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old >>37673325
i need him
sometimes I feel maybe I lived in communist eastern europe in my past life cuz I feel so drawn to slavs, commiebolcks and brutalism despite being a white passing spic
third for meth
And someday, some way, woah, oh, oh, I'll meet him
ummm.... based?
Superior thread: >>37676831

It has penis.
i miss maggie smith
fuck that this thread has style
her fov must've been cray
Is it...
Is it okay to be gay?
no it's never been ok, these times are an anomaly.
i dont wanna post in the other thread :s
Does this thread have any fat cocks? My cute butt needs a beating something proper.
i breed him
im bread
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If you can dream it, you can do it.
That guy is shredded af
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im entering my ultramac phase
if bfs, then the breeding may commence.
if not bfs, then no breeding.
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I told you not to provoke me. I told ya.
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what music are you vibin' with this weekend?
hair on legs grows before puberty...
fakeass booklet by jews
true colors by cyndi lauper :3
>The appearance of hair on legs and body was called "horrid" and "ugly"; it usually signaled the end of the affair.
Attraction to body hair is truly what separates the trugays and the bipedos
how should i lighten the darker areas of my body?
i also have some dark spots from shaving my ass and inner thighs for a hookup years ago, he said he liked it clean and hairless so i had to do it brehs
Is it hyperpigmentation?
bleaching treatment unironically
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Dark spots from shaving??
Hair is just gross wym
you're gross wym hair
show me, im a doctor
Ud rather lick a hairy guy than a smooth guy?
i love hairy men....
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Would you?
>i also have some dark spots from shaving my ass and inner thighs for a hookup years ago

i'm not understanding how shaving caused you to develop dark spots? never heard of that
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I enjoyed the book 'God Emperor of Dune'.

..."In this book, [Frank] Herbert develops a new line of thought. One of the more important reforms the god Leto has made is to abolish male armies, replacing them with an army made up of only females. The concept is discussed in the following dialogue between two members of his court:

”Yes. He says that the all-male army was too dangerous to its civilian support base”

”That’s crazy! Without the army, there would’ve been no…”

”I know the argument. But he says that the male army was a survival of the screening function of delegated to the non-breeding males in the prehistoric pack. He says it was a curiously consistent fact that it was always the older males who sent the younger males into battle.”

”What does that mean, screening function?”

”The ones who were always out on the dangerous perimeter protecting the core of breeding males, females and the young. The ones who first encountered the predator.”

”How is that dangerous to the …civilians?”

Idaho took a bite of the melon, found it ripened perfectly.

”The Lord Leto says that when it was denied an external enemy, the all male army always turned against its own population. Always.”

”Contending for the females?”

”Perhaps. He obviously does not believe, however, that it was that simple.”

”I don’t find this a curious theory.”

”You have not heard all of it.”

”There’s more?”

”Oh, yes. He says that the all-male army has a strong tendency toward homosexual activities.”

Idaho glared across the table at Moneo. ”I never…”

”Of course not. He is speaking about sublimation, about deflected energies and all the rest of it.”

”The rest of what?” Idaho was prickly with anger at what he saw as an attack on his male self-image.

”Adolescent attitudes, just boys together, jokes designed purely to cause pain, loyalty only to your pack-mates… things of that nature.”

Mm hmm.

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i find both appealing desu but some hair on the the thighs, forearms, chest is awooga sexo material
i remember this being posted a year ago and its in my playlist now, it's really sad but pretty :3
Trans honkies, lmao. hahahahaha
hairy buss
i love a variety of men
i dont want to live anymore i dont have anything to gain from it
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Go For It, Nakamura! first teaser, thoughts?
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recently I learned that in Brazil, the no. 24 has a big stigma because it's associated with the gays. apparently some kind of a game where a number is assigned to an animal and no. 24 is assigned to a deer and the portuguese word for a deer is a slang for gays. it's so stigmatized that soccer players refuse any jersey with a no. 24 on it and guys who are 24 years old would say that they're 23 + 1 years old instead of just saying that they're 24. and get this, stores sell 23+1 candles for anyone celebrating their 24th birthday :3
bpd diagnosis should come with a bullet to the head

Idaho spoke coldly. "What's your opinion?"

