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post em
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saw this creature on r/translater
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dumping shit ive seen on reddit
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this has to be a hon larping as a terf, right?
mogs me
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'spicylillytino' on twitter exclusive
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God i hope its a tranny, if not that is one unfortunate looking cissie
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she looks fine, if she dressed her age she'd have no problems
also looks decent for being old and early transition
kys self poster
This one doesnt look too bad desu, could pass
you would think the ochi would reduce his muscle mass
op said hon thread not ogre thread
mogs me
check out this person's blog btw
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its over
i don't think you'll ever be able to stealth pass desu, but you do look very pretty. you should embrace being trans. your head is just too big for anything else.
I’m honnish enough to the point where you would assume I’m a normal guy and not a tranny if you saw me
Beat that
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now THIS is a real hon, the honfidence is key
no idea who this is but she passes in this shot desu
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sad thing you can see with the facial structure this hon couldve passed if she was a youngshit, hell even if she just started in her 20's or something. remember how good you have it, youngshits
anon he's 27
That is a man in a dress
oh jesus christ nvm then
It's definitely over then...
Mogs me
why do hons with receding hairlines always have fucking side parts. 99% of my hairline has recovered on HRT but before that a middle part at least covered it from a distance
millennials love side parts that are way too far to one side too much to have anything else
This one is vile. I can't believe you'd have the nerve to post an Italian. Disgusting.
I thought she was German?
mogs me
>This is what 7 months of E does to a 195lb 54 tear old mf.
oh god imagine how many old fucks are going to be talking like morons in 30 years
Is a part that's very close to the middle but just off by a centimeter or so ok? :( it's my natural part my hair won't do anything else
>t. millennial
Part your hair where it naturally suits your hair and face, don't listen the idiots. Any good pro hair stylist will never do cookie cutter work on people.
Stop sucking your lips like this
>she looks fine
god some of you people are actually delusional. and everyone told me this is the one online place where trannies are harsh about passing or even have ''brainworms''
invaded by twitterhons since 2021. it's over, anon. nowhere is truthful in 2024

not a fucking hon, sorry. She did everything right, only has bad genetics unless she was posting as a sissy fetish.

if she had FFS, she could pull off being young or atleast try to look hot for her age.

its over.

whats the new place then?
it never began im gonna be so fr
there is none
>hon thread
uzi is polish but lives in germany
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>Tfw you're a hon and everyone hates you except your dogs
Fuck you in advance
There's kind of a part of me that feels really bad for people like this. Desperately trying to fit into this ideal mold of womanhood but never able to achieve anything greater than a crooked copy.
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How do you feel about hons in the ladies room?
Reminds me of the mom from Malcolm in the Middle
Honestly mogs alot of ppl
I saw your image posts before and I still think you look nice in your photos. I hope you don't let that feeling hold you back from getting a partner as you seem nice. Bonus points for being a friend to dogs as that's always a good sign.
>being a hon is...LE BAD
better than being dead or dead inside
deal with it
I have a right to be happy as much as anyone else does and gender is a social construct
Holy fvck mommy cum in my ass plz
you arent a hon and you know it
killyour self
Good attitude :)

I suspect you either have a bf/gf or you've got one lined up soon anyway as you've got a good attitude, sense of humor and you know how to style yourself.
I have the same facial structure, I do it because if I don't my lips look stretched too far across my face, unnaturally so.
You looked super datable in the picture of you made up and ready to paint the town red.

It's cool to see somone defiant and you do have that right and you will get to exercise it. :)
sadly I do not have a SO but ty angel
You have all the foundations to look great and be confident if you style your hair more like people keep suggesting and you don't hold yourself back or fear letting yourself shine with self doubt. Plz no frowny pout lips like you are mad at me. There are people who wish they could look like you.
You will 100%. I have no doubt with your looks and personality (which everyone seems to underrate in importance for IRL relationships). Just got to open a door or cast your hook in the water and you'll get all you want eventually.
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stealth apex giga hon predator
can you tell i have boobs and a feminized body meat suit?
I'm getting nb vibes. The outfit could go for either sex but your pose looks feminine so that's a good sign you've got body language work done or are simply a natural. What's the place you're outside?

