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Qott: what kind of intrusive thoughts do you have?

Previously: >>37666067
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I don't have any thoughts
Are you going to link it?
being mean, if i come up with a horrible joke at someone's expense I'll prolly say it because it's too good and then I'll be sad about it
My friend Martin from high school was born in Poland. We banded together with this kid named Bentley as the metalheads, because the school was full of blacks and wiggers and they bullied guys with long hair. I'm a millennial
ok i'm actually gonna go do work now, please hold me to that and tell me off if I start posting more.
i'll leave you with a music track. it's one of my faves of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64M_AKe3XVk

usually just the normal human stuff, the call of the void and such. i think one psychiatrist thought my anxieties of bad things happening to my friends and such were intrusive thoughts, but those haven't been that bad recently.
the times i've been manic they've been horrible, stuff like swerving into oncoming traffic, leaking national secrets while on the radio, self harmy stuff etc. one that's actually gotten the better of me on several occasions is giving myself cigarette burns. it's rly fucking dumb and looks horrible but there's a few scars on me from when I've been in one of those episodes, just having a smoke, and then slamming the cig into the back of my hand on a whim. it hurts like hell and i'm glad i havent been like that in ages lol

yeah i mean for sure, it probably did contribute to it. but "crack induced" makes it kinda sound like that made him do it, like he was doing totally fine earlier, and then did crack and immediately killed himself.
Where do I go to make friends?
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1st gen immigrants are prolly cool enough yeah
crack psychosis makes you wanna kys ive heard of this
Where are you currently?
>Qott: what kind of intrusive thoughts do you have?
i randomly think about either bad things or cringe things i did in the past all throughout the day, and will literally wince remembering, its really stupid
What are your interests?
theres a good amount of people in and around that area, myself included, just put feelers out
i mean honestly i could just be completely clueless here, i don't think i've ever even seen coke let alone crack irl, the former is pretty niche where I live, like, i'm acquainted with some ppl in music and media who've done it, but not anyone else. and the latter probably isn't even being imported into finland at all, our junkies mostly just do meth.
We're we visited by a ghost? Hm interesting
who do ya mean?
I like to play card games, garden and working out. A lot of my interests I do by myself.
How do you meet people? Do you go out on Friday and Saturday night?
>How do you meet people? Do you go out on Friday and Saturday night?
different avenues, you can try going out with coworkers, or using tinder and specifying in your profile you're looking for friends too. ask around here, or peep frengen. many ways to skin a cat
I'm very solitary too, I think I patterned my hobbies around things I could do by myself. The few friends I have, I met through music, other musicians.
We're gonna pretend like I don't have any lol :)

I'm in Vegas! I'm at the hotel rn but I'm thinking I'll go out in a bit and find something to do. I've never been to a nightclub bc I'm scared of dancing.. Should I try one out??
I'll see if I can tag along with a coworker. Dating apps are hell. I only get chaser who want to fuck.
Did you go to concerts? It's very hard for me to approach a group and make conversation. I don't know how to start it.
they putting seeds in my yogurt
I played in bands, went to concerts, hung out at guitar center and music stores. music was all I did for a long time.
>I played in bands
oh you did
I'll put my seed in you ,':^)
ya. cover bands, original bands. the best way to meet people is have a hobby that requires other people to make it work. something you do with other people
you writing it in past tense would imply that you no longer do that tho :(
i guess i walked into that one, cant be too mad
I no longer do that. I'm too old to try to be a rockstar lol wouldn't look right
Where is the chewer of pee?

are you even a real chaser if you wouldn't chase me through the stanley hotel with an axe after months of isolation gaslighting and domestic abuse?
hewwo twannews do u wike cutesy widdle bottom bois? ><
no <3
Not a tranner, but I would absolutely sneed and breed a girly femboi.
but why not? ><
no! i want gocky wocky. gocky. wocky! ><
Real talk: is anyone else terrified of dying?
my intrusive thought is coming on 4chan to post about wanting a taller and more dominant trans girl topping me, even though I'm a virgin and never really even tried getting stuff in me
yeah, almost always have been. i can give myself a horrible, like actually screaming in fear, panic attack by thinking about it too hard, and it's been that way ever since I stopped believing in an afterlife when I was a kid.
its just an eternal nap...
i am convinced there is an afterlife though but on like a very astral level, like an ultimate idgaf
>its just an eternal nap...
no it isn't that's the thing, a nap isn't a lack of conciousness, it's just a different state. the nothingness of having *no* conciousness is literally incomprehensible to me, and trying to make sense of it is what triggers those panic attacks lol
you conscious on your naps? i just have a gap
i get intrusive thoughts about molesting people and i dont understand it
it's like an annxiety thing
it's like my mind projects my hands moving of their own accord and then it happens again and again and again
r u hawt
wtf has that to do with it
it genuinely distresses me and sends me into a thought loop where i basiically shut down and cant look anyone in the eyes
Sorry, it's an inside joke.
Are you cis or trans?
There's a form of OCD where people worry about acting inappropriately towards others, and engaging in socially unacceptable behaviors. The worry causes a stress response, and they can't push the intrusive thoughts out of their mind. How often does this happen?
i mean, not aware, but the consciousness is still there. Like compare anesthesia to napping. After a nap, you know that you've napped. After anesthesia, you just suddenly exist in a different place than before.