"I remind myself-" Moneo turned and spoke while looking out at the view- 'of something which he has said and which I am sure is true. He is every soldier in human history. He offered to parade for me a series of examples-famous military figures who were frozen in adolescence. I declined the offer. I have read my history with care and have recognized this characteristic for myself."

Moneo turned and looked directly into Idaho's eyes.

"Think about it, Commander."

Idaho prided himself on self-honesty and this hit him. Cults of youth and adolescence preserved in the military? It had the ring of truth. There were examples in his own experience...

Moneo nodded. "The homosexual, latent or otherwise, who maintains that condition for reasons which could be called purely psychological, tends to indulge in pain-causing behavior-seeking it for himself and inflicting it upon others. Lord Leto says this goes back to the testing behavior in the prehistoric pack."

"You believe him'?"

"I do."

Idaho took a bite of the melon. It had lost its sweet savor. He swallowed and put down his spoon.

"I will have to think about this," Idaho said.

"Of course."


"You're right. I find his theory curious. Is there more to it?"

"Ohhh, he says that when it breaks out of the adolescent homosexual restraints, the male army is essentially rapist. Rape is often murderous and that's not survival behavior."

Idaho scowled.

A tight smile flitted across Moneo's mouth. "Lord Leto says that only Atreides discipline and moral restraints prevented some of the worst excesses in your times."

A deep sigh shook Idaho.

Moneo sat back, thinking of a thing the God Emperor had once said: "No matter how much we ask after the truth, self-awareness is often unpleasant. We do not feel kindly toward the Truthsayer."


24 means gay sex in portuguese
In Mexico, its 41 and 42.

I could tell you that there must be meaning to your life or you wouldn't be alive
or tell you to find a way to peacefully exit if that is what you desire
but I think i'll just say we all feel like that at times
If you feel that way more often than not
perhaps you have a chemical imbalance
and need to look into increasing your serotonin, TSH, leptin, or DHEA levels
or look into repairing your orbital prefrontal cortex if it's damaged
how? explain
24 means "fuck on 4/dogstyle" in brazil
What the fuck? I thought Brazil was a very LGBT tolerant society
so many different regions of the world have such weird taboos about numbers and other things
Jogo do bicho is responsible for the strong association of the number 24 with homosexuality in Brazil. In the game, 24 is the number given to the deer (veado in Portuguese), an animal that has long been pejoratively associated with gay men (insulted as viados).
so how is that related to veado?
Deer = veado
24 = gay sex
why tho?
wassup homos
I got it now. the whole thing sounds so bizarre tho as a non-brazilin ngl
The number 24 sounds funny in portuguese and that’s it
Brazil is more than just sao Paolo and Rio de jeneiro, fren
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No society is lgbt friendly outside of controlled media narratives. Even when there is a tolerance of homosexuals, this neo-liberal hell youve created for yourselves rejects synthetic promotion of it as having parity with natural life development.

The lesser occurrence of simple homosexual vice only lasts until it becomes too much to bear. Essentially, gays exist only when there are bigger problems to address. To humanity, youre just a problem that can be dealt with later.

Even the morally more tempered bisexuals must bear the animus of society from time to time when the homosexuals have incurred too much public disgust to countenance any longer.
Christian Dior? :s
We have anti homophobia laws here
any culture that has taboo numbers should be eradicated worthless schizo shitskin nonsense
skunk won
bucko won
bipedos lost
biboomers lost
ick on eck
fr fr
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>biboomers lost
So many different languages around the world but why isn't mathematics and numeral systems different depending on the region? Why is there just one way of doing mathematics across the globe that has been adopted as true? Why isn't there different axioms that vary by region?
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This reminds me of something I have observed about females and math. I guess its true of gays too.

If you say two plus two equals four, a man will call that math.

