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Just bought this wig at Rite Aid. Should I buy some make up at dollar tree and suck dick off grindr?
You bought a wig at Rite Aid?
Dude, buy a cosplay wig online. C’mon, man.
Anyways, go throat some cock we’re rootin for ya
Yeah it was a spur of the moment decision, brother. I can invest more in it if this trial run goes well. Im wearing my regular man clothes. Is that okay??
you know you can suck dick on grindr without completely embarrassing yourself like that right?
I get off on the embarrassment
Fair enough, good to get a cheap wig first
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Just got this stuff too. Im locked in
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Please tell me you used the self checkout
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Please tell me you didn't use the self checkout
Please tell me you straight up just shoplifted it all
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please tell me you didnt pay
The Chad move is to look the cashier dead in the eye while you buy this shit
please share your makeover with the class when you are done
YOU have to deliver OP
holy based op please post ur cross dresser ass lmao
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ok what's the plan here ?
make a new profile as crossdresser ?
try to trap someone ?
do u know how to apply any of this makeup? ever worn makeup before or are you jsut gonna wing it?
bet this chad mogs half of u trannies
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>bet this chad mogs half of u trannies
hopefully you bought a tweezer for your eyebrows
you are already putting in more effort than 60% of trannies
Ugly af and yet I bet she’s still happier than half the faggots on this retarded board
no you wouldn't. this hon is just too retarded to know what's going on
I did not use self check out. I checked out with the 6'6" male cashier who stared at me like I'm a sissy faggot, but it did not phase me. I am locked in.

Yeah, the plan is putting it on and seeing if some young stud wants to fuck my face til mascara runs down it.

Never put make up on before but ive seen it done. im just gonna wing it.

thanks, king
you're a champion, OP
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>im just gonna wing it.
you wish you were as courageous
OP, seriously consider the youngshits and passoids that you're a burden on by doing this. Just repress, we have enough of this to deal with as it is.
kek hon shits btfo
ignore what these bitter fags are saying GODSPEED to you dollarstoremoder. Yeah watch some tutorials though and make sure to look down when applying the mascara, be conservative (or not at all desu) on the lipstick tho, make sure to waterline with ur eyeliner too, its ez. oh yeah also make sure to have the right stuff to TAKE OFF THE MAKEUP so you don't scramble to the pharmacy like a clown retard.

unironically make an update thread later
blow it out ur ass faggot
have you seen what the average tranny irl looks like?
dollartreehon is fine
Post results anon please
I'm so curious now
unironically shes braver then the majority of troons who put off doing makeup n shit for years which is kinda funny.

goes to show something about inherent male character.
Also go buy a shit dress from target or something might as well go all the way
idk but pro tip you can use fabric softener to get rid of the weird plasticy shine that cheap wigs have if you want it to look more natural, learned this from doing cosplay bc I don't have the disposable income to buy good wigs
What the fuck is that neck?
It looks like her face is glued onto a thumb.
the real question is why you didn't buy the makeup aldo from riteaid
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chad sissy vs the virgin boymoders
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best thread on this shit board
op is giga based
Based. When are you gonna buy some lingerie?
OP here…ummm i put the wig, cheetah headband, and lip gloss on and im already addicted. This is really fucking bad. I dont even have the eye make up on and i think i look cute
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Forgot pic. This is bad, anons. I have a wife and kid. Im instantly addicted
take it off and burn it now. go back to repression. this will end very badly for you and everyone else. you're a human grenade. defuse yourself before it's too late.
even worse than i thought. do not let the other hons ruin you. stop this now. they're only going to compliment you so you can continue to be their lolcow. don't do it op.
oh no no no
good luck hookeranon
holy shit. have you brushed and combed the wig?
straight male tourist here
you look HOT, you’re going to have no problems pulling a hot stud
post full pix now
stfu tranny
Looks good. All you need now is slutty clothes
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I am liking this wayyyy too much. I may have fucked up bigly
It feels so good doesn't it? Make sure to put you're in chastity in your profile, tops gonna love that
It really does feel good. I want my clit locked , iq locked , etc. i want to be a brainless bimbo who drops to her knees for cock
>I have a wife and kid.
had i known this i would not have egged you on ....
live your truth though sister
hot now whore your ass out on SOC
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>I have a wife and kid
Looks horrible and gaudy. Really tasteless
Why the fuck are people enabling this shit instead of shaming it here? I'm a cis guy but this deserves full on ridicule
Dude you got a fucking beard shadow that's at least half a day old
I'm not telling you to not do any of this, but please engage with it responsibly, I.E. in complete privacy
OP here. Why are people so butthurt? I am just having fun. I had no idea how much I would enjoy this. Why are you anons trying to gatekeep and bring me down? I legitimately thought I looked kinda cute, and its super embarrassing

