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Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/LgSjM8aT (embed) (embed)
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag (embed) (embed)


qott: How many of you are TERFs? Do you think trans women are larping men?
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i love cute asian girls
>All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic
>qott: Do you think trans women are larping men?
Pure hypocrisy.
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don't care didn't ask
Are lesbians attracted to girlcocks?
This must be the terf posing as a tranny that delusional anon was talking about in the previous threat
shit qott to enable another thread thatll devolve into the same rule breaking garbage as always
I want a successful hot girlfriend :(
You quite literally asked. It's the qott.
Is anyone gonna answer?
Is /clg/ going full mask off with the terfism now? Cool.
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I'm not OP so I did not ask. Besides you didn't answer the question OP asked anyway.
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based and yellowpilled
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There is literally nothing wrong with being a TERF.
honestly like can we not obsess over trans women? I think terfs obsession is fucking weird like yeah i want a cis life partner doesnt mean i have to make hating trans women my personality
Some are and some are not.
Yes, I know that's hard for you to understand.
Should I say it slower for you?
>Besides you didn't answer the question OP asked anyway.
Trans women are not larping men. They are women.
There. I answered it. Happy?
>full mask off
>honestly like can we not obsess over trans women?
You TERFs can't keep trannies out of your mouth
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since you made the qott trannythemed then im posting here now. whats your favorite sex position? mine is frotting
all trans women are men, lesbians are NOT attracted to men, that's what makes them lesbians
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I think anime women with large breasts are super sexy
Oh not you again
>Some are and some are not.
That would make her not a lesbian thoughhoweverbeit
>since you made the qott trannythemed
BASED! They opened the thread to trannies by breaking their own off-topic rule with the trans-related QOTT.

It's ok to not be attracted to men, even if those men pretend to be women. That doesn't make you a bad person.
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>clg tries not to talk about trannies for 5 minutes challenge (not possible)
rent free forever
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for me its korean women named chuu from the kpop girl group loona
im not a terf i think they belong in the womens liberation movement, they suffer in a lot of the same ways we do and are treated by men just as horribly. i just dont want to date someone who isnt cis. but anyways i only reply on this thread because i dont really want to hear talk about trans people all the time, they can do whatever they want i just dont need the conversation to always be about them. which is why i cant stand the topic of this thread.
Its weird to make lesbians share a social space with straight men pretending to be lesbians who think lesbians can learn to like cock if the cock-haver is chemically castrated and identifies as having a female soul.
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>rule breaking garbage
It's actually not against the rules since you asked in the first place.

Case law 101 bucko
I've only had crushes on cis women
Problem is: no one has ever liked me back.
Le sigh. Sunday feels
You have a male sexuality
This thread was most likely made by a tranny troll for the sole purpose of cancering our general, it's not that uncommon for tranny trolls to try and snipe our OP to make a troll thread
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>doesn't want to hear about trans people all the time
>can't seem to go 5 minutes without bringing them up
I'm cis. I think lesbians are attracted only to women, and shouldn't be asked to date men in female costumes.
All lesbians, you’re attracted to the same things that straight men are therefore you have a male sexuality
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>le false flag
meds now
I kind of agree but not entirely cause women do not have a male libido.
i mean you can have your own space its just weird youre constantly talking about us lol
nah i doubt it. while its possible that it was done its more likely than an assblasted terf made it. it has the same angry cadence terf posts have
Enough tranny talk!
Can we get back to important stuff, like toilet slavery?
bringing them up? the thread poster brought them up what are you talking about?
need a girl to force me to hold my piss
>i mean you can have your own space its just weird youre constantly talking about us lol
yall are constantly making posts about cis women
you are surrounding us, ignoring the fact that gays are overwhelmed by autists who think gays need to fuck the opposite sex would be even weirder just pretending to not notice
There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself
There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself
There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself
No, there is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
terfs are annoying and idc about trans women being lesbians or women or whatever. you do you, not gonna concern myself over other people's identity. I don't think I'd end up in a relationship with one though because I feel like most trans women are either only into guys or only into other trans people and also I'm kind of a femcel who doesn't go outside except for my job. my theory is that the former is because of comphet brainrot and the latter is a safety thing where people naturally gravitate towards the kindest and most welcoming places, kind of like how immigrants mostly end up sticking to their enclaves here
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most posts about cis women are either hornyposts by c4t posters or hateposts by like 2 t4t anons who hate cis women for some reason, but theyre rarely aimed at clg anons. we only talk abt you when youre talking about us and it gets linked to the thread
i never said that THOUGH