a psychiatrist might diagnose you with OCD for this, it's one of the main ways it presents AFAIK. everyone has intrusive thoughts about violence or self-harm sometimes, but if it's common and bothersome and actually impairs your functioning, then it fits the diagnostic criteria for OCD i think.
I get those too specifically about, like, punching people. but they're uncommon enough and recognizable as irrational that they don't cause any issues me, thankfully.
>Are you cis or trans?
i do think i have some low-grade OCD, but it seems to be downstream of my general anxious personality. it happens in most of my interactions with people but i try not to dwell on it or think about it because of shame
it does cause me to avoid particular people or interactions more than i normally would. but it seems to be symptomatic of a whole difficulty i have with other people
If it bothers you enough to want to address it, a CBT therapist can help. There's a free OCD center that UCLA has, if money is an issue.
thank you anon
im currently seeing a clinical psych but there are so many other things we cover that it's hard to know when to bring it up, especially when it's secondary to my general anxiety. ive read a bit about cognitive OCD, so i dont have as much shame as i might had i not, but i still feel reluctant to address it due to the taboo
Thinking about swerving into oncoming traffic or driving off a bridge, jumping in front of a truck, thinking about how easy it would be to sexually assault and rape a lone girl. Just the regular stuff
You're welcome. It's understandable that you would feel hesitant to bring that up, but those impulses aren't strange and other people have issues with weird thoughts brought about by anxiety and trauma. You don't really want to molest people with your hands, it's your anxiety and worry coupled with a fear of social rejection that causes the ocd episode in the first place. I've been there, I've had similar problems, not exactly the same as what you described, but similar. You'll probably outgrow it when you feel more confident and happy about your life, it can go away on its own. Keep working with your therapist, you're doing a good job..
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i ran out of chaser to send me weed money :(
thank you for being so kind, i hope that your week will be of good fortune
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What made him stop paying for your neet ass? Was it your mustache?
i pluck..
idk prob cus im depressed and neveer wanna meet up
how does chasergen like their asparagus
tossed in olive oil, salt and pepper, and then grilled on wood or coal. if a grill is not available, an oven is fine too. wrapping in bacon also works, it's a nicely low-effort way to eat something kinda fancy if you're at a cottage in the woods with no electricity or something.
Like my women: white and soft, except I prefer my women brown
grow your own weed
fuckin wage slave psyop get out of my head
Overdose and die, NEET
Steamed or in a stir fry. Then my pee smells weird for 3 hours afterwards and that's fun.
i would like to but i have no money
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i keep trenbolone here just in case i decide to detransition but i cant see that happening at all, although sometimes the urge increases when im having a bdd episode

good afternoon chasergen <3 im painting the last few walls today and then i get to start laying down new carpeting <3 thankfully im keeping my hands soft with some hand cream with kuromi on it
what have you chasers been up to today? c:
>>i keep trenbolone here just in case i decide to detransition but i cant see that happening at all
what? i get the urge to detransition, but why would your immediate plan be to inject steroids? to punish yourself?
Not much honestly, zombied around cleaning house, partying at night is fun, but I don't have that energy anymore, to think I have a work trip to go to this evening.
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Hi Sukei.
>to punish yourself
yeah, exactly this. kind of fucked up but then again detransitioning is literally last resort, i don’t think i will since im so much happier as i am

i stopped partying as much when i quit drugs and smoking, too much energy needed when i just prefer to have chill nights with a few people instead

