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File: hq720.jpg (33 KB, 686x386)
33 KB
is this attractive to the gay mind
yes obviously
the original james is more attractive
Agreed but the new actor is hotter than the old actor
okay so? the one from the original is hotter
i self insert as laura and wish he was my dad (husband)
>i self insert
Don't do that.
cant do much else anon..
he is marriiieedddddd!!!

Agreed, new James looks like a bitch anf a bottom
i wanna be his daughterwife
>he is marriiieedddddd
to me
File: seductive.gif (1.9 MB, 300x180)
1.9 MB
1.9 MB GIF
He looks tired like vinny does so yes
Yes. I could fix him.

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