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Qott: do you like elotes? Alternatively do you like corn on the cob?

never tried one. I like boiled sweet corn on the cob with butter
actually op just reminded me I need to grill some before its too cold, the best parts are the grill marks
One of the euroanons here, 8AM flight means I can see late US anons in action fully
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im really sorry about that kriss. i hope you find a better therapist or something like that. but, as your case manager, i sent some important job related info in your dms. check it out
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bicolor with the white and yellow kernels is the best this way
yes grilled corn with butter is god
I've never had it. Hopefully a latina tranner can help me.
>Qott: do you like elotes? Alternatively do you like corn on the cob?
the fuck is an elote. corn on the cob owns.
El gringo spotted jaja
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white people don't season their corn wtf
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i want to try elote but i don't do well with very messy foods, especially eaten outside and in public often as a social activity
ya im a canadian (honorary snow mexican)
Pichu is my favorite poster and also favorite human bean in these threads
Pictured: Me with Mantra's gock
anon WPATH is the main organization that dictates medical transitioning guidelines
brain rot post
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yes i used to go to the elote man all the time growing up, i usually just prefer regular corn on the cob more tho. elote for speacial occasions :)

this is one of the cutest things ive ever seen, he looks ravenous
Elote in a cup goes so hard the crema is so fucking good
what a good webm. just a funny lil creature and his corn. aint much like it
wtf is that it looks delicious
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shut up whyt boi
'ummm yeah lemme get a uhhh corn with uhhh butter'
Do Mexicans get goop all over their faces when they eat elote? It looks messy
i put salt and pepper and some butter on my corn
i love seasoning but sometimes its good to learn to enjoy foods without heavy seasoning and focus on the natural flavors. Just some salt and optionally a bit of fat can really help with a lot of veggies like sweetcorn or tomato
You're white
That's the most Mexican looking cat I've seen
yes i realise that, i had confused it with another local LGBT org. i was thinking of AusPATH, so it's a national org, but ya it has a list of trans friendly medical professionals
it's helped a lot
>Qott: do you like elotes? Alternatively do you like corn on the cob?
I never had elotes but i wish I had
Love corn

I ate eggs but was still hungry so I'm eating oatmeal.
mexican corn on the cob
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Gringos are allergic to seasoning
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you're WRONG Leonidas, WRONG
explain my bbc
I love you Pichu you're so incredibly cute
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Wait till the gringos find out what a rusa is they don’t even season their drinks either
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food from latin america is good as shit. dont know a single bad food from there besides sopa de macaco.
got some food from people of the Rosewood Tribe.
it was a avocado & cheese pupusa. holy shit that was fucking good
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Need a latina tranny to make me mexican foods or else I will die
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shut up gringo papi you love this DICK in your mouth
Same Mexican food is amazin
Just looked it up. Looks good.
how about the tacos sisters
Absolutely the cutest
I like my ground beef with cheddar, lettuce, tomato, and extra sour cream
White people tacos are better than the authentic ones. Sorry buds.
fuck i wanna try an actual cocktail I've never had one i just drink beer or vodka
based extra sour cream enjoyer
Pichu is mexican?
absolutely not
I think she's from another part of the beanlands.
they're okay, great way to get fucking hammered and not think u are drinking a lot i will say
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there's nothing more mexican than living in mexico, you're all frauds
fat fuck cat
If you can call that living sure.
ive never met a latin american person before. i dont think. theyre all in sydney for the beaches
I live on the border and spend almost every weekend in Mexico what does that make me
post sombrero fag
*moves to mexico city to gentrify it*
You should. Go somewhere and try a few different ones
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I’m trans racial
you’re all fake mexicans
real mexicans need mexico replacement therapy, you need to live in mexico for at at least 3 years
She doesnt look Guatemalan to me.
well it's a good thing it comes skewered so you don't have to make a mess holding it in your hands
not really, sometimes on my facial hair but the elote man usually gives you a napkin so I wipe my face with that when I'm done
L take, you just have the cilantro soap gene and are coping
make your own. Buy tequila, OJ and grenadine, maybe some maraschino cherries. EasyTequila Sunrise
Yeah she's half Mexican half Guatemalan
They come in all shades so you might've and never known
I need spice reassignment surgery
>>They come in all shades so you might've and never known
i just think they're highly uncommon. ive never met an iberian of any sort, actually. i dont think they like the weather here
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if you don’t call cats michis instead of gatos you are FAKE
>it comes skewered
so do I, giggity
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bottom chaser hands typed this post
elotes aren't really a thing where I live, I have no clue what they're like. There's this food stall ran by this mexican expat lady in a market square near where I used to live, she might have sold those too? but no clue.
corn on the cob is mid. it tastes like corn and butter, and those are OK but not amazing, and the experience of gnawing it off the cob makes it not worth it.

