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Azealia banks won
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How is it going, gaygen?
idiots die at war every day and that is a good thing as far as i am concerned
she also married that ugly guy... its so over lanabros
this cannot be shocking to anyone lol
Idk if i should kms or not please advise
Stay alive out of spite.
Yeah cheering civilian families getting bombed is like so edgy and cool
no i meant the grunts
Torture and kill tops!!! TOTAL BOTTOM WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!
I ran out of spite :(
Is there bottom gaze and top gaze? Like female and male gaze?
Bottoms couldnt dominate a puppy
One of the funniest things to come out of 20th century western values was the idea that the opinions of females are relevant or useful information. Funny to think it began with product marketing and no one remembers.
oh no
what would you do if your top developed a weed addiction?

would you try to help him or say cya
What if i'm only interested in the concept of a platonic relationship with a partner of the same sex?
i would rather kill other bottoms including ones thet identify as tops
a guy i met at the bar called me "girl" the other day
and he was like a tattooed biker... not fem or obviously gay in the slightest...
./. -> Δ
Then how are they supposed to defend themselves against the grunts?
a friend?
The prettiest man in history was a bottom
Yes, for example until I got my first bf I had no idea bottoms are checking out our crotch

I really couldn’t even believe it lol
Do you look like a girl?
You ever actually watch how a young man looks at a woman he is infatuated with? Its adorable.
simply look around you
this thread
this site
the world as it is and an endless amount of spite will rise inside you
anon it's you against this world. i know it's difficult but it helped me immensely imagining this world as my enemy, basically like this world hates me. much easier to navigate when you expect nothing but struggle
It's camp he's extremely effeminate
probably more like a therapist lmao
lmao read more
i think if israel decides to drop a bomb on your home or school you are probably fucked and there is no expectation that the victim will even have the capacity to defend themselves or retaliate
no. I ama middle aged man
no he is a heavily tattooed bear biker and he doesn't have a gay voice
are you idiots?
Its nice to know you are getting out and mingling.
I think i lost the ability to want something and i just do things like a robot, zero enjoyment
i have to get out and do shit
if i stay at home and stew for too long i go insane
>no he is a heavily tattooed bear biker and he doesn't have a gay voice
Only faggote think this shit us masculine
>you are probably fucked
So, nothing. Thats your response to aggression.
Me cock you
I just never knew any gay guys before high school, and I’m not interested in dick size and never really thought about my own.

I guess I vaguely knew a bottom would like a big dick but I never thought they would actually be checking out your bulge lol
What's up, Delta?
Some dicks are more attractive than others. I can't believe we don't even have language to distinguish them
i would recommend tryptamines
they can change the way you sense and perceive the world around you (for the better) long term
worked for me!
okay here's some advice:
catch the bomb with a trampoline and deflect it
God you're so retarded. THIS IS NOT WHAT MALE/FEMALE GAZE IS. Seriously kys.

And btw i wouldn't want "top" like you, you sound childish.
>I never thought they would actually be checking out your bulge
literally everyone on the planet watches bulges. straight dudes do it the most
Oh you’re talking about that retarded leftist shit? Bitch nobody cares
you want something
you know you do

a bit thin

just the usual
Oh look at him he's rightoid and denying obvious things
Maybe porn addicted ones. I feel gross that I even think about comparing myself to other guys now because of my boyfriend. It really doesn’t matter at all.
I am straight and i never checked someones bulge out
Dude stop larping as top you sound extremely annoying like a female
>catch the bomb
But dont actually unite and defend yourselves. Got it.
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lol look what I found
defend your personal self sure
not your country's honour or some nonsense lmao
I want woef
lololol my sides. the bishit one is killing me. the whole bottom row is hilarious
Maybe I am maybe I am but you’re worked up over nothing

Why arent you on there did you make it?
there has been nothing about those robots in the news over here

why did they draw me that big
was just mean
make it? i only know delta and bishit. i don't think the rest even post here anymore
sexo voice...
Male gays are called fags and femal gays are called lesbians
stop trying so hard, i bet you beg your "boyfriend" to top you every night
Whyare you browsing in gaygen lol
I like fucking trannies and their threads move slow
skincare and fashion tips, I’m straight as well
Hmm ok
Do you have a better chance at defending yourself alone or by coordinating with neighbors?

