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He explains why troons like to dress up as girls rather than women.

It is because that is what straight men like.
cogent, kek
Does he think HSTS is just a dating strategy for effeminate gay men?
>it's a twitter post AND a blanchard post
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i don't fw blanchtards but unfortunately he is kind of spitting here
i wonder what blanchard thinks of Autopedophilia
also i'd say this doesn't just apply to agps who dress like anime girls, personally i actually enjoy "sensible, comfortable clothes" and modesty so those are the types of clothes i'd like to wear
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I will grant that does strike me as an apt observation. I don't like to think of myself as agp, I'm a bi trans woman and I don't like to pathologize my identity, and I have prided myself on carrying myself maturely and dodging the infantile side of trans culture.
That said... whenever it has come up I would always remark upon how Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams was one of the most beautiful women to ever grace the screen, not even in a sexualized or attracted sense but in sheer awe of profound beauty... and I sorta really like to witchmode.
I'm kinda seething right now
hey does this apply to 18-21 year olds - ie this board?
like most trans ppl i know even agps do dress their age
i dress like a millenial tho...im 21
Took a lot of words to say straight men are pedos lol
Yeah that's literally the definition of HSTS
Why not just say pedophilia?
Is that true? Is that their actual motivation?
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It is?

You are in the female prime so you are excempt.
>first paragraph
i used to say this before he did
He is correct and it honestly makes the few twinkhon-and-up AGPs that exists really hot.
>t. male
holy shit, trannies can look like this ????
sucks im a twinkhon tho
>>37669740 is correct, i think blanchman is talking about john 50s who dress like college girls
you're actually dressing above your age considering millenials are in their 30's now
real truth of it if you're not retarded like blanchard
>trannies don't know how to dress
>they look for fashion inspo online
>this stuff tends to be geared younger
>end up dressing too young until you get more comfortable
iirc the guy was bi and the reason he rejected her pre-trans was because they lived apart and it would have had to have been long distance and that was what he didn't want
I remember seeing this headline and being like this was all a lie?
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>sucks im a twinkhon tho

You are still leauges above than most men ever will be.

What Andrew Tate and other "red pill" scammers forget to meantion is that most cis men are forever at the bottom. The only scenario in which a 40 year old man is able to get a 20 year old gf, is if he is tall, rich and handsome. Most men of any age are trash and have to settle for women their own age.

Cis and trans women of any age will always have their pick of the average cis man their age. The graph related is for the top 20 % of men only.
lmao, very scientific anon
This shit is probably made up and makes you sound like a pedo
bitches watch too much anime F1nnster and Alice and figure thats the way to dress
like fuck it took me a year to shift totally way from femboy fits i had pre trans to as my friends say 'embracing the pumpkin spice white woman'
i dont think that applies to tranners unless youre stealth. again twinkhon ectect
also its fucked that this chart starts at 15 what the actual fuck
It's completely and obviously right. The trend with so many dressing like creepy little girl skinwalkers has been noted for years and the sex urges with men and differences are obvious too.
>and makes you sound like a pedo

Jealous old hag.
>also its fucked that this chart starts at 15 what the actual fuck

Fembrained post
see this is exactly how i'd like to dress, big comfy sweaters, long skirts, warm colors
when i care enough to dress up that's basically what my man clothes look like too (minus the skirts)
>also its fucked that this chart starts at 15 what the actual fuck
What age do you think people were having sex at and pairing off at in the past through all time and evolution? Why would millenia of evolution and instinct magically go away overnight to suit you or recent culture?
i like jeans n long skirts with them, but its getting winter now...
sure but this is in modern society what is with the 'SMV' and theres more factors at play too. Wealth, ability ectect
also they were paring off with their own age right? I know spartans could only after they turned like 17
imagine having the internet at your fingertips and still being this out of touch just because it reinforces your biases and then pretending it ever was or in any way could ever have been scientific
> as my friends say 'embracing the pumpkin spice white woman'
yeah but if boomerhons do this is looks bad because their gen doesn't dress like this, this is exactly what I was talking about in my post. blanchies AGP are mostly in their 40s
>sure but this is in modern society
Doesn't matter. Instinct is instinct and it is that which determines attractiveness and beauty. It doesn't switch off for convenience or pearl clutching.