Also ONE MILLION BONUS POINTS for a big smile. It's nice to see in this thread other smiles too, it makes everyone look so nice and approachable.
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it is some abandoned restaurant near horseneck beach in massachusetts.
i have a mommy friend that likes to take me on adventures and she took that picture of me.
she knows am addicted to smoke/pickles/icecream/milk etc like a pregnant whore.
i have effiminate motion/mannerisms. and body shifting cause my body is estrogenated girl fat so it moves like a girls would.
irl i spend every day with horses and help save their lives at emergency rescue base, just cause.
that why i have horses on my shirt, and a horse patch on my hoodie of a horse i saved.
the horse mommys patched my hoodie cause they know it is like a security blanket i have had for over 20 years.

i get alot of looks/eyes and positive signals from both men & women when i go out pretty much every time.
usually guys will approach me and hint they think am cute.sometimes girls will also just not as frequent as dudes will.

i also smell good. i eat alot of celery/lemon water/ etc and no processed food.
and smell like ariana grande perfume and just feminized estrogen boy smells.

i am also autistic. like o.g. autistic. pre 9/11.

i am also somehow still alive @ 40 years old.

alot of mid 20's girls are horrified that i am 40 because they think i am the same age as them.
(no i dont go out of my way to talk to anyone. ) i get approached.
You do look very young for 40 which is great. I can 100% tell you are autistic from your post, I mean no disrespect as someone not as far aong the spectrum as yourself but enough to know it's there in me too. It's charming in its own way.

Very cool you're a horsey person and do rescue work! That's a great thing to be dedicated to. I'm sure you're a lot of fun when you are comfortable to chat and socialise with someone or a group.
The crypt keeper is trans!?
this is me yesterday. with a horsey i saved.
he almost died less than 1 month ago if the vet determined his hoof injury was bad enough to euth.
but i worked very hard to save his life. and he loves me. he will live.

i've been on hrt for like 5+ years now. this shit dont even do anything except make me crave pickles and whole milk.
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oop forgot pic.
this is 10/18/24.
at horse rescue.

this horse has made me cry, bleed, broken my bones, all sorts of shit.
he's my best friend in life at the moment.

we known about eachother for about 1 year.
his previous owners were charged with criminal animal neglect.
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Saw this thing earlier.
>I hope you don't let that feeling hold you back
It's holding me back from lots desu
>ready to paint the town red
Was that something where I had makeup on? Not rly sure what you are thinking of
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Pickles and whole milk are good though.

That's adorable and great you've saved that handsome horse after all that though. You have a best friend there for sure. Good job. :)
Yes you had make up on and a nice outfit and your hair styled. Also had a much deserved look of confidence for the photo IIRC. It looked very nice! You have to see your own self worth and don't be your own bully. There's going to be guys out there who would apperciate you in a special way for sure and there's going to be many more.happy to have a gal pal that seems nice and cool as you do.
you keep posting that photo and calling yourself a hon, but you look fine. Maybe do something about your hair (Looks a little silly), but other than that you pass as cis
My very expensive hair stylist told me basically the same so thanks:')
I had some confidence at one time, earlier on in my transition idk how to get it back, if i can. The past few years have been bad. Realizing how many people lied/hugboxed over the years makes it really hard to trust anything or anyone.
You don't have to say what it was if you don't want to but some bad years can knock anyone down. None of us are beyond being touched by life or emotions. Things can blow us over or grind us down depending on what it is and the timespan. That doesn't make you weak or incapable of strength again either. The problem is when you're down you start to see everything that isn't negative as hugboxing and lies and anything negative or cruel as somehow justified or new layer of truth. With the latter it's easy to spiral ever down that way and perhaps it is easier for you to see what I mean in the behavior of others on the board as it becomes an almost masochistic addiction for them to seek out abuse and constantly put themselves down, perhaps in some deep down part thinking it will scar and numb them to it eventually. In the same way you can also just assume everything will be bad from now on and no hope because it seems "safer" to not get your hopes up to avoid being hurt. This is a mistake as hope is powerful and with hope you often see things that you will miss in the darker sight of pessimism. You have to eventually risk at some point being hurt and losing something to have something of worth in the first place. You don't want to be someone with nothing to lose. The more important something is the more it feels like a risk when you've been burned once or more before.