good morning /cg/, I gotta really get my grindset on today so this might be the last you see of me before lunchtime.
his hunger can never be satiated
why does this question keep popping up
im white as hell
You're hot as hell
what are latin americans like? i know they're big on family. is the closest comparison an italian or greek person?
Giving Pichu a golden shower so she can chew my pee.
they will start yelling at any minor inconvenience, so if u date one beware. kinda similar to italians i guess
No. This post tells the truth >>37630883
pichu would eat a latino twink's corn on the cob, with extra cream
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i wish my gma didnt hate her culture so much, she left el salvador and never really taught anyone Spanish or kept any of the "traditions" beyond parties where everyone got drunk all night and blasted music. she changed her name to a more american sounding one, she even liked me and my sis more cause our skin was whiter so she believed that our lives were gonna be easier. thats not really how that works lol. i dont know spanish but i can kinda understand it slightly. kinda wish to connect with that side more sometimes, might try and teach myself some spanish one day. could prolly be useful too idk
i like passionate people. i think id prefer that to a solemn and stoic german or a miserly dutchie.
from what ive seen and heard the guys seem really fun
that is exactly how sex works
tfw no top latina tranner
idk it's kind of a gigantic group of people, not a monolith.
type with both hands next time u insane coomer brained freak
The Trials of Rosewood.
that's true, i really know little about the continent, and dont have much experience with the people from there, considering i live on the other side of the world
They have huge elotes maricon. Twinkchan has a monster cock.
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why are latinos so self loathing? I wouldn't mind being mexican, it fucking rules
Fucking love elote frfr
this cat is me af

what does gin and tonic taste like
I want to live in a white ethnostate
Damn ya I have seen you you described happen often. The lighter skins shit is nuts and should not exist.

The learning Spanish thing is a good idea. I know it’s on my list of things to to do that I will one day get around to
u guys have reminded me of that dumb meme where the dude dresses up like a mexican stereotype and offends a bunch of college students and then goes and instantly gets accepted at some mexican place and they're like sweet hat bro lmao
I didn't say anything about sex
I haven't coomed in a few weeks.
I'll let you in, but you have to promise no big ass family parties where you are still blasting music at midnight
Do you like straight gin?
Some people like the simple drinks some prefer the sweeter ones
ok maybe crank ur hog before posting next time
hope this helps
fucking chewing on pee jesus christ anon
you can chew on piss you fucking retard, you just gotta make piss ice cubes first, maybe piss jello, fucking trog
Aye weto ill try not to chewt my pistolas at the moon after too many cervezas
i do not like that companies go to other countries where they can get away w paying workers less
minimum wage should apply to any US company regardless of where the factory is
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I think in Rosewoods grandmas case. Well, imagine being surrounded by miserable brown poor people your entire life.
Then, in your shitty rundown CRT, all the rich affluent Salvadorian people are white-skinned.
All the fancy hollywood people are white.
How can you not be ashamed in her case
desu no but i still drink it on occasion
it tastes like the inside of a drawer smells
I bet she does
piss slurpee maxxing ogre hon
oh i get it. pichu pee chew
>it tastes like the inside of a drawer smells
real af damn
Protecting American workers from exploitation is literally communism.
mexicans are definitely very chill people imo, overall

Like half my kitchen are mexican men that barely speak english and theyre all kind people. theres this hispanic dishie at work, hes probably like 17-20, and every time i walk into the dish room he speaks full sentences to me in spanish with a big grin and im like smiling and saying "i dont know what you are saying but have a nice shift" and he never seems upset i cant understand him. hes kinda adorable but i dont understand why he talks to me in spanish when its clear i dont speak it lol.
I might recommend something else then?
Long Island is classic fuck you up but taste good drink.
Or rum and coke is clasic
mm ya i rly wanna try a long island iced tea
i have heard many a tale of these mystical beverages that get u drunk without tasting like alcohol
I agree. if they tried to make companies do that, they would probably just move back here and give the homeless people something to do and put Americans back to work.
This you sweaty? >>37631104
Did the last horse finally cross the finish line?
I can see you ending up with a Mexican or a black.
Ya they are dangerous tho for that exact reason. But if you want to try something you can also ask for recommendations at a bar. They will usually ask you your preferred base drink like whiskey rum vodka ext
santa barbara anon around?
ya i think the decline of domestic manufacturing has wrought terrible consequences on our society
but also from a moral standpoint, if we all agree that x is the minimum fair amount to pay workers then our companies should have to abide by that, even if the workers are in another country
they shouldn't just be able to ignore the law
>hes kinda adorable but i dont understand why he talks to me in spanish when its clear i dont speak it lol.
spoiler: He speaks perfect English, he'd just be too shy to say it if you could understand
Gallo Family pink moscato. 12% abv, $3.99 for 750ml
I just got it after you explained it
I don't understand that, I never treat anybody poorly just because their skin might be darker than mine, but maybe I was raised different, and maybe latam culture is different, but that hasn't been my experience at all living in mexico
there are standards of beauty in every country in the world, and some of them are skin color related, but I've yet to run into any situation where somebody is denied a real opportunity just because of the color of their skin. Most of these issues are entirely self made and self propagated
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you’re a stupid cuckquean, kris. wdym I can’t exploit underdeveloped countries that dont have labor laws that prevent shit like child labor & worker exploitation

fucking retarded communist

get owned libtard
What’s wrong with that?
There a question of is a bad paying job in china or India worse then no job at all?
I agree they should be payed more but most of the time the company just goes to another country.
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i have a deep want to get drunk right now but thiw wont help, maybe ill go to a bar or something with my sister

we have a lot of pride and if we fail to live up to that, hating ourselves feels natural. most are used by society and then thrown away, ive seen it happen too many times. not to mention how much the us has destabilized south america

yeh she kinda racist but it is what it is(a lot of hispanics of different countries kinda are to eachother desu). her dream was to be in america and assimalate, nothing much past that so she dosent see it that way. shes a nice lady just pretty wild in some of her beliefs like a lot of old folk. she believes a ton of superstitious stuff too. like i remember her telling me one time she thinks she has "witch blood" lol

kinda not wrong desu, she would describe having to catch and eat pidgeons sometimes. she also got preg at 15 by a 25 yo that wasnt gonna take care of her so she decided to leave for a better life since it was really shitty there, she has never went back and lives in a nice house in Georgia.
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Ate any good dogs or cats lately?
would be funnier if it was though
>not to mention how much the us has destabilized south america
Jamie, pull up the United States Involvement in Regime Change wikipedia page
god can u believe despicable me came out in like 2010
15 years.. we have been plagued by minions for 15 years...
that's why it should be illegal across the board for US companies to pay workers less than minimum wage
if they have a problem with that they can move the company to a different country and be subject to our import tariffs
quick demographics on my workplace if anyone is curious