>what is with the 'SMV' and theres more factors at play too. Wealth, ability ectect
Not really. What matters for a woman is her genetic quality for mating and babies. That is core. This is how it has been forever. That is why a woman can marry upwards easily if she displays high quality genetics. You see it in various legends and fairytales with Cinderella as well as throughout history and even modern day. As she becomes a hag she is infertile and therefore her worth falls through the floor and her genetic quality displays all fade away anyway too. There's no point in marrying an infertile old woman or one so old you'd be lucky to be able to get one child from her after a long time trying. There's also the simple fact that as she gets older there's not only far less chance of her getting, keeping and delivering a pregnancy, but also the higher degree of birth defects and problems. All of this is instinctively known because of evolutionary pressures that would have been instilled before we were even modern humans.

An infertile woman is worth no more than a man without wealth and power. Both in society are essentially treated as leftovers or with open scorn and hate as only the opposite brings admiration.

>also they were paring off with their own age right? I know spartans could only after they turned like 17
Sparta was always even in ancient history seen as odd with their customs (which eventually lead to them slowly dying out anyway). Generally speaking not so much, it has always been common for men to have younger wives unless they were both paired off very young. You see this reflected in cultures today and even in recent history. In early American history you'll see men marrying 12 year olds.
He would be an expert on gay men after all...
I just wear pants and shirts mayne idk
i love how he also writes down the reason for the post so tttt won't come up with theories lol
>dress modestly everywhere
what am i
blanchard probably looks at a lot of tranny bathroom selfies is all i got from this, and that says infinitely more than the retarded point he's trying to make with his confirmation bias.

that is: those of us who just wear whatever at home aren't posting selfies about it, so he only sees the vain trannies obsessed with passing and looking femme etc.
I mean yeah of course. It’s why The gross terminally Transbians all dress like the egirl onlyfans cosplay streamers they fap to
Based top. Never compromise on your standards.
It worked out great. He got a gigapassoid instead of a mediocre twink. It's even more interesting as the transition was at an age that half the people here would say is too late.
>dressing in cute browns/beiges is 'pumpkin spice white woman'

I hate this world
is there a part of me that regrets not having a girl childhood and with that wearing younger fem clothing? totally. am I going to wear that if i ever socially transition in my late 20's / early 30's? fuck no. I'll probably wear fem shit like dresses and flared pleated skirts but I'm not gonna wear like harijuku loli exaggerated shit.
He broke up with her later though and went on to date a cis woman instead
Shut up and eat your pumpkin pie.
Even more based. The man is a true chad. Upside is the passoid can get another guy easy enough if he posts his marilyn monroe cosplay looking photos.
gigapassoid status is 100% achievable at 20 provided you don't have ooga booga caveman genes (which is like 50% of all males tbqhon).

the issue is most trannies are depressed and/or totally dysfunctional bucket crabs so we have wasted passoids going around as boymoders and hons when (a) they don't need to and (b) it makes the public believe we can't troon out properly
I hate pumpkin pie.
You will like my pie.
Only if it's apple or cherrya
so when a woman puts on immodest clothes and does their makeup a bit too meticulously (to look hot and young), it's normative- but when a trans woman does it, it's fetishistic. which, of course, is an impossible intellectual position to defend.