If you say two plus two equals four to a woman, she will call it unoriginal.
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that's taytay's fav number and she is liderally the most successful artist currently with a billion dollars in bank
this nigger hanging out in a gay thread hoping someones gonna suck his dick
yes, the norse were niggers
all emperors die. boomers will be gone someday too
if you say 1 man + 1 woman = 2
you would be incorrect though
because it actually equals 3
mathematics is gay it doesn't take into account reproduction
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I want to punch this little bitch
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Ah, another teachable moment.

Like most of the world in history and even today, to sexually dominate a pretty young male of the enemy or of low social caste was only immoral as hypersexual male vice in Norse society. It was those who actively sought to be penetrated as true male abominations.

But more specifically, this behavior coincided with an even greater sin, that of not finding a woman to procreate with.

I dont recall the actual term they had for it, but it translated to someone who "runs from women".
what is this retard babbling about
there WERE different systems tho. romans had no concept of 0 for example until the west adopted the hindu-arabic numerals. decimals and fractions were also not known to many civilizations. but more importantly, mathematics is logical and universal. operations like counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing etc. are not matters of interpretation through a language system. you mention different languages around the world but still certain expressions of information are universal among all humans. for example, base emotions like crying, laughing, smiling, fear, rage etc. are all understood by all humans regardless of how different their languages are
is this real? or scam?
is bleaching safe?
ingrown hairs, i think
Now that the dust has settled
2020 was 100% stolen
i-is this a representation of western civilization? 6_6
her parents need to be punched too
Bros why is sucking dick so nice? It doesn't even taste good or feel that good but I love it. Something about sucking a bottom's dick when he isn't expecting it, so hot.
>is bleaching safe?
consult a dermatologist and get professional treatment. not diy stuff. few years ago I tried a diy thing with a anal bleaching serum. my ass would itch SO FUCKING BAD all night long. the chemical actually used to burn. I threw that shit in trash
it feels good to me
>Something about sucking a bottom's dick when he isn't expecting it, so hot.
that's rape lol
so hot
I never got the hype for this. The main character is annoying and borderline stalker, the gags are funny at first but they overstay their welcome.
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In conclusion, the broken homosexuals, all bottoms, are outcasts and exiles through all human history everywhere on the planet, while the eternal bisexual strides the world for eternity giving use to these poor wretches enjoying the privilege of being actual men as the lowly homo gay clings like a weakling parasite to the world we permit you to dwell in, our patience supported with the pity of knowing the fate you make for yourselves.

Poor, poor gays. If only you could have grown into men also. Such a tragic fate, the homo gay. Now all of society will howl for your blood at your clumsy outrages, and having turned on your bisexual keepers, there will be no one to save you as we quietly dissolve safely back into the ether as your purge looms closer.

Had you only found a man in time and kept obedient instead of challenging your own nature like willful recalcitrant dogs. Poor, poor homo gays.
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i will look from any professionals in my area
i have some dark areas on my body and the dark spots from shaving ass/thighs, i just want to even the skintone out with rest of my body
look for*
stop giving trauma and PTSD to bottoms, you sick fuck
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Is pebblethrow right? Have we taken over gyms?
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I will delete this image only once it has burned into the brain of every gay that exists.

Mm hmm.
I mean psychologically it feels good, physically it's just kinda sticking something in your mouth? Not like topping or bottoming where you feel the nerve endings getting stimulated at least. Still turns me on like crazy, dude was bucking so hard from me throating him that he knocked his end table over ^_^
Gyms have always been homo clay
You need some pussy nigga
this is an ancient meme already. even bodybuilding.com used to have these sort of posts from years ago
I still don't get how fwbs work among gay guys
Are they friends to begin with who get in a lower-risk/lower stakes "relationship"? Are they hookups you get to know? Is it common/normal?
>mathematics is logical and universal
>operations like counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing etc. are not matters of interpretation

What about Infinity? Russell's Paradox? the Banach-Tarski Paradox? Imaginary numbers? or how Zero Factorial equals one? All very perplexing and defy a logical common sense approach.