hi timur!
I get the sentiment, but sometimes it's nice to just look for new people and socialize, too bad I'm getting old and the people at these parties are too cliquey
> too much energy needed when i just prefer to have chill nights with a few people instead
mood. i'm insanely lucky to have irl friends who aren't that into parties either, bc that stuff gets really exhausting really quick. was kinda depressing to go out every friday and then spend saturday and sunday at home alone, avoiding talking to anyone bc the going out would totally drain my social battery for the whole weekend.
what i do in the hour between taking my prog and when i fall asleep is between me and god. that said i was led to some dark places last night
i miss him so much i want him back
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Today is world okapi day . Post okapis to pay respect
also this girl i follow on youtube who makes really cute sewing videos got engaged and she's going to sew her own wedding dress. i'm not jealous of her but it has me thinking about my own wedding one day :) hopefully i meet a nice guy
kys diaper pedo
Gm everyone, hope you’re having a lovely day. It’s Friday night and I’m supposed to go out but I don’t wanna.
i had sex with a trans woman in my dream
can you describe further
did she look like me
did you tell her you loved her in the dream
i dont remember the context and i dont wanna describe the sex acts cuz that is improper!
yes! she looked exactly like you anonette
my first wet dream was me meeting a trans pornstar I saw when I was a teen... that explains a lot, I guess
therapy is working really well at making me realize that being clingy and desperate is bad and mentally ill but it still feels really really good so i'm caught between that right now. i know i'm being dumb when i do it but it makes my brain all fuzzy and i feel like a good person when i'm being clingy
Naughty Nils
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good morning chasing generation
also sometimes i get a very strong impulse to launch myself into the street in front of cars
my intrusive thought is that when a man is nice to me i immediately think about all the ways i could debase myself to make him happy and completely negate my personhood for his joy
like oh, the random guy on the street told me i looked pretty? what if i was his human punching bag strung up from the ceiling who he could pour all of his suffering into so he never had to feel sad again
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okay :3 this is my last post here for a long time but I will use it to post an okapi
or he could drug me to the gills so i'm barely functioning and can't speak and he can use me as a living sex doll so he doesn't need to worry about finding a girlfriend until i die.
i can handle a tremendous amount of punishment and would do it all gladly for a man who pretended he loved me
A man who loves you will not want this
he doesn't have to really love me i just want to believe he does even for a minute
Don't waste any time or thoughts on someone not cares for you.
not how i am wired sorry i'm designed to be loyal forever with very low requirements
Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to yourself
why would i be sorry towards myself? all of my behavior is an apology for being a bad evil person :)
What the fuck. Kill yourself, you're too pathetic to love. Either get help or do yourself in, tonight.
I should be doing this for you to keep your hands soft
i'm sorry. i'm in therapy but why is any of this bad? i don't tell people this especially when i'm looking to date and i look/act like a perfectly normal person and i'm even bratty, just that if push came to shove i'd do literally anything for a man who showed affection towards me. it's more about my potential than my actual actions. isn't that what a guy wants?
sorry i was weird again my brain always does this
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What are you up to today chasergen?
should i really kill myself will no one ever even pretend to love me
im thinking about how i need to commit to either bleaching my roots and keeping dyed hair or letting it grow out, before my roots get too long
what's going on over there in the bubos world
I'll pretend to if you don't do it
i don't want to kill myself but the other anon said i should so idk
I'm going into forest.
i got done with work p early and then went for a walk and now I'm sitting at my desk thinking about what game I should play. I wanna just chill tonight, i'm kinda exhausted from the week
will i never find a guy who will just use me in whatever way he wants :(
will i never find a girl who will just use me in whatever way she wants :(
Who is he and what happend?
You sound like a sissy fetishist. You make me sick.
men get to pick though it doesn't matter what a girl wants it's always what the guy wants it doesn't matter what i want
no i am just a rape victim and now my brain is broken
Hello anons!
Damn your dream self has good taste then
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Do trans girls find this body type attractive? I only see girls here talking about bigger and hairy men so I got kinda insecure ig lol

>captcha: GAY404
you're fishing of course this body is attractive i want to lick it
is it bad I wanna debase the guy so he feels like he can’t leave me and becomes my little bitch
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if you looked like this id let you do whatever you want
Relax dirty June
I’m not fishing at all lol idk if it’s because I was veeery skinny before starting to train, but I’m still kinda self conscious about my body, hope it goes away gradually
Hope the licking part isn’t only a joke tho lol
well, lucky you I do lol will you give me your discord then?
now that's the kind of girl I like
of course i'm not lying. if the guy attached was confident and kind (and handsome) i'd ride him all day long
would you give me your discord to see if I can match those standards then?
>I'm not fishing
>here's my discord ladies
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sometimes i think about having a gigantic futa cock and giant titties also
Not fun

