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>2 years HRT
>Don't pass
>lost my job
>live in my car (pic related)
>no money to get laser
>useless math degree
>no path to get FFS or SRS
>no IRL friends
>still boymode
Pennsylvania winter is coming and it gets cold when you live in a vechile. Should i just kill myself? I keep struggling to carry on every day but it really doesn't feel like i am surviving *for* anything. What's the point if all i do is just overcome misery today then live to overcome misery tomorrow?
You have a degree, get a long term job
Stop taking drugs
You live in a car. Just be a migratory homo and drive south for the winter, ya dummy. Suck truckers for money.
Also have you tried not being an insufferable faggot with 50 pounds of faggot transition around your neck? Just be normal faggot
don't burn bridges with people who want to help you
steal shit and mosey.

sell stolen shit on facebook or craigslist. keep the car current on repairs. coast for a while and hopefully when the car shits out you'll be somewhere warm.
>useless math degree
too relatable
fuck every nigger who told me it was a good choice i regret it so much

you need a job but good luck sister
>Pennsylvania winter is coming and it gets cold when you live in a vechile
you live in a vehicle what stops you just driving south?
>>no money to get laser

just do diy electrolisis the device costs like 30 dollars it is kind of hard and hurts but it works i did hair below my lip like that and now doing moustache
dont you like butcher yourself if you miss?
>useless math degree
become a teacher, all you have to do is not say that you’re trans and you’ll probably get hired. schools are desperate
been working on it but i gotta get a new magnifying mirror because i dropped my old one and shattered it.
It's also not really feasible for all areas of your face/body. Upper lip, chin, and basically everything in the gotee area is doable but you will struggle a lot trying to get anything on your neckbeard or on the side of your face
I'm scared to do that. I don't want to be homeless in a town I've never been to.
Use your next welfare check for gas to get to California. The state will give you free HRT and a lot of cities will instantly give you a free hotel room until they can find you an apartment. Then get some easy wagie job and start saving for the other stuff. Then at least you'll be at the point where people are not uncomfortable being around you and you can join a polycule or something
he said "useless math degree". I'm betting it's not a university degree-degree. It must be some mail-order indian university or something like that. There are no "useless" math degrees if you get it at a university; math is fucking hard and only open to truly smart people but ending up living in a car does not remind me of problem solving skills exactly.

So, op, what is the "useless math degree"? Accounting? chink-university data science? lol

Also, if you don't have energy at you age to get out of that situation... yeah kill yourself

Also, disgusting feet.

That is all.
do you have any kind of support network like you're implying you do? be grateful for that because some of us have nobody
you'll be ok you just need to find a new job
is there anyone who has actually done this? it sounds like BS desu.
also i'm not on any welfare except foodstamps
no it's a real mathematics degree but there really isn't much you can do with it. It doesn't seem like any jobs are looking for math people specifically besides like, tech bro stuff and that job market is a shitshow rn.
no not really.
>no it's a real mathematics degree
if you were not hired before finishing it's not a real degree.

All lies. Just seek work as a man and save, if you are living in a car you have zero expenses. God, does sounding like a fucking loser give losers 4cred or something? Can you exchange it for food? Because I can learn to sound like I'm gonna kms too if it pays.
>if you were not hired before finishing it's not a real degree.
Bullshit. A degree is supposed to be more than just third party training for a job. It's just fucked now because literally everyone has a degree and not having one limits you to dead end junk work.
I'm homeless for 10 months now. just beat a charge recetly that's why i'm homeless
fucking cops made me homeless evicted me on the spot
try to looking for remote actuarial jobs. my autistic brother makes ok money doing that.
Drive to Oregon homie, we can hook you up with some unsheltered resources ASAP and if you leave before winter hits you have enough time to drive and find the gas money without getting stranded. There's places you can park your vehicle safely because independent orgs or the city have set up designated car camping areas where it's not illegal to sleep overnight. It gets cold here too but mostly rainy, rarely icey. If you want more info just ask me or leave your contact.
>drive south for the winter,
>from pennsylvania
have you been living under a rock or are you telling them to kys in 4d chess?
Seconding this. Cali and Oregon are both homeless hotspots for a reason and it has nothing to do with the drugs. You can survive being homeless here.
also fuck cops acab4life
you have no choice but to resort to offering your body to strange men it may not be the most dignified thing but getting reamed out behind a dumpster is the only option you got left you have no choice but to be a hobosexual and a tranny streetwalker
This guy is an asshole, but kind of cooking, everyone I know with any type of math degree has never had trouble finding a job, even in non-stem fields. Having a math degree means you are intelligent, can complete tasks, and you're trainable, are you applying for jobs or are you paralyzed by doomerism?
wanna leave a discord or some contact? I can't do much, but I sure can listen to you talk
Yo want to switch? I’ll take this over my shit europoor software job that makes me want to kill myself everyday