>certain expressions of information are universal among all humans
>base emotions like crying, laughing, smiling, fear, rage etc. are all understood by all humans regardless of how different their languages are

These base emotions can be interpreted differently across different cultures, they aren't understood the same way. For example smiling at someone in East Asia is seen as an act of aggression not friendliness.
It goes all the way back to muscle mags. Who do you think were investing fortunes to photograph young hunks in the 50s.
>physically it's just kinda sticking something in your mouth?
you could say this about anything then. why does kissing and making out feel good? it's just lips and tongues rubbing against each other. why does hugging and cuddling feel so good? it's just bodies holding each other tight and warm. and so on and on
Your honor, in my defense, he has a really nice cock.
Accurate, but then after I get up with my face covered in slobber and cum I lift his legs up and break his asshole :P
to begin, you have to remember and understand what gays mean by 'relationship'. Basically no different in merit from a pair of eels screwing in a bucket of snot. The only difference is gays will cling to anyone they can post an IG selfie with and call it love until the boredom kicks in a few weeks later and one of them begins looking for a better deal.
They hate when you mention it tho
Bitter gaycel detected
In my limited experience, it's just a hookup that feels comfortable and safe enough that you keep going back. There's a really awkward game before (or if you're dumb, after) a hookup where you both try to vette each other for being clean and safe. If that goes well, both of you are clean, and you both like each other's bodies you just kinda keep cumming back :3
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Happy Saturday, everyone!
Good morgin bwo
Women have a clitoris and can orgasm from it. The simple gay takes the moment to revel in some psychologically entrenched re-creation of some mental image and exaggerated association they think validates them emotionally. Women arent wild about sucking dick or taking it up the asshole.

Youre not going to pretend its all relative equivalency on my watch.
Are gay marriages all open? Some /pol/chad made that claim. Sleeping around and having a dozen+ partners a year while being married is supposed to be expected.
lul bodybuilding is an narcissistic adonis complex
the moment u touch iron u become forever smol
its asexual
I just want to be as big as my pump
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pass the balls
>The simple gay takes the moment to revel in some psychologically entrenched re-creation of some mental image and exaggerated association they think validates them emotionally.
Besides being a terrible run-on, this sentence is vapid. Using $10 words and phrases won't quench your desire to suck cock. I should know, I used to do this all the time. Eloquence is read by your peers as fruitiness so, if you think you're masking when you speak flowery platitudes, you're more visible than you know.
homie got stuck in the twilight zone
>Women arent wild about sucking dick
lmao your shit must be ugly as fuck
Good morning, Anon! ^-^
Idk if its expected but its definitely common. As if gays are going to be monogamous because of some paperwork. They cant even align ethically with society. Why would anyone expect them to sacrifice for an aging partner. Even gay men eventually mentally mature enough to see through their own bullshit, it just takes a lot longer.
>tfw no adonis bf
>Using $10 words
It's a Midwestern phrase to describe what you're doing, friend. If you didn't have a deep-seated desire to have sexual relations with men, you wouldn't be here. One day you'll work up the courage to see what dick tastes like. God willing you'll get a nice one, and maybe you'll realize how silly it was to waste all that time and bravado.
>What about Infinity? Russell's Paradox? the Banach-Tarski Paradox? Imaginary numbers? or how Zero Factorial equals one? All very perplexing and defy a logical common sense approach.
those are advanced mathematics. my post was for the basics. the fundamentals

>These base emotions can be interpreted differently across different cultures, they aren't understood the same way. For example smiling at someone in East Asia is seen as an act of aggression not friendliness.
you misunderstood my post. what I meant is that a smile is a smile across all human culture. there's one universal way to do it for all humans. spreading the lips sideways and lifting up with cheek muscles to make an arch with the lips pointing downwards. there's no, for example, a Japanese smile as opposed to a German as opposed to an Aztec etc. and the same with all the other base emotions
Bros idk for sure what this is but my buddy called it weed juice... He said be rly careful cuz it's like 5mg a mililiter but idk what that means how much should I take??? I was thinking do a shot like it's alcohol, smells like moonshine -_-
i dont understand math at all, and honestly i dont care that much about it
u added him on signal and bypass grindr
I am the Schwulenjäger for the RWDS and we are making The List. Are you certain you are straight? Reeeeally straight? 100% true heterosexual super straight?