Whatever, is it a crime to flirt now lmao
he probably does have a body like that the weird combo of insecure and creepily confident fits a socially awkward gym guy who thinks his body means girls are bound to like him while not having the courage or personality to actually ask women out
good to know my guy is out there somewhere
sorry mr. rizzler, I didn't see your sigma skibidi skills fanum tax fr fr fr
All of them
touch some grass for gods sake
he's somewhere in Europe, he associates that behavior with hot girls
I love how telling people to go outside has become another internet meme
he's perfect and i scared him off
it's especially funny since I'm out the house for a full time job 6 days a week, and yet still go partying and on trips, heck, in a few hours I go on a all expenses paid resort for a conference

but sometimes I like to mock people by being as retarded as possible
wow what a nice life you must have. and you were only pretending to be retarded, as well? that's cool man
praise me more
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Make catfishing a federal crime . A lot of schizos out there might be forced to get a real life
Thank you so much for using perhaps your last post to honor these unique creatures. You are a true friend
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eating a yogurt .and enjoying life
How I wish I was you man, I’m sure your life is so fun and you are so successful and intelligent, girls must be all over you
yes, I have currently 50 girls at the ready, but can't read more praise, I have an appointment with the Pope in a few hours
He's so smug
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beating chasers up
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yayyyy weeee yippeeeee wooo yayy
anons i hav a date and i am excited i am probably going to sperg out somehow and blow it but maybe i will be thought cute and invited back to be held and watch anime
wait fuck I didn't screenshot my captcha had YAY in it
Hi Rick
Knock it off
do most trans women here have a job or want to work in they're in a relationship with a man? I can't support the both of us on a single income in this economy.
Skill issue
yes, most of us here are not neets and are not interested in being stay-at-home-doing-nothing wives
i have no interest in depending solely on the man of the relationship for my income. i will continue to work in or out of a relationship
i am not gonna work but i have money and expect you to also have some money too
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I've returned from the shadows. I still have my gf btw, we've been together for 2 months now. That's a record for me. I still miss Frisson though, I'd honestly rather be with her than this girl I'm seeing but that's life. Hope she found someone worth her skill level.
I have $20. What can I get for $20?
I'm gonna knock you out
>I still miss Frisson though
have you seen her?
Wow congrats on 2 years with her
Sure buddy!
hey rick can I kiss you?
my current chaser makes $225k before bonuses and puts me on his insurance so I need more than $20
how should I sabotage rick's next relationship?
Lucky guy having tranner gf still fishing for attention on a Norwegean ski lodge discussion forum.
has anybody seen frisson?
lmao, the dream gf posting on chasergen while he's off earning a quarter million a year
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imo, im inclined to believe that if my experiences are to be believed, im led to think that in my opinion
frisson used to be mine, and then transbians slowly poisoned her mind with lies about me
oh no
I'm an engineer making just into six figures. Obviously I want to be a farm tradwife, I know how to grow vegetables and raise animals and build things and I'm good with kids. Obviously I can't have kids and my earning potential is high enough that I'll probably always work
That lil friend radiates friend energy at an exceedingly high level.
frisson i miss talking to you for hours every night
Bros how do we get aura to come back?
feel like pure shit i just want frisson back
Idk if aura wants to come back
God entered my body like a body my same size
She's too good for here
transbian with agp curls don't want her
I dont care how much my chaser makes ill be homeless with him idgaf
i will never be rick
why live?
frisson why did you refuse to top me?
i am an engineer and I make like $200k
I love you Pichu
even if you are poor, things are not as bad if you are with someone you love
morgan you are a whore who cheats on good chaser men by posting nudes on /b/ when you are dating, but i miss you so much
pickme queen
will you accept an onion ring as an engagement ring?
She's bi
She should come back anyway
trans*bi*an cope, the agp curls always give it away
>will you accept an onion ring as an engagement ring?
no u can at least carve me one out of some birch bark that we hitchhiked to get
Whats the QRD on that pichu anon
what happened
Do you work at fagman or smthn
t. Bay area startup poorfag
I just dont think money should rule over romance. We shouldnt be worshipping economic efficiency at the cost of our souls.
Onion ring? No. Flaming hot funyun? Yeah id wear it around for like a week like a retard :D
This guy
last i heard she's much happier staying away from this place
Anyone know how to teleport?
idk what that is
oh, also, good morning
That's a shame
Yeah but itd ruin the quantum entanglement that creates the sensation of consciousness so i wouldnt recommend it. Just learn to travel across dimensions.
Fekn a m8
hoto meow
I like how you describe it as the sensation of consciousness

