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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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qott: Do you give fems a chance?
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Is alaskanon a fem or top?
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It is ok to be a flamer!
Yes it is, but they make me uncomfortable
that's on you
Are you a fem doe?
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I have never seen an attractive gay get bashed.
lookism is cancerous
Ive seen attractive gays get skittleblitzed
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Gay death even exists in nature, especially birds, as seen here.
For me, it’s jake warden
Depends on how much they talk.

And certainly not those.
>adult male
slay queen
Is that a pooner?
No, it’s a cis gay
bucko's next papi dick pic dropping when?
his face is poonery
Is that what triggered Xan yesterday?
my feet has a really nice smell to it
very addicting
fem = immediate turnoff
I want to see his cock pressed against my small cock.
idk I wasn't here yesterday but when is that cunt ever not triggered tho?
>tomestone phone case
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If Kamala wins America is fucked.

Fakeness--the thing responsible for all the hell going on in the west right now--will triumph over sincerity and honesty.
Feelings first, logic second. Remember when news reporters attacked Trump for calling covid the "China virus"? OH NOES. How relevant... how bad... how serious...

Do you retards really want more immigrants/terrorists being thrown in here? Why?

This is literally the only reason why Trump should win: He isn't afraid to speak his mind.

Kamala? "Well we can't offend the blacks!"
Tops and bottoms are fighting over politics.

All the tops love Trump and bottoms are on the Kamala train.
It's going to be a long month
I cant support Trump. I can only oppose Harris. There is not enough difference to matter and both seem incompetent.

I cant support a guy who wants to replace American tech workers with pajeets, who doesnt have the balls to do actual deportations in meaningful numbers, who panders to minorities, who wants to drag us into Israels affairs sparing no expense and now says child mutilation is ok with parents permission.

Acceleration might actually be preferable.
>I cant support a guy who wants to replace American tech workers with pajeets

I'd rather ten Pajeets than one fucking Muslim, holy shit. Pajeets can at least take a joke.
What is trump going to do about russian smo?
>who doesnt have the balls to do actual deportations in meaningful numbers
Oh just you wait
i want to know what it feels like to be touched by another man ;_;
i want to cuddle and hold hands ;_;
i have never had my first kiss and i am approaching 30 ;_;
*touches you* ;3
>bottoms are on the Kamala train.
nope. I find her off-putting like a bland pudding and she's definitely not someone im rooting for. under her admin, I foresee a lot more riots and looting, lot more crimes and shooting, and more welfare for illegals whose bills the citizens will be footing. it's terrible :3
If you're cute I'll hold your hand
Trump cant deport because it will cost too much, but he should attempt it anyway.
biden-harris are already neck deep into israel's affairs, but apparently that is much worse than when there was nothing happening under trump
you people are a joke lmao
I got so desperate for physical touch that I asked my dad if I could hug him the other day.

He's a tough guy and I was shocked, absolutely shocked, that he said yes. He openly says he doesn't like being touched. I think he only said yes because I caught him off guard.
trump literally moved the palestinian embassy to jerusalem :s
im reading in my discord server right now about females in other western countries finding it hard to find pepper spray because theyre afraid of the migrants

this thread ruined my marriage
>be me 30
same story.
I will probably kms.
why do you watch this?
What's funny?
funny if tru
bed is warm and comfy uwu
Skunk teas
Hes already shown he cant stand up to media heat. Here is a man who, sitting in the oval office, announced his re-election campaign promising to do the same thing he failed to do in his current term. He caved on mass deportations, the wall, anchor babies, chain migration, designating narcos as terrorists, ending sanctuary cities. Obama deported more illegals. Even if he was willing to stand up to the media, its not obvious that he is competent or has any plan.

They already deport criminals, they never enforce e-verify, and continue catch & release. He is just stating what they already do. The rate of deportations is pitifully inadequate for the number of illegals present. Under Trump it was 80k a year compared to 14 million minimum present.

Meaningful deportations will never happen. White resistance will be marked as terrorists. That leaves evacuation as an option, or direct action on infrastructure and for people to forfeit the convenience of depending on it and becoming self reliant. There is no political solution to wrest control from the entrenched internationalist controlled government. It is not worth it to waste time trying to preserve shapes on maps.

If Israel is willing to bomb civilians simply to take land there, why should we expect a different outcome from an Israeli controlled government here?