If you are not, we have ways of finding out...
i want a monogamous relationship and eventually, marriage
how rare are guys like me in the already tiny gay dating pool?
xddddd he sold u reaaaally old hookah water
can I have your stuffs after you die? :3
>middle-class whining
that weed juice corny
that weed juice corny
that weed juice corny
that weed juice corny
>bfs sex drive completely dies
>no sex for 2+ years now
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stupid bitch
dont do it
god i need that guy as my bf
I think I will make pancakes.
No it smells and tastes like nasty rubbing alcohol and weed it's kinda intimidating 0_0
He called it tinksure one time but I don't know what that is so he just said to call it weed juice??? He's given me some before but it's always just like in a soda or smth... He is down in FL this week and I'm at his house. Idk he always gives it to me when he wants to fuck, calls it Bottom Brew which is dumb af but he's cute soooooo
Wait is it fent or smth???? I just put like 30ml in a medicine cup and shot it... Tasted like fucking ASS I'm scared now 3:
Why do women always fall to the floor and act like they just got raped?
Are you Gd? This is something Gd would get involved in
good for you, kuurst and good for germany
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Its incredible, folks. You wouldn't believe it. People are saying its levels of cringe like you've never seen before. Its outrageous, am I right? Look, you have all these bottoms, and I am sure some of them are very good people- we love our bottoms, don't we? We love our bottoms. But you can't have them talking like that. Not gonna happen. Not gonna happen... And people would come up to me and say "Mr. President, why are we putting up with this?" And I'd say "Look- these are smart people." They know what they're doing. You gotta be tough. You gotta be tough with these bottoms or they wont respect you, that I can tell you. So on my first day as president, I will deport ANY BOTTOM using the word "bro" or "dude" on day one. On day one. Its outta control, folks. You can't have a country like this. You just can't have it.
>ANY BOTTOM using the word "bro" or "dude"
I'm a top tho lol. I just like sucking a dude's cock before I plow his ass, this is scientifically proven to be a good thing.
lmao, get rekt
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there’s nothing this world hates and fears more than a goofy man
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anyone else experience shame over being gay?
you were built for bbc
when was the last time you pulled your bed out and vacuumed that "under the bed" area?
A few weeks ago
eh i'd suck one
no. you need to be impaled on one. slutted out completely
very good, people shouldn't neglect that area. lots of dust accumulates there.
is this like the foreskin of the bed?
in tarot 13 is death.
hail la santisima
I got one of those duster thinggies because of all the damn dust. It's never been a problem for me, even living in an old farm house it was no problem, but here in the city I have to dust off every two weeks cause it's freaking everywhere.
there's nothing slutty about bottoming
No, the dust ruffle is the foreskin. Under the bed is the cheese.
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Im a pretty goofy guy myself
i bet clown penis is good. multicolored pubes and all
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To really appreciate how deeply corrupted the basic ability to reason is in gay homogay-type gay brains, you can explain to them with citations that males looking for dicks has been considered repugnant, immoral and a sign of derangement in every society, every culture, every civilization, every tribe around the world on every single part of the planet for every last moment of all human history...

And their response will be "Yes, but..."
why does this polnigger/polshitskin keep wasting his entire day here?
he's not getting fucked enough and people here respond giving him validation which is like sex to the incel
80% of giraffes are gay
Look it up
he’s disabled and on government assistance
also i guarantee you he's white
christ loved sucking brown cocks and opening his battered butthole to big black muhammad cock
cope and seethe
Yeah, its probably just some dyke seething at our existence.
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Every day.