the aye-gee-pees have to derive their notion of "hot woman" from within the category of "women whose visage they've actually experienced", after all. which means trannies dressing the same as a woman for all the same reasons a cis woman does is the simplest explanation of their behaviour. or in other words, to even posit that AGP exists requires the normative explanation of most tranny behaviour to not be AGP.
no fucking way c'mon. even the biggest shutin tranny knows what cis woman wear in real life from looking out the window on occasion. trannies dress like weirdos because those are the kinds of aesthetics they like and they're too dumb to realize it won't suit them
"agp" is just a trans version of "cis slut i don't want to fuck" to him in this tweet

men like blanchard are incredibly basic and i have a hard time believing they think about anything with their head and not their dicks when it comes to any of this

as you said, if cis women dress this way it is not seen as a fetish, but you missed that it's still frowned upon, she'll be called a slut/whore/attention seeker/pick me etc etc.

basically, the male gaze is toxic and shit
Is he genuinly only looking at babytrans who have no sense of style yet?
Because most trans women who are >1 year into transition usualy wear something like:
>skinny jeans
>leggins if SRS/shorts if not SRS
or generaly comfortable clothes
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Holy shit I'm drunk as fuck but ok ok so let's say I'm repressing and I only have like one fucking evening every week with some privacy and freedom to dress like a girl and this fuckin faggot expects me, to freely dress out of all possible options tp dress like a fuckin mormon and not something fuckin hot, cool or interesting and he wants me to develop brainworms over this one fucking evening where I can do whatever I want without being mercilessly attacked by fucking men

Oh and if you don't need to do that and you have the luck and freedom to do whatever you want? You're still a husstussy to this niggerfaggot and you're trying to access straight guysor some retard bullshit why can't he stop talking

Why are you pick-mes listening to this retard just think about it for five fucking seconds Why can't this faggot shit the fuck up and do anything valuable for once instead of posting irrelevant takes on a dead AI bot app holy shit
>dude looks like he has horns
i wonder if she cheats on him
no neeth to seeth, I'd bet plenty of cissies feel that way too
>Troons are perverted straight men
Lol yep
it's made up by the standards of propriety, and to be fair logical limits given the usual maturity, in self-defense terms, of women younger than that
purely physical reality may be closer to picrel... dang, I can't find the pedo-lite study chart
>Cis and trans women of any age will always have their pick of the average cis man their age
for allowing sex to happen, which is like "cis and trans men of any age will always have their pick of the average cis woman their age to simp for"
a repressor wouldn't post their pics dressed as a woman on the internet nor would they publically identify as trans

>not something fuckin hot, cool or interesting
the point is not that women are never allowed to wear these kinds of clothes, the point is that the kind of clothes cis women consider hot, cool, or interesting is usually very different from what agps do.
>a repressor wouldn't post their pics dressed as a woman on the internet
Well I did
>nor would they publically identify as trans
I identified as a femboy
idk, but that's the theory.
I'm a 40yo man and I'm not sure this is completely accurate. As I got older I continued to be mostly attracted to women my own age. However, I still greatly appreciate feminine beauty and I would agree that many young women are objectively very pretty, even though they're not my sexual preference. I think it depends on how the question is worded.

I also think women are more likely to feel ashamed about being seen as "cougars," and they might self-censor more in their responses.

Also, since Blanchard is gay, he may not understand this nuance.
This is literally me, I molested myself as a child
femboy is hardly repressing when everyone will still see you as a tranny. guessing you know this and feel awkward about cringe pics you posted and that's why you're so angry about op post
Their "feeling like a girl" is based in how they compare their sexual attraction to the normal proclivities of each sex.
They're young when they see this. We all are.
"Hmm, boykissers have big hips, big tits, and tiny shoulders. Given my desire to kiss boys, I must be one of those vagina things but in the wrong body."
3/10 analysis. Quite a lot for him
Anything that isn't HRT is repressing. Yes, even spiro hondose
>felt awkward
Nothing awkward about self acceptance and people love femboys
maybe the smuggest, gayest use of a 25-cent word in recorded history
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>It is widely accepted that gay men are much more interested in casual sex than lesbian women
Per surveys, lesbians are more interested in nonmonogamy than gay men.
>They do not dress up as middle-aged women in sensible, comfortable clothes
I literally do, and as I'm bisexual, I'm by definition "AGP" to him... I really just don't get it... I LOVE comfortable clothes and I've identified more with what middle aged to older women prefer to wear a lot, though maybe sometimes I would dress how he describes, especially if I was trying to be attractive to a guy.
I dress up in fashionable clothes for my age. Why should i dress up like his fantasy of what a middle aged housewife that let herself go looks like?
oh thank god I am not agp and just porn addict!
Christ now I can detroon safely thanks blanchie!
you have to have a pretty gayface to be a stacy
TIL: "meretricious"
He is smug and gay, what do you expect.
>made up scenario portrays trans women as negative
>trans women who don't do this thing are ignored.
>bots posting "so true! Blanchard is right again!"
>No one bothers to post obvious counter examples because trans women who are normal are at work or out living their lives not arguing on the internet.

