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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiraling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for the multitude of trans-related threads on the board. Topics related to personal drama, including but not limited to tripfags or discord, are also not relevant. Please report and ignore any and all rulebreakers!

>QOTT: Do you skate?

>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful. Bee kind.

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previously >>37656426
first for girl[genital here]
sometimes I really wish I were a lesbiab
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>QOTT: Do you skate?
i used to and i think about taking it up again but with all my facial piercings im a bit scared of eating shit and having shrapnel rip up my face
the last time i skated was senior year of highschool and i was bombing down this long, long downhill road probably going like
and then my board just kept wobbling more and more until eventually i wiped out and rolled down the street a good like 60 feet
i ended up unscathed but i was really shaken by it as the realization dawned on me that like, a car couldve easily came out a side street and wiped me out completely, or that i couldve messed up my roll and cracked my skull
my friends ran down the street to catch up with me and asked if i was okay and i laughed it off because of the adrenaline still in my system
we got to the bus stop at the end of the road finally and one of them goes "oh, you dropped this btw"
and it was the front trucks from my board
the wobbling had gotten so intense that the screws wiggled out and so what made me eat shit finally was the front trunks completely disconnecting apparently
>i havent watched full metal jacket in years, but doesnt it portray it as rape?
yeah it does but it's still under the guise of prostitution, not the "find a girl, brutally rape her then throw money at her" insane shit that you said
Need girl who gets possessive when she catches other girls looking at me and fucks me really hard in order to remind me who I belong to
they are showing wrestlers on univision right now and i am triggered
one time at a lesbian bar a group of girls started talking and flirting with my gf in front of me and i did nothing because i was so in shock anyone would have the balls to do that
at least my gf didn't flirt back, she was painfully oblivious and the other girls left after a couple minutes
That's really hot...I wish that would happen to me
idiot girls
i didn't enjoy it, i felt humiliated and like a loser
wait which one would you want to be in that situation? me?
hilarious if tranny, pathetic if cis
SNIIIFFFF mm yes quite pungent my dear
I'd be very down to be cucked by a cis woman and just generally made to feel like garbage by her and my partner for being a disgusting tranny
i'm cis...i know i'm pathetic you don't have to rub salt into the wound
why are you girls always turning self loathing into kinks
When life gives you lemons
>i'm cis
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Good evening. Don't mind me just getting my obligatory low effort post requesting a cis asian gf out of the way.
You suck
strange reply
it's kind of become a meme at this point that whenever someone says they're cis someone else has to act creepy towards them, it is pretty weird but people think it's funny i guess
shut up
um, hi are you cis?
Where's berlinanon? Still alive?
I took a fall like that once longboarding and ended up with a TBI
That’s crazy your trunks fell off
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tfw no ai sloppa cis asian gf
Firstly, never post your AI slop in this thread again
lmao imagine being lame and gay losers. anyways ... women are pretty uhhh pretty
>AI slop
>Trump voter
>Asian Fetishist
>Racist against Vietnamese
>Thinks Asian means Korean/Japanese
>Larps about 99.9th percentile (1 in 1000) IQ
I am once again asking for this user to be bullied out of the thread.
another lesbian thread full of horny loser men
that's awesome
>I am once again asking for this user to be bullied out of the thread.
mechanon gets bullied out but not this loser fuck this world
i keep getting pooner thought
I don't want to be straight :(
Thinking maybe I should’ve tried to pull the girl at the bar yesterday instead of trying to become her friend but idk how to do either so
Every. Single. Time.
Cis Asian gf chaser represents this thread so well
is the discord actually based or is it cringe
>Do you skate?
i've tried but i never really felt able to get into it. i can ski park though
They're the most putrid person here, it's not representative of all.
yeah idk what happened honestly because it wasnt like the screws were noticeably lose
but i guess they were just loose enough that the sustained intensity of the wobble was just enough to worm them out
>is the discord actually based or is it cringe
You won't get an unbiased answer from anyone in this thread. I would suggest joining, read the rules page & you should have a sense if it seems like a place you vibe with or not
fair enough ill give it a lil try
One time that happened to my mf car tire on a 25mph street deadass
how the fuck do you manage that
wydag who was probably going through some kind of mild manic episode
thats me every 3 days
if you date another girl with mood swings do ur cycles eventually line up
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wouldnt know they just leave me before it happens
Ig the bolts were loose
i usually have my bpdemon episode where i push people away about once a week but sometimes every 3 days
>tfw no aggressive paranoid schizophrenic gf that will break up with me every 5 days because she's scared she'll hurt me but I assure her i'll take take of her no matter what
why live
wdyag who was long distance, communicated only by text, and just generally was completely computer generated. and asian
i usually just go radio silent for a couple weeks during my depressive periods and then don't mention it to anybody
lets see if that was a fun piece of candy or the candy that makes me cry in bed
that would work really well with me if we lined it up right
hi wya
sorry hiding away from everyone for their safety
My plan tonight is more crying and pretending that love is real. Pretending that she actually loved me.
love isn't real and women are fake and gay
Well I know love isn’t real now because of her. And they are gay that’s why they are so amazing
Stop living in the past
Make me. I can’t do anything else
Either one, I actually enjoy being on both sides
No, that's actually spot on
You do not want that. That’s what broke me mentally so much.
theres hair in my eye theres hair in my eye theres hair in my eye theres hair in my eye theres hair in my eye theres hair in my eye