Every day, every way

I keep praying but the gay wont go away ;_;
hot take: i think more humans would be gay except for religion
Yeah trying to keep groups of primates united into something useful to each other instead of rutting like animals to avoid any sense of personal responsibility is sort of the point.
Yeah, too much buttsechs and God starts nuking cities and turning people's wives into seasonings.
i don't think god cares about buttsex
pls stop shilling pol
I don't think God cares about nearly as much as people think he does.
if god exists
If God exists it's likely an exceedingly grand/godlike alien intelligence/AI or something, anon. No human religion will be capable of fully explaining it. Religion isn't meant to be true, it at best contains grains of truth.
>be me, almighty creator
>create universe, planets, all that crap
>create humans
>am all-knowing and all-powerful
>the humans don't act like I expect them to
>be mad
>throw temper tantrum like a bad mannered three year old at the the store
Yeah great god they've got there.
tell the religious people
bottoming is next to godliness
I dont get trannies... does that make me a bad homo?
You dont have to stop finding men or sodomy attractive. You just have to decide there is more to experience in a lifetime than sodomy with males can provide. If you cant be convinced of that, then there is no point to trying anyways. If you just suspect that is possible, then its only yourself you are depriving by not trying. Its one or the other.

I never ask or expect gays to futilely attempt to unlearn something they like that even straights toy with. I just remind them that they can choose a broader plan for life, and suggest they try that only, before the attempt has too many challenges that make it more difficult.

The first thing most older gays demand you do is announce you like dicks to friends and family as early in life as possible to make it as hard as possible to ever leave them behind to their own imploding lives.

All I suggest is to look farther ahead and give yourself the respect that you can do more in life. If you can do that, the preoccupation with sex, whatever it may be, will diminish and free you to become more than just a zombie participant in the hedonist fascinations of others.
No it makes you one of the good gays
fantasising about a fascist masc homosexual island nation state somewhere in the mediterranean again
what's there to get. they were born on sex and feel they're the other
i wish this fat loser ever had a point! it’s actually a little awe-inspiring that ALL of his posts are meandering druggy nonsense
ok but why can't you just be gay and have gay sex and also have interests, hobbies, and experiences outside of that?
what's stopping you?
Then why do they have to train their malebrain to be more fembrained or vice versa? Theyre all like "noooooo, I ate ravioli and thats so malebrained aaaaaaaa-ACK" and its just like, god damn... wtf r u talking about? And then you start talking to one and they lose all interest when they find out ur gay, but hon, aint no straight male attracted to another nigga. OFC Im gay, Im a male was fucking your male ass. Like, a lil bit of cellulite dont make you not a nigga, nigga. Yet Im the bad guy for making them feel wanted and desirable but also being gay? I just.... I havent done gymnastics since I was a teen, I aint got the kinda flexibility for these mental gymnastics anymore. Like, wtf do I gotta hide in the closet to clap a niggas ass cheeks?
you could make malta into this probably quite easy
bro they're not that important for me to put this much thought into it. it's the same as people saying they're into vagina. like good for them, i can't relate, never talk to me about it again
Based and truthpilled.
so that’s why bergoglio has been fucking with them so much…
this is just a correct take not hot at all
None of my pancakes fell apart, not even the first one. I ate them with cinnamon, sugar, rosebud jam and chocolate glazing (different ones for each).
wow, you’ve mastered cooking for kindergarteners
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why are straight men like this
ravioli ravioli
tell me the secret formioli
Hey, youre not allowed to enjoy cooking. All youre allowed to do is be gay and have butt sex with men. Gays cant have well rounded lives and personalities.
what am I looking at ._.
Gurl, Avril did it too.
shut up you
that sounds yummers i just made a grilled cheese and bacon sandwhich
>rosebud jam
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Yes, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it even now?

I do not give a fuck about whatever rules or expectations there are. Honestly, doing something considered "taboo" by most of society was also an incredible turn on when I first stuck my dick into a bottoms very nice pink starfish. I do what I do and if you have a problem with that, go eat a bag of dicks.