What will make you stronger and feel more confident is making yourself get back up on your feet. To some degree you have to sometimes push yourself in a "fake it til you make it" way to get confidence again. Get yourself able to feel good and do what you enjoy and really want to do. Find people who appreciate you which you know behind the doubt there will be. If you look at this from a more dispassionate point of view like you would other problems to solve I'm sure you can start thinking up plans of actions to get your baby steps back to your confidence and the life you want and deserve.
unfathomably based
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>posts hon
>not a fucking hon
Lol what are you smoking
Bad genetics doesn't excuse someone from being a hon, in fact, it's the biggest factor
>In the same way you can also just assume everything will be bad from now on and no hope because it seems "safer" to not get your hopes up to avoid being hurt.
That's definitely how I feel. I've had several situations where people were close to me and I should have been able to trust them. I put my feelings aside and tried that whole 'fake it til you make it'. Nothing feels worse than when reality comes crashing down to confirm your worst fears.
I've had too much evidence that I'm a hon for me to just ignore it. Idk what I'm supposed to have hope for. Idk why I should have confidence. It just hurts in the end
you look like a gay man trying to cosplay cersei lannister (from the shitty seasons, not the good ones)
Do you have casual and/or close friends? Confidants? Was this several individual things spaced out over time or a big social circle fall out? I only ask as it sounds like you have had some kind of big wound to you emotionally and you're struggling to trust people at all around or near you (or people you should be able to have near you), with this mention of trust issues. I don't imagine this would be over something trivial as you're not some stroppy teen so it's making me wonder the magnitude of this. The things you should have hope for are friends who care about you and someone who loves you. Neither of those things are out of reach for you. You know you are not unlovable, the doggos know too. If you had those things, would you really care about what others think or would you have your peace and confidence back? Why would it matter what some stranger's opinion is when people who are dear to you and are important think highly of you? There's plenty people on the internet who ill give me or you a free kick in the head or ribs with negative opinions or insults if we let them but we don't because they don't matter.

For me having a close friend through the years has been most important thing in the world through good and bad times. I've weathered love and loss but having that friendship is a rock for me and in those down times I simply hope to find love again or pick myself up from some other unfortunate event. A solid rock and you can steady yourself for hope again.

Do you really worry about what you think you worry about or do really just want love and loyalty?
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a lot of ppl say im a hon and can never pass bcuz of my height ): so this fits here
I will add it's important in these moments to look at your own positive qualities too. Things you can do, achievements, what you have overcome. It can help to remind you that you're valued. If you see your own self worth it can help others to see it too. You don't have a bad personality and you've got a sense of style. Is it that hard to imagine you will have friends or love? If I decribed someone else with these qualities and various other qualities borrowed from yourself but presented it as a stranger I suspect you'd think they'd do fine too. :)
You are not a hon. You are cute and just very shy. You'll be fine.
how tall?
5'11 in germany
Does your height change when you're not in Germany?
no im just coping bcuz ppl in germany are taller lol
yeah thats pretty tall but not anywhere close to outside the realm of possibility

