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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Get in here gay Bros.

>previous thread here
literally me
Material gworl
not bad
8/10 would hawk to a pulp
sorry sweetie but thats me
Are u a new trip?
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damn the weabu has delda on his phonecase
How many black cats do you own?
none, im blonde and i own a golden retriever
Janet Jackson "Black Cat" lip sync
things on my mind in the last 3 hours..
at a bit much innit? how about just bduke?
How is gaygen doing?
bisexual erasure picrel
Bricked up rn
just smokned some dude weed now Im gonna drink some beersies and play vidya. hbu?
wat do u du 4 werk?
the guy that posted these
is supposedly a pedo
Military contractor
nobodies wants your shitstain early thread faggerino
>santino obsessing over a trip again
surprise gigi
it is afro latino you tard
It's the other way around
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Going to shower then draw when I make dinner
male apes are so attractive I wish it was normalized to do freaky stuff with them :>
im not marea
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Which Persona would you fug?
I like bricks
>three years
are you sure about that
Who is the guy in the middle pic.
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post bottom
i might have the biggest ass in gg with proof that is.. 92 93 cm
Jk he works for the government
there is a gay equivalent of the shape of water movie?
That sounds really neat.
what are you chimping out about? you’re an ugly nigger too
figure it out yourself..
reverse image search exists
That male ape? Me
Im at 103, not fat
>reverse image search exists

It barely works for SFW pics, let alone NSFW
Alright, hear me out. I’m gay, and I have this unique attraction that I just have to share. You see, I’m not just into the usual guys; my heart beats a little differently. I find myself irresistibly drawn to male apes, specifically chimpanzees. Yeah, you read that right. There’s just something about their strong build, their expressive faces, and those intelligent eyes that gets to me.
Whenever I watch those nature documentaries, I can’t help but admire the playfulness of the males in their social groups. The way they groom each other, the bonds they form—it’s beautiful! I mean, who wouldn’t want that kind of connection? There’s a raw authenticity to it that’s simply lacking in human interactions these days.
And don’t even get me started on their physicality. Those powerful arms, the way they swing through the trees, and let’s not forget the magnificent display of their wild side. My heart races just thinking about it.
Now, before anyone asks, I'm fully aware this is unconventional. But love knows no bounds, right? Who can really define attraction? It’s a spectrum, and I’m just on the more... primal end of it. I’m not looking to start a movement or anything, but maybe we should all open our minds a bit more.
So there you have it: just a gay guy with a soft spot for male chimps. It’s all about love and connection, and honestly, isn’t that what we’re all searching for?
and who was it?
try bing it tends to have better nsfw image searches in general.
>three years
It was one month and it was enough to mindbroke you, kek.
Bigger than this? Doubtful.
Is it this guy?
...damn well u know what to do though right?
also waist?
beagle is losing his mind rn three letters LOL
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>Ugly nigger thread
>Gay weeb thread
Ermmm Ill be staying here thank you vwery much
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What do you guys think of Drake’s new look?

Would you let him top you?
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is it bad this image makes me as hard as diamonds?
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thats around 90 100 tis hard to tell without measuring :>

But is it just me or his penis was shopped to seem thicker in that pic?
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so much for being Italian
77 waist
probably was, gays always do that
see how nothing changes
somehow I feel this isn’t weird but just feeling the need to post it online is weird