>i think management said 70 people total
>12 BOH including me
>9 Cooks 3 Dishies, 2 Prep
>of the 12 BOH 7 are hispanic and dont speak english well
>Of the 12 BOH and 9 cooks, 3 are female including me and the two chefs
>i am easily the youngest cook and maybe youngest BOH
>We serve 300-500 people on fridays and saturdays

in all seriousness i love my job and having new friends and money, but this is a little ridiculous
how cursed is it during rush hour, or are u guys pretty organized
Ya I blame American beauty standards. They have really fucked a lot of stuff up
> ill go to a bar or something with my sister
Do it. Don’t drink at home have fun out with her.
Ya I get that it would just be impossible to enforce. We would have to enforce a certain pay as well as stricter laws around worker saftey. And even still it would be cheaper over there due to lower cost of goods and not having to deal with emotions laws
>most are used by society and then thrown away
that happens in every part of the world
>not to mention how much the us has destabilized south america
you can't keep blaming all of your problems on the US, all the while running to uncle Sam for help and living in his country
latam has a culture lag, this much is true, while a lot of their values hold up, they don't seem to have a lot of respect for themselves. And it's entirely self made. You've sold yourselves to the highest bidder, instead of sticking around your own country trying to fix your own problems, you sold it and jumped ship to the US. A lot of your issues are your own greedy politicians selling your own wealth to the US for pennies, you have nobody to blame but yourselves for letting that happen. Don't be a fucking hypocrite, stand up for yourself and admit your own mistakes instead of blaming others. It wasn't the evil gringos, it wasn't the evil conquistadors, it was you, you're in charge of your life, so start taking charge
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are we not all Human Beings in the end
To some yes, to other no
not i
Gn cuties I might dream about one of you!
>he speaks full sentences to me in spanish with a big grin and im like smiling and saying "i dont know what you are saying but have a nice shift"
that's literally so cute
why haven't you asked him out yet?
>spoiler: He speaks perfect English, he'd just be too shy to say it if you could understand
like this is totally the case
gonna be one of the bro tripfags lol
I'm a chubby hairy man
Goodnight! Have nice dreams with your mystery person
>Ya I blame American beauty standards
Goes further than that, back to the racial caste systems implemented by the Spaniards in the 17th century. They were afraid of spawning weaker blooded children, or so was the logic, that the rich and powerful Latin Americans avoided race mixing with darker counterparts. Now when many of the rich and powerful are descendants of the White conquistadors that looted the lands and enslaved the natives to work on their massive ranches and plantations, and you get a situation where even today, whiter people tend to be from wealthier families just as a consequence of this racial ideology
anon, much of the political instability and corruption in parts of South and Central America is a direct result of the US toppling the regimes which were in place and attempting to install their own sock puppets, many of whom proved to be terribly corrupt
you can't just burn somebody's house down and then blame them for having trouble getting back on their feet
This song is 14 years old, didn't like coldplay when i was younger but recently got into it
Dream about us xoxo
>it's your fault
Victim blaming entire populations because the majority just wants to live peacefully and won't risk it all for an ideal is just wrong desu, you can't blame people for being skeptical at revolutions when 90% of the time it'll bring to power just another dictator.
Heck, Europe is filled with failed attempts at wrestling control back to the people, people have died to better the situation of their people and yet nothing changed.
The individual's responsibility is not absolute, we don't live in a fairy tale world in which we just need to stand up and vote to change stuff.
>inb4 you're lazy and not taking responsibility
I try my hardest to spread awareness of my people's condition and try to create an environment in which people are encouraged to do the work that the state won't
u know how i know u like coldplay?
you should pick thedude
brazilian men seem hot and take care of their body, and they dont have complexes about their sexuality
where can i find one?
You're kind of foolish if you think the US doesn't have a vested interest in keeping all the nations in its backyard under its boot, to this day.
https://jacobin com/2019/11/shut-down-school-of-the-americas-whinsec-ice-border-patrol
Just go to Brazil
l o l
Ya that makes sense. I know my exes parents had some pushback from there parents because the mom was darker and from a poorer family and the dad was whiter and richer. The family stoped talking to him when they married. Shit is fucked. And fuck the Spanish and such
The dude is a nice girl, but clearly a repper
goodnight. I love you
cause im cool as hell and you know it
It depends on what "cursed" is to you. One night i pulled out a strings of tickets like 12 long while i already had 20 on the bar and without any feelings of stress just told a waitress "your order is probably in here".