Living in a van off neetbux looks rad
>hey baby I gotta spare room that you can stay in for free you totally won't have to suck my dick or anything haha
Go to Florida, learn from the South American transfolx.
Or go to Oregon. Oregon is cool.
>useless math degree
drive to mexico city, you could get rich just knowing python or java, having a math degree and speaking english
>useless math degree
I can pay you $25 an hour if you teach me linear algebra.
spare room just for sucking dick? Op would be lucky if a guy let her sleep on his bedroom floor for a blowjob let alone a spare room
if you end up homeless as a femminine looking person you're gonna be sucking dick whether you like to or not anyway, might as well get a warm bed out of it
he said south not THE south. and most southern cities are ok anyway
do you have covers for your windows at night?
I tried looking for something compsci-adjacent but that whole market is a absolute shitshow rn
It's really not as sunshine as you think. Plus, i don't really have any experience or anything so i can't get anything related to my degree.
I don't have anything like that. The most that i can get is foodstamps.
discord: @mathematical_chick
no but i have tinted windows so you really can't see inside
>no but i have tinted windows so you really can't see inside
please be safe and try to cover them, unless the tint is illegally dark which causes its own issues
I've been meaning to figure out some solution for that but I haven't gotten around to it. Do you think it's really that dangerous?
It's something that can bone you randomly, you just take a small risk each night that you get harassed which is *not* pleasant so you want to minimize any interactions with others after dark
Before I landed a long term job I did tutoring for standardized tests at a tutoring company. $26/hr. They were always looking for STEM tutors.
Don't hurt yourself please. You can get through this. Get some cheap blankets/jackets for when it gets cold.

Everyone's transitions varies, you'll be able to get the surgeries you need one day, you just got it carry on the best you can. Make sure to stay in safer areas.

There are also programs to help trans people who are struggling, I suggest utilizing those. They can help with housing, clothing, and food.
I'm probably not gonna kms today. I was really really depressed this morning when i made that post.

>you'll be able to get the surgeries you need one day, you just got it carry on the best you can.
How? I can't see a pathway from here to there.
>There are also programs to help trans people who are struggling
There really isn't much and I REALLY don't trust shelters.
drive south to like atlanta and find a queer groupchat that will get u onto someone's couch and go from there.

>you'll be able to get the surgeries you need one day, you just got it carry on the best you can.
How? I can't see a pathway from here to there.

you have to take things one step at a time you cant completely map out your entire recovery in your head, secure the means to survive, DO NOT turn to vices to cope other than like books or something constructive if you start on drugs and alcohol you WILL become a crackhead living in dumpsters

>There are also programs to help trans people who are struggling
There really isn't much and I REALLY don't trust shelters.

bad things happen in shelters for absolutely sure but you have to accept that possibility if you want to use them for a step up and out of the mess you're in
post a better pic so we can tell how well you pass
what car so i know what to live in when i end up homeless
Where in PA are you?
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If you can make it to SF and get on medicaid the city will cover your transition.
if you do this you will get treated like the punching bag/meg in subtle ways. Those 'communist anarchists' are really shitty towards you when you are down on your luck and/or homeless because of what you're escaping.

I was in the same spot as you. eerily similar situation down to the useless math degree. Become a computer programmer, it might take a second and you might need some luck but I worked a grocery store job while programming weird AI things with apis and online interfaces and it got me a job. I know this is hard but if you can get yourself to do it, you have a ridiculous advantage having math brain compared to putting lego pieces together react devs
I would love to live in a car like that but Americans are violent subhumans and make it impossible to live like that safely
What's it like being a tutor? Do you get consistent hours?
Get another job? I doubt it’s hard to get a basic bitch job with a math undergrad. It’s not like you live in a shitty country with 99% unemployment and median salaries of $30k you’re incredibly lucky to be in the US labor market.
central PA
i'm not very feminine looking
so are you going to take any of the sound advice of getting out to the west coast before the roads ice over or are you a larping boymoder doomgazer who can't take agency over anything

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