no
shiza in da pizza
You should kill yourself too. Hideous brown ogre.
>ummm andy samberg and seth rogen could get it
Fuck off
NEW >> 37608778
good job idiota
>so high caste that they had to leave their home country
lole retard
New >>37608778
The conversation clearly got to you, I'm gonna go make breakfast you can keep your melty to yourself.

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