Obviously your homes are better defended as a group. This is what tribes, the most basic unit of a human group, second to a family, do. They organize defense. The point is that at its core, nations are communities that must be able to defend themselves and that militaries are a natural offshoot of this.

But I know how you do. You make a strong, blunt statement that, in your imagination, you think presents some elite perspective and then keep doubling down because you feel threatened by being asked to think it through, because you didnt.

So instead, you eventually just ad hom and flee the topic. So there is no point in trying to discuss this with you. You are not interested in logic. You just like slogans.
cum face mask
against a well-funded, trained and equipped military adversary?
probably alone
>oh yeah me and my ragtag band of neighbours are just going to drive these tanks and armoured soldiers out of our village
i love skunk
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Anyone has lewd pics of them?
Y r u obsessed with them?
Finnish flags id Hungarian with gross tattoos and disgusting bleached hair, french flag is fucking hapa
Not a single one of them is over 18 buddy
The Brit and the Spaniard plz
The rest is off-topic trans circle-jerking shit.
I have some old pics of skunk but I don't wanna get fkn banned posting those.
I know he got banned for avatar fagging back then. SAD! He a cute.
who cares?
Spain>france>finland>green muslim flag>russia>brit>croat>turkish
Shit taste
btit>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
swap brit and france and you are correct
I'm not trans and usually on topic
I try to forget about them but there was a thread about the frenchie on /int/ yesterday. They all make me so horny. It's obsessive.
im hsts not gay but i saw this and had to post like didnt she say this in 2014 so the gays cant cancel lana and she still had a pride flag like that one time or maybe 2 times even if she has that paster who hates lgbt
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Tops love neoteny whenever they're straight or gay.
He groomed marea
Which one?
>The retention of juvenile characteristics in the adults of a species, as among certain amphibians.
i think that's a straight and bi thing more than top. actually it's even more bottom than top
Spain aka lalo
you're clearly not a top
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Lana is one of those based female artists who can survive without the gays approval.
A powerhouse of a woman.
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Is the Russian one i was shipped with for thread last night? Fuck my country is full of fags.
that's what bottoms always say when i tell them they look gross for behaving like children. trying to peer pressure tops who like men into settling for them. i've heard the masc4masc hate before
You sound extremely effeminate you literally have female brains you're not a top. No top would care about such feminine things as "masc4masc".
sure ma'am
damn i am such a whore
who pissed on you now?
ur dad
even now you sound like a girl
sex tourism
you must be drenched, his stream is heavy af
you should join us next time
i'm sorry you can't pass as male and it's made you bitter. life sucks like that
i wouldn't waste my piss on you
I remember that interview where they ask her about her gay fanbase and she's "Ummm sweetie, women like my music too!!!". I don't know, it was funny and made me think she's a bit homophobic.
I miss u so much
perhaps not but maybe we could kiss while your dad gives us a golden shower
haiii little gay people in my screen :3
Right. So then then it would logically follow that a community would pool resources for a militia big enough to meet the threat via an organized funded military, and where that is not possible, they would instead engage in guerrilla warfare and asymmetrical resistance ie fighting in defense.

See this is what I mean. I am thinking for you while you are just mocking me because you ironically cannot defend your blanket statement about militaries with reason. You want to spout bumper sticker slogans like "no war/peace" but like anyone else virtue signalling, cant actually respond as a thinking adult when confronted on the ahistorical absurdity of your premise.

Which brings us back to leftism, which can be defined as people typically with less than 10 years of life experience as an adult who think themselves smart for questioning human solutions of millenia past and expect backpats for suggesting we do the opposite and ignore all other consequences as if no one ever considered it, just because they cant think beyond some slogan.

Which is why I said there is no point in "discussing" this with you because I am wasting textwalls to do your thinking while you are greentexting with 'lmao'. You are not a serious person to engage in any topic. At least Debaser struggles and muddles through a rationale even if he eventually does the same thing. You are demonstrably even lower effort in thinking than him.
So, now... guess who's jealous of Adele?
i wouldn't kiss a piss soaked stoner who licks toilet brushes
mine too :3
i am not a stoner
i take LSD
yeah whatever, why are you a whore now
because i need money
Beyonce sucks, she never was talented and she's getting what she deserves for her, Jay-z, Hyper Williams killing Aaliyah.
you sell sex? how much you making?
get a job
i would pee on skunk :3
>i think that's a straight thing
So, the reproducing ones. Gays by definition are not participants in genetic selection.