we couldve been so much more
i miss my mommy
strangely disappeared the moment lago was harassed by bitterhon and lago went on hiatus
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I am bitterhon
I am the lagobutt reposter
I am not from berlin
creepy weirdo
where do you think you are? I'm sure you've noticed that I've dropped the thing I took issue with but lol u posted ur butt
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I’m so excited to sniff her…
Is that weird…
Sometimes i randomly see a woman online from the past i think looks pretty/ideal and spend lke 1-3 hours searching pics on getty mages and piterest on her and thinkign she looks pretty. I have no desire to have sex or touch or be around or meet the women in question tho. Maybe some interest in looking similar, but, there's so many similar that even that is questionable. Dont feel any sexual desire or arousal seeing them or the pics even bikini or nakedish. Does this make me gynephelic? Or still ace? Behavior seems gyneophelic/straight male but is confusing due to other stuff.

sakamoto-san is more the type to smoke reefer or some other drug quietly alone and maybe play some light jazz while doing so

great image

mogs me, am deformed from surgery
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The nameless king grab attack is such bullshit.
im feeling so defeated
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ugh i used to be kinda goated in hs, i was 5-oing hubbas and doing tech ledge tricks. now i suck andcan barely ollie up the local park ledge. oh and dont even get me started abt trying to street skate -_-

webm is me naow
>shoulders as wide as the Grand Canyon
>posting in MY /lesgen/
Ugh so annoying. You perverts need to leave our spaces
u wish u could shred an ounce like me bitch
Defeated nameless king. One handing my weapon and instantly beat him, staggered the bozo twice. When i was two handing i had never staggered him before.

Its a shame the boss room csnt he used for pvp, it has ds1 vibes, comfy and kinda like a colloseum, instead they opted to just make it a shortcut... for what reason exactly would i need a shortcut if im already completed the area...? And there is literally a bonfire there so there is literally no reason for it to be a shortcut.
A lot of the short cuts in this game are completely pointless because youll never use them.
You suck
Wash your ass
no helmet :C be careful..
youre real for this
Same thread, different day
playing kingdom hearts~
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Fear me
I am destruction of innocence
I am the violence embedded in flesh
I am the pain in the bones of the mortal shell
The dark heart of the earth
I am bitterhon
tfw no deathcore listening gf
which one of you horny retards posted this larp without elaborating
want friend
Your mind is in the gutter anon, there is nothing horny about that larp
damn bro you got a headcanon for me and everything
charlotte said on twitter she stopped posting because of the new captcha timers
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>Thy Art Is Larping - Reign of Bitterness

Tear at the throats of the fathers of deception
Let the blood of the cowards flow as the wines
False claims of retribution
May they choke on their lies