How many people reading this are at home taking mirror selfie in an Amazon pleated skirt, halter top, cat ears and choker while totally oblivious to the fact that they're a gross shambling perverted miserable hon?
This can be done. I do good apple pie.
When guys go to a strip club they pay to see the sexiest and youngest and sexiest women possible. Same with the "barely legal" porn being popular.
why are men so disgusting. I wish I was a lesbian
t. agp that's mostly into men
>if you dress to attract straight men you're agp
husstusses in shambles....
he knows the word because it describes his theories perfectly
cuddle and kiss me
i'm ready
Unlike you he is educated and reads a lot. It's not difficult to use these words in conversation and writing when you are smart like him.
Middle aged women hardly dress in sensible clothes, they wear lust provoking yoga pants that beg come eat my asshole
or trans women, like cis women often do, go all out and wear hyoer feminine when theyre posting to social media
I know this is a radical concept but maybe what people post on social media isnt an accurate represtation of how they present in their day to day lives
that's not the point
the point is that he is smug and gay
> body count in single digits
> never wear make up at home
> only wear oversized tshirts and nike shorts
girlies do you pass the blanch test?
You pass the test to be my wife but you're almost certainly taken anyway so well done and congrats to you and your other half.
wrong idiot is wrong again cool
I kinda get where he's coming from in the first paragraph but after is where he loses me...how are those experiences related at all
The feminists in his comments are so deranged. The ones in JMB's are equally crazy. There's one convo where JMB just keeps agreeing with them and they keep histrionically snarking him. There's no way you can make these people happy.
You are rare and special
Oh cool so he’s parroting that bullshit “study” where they found college-aged kids are attracted to kids +/-4 years their age, and concluded that adult men of all ages are pedophiles.
More top notch insights from captain retard.
His university should have its accreditation stripped and he should have his ears, eyes, and tongue removed and live in a group home for the mentally disabled.
HSTS trannies can look like this because flamers can have massive gayface. Gayface is literally just facial feminization so...
>blanch argues in this post TERFs are wrong
>/tttt/ seethee

just another Friday night.
you still need genetics, go on grinder and see ugly flamers.
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>incomprehensible rambling that could be summarised in 50 words about boring shit that doesn't matter
why do people here take this dude seriously? there was a time when it was funny and ironic but not so much nowadays
literal gibberish

yall need to read "Anti-Oedipus" not this random twitter fag who is literally calling you a man

you become as you think and feel thus the "trans reality" truth is that which in the feeling not the thinking, for thoughts of what a body is changes, where-though the feeling of the body as the gender is fixed, thus one can assume gender feeling as an anchor point, while gender so called "thought" is nothing but the analyst molesting you into a form
>random twitter fag
As opposed to a clueless newfag?
>Per surveys, lesbians are more interested in nonmonogamy than gay men.
The difference here is that gay men want non-monogamy so they can hook up with anonymous strangers on grindr. Lesbians want non-monogamy so they can take their relationship drama to the next level by forming polycules.
Lesbians end up sexless in couples most the time anyway.

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