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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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QOTT: Do you go the the gym?

Bonus Question: How do you get into gym culture?

OLD bread:

>you fuck the hottest dude
someone get the machinist over here a sandwhich
sanwiches are work of the devil
Whos the honest dude anon? Isn't that kinda sick bro. It basically comes down to male dominance at that stage.
*rapes you with my superior sandwich-powered body*
>QOTT: Do you go the the gym?
not any more
>Bonus Question: How do you get into gym culture?
if you're not into it it is probably just not for you
Sis that's all bones and veins. Where's the meat
It's like 2am and I'm not sleepy u_u
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At least the thread is active and engaging so it's not so bad
IDK its kinda just a lot of shitposts :/
Bears 4 you; twinks 4 me
I have no personality. I am a mirror. I can only mimic others so that they can like me. When they try to ask me who I am, they look and see nothing inside.
I don't want a twink or a bear
I want a nice guy who is good at carpentry
think thats narcissim, good luck with that.
Yeah I'm a covert narcissist. Still recovering.
Okay Alice in Wonderland...
Yeah, its a bitch innit?
nice body fat percentage, I would bulk a little tho
I used to be a quirky chungus when I was a kid. The Le so random guy that annoyed everybody. I gave up the act and became reclusive. I'm relearning the chungus way again.
I'm actually so hideous
just be a dog
Do you guys think I can lose 1 kg per week?
are on antipsychotics? they make you gain weight
Been trying to raise my vibration level. I'm at Pride. I just feel hatred mostly towards people beneath me throughout my day. I don't have anybody to talk to, to practice being nicer and friendlier to people. So I talk to the mirror I guess.
Thats a lot if your not dummi thicc. Its doable if you dont mind losing muscle mass too.
>QOTT: Do you go the the gym?
nope, but I'd like to at some point (my arms are like twigs).
I am at enlightenment already, they need to make new levels
Is gym culture just straight bruh dudebro stuff? I kinda hate it
The bi virgin I fucked started telling me about his bleach fetish and asked me to make fun of his "useless brown clit" as a light skinned hispanic then started sending me bleached edits of girls from hentai and divulging his love of ntr hentai to me and saying that I'm a real a man and he isn't
is this the most mentally stable bisexual bottom?
most people are this fucked up in some regard in something in their life

me personally, I really like pineapple juice
Thats why I had to stop taking mine
Eat ass
i know, i used to be addicted to porn but it was funny to find someone like this out in the wild who fit every 4ch stereotype
He's a pretty cool guy other than seemingly needing a man to dominate him in every respect
wassup homos

there's no tummy in that pic anon. there's pretty awful razor rash, this must be a self harm thing
>QOTT: Do you go the the gym?
i don't
>Bonus Question: How do you get into gym culture?
i would never want to
Sounds like standard humiliation fetish. It's fair game during sex. But if he's like that in regular daily life then yeah he's weird.
70% of the bottoms i came across on dating apps
my ball sack smells really bad but i just showered
what the fuck I'm not a bottom.
Yes, I am.

