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where does one find a tranner gf that fetishizes herself as a futa
they're all transbians because no one wants to fuck hairy man ass
prob like half of them or more are like this lol
rest are turbo bottoms and will hate u for mentioning it good luck
i grew up all my life watching futa porn which gave me gender dysphoria everywhere but my girl bulge. i am so male brained but pink and pixiecore as well xD
if you find out, please tell me, I really want that kind of relationship dynamic
what about cute twink butts?
I shave
have you ever seen futa on male hentai where the guy was actually manly?
possibly, but they will probably try to pink pill you so you don't age out of being a twink
I did, makes me wanna go giwtwm
Guess it will be either jumping ship at some point or becoming a hrt twink
>i am so male brained but pink and pixiecore as well
when you come out of that glass closet
honestly all I really want from such a gf is just being able to wake up at the same bed, with the both of us having morning wood and cuddling, I want a gf that enjoys having a dick and isn't unhappy because of it, so that she isn't depressed about depriving me of the chance of having a cis gf
giwtwm but you're a bottom chaser dude as always aren't you
of course :3 i could probably top but i'm too clumsy for that >.<
i do but i dont want to fuck man ass and i also have a 3 inch dick
you all say that, but once you see that bubbly round shaved and clean ass you would only have one thought in your mind
used to be a ton of futamaxxer on the board, but they were mostly in their own gen and hornygen, since those 2 basically don't exist anymore i have no idea if they are still around
I think they made their own discord
i wouldn't know, i never join the server made on this board because they are always a shitshow
it's sad that we can't have good things, people always have to ruin other people's fun
yeah, futamaxxer were genuinely the chillest tranners i've ever talked to(they were also often the nerdiest which was funny to me)
I can guess they're the chillest because they don't need to really mask their tastes and honestly feel good with themselves, of course this is me speculating without never having interacted with one, maybe too positive for this board
i do but I have a 5 inch penis
nobody is perfect anonette
speak for yourself
I refuse. I will speak to the truth of human existence if you disagree it is because you are wrong.
shut up its good enough
that's what I meant to say, no point in worrying in it not being 8"
i wouldn't talk about masking their tastes or anything like that, from my experience they were just far more mentally stable(not hating their dick probably help with that since they can joke about it without wanting to kill themselves like you will see with some other girl on here)
more than enough i'm pretty sure, not sure why you said that like it's a negative thing
>not hating their dick probably help with that
I find this a desirable trait exactly because it removes one big source of distress, and so the relationship can be more comfortable, unfortunately, it's hard for people to understand how it's desirable
Do futamaxxers like twinky bois?
all the one i've known loved me, they also often say they wanted to bend me over tho
some men hoard all the luck
You belong in a cute dress
literally dickriding yourself just admit you wanna suck tranny cock stfu
>tfw no futa mommy gf
having a bulge is so horrible I wish my shenis was not there but it always bulges my skirts it's so stupid
your dick is tiny af, you don't even have a bulge
sh*nk the h*nk up you don't know what you're talking about
less talk and more action you bottom
i mean i'm comfortable with topping my bf like up to 60% of the time even if he has the the worlds harriest man ass in the world but i don;t wanna fetishise it like i'm fine fucking my bf but i'm not gonna be all like
>yeah take my futa cock you inferior male
even if i find that idea kind of hot because if he wants me to do that he's probably in it for a fetish and not for me and that's just a huge turn off for all trans women(at least in a commited relationship) and indulging and fetishising our relationship will make it unstable and probably result in a breakup
what i'm trying to say is that if you want a trans gf that tops you be normal about it and introduce the idea later on in your relationship
>introduce the idea later on in your relationship
nta but from my experience, every girl into topping bring it up themselves very early on for obvious reasons
>introduce the idea later on in your relationship
I'd think that's not really a good idea, unless you mean when you start talking about sex, it's better to be clear from the start than hiding intentions until later on
I don't think anyone mean the futa thing literally, it's more about a tranny who doesn't hate her dick and is vers
yeah and it fucking sucks
so true
5 is normal, slightly under average not really noticeable, I'd bend you over and then nosh your knob
Speak for yourself i want a 10+ inch dommy mommy eho ravages my bootyhole everyday
bro be normal please
Is shitposting not allowed nowadays?
no, you have to conform to the hive mind and purge yourself even from ironic thoughts of wanting to be dommed by a trans girl.
i wanna be a futa mommy with a big fat COCK
what stops you from being that?
Meant for >>37658964, I'm retarded
idk but my brain was corrupted by futa on male hetai now i desire a trans girl who would recreate some stuff with me
i am sad because i'm a switch (top + bottom) but apparently according to the bottoms here my dick isn't big enough
>my dick isn't big enough
as long as you're like average, it's more than enough
I'm right here babe
I'm still around, still wasting away with no honey wrapped around my girth
tell us more about yourself please
oh god yes, femboy crossdresser x futa tomboymoder is peak
not sure why you replied to me but all of them wanted to make we wear a dress for some reason so i guess it still checks out lol
why is the image cropped like that
this is the original one
why the fuck is it drawn like that then. Why is there just a line
I play music, read a lot, enjoy some shooters with horror themes, keep myself well fed. Ya know, girl stuff.
Perfect gf
can i cry in your arms
>still wasting away with no honey wrapped around my girth
truly sad to hear, what kind of person are you looking for?
born to be a cis girl getting creampied daily by a futamaxxer
forced to be a fat ugly hairy man male
this except im anorexic

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