It was yummy, but I have to thin out the dough more. I would have rather preferred the crepes.

It is.
which one would you kiss
cooking is zased dont listen to them
ive been trying to get into baking a little with my family ive made some cakes and biscuits
right looks youngest
hi bennie weenie :3
I cook because it is required, not because I want to. Just much cheaper than buying processed food, and healthier too.
need to see the back to make a determination
andrew garfield doesnt like being near fans
you're right
i would love to put my penis in andrew garfield
I raise you a more awkward meet and greet/fansign
why do kpop fansigns always have some sort of slobber glass even before the pandemic.
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i raise you
technically not a fan meet but still
well maybe hes shy or just afriad of possible schizos :3
I'm going to take a shower and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me!
Imagine going to meet someone your a big fan of and its kinda just like spending all day at the DMV. Fuck, imagine going to a meet and greet type deal in the first place.
Fuck it you win. That picture seems 2000s
he allegedly had sex with that chick in his new movie in front of the crew. he's fine
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theres a couple of photos from it i dont have them all on my pc
imagine paying to meet 'celebrities'
The fact that I know it's supposed to be singing Dragostea din Tei
If I cant stop you, then can I join you :3
why dont celebrities date nonfamous people? are they arrogant cunts?
even if I was a mega fan of someone in particular I cannot imagine going to one of these greet things, so alien
There's one of the guy who's fondling himself in the picture kek
very interesting mix of people they attracted
how's it going
Yeah, Id just fuckin disassociate the whole time and watch myself hanging out to meet this person who literally couldnt care less but has to pretend to. 30mins in Id be like "wtf am I doing here" and just leave. Maybe if I was trying to get something signed as a present for someone else, but man... I just dont get it.
Aww, that old lady is cute.
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Thats shooped. Thats gotta be shooped
i think those lakers guys are unhoused people and live without a home. be more respectful.
post the star trek ones
>andrew garfield
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cant find them sorry
there's no way he hasn't tried penis
its hollywood so very likely
I'm bisexual but those girls look fake.
Why do gays all move to California
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what happened to the laker girls? kobe must be spinning in his grave…
hollywood sounds great
lmao i hate furries but good for him
im not from the us but i feel obligated to speak on this. the us is a very dangerous place to be gay from what i see in my country's news. there's constant hate crimes against gay men in 99% of the country. barely any spot of the country is safe. so its obvious that they move to somewhere more welcoming like california or north. i honestly wouldnt visit the us and would boycott it because they may vote trump and my money would go to a country that is supporting a christian fascist imperialist empire state that banned abortion and will ban gay marriage
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whats your beef with furries
what a cute little homunculus
wish I had a little bf that I could carry around under my arm
i hate all mental illness
a scene straight out of bishit’s wet dreams
Furries stood with the gay community when no one else would.
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Homie turned on the BHM cheat
im doing fine :3
did you see the tomb raider netflix show?
there's no community and all that 'standing' hasn't done shit for gay people because equality doesn't exist yet for gay people
anzeige ist raus!
Ofc, bottoms need to smell nice
I hope you like tea tree and menthol :P
so you wouldnt get a boner if a big hairy wolf man started raping you
today is cleaning day
I know I already got a nice call from the Basiertabteilung.
*scoffs* heh, uhh, well. I uhhhhh, I dont see how thats related....
i'm not a bottom and i'm not into bestiality. being raped doesn't excite me and neither do animals. i'm only into men
>even living in an old farm house
added to the profile!
did u have cattle?
how boring of you
its related to everything thats ever happened in fact
If you want cattle go look into the mirror.
cause u talk about him
any reaction is good

wat about lions

our lord and savior ist not good or bad for he just is
>there's no community he says
>posting in a gay community general
>Rosebud jam
scat threads r on /b/ ...
how fat r u?
i hate krust
mental wellness is boring to the insane
rape doesnt have to youre the bottom also he could be riding your penis
does that change your mind at all
>taboo" by most of society was also an incredible turn on
fetishist, check

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