You will know pain
You will see the true face of panic
Devastation now and forever
who cares dude
I just came with my gf over video call while she rode her gf it was insanely hot and we both had amazing orgasms
every discord call got the cuck chair
i wonder how her cis gf would feel about some of her posts here
that's a man anon
Cucking is really hot, i like to take turns being the one cucked and doing the cucking, really underrated fetish
That sounds cool. I have to play as the cuck every time though :(
why is monogamy so rare in LGBT circles? am i the only one who wants a serious, committed relationship that is based on ideals of security, love and commitment?
Sometimes God gives you a good cucking to test your conviction
wow so cool so proud of u anon i cant even find a single fucking friend and everyone i meet just sees me as something to take advantage of
That sux, sounds kinda unhappy if it's so one sided

Non monogamy is cool and comfy and hot, it's still based on security and love and commitment just with more people, thats the only difference,
i hope im worth marrying some day
hot take but maybe they should stop hiring dyslexics to sort fucking mail
fuck the shut up, asshole
>fuck the shut
im happy that you are happy but i want 1 person and i feel that isolates me from dating in the current LGBT environment
i love charlotte but she does not even know who i am
maybe that is creepy haha
the trannies I've met and the girls I've fallen in love with one way or another seem to be huge sluts but meanwhile I can't imagine having sex with anyone I'm not in a committed monogamous relationship with that grew naturally out of close friendship and companionship and I'm so heartbroken over the girls I've been rejected that I can't even get myself to try and hook up with anyone or just explore something more casual

>Non monogamy is cool and comfy and hot, it's still based on security and love and commitment just with more people, thats the only difference,
I really wish I could understand that or feel that way but that seems so wrong to me, I don't know... I don't look down on it and I'm not shy about people sharing those kinds of things but it just breaks my heart to even think about being with a girl and having to share her with someone else or worry about people playing favorites or getting hurt
cute image

laughed. brutal

i read grab as a silly way of saying crab

just ordered popeyes buy one get one free again. cudnt resist the deal even tho wanted pizzer
thoughts on:
cant tell if gynephelic or true ace
Yeah, no judgement, just explaining a different perspective. I hope everyone finds what makes them happy some day
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Paige I’m gooning my little sissy cock like you asked me to, mommy. I’m gonna cum and swallow my girly loads from my little futa clitty gock. Please unblock me.
everybody is being cucked all the time
I am like jeb bush if he became a transgender instead of a businessman/fraternity brother
i gave up on finding love naturally i lost my chance once i turned 25
please clap
*plaps your bitch*
aha, got em
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Iv beaten ds3 fren in two championship fights now.. i have effectively two titles.....
Im so good at pvp its crazy..
I gave up a while back too due to age, transexualism, plus questioning/confusion. Just isnt in the cards for abt 1/3 of people and if ur a transexual the odds r giga low

It saddens me that in 5 yrs people wont understand what i mean if i say i am like jeb bush

Update: Ate the popeyes. Was good. Not as good as pizza tho. Was a very good deal tho. I have 2 leftoevr sandwhiches to have tmrw or monday.
>It saddens me that in 5 yrs people wont understand what i mean if i say i am like jeb bush
it saddens me that nobody knows when i mean when i say, and what is Aleppo?
Yeah, i don't get that reference. That'll be like me with Jeb in 5 years. All the gen alpha posters and younger gen z posters wont know what im talking abt. He is SOOO me tho fr fr. We're for sure the same personality/soul type. I wonder if Jeb likes kitties and binge eats...
What is Aleppo a reference to... The city in the middle east?
And what is Aleppo?

good riddance
she doesn't even have twitter. she simply stopped coming here because this gen sucks
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>calling yourself a lesbian when you're a tranny
she was one of the reasons it sucks and not out sucks a little less because she’s no longer here
Slow day over at /clg/ huh?
wydag that was comfy and xanniepilled af rn?
>calling yourself a lesbian when you're a bisexual with a tranny gf
Hi bitterhon
reminder that Charlotte was the one who drove cis women away by posting in the OP that they had to let themselves be impregnated in order to post

I’m glad she’s gone!
hi teeterton
he’s mad lago isn’t into him while crying and jerking off to her ass pic
im trans dummy
lol I hope lago posts more of her ass for us to jork to
it's because the captcha's use cloudflare and they're worried about their data being traded without their consent. like say your employer's internal website uses cloudflare as well so your employer sees all your posts when the data is shared by cloudflare's tracking or capturing of your data.
a truly dystopian 1984.
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>blocks your path
finally a real woman
I’m snuggling my plushy and crying. All I wanted was love and it backfired
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*blocks your path*
wydag who had an RJ45 port
wydag whose house was wired for Cat6e
wydag whose srsussy was wired for gock
wydag whose gockie wanted boing boing
Wydag who spends all her time crying and playing games. Who blasts music so she can’t hear her own thoughts?