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What do we do about the anglefagging troons problem?
Girls it's freaking over
I don't see the problem
Literally everyone does this. Why would you post a picture from an angle you know is shitty
>coming into chasergen
I look good from every angle
>t. one of the girls
Why is it a problem? Just ask for a video chat before you meet up its not hard
cg is 90% tranners
jade slade of the grooby girls, she was paid 300 usd for this
because my chaser doesn’t fuck me anymore and im losin it
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Not true anymore. It's more men than women now.
The real problem is how many gay men are here now.
No I paid them $600 get it right
I'm sure he has his reasons. Try to be understanding and talk to him about it instead of talking to us.
>chasers IDing as gay
yikes what if the estrogen works well are u gonna leave her?
so that's why chasergen sucks now, too many men compared to trannies
I don't think chasers are capable of viewing trans women as real women, they'll stay together
i didnt even get to vote also the old polls had more ppl voting and thats why it had more tranners u have to post the poll for a longer duration so everybody gets a chance to vote!!!
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i’d honestly have loved that, i’m covered in paint rn, heading back to shower now and then back again tomorrow to finish off the second coat on the dark wall

god i’m exhausted and probably should have eaten beforehand whoops, i’m also not great at painting apparently
I'm leaving only if she gets SRS, gigapassoid with dick is dream girl
>gigapassoid with dick is dream girl
ok good...
The poll should be run also by asking men if they're top, bottom or verse, so we can finally settle that debate under the secret of the ballot box
Verse means bottom here. They try and hide it.
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i have a job, and ideally me and my partner both work for that sweet dual income so we can live nicely and get little surprises for each other! <3
it was in a thread op for half a day you dingus. 50 votes is plenty.

but if you must vote, vote here, the polls are still open
>Question 1 for everyone: Gender
>Question 2 for Men Only: Sexuality
>Question 3 for Women Only: Sexuality

whoever bakes next bread, i encourage you to post these in the OP again for that thread so pissbabies lose all right to complain
Blatantly trolled data. Ignore those results.
already did this & he says he wants to marry me and have a sexless marriage for catholic reasons but i don’t want that
>Any results I don't like are trolled and invalid
Still want that $20?
ur the pissbaby and u smell bad and nobody likes u
She's great.
waoww so many gay guys.. zased...
I think that's the proxy answer for bottom chaser
oh no :(
I put my sexuality was albanian and im not even european so
And I went in and removed the troll answers like yours. Two days ago.
Only had one nightmare last night as opposed to the few I've been having the last few nights. Still wish I could cuddle/ sleep next to someone though
Damn the management is practically begging me to apply for an open full time position
oh yes :)
My answer was a troll answer oops haha
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No takesies-backsies no bend over and hand me those cheeksies
>The poll is useless because it got trolled! Do better!
>My source? I trolled it, duh!!
How do you know I didn't say gay top? Gay doesn't always mean bottom
i finished my book, can life prevail by pentti linkola
hi nils
Yeah it does you faggot
Been flirting with this blonde girl who works at World Market for the last month or so. Got her number yesterday, hit her up last night and we hooked up. Made out, sucked each others dicks but couldn’t go all the way because she’s never been fucked before.

I’m 35 (& married) she’s probably 19 or so (certainly not legal drinking age). First hookup with a trans girl, I thought it was great and I want to fuck her but I’m not interested in anything more. Should I keep on this or let it go? This girl’s dumber than a box of stones but she looks good.
Time for the next book.
Well, can it prevail?
Good bait
in the context of chasers it's bottom, sorry, I didn't make the rules
im so hungry but im too tired to eat
Well that's why it's a troll answer because I've only ever topped
charge you phones
I'm a pretty good painter and I work clean too. All I'd want is cuddles afterwards.
I like 'em feisty.
hello anons!

why do i look so bad on the chasergen tierlist why didnt any of you pick a nice image
I've missed the tierlist can you post it? I don't even know what you look like
It's okay you're S tier to me
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This image?
I look so bad in this
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hello anon!
Yarp, we will be reading Pickmans Model by HP Lovecraft next. then after that either The Ruling Class by Gaetano Mosca or No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
see pic related for your answer
If you look bad why did you post it?
idk why

i look bad in all my pics
Should I skip running bc concert later? I don't wanna be tired
How are any of us supposed to have enough info to answer this question
If you want to blog then just blog but engagement bait is useless
Yea skip it, but use that extra energy at the concert
Twerk dat bussy at da concert
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i cant rember which webms ive already posted. oops
anyways hi chasergen. how is everyone doing today. i procrastinated buying a ren faire ticket to go with my friends tomorrow and now they're sold out for the year. oops
Pichu.... you should have gone. I hope you're doing OK.
I love you.
love you too anon, im sorry to let you down
Morning everyone
Are you serious OP?
good morning!
You didn't let me down. It's just good for you to get out.
I hope you're ready for the weekend.
'oops' my ass you baka!
good morning!
womp womp
Sneak in. I always sneak into events like that.
Pichu I love you and I need to smell your farts
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ok maybe i procrastinated while trying to think of an excuse for cancelling on my friends, but now i have a non-negotiable reason to cancel that's outside of my control. so, it is what it is
an intriguing but frightening idea
i love smelling white guys farts
good morning :>
oh god there's another one?
i love this dog
What's up?
Hope you all doing well
Good news I’m very white and currently very gassy
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this u?
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"to be given away"