anyways im probably leaving since you bitches boring anyways
so true bestie
None of the females posting in /clg/ would date trannys because we are homosexuals, making that question of the thread will only cause the tranny trolls to raid our thread extra hard, this thread will be unusable cancer from start to finish and someone should make a real one.

>le false flag
>meds now
They (the tranny trolls) have done this before multiple times in the past

>nah i doubt it. while its possible that it was done its more likely than an assblasted terf made it. it has the same angry cadence terf posts have
I've lurked in every lesgen/clg for over 10 years, I know how our thread operates, this is most likely a tranny troll thread
The fact that they made this thread before we even hit bump limit literally only ever happens when a troll snipes the OP post to cause trouble.
Usually our thread archives and we have no thread for 8 hours before someone makes one.
Cis women... oh my God hell yeah.
Shake that womb, mama
Cis girl, you are beautiful
but trannies believe homosexuals can like the opposite sex if the opposite sex has a same sex gender identity
you are surrounded by those who disagree with your very nature
thread is shit so ill make it worse. my biggest fantasy rn is getting strapped at the back + fingered at the front + forced to hold my piss
The monkeys paw curls.... the one strapping you and forcing you to hold in your piss is a post-op transsexual
Fair point
I'm trans btw.
i would never date a trans man, i only decided to try hooking up with a trans woman who was post sex change because i hooked up with a trans guy and was disgusted, it wasnt bad. ill only date cis women long term but for a hook up it was whatever. she looked and smelled like a typical fem, had a pussy and would let me hit her so it was an over all fine night. i dont really get it but she didnt seem like a man to me, might do it again if i can find another non ugly one.
if i wanted to have this pointless discussion i would probably be typing paragraphs like the rest of u and not posting sex fantasies
It is possible that it's not a tranny troll thread but a troll thread made by the trolling bifag from gaygen.
He comes and raids our general for a few days every 3 or so months and when he does he makes dozens of false flag post playing both sides of every argument (100+ posts per thread) and then when hes had his fun he makes a post admitting to doing it and calling us retards for falling for his baits even though the vast majority of (You)'s he get are just him replying to himself.

Last time he was solo raiding us we went from 60 posts per day to needing a new thread every 4 hours when he was awake and then when he would go to sleep we would go back down to 3 posts per hours until he woke up again.
He was literally making 500+ posts per day at the time and after spamming our thread to bump limit he would snipe the OP post with a new troll thread and then do it again.
If it's him again the thread will be unusable for a few days till he gets bored.
You invited us here with the qott
Let's make a deal
We will leave when you shut the fuck up about us
I'm making this offer since I know you will never be able to btw
Rent free forever
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Ive never posted in this gen in my life but holy shit kek this is hilarious, actually rentfree beyond belief
Bejitabro btw.
There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself
There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself
There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself
No, there is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself!
you got a source for this or is this schizo babbling
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ch3cks out
Enough tranny talk!
Can we get back to important stuff, like toilet slavery?
>elon musk <3
>donald drumpf <3
>reeee trannies!!!!!!!!
>i want to be a fucking toilet slave
>errrmmm its all a false flag from 1 gay dude aktually
the absolute state of /clg/
trans men are women. There I said it.
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What actual fuckface is behind this
Last time he was raiding us was back in late may or thereabouts, go check the archive and see for yourself.
He literally does james bond villain tier explaining his plan monologues when he gets bored and reveals all even though most of us just ignore his trolling.