Its a daughter
they're basement gremlin hon ogre tranners and are jealous about the fact that u don't give a shit and are just sending it while they have been manmoding in secret for 2 years on hormones.
even fucking worse. but ofc it won't get through to you because the disgust is probably what makes you do this degeneracy. same for all the other troons egging you on. this is board is nightmare.
Lmfao. Eloquently explained, anon. Yeah, I tend to just raw dog it in life. Fake it til you make it I always say.
>Why are you anons trying to gatekeep and bring me down?
Because you're inches away of doing it publicly and that would be horrible and harrowing to witness for everyone involved.
And more importantly, it's bad optics.
>I legitimately thought I looked kinda cute
Few people outside of those website will tell your this, but think again.
I did not see anything but images of your chin, but with that kind of beard shadow it's kind of a questionable look.
Also blond? Red/rose lipstick? Pink leopard print stuff? That's EXTREMELY exaggerated and screams "I AM A SISSY FAG WITH ZERO TASTE OR STANDARDS, COME BLOW MY HOLE". And again, I am not saying you can't exactly do that, but please PLEASE keep it as a secret both from society and probably from your family.
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It's too late. The cumlust has taken root. The only thing OP can do now is to ride it out.
I legitimately appreciate your feedback, Anon. My whole fetish is being a little bimbo slut sissy, so the stereotypical whore make up and wig/headband matches my slut persona if you will…..I am not delusional to the point where i think i can look like a real girl. I just think i can look like a fuckable bimbo fuck doll, and it turns me on. Is that so bad? Yes it needs to be secret. My wife already kind of knows im a fag but this is a new weird level…I kinda want to tell her so she can see how cute i can be (yes i know she doesnt want to see that ) but the problem is that then she will know the depths of my degeneracy namely that my kink is not fully satisfied until a man is having his way with me. So ya maybe dont bring it up at all
Ok sorry for the more harsh response but that's level-headed of you. I think you're in a good place to engage with your fetish responsibility and have some fun in your own way, as long as you don't turn it into your whole identity that's fine: remember, you're your own complete person and not just "little bimbo slut sissy".
divorce your wife before you give her aids. this is basically one of the few situations that a kid is better off with a single mother.
No worries, I appreciate you, Anon. Thanks for the words of wisdom. Ive always wanted to express myself like this
Why cant i find some clean std-free guy to be my “boyfriend” and help me explore this fetish on the side? Its just stuff between men. It doesn’t concern women. Hell; its hardly cheating. Its just guys being guys
This gives me boomerhon vibes badly.
You need to be honest with yourself if this is just a fetish or something a bit deeper.

Sort your shit out or you are gonna troon out at 60 years old. If there are ANY deeper thoughts other then horny you need to come clean with your wife and like minimize the damage don't drag your wife and kid along with your tranny weirdness.

Hopefully this is just like a well controlled fetish for you but maaaan you are playing with fire rn.
Ahhhhhh, i am realizing that i have had sex with men but something was missing , and that thing was pretending i was a pretty girl . This is a powerful revelation and im actually not sure how deeep it is. Id like to think its all just a fetish. Even if its not; its wholly incompatible with my life to troon out irl . My parents would die and my wife and kid would leave. I cant afford to lose everything i have. So whether or not the fetish piece is the ultimate cure for my brand of troonerism, it doesnt matter really , cus thats all i got available.
Good girl.
No one wants to be a troon
Being a troon sucks, all the shit you mentioned would probably happen if you trooned.

Problem is repressing as a troon gets exponentially harder with time and your reward for repressing is looking like a gross boomer tranny when you finally snap.

Ya either have to get it over with fast to minimize the damage or repress forever and comit to never trooning out wich is extremely hard to do like fuck how many ex military guys end up succumbing to that shit and they have disciplined af.