I wanna build muscle too though >:(
I should put that in my bio
i think i'm at reason, how do you level up?
and narcissism + attention whoring
then shower again. do it properly this time
are you sure?
Is anyone here functionally gay because they're a bisexual who is into bdsm relationship dynamics and/or bottoming? Seems like some people just settle for being gay because they can't get that treatment from women.
it's more that i'm not comfortable with women
No sorry not mentally ill lad.
For me I probably would've been bisexual or straight but I didn't like the personality of any women I met, even if I was sexually attracted to all women but only a subset of men
That's what I'm trying to figure out. Most of my thought patterns are looped around being bitter and hating someone cause they won't listen to me and I can't change them. So I try to distract myself by doing other stuff to avoid thinking about that stuff. It's about changing thought patterns and forming habits that reinforce healthy ideas to keep your mood good so you can radiate that goodness onto others.
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Femboys are the best.
I have never been sexually attracted to women sis. But I wouldn't turn down a girlie if she was a tradwife from the wheat fields.
lol all gay is a humiliation fetish
I've been accused of bisexuality cause I'm so strict with my definitions for tops.
>you can radiate that goodness onto others.
i don't think i'm ever going to level up then. i work on myself for me and the more i work on me the less i want to be around others. that sucks but it is what it is
I'm glad you admit it sis. Good boy.
I've never had sex, so I can't say I'm either a top or a bottom lol.
cop out. everyone guy knows
That's okay. Not everyone deserves your kindness and many will abuse it because they see it as weakness. And try to take advantage of you. It takes a strong heart to know who to open yourself up to and who to stay away from.
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you meet enough people and you figure it out. very few are worth investing your time into
no comment
I go for weeks and months without talking to anyone. I feel my social skills deteriorating. Thanks for chatting with me :3
I could be a bottom. I'm very submissive outwardly. But I can be very aggressive too and I shock people when I set boundaries about stuff I don't want to do with them. A bit two-faced.
an unstable bottom? groundbreaking
He was such a cute :(
what happened to him
thoughts on the guy who murdered him?
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>bisexual grooms and murders a babygay
Why does this keep happening?
it's confirmed he murdered him?
lol he was 29. more than old enough to know you shouldn't be in relationships with bisexuals. he played a part in his situation
I stan Westboro Baptist Church
they started dating in 2014, when Janne was 19 years old and Rolf was 55 years old
so it does count as grooming
tbf dating a 55 year old at 19 is just fucking stupid
Gays with their daddy problems lel
>so it does count as grooming
i mean 19 is an adult. it's extremely creepy and obviously role playing pedophilia but he was 19 and free to make his own decisions so is it really grooming
She deserved it.
fell in love after a week. lmao
you don't know what love is
Most of the posters here don’t and never will brother
I don't care really, I am celibate.
that's hot, i want to look like that but he kinda has cute tranny hips.
Are you a negro?
what would your fatass know about love lmao kys spic
Most gays are fucking within a day of meeting so it's not hard to tell if you like being around each other to some degree within a week. Just don't move in with them or marry them for a while.
bitch I read the Bible
You are a kike jew
I am not.
interesting take. incorrect but interesting. do you date men anon? as in date in the traditional sense of the word
You are a GREAT man
I want a finnish bf.
I want a slavic bf...
I am Slavic and I like Finnish trannies.
No I just become friends with gays or fuck them then if I like them enough decide to have a monogamous relationship
Are you on PrEP
not surprising
Why finnish trannies? I thought trannies were universally hideous...
>obviously role playing pedophilia but he was 19
Not really. Men aren't as attractive for very long, so theres not much difference between 19 and 24. No one else who can pick up guys that young are really looking for 30 y/os, and anything a 55 year old dates is going to range from creepy to just weird, even if the younger is 40. Gays talk a lot about being in couples that age, but few actually do and when they do, they still don't last long. So given those options, its either get called pedo for dating a 22 year old or be looked at as a joke, since most older gay couples aren't monogamous anyways. A lot of such age disparities are called pedo once you are older regardless of age, and seems to just be people mad that some old man is dating someone more attractive than most younger gays can pull.
They're cute and have penises
Probably killed him because he wasn't babygay any more lol. Or maybe it was one of his team mates that wanted to suck his cock and got rejected and freaked out.

erhm okay,
>Men aren't as attractive for very long
i'm sorry but i'm not reading all that anon. i will never agree with anything you have to say
What are the alternatives? Dating a guy for multiple weeks until you fuck him just seems a bit weird. I don't actually fuck that many people, maybe 4 guys a year max with condom since most of the time I find someone I have hobbies in common with before meeting them.
just date someone nigga
He still looks pretty hot though. Maybe the twink wanted to push for marriage and the old guy wasn't ready for it yet.
Very good advice. I think most people become more horrible and selfish over time. And you sort of have to just to keep from being eaten by others. The whole "nice guys finish last" thing. The workplace anywhere can be a shark tank, and then there is all the business aspects of life. By the time you get to personal relationships, even friends and family, most people are going to get screwed and often.
He didn’t have a twinkdeath and still looked handsome at 29 Caip
>i will never agree with anything you have to say
Dw, you wont have to. Good luck.
>Good luck.
thanks mate, you too
Jest because it's legal doesn't mean it's not grooming...
how are you defining grooming
Idk anything about the story. I was just commenting on how gays like to throw around the term pedo if someone older is dating anyone younger and attractive. If they are 18 but look like a fat pimply 28 year old bear, no one cares or comments. Its only when its a pretty twink that other twinks or wannabe twinks start calling pedo.