I guess I have to... again... point out that sodomites are not an analog to normal reproducing members of a species. Imitating straight rituals does not make one like straights. Even a little. A deviant subset of males wishing to marry cats and dogs to feel included as humans does not make them anything but a deviant subset, regardless of thei nature of their behavioral deviation and motives for it.
£0 so far but i am hot
tried that a bunch of times
never hear back after the interview
take your flouride dude
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>but i am hot
you're not a whore if you're not making money
hurr durr

Another "serious" homo.

See also:
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You literally go about asking males to degrade you to feel validation by males. If only gays could see what they look like calling anyone else menthol.

But they cant. Its even more integral to their failure to develop than the resulting desire to suck dicks and shove shit up their rectum
that's just like, your opinion, man
that's the definition.
there's plenty of unsuccessful businessmen
Gays dont do coherent language. They just invent new realities as cope on the fly.
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you're the trump of whoring?
i am pretty sure trump has more money than me
Do you know what the difference is between an adolescent male failing to develop into a socially useful adult and gays?

Neither does anyone else.
he has more loans
Really? I don't think she truly is. She might be onboard the conservative train for the meme. But deep down, she's too dark to care. She'll say these exclusive things to seem cool but she doesn't give a shit about a faggot's cock in an ass. Whatever she spews, I just laugh, unless she's being real. When she's real, you can tell.
biboomer is like 38 and still don't have this
don't give the people that hate you the satisfaction of your suicide, anon.
you should try Chaturbate
anyone know the age difference between those two
why would I want children around me? only gay pedos want that
20 years
You're a failed male
LGBT ppl who desire children are fucking weird as shit.. what the fuck is wrong with some of you
that older one is going to fuck that child. i guarantee it. and tom daley will know about it but do nothing
we should crucify gay pedos desu
Exactly, always grossed me out. Why on earth as a gay male you would need kids? For what? What the fucking reason?
no i want payment upfront
what are your rates
damn they met when he was 38 and Tom was 18 and then wifed him up. WP
The turkish bro look like that character from dishonored.
You groomed more femboys than anyone on the earth Xan
I'd like to have children with my future husband
depends on who
You were not replying to me. But I am not stupid enough to think two males have values or coherent mentality to be raising children either.
a 38 y/o bisexual with a micropenis
I don't know one gay man or lesbian who has ever been like "I want to get married and have children"... this has never even crossed our minds and never will. That's how I know these threads are taken over by straight retarded pedos because gay people don't think about kids or children at all.
I keep having dreams about being a father :s
probably prefers teens

surprised he hasn't traded him in for a younger model yet
really? you don't know any lesbian who wanted kids
£700 if fat
for me is:
russia > finland >saudi arabia > spain > the rest
to raise the perfect human (political beliefs, morals, ethics, etc.) and to run the family business when I decide to retire early?
I don't think you can trade up from an Olympian
Why is piss so turn on for a bottom?
>these threads are taken over by straight retarded pedos
I can believe that you believe that. That is just more evidence that deep in the dank, cobwebbed mind of homosexuals lies the insanity and terrfied confusion about the world that governs every thought they produce.

Yes, straight pedos come to gaygen to promote gay families. This is your brain on gay.
i said what i said. pedos will fuck anything young
real lesbians are funny as shit and will just blatantly talk down on straight women and how they should abort their annoying children
a 26 yo otter with a 7" dick
but donation appreciated ;3
ephebophiles have standards
It's always tops that want children, never bottoms
a younger olympian?

this entire idea of gay families is weird as fuck
I have never romanticed about such things. I romanticed about getting a man, travelling, and enjoying ourselves until we die with no annoying children to raise. Gay families = 2 guys and maybe one catkid or dogkid
bottoms want to be the children
also pedos are extremely social. he's probably already sending pics of that baby's nether parts to other pedos
In sum, pacifism is the pseudo philosophy espoused by idle pussies because anyone who doesnt has the sense to defend themselves. The minds of the weak and cowardly would never imagine themselves as anything but victims anyways. Natural selection.