"ps, food included"
Is your ass fat? Drop disc rn
Lol cute dogger
Every day I delete more sociaI media randoms for posting wildly transphobic shit
I should put pronouns in my bio so they stop adding me
How’s it going
Yes I look just like that
What’re they saying?
I'm going to get Pichu out of the flannel and into a wedding dress.
The most transphobic people on social media are the trannies, counterproductively.
you should stop accepting every friend request you get
What's special about white guy farts?
t. confused white guy
Good, I am leaving to go into forest soon don't know when i will return. And you?
bad news anon, i just detransed my facebook account and name and usernames and pronouns and shit
the flannels are probably here to stay
Another idea is to delete the social media or at least deactivate for a bit. There’s so much hate on there it’s crazy
Always sharing some post about a non-passing mtf to laugh at them and call them crazy men, often in sports contexts
I'm trying to shill my music to more people but it's probably not doing much. Gotta pay for reach now anyway so yeah it is pointless
What do you do in forest? Are you on the hunt for a man?
please be nice to me :(
i love cuddles so this is a win win

there’s a tier list?
You have 60 days to correct this, or he gets it
Please stop calling me gay
I don't care enough
are you my high school bully?
No I'm June
That’s kind of funny, but rude. It’s definitely your own fault for accepting ransoms though so fix it or shut up about it :3
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rock pikmin are immune to crushing :>

also its the opposite, im locked into my deadname on my account for the next 60 days. can't change it again for two monthsrock
classic dilj4
Who the fuck is bug why tf are there so many uninteresting trips here nowdays? This place has gone downhill
The Junes are fighting instead of 69'ing..rly tells you a lotta bout somci ety..
There’s 2 of them now!
You know my opinion on you going backwards
Sorry I’ll try harder
can someone get the manmodergen june over here?
She keeps calling me gay and I've had enough of it
One is voraciously autistic and the other is a shitty troll, match made in heaven
Rick Ricabonni
Pichu you're a girl.
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we can also get the passgen lunatic jvne in here
bug is a fat mexican kid who's into scatplay
You will regret saying this
i thought i was a passgen lunatic?

lets get the sad breakcore jvne here too, shes probably a troon
I really wish she'd turn her trip back on so I could filter her bdd schizo rants about the tranny death squads
Ooomph ah I eats dat bussy yah
I have a strange powerful urge to go into forest. I don't know what i will do but I want to get lost there.
im not really big on breakcore, since most of the songs sound identical. But theres a nice and place for it

that time and place is walking alone at night a little anxious with broken earbuds

I heard pichu really wants to choke on a twink cock
you were never a passgen loony to me but maybe we should call jvne the cipgen jvne instead of the passgen jvne
I Am Using The Website As Intended
I have a strange powerful urge to go into the water. I don't know what i will do but I want to get lost there.
None of those things are true, I would rather actually kill myself than be into shit.
Well good luck in the water forest. Try not to get lost or drown in there
I made my triptag when i was in a passgen cause my image was titled earlyjune.jpg
Tfw no Twinkchan gf
Pichu makes me hold her hand while she watches gay porn and cries
yeah i was there lol, doesnt mean youre passgen june
youre like..... hyperhsts june. or cooking june. or tradjune
crushing the rock pikmin's balls with a sledgehammer just for that comment. Fine, you have 61 days to meet my demands.
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i’m gonna paint one of my walls with blackboard paint and then i can draw and write on it and im gonna write my favourite trips on there <3
I heard bug wants to choke on twink turds
You should post a selfie
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>t. picrel
You should draw a shrimp cat on it
That sounds cool, are you going to make like to-do lists and stuff on your wall?
Ooh put me on there even though I'm always anon
bug, if you were straight, which tranners would you fancy?
That’s a cool idea. Second the shrimpcat idea
You new name should be lasagnajune or cookingjune
Cooking Mama June
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ramblings of an ARK on the moon and typhlosion raping children