Theres also this idea that older people are the ones always doing the exploiting. A lot of older guys who think they have found romance with someone young get manipulated, beaten or robbed. Its not at all uncommon. Thats what holding on to romance gets you. No fool like an old fool, as they say.
That sovless gay eyes, he deserved death if anything.
Manipulating someone with way less experience and power than yourself
eh i guess. i just don't care as much when adults do dumb shit
Why is your criteria legality? Also there are more circumstances that make it worse since he ended up a pro athelete he probably spent a lot of time in practice which hindered his social development
The whole idea of grooming becoming a buzzword is sort of hollow. It implies guys who are with someone of similar age are dating on pure innocent intentions and not scheming and conniving just to get laid. The entire pick-up game is basically misleading people and exploiting trust right up to the minute it falls apart

Gays struggle with monogamy so theres a lot of cheating. Pretending theres a difference when someone is young and more naive is somehow different is kind of dishonest. "Grooming" is pretty much institutionalized. Straights and gays both seem to be forever trying to propagandize children to aspire to some sexual preference. There would be no other point to putting romance in childrens cartoons or grown men pumping out one gay teen romance movie after another.

To me it appears that half the current culture wars are people angry over who is grooming who for what like its a competition.
it isn't. it's adulthood.
the sports people claim that playing sports, especially team sports improves social development. in any case, i suspect i would care more if he was 19 when shit went down but i'm not going to cry for a 29 year old who does dumb shit
It might improve teamwork idk about romantic relationships. Also if someone gets mindfucked before being a fully developed adult and continues being mindfucked after its just not the same as a regular adult doing the same thing. People think that it could never happen to them, but they are mostly wrong...
Feboy paws
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Would gaygen ever consider growing their hair out?
romantic relationships are basically teams so...
but honestly i don't know. i don't care about sports, just saying what they've told me. they're almost certainly full of shit
the problem is the (attractive) style options are pretty limited
Norm pls talk to me again i miss u :c
the joker got raped
I wouldn't mind, but I will attract unnecessary attention with it. So no.
>Not everyone deserves your kindness
>cunt-posts the entire thread
simp detected
Gaygen doesnt deserve kindness
I feel it's justified to murder your lover if things end after years together. The guy's 66 years old. His chance of finding love again are slim to none.
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I love you sis.
pls talk to me :'(
can we post butts here?
Ill post butt if u talk to me again :3

Uhh I think it's okay as long as it's someone else's butt and it's sfw.
no straights allowed this is a gay thread
But I promise to be nice! >~<
it's ok. it was a funny pic but i can't bother
Post ur butt if ur rly straight...
Conservatives being retarded, what a surprise :o
my life is over
what a pos trash it was
pls let me die god, pls
Okay but pls be nice >~<

Such a good straight boy... very nice bubble butt, but it would be nicer without the underwear... just sayin
I really don't know what gays expect from society when you use media to suggest to their children that its acceptable to never procreate so that the parents end up importing foreigners to maintain business, defend them and care for their previous generation.

It went from "pardon us, just let us mind our own business" to "telling your child its ok to burn out your family building years on butt sex and sucking dicks is a moral social virtue to be defended and totally sustainable."

Suddenly the people who want nothing to do with making kids are deciding generational policy for the future because they claim to empathize with kids wanting gay sex by suggesting teen romance is interchangeable with the right to marry that rarely occurs because adult gays aren't as naive as children watching gay soap operas.
>Such a good straight boy... very nice bubble butt
Th-thank you...