Btw it's always very noticeable when trolls raid /clg/ because our thread is a tiny community, just the same 15 people posting in every thread and it takes us 8-11 days to hit bump limit.
Any sudden influx of posts is either a troll raid or the weekly event where we argue with Asian worshiping bipedo-chan and the male anti-circumcision activist from /pol/ about feminism.
PLOT TWIST It's not a troll but an actual UN-ironic sub 80 IQ terf cis dyke who genuinely didn't foresee the inevitable thread her own shitty QOTT would cause
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"
meds now
someones never fucked a trans man
lovingly plapping my girlfriend's girlpussy with my girldick while making intense eye contact
its ok to be a butch lesbian without desiring men
>meds now
Assuming you're not the falseflagging bifag from gaygen then go check the archive, he really does do this.
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OK but real talk
What the fuck is up with clg and toilet slavery
I TOO would like to get to the bottom of this toilet slavery business
Explain yourselves, dykes
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Tourist here, is toilet slavery actually a thing in here?? Or is it just some troll making it up and refering to his own post KKKKKEEEEEEEKKKKK
>toilet slavery
Genuine question: why do cis lesbians who want to be away from trannies talk about trannies so much? Like, okay, you create a thread on 4chan for cis lesbians. So why are half the posts about us? Ovarit, Crystal Cafe, r/gendercritical and all its clone subs, radles twitter, so many posts are about trans people despite being cis female majority. Or is the belief here that every single person who brings up a tranny is, in fact, a tranny? If so that's pretty delusional. Like if you want to be away from us, why do you constantly insist on bringing us up here and not just talk about how much you wanna go taste test some rugs? Why are you so obsessed?
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I'm disgusted
"toilet slavery" and scat posting have never been a thing here ever in the 11 years this general has existed, it's literally just false flagging trolls that started last thread (which was also troll infested)
>So why are half the posts about us?
they weren't up until like a day ago
Trannies are almost never talked about here and when they are it's because the tranny trolls are raiding
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Genuine question: why do cis lesbians love this so-called "toilet slavery"?
we have the chat logs >>37689884 >>37697535
Im sorry but it is really funny to me so I'm going to stay in here and laugh
As I said
>it's literally just false flagging trolls that started last thread (which was also troll infested)
Find me one example of a post like that in this general any time in the last 11 years outside of this thread and the last one.
It's just a troll raiding.
if i had known i could have been posting about my piss kink here it would be a different story
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what the fuck clg
What she she mean by this? >>37689884 >>37697535
Im dissapointed in you cis
it's all a sham
the cis girls are being raided by the trans itt
hiding in the storm shelter till its done
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>skibidi toilet won
it's over
>it's all a sham
>the cis girls are being raided by the trans itt
At first I thought it was trannies but this raid and the whole playing both sides of the argument has bifag from gaygen all over it.
This is so his style.
>the cis girls are being raided by the trans itt
Interesting way of saying "We intentionally provoked the trans community by starting off our thread with a transphobic and disrespectful QOTT" Don't play the victim sweetie x)
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We need to get to the bottom of this toilet slavery business
Huge difference! Just ask any woman who's taking testosterone
We didn't do shit, the OP was sniped by a troll, as happens from time to time.
>We didn't do shit, the OP was sniped by a troll
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"
Nice reddit quote
you're the trans community? or just another 4chan boy
Is it really so hard to believe there is a mid 80s IQ terf among you who was dumb enough to write the OP ? Not everything is a le mastermind false flag operation you insipid cunt
See >>37703123
>I've lurked in every lesgen/clg for over 10 years, I know how our thread operates, this is most likely a tranny troll thread
>The fact that they made this thread before we even hit bump limit literally only ever happens when a troll snipes the OP post to cause trouble.
>Usually our thread archives and we have no thread for 8 hours before someone makes one.