If they treat the heritage citizens like livestock and pests today, why wont they treat us like pests and zoo attractions tomorrow?
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Happy Friday!!! ^-^
Feet orgy :)
post warm and comfy bed (with your feet in the pic :3)
happy friday to you too.
Wow, thanks, Anon!
why surprised?
What you are doing today?
i’m taking a day off so i can chill and do drugs
Those are the best kind of beds!

It's always a pleasant surprise when someone tells me something nice!

I'm going to help my mom do some errands and watch one of my favorite podcasts. Thanks for asking! What about you?
Going off into Siberian wilderness to find myself.
hate leon s kennedy
the only thing you'll find is navalny's corpse
The guy from resident evil?
I'm really going. I wonder what i will find
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sure :3
But what about Luis Suave?
>has only three toes
you a freak
oh sorry

I was just thinking here you would just get a gun and shoot them, but them they're even having a hard time getting pepper spray
why? x/
opinion invalid and retarded.
gay sex is pretty gross when you think about it
any sex is pretty gross when your really think about it.
oral 's fine though
we're so back
Only cum in the mouth and vagina juice is gross
from where ._.
i had a multiple day ban for nude post
Happens to the best of us :/
Honestly nothing impressive. They banned you for nothing. You have a small weird dick and you're fat.
worth the risk occasionally
go away bligger
you know who I really like in gaygen? Steve. his confidence and carpe diem attitude is very admirable. far better than all the shut-in woe-is-me i-am-touch-starved-i'll-never-have-bf-sad-face-emoji fags that clutter this general
trans people are basically schizophrenic psychos like a tweaker you'd find at a gas station muttering weird shit

the whole idea that you're a "female trapped in the wrong body" is INSANE.
nice try satan, we see you looking out through your servant’s eyes
Think of all the cute bottoms we missed out on...
Post tummy STAT!
I'm merely an agent of free will, child
have you found a job yet or are you still a neet?
I liked that one anon who thought the failure of straight parents was an argument against gay parents
gay people should not be able to become parents.
I only date fems
i have a job but life life is still neety as i dont really leave the house
i sometimes wonder what peppe is doing these days :{|)
weren't you bitching and moaning a few months back about being unemployed or was that someone else?
by the way, where did you hide haribo's lifeless corpse?
getting a job tends to happen to the unemployed who bitch and moan. haribo is well fed and gets his sunlight you dont worry aboit him
a simple yes would suffice. why play retarded?
>haribo is well fed and gets his sunlight you dont worry aboit him
is he allowed visitors?
im already reaching my limit of tolerating conversation with you
oh how scarry. fatty is reaching his limit.
dont worry someone who likes you is surely to hop on thread sometime this year
stop talking to the tranny
its an mtf, its not a gay man leave it alone
Curious, why you chose the name "shallo"?
Oh, sounds fun! I hope you enjoy the outdoors! :)

Like this? :s

ooh you surely got me there, fatty.
I like making fun of these delusional freaks.
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Stop being obsessed with trips?
its nothing really important. i just kinda like how it sounds
that fucking smog refraction. what a shithole you live in.
i love it. why r u so cranky today
too fat.
I'm always like this.
You shouldn't shave
skinnier than fatty shallo.
>be top
>don't like Trump
You do know what inspired the line "Make America great again?", don't you anon?

I speak to anyone who wishes to speak to me, through various media. Even people I don't like. If I refuse to speak with you, it's because you are such a horrible person that there is no amount of good in the world you could do to change my opinion of you.
Gay people get divorced less frequently and their children reach equal if not marginally better outcomes financially and emotionally, what is the issue?
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Is being openly homophobic becoming more acceptable?
Oh no ;-;

But I like being smooth...
You just saved a life, now zoom out :3
Is there a well-made study on this? I wish to throw it into the faces of people who are commonly known to harbor homophobic sentiment.
Can we stop acting like saying black culture is violent and promiscuous is taboo?