But after 2 months being here ticket times go for 5-15 minutes. But sometimes theres hiccups like last thursday i had to go get a whisk and bowl and rewhip some whipped cream that broke. But otherwise we are organized, but given its the pantry and i make the salads thats not a difficult task.
im too afraid to solo travel to another continent. i cant stand up for myself like that. what if i end up in the wrong favela and get mugged??
what's so funny
Mediterranean men are the hottest, what they lack in height, they make up in good faces and body, plus hot accents, laid back attitudes and big dicks
Damn I didn’t know that about him. That’s sad to hear
slay i agree
southern european men are the best genre of men
honestly yeah i find myself attracted to mediterranean, or i guess just middle eastern, men a lot
sounds like u have ur shit together, 20 tickets is nightmare fuel
i worked in a kitchen a few years ago as a line cook and it was such a train wreck lmao
the other cooks were all fucking drunk as hell half the time
when i talked about getting my job a few weeks back some anon was like "you know when you were hired your manager or chef probably had a talk with the kitchen to avoid liability from sexual harassment" and i always wonder if that was true or not
Keep your passport in a ziplock shoved far up your ass so they can't take that too, it's traveler 101
Yeah it's pretty cooked
Women from the MENA region seem to have the best noses and eyebrows so I'm in agreement with you
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goodnight chasergen
tomorrow will be better
goodnight I love you
Goodnight! Tommorow will be better for sure
Goodnight. It will be better.
I love you <3
gn animal poster
ugh there were a couple young italian professors in the math department at my college they were so fucking hot
one was this guy alberto who was like 6 ft tall and lanky, had this wavy medium length brown hair and piercing blue eyes
i would always go to his office hours >< sometimes he would compliment one of my solutions or call me clever hnggggggg
goodnight. I love you
>US toppling the regimes which were in place and attempting to install their own sock puppets
things they let happen
>many of whom proved to be terribly corrupt
they were more than happy getting the gringo dollars, and their population didn't seem to care
>you can't just burn somebody's house down
in this situation, the US told the house owner that he'd pay the cracked out house owner that the US would burn down and rebuild their house with their own money, and turn it into a business, and the US would get 99% of the profits, and the original homeowner would get to keep the house, but only get to live in the basement, and live off scraps
you don't understand the situation in latam at all, you're a sheltered little trannoid
victim blaming? Sure, call it that. But pretending to be a victim all your fucking life isn't gonna help either. Grow some cojones, puto. Bukele is taking his country back from the gangs, the US doesn't like it, big whoop. What the fuck are they gonna do about it? Nothing, because your problems are entirely self made, your ancestors were greedy little shits getting into bed with all the wrong people
it doesn't mean uncle sam ain't doing shit, but you're exaggerating, you can choose to make it better. Nobody's talking about a revolution, just be a better person and building a better future in your own country
the US can't even keep its own population under control lmao, get real you conspiracy loon
the CIA is a fucking joke, be like castro and maduro, those fuckers are inept they can't do shit

my final thoughts for the night: stop blaming others for things you can change today, otherwise it's entirely your fault
this isn't victim blaming, that's just how the world works
if i were to travel anywhere it'd have to be with a boyfriend. the outside world is already scary enough
>conspiracy loon
You're actually dumb if you think shit the CIA and presidents like Clinton admitted to is a conspiracy
>i worked in a kitchen a few years ago as a line cook and it was such a train wreck lmao
Our head chef is a very authoritarian and angry russian lady, so i think that is a contributing factor in the kitchen not fall apart with 4 or 5 line cooks on weekends

>the other cooks were all fucking drunk as hell half the time
as far as i can tell none of the cooks use drugs at work. I see the FOH do a lot more of that, like drinking before the shift or vaping in the dining hall. Luckily ive yet to see any narcotics. though im sure a good number of the BOH comes in hungover and i dont know because i dont know what a hungover person acts like
tl;dr schizo pol post
okay bet, where we going first?
you're actually dumb as shit is you think the CIA is any real danger to any half competent government that isn't shady and corrupt as shit
shut up, dumb woman
>you might’ve and never known
I mean, it’s not like Latinos are the most likely to go “ooh, I know where we should go… the Antipodes!!!”
we'd have to stop by in cambodia to visit my expat father who has not a clue about my homosexual transsexuality, are you up for that?
when I'm hungover my tummy just feels yucky all day
ya ><
tfw no gf in canada
I guess I'm way more pessimistic than everyone else who replied

cant tonight but ill try sometime this week i have to go to work in the morn :p

>that happens in every part of the world
dosent make it right and desu im just not versed enough tp talk about ti deeply. but its an objective fact america has played a roll in a lot of destabilization all over the world. others have already explained it way better than i ever could so id just try and not get pissy about my gmas experience as a south american. thats all i was tryin to say, and maybe her reasonings with it on a grand scale not rly the retard politics behind it. but it plays a role
>start taking charge
she did and now she lives comfortably here in america as a us citizen and will die one
Careful, someone petty could pretend this isn't obviously joking and report this for US law bullshit
>why haven't you asked him out yet?
i dont speak spanish lol
Ask yourself why so many of the noncorrupt competent governments in NATO have joined our endless coalition wars in the last 30 years. Why whenever a European country gets caught spying on other European allies on behalf of the NSA (like Denmark and Germany in recent memory), their diplomats make a huff and puff but the countries ultimately do nothing?
u def need someone like that angry russian lady to actually run a kitchen- otherwise shit gets super dumb super fast. worked with this one hilarious french guy who would flip the fuck out at every minor thing, bro was content. watched him get into a screaming match with customers a couple of times before they fired him.
whats wrong with that? I like men of all ethnicities lol
>non corrupt
>European government
Pick one
but he probably knows english. it's like what bjorkfan was saying, he's too shy to admit his feelings in your tongue
>shut up, dumb woman
im a dude schizo go back to pol
>half Mediterranean
>dad and brother have much more olive skin and look it while I look more Nordic like my mom's side of the family
>they're over 6' and I'm 5'9
It's not fair they're supposed to be the short ones
did u know the finnish word for language is also the word for tongue
Damn work
I don’t know what you talking about….
They just dumb. Like what you like.
same bro, ngmi
last gf i had went full bpdemon on me
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Sort of.
Just understand that there are some people who’ll slit your throat and rape your corpse. Then, sleep like a baby
Or shower you with love just to pump & dump you. Then, sleep like a baby
Or take your catalytic converter. Then, sleep like a baby