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you?
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you're screaming?
I'm in your walls
I blast punk and metal because it drowns out the thoughts and voices
would abuse and leave for dead
Sorry someone beat you to that. I’m broken mentally from her
wydag who was 50
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wydag a girl who wanted to know what your energy policy was
yes actually

also yes
>e-bikes good, monorails good, solar power is overrated and pollutes during construction so wind/wave power is better (also nuke power but the public has been psyoped on that one too effectively and we won't see it in our lifetimes)
*blocks your path*
*runs over your children*
sorry bubs, my road
gas will sadly never go away completely but it can be taxed to hell and back until it's something only the 1% and old boomers who kept all the inheritance that was supposed to go to their children for themselves can afford
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>booze cruises over your children
Sorry bubs, can't we settle this over a pint?
But if you wanna beat me I’m up for that
I just flushed out my extraction socket with salt water (my srs vag)
based and good girl, when can I hit it (with my gock)?
>she tries to pull out
>wrap legs around her
>don't let go
Sorry bubs, my vag my rules!
>Sorry bubs, my vag my rules!
i am a non op sub top anon this is only going to make me howl
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sorry bubs
need gf to purge landlords with
Blackpill: PIV is unfortunately the best possible sex. Yeah it's basic and some people think it's creepy but there's no way that life is worth living if you can't put your cock in a pussy, even if you're trans. We'll have to settle for something else or learn to accept the contradiction
My gf threatens to cut off my wings all the time, as a non-op this is a hate crime
pocket pussy
diaperfags: looking and acting like an anime toddler would be extremely hot. here are 400 shameless posts about it while i shit myself
piv enjoyers: so, I'd like to apologize in advance for the disgusting rapey things I'm about to say, but I actually like the most natural form of sex that exists
piv enjoyers: well, at least i'm not like that guy
1980's TERFs: PIV is rape
2020's trannies: PIV is rape
straight people: plaplaplaplaplaplaplapl
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me in the interrogation room after having consensual piv lesbian sex
BASED hedonistic diaperchads, CRINGE guilty moralist pivcucks
From the creators of Christcuckery, here comes Dworkincuckery
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Sorry i didnt take things seriously before, i thought you didnt want me to, it was dumb.i dont think its a good idea to be friends again but i hope your doing well.
Sorry, bubs. :(
All this applies to straight/bi men too..just the reality that people don't like trans etc.
Worrying post tho




Oh damn u just reminded me to do this. U use salt water? I just use regular
>got two lols
sometimes being a same fag really pays off
The day before yesterday I saw a fattish oldish poorly hsaven balding indian man in a big cyberrtruck while i was riding the bus and had racist thoughts
My thoughts were like "this is the axact kind of guy who buys a big fancy cybertruck and parades it around downtown" and i imagined him watching elon musk on the news and saying "elon musk is based and a genius yeh" in a thick indian accent. I try not to be racist or prejudiced but this is an example
wow thread is particularly shit today lol
Go back
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to 2007 4chan? yes plz
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don't we all want to
why are there so many cism chasers on the board recently. can't even post about being gay without some balding faggot shitting himself and crying about how tgirls should only be in relationships with neckbeards with no jobs
maybe from some of the cutesy /ttt/ memes becoming viral on X?
This and the huge influx of barely legal, insecure trans girls who give them attention.
our cat is so funny it always begs for food, but when we show it food it doesn't like it gets mad and swats at it rly hard
'ove kitties
shud share food

