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bill cipher edition
Previous thread: >>37698586
QOTT: keep sucking i’m almost there
might show my tits soon idk maybe
I don’t cry because man
I’ll never be like any of my girl friends
I’ll always be a disgusting male deep down
Lipstick on a pig
My brain is cooked I can’t even enjoy life anymore
I just work and eat and pretend I’m trans and try to sleep crying but no tears come out abd I feel nothing
I just became this way
I could have lived my whole life without this tranny bs
But no had to develop a penis hating complex and castrate myself chemically
I don’t hate feminizing much body. It’s fine really.
But the pain of knowing I’ll never be real hurts
I was a normal kid doing normal things. A normal person
I can’t love that.
I feel like now I have no identity
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ugggh giwtwm
buy crypto, suckers
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hey, anon, come into this cemetery with me.
nothing bad will happen..
i am that bØymoder meme cartoon grown up in apex predator giga hon form..
come play with me anon..
your fear and excitement smells hot to me, anon.
we are not vampires..
here i even got you this chocolate shake, and drank most of it.
but you can have this milkshake, anon..
I need
10mins stairs, 45 treadmill, a few legs workouts. 4 sets squats. We I'm this bitch.
i used to be a boy like you, anon.
but i died some years ago.
once you swallow my succi
you will be a lost boy like me forever, anon.
i kneel
But I’m no boy
my hole is sore
how could this have happened?
it's all your fault for posting tits and ass
i can't do this anymore it's too much
my mind is melting
Post tits too. Let's make this a tits thread.
this person is just reposts from someone's like reddit account or something right
soon bb soon
you wouldn't get it
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no i am a real person and just going through some pics my mommy friend took or selfies i did lately.

theyre all from within like the last 2 months probably.
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i cant save a whore.
i can only save a horse.
i am cursed, anon.
save me, anon.
and i'll be your whore.
I should die to atone for my sin
The sun of being born male and having no dysphoria until later in life abd now pretending I’m trutrans
I hate myself
youngshits were groomed by their parents and will detrans like the rest of the larps
one of the only people here that could end junes reign of terror, maybe
step up nigga
Youngshits were beaten by their parents and still dressed up and knew they were girls
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bruh i have no idea wtf june is.
is it like a book or something?
some anon said i was like a durian and i was gonna put an end to june also.
wth is going on.
I knew I was a girl. I just didn't know I could do something about it.
i was groomed as a child to love my penis
I am not a girl
I never was
I will never be
I should die
I should die
There is nothing else
Nothing matters
I am not crying while I think of what to say but there is nothing tinge said
I’m trapped
In This life I made for myself
There is no hope
Only pain
And pain is God
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psychostimulants, deliriants, depressants, hypnotics,
they experimented on us to make the tranny thoughts go away
we are better, now
we get horny for pussy because of him
we want tits because of her
simple as
need to whisper mommy loves you into someone's ear as I cum inside them
I need to kms I think
Tell everyone in my life I detrans
And kms the next day
Only note will be a scrawling with my male terrible handwriting, that just says it’s better this way for everyone.
My mother will be too sad. I can’t do this to her.
This but you kill me instead? Hell do both
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2 fat tomato sandwiches after a hard workout:)
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yep. take a good look anon.
this is what happens when your youngshit femboy genetics hit a dead end when you turn 40.
you'll like like an old guy.
it is over, anon.
you need more protein
Everybody ages. As long as I can look good for my age or up to 5 or so years younger I'm happy.
I usually have a protein shake, but I'm out. Gonna hit the store tomorrow.
Taking a break from the movie to say you are an idiot
taking a break from my goon sesh to say smd
no youre right. i failed myself. i gave up. it’s my fault im a hon
Not me being beat for the way i walked or spoke….. i never had a chance to “know” i was a girl i was terrified of existing
Kys nigger
mmg goon sesh when?
No thanks
Call me never. You all disgust me, honestly.
too late i'm raping you
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Ugly bitterhons
honestly who doesn't like a bit of rape, huh?
Literal rapehons mad
i rape and i save
Also i am not a rape victim, i am the rapist.
personally, I would not rape. sorry, I just think it's wrong.
you know what? i've been rehabilitated. ty. i no longer rape.
me, runner up after dysphoria for ruining my life
you know what? i enjoyed being raped. there, i said it.
hoes mad
I've had like 3 near rapes... all black men
mine was dominican but looked basically black (still not racist)
mine was an illegal and a hon lmao
Rape victims itt were y’all raped by a random attacker or someone you knew
Csa victims disregard
I don't think me being raped at 4 really affected me at all. I've interacted with that cousin like normal ever since tbqh. Even if he was 11 years older.
Average white woman victim mentality. Check your racism.
Doesn’t phase me, i have weirdly had a lot of people admit this desu
4 is pretty young, sorry that happened
If i knew you irl i would find the guy and beat him up
I didn't get raped but this gay cruiser (white+Asian) intimidated me into letting him suck my dick and that was pretty upsetting. and no I didn't know the place I was at was a cruising ground and I didn't have a way to just leave.
Guy at a bar + guys i met of grindr
Sorry fella, I can't help that negros love my pale yt skin
I was cross dressing in the park and had a guy molest me up my calvin klein skirt while i was smoking my cigarette once
grindr rape is super common. i hate gay men. i hate the queer community. amabs disgust me. and i have their sick rapist genes. ngl it hurts
ex boyfriend. he forced alcohol on me the night before, slapped me around bc i said something apparently and he left me puking in a hotel room alone even though i was scared of dying as an anorexic 20 year old who had no idea how much alcohol was too much. i was rly mad the next day, demanding to be brought home and never see him again and yeah. full pen, bleeding, just pure rage and sadism on his part. i was about to start hrt too and it spiraled me into a dissociated pit of depression instead
It isn’t rape if it happened at an orgy and the guy was hot right
tfw too ugly to rape
that’s fucked up im sorry
What's funny is he had a literal mental breakdown the moment we were finished. And I was happy I got to play with the toy he promised me.
Hopefully it only happened the one time
If you haven’t been to therapy it might be nice just to get it off your chest irl to somebody
Also i think you should confront him but i can see why you wouldn’t want to though
thanks, i'm doing better with it recently even though the trauma is very much alive :c
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it is kind of unfair that manmoders are often extremely traumatized and just get a way worse life as a result
I do need to get into therapy. Been putting it off for too damn long. I got recommendations from my hrt doctor last visit for ones prepared for gender stuff too. Maybe I'll try to set up an appointment tomorrow.
Doc emailed me a requisition for an intake place to connect me with a therapist but i am a procrastinator
It is easy to talk about your problems but doing it in a contained space is supposedly helpful for people trying to move past certain things
It just sucks that life fucks us over and we have to pay money to fix it lol
I never got raped but I definitely have a lot of trauma from my mom growing up that lead me into emotional situations with other people that traumatized me harder
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Reminds me of the basement of my old apartment
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Is this an Ian party
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Let me play starcraft there with a 12 pack of coke, a large pep pizza and an old playboy.
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literally me
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I look puffy and have gained weight because of my orchi and I can't exercise because I just had an orchi