i just might

a whole bunch of things! and doodles too cus i like doodling

i will! just gimme something that differentiates you from other anons, another already did this for me
That would not be straight idgaf what anyone says, but other than that probably Naoto or Rosewood honestly. Everyone else is very very uninteresting or too manic
you want to eat a taco full of shit
I was thinking of TradJune
What about TardJune?
What about OverweightJune or NotSkinnyJune
You want to eat a .357 sandwich on the daily because you’ll never be loved by anyone <3
I'm not retarded or gay though
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Would you if I transition?
Anon posting is vastly preferable, you're doing good.
>i will! just gimme something that differentiates you from other anons, another already did this for me
Uhh you called me good boy a get days ago
Fucking gross lmao
taco bell actually sounds pretty good tonight. not shit taco bell, but just normal taco bell.
im 34 down rn, need to decide if i let myself eat a tacos
thx i think
I have been there. Hope it gets better
I actually do like early June tho.
Trannies will call themselves trad but they can't give birth lmao
can deliver you babies from an earlier marriage
Tripping for months and then not tripping might as well still be tripping, you did it to be known and are still known this isn't a sneaky hack you're not anon now
Thinking of buying another handgun
But they'll never speak to them because they trooned out and their mom didn't want to be seen with their dad now mom lol
You call yourself cis and yet you hang out in the tranny thread all day
Good idea. Which?
I don’t care about if some one is trad or not I Just want some love and occasional food desu.

Side note Im almost certainly losing power soon
worked on me cuz idk who you're talking about rn
I'm a tranny too, checkmate liberal.
I just want something stainless. I like my sar b6 a lot so I might get a sar 2000.
This reminds me I need to clean my EDC, there's visible rust on the sights how fucking embarrassing.
I love you Pichu
>the thread troll is a transbian
Called it kek
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god taco bell sounds so good atm i want a nacho party box so bad
i used to find more enjoyment in denying myself pleasure. need to find that back somehow.
i agree with the sentiment, but still think this is kinda undermined by the fact that you've yourself admitted to being terrible at guessing these multiple times lol
I'm straight lmao
What the fuck are you doing to get your sights to rust?
I'll make you a turd taco baby, I know you get cranky when you're hungry
I spent a lot of time in the rain. I don't wear a rain jacket instead I'm drenched for hours.
Maybe you should wear a jacket. If the sights are rusting then the internals are gonna be way worse.
Yeah totally youre just like me huh
No, you are you, I am me.
Yeah, I feel pretty bad about it. Not going to wear a rain jacket, I enjoy being drenched too much.
Go back to your hole
This is my hole
Sort of. I'm afraid of eternal recurrence. I'm afraid that existence is inescapable and I make my same mistakes and feel my same pain over and over. I really hope the universe is not like that. I'm suffering deeply and want to die by suicide but man. I wish eternal oblivion were guaranteed.
as always, i suspect the only person it definitely isn't.
This is my hole <3
Wow its the real nikado avocado
No it isn't
I already clicked it dont lie
It's goatse this time
nobody knows who I am...
This is a straight male thread, the girls just like our company
what is going on
We're ogling over your asshole babe
Based but im just here to shitpost if im being real witchu
Hi there Texas senator Ted Cruz
i dont think thats mine
Thanks. I know it's mine.
Tell us
>straight male thread
Based on the polls that is not true lol
It's yours, now let me dig you out with a work shirt and tie on and then I'll suck your dick after
I think you mean infamous repper JD Vance
The bi males here are girls if I'm gonna be honest with you
Post your fursona
>The bi males here are girls
they will be in 6 months
God hates furries
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I don't care about anything or anyone
Pichu you gotta cut it out with this detrans shit.
I thought pichu=jd vance
ur not a werewolf u dont look like that
I fucking despise this
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it's literally me you know nothing of my struggles....
ur not a wolf ur a human
is the pichu in the room with us right now?
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I am a real wolf, and it is transphobic to say otherwise
I'm extremely transphobic
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You're valid my canine brother
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I will bite you and grrrr at you
stop pretending ur a wolf thats not good dont be such a debby downur
dont worry, its just more comfortable this way for the time being
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I'm a wolf....
Honestly probably right a good amount of the time.
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what do you guys think of my kitty cat
royksopp fan bf
every time I watch wolf videos I want to cry so bad, why was I born in such a disgusting human body....
you're bi right?
I've only heard the one song that was used in that geico commercial like 15 years ago
I don't care about the cat at all, you should put it in a woodchipper
here is my recommendation for another track
wearing the wolf ears makes the bad thoughts go away sometimes
ur bean rude bc ur trying to make it like its the same thing as bean trans
It is the same thing
they're installing schools in the litterboxes
ur a stupid ugly pissbaby
Thank you for this i havent listened to royksopp in a decade listening to running to the sea rn
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I would be much happier if I was a wolf, you don't understand my struggle with humanity, please stop being transphobic. You don't get me
frick u
on all levels but physical I am a shrimp cat
f*ck you
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I will eat you up
you are a BAD PERSON!!
murder bf who murders (me)