worried due to theory now from this post
my crush who rejected me a while ago is having a date with someone else tonight
because of het trannies enabling them
guys please stop making laf worry so much
shes not gonna fuck you
why would i want to fuck her she dont even fuck
debating whether or not to vote for kamala, she's been shitting the bed lately after such a strong start and that makes me feel like she'll just be another obama type disappointment. she was truly running a new and fresh type of campaign for a democrat but now she's fallen back into relying on conventional wisdom and courting people who will never vote for her, how can i give her my vote in good conscience knowing that she folds this easily? and also i don't want to help enable netanyahu's expansion efforts. i live in new york for context, my vote doesn't really matter in this case.
>maybe luz isn't the worst poster after all
oh nvm
yeah fuck me for seeking voting advice from women in an election where a woman is running to become the first female president. would you rather me go with my gut instinct and write in a third party like a chud moid?
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This is the face of the swing state undecided voter.
This is who will decide the US election.
This is who weaves your fate.
the famous swing state of new york
New York is a city, dumbass
oh ur right my bad g. i was an innercity youth i didn't pay attention in school.
dont vote
i have voted in every election since i turned 18 and i won't stop now
deeply cucked
No worries
it's cucked to write in random people for most of the races?
you're better than this..
Do lesbians do sex tourism in EE/SEA like white men or Jamaica/Paris like white women?
Can you write this in non-dyslexic format
White women they go to the islands to get dat black dick
Or zey go to le paris to get the wine and the dine.
Where do the lesbians go?

Put another way, there's popular sex tourist locations for straight men and straight women. Where do lesbians go?
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No people shud be max honest yeh regardless of worry. Ideally I can find the truth

vote for trump to keep trans out of your wife/daughters restroom i dunno.

Neither lesbians not transexuals partake in sex tourism to my knowledge. I bet if a postoperative trans attempted sex tourism they would be alughed at and maybe even robbed by the pimp lol

Thoughts on microneedling and scar reopening safety? Is safe? Im going to the store for diet gatorade soon
that’s more of a pedo/rapey moid thing
>Where do the lesbians go?
ur mom's house LMAOOOOO
That's what I thought but then I had an epiphany and realized why women seem so fixated on those specific countries.
man i really just want to feel good about voting against trump and for a woman and fellow caribbean but it's getting harder to pretend that she'll be anything more than just another democrat ghoul when coconut brat lady is being slowly replaced by 2020 primary copmala again
Ok but this is the lesbian general. idc about hets
They go to Lesbos, Greece. Duh. Trans go to Translyvenia
>she was truly running a new and fresh type of campaign for a democrat
Voting democrat is the only option for now though. If maga gets defeated again it will die out and republicans will have to realign themselves politically and we might see more anti establishment politicians forming a new party system, at least that’s my theory
I'm asking where a good spot for lesbian sex tourism is
There isn’t one because it’s not a thing.
Good call.
straight women do like >>37687976 said, but i think italy, dubai and spain are more popular than going to islands and african nations, although its still very common among certain types of white women. i havent heard of trannies ofrlesbians doing sex tourism, but i have heard that korea and japan have lesbian brothels and i have met 2 trans women who went to japan(not the brothels theyre not that dumb) and apperently getting laid from a cisf chaser is very easy there due to a futa porn addicted population, but a tranny going to japan only to get laid isnt common

also there was that one "lesbian" camwhore who went to thailand to get a trans gf
>There isn’t one because it’s not a thing.
Then... maybe it should be?
Like imagine all the horny online lesbians and transbians. Separated from eachother due to distance. Forced to LDR or Online Date.

Imagine if there was someplace on the planet they could all agree to go to for vacation semi regularly so that there was always a good supply of people to meet and date/sex there.
Sort of like what gay guys did for Miami Beach.
Nah, it isn’t something that should be encouraged.
north korean sex tourism
> italy, dubai and spain
I think this is a euro vs. american thing. American white women do more Paris and Caribbean whereas Bongs do Spain.