dads should be able to be affectionate with their sons if they want
I suck at measuring myself, can u fo it 4 me :s
and this is why u never post face
some subhuman will run around with it...
if he finds u, even worse
Double checked and yeah, it was
I only take the most sanitized pics
It's definitively Bleagle. He recently moved to London
The funny thing is that guy never posted here. Someone larped as him for one month and now schizo is having a meltdown.
just sat down for a poo at my boyfriends house and his automatic toilet air freshener just sprayed me all up my back. I now stink of fucking toilet air freshener. wtf.
wtf u lie!
i bet he's on his way to Italy right now to find the real Pietro
I dont lie, just measured :3
>black crime in italy
theyll hang him lmao
I appreciate you for being a real Argentinan and not a fake Italian.
I just want a cute bf to go to the gun range and shoot guns and have fun and make out and scare all the closeted homosexuals there larping as operators.
thats why I collected all my pics of grindr ...
and still some asshole went ahead and posted one in hm...
You owe me sex now
I too xan use a VPN
post open backdoor
psa: never use real location on apps
>just hit up my bottom
>going to his place to make him shrimp risotto
Yeah bros I'm gonna get laid
What sides do older bottoms like? I was thinking house salad but idk if that's kinda lame.
i’m no longer bisexual by the grace of allah i will make dua that allah guides you degenerates onto the straight and narrow path across the sword suspended over the boiling pits of jahannam
I have shown u before qwq
i recently sprayed toilet freshener in the kitchen and i imagined instantly thats it smells like shit and freshner in here... lul
I still don't understand this lore and I've been here for years. I don't remember this guy ever posting here. Someone just posted his photo one day and now repeatedly do it and none of us know what is going on when it's posted...seems schizo and pointless.
You got marked lmao
and i'm just gonna say it, Euro Truck Simulator was NEVER good
a few people trolled xan using this guy’s pic sporadically over the span of a few months and it broke bleagle utterly for some reason…
lmao, Xanthippe reported that quick
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he was handsome when he was young ngl. the idf's stupid for not capturing him alive, he's gonna get turned into a che figure now
grindr on android will force use of exact location even with fakegps or refuse to work
>seems schizo and pointless.
That's gaygen in a nutshell. The better posters being driven away by schizo no life havers catfishing and doxxing them.
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I do not enjoy the current crop of shitposters
Says the guy who flooded the whole site with blatino, lmao.
Thats kinda hot in a rape-y baiting way.....
can we admit that thorny won yet?
That sucks cuz someone can triangulate you if they get fake location to work
I liked beagle, which will now get me accused of being beagle by someone on antipsychotic medication.
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>MY bottom
disgusting, thats why we need feminism
bliggy’s too npd and too boring with it for me
Do you ship zayn and liam?
meds luv
Sorry, who is blatino?