And thats that.
Instant boner, thanks
good luck winning the lottery twice I say
I hope she sings Hot To Go
that song always reminds me of taking a shit
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Although the British climbing teen stole my heart
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The idea of a gay family was the necessary corollary offshoot of the legal invention of gay marriage. If there is money to be made in griping about something, lawyers will find it.

Gay marriage was never about two men joining in commitment. People dont need the approval of a third party, the government, to ratify that. It was about the fantasies of an extreme minority within a minority being presented to give a moral image to the larger group that had none. And it was primarily a feminist lesbian thing, who fail to understand the point of marriage anyways. It has nothing to do with validation and instead needs third party government/community ratification to issue penalties for 'spoiling' virgins (ruining the lives of women in a traditional society) and producing bastard offspring that society then has to fund to care.

So the idea of a family to gays is just more imitation.
that's cute. I bet you would make a great dad
When you make a cutoff t to be slutty in is a v neck the wrong choice? I have a choice between a regular t and a v neck to turn into my slutty cutoff
crew neck generally but what kind of cutoff we talking about
I like v necks because it looks like an open blouse. I also lovvve choker chains because it looks like a collar asking to be leashed.
i've never been into the idea of marriage seeing how straight peoples divorces always turn out and there being no real tax benefit
wanting to have kids means you’re a paedophile, only on /gaygen/
paying taxes is dumb
no kids = having more sex
Just cutting the sleeves off so my slutty arms and sides are exposed like a dumb whore who anyone can touch and grab as they please
I really need to get a nice chain necklace boys can grab on and choke me with. Not too faggy but something good
I want a husband and don't want kids, but it seems I'm the only guy into commitment or romance.. Is it that i am the only gay who can still pair bond since I'm not a slut? I wish more guys saw the value in not being a whore. Fuck sex positivity!!!
Sorry the second comment was supposed to be replying to >>37612577
yeah pretty much I just saw a new video from Shane Dawson and ryland on YouTube who I think recently had twins.. and in the video they're are looking for gay roommates to live with them? wtf?
Who shit myself
if you have a nice body it works. this style is extremely douchebro but not terrible to look at
commitment and romance is just heterobrainwashing
Its not unnatural at all for gay men to be averse to marriage. Even straight men typically have to be driven to it for the appearance of social morality. Otherwise males would just go on hitting anything that moves forever; why wouldnt they. That is why it is a social sacrifice.

Younger gay men want to play forever and older gay men can smell a gold digger a mile away and have no use for it. The only males that want marriage are ones stuck in adolescent naivete. Thats why society has to beat the idea of romance into the heads of kids young before they wise up. And females cling to it because they know life is hard without someone caring for you.

You also have to think how marriage comes about in human social history. A group of hunters come together and have to get along. So the first rules are no killing each other or stealing because without trust, the group cannot function.

So to join said group, there has to be rules. No man wants to pay for some whores mistake. And the tribe needs new people to replace them to survive or they will eventually be vanquished by other groups competing.

So once a female is claimed, the group leader has to ratify it to make it a known, established status of the female as a warning to the other males that there will be penalties for trying to steal the womans vagoo to prevent internal infighting and all the needless social disasters that will consume time and inflame infighting trying to resolve.

Gays of course never think this far or deep into it. To them its just about appearances and role playing.
>Fuck sex positivity
this. it's gotten way out of hand but that's how these things always are
Should I do another rebrand?
It's true that the majority of the ppl at her shows are women
Also it must be weird to know that faggots relate to your lyrics about daddy issues
they only reason why you even think about romance or commitment is because you were raised on these exaggerated movies and cartoons of hetero couples/animals falling in love
Would you let a top piss all over you?
this comment says more about you than anything else
rebrand as a hot poster?
I think my new rebrand would be very centred about love and loving thy neighbor. I really would like to embody that idea. It would be the most loving version of myself so far. Much sweeter and kinder than I already am.
I don't care what you rebrand as, steal some good pics of a guy, apostle was too fat, pietro was too hairy and looked ftm, brother bucko was too mexican
Straight marriage ended up with massive gender war in south korea lol
it's the truth, so many gays and trannies imagine their life as a Lana del Rey song which isn't healthy
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>the Spaniard plz
i blame murica for exporting incel culture to the rest of the world
As a vore fetishist, I imagine my life as an Ethel Cain song
so more fakery got it
didn't he abuse his ex-bf marea to the point she had to go to the hospital for anal stitches
Yeah its targetted at the young. Females, the necessarily irrational mind it takes to put up with it for survival, tend to go on wanting to believe there is a man willing to sacrifice his options for her. So it sticks to them longer.