>apperently getting laid from a cisf chaser is very easy there due to a futa porn addicted population
Truly an advanced nation.
Thank. Gays go to the Gay, Georgia. Worried due to theory plus broader aging concerns. Unsure if I shud commit suicide at 29 or 34. It depends on the effectiveness of anti aging technology primarily. I saw a google video recomendation called "this is 40" which worried me etc

Is being a passport bro worse or better than being a virgin for life/incel (not counting sex with men or rape)?
kill all white people
Ya so advanced they’re killing themselves from work stress, loneliness and stifling conservative culture.
I think generally incels are better than sex tourists
gay men go to miami, greece, cancun, italy and that one post-soviet nation were men are so poor if youre a gay tourist you can give a straight guy 20 dollars and he will let you fuck him i forgot its name
going to north sentinel island for sex tourism, wish me luck!
lmao ok. The post soviet is funny but cudnt u get beaten up like that poland discord meme?
Greece makes sense i guess as does miami.

I am incelish but depends on ur defintion. When i die I'll have never had a gf or anything my only experience wud be like date rape or with a guy or whatever. I don't think gay sex counts as non incel otherwise molested male incels wudnt be virgins

stolen post from r slash the passport bros. My brother sent me the screenshot
two hitlers
honestly, yea. as much shit as incels may get, the reason they dont just get a prostitute for a quick fuck is because they genuinely value the emotional connection of a relationship over the meaningless sex without feelings wereas sexpats and johns dont care about women and only see them as objects to fuck

...that being said incels also convinced themselves that modern women are vapid whores unable to emotionally connect with them because of mentally ill reasons so theyre still not good, but theyre bettern than sexpats and rapey johns imo
>stolen post from r slash the passport bros. My brother sent me the screenshot
why do you instantly recognize a reddit post and also i came up with this on my own while vaping cereal milk tard
I hope you get eviscerated with a spear before you make it 30ft inland
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incels are misogynistic murderers. what the fuck is this apologia here
>straight men do sex tourism
>gay men do sex tourism
>straight women do sex tourism
>lesbians and trannies dont do sex tourism

doesnt this make transbians the most moral of all people?
>ncels are misogynistic murderers
i'm not a murderer jordan's still alive
>trannies and lesbians carry almost the same level of abjection
known, unfortunately
>wereas sexpats and johns dont care about women and only see them as objects to fuck

They’re way worse than that. I didn’t realize this til meeting some boomer sexpat guys in person but one of the main draws for the guys is they want a woman who will more or less be a house slave for them and do all their cooking/cleaning.
Some of them also try to scam the girls. Like they’ll pretend they have money but actually they trick the girl gradually into paying all the bills. I think that older chaser guy in the Philippines did a version of this

> ...that being said incels also convinced themselves that modern women are vapid whores unable to emotionally connect with the
Yea it’s a different sort of issue
i'm watching futbol on univision can i be latinx now
no but maybe manana
Who are you watching play?
pachuca vs guadalajara
don't know anything about either but action is captivating and the energy is palpable
cause it was viral and made me rofl when i saw it

everyone knows trans r the lowest caste by aa gazillion. Lesbians/bi women r liked by straight men and by some other women.
idk, most incel guys are just loser crybabies, only like 2-3 of them are actual murderers. meanwhile men killing sex workers is so common it even became a trope on noir detective movies

hell, the reason why the word "ladyboy" even became a thing in thailand is because american sexpats would go there, find a prostitute, and take her to a hotel, only to find out shes trans and beat her up. trans prostitutes on thailand would go through this so much no matter how clear they were about the fact that they were trans american sexpats would just think "shes trands? huh, cute. probably a word for cute girl or prostitute" and then claim they were tricked. this is why ladyboy and the whole act of "IM LADYBOY IM BOY I HAVE PENIS IM PENISLADY NOT GIRL" became so common among trans thailandese prostitutes, so sexpats wouldnt get confused by them again. the whole ladyboy trend expanded more when a sexpat killed a thai trans girl a few years back. im sorry but i would much rather be alone with an incel than with a sexpat or john

(and inb4 someone asks me how i know all this, i edated a thai trans girl for a while. the truth is most thai ladyboys fully identify as women)
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my kickflip prob mogs urs sissy
So did anyone else hear that trans walked the runway for Victoria's Secret? Are we all really okay with that? Troons infiltrating all walks of life and eliminating woman everywhere they go? Leopards eating faces or however that goes
name switch :0 ty for ur service maam
too real
i feel like this as well, im in this weird position where ik im a possesive dependent bpdemon but i also might be a huge slut so idk anymore
BUT as ive been dating/hookingup I do get quite heartbroken over it. girl i only met in person a handful of times ghosted me out of nowhere and i spent the next 4 weeks in bed lol
>incels are misogynistic murderers
wow. it's almost as if you get your news from CNN and paint entire groups of people with the same brush based on a handful of cases
Yeah this sounds based I approve