But, yeah most people are just like you & me. Anyways, goodnight
Did nils die
that was the last one i had a date with
I meant my first thought is he's talking shit or saying crude lewd things with a smile as a joke knowing it's going over your head
You should check out Vana. She's a Kiwi but part Mexican and makes good music (she's also hot).
I'm down for that, we'll rent a motorcycle and sleep by beaches :)
There are objective measurements for corruption levels, and many european countries happen to score really high on that list. You can say there's still corruption there and I'm not gonna disagree with that, but you can't really say your opinion is more valid than those objective metrics.
yeah unfortunately, self suck accident

Little bit though dude. The overly nice chaser guys are reppers.
ive never heard him speak english lol.

i am unsure if he is interested in me. He seems friendlier than most of the BOH, the only people as friendly to me as he is are the waitresses around my age and one of the managers. Even if he is i am not really interested in him.
i wish i had boobs and was hot
You'll always have naked dogeza
The "French" side of my family was all short, while the "Greek" one is all uber lanks over 185cm, guess who got the literal short end of the stick
I'm rooting for him anyway
Damn, that genie works fast
lol well can’t argue with this logic.
Damn im sorry. Height genetics can be wierd
Like im a good amount taller than both my parents not sure why
If you ever troon out I'll be your practice bf
What's wrong with being nice?
Yeah the thought has crossed my mind but i defnitely give benefite of the doubt. However given that he says way more than he needs to. like come on all i am doing in dropping off some pans or making croutons, what do you need to be telling me? Also given if he was saying lewd or rude things about me i dont think any of my coworkers that understand spanish would want to inform me or management. But also he doesnt seem like a horrible guy at all he is kinda adorable and cheery
did anybody even like that i seem to recall just being called gross
post pic
>I'm down for that, we'll rent a motorcycle and sleep by beaches :)
that sounds very nice.. i hope we would visit angkor wat as well
I'm taller than both my parents at least, slightly shorter than my brother, but we're all shorter than our uncles, somehow my mom is like 30cm shorter than her brothers lol
i feel like i spend hours a day every day thinking about the interwar period
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bouta go out like chalino