Most people are frightened by it and for good reason.
anon couldnt locate his own hip bones with the assistance of military grade radar
repper lol
Yes, and here's why it's actually a good thing for POC
Of course he couldn't, theyre fucking radars.
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Bath bombs arrived
Very excited for this moment
>equal if not marginally better outcomes financially and emotionally,
literally no proof.
>what is the issue?
uhm, kinda obvious one. gay parents rob child of essential part of child's development - connection with their mother/father depending on what kind of flavor of degeneracy they exercise.
did you get specific scents? i got angel coming today ima smell like a whore
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Same guy btw
Imagine being this retarded and not being able to burn anon, instead being burned by this >>37669927 anon.
kek. were you hired as DEI hire perchance?
Mmmfff >~<

is that snow angel? i havent tried that one
i got passion and intergalactic
Don't forget that blacks literally originated hiv, aids and monkeypox.
everything gays being blamed for is blacks fault.
That <3 is making me :'c
>i like the bottoms, not the tops
-my nephew, talking about eating brocolli
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ive actually never used a bath bomb. i tried one of those shower ones thats supposed to slowly disintegrate but it dissapeared in like 30 seconds it might not have been a shower one after all
forgot reply
Im literally ಥ﹏ಥ rn
i don't wanna go to the store, but i'm all put of smokes ;- ;
I want to smoke but my sheboon dyke neighbor is trying to put a voodoo curse on me again for pullutin her earf
i smoked a pack of yellows last week and now im back on the zyns, but they got a menthol flavor now which is pretty nice.
stop being a fat lazy faggot and go get some smokes
>they got a menthol flavor now which is pretty nice.
/!\ snow bunny alert /!\
Dont let fucking nigger dykes rule your life
the californian-willsomebodyplzthinkofthechildren-wholefoodsshopping-faggot-whores took away the menthol cigarettes and i hate them.
i'm neither lazy nor fat. i'm avoidant ._. i would never leave the house if i didn't have to. would just rot in bed for days.
literally me.
avoidant is one of those jew words that means lazy
get help
Weird thing is weve lived next to eachother for a year and shes never tried talking to me about it. If she had just tried to talk to me like a normal person, I wouldnt have minded stepping off to the parking lot to smoke if I saw her out there. But nah, she just wants to hoot n holler on some tweaker bullshit all of the sudden so Im gonna keep smoking on my balcony and not giving a fuck.
But Anon that's my private spot (﹏)

I meant to do (〒﹏〒)
if you got off their poisons maybe you’d have enough energy to move your fat ass to the store
i have black neighbors on my left whove never spoken or made eye contact with me and korean neighbors on my right who at least will wave hello when we cross paths out front. but ive never spoken to either and both close their window if i smoke outside.
>every anon is the same person
I'm serious. get help.
*peels off the heart emoji* there, you are finally free </3
lazy assumes arbitrary value to think that existentialism declines. people are like oh make your bed. why? well so it looks nice. for who? for guests? what if no one ever comes over. in fact, what if i never want anyone to come over? what if i'm the only one that will ever see the unmade bed?

the dopamine hit you get from making the bed is a pavlovian response like a dog that was trained to get the paper. you don't even need the reward anymore. you do it without thinking.

am i still lazy if i regularly exercise? i do 2 hours of yoga every day, but i still don't make my bed. am i lazy for not making my bed and cleaning my room?


it's in protest of jordan peterson types spout hypocritical bullshit like clean your room as they get hopped up on benzo's and rot in their own homes.

i'm neither lazy nor above making the bed. it's a conscious act of rebellion against the man.
You gays are all women.
What an uppity negroid, how dare she tell you what to do on your own balcony... Hope she doesn't fuck with ur car tho
whats the knight symbol next to the checkmark mean?

Reminder that phobic people don't actually care about data and only weaponize cherry picked examples, you will never convince a chud with studies, if they cared about evidence backed research they wouldn't be bigotted in the first place as it's not where the data leads.
don’t butt in to conversations that don’t concern you if you don’t want to be mistaken for someone else, retard
not reading a single word of your rationalization for procrastination
>Hope she doesn't fuck with ur car tho
Thats what Im saying. But like, I also get her frustration about the smell bothering her. Im just not cmgonna give a fuck until she can talk about it without chimping out. Apartments, ya know? Its communal living.
what time is it in la, like 8, u wake up at 6?
u got hooked on ciggies? thats baaaad mkay? u can only smoke after u accomplish a goal
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Mommy, mama, アジーリア・アマンダ・バンクス behind YOU :brown_heart:
i shouldn't have to explain this to you retards, but i feel i do. it's called a phobia because it comes from an irrational place. using facts and reason will not convince them because their objections stem from delusions.