>t. a lot of cis women in my family are 6'+
yeah i mean i know a bunch of women irl who r my height or slightly shorter or taller but it still fucks me up and im genuinely so brainwormed tjat i think it makes me unpassable forever

t. 7months bdd fag
babytrans, no dooming allowed until 2y girlmoding
I'm 5'6 but I'm from Asia so I'm still a heighthon
You will be fine. Just gotta come out your shell. Your height is not an issue as your proportions are fine. Tall women exist too. Look at the pro modelling scene and they are all taller than average.
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are my proportions looking ok
sick cunt
This image is very scary, what the actual fuck.
How do you feel about my 2 inch cock?
Very miuch so! You've got great legs too.
bad shoulders hunch, stop hunching
Whenever I feel down I visit these threads to remind myself how pathetic you people are, makes me feel better :3
Are you autist fucking RETARDED?? There's like 7 or 8 actual hons in this 100 reply thread. Fucking braindead.
Wait, Which one's make you feel better? the hons or the retards posting?
how 2 fix that
Imagine there's a wire from the top of your head pulling you up straight. Get out of the habit of looking down at your feet and look foward instead. Head up, back upright. Shoulders can settle in more natural positions from there. If you make a habit of correcting it when you're on show it'll stick with you.
but i feel so awkward looking forward bcuz of dysphoria and me being shy ):
I know it's awkward to start with but you have to try for your own good. Just think that when you do it you're getting another little improvement and therefore battling what bothers you and your dysphoria in the process! :)

Try to avoid that sort of leaning foward looking down walk that looks like you're in a hurry to hide which people can fall into too easily when nervous or shy.
Good posture is healthy for your body regardless of dysphoria or passing
tysm for the encouragement <3 when i go out ttmrrw ill remember what u said
you look like a female serial killer from a horror movie
All of you are ugly and mentally ill. Seek Jesus
Good! You'll be fine. I think when you get used to it you'll even feel better doing it.
I have a very very small circle of friends right now. I moved away from hometown 3y ago and haven't kept in touch with many. I met a few trans ppl when I moved who tried to help me join their greater circle of trans friends, but I had trouble with it. Being sround other trans ppl reminds me of what I hate about myself the most and also I feel mogged by almost every one I meet.
I've been hesitant to network with cis people too. Because idk even how to introduce myself since basically giving up on social transition. Whenever ppl ask pronouns I either say idc or he/him at work.
My best friend of 15y lied to me repeatedly and insisted I pass. That one hurt the most. She was the one person I could always talk to & trust to be real, but not anymore. And most other people just blew me off or hugboxed me when I shared my concerns about my transition
>Do you really worry about what you think you worry about or do really just want love and loyalty?
Both i guess. I do want love and loyalty and I also don't want to be hated. I don't want to risk my career. I don't want to be that middle aged hon who makes everyone feel uncomfortable and that half the world would rather just die. I don't want to be gamestophon or chomphon.
My transition going so poorly has honestly harmed my confidence across the board. I started a new job almost a year ago and decided to manmode & be closeted there
>Is it that hard to imagine you will have friends or love?
It is. I feel so alone right now. Idk how much is self inflicted... prob some
The bad part, you know there's men willing to fuck every one posted
explain how this is boymoding
It sounds like maybe it's not best for you to isolate yourself like that. It certainly doesn't seem like it benefits you more than having people in your life more, be it more people or someone close. You've set yourself up for a sort of negative mind trap by not wanting to explain things to cis people but then also not wanting to be around trans because it reminds you have being that way or they may or may not do better in some way than you. At that point you've put every possible barrier up it's going to feel like defeating a Crystal Maze puzzle just to get to know you.

I can understand why you may have felt betrayed by that friend, but I susppose it can help to look at your friend trying to help you and caring about you to encourage you. It certainly doesn't seem like malice was the intent. Sometimes people who care about you can err or hurt you in that way. Whether or not reconcilliation is impossible now it's worth keeping in mind that the intent doesn't seem dishonorable or cruel so perhaps you should at least not be so cynical or afraid about future relationships.

I think perhaps what could help you is explaining your needs to someone, your groundrules or type of honesty you need from someone. Be upfront when you're at the point in the relationship where it can be an issue. This could prevent problems and maybe let you grow closer to someone and trust them.