>self suck accident
how unfortunate... :c

gotta start day drinkin frfr

Autism maybe
tism for sure, cute special interest
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Images the mods could kill you for posting 60 times.
she will die a US citizen, but she’ll always be Salvadorian or wherever she ran from, all the while her spoiled grandkids will never understand what it was like for her, because she ran away from it in shame. You will curse the very same US govt that lets you be a tranny while reaping multiple first world benefits. You'll continue to blame others for your fuckups, but unlike your grandma, you have nowhere better to run to. This is your life, and you are too blind to see you have the power to make it better. But all you’re gonna do is blame others and cry about the past
Nothing, but it's a feminine trait. Women are agreeable more so than men than men are. Insecurity about your body is another sign.
>being nice is feminine
insane shit take, just be normal please
The original quote included 'overly nice' as a caveat you ignored. Nice and overly nice aren't the same.
i dont yur just mad i said anything about america, im american and i love that fact. and i love that i can have my opinions on the government. chill out anon yur having a piss fit on cg about things i barely even care to read
Honestly I probably should have ended up shorter and with red hair. Most of my family is on the shorter side tactfully 1 grandparent was tall and I got that.
Ok if you start day drinking invite me ill party with you
I'm nice and I want to make my body better so I exercise
I'm nice until you start invading too much my personal space, where does that place me in the chaser/repper spectrum?
Both reppresers unfortunately.
I kind of love this nice people are reppers shit.
I find it funny desu
its ok sister we're here for u
the reppers are the friends we made along the way...
first time im hearing abt this
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yeah well that's just your opinion
I love the architecture of that place, I'd love to actually see it in person and learn more about it!
>how unfortunate... :c
We will miss him dearly..
you can’t read or write properly, despite being american
that’s why you’re a fuckup
maybe learn to read and write
nothing you said is making me angry, you’re just an ignorant young spoiled tranny that hates themselves and everything around them
but I won’t lie, the way you write irritates me, you’re write like a brain damaged buffoon
It's just grilled corn rolled in chili powder once it's done. Corn with butter tastes better.
Is it gay if I really enjoy sucking girldick and feeling them cum in my mouth?
just wait until u meet a bottom texter troon anon u are in for a wild ride
No that's what we call straight in the biz, guilt free dong chugging with no gay involved.
>>I love the architecture of that place, I'd love to actually see it in person and learn more about it!
i think it was one of the most hydroponically advanced cities of its time, when it was the capital of the khmer empire
>Angkor has been referred to as the world’s first mega city and a hydraulic city. A study by Evans, et al (2007) concluded that the area of Angkor’s urban complex was roughly 900 to 1,100 square kilometers which is almost four times the size of present day New York City.
pretty extraordinary. rivals roman infrastructure
yes, very, remove the word girl from ur post and think about this
No it isn't. It's corn boiled in seasoned water, slathered in mayo or butter, covered in cheese crumbs, with chili powder, lemon juice, and salt
But they are smaller than me and have long hair and breasts and smell nice
there’s no such thing as bottom texting, it’s just lazy retards with brain damage
cis women don’t do this shit
Yick, sounds even worse. No wonder they're so fat.
didn't say there's anything wrong with it anon, but sucking dick is pretty gay bro
God I’m hungry again.
hmm okay, i think i ate a corn cob once but its not soft enough for my tastes
What kind of food do you eat? Show us pls. Is it similar to Hungarian food or Russian food?
This, Tenochtitlan, and Cahokia are what I'd wanna spend more time thinking about than the Roman Empire
They were defeated by 200 Spaniards, gaily attired.
They also wash it down it a coke
i dont rly eat polish food, i mostly cook chicken and rice, potatoes, eggs, beans, peas, boring stuff anyone can make pretty much
Oh yeah they're addicted to coola.. That's where the real calories are coming from.
What's the best polish dish? Pick one you like
i think there's room for all of these fascinating empire capitals
no use ignoring one for the other. rome was at the centre of the world for a long time.
ya i guess so
it just seems like such an incredible time in history
Europe had been ravaged by the great war but the worst was still yet to come and they didn't even realize it
a flurry of new forms of political thought, so much hope and yet it all descended into militarism and madness
humankind's industrial capabilities were advancing at an ever increasing pace, cars were becoming commonplace, planes were flying faster and higher and further than ever before, quantum physics was beginning to be understood for the first time and with it came the promise of unlocking secrets of nature that would utterly reinvent the world
but what must it have looked like from an individual's perspective- ppl still lived lives which we would consider quite um idk spartan/lacking in amenities
everything was changing so fast, and the end result of it all was the most terrible conflict in human history
im partial to potato fritters, not strictly polish i guess but they're a more common dish here, you can put some sugar on them or some yogurt or eat them plain and drink a glass of milk, its a nostalgic dish
have you seen babylon berlin? i think you would enjoy it for interwar media. i find the time period really fascinating too. it's set in the last years of the weimar republic
wanna kiss and tell me about the industrial revolution and its consequences
no but I've actually been meaning to
i must uncle teddy ;~;
That sounds good. I've had similar dishes to potato fritters. You should come America and try our food, we have really tasty chemicals over here.
Reminds me how my new favorite period is 15th to 17th century Europe, criminally underrated
Night everyone
id prolly be even more of a fat arse over there so ill pass
I don't ignore Rome, knowledge about other cultures just doesn't come into the zeitgeist passively like Roman stuff does.
I want you to come here and be the Polish Rachael Dolezal, you have accent i like
Yeah I saved it
Iirc you were being weird in that thread so not surprising people were matching weird energy lol
love rachel but i dont rly have an interest in being black x)
i suppose so. i guess it's due to the renaissance and persistent neoclassical fascination with greco-roman myth. like every european imperial power has its national mythology tied to rome in some kind of way. it also doesn't help that a lot of these formerly grand seats of empires had suffered under dictators in the last century, and destroyed a lot of potential historical or anthropological study. cambodia is still ruined by pol pot's destruction of their intellectual capital
You should make a voca saying sassy black girl things again. That was funny
its just a gay thing ; - ;
Don't forget the UXO and agent orange disfigurements
my favorite part of history is age of sail
yes there are too many atrocities to name, cambodia now is basically a sex tourist hotspot for east asians, russians, brits, etc.. i think the intellectual capital matters a lot though, it's how singapore ascended so strongly. malaysia had been wrecked by the japanese and racial tensions, but lee kuan yew had paid close attention to preserving british cultural institutions and an educated bureacracy when taking charge
u history troons ever play age of empires or civ
I thought it was funny
i played aoe 3 a bunch, not rly my style of rts though i don't like the overt reliance on the rock paper scissors thing
im not the biggest fan of the civ games but i really like SMAC
beyond based, alpha centauri goated
ive never played another strategy game with such personality
it's very unique
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this bitch always giga aggressive terrorist
and that's the best! the consonance between her in-game behaviour and ideological beliefs. there's a lot of care into how the characters match their gameplay role, that you don't normally see
ive tried multiple strategy games and i never found any of them enjoyable. The only exception might be Advance Wars but its not exactly a map coloring game
4x is overwhelming to me too lol
all the little flavor voice overs when u finish different research was so good. arguably one of the best written games ever made no meme
My tranner has very wide hips and a big ass, is that rare for trans girls?
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wish i could play shadow of the erdtree ;-;
just pirate it, also get a job jesus
highly recommend deleting this photo
im sort of the same. i especially like sid meier's alpha centauri because there's a lot to chew on narratively, and creatively. it's very high concept for its time
>arguably one of the best written games ever made no meme
yes totally. sid meier was a genius of game design
>“Eternity lies ahead of us, and behind. Have you drunk your fill?”
why? Nutritional its not the best vegetable but its delicious and still good for you
it happens but depends on luck
bodies come in all shapes and sizes
why lmao
kissing rabbit
u think i dont have a job?
account details not fully censored
so many bangers
>What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.
what up pimps
some of us get good hip growth on hrt but it mostly applies to people who transition young
nothing anyone can do with that info
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mfw hips were wider than my ribs pre hrt