ask a homophobe why they're homophobic and all it boils down to is they think it's gross. it's not objectively gross, and they have no data founded in reality that can define it as gross. it's not a belief founded in reality.

another example:
the conservatives project a fuckton. they'll see things like facts don't care about feelings, but when you present them with facts they lose their goddamn minds. it's because they're the ones arguing with their feelings rather than facts.
im not hooked on cigs i smoke like 4 packs a year when the moon is real nice
tranny look
i wake up early to do my daily doom scrolling while i wake up drinking coffee and watch the sun rise instead of after 10pm when i should be sleeping and avoiding blue light.
its a nigger...
Interesting use of words in that thing. LGB without the TQIA+ stuff. Anyways, good to know.
As for convincing chuds, no need. Most of them are pretty weak tbqh and, in my experience, are quick to shut their mouth when the prospect of having to face consequences for their words dawns on them.
how should i move out of my homophobic country and into an accepting one to find a husband?
i'm in love with:
mary~ jane~
when i'm with her i can't feel the pain
actin like things'll ever be the same
cause i'll never forget the day that you came
but the day you left me high and dry
prolly thought i'd just lay down and die
give it up
you mutt
you. just. ain't. that. tough.
i'll tell you when
cause i just can't get enough.
Get good grades, go to study abroad, never return home?
20 cigs in 7 days is dependence, i know the feeling boi, it starts randomly invading your brain, gee why not grab a smoke right now to relax...
u should not do any doomscrolling on 4chins, its bad for your brain, it drags you down
What app do you use to take these screenshots?
post cock, where u from, landser

mmm whats the size on that thing, put a ruler to it ^^
The proof not only exists, it's very well studied and as easy to find as one piece spoilers, you just don't actually care if it isn't spoken by some right wing media personality.
>i have a job but life life is still neety as i dont really leave the house
u need a friend, an actual one out of flesh and bone
u should join a sports club or some shit where physical people interact
Post soft coq fag
Paint doesn’t exist anymore
playing gatorball with hotny...
no i have no dependence sorry i just like a pack once in a while
i like 4chan and a good doomscroll passes the groggy minutes of waking up i like that too
i have friends they just dont live near me anymore but once i move soon ill have them near me again. its just a phase of being the last person in my hometown.
i have a dependence and i'm not afraid to show it. i'd smoke in the shower if i could get away with it!
i aint home and not in the mmood :X
i always win
You dont live up to your name...
i thought they called you the house cause you were fat?
>Post cock
I ain't no slut
I ain't none of those neither
>Where u from
A small town of Non-Ja, Puisenées, France.
Would u fuck horny? Hes pretty hot for a 40 year old
its been a bad week
i am fat, summer over, losing sixpack
>a good doomscroll
clouds your mind, its is literally better to just walk outside, any line you read in here is bad, its negative emotions seeping into you, right now too!
how big is your hometown

ew, elass lothringen is teutsch, as is bruessel
but eryone is a little bit of a anon slut, amiright?
eh eh? tu parle francais, mon ami?
>otter and ottermode mean completely different things
who was in charge of this?
its literally fine and not that serious. my hometown is like a suburb thats overcrowded
I don't know what he looks like and his personality is about as appealing as rubbing your dick against a cheesegrater while a symphony of bad chalk is screeching against a physics professors blackboard, whose currently in the process of explaining Einsteins theory of relativity, with derivations thereof.

OBVIOUSLY I am not from France, you dingus. If you took hints as well as you took cocks, you might have noticed.
do they?
>its been a bad week
Whats going on?
>his personality
He is actually a pretty nice guy, but when hes on here he shitposts or is drunk
One is for trannies
ottermode is swimmer bod
Non-Ja, Puisenées
does not sound like non of your bizness cause i can read french and tiny bit speak

>its literally fine
u didnt sound fine one saturday, hence u should not post here, this place is not entertainment or sharing therapy...
it is not, u want to think it is entertainment but ur mistaken...
>his personality is about as appealing as rubbing your dick against a cheesegrater
well, we dont have to get married, im already engaged here, i just wanted to put a cock to a trip
no its fine actually. i dont need advice.
post slack old hole
That's part of the joke, although the bigger joke is the french language altogether.