Now I'm stuck looking like a fat hon instead of a regular hon aaaaah kill me
I’m skinny and love my balls
congrats :3
I'm glad I got it done to stop cypro for my mental health but seems counter productive now I look chubby :/
did they let you keep them? if it was me i would throw them out
I didn't ask but they send them off to get checked for abnormalities and cancer after you get them removed so I doubt they would let me.

I would never keep em even if I had the option it's creepy and gross
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they would look cool to display
You go get yours removed and do it then
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what is that weird old man saying
He said he wants to eat your balls with fava beans on the side
fava beans?
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That's gross, kys
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it’s not that bad
good girl!

dunno? was probably a psychotic rant?
you're 40?!?
yes that does seem like a sick thing to do
one thing you could have done is taking them home and fried them, heard that testicles tastes good though have never had it myself
of course this would only be for yourself then, cannibalism is sick, autophagy is natural ;P
who ready for Halloween?
mogs me
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are you the durian person the other person was talking about? yes am 40. and obese.

i want to go play with myself soon tho.
like.. anal.. (in the ass)
and hit some poppers.
and enjoy a salad after because i am obese.
and then go to sleep.
mogs me
i guess i am

shouldn't you do poppers before doing the anal thing? idk never tried it myself
otherwise seems like a good plan :)
ps qt tummy
Your face looks way skinnier then your body, i got the opisite issue ;_;
I wouldn’t have transitioned as a youngshit even if I could or knew about hrt/trannies because I wasn’t dysphoric trans. It’s over
Fav deviant art era that? Mine was TheTgArtist. They even made tranny comics after they trooned and talked about it but I didn’t get it at the time :)
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anyone else been randomly assaulted while manmoding because you look like a big manly target?? i had someone grab me from behind and slam my head into a lamppost a couple times for being in his way last week and the dysphoria from it is now hitting badly, i just forgot im a man and that men get shoved around sometimes.
Hatecrimed for looking like a faggot
I did my shot yesterday and I no longer feel horrible Wow, almost like I should have started doing this a long time ago..
idk at my old job in a pub i was treated the same and shoved about and peed and puked and pooped on, the abuse was rarely homophobic. i was basically hired as muscle/a potential bouncer if needed pretrans so could stand up a bit early on but after 2 years hrt i really couldn’t. im a big well built guy still I just can’t imagine it being about the length of my hair or whatever. it was just a guy wanting to hit someone and he found someone big enough to hit and that was me and it sucks.
I was feeling awful all day yday woke up kinda better after my midnight shot( I’m lazy)
Congratz girlie!!!
You are a woman pretending to be a man they hit cause you are a faggot
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fine I’ll take your word it it actually helps me cope a bit better thank you
I need to girlmode just to see if getting gendered female will give me reverse dydphoria
So far having small tits hasn’t and I do love going out in fag mode with some Boymoder clothes and people that know me gender me female but like…idk
>people that know me gender me female
how did you achieve this????
They are trannies/friends and don’t want to misgender me. I still manmode
just woke up from the rape replay dream except i slice my wrists in front of him until i bleed out. hate the human mind
I was just wondering how you put it across as my friends + the trannies at this support group i very occasionally attend only he/him me
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checkmate mmg
im unfixable even with 100k to put on surgery

you all mog me
Huh why would they do that? Did you tell them you a girl?
you have plausible deniability right now, like you don't know if you'll get gendered correctly if you try to girlmode. will you be hurt if you try hard and still get he'd? that's the risk here
yeah but they don’t understand manmoding, they’ve called me a "cis ally" before too lol. I’ll likely not go back again anyways but I’m still curious how you get cis friends to at least call you a girl name or something lol
>cis friends
Uhhh not out to the one cishet friend I have so idk
They rest always knew I’m a girl who manmoders and they boymode too so it’s all ok
Idc I just wanna see if I’ll feel ok or if I’ll feel the need to be a man again
I’m fine getting gendered how people see me as annoying as it is
Idk everyone here has brainworms you might be fine

I'm sorry sis, you should talk to a a therapist who deals with trauma if you can I know shits expensive but it's not good to let stuff like this sit for years

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