still no shadow of the erdtree tho…
how young
June's hole is so tight, it forms a sous vide around your dick and you literally cannot remove it forever. You become conjoined siblings at that point.
i got no hip but its ok
i’m tarnished
Is that true? Can we get a fact check?
weird post
Snoops hasn't deboonked it = true
That'd mean we finally have some intel on June's butthole.
If we don't make posts like that now and then, trannies will start talking about orbital bones and hip ratios and then we've completely lost the thread.
what a beautiful creature. so do you have a nice big caboose now?
still no boyfriend tho ;-;
i need you
i need shadow of the erdtree, maybe we can work something out?
yeh definitely
i gift you 1 shadow of the nerd tree
you gift me 1 ass
it's all legal then
you can come over and play it while i touch your butt? also what are you running in elden ring? i kinda resented that the game was so long most builds ended up being all rounders by the end.
literal prostitution itt for video games lmao
whores will be whores
we're just joking around brudda, relax
You're pathetic
how do you let your account go into the negatives and the first thing that comes to mind is the desire for some fromshit dlc
what is up with broke people
sure!! hope u live in arizona anon
running holy build idk
everyone is so serious during euro hours, geez
i do not unfortunately haha, looks like you'll need to get your souls fix from another. holy is cool though, they expanded on it in some cool ways in elden rang
>let account go into negatives
its literally 3 hours before i got paid and some stupid subscription renewed itself. the overdraft fee alone was $30
you should learn better financial skills. i dont understand people who dont keep a steady cushion in their spending account
if your account has never gone into the negative before i gotta assume you're underage or sheltered as fuck
This. The guy did nothing wrong.
i want to buy 1 cuddly tall bf
i dont spend on frivolous things like vidya dlc. and it's always important to account for unforeseen circumstances like a subscription charge or basic amenities. i just notice that people don't save money very well
anon does not understand living paycheck to paycheck
anon some people are in monetarily tough situations out of their control. that not occurring to you betrays a lot about yourself and situation.
>living paycheck to paycheck
>purchases subscriptions that they have no idea the schedule of
>first concern when in the red is an elden ring add on
what is financial hygiene?
how much u paying, will u buy me elden ring
Thanks brudda
Good thing it was a tranner
Would have been worse if it was a chaser
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alright dickweed sorry for thinking about hobbies
also, how would you describe this subscription? cos i have no fucking clue what this 20$ charge is for
>gooner porn brain poster apologist
I'm really tall but really uncuddly. You can have me half price, I'm discounted
least schizo 4chan poster
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very black lmfao
>alright dickweed sorry for thinking about hobbies
if you're in such a financially precarious situation, why aren't you pirating your media?
and also, it was only a $20 charge? kek. you should learn to care about your credit score
>credit score
i dont have a credit card lol
also, i already own the base game and dont want to bloat my hard drive with another copy of the base game and the dlc. bcos storage costs money
im mexican…. by injection :3
Lmaoooooo wtf post more of those shorts Where’d u get those I need a pair
did they shoot coke cola and burritos into ur veins wtf does this mean
where do u live sir
she mean cum
so you stoop to begging instead of simply importing a save
Bro he’s wearing a mexico shirt not a salvador one lol are you that disconnected from your culture?

Is he the most talented femboy ever?
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i dont have rice and i cannot cook dinner
didn't watch, not clicking + ur gay
You only eat rice?
a lack of financial hygiene is a really big ick
i have this friend who's born to immense fucking wealth who i have constantly shouted for because of his retarded purchasing decisions
i think one time he bought some exotic spiderman figuring fucking toy thing and it was $1200
and im the one buying drinks for everyone. if it's not that it's a brand new phone or something fucking else
worst thing in the world
damn, ruined my funny mental image unbelievable
no, i have 4 potatoes i guess but im not feeling like potatoes
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I've never seen or heard of elotes
I do love corn tho

and good morning chat I'm very sleepy still
These are all true
You should eat steak and potatoes