>asks me of all people to help him be unfaithful
As I said, a personality like placing your dick into the running gearbox of a Toyota Taycoma while having your balls squeezed in a hydraulic press and getting an enema of hydroflouric acid.
Yeah but I only know him from here.
>>summer over
and i'm just over here like can i squeeze into this size 4
What do you do if you don't fit into any grindr tribe?
Body type is closest to "twink" but I don't have a youthful pretty face so it doesn't feel right
>help him be unfaithful
Its okay, we're swingers. Im also waiting for you to post coq
t. hotny's future husband
embrace being ugly
i've found that when you don't really have any expectations or goals life is a hell of a lot easier. no disappointments. no upsets. just smooth sailin'
that's stupid
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It's a spiritual war out there and you can't see either invisible side.
Its a /fit/ thing.
jsut get over it, shrug the bad shit off, lower your expectations (if others do have to lower their expectation to fuck, why you wouldn't lower yours lmao), yolo, love yourself, etc.

t. ugly twink
ya but did diddy do liam and liam's murder was to silence him? as in, he was one of the males coming forward against diddy whereas justin kept his mouth shut.
Preach brother. You don't know half of it...
>he was one of the males coming forward against diddy
I am not going to indulge your perversions. Find somebody else.
what would u like me to change? ^^
my ass
shut up fat fuck
uhhhhhh yeah lemme get an order of BBT cheeks bouncing up and down on my shit to go
Tops don't strain they peas
why not, rationalize not sharing with your fellow human beans?
The core of your being
Youre just fine, bby
If you want to change something, then why not change into something more comfortable?
post ass, ill tell u a tribe
more specifics
not today
You don't have to. I simply have no interest in you now, will never have such interest in you in the future. Move on.

Humans beings are awful.
Why so cruel o.o
/fit/ uses all the gay slangs lol
Half are gay, and the other half are in the closet, so ya
I'm not? He just will have to learn how to take "No" for an answer.
when is someone finally going to tell my dumbass dad he's wearing women's glasses
i didnt ask u if u have interest in me
i asked u a hypothetical of what i would have should have changed

humans are not awful, the cosmos doesnt care, ur dust
You should support your dad's transition, anon. But also just start telling him
>lookin good, hon!
he wont get it, but if he ever does itll be hilarious.
is your dad martin from frasier?
he talked about a weird experienced with Diddy years ago, how he felt scared of him and his evil laugh when they met briefly at a party
his handler was Simon cowell who is one of Britain's evil pedo perverts, who is also Bish's uncle
There is no point in indulging in those hypothetical fantasies of yours.
wat! of course there is a point!

i gain knowledge, id like to know what u think unfiltered cause i cant open your skull

u gain tripfag attention, someone talks to u

its win win

ill show u cock if u want to =>
I don't want to see your cock. You gaining knowledge of me seems more like a negative than anything, really.
u dont want coq, but what do you want?

also i get knowledge of how i am perceived and only indirectly of you, this has value to me

how u see me is not knowledge about u cause thats completely open to interpretation
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~waltzing through this thread~
Id mazel top him
So you are saying no just to say no ?
Troye Sivan
ze island monkeys are completely fucking DONE
jutland is avenged, gott strafe england
What I want has never been of any importance neither will it ever be.

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Fun fact: Wiccan is jewish in comics
If you remove the idea of gay adoption, you are removing the asserted parity of the homosexually exclusive lifestyle with heterosexuals. This is why every gay supports adoption and marriage even if so few actually seek it. Its not about actual interest or intentions. Its about defending the notion that gays have moral parity with heterosexuals, and are therefore justified for behaving as such.

This will swiftly lead you to the "born that way" argument because its important to excuse gays of responsibility for constantly, incessantly trying to put more dicks in their mouths. They can claim it must be inborn because they actually do not know why they prefer males. But if you reverse engineer the chronology of attraction, you can logically see how socially challenged pre-adolescents are going to view peer males differently, and would in fact almost have to.

But this would assign responsibility to parents, environment and character progress of the individual themselves. Worst of all, it would show that despite learning a preference for males, it would only take a choice to begin suffering females to merge into social responsibility with everyone else.

That means the person would have to actually choose to bear something they find unpleasant while simultaneously forfeiting a vice thats as deeply emotionally entrenched as sex. And how many excuses will an addict make to dismiss the idea of getting clean? So why should you expect something different of another vice? Thats why its called vice.