>but it would be nicer without the underwear... just sayin
But Anon, that's lewd >.<
Straight bois are lewd sometimes, esp really cute ones :3
retarded autistic hours
I don’t think you know about south korea’s situation rn
Nhnooooo >﹏<
When you create more population, you are supposed to export them. Such as China, India, apparently most of north Africa. Your society can manage more, but it struggles with less.
It's not nice to tease us with such a nice booty and not show the real deal... you might be meanie boi after all
Where is my beloved shiza?
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Petting my pussy
sucking cocks for small hot meals as usual
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can you pet your cock next
With a brick
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You can
Bro. Say something nice about him.
Ok im sorry i just wanna pet him but cant so i get angy :(
i am going to go and eat my eggs with mayonnayse in this beautiful morning(it's noon already) yipeeeee
i did not earn these eggs btw, i am a lazy unemplyed pos but they actually taste better this way
what are you eating gaygen?
Mayo eggs, yuck
he got promoted after the success of the silent hill 2 remake, he doesn't need us anymore :(
well ya, why do you think i am so fat?
it is very cheap though, a lot of calories
You arent that fat tho
ya bc this is kinda all i have for the day, i eat once usually
i eat with a lot of oil to make it last more, and bread, and i usually buy cheap meat that is abt to expire, i do not use spoon or fork, i just scrub the oil out of the pan with the bread, this is like the highlight of my day desu, is not that bad of a life, when you are actually hungry you don't mind more oil and you actually like it
i am living like a pajeet basically, i randomly switched to eating with my hands when i was 14-15 for some reason
Why so mad?
I feel the urge to adopt and civilize you
Cuz i cant pet the kittin >:(
I have hear this before lol
Adopt a kitten
I want ur kittin
you can't fix this man
you might think that you are adopting me but i am the one adopting you, in like 3 months, you will be just like me
Hes cute and fluffy
Id keep you in a cage most of the time tho, cant have you roaming the premises until you are trained
Me too
I want you too then
You are going to pet me or brick me?
Pet you
I already did
Low fat dairy and skim milk
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Damn, nigga, damn, took a chance on ya, double and dipped アゲイン
She’s always right
okay gurlz, spill the tea, and share the secrets of Gay Life: what did you NOT expect when fucking/dating a man?

For me? When fucked, they moan like women in heat, it's annoying af, I have to muffle their screams with my hands or something
I didn't expect, as bottom, I moan uncontrollably
webm that reinforce my bisexuality/10
thank you sweetie for the bi propaganda efforts, they're really appreciated!!
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i woke up with a fat stiffy today even though i had like 6 hours max of sleep and shit food

forgot i still had a sweater on but not pants, started jerking, decided to fingerbang mysefl instead, slid lubed finger in, butt is nice and healed, slid a thumb in, and played with pspot while trying to find some forced bj vids

fantasized about that time i asked a guy for a ciggy at a club entrance and he asked me if i would give him a blowjob, this wasnt a gay club but a techno club though... now that i think about it was weird that he asked
i was in my acceptance phase so i cocked my head and grinned at him meaningfully as in no im not that cheap, instead of hitting him in the face
anyway, in the fantasy i said maybe and found him later in the club, he was smaller than me, we went to the toilet stalls, i tried kissing him, but was moved down to belt area and sucked a bit longer a bit thinner pp, he quickly came
ze end
also there was a variant where i asked if his buddy would come along and we went to a park nearby, they came in my mouth near a car
oh and i failed not to cum
thats a lot of text for somenoe who isnt honry anymore or is he

ah yeah, i saw two TWO accidents driving today and this means good things are gonna happen to me!
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im doint it right now to hide hte hairloss corners
their relationship started when the boi was 15 proabbly
his eyes are beautiful. youre such an ugly soul. no wonder you're condemned to be a south African in this life
I already have but I'm not pretty like him so I just look like a metal head.
>any virgin is a grooming victim
stfu cretin
Never said that
bucko won
Post face i wanna know what you look like
for me? it's all of them, all the time lmaooo
Im at desire/anger
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Anon in gaygen yesterday say I'm a pervert and I am still upset.