This is our thread

You hoes here because we allow it

never had a steak and i dont intend to
i make 15$ an hour and i dont pay rent im not worried about financial hygiene anon
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i wish i could make ppl love me
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all Polish men look like this
Wtf never had steak? Wtf do you usually eat? A chair leg?
no, hes an intersex foreigner
You're that obese brown beaner aren't you
it's about the principle hoe. being close to the red all the time is the equivalent of failing to wash your ass properly. you're fine remaining in your squalor?
Yeah he's American. He's like 10/10 beautiful and dating a very fat Slavic guy. Hopefuel tbhon
sorry anon
morning :3 i’ve had them a few times and they’re really good every corn lover must try them
rest of the world is not that big on beef idk what to tell you, you can get steak here in restaurants and such but to me it seems very larpy like oooh look at me im a big strong man eating an american steak yeehaw
I'd date a fat guy i think big hairy bears are hot
imagine the contrast...
ur supposed to be european :(
i get contrast when im with a lean man -_-
No. Are you a frail vegan faggot?
kek you wish
I'll get some if I have the chance
foul, don't kill him publicly that's a crime
im ambivalent towards fatness until im suffered the burden of your gruff huffing and puffing on a leisurely uphill walk
or the sullen mood and lack of energy that comes with being overweight as a man
it's tolerable if you used to be a college athlete settled into a more inactive job, but id still prefer fitness
Your the fatty?
>youre fine remaining in your squalor?
kek im just saving up to move rn, waiting to get a license then prolly gonna trek across the country with a uhaul. as for my issues with “squalor”, ive lived in a conservative ghetto my whole life. if i could survive the last 20 years, ill probably be fine until i get out of here.
Oh yeah lol. I'm from Oslo. Hello..
I'm not even from Toronto lol
fat ppl are just lazy and bad ppl its not that complicated
ok faggot
a fat man could not dance with me to this
fuuck fatties
kinda true
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fat people are physically unable to understand the smiths
Why is this thread so beanerish today. Eleven the smiths is a beaner band wtf
reeee the eurofags wont talk to meeeeeeee
can i ingratiate myself with u if i show u this
https://unsee cc/album#nIYgRpZWtz9f
Ignore her.
Holy shit why are you so hot
dead link
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I love the smiths and I'm not fat.
hot but ur supposed to live in france can u move here today
there they are >:3 the sweet, sweet (you)'s
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silence fatty
France is one of my top 5 countries I'd like to visit. Ok im moving there today and we can be bf/gf yay
You should unwatermaer the first pic so I can use it as my phones background
u might be able to get rid of the watermark by masking part of the fourier transform of the image given that it's a regular pattern
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where is my morrissey chaser
how much I weigh does have an inverse correlation with how much I listen to the smiths. Like, I listened to them a lot when I was in HS and skinny, then went to uni, gained a bunch of weight, and stopped listening to them. And now I've been losing weight and listening to them more again. Truly fascinating. https://youtu.be/_2s9ke-pKWw
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I was just about to tell you everything I know about Johnny Marr's wine red gibson Les Paul with the Bigsby tremolo unit purchased in 1984 and used on meat is murder and every smiths album and how it was his #1 guitar and and and and and and and
cute special interest anon
i wanna post an unsee for attention but a nice guy who doesnt even have a micropenis has been very nice to me and ill get attention from him when i wake up anyways.
met him from this thread and i actually like him alot.. i hope i can be his girlfriend some day -///-
:) ty
are you a musician?
another protip is opening unsees over IPv6, the system isn't designed with that in mind so the watermarks end up really tiny, which should make them easier to remove.
not that i have any intrest in doing that but it's something i've theorycrafted a lot. also, having several different IPs versions of one image might allow you to composite them in such a way that every pixel is original, if the watermarks don't overlap.
ya that's cool I'm too mentally ill to enjoy one on one affection it seems
the only ppl i want compliments from are faceless internet strangers who i would never have to speak to again if i felt like it
idk much about ipv6 but that compositing idea is nice, i hadn't thought of that
less finicky than manipulating the fourier transform
what do u play?
I'm going to bed gn eurofrens
*especially* eui c:
hyvä yötä!
easier to just ask them to send u the nudes or edit it out lol creepy as hell
yay!! why do u want to visit france tho? i hate it here
Guitar, bass, drums the usual
France sucks bro ngl
Remember thinking how fucking weird it is with Heaven Knows I'm Miserable now, because I wrote a song before i was into the smiths with the chord structure being Emaj7---Cmaj7---Bm and Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now begins Emaj7---Cmaj7---Bm7 which is so close, no one would believe that i didn't rip it off, yet i didn't.

discovered the one cool trick of those 3 chords
The culture seems so much more sophisticated and hip than American culture. I was talking to a French girl and her accent was really nice too, French accents are sexy.
awesome dude
im sorry for calling you a fatty
whatcha been listening to lately?
>wine red gibson Les Paul with the Bigsby tremolo unit
could you explain why these things are unique? i dont know anything about musical equipment
what is wrong with you both.
Those chords are generally associated with jazz music, not rock or much pop after the 1970s.
Most guitar players don't like Bigsby units, and most Les Paul players don't want them, so they get removed from Les Pauls and SGs that came with Bigsby units, manufactured in the 1960s. These trem units are a pain in the neck, hard to fine tune, hard to use without throwing the instrument out of tune. They're clunky relics of the past. Fender tremolo units and later floating trems replaced Bigsby for the most part with players who wanted a tremolo on their guitar, although Gretsch still uses them on some models, but they're really a nostalgia brand that no one under 50 plays.
for me it's Em Am G
so is this a situation of; johnny marr going above and beyond with what equipment he uses, resulting in his impressive musical output? or is it more his talent and proficiency that's responsible for so many excellent smiths tracks? how much can a brand design set themselves apart from the competition?
i'm a terrible guitarist and a terrible singer but imitating morrissey is really fun...

nah u sound fine anon
omg i loveeee ittttttt
you sound gorgeous
do u wanna talk on discord anon?
thank you anons. the unfortunate part is, i'm a tranny
what does this imply
wtf omg you deceived me. i thought you were a cute sensitive young man
ok and
u still sound good
god i fuckin wish lol
being one made me wanna kms but it was also a very easy life aside from that
i have hiccups ; - ;
This works trust me, just think you don't have hiccups, stop for a moment and tell that to your brain, I don't have hiccups
Can you hiccup like Morrissey? Vocaroo me bae bae

im just gonna wait it out, used to never get them now its like once a month
Same thread as before I took the plane, /cg/ you're too slow in the Euro hours
>ignored by norwegian anon
donowalled damn, should have offered to buy them elden ring
When will all of you learn that there's never follow ups to what is said here
It is a fact y'all are slow! I just returned to Italy to find little action!
>When will all of you learn that there's never follow ups to what is said here
I hate poland
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as it hates you, tenfold
maybe he doesn’t like french people after all
not true i’ve gotten chaser dick off this board before ur just a chicken
so does everyone anon
Goo morn.
thread is at bump limit someone make a new one
Goodmorning everyone <3<3

Please wish me luck on the test I have at work today ;-;

Tf is that
can the next edition be about video games
what have you been playing lately anon
mostly the legend of zelda
got sh2 and metaphor but sp is lonely
Multiplayer only is pure toxicity these days tho
it's literally an oven with the window open at 10:42pm ;-; i have no fan. very hot spring
Yuck, that sucks. Meanwhile I woke up feeling incredible because it's finally cold here :)
Lol southern hemisphere/equator
No new thread?
we’re all at work can somebody make a video game themed thread pls

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