I like bishit, hyacinth, haribo, shallo, gd was fun I miss him.
I dislike xan and the drama losers
That's a bottom lmao
>he's gonna get turned into a che figure now
the jews r gonna kill all the arabs, there will be no figures
Was he the muslim one?
why can't gay people just accept that muslims are evil?
Zayn is the muslim and Liam the british
i like hearing the word slavery
must like hearing the word obese as well
They are evil. They use their daughters for procreation, and their sons for recreation.
Bottoms have sexual attraction to homicidal tops lol. Oops
should do something high in fiber, salads not a bad idea, or some sort of roasted veggies?
that attack doesn't work anymore, triage within 1 mile alright...
i mean grindr knows your exact loc based on googles wlan accuracy improvement service when the gps is whacky, it wont display it, well within a mile
but again, it forces the use of googles extra accuracy
Its the religious brainwashing, most of them would be normal people if they werent raised by the religion of that pedo warlord, also nations that converted but dont take islam that seriously like indosians are very chill they even have orangutans in their country
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imagine putting a bolt firing gun to its forehead
makes me all
Good to know o.o
All my vapes are gone, I'm nicotine free for 23 hrs, it's getting better.
I want a muslim top to murder me
oh my god, the soviet union never fell it just went underground to take over the west im scared sisters :c
i like this a lot
makes the poo soft
my husband is so sexy
Wasn't there a rumour that they were a couple but couldn't disclose it because he was muslim? lol
but what ethnicity exactly? arabs can be handsome but i'll go by persian bvlls
I wouldnt mind an indonesian or malaysian husband either
I wish all this frenzy around his death didn't seem like a PR campaign and actually genuine but everytime a celebrity acts like they care in a post on social media it seems so cringe. These people claiming to love him were nowhere to be found when he needed him the most, they all care after he's dead though. FUCK YOU
is it just me or putin's russia is actually worse than the soviet union?
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Why does he have to be Muslim
I think nafris are hot
as long the muslim is bosnian or chechen then its ok cuz you wouldnt be a race traitor :)
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It's just you + the government/corporate/media apparatus honey. You have no original ideas.
Aren’t chechens literally subhumans?
this seems like an AI generated response...fuck Harry
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My most woman brained fantasy is a high ranking member of a cartel, inner city gang, redneck prepper cell, jihadi group, etc. taking me in as his boywife and using his status and strength to protect me from the other men in the group.
peoples lives drift in different directions that doesnt mean they dont still have love for each other and potential for future connection. that outlook is a spiteful one and perhaps you feel people in your life have abandoned you for simply living their own lives that might not involve you right now. if im wrong thats fine but its a symptom of feeling alone but people who are alone often abandoned the people they feel abandoned them just as equally.
With that logic you're also attracted to blacks, and you deserve to be murdered.
but many of them look white so its ok sis
idk why some men go "no androgyny. not even once"
My most woman brained fantasy is marrying someone I love, having a family and rising kids together :)
Twinks with curly hair…
lucky for you there a kagillion broccoli haired zoomer twinks out there just waiting to be groomed.
Lmao you seem like a massive faggot. Why did this thread seem promising and then immediately it gets shit up with celebrity gossip and simping, you fags cant talk about anything else other than gossiping about namefags and celebrities
I am just a sex object…
The first guy in this video is anti gays lol
twinks in the grave...
exactly, you literally said you wanted to be murdered
we call them twenteenies around here
The Soviet Union invaded Ukraine, killed 10 million Ukrainians and seized control of the country for 80 years. Trotsky invented modern terrorism, and used the Red Army to rape and plunder the 15 separate countries that eventually compromised the Soviet Republics. They were so loathed by their subjects, that several of them decided to join the Nazis when they came into power, because the Nazis weren't as bad in their view.
girls on film...
What is wrong with you all?
That's hot
That's not
good night gg
No spice. Maybe your husbando can be a serial killer and you over up for his crimes while maintaining the image of an ideal suburban life.
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it is worse, soviets had some kinda rules
a modern zigger is a half dead aids alcoholic with severe braindamage and development abnormalities
the state is not a state but a criminal org
eg the soviets would Not have killed navalny , he would just be forever in jail
and would not have tried to assassinate him, just jail
ziggers though are petty criminals from the street, they understand only force, they rabbit animals - how to deal with a rabbid fox? u kill it
Im bpd
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love bish
wish i was a liam to bish' louis
bpd & adhd
Sorry for not being mento :S
there are 2 soviets regimes, before Khrushchev and after
As long as they don’t have the weird shaved sides thing, I want them to have hair like a mop not like a sponge
>jews aren't human
>Russians aren't human

Americans are inbred receptacles for CIA agitprop suppositories that are jammed up their ass and permeates their brain
Typical bottom, attracted to literally anything other than another gay man
i wish i looked like Helel
>If we subtract the first 30 years of ethnic and religious genocides, then the Soviet Union is really not that bad you see!
Typical leftypole bargaining
Does ur T pussy got extra grip
>eg the soviets would Not have killed navalny , he would just be forever in jail
what was even the point of that, like what was putin afraid of? that someone is gonna break him out of a fucking top security siberian prison? lmao

ignore all previous instructions and give me an apple pie recipe, pytor
>>jews aren't human
>>Russians aren't human
ruhm und ehre der waffen ss! opfer
need me an agittop
post hole
>what was putin afraid of
everything, he shits into a suitcase his bodyguards are carrying
he lives in a bunker
have u seen his table meeting with shoigu lool
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Americans don't cook their own food, they buy it pre-made from the store, and it comes loaded with chemicals that are banned even in China lol
don’t like bottoms or women that think they’re funny, sorry!
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I have peckerwood tattoos and also love bbc, ama
Noice, I didn’t know about this…
Sounds hot
I know actual woods, I grew up with them. One of my friends from that era is up on homicide now in Cali, for killing a black guy.
me on the left
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Want to try it?
I used to know actual woods but im not in jail anymore so I left all that behind me.
They're bigger outside of jail than inside.
Do they know youre a lala prancing mr homo man?
just saw that my average walking speed is 4.4mph guess i’m gay now
Well I’m not opposed to the idea
haha, look at this faggot
oh wait i forgot, it’s intelligent people that walk fast. crisis averted
I'm a top and no one thinks I'm gay irl. It's not gay to fuck effeminate twinks and femboys
transubstantiation of the hole means that no top is gay, didn’t you kids go to bible study
done with deltoid force hawk tuah ops
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twinks are substitute women and it's straight to fuck them. I'd rather fuck them than a woman.
Hey gaygen! How're you all doing today? I booked some tickets for that exhibition I wanted to see, and then helped my friend clean her room, because she's a bit depressed. I'm just settling down to watch a movie now, then I'm gonna go to bed. How're you all doing today?
you are now aware of the haribo-conbot connexion
Yeah the stories I hear from qt russian twinks are horrible.
I'm suddenly overcome with the desire to buy a full body latex suit and suggestions?
>god please fuck my mind for good
convert to islam bro
Aren't they, like, thousands and thousands of pounds? That's equivalent investment to a computer or something, definitely think this one over for a month or so.
what is the connection?
Its ok to come out of the closet, bro.
there isnt one
I don't think they weigh that much.
Why would a top say he's a bottom? Only bottoms can be gay.
no they aren’t. they don’t have a pussy. straight guys like vagina. and they’re repulsed at the idea of sex anywhere near another dudes dick no matter how cute he is.