Males usually figure out the game sooner, but not all. So if they bet on it and lose as adults, thats why they can go absolutely ape shit if the wife leaves them because the female has effectively ruined their life in no exaggerated way with a lifetime of penalites preventing them from even starting over. Literally can ruin a life from someone you bet everything on. And todays litigious court system enables it while feminists actively encourage it as "independence".

Its tragic for males when they feel their first heart break. They have to keep playing the game, unlike females, so they ultimately have to harden their hearts against all women or constantly face being ground down to nothing.

All of this today is the product of feminism. Just the idea of a woman having a "bf" is amoral garbage. In any society with functioning families, typically more primitive less egalitarian ones, its understood that females mentally mature slower and at the fertile years of marriage, the father selects a suitor, not the dimwit girl, and chaperones pre-marital suitors, instead of trusting the dumb twat to run around getting her pussy blown out before eventually settling for the beta she will usually ditch later anyways once she is set up in life to find a better deal, which then blows up anyways, leaving broken homes and mentally insecure children.

Just a mess, all in all.
I'm usually called handsome and random men send me offers to massage me or do photoshoots on Instagram. If I go to the bar I want to get molested.
you'd probably be molested anyway. you can just be shirtless at the bar
The russian and the finn have posted lewds before
Also the croatian has a 8incher apparently
>send me offers to massage me or do photoshoots on Instagram
Thats low key more intimate and validating than sex, in some ways. Its not me, but I can see why older men would consider it. I guess its a product of male idolatry you tend to see in older "gay culture". They effectively worship young male physiques. You must be a looker.
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Lalo never posted lewds but he used to post ed progress pics on /fit/
Do tops think farts are funny?
Pretty sure japanese people invented Hikikomori first and korea always had knetizens

thoughts on guys this hairy?
magic mushrooms are so fucking epic bros
it’s a funny sound
I feel like if I tried to but them in america some retard would give me poisonous ones instead
just pick them yourself...?
Any advice for someone who has experienced almost everything worthwhile by 35, has no optimism about the future, and is waiting to die or having recurring thoughts of suicide? I used to be able to pull myself out of these bouts but it really feels like it’s over.
the hair would be ok but the neckline is distracting. i don't know how to get around that
all concrete and skyscrapers where I live
i guess i really do sound black
All these int twinks are pretty but my gut says they all have meme gay brains and think acting like pouty girls is attractive. And I cant stand talkative "bottoms" who labor on their opinions and are certain they are not only valid but useful. Just be quiet and mind your duties jc
move somewhere out of your comfort zone to a foreign country or something where you are forced to get out of your own negative thoughts
i guess i am lucky to live on a magical island
magic mushrooms will literally heal you and they grow out of the ground
If bottom sends ass pic without hole i assume his hole is ugly and brown
I have been thinking about just driving somewhere without a plan. I don’t have the finances to actually move but since I want to die anyway what would it hurt?
This thread?
Fuck he's sexy. Moar!
Post the russian's pics!
>the croatian has a 8incher
Him and the frenchie should really make porn together.
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The French and Croat have a cute relationship.
Do not call this gross hapa french
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>Fuck he's sexy. Moar!
if you want a better chance to die (not by your own hands) just go to Mexico...
who tops?
God his face is fuckable.
Well thats good. I hope they enjoy their time together.
Maybe both. Twink couples are basically lesbians.
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>Do not call this gross hapa french
They're both cute, though.
Is this what lesbian bed death looks like?
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I would say more pretty than cute which is better imho but both attractive. They seem young though.
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they're bullying him ;___;
I miss the anon who would add tankanon in the background of these pics
i thought tank was doing it himself
if you have depression
which is a disease caused by brain damage
sacred mushrooms can actually reverse that damage and reset your senses
you will be amazed at the sensitivity that you have lost without even realising it
when that sensitivity is restored you will be able to appreciate the beauty of the world anew :3
good luck
how many % of this gen are ftms
not prejudiced or anything just want an estimate
>which is a disease
yes it is a disease caused by actual physical damage to the brain
Does tour vagina have teeth?
Bad attitudes are not a disease.
They were gaycels before starting dating
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Someone needs to cum tribute them.
yeah sure, people who are depressed because they lost their family and job actually have brain damage and should just do drugs
it is a physical disease of the brain caused by physical damage to the brain and it is chronic
it is not a choice
being sad is not the same as being depressed
grieving is not the same as being depressed
these things can potentially lead to the development of depression, but not necessarily
you can be depressed without even knowing why
Kamala’s vice presidential candidate is now being accused of raping young boys.