Can you guys piss or cum on my face and in mouth to cheer me up?
i dont think you are gay, shallo...

how is your libido? how often do you jerk it?

cock is the best i can do, chief
in about 6 7 hours
I can't believe Typlosion did that...
Shallo has posted face before...
>tfw no metalhead bisexual bf
No i wanna pet your unkempt hair
shallo is also pretty du... aloof
Post chode
Maybe he falls for you if you post face
I will fall asleep if you do this
Maybe ill win the lottery too, right after ill post face
You are 36 you have nothing to lose
did what?
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i could write a couple of paragraphs about it
btw i dont wanna see shallos face, its gonna ruin the image i created
He looks goofy cute.
Write a couple paragraphs i wanna know :(
i beg you
please fix my life, i am suffering heavily
please bros, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
If you fall asleep ill squeeze ur balls
Why you do this?
To wake you up
Kidnapped and impregnated a child according to official GameFreak material
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i might be 23 but i am not an adult actually
Why not let me sleepies
Then you wont feel me petting you :(
a simulation game about taming a wild, bratty twink :3
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Would you date an arab?
shallo has a good face
Only femboy arabs
Good straight boys should wear butt-hugging tighty whities.
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Would you date a Man of India?
He is hot.
my life is shit and i deserve more so i want to kill you
stop posting darkies, you negro
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It is you who is a negro of color not I
listening to Belle from the original beauty and the beast. a very gay morning, isn't it?
even chad pajeets look like poo, literally
had a dream that Bitcoin was at $83k-$85k on October 18th
If they aren't muslim yes
You would rather be you, or Chad poojeet?
I woke up really horny >.>
Post booty
being brown like that is rough asf but he is a lot hotter so idk desu
brown is literally the worst color you could have and like pajeets probably face extremely dire racism, and do not have the protection that blacks have with blm or whatever bc no one literally cares abt pajeets and they are widely seen as subhuman..
I already did last night >>37630913
Omg its nice, spread cheeks babe
Wide hips?
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Guys I just got diagnosed with concussion. Should I have coffee with pumpkin spice flavor or Irish cream flavor?
cryptofag delusion syndrome
"Post chode" flavour
Yes. I need a spicy Arabic armpit shoved in my face.
I'm out of this flavor
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I like how Arabs are considered sex gods even though they're inbred as hell.
Had a rather pleasant coom. Third one today
Based op
You fatties need to go to the gym desuuuu
QOTT Yes of course
QOTT2 You get a membership and start going
Post pole
planet fitness?
gang rape GODS
In canada we have a gym called "good life fitness"
It is no equinox but it isn't that nasty either
pls i am suicidal
i am going to kms soon, pls save me
Go to the gym fatty
that's not grooming, this is one of those terms thats thrown around way too loosely like gaslighting. I dated a 46 yo man when I was 20 and broke up with him when I was 28. It didn't work for numerous reasons but I was never "groomed". I knew the guy was twice my age and wanted my bussy ahead of time and went with it. It's not always manipulation and there are a ton of young guys with mesophilia. I learned my lesson though, just fuck these guys don't date them.
i have social anxiety, i am scared of the weights
Is it because daddy issues it makes young gays want to be fucked by much older guys?
I just wanna feel small and pretty, had normal parents
QOTT: No, I work in construction. It keeps me fit enough and at the end of the day I'm too fucking tired to spend a couple of hours sweating with a bunch of roidheads.
post back muscles
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for me no, even when I was a teen I was attracted to my older daddy bear teachers, had a normal relationship with my parents
What i've said before is grooming, also one might say that you ended up in that relationship due to lack of experience. It's not always grooming when there is a huge age difference, but mostly it is.
What do femboys arabs looks like?
Cant even see ribs fatty
My first crush was willem dafoe in spiderman
I was four
Was never molested
People have to be born with preferences i think, no other explanation
They are gorgeous for some reason
>It didn't work for numerous reasons
just say that he got into his 50's and the daddy fantasy died out lol
i am a good person and that is a problem, i should be bad
Bitch, you spread my cheeks
Its kinda just a weird angle, but Im 6'2 so theyre a bit wide just on acct of Im a big guy
I loved him in boondock saints.
I don't think he would ever admit I got too old but it did feel like that at times. The main problem was he had undiagnosed health issues that he would refuse to be seen for, then act like a cunt to me because he was in pain. You can only tolerate someone being negative 24/7 and refusing to do anything about it before you bail. Having way more fun / sex than I ever did with him now so I don't regret leaving at all, and I'm still banging daddies just not dating them.
Show uwu toesies
One of you please let me cuddle with you stroking my scalp until painkillers work and I sleep, but won't squeeze my balls?
Pissin on a dookie chute
would rape/10
I would if i could
How do you smell?
6'2 and skinny with a big butt OWO
Freshly showered, Deodorant, maybe slightly medical from doctor office
36 is not old
I can do it without ball squeezing, i just thought ud like it...
Maybe balls massage
does she have a pussy
Ok i can do that
*honks your balls*
Gay dead twinks wearing a nosering
>I wanna build muscle too though >:(