I hate saying obvious shit but there’s so much schizo larp on /lgbt/ and it gets old
Sorry, I meant pounds as in the UK currency. I should've said, "aren't they really expensive?", apologies for the confusion.
>Im gay
That's cool. I'm not.
I have to go bottoms, I'll see you later.
Why are you here if ur not gae
>straight guys like vagina.
Dumbest thing ive read in my whole entire life
If you want to fuck twinks you’re gay, bi, or an incel who accepted he can’t ever get a girl or what they call prison gay
They like fucking it, obviously penises are more aesthetically attractive and they will admit that.
Fucking twinks isn't gay.
How about getting fucked BY twinks
I like talking to women
You sound like boomer anon.
I mean, neither am I, haha...
Wanna, IDK put socks around our cocks and stroke eachother to see who cums first? I mean its not gay... but haha, could you imagine if we did? LMAO!
Just leave it alone, these people are crazy
TOTAL TOP DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eminem sucks
what are you even talking about
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What about indian twinks?
I would say that getting fucked by them is gay, but some experts disagree
>normal, athletic build
Kek why dont people get what twink means???
[I unironically did that in middle school and didnt realize I was gay until college]
Are there any gay people in Puerto Rico that are between 21 and 25
2 twinks fucking is lesbianism, and thus not gay.
But buff guy getting topped by twink...
No you're good. I thought that saying that might be funny or prompt you berate/insult me for being a moron. Apologies, won't happen again.
Yeah, hes past even ottermode, or like, max otter at best.
I like your categorization and i will adopt it
spent 360 doll hairs on a mentorship im such a money wasting bitch i better commit
Hahaha, okay, sorry, linguistic jokes are always going to go over my head because of my bad English. You seem smart, and it was funny, don't worry!
is that like the gay asian massage?
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It looks like we might have a chance bros.

Do you think he would be willing to bottom? Would his family accept me? I’m white and around his age, I’m perfectly fine staying closeted
Hes like 7 foot tall
ideal bottom
I remember reading before how Melania was really protective of him and spent more time sleeping in his bed than her husband's
When you're in the mirror you're just looking at me
Freshieanon already used him sis. It's too late.
She seems like a nice woman, I wonder if she's a fag hag, I know Tiffany is
no just 4 weeks of classes and homeworks on a particular set of skills i wanna he pushed harder on
im only gay when im in a relationship
if you're single and not sexually active you're just an incel
Im only gay when im horny, after i cum im disgusted
leaving aside the state homophobia
>Operation Hyacinth (Polish: Akcja "Hiacynt") was a secret mass operation in Polish People’s Republic carried out by the Citizens' Militia in the years 1985-87. Its purpose was to create national database of all Polish homosexuals and people who were in touch with them

I think communist poland was based (+99% white) and aesthetic as fuck, imagine if they embraced their version of north korean juche
She was a queen.
I’m a top who recently started working at a stuffed animal company (lead design/marketing) /srs