>im in this weird position where ik im a possesive dependent bpdemon but i also might be a huge slut
Same, I don't know how to reconcile this
Link? Were they a child starter brazillian person? Also if trans r abt 5% of young people they buy underwear as well. And if people dont like trans being in stuff, the budlight stuff happens, and then the company goes trad. So kinda a self correcting thing.

Just googled. v worried. prbbly must kms due to theory i worry even tho ive suceeded at my current tets. If all trans celeb who look female began as young children i feel logically only they look female and the rest look male
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Stop feeding the troll. That’s off topic too.
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I googled it tho and actually the surgeryaxxed half eritrean lady person might have began after age 15/16.
I didnt initiate this topic but it made me worried abt theory
Also, super sad image. Poor bunny. I'd give him a carrot and some love and hoped he felt better!
Why do I feel like the only trans girl who actually just wanted to be the same person with the same personality but just a woman? Everyone else seems to have decided they must have adopted this personality of autistic male pretending to be a cat
I need a blonde cis girl to plap
Personality online=/=personality irl. Also a lot of transgendies like me never engaged in social media until they became a social media so impossible to tell what their online presence wudve been pre trans or if they were straight
for the bunny enthusiasts itt
i was always just a bit quirked up and never really changed personality wise
i think its because i was a superwholock tumblr user mentally and that kinda sticks with you
They're like that IRL too which is the worst part
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I love bunnies so much it hurts
aw :}

I dunno how to reply to that. Irl i feel im just kinda like a normal guy i dunno

Am so upset since torn on rib thing and scheduling

Torn abt messing with ribs more, other scheudle stuff, sad
making potato salad
i heard that you
settled down
that you
found a troon
and you're
frotting now
im not going to leave it in the fridge for three days before eating it im too impatient
Cuddling my Blahaj rn what is everyone else doing?
Question for the loaf:
How many months into your gf's transition did it take for you to start being attracted to her as a woman? Any specific event you remember?
>man I hate indian people
Don't get me started. I have no fucking idea how Trump isn't onto this. And it's not really Kamala type second gens that are the problem, it's all these fucking international students
I didn’t start dating her until after she had already started her transition. I hadn’t spoken to her in almost two years before that, so there’s no big moment anything changed besides when she hit me up again to apologize for her past behavior.
Huh, so like a year into transition/enough that she had changed pretty dramatically in appearance?
i try not to be racist but i keep getting racist thoughts towards first gen indians irl

pls help abt theory/vs issue
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Yeah, she fairly androgynous when she was younger. Plus the fat helps.
Seriously? Stop shitting up the thread with this crap. No one gives a fuck about your issues with Indians, especially Indian men seeing as this is
>pls help abt theory/vs issue
You pass and you can't accept that. You pass better than these 15/16 celebs.
You need to move on to something new. But your brain won't let you. That's the problem. You need a lobotomy or something.
Could you offer your perspective in
Early transition trans girl imo trying to focus on cis lesbians too early
i was just REPLYING to their posts abt indian men. I am not the other 3 anons. i didnt bring it up omfg

the blond celeb is 12 starter. the brazillian is unclear; sometime between 14 and 16
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I feel like a new culture needs to be developed somehow for more idk seasoned lgbt people.
It's really a problem for everyone. There's more straight and cis people so lgbt spaces are usually swarmed by straight but curious people.
I.e. lesbians dealing with political lesbians and not serious bi women. Trans spaces mostly babytrans, etc.

I mean it's probably a permenant issue to some extent because transgirls need less resources when they transition and happy lesbian couples don't need to go to dating spaces. But still, I think the old lesbian bar scene had less of this type of thing. Some newbies sure but not all the time.
the older I get the less I want to be around lgbt ppl but also I’m particularly negative today

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