and >>37703449
>Btw it's always very noticeable when trolls raid /clg/ because our thread is a tiny community, just the same 15 people posting in every thread and it takes us 8-11 days to hit bump limit.
>Any sudden influx of posts is either a troll raid or the weekly event where we argue with Asian worshiping bipedo-chan and the male anti-circumcision activist from /pol/ about feminism.
I don't feel so good cisters
>Is it really so hard to believe there is a mid 80s IQ terf among you who was dumb enough to write the OP
We spent the entirety of last thread getting raided and then the OP of this thread sniped the OP post before bump limit to make a troll thread that would keep the arguments going.
/clg/ almost never gets a new thread before our old one archives, this was done maliciously to damage the general.
Those are some fancy words for a toilet slave
TERFs see womanhood as an act of martyrdom and a political category and get upset when someone who doesn't see womanhood that way calls themselves a woman and in their eyes tries to lay claim to the holy suffering that is their birthright as womyn.
you type like somebody's old ass aunt
Are you the same type of person to logpost on /b/? Genuine question because I admire your work
it's called being a TRVTH seeking and TRVTH speaking autist actually.
What are your favorite subreddits follow women?
it's log o'clock, baby
If you like this raid hes doing you would love the one he did a couple of weeks ago where he spent 5 hours spamming nikocado avocados gaping asshole in our thread before the moderator finally got around to banning him
All rapists are men and some men in dresses
Women can rape too, you misogynistic pig
That doesn't seem as funny for some reason
Big... steamy
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Quiet please
Do NOT say his name out loud, this WILL summon him
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>Do NOT say his name out loud, this WILL summon him
mom please come pick me up
i'm scared
Feel that?
The way the shit clings to the air, /clg/?
It's already started, my dear good cisters
The shit blizzard
>women don't or can't rape
What about all the female teachers preying on their students?
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Question for cisbians. Why do you hang out here if they want a cissoid exclusive space when you have to constantly play weird mind games to detect trannyposters and generally have a glass house anyone can look inside and intrude upon, like myself.
We were here before the trannies, I don't want to abandon a community I've been a part of for so long.
honestly not everyone in this thread even cares about that stuff beyond a passing statement but the raging terfs who just come here to bitch and talk exclusively about trans women are 9/10 times just straight girls from cc larping
Why does anyone hang out on this website, especially vulnerable people like trans people?
Pick a thread and you've got someone sperging out, spitting /pol/ nonsense, being a creep, or just being mean.
It's a strange mysterious attraction to the culture of rejection.
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I've been a decade long fan by now. Welcome on my board!!
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All insightful answers. Especially the last one. Thank you.
>93.5 plop rock fm
Big if true
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>everything is transactional
>i should get paid for supporting my family
Is there a bigger red flag than this attitude?
It's pretty funny that people have been tricked into waving their red flags as though they're correct or quirky or something.
one is in summer (when flowers grow) the other is in winter (when flowers don't grow) when will hateful obsolete farm equipment learn these basic facts?
damn the dykes here freaky as shit!
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I've been shitting up the thread with the toilet slavery thing but I didn't make the two original toilet slavery posts in the previous thread. It's not a fucking false flag. I want you to know this.
HUGE if true
>our thread is a tiny community, just the same 15 people
You should put the same amount of effort into sniffing out the toilet slaves as you do to sniffing out troons
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>I've been shitting up the thread with the toilet slavery thing but I didn't make the two original toilet slavery posts in the previous thread. It's not a fucking false flag. I want you to know this.
/clg/ you have some explaining to do
nasty ass bitches
If it's not a false flag then why am I not your toilet slave yet?
beware the 'fartsnatch ---> toilet slavery' pipeline
Holy shit. It all makes sense now. They were hiding in plain sight.
Don't drag me into this mess
>You should put the same amount of effort into sniffing out the toilet slaves as you do to sniffing out troons
They should look into that fartsnatch girl
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>I've been shitting up the thread with the toilet slavery thing but I didn't make the two original toilet slavery posts in the previous thread. It's not a fucking false flag. I want you to know this.
Frankly speaking I think the two toilet slavery anons from last thread should own up to their depravity and put this whole saga to rest
bishits always have disgusting fetishes, I wouldn’t be surprised
ngl cisters, this toilet slave thing ain't a good look
the toilet slaves
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Best thread on the 'log
Any other 4chan-oriented lesbian servers? I'm trying to find some, but these thread topics seem like a circlejerk
>qott: How many of you are TERFs? Do you think trans women are larping men?
I'm all for trans rights, my gf is trans but she is kind of autistic and a menace so I don't talk about her much

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