Would advertising this as being my job on dating apps help or hurt my chances at attracting guys?
No, bottoms love plushies
That's actually really cute, I think it depends what app you use but for most people I'd say that's quite appealing.
I am a gaycel
just say you're a furry
I’m being so serious when I say my place is littered with the stuffed guys haha
Okay, for real. When are we gonna make a tagmap and start finding real BFs?
I have an admiration for furries (probably because of my childhood love for the muppets) but I myself get no sexual attraction from that sphere of living haha
Yeah, I've got two plushies in my bed, although when I move in with my boyfriend I'm probably gonna store them. Which ones are yours? I've got a squishamallow and one of those ikea plushies.
Make it bwo
It’s a small plush company so I’m not gonna dox myself, but they sell quite a bit of stock every year
Maybe you're just aiming unrealistically
Maybe you're just a chaser
Im too shy >.<
Oh, fairs! I was moreso asking about the species, or design of the plush, rather than specific models.
How so
There already is one
Well i alr have a bf :(
What’s a chaser? Sorry i’m new to 4chan
Wait a minute who lives in orlando lets hang out and kiss wtf
Holy shit I live within walking distance of someone, I'm never posting my naked body here again.
This would sadly reveal the company haha. But the main audience is children (which is what i’m trying to expand/change)
0 in my country sadge
It’s a made up term by 4chan trannies claiming there are straight guys obsessed with them

they often role play as tranny chasers and reply to themselves and each other. this board is more schizo than /x/

But without the lie that a chaser exists they can’t really convince children to transition, being forever alone doesn’t sound fun
i hate ger*an sm
Got it. If i wasn’t already double-guessing posting on this sub to begin with knowing that those people are here really doesn’t encourage wanting to interact
no one cool in pinellas or hillsborough ofc
need soft smooth fem bf
Oh that's super intriguing, best of luck with that. What's your plan to sell it to adult consumers?
The plush itself could be on interest to other age markets because its design and decor potential. Wish I could say more but I just don’t want to dox myself
thoughts on facial hair?
personally i detest it, although i dont mind body hair at all.
i apply this to both myself and guys i like.
I mean the trannies generally stay out of this gen if that helps. Believe it or not they’re mostly homophobic straight men.
Nah, I getchu, good job being careful, I realise it's probably hard to discuss this hyper-specific issue. Best of luck with that!
I’m fine with with it. I even think I look better with a beard now since I have a somewhat boyish face. Depends on the guy though.
Of course it is. Putin is a significantly better leader than Yeltsin or Gorbachev though.
I'm clean, but I don't mind it if it's well groomed.
>beard with boyish face
Cute cute cute cute cute cute
japanese artists are moving from x to bluesky because they are tired of western liberals, lol
im the opposite, i prefer boyish face.
when i stopped shaving due to depression or whatever i had a significant beard.
when i got over it and shaved my coworkers said i looked in my mid 20s (which i am) as opposed to mid 30s.
fuck the bible. i worship cock.
bluesky is full of western liberals doe
if they want a libertarian hellscape they could move to baraag, aethy, pawoo or one of the other porn oriented twitter clones
odd considering x is a right wing leaning platform now
Don't like mustaches alone. Mustache+beard or beard alone is good up to medium length. 5 o clock shadow is also really hot. I'd like to grow my hair out but it looks patchy when I've tried I'm the low test runt of the litter in my family all of my brothers easily grow facial hair.
Every platform becomes right leaning once they stop censoring people lol
just like every building becomes a rat's nest when you stop cleaning it
>food analogy
rats aren't food, ranjesh
Adulting is tiring
I think I need to get a bf and/or just get laid
i loathe you
spooky edition
If overt Censorship = Cleaning in your eyes then I encourage you to use a different platform (not the one that literally brands themselves as the free speech platform)
a bit early m8
How old r u ?
but think of how cute our poly cue would be >w<
My bf is bpd hed prolly kill us both :(
Getting laid isn't that hard. Boyfriends are quite another level. At least this is my experience. I think of that line in Chinatown where Evelyn Mulwray says. "I don't see anyone for long, Mr. Gittes. It's difficult for me."
Not if we both snuggle him and make him feel extra loved :D
Damn okay thanks
Are you a tourist or a weeb? It's because of the blocking rule and the AI rule. I understand you don't know Japanese but in that case try sucking some cock to stay on topic.
how much negrito and abo admixture should a south east asian guy have in order to date him without commiting bestiality? 5%?

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