That's why I'm telling you think about it, realistically assess your options, if it's just a fetish you are a lucky ass dude.

In any case it is probably better to let your wife know eventually because she's gonna think you are a tranny and divorce you if she walks in on you getting fucked in the ass by a guy while crossdressing
Yeah I mean, she has found grindr on my phone before, chat logs of me sending pics and videos of my ass to men on kik, gay porn, etc. Numerous times. Yet she sticks around. And even when it is rocky, she doesn’t attribute it that stuff but rather my anger issues, etc. She even uses that as a bargaining chip sometimes like “A lot of women would have left after all the disgusting things you did…” so needless to say I feel like this woman is special in that she tolerates this shit and is a stellar mom to our kid, and I dont want to lose her. But like how far can i push the envelope. Idk how she is rationalizing all of these things that have happened or what she tells herself. We dont really talk about it much. Its like an awkward unspoken thing lol…we have been together for 11 years
You are a lucky guy
Big difference between being caught flirting with guys and being caught having sex with men, even bigger difference catching you crossdressing having sex with men.

Honestly your pushing your luck I'd probs stick to gay porn and don't push it if you want your marriage to last. Assuming this is a fetish is it worth the risk of fucking up your marriage over it like fuck it's just being horny don't fuck up your life over it.
You're doing great baby girl. Are you getting lots of messages? When are you gonna get fucked?
Yeah anon but its so addicting. You are 100% right though. God knows I have been pushing my luck. And yeah she asked me point blank if I had hooked up with a dude behind her back and I lied and said no. To this day I am not sure if she actually knew that I had and was shit testing me. Cus years prior to that she had told me once (around the first time she found gay porn): “If you ever cheat on me, I dont want to find out about it.” So I was just doing what she legitimately told me, though obviously it would have been better to not be in that predicament in the first place….But yeah, Anon, I have done it. And now I want to do it in this new and different way, and I feel powerless to my addiction in many ways. Like what the fuck. I need to go hide that bag of make up now….what has my life become
My brother in christ its wearing makeup and being a fag it's not a fucking heroin addiction. jerk off and throw that shit in the trash when the post nut clarity hits.
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dude wtf
You should tell your wife that you want to take hormones and breastfeed
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please be a larp. please be a larp. please be a larp.
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speaking sincerely the shame binge and purge cycle is not healthy for you
you should get a therapist you can speak candidly with
True, its not a real addiction, but it is habit forming, and it has consumed the better part of my weekend. Lots of wasted brain space on gooning etc. its like i was hypnotized

Would be kinda hot to take hrt just to see how femme my face could become. Cant believe i even typed that out

Ya its so awkward to tell anyone this irl lol…the only cure for me is to get it out of my system i think …i need to just CD a bit so im not left wondering what it would have been like to be a 32 yo pseudo trooner
>Would be kinda hot to take hrt just to see how femme my face could become.

Ahahahaha damn gg
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this egg is cooked
Imagine breastfeeding your daughter lmao amirite
Too far senpai, that’s how you know iwnbaw. That is just weird to me
Seriously though that's not normal also fucking hell the WHOLE weekend???

Next thing you will be talking about how you kinda want boobs and your body hair makes you feel weird and how every guy wants to be a women and just deals with it or some dumb shit.
This is i enjoy lifting and being a man. Im never gonna fully troon out with hormones or whatever. Ill just be a sissy like >>37617827 is saying. Its fun to play dress up lollll
Ur not straight if u find a man hot
Go to a glory hole and you can suck dick all day
OP here. My gridr inbox is blowing up just based on that lip gloss photo. Its unreal. I need to go buy some clothes tonight
Weird how boomer sissy OP doesn't just post their face, name and address here if they like humiliation so much.
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its probably just a british lad about to put on womens clothes as a joke in his friendgroup and thought he might aswell post here
OP is a fucking hero and I am living for this thread.
I have a life id rather not ruin haha. I love humiliation but thats a bit too far. Id rather just dress like a girl and get cock slapped. Thats enough humiliation lol


Im American.

Thanks, king/queen
So what happened last night after you downloaded Grindr? Are you planning on doing it again?
Yeah guys kept asking me for more pics of me dressed up and i realized it would disappoint them if i didnt have clothes. So i am buying clothes tonight and hopefully going out to meet a guy maybe. Idk im nervous excited and my head is spinning

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