I think it’s over, sisters. Trump will be president.
nothing like looking through your old 'qualifications' to make you feel like crap

I've heard they all do
uhm so if someone develops depression because their family died, how is that physical damage to the brain as you say?
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Even if true, it changes nothing. Addicts choose to use, sociopaths choose to violate, pedos choose to pedo. No sympathy for those who choose to mope just because they did it until it fried their brain. Shouldve worked out and found a hobby.
didnt Kamala’s husbands ex just come out and say he beat the shit out of her

Don’t trust leftist male feminists
I got you, he’s dumping here and apparently he has tons of shit and some of its disgusting if you’re triggered or whatever. he just started

or just don't be a fucking maladjusted freak and eat a mushroom that grows from the ground instead of doing any of those things?
I am really sick of people running to a shrink to get a doctors note to pity their shit outlooks. Take some goddam personal responsibility. The world doesnt exist to pardon your lazy aversion to self discipline. Fucking infants.
discipline doesn't reverse brain damage
>Black Insurrectionist
So fuck'em. Choices have consequences.
Thats literally what therapy is. Forcing correction.
santino found dead with stank breath
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twink4twink is CUTE
Now Im turned off. Vanity is, ironically, not attractive. No one wants to be around the self obsessed.
you are such a clown, stop giving medical advice as if you knew shit
you are just an ugly furry with mental problems and a drug addiction
having brain damage isn't a choice
all kinds of emotional traumas can cause it to develop
pulling yourself up by your bootstraps doesn't physically alter the structure of the brain
psilocin does
therapy is a treatment not a cure
psilocin is a cure
im not interested in feminism either because I'm know a woman not a man
did they meet through 4chins?
imagine being scared of eating a mushroom
>pulling yourself up by your bootstraps doesn't physically alter
Youre really the wrong person to be making this argument. You advocate a life of rotting and hiding and now you expect to be taken seriously for complaining about the result.
i get out every day and have an active social life
I think they're more autistic than vain.
how long was he banned?
a lot of mental illnesses are developed during childhood as coping/survival mechanisms.
Lot of Venn overlap there.
the advocacy of curatives is not in the interest of big pharma
they prefer to manage symptoms because it keeps a customer coming back...
therapy is no exception

literally taking a single dose can have profound long term effects LOL

I miss him
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Yes, probably on one of the occasional faces of /int/ threads.
I have plenty of blame for the parents. But adults have no excuse to avoid correction. A pill alone does not make choices. Exercise is shown to improve depression dramatically but pharma isnt going to make money off that.
psychopaths are naturally ostracised
i care not what you think
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If you like her music you’re a fag and not a woman, no exceptions. Where are my fellow autistic mtf who like crooners?
i love these memes lol
You're fucking retarded. Do you think every single thing heterosexuals do is only possible for them and that homos must be opposite in every way? By letting heteros live rent free in your head and seeking to do only the opposite of them you are letting them control you. I had commitment and rance before so I know it is possible so I continue to seek it. I don't think about straights at all- my desires are my own. I certainly don't rule out possibilities because retarded gays think anything other than being a disgusting whore is hetero.
answer me this, skunk, have you seen beetlejuice beetlejuice, the new movie?
it's all we know growing up...hetero people doing hetero things making hetero decisions to screw over everyone who isn't like that
and we base our entire gay life on our interpretation and perception of straight couples which leads to retarded ass dialogs on here of top vs bottom, masc vs feminine, etc.
its all because of the hetero brainwashing

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