Why? Skinny boys are the best boys and bigger muscles are meh
Straight men eating ice cream cones in a suggestive manner
Just disgusting.
Big hairy men leering at you in the gym locker room and following you to the showers...
every gay fantasy ends in getting fucked, why is this?
Mediterraneans OwO
I live in a gayborhood now, and I had to unlearn that men staring at me means they want a confrontation, now it means they want to fuck.
1) I'm not a cryptofag and don't own crypto
2) I believe the $83k-$85k figure will be the top signifying one should sell before they lose out.
3) The U.S. is already in a recession and the stock and crypto markets will drop significantly by at least 33% from where they will be on October 18th.
If what she said in ftmg was true then yes
Bottoms pls remember to clean yourself out before taking dick
What did she say
cuz getting my bussy torn up feels really good
>just fuck these guys don't date them
A gay "lesson" if ever there was one.
>b-but muh monogamy... muh marriage
At least youre honest. When the going gets tough, the gays get out to focus on fucking. Everyone thinking eight years means something, take notes. You can be in pain and sick and if youre beloved is looking at gay death winding up his smv years, hes out and youre alone.
No im fat ;_;
Look at thise love handles, those lower back dimples. Its over...
She is originally a ftmg trip who began spamming /fa/ and the chasergen about 4 months ago
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Where does the "she" come from? Also never spammed anything, also have not been here that long, also never said any of this
Is she a normal woman or a hairy tranny
>no other explanation
It doesnt matter if there is. Gays are not going to take any responsibility. Somehow they used to get married and have kids anyways. Now its some medical condition thats convenient if theres even one dick left they havent sucked yet.

Trannies try the same excuse. They claim its medical but would never take a test to confirm it. Because then it would expose them all as psychotic frauds.
Stop posting 9x39 pieces of shit.
ask your bf to do it
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Im more of a wheelgun guy myself.
sometimes getting your dick a little bit dirty with poop is inevitable
>Where does the "she" come from
Your vagina nigga
dont be mean to timur
It's zigger you asshole
Sorry bro
day 15
give it up for day 15
Of locktober? Good job, sissy
Only bottoms are truly gay, tops just want a hole to fuck
Have a date with a middle eastern guy from grindr tonight
He is two years older than me (im 24) which is unusual, i usually date older
We are going out for drinks.. do i have to suck his dick???
Tops like to eat male ass.
rapebaiting horny tops my my hole...
Then why don't attractive tops just fuck women and leave bottoms to goon in their rooms?
Yes. Gulp down that potent MENA seed.
it's time for you to smell the roses, gaygen
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Hes gonna murder you, bro
They don't.

They do.
New: >>37634943

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