So when you remove the moral comparison of gays actually wanting to marry and adopt due to an inborn, immutable condition, what you are left with is a bunch of sexually compulsive men who want to keep their vice for self satisfaction regardless of whether change would be possible or not. In other words, man-whores by another name.
fun fact: he was also brought back to life by the devil
>What I want has never been of any importance neither will it ever be.
see, u shared information, wasnt so bad?

now, what u want is now more than "any" cause I want to know, it has importance now
Yes. It was.
why did u do it? we can repeat the process!
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its sad when you try to reach out to someone and they don't return your calls and they always come up with a reason to not meet up... how do you help someone like Liam you makes it hard on you to be his friend?
me trying to reach deltoid's heart :<
... If you made a pill that was certain to make gay males straight, an overwhelming majority would refuse to take it. Because they dont actually want to change and they dont actually care why they are the way they are.

But you cant say that and then also claim some regret about not being morally congruent with the rest of society when it comes down to personal choice. If you were going to choose to keep doing it regardless, if you find the heterosexual lifestyle and its sacrifice for distasteful regardless of attraction, if you have no real curiosity about its cause, you really cant claim you are as morally oriented to participate in society. Especially when you have the option for marriage and adoption and choose to ignore it anyways.

All of this is self evident, so the next reaction you will find in any person steeped in a vice is excuses, distractions, and rationalizations.
>they don't return your calls and they always come up with a reason to not meet up... how do you help someone like Liam you makes it hard on you to be his friend?
people who actually suicidal and not internet depressed are not rational, it is as if they are literally blackout drunk, the brain doesnt work normally, u cannot talk to them, they have to be institutionalized if you want to treat them
this self hating closet fag is kinda cute :3
... degen
post dick
you died for our sins babe
75% of this thread?
I love how zayn Malik crossdresses in this music video, he looks better than most trannies
Fems are the best of both worlds, especially up close. A better question would be do they give you a chance, and God bless if so.
>Fems are the best of both worlds
Rude control yourself anon.
>faggot scared of laugh
>accusation by association
>more baseless accusation

pls tell me: you also believe into the pizzagate cannibal-rape underground camps as well, right?
what do we think about the new twigs?
hey gays it's me ishowspeed here
U have a nice coq
I can't help but think about her genital herpes she got from her Jewish ex and lost all respect for her for dating a jew
she's so hideous now
everyone knew p.diddy wanted to be Satan so bad and would do anything to be at the top
all black men are weird as fuck and are so hell-bent on world domination
its why no one trusts them
what about bill smith doe?
>Jewish ex
was that shia labeouf?
Seriously. It hardly seems to me like a choice.
Mental illness and she doesn’t make good anymore :(
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cynical cunt.
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tfw no debaser bf
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not the real debaser
i got a letter... the name on the envelope said... deltoid... my wife's name
this goes into my pucker
goddamn i thought he was ugly because he was english
now i know hes a jewish incest baby
explains a lot
Yet still in character.
thank God for jews
if it wasn't for them more minorities would be in control
I think jewbois are cute
is scarlet witch jewish?

he could have an evolution
but it was jews who pushed for minorities in the first place o_O
shiza la boeuf bourguignon
>are so hell-bent on world domination
working with other men for the common good is fucking gay
There were some cute ones at my HS
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Does your team give off top or bottom energy?
pokemon is for gaydeads who will never fossilise into dilfs because they have peter pan syndrome
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It's not the face so much as the wispy mess covering it
no deltoid :\
the scarlett witch is romanian-coded, she only her kids because she used magic but the devil mephisto stole them from her, so she went crazy and the kids were reborn again but to different families :×
australians are cute

is he even human if his dad is vision

you're no fun
now imagine this if they were both fat hairy middle-aged bears, one of them with a cigar spitting into the other's mouth
omg deltoid ignored me again :'(
All bottoms have daddy issues
Thats kinda funny cuz as soon as I gaydied I just couldnt fuckin stand it. I still like the idea of it and it sounds fun on paper, but god damn if I dont just fuckin hate trying to play it. Wouldnt knock someone else for doing it, but Id kinda rather do anything else. Like digimon world. Not *that's* a game series for a MAN's man.
you gotta learn how to work the ‘toid
comics are convoluted
and give me a fucking minute will ya jeez
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Nuyovo >>37671367
He’s not real
It's ok anon, she's just projecting her insecurities, I'm sure you're a very cute boomer top.

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