You've got to let yourself form relationships, be open to love and to some extent embracing who you are is part of that for you to be happy. You don't need to make people feel uincomfortable or unhappy to do that. You can be both true to yourself and be relaxed and fun as I supspect you were before things took a sour note. It's up to you how you balance and manage this but it's possible.

Loneliness is a terrible thing. It's an insidious weight on us like depression and other persistent issues. You shouldn't punish yourself with it just because of some self hate or lack of self love.
She's so brat
what is with all these damn twinks honposting
WHAT DID YOU SAY? no way she's 27
I think it's hurting you too much to be isolating yourself from what you want (friends, close people, love and to be true to yourself). You are obviously a warm and social person at heart and not some hermit.

You need to start thinking about how you can go about managing and changing this as best you can. You don't need to burn bridges to do it either as there's no hard rule that says you have to become some obnoxious meme stereotype or bully over it or frighten people. I doubt you have ever ran through a game store smashing it up nor would want to! So there's no reason to fear these this image. You can be relaxed and fun and comfortable and make others comfortable about it too. You are the best one to judge if you can and should introduce the reality of yourself to this or that person and if it's a gradual thing you get people acclimatised to or you pull off the mask and be totally honest in this or that circumstance or relationship.

I think some of this is self inflicted at this point and you know it yourself. You're afraid of getting hurt so you're doing a common tactic of avoiding any chance of getting hurt from now on but like anything you can only avoid all failure by never taking a risk. You don't take any risk and you don't get anywhere at all. You wouldn't have your job and other successes if you didn't know that already. You're probably suffering more now from the current self isolation than the past hurt as it isn't the past hurt that is actually stopping you from meeting and getting to know new people, I mean how can you find friends and love with the barriers and pattern you've formed? You can embrace your fem self and enjoy it and still have a life.
Oooohhhh, so you're a retard. Got it, thanks for clarifying!
>not introducing her as 'my twisted transsister Ren'
twenty seven as of april eleventh twenty-twenty-four
the tight shirt might be a men's small.
you you gotta cook me like this?
forgot picrel
What an awful fucking thread. NONE of you know what a hon is apparently. Actual brain rot.
boy shirt and boy pants and technically man shoes from my dad
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Brick hon with man arms
I've honestly been thinking alot about networking and finding some local groups to meet new people. I have many hobbies/interests that I feel like I could probably connect with people over. But then also it's like i have this thing kind of holding me back because idk how to introduce myself to people in this weird state. I hate saying I'm a man, but I also don't feel like I can say i'm a woman because I don't look like one. It's like if i'm going to put this effort into meeting new people I don't want to lie and misrepresent myself, but I also don't want to look like a fool
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fresh german hon just dropped
youre really cool
The networking and local groups sounds like a great idea. You're starving yourself of what you need without that. Having your own hobbies and interests like that also makes things so much eaiser as you can see yourself.

When you introduce yourself you can judge yourself how you want to do this. I'd personally not say you were a man as this is your new start so why set yourself up for it being a burden? You said yourself you would hate to do that. You can explain your identity to them and hopefully if they are people WORTH being friends or more with they'll understand that. It's a filter in a way. Do you want to try to build a new social circle with people who would hate you if you were honest with them? So don't worry about that part.

You'll also need to work on your self love and stop being so crazy hard on your looks. You've obviously taken a hard blow to your self esteem but you need to start picking up the pieces there and appreciate yourself and understand someone else will appreciate you so you can get on with your life and get what you want and need from it. I think you're coming around to seeing that you need to move on from this doldrums your emotions have been lurking in. You've got hurt and wounded there and you've got yourself painted in your head as some kind of unlovable monster which is patently absurd and is a mental millstone you need to ditch ASAP.
berries and cream, berries and cream, I'm a little lad who likes berries and cream!
i don't get it what's wrong with her?

>t. oldfag
>dressing like a teenager
>moid brows
>enorous ribcage
>no lips
>man chin
>man jaw
>shitty makeup
& so on
I wish blood clot death on all BDD posters

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