8 character captchas are truly so evil
woah checked
apparently no one in my family knows who HP lovecraft is
omg i love harry potter
if only i had complained about 16 character captchas with a 2*2*2*2 quad
Depends on who you ask or if you consider likeing trans women bi
You need to stop
maybe you should have a conterversal surgery to become the first real shrimpcat.
Thats kind of wild
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You're silly.
nobody in my family knows I am a wolf
stop worrying, it's fine
you're a bottom and a repper
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humanmoding today
Damn I am? I didn’t even know? But I can’t argue with the logic
Gun cleaned. Sorry.
i can be :P
are you gonna shoot me?
if im scared of men do I marry a woman and just have sex with men behind her back or find an autistic soft boy to mold like jello and hopefully marry
I’m going to start doing exclusively upper body workouts so I can become a muscle tranny
I'm going to take oral minox so I can be a hairy wolf
Don’t cheat cmon that not good
Muscle mommy requires big legs also
I was cleaning it and it went off
I could be your jello boy
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Put the tongue away weird girl.
If you like autistic men you're in the right place
tfw no wolf husband
do not
i'll put it away when im done with it :P
I'm a gay wolf
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stand together brothers and sisters
wolfposter is kinda boring no offense
jeraclaing it for no reason
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I'm not here to amuse you
coi boi
what is he scheming?
behind that paw
I love you
Wolfposter is kinda amusing no offense.
quietly stalking my next prey
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Danzig rides a wolf as his primary source of transportation
What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
you dont even know me
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I’m dressing up as a chaser
most attractive chaser
I know I was being dramatic
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we can fall in love and then never speak to each tother agin
I hope to one day look as good as him

Do you think I should start blasting Trenbolone?
a rapist
I wish the regular trans girls itt would post pics of their Halloween costumes
Bus driver. And drive a bus. I work on that day.
I agree, Rosewood should post pics of her SS costume
That sounds beautiful, but also painful
maybe would if i had one
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it takes a beast to tame a beast
but no
it turns people into meanies
Get one.
it has to be
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just embrace your inner animal
i have a cat onesie that i might wear if they schedule me at my job just cause its easy and cozy
I need to look older for work and I heard it ages you
hi jorking anon, how is jarkling going?
I'm not against this idea
>Rosewood, She Wolf of the SS
what should i be? i dont have any actual real ideas or plans for halloween
Let's see it babe
i stopped because im stired need a nap buddy
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trenbolone is demonic
it either turns you into a sissy bottom who wants to get railed by tranners, or into a full blown rapist
if you wanna age yourself just start smoking and sleeping like shit, go out into the sun without any sun protection, stop drinking water, drink alcohol and sugary drinks
I can't make threads because transbian janny will prune them, hint hint
real of you, let me tuck you in and cuddle you
>sleeping like shit
Already do
>go out into the sun without any sun protection
What sun?
>stop drinking water
Can't because it harms athletic performance + makes being productive impossible
>drink alcohol
Can't for reasons

We'll see I guess
my inner animal is a jellyfish
i dont wanna make another, someone else do it
i'm a chaser, so it's not what you're looking for
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trips perceived
we gotta get simpleflips to try this out, hed be perfect for it
can you pretend that pic rel is me
hryes please
You're not a man if you're wearing a cat onesie.
if there's no sun where you are, then just go to a tanning salon
also oral minox will make you grow hairs all over your face and body, hair is what ultimately decides your age for 99% of people
just please don't take tren, it's devil shit, I've seen it ruin so many people. Both men and tunas. I believe in you, don't ruin your precious brain
i'll hold you and kiss your face til you doze off
There is no substitute for you <3
its just silly and cozy, and i can unbutton it a little bit to show off the zeek
Unironic repper.
Unless you're drunk then you can wear anything (or nothing)
you're so sweet. can i learn a little about you anon?
this board is really funny sometimes, gender essentializing being cozy rules lmfao
mph yes
But Tren is the only way for me to look like a blond version of Kazuma Kiryu
cutie, i'll rub your back too, that sorta thing is always very nice and sweet to me
i'm pretty sure oral minox doesn't drastically increase body hair, i've been taking it for a little while and haven't noticed anything
someone make new pls
people itt actually WANT to age?
am i the only peter pan syndromer here or what?
Yes, I want to age.
Need a new thread

well its his holiday . he gets to be
It helps, but it's mostly dependent on genetics still. I'm convinced I'm not going to have a full chest of hair until my 40s.
I'd like to look 4 or 5 years older for professional reasons
you already look better than kiryu
how long have you been taking it? I've seen some amazing results. Some people literally turning into monkeys, but everybody's body responds different to stuff
you’re making me more tired
Sure anything you'd like.

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