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You're invited to my sleepover, Anon!

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we are waiting
"Its about love and dignity."
I fucked haribos sour little bussy it was totally mid
Uwu I'll bring candies
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went 2 a party with my boyfriend and a couple of girls (his friends)
he didn't want to pee outside so he waited for the bathroom and then went in with his girl friends to pee
heheheeee my boyfriends best friend was there she went with him
hehehehhehe she's touchy with him and spent the whole time at the party getting wasted and cheating on her boyfriend
I'm heterophobic.
oh yeah then he had to pee again after the party was over so he just peed in the street teeeheee backyard was too much too many people who weren't his girl friends i guess teeheeee pissing with the girls teeeheee
Dumbass. Why didn't you tell him to fuck off?
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I’m drunk as a skunk.
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The good news is that men, especially gays, cant technically be "raped", not really. Just humiliated. You wont get pregnant, and your butthole has no premium of virginity that will ruin chances for marriage in a respectable society.

So nothing about your life is ruined, and you can just walk it off. You can just write it off as a bad day at the office for being homosexual and go back to what you were doing anyways. You cant really present yourself for homosexual abuse and then trust men not to act like animals. Submitting yourself for abuse is the whole premise. Thats why so many gays fantasize about it. Eventually, you probably will too. Such is the nature of gays.

After all, you arent even a woman. And no one sees the point of woman who complain about one surprise dick after they fought to be sluts and take dozens of others without shame. You cant abandon dignity one day and then complain about humiliation the next. It wouldnt make any sense.

Youre a guy asking to be sodomized. What more is there to say.
Nice to see you having a good time. Looks cozy. Looks like good food and beer too.
>boomer schizo posting retarded tl;drs
fuck off no one cares
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Bonne santé Tex!
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Opinions on Chico
haribo is disappointing sex
Something tops never have to say
that's what happens when you hookup with haribo
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>tfw no bf to watch uscsb videos with
I'll have to try it and get back to you
What's that?
Me when I have no empathy for others and believe the entire premise for gay sex is an abuse component.

Anon sorry this happened to you man. I’d really encourage you to take a step back from hookup culture in general, it’s not a good place for you if you’re fragile. I don’t mean that as an insult but yk.

Normal-operating people don’t fantasize about abuse and this will more than likely not be the case with you in the future. Ignore this retard who’s probably never had someone care for them and so they default every situation to normalizing abuse.
Cumming in haribo and then not reciprocating and telling him he's not allowed to cum till i say so, tbhon
Also sodomy is just degenerate sex, it’s not abuse if there are totally consenting parties involved. I know you’ve taken the blackpill, but others don’t need to take the same dose of retard pills that you have.

Men can get raped, anyone can get raped. Regardless if they were in a pre-existing sexual relationship or not. It’s like saying a husband can’t rape his wife because they are already married.

It’s insane how /gaygen/ both simultaneously loves neurotic bottoms with mental disorders but then demonstrates no empathy towards them when they demonstrate said mental illness.
punching haribo in the back of the head
If he cums before I tell him to. Bottoms must be trained like house pets
>latinx and jewish
It’s pretty good. Just about to shut down here soon,
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>tfw no alaskanon to perv on
>sad feels

Someone pls summon him
So anon got raped by some faggots husband. There would be 2 dead faggots right now if that happened to me or someone I cared about
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Being a passive homosexual, as if there is some other kind, is about performing acts specifically because they are degrading to males to earn the other males approval. Thats humiliation. There is no other way to see it. If you need more proof, look at licking armpits, feet and being pissed on. Its all the same theme. Then its on to self mutilation, dressing as a woman, cages and all the rest. If normal, straight men thought the most degrading thing in the world was to tap dance, gays would all be wearing tap shoes.

Also, a normal man who had been buttfucked without consent would not be dumb enough to admit it. But even if he were, he would not use the term rape unless he was weak minded. He would just say he had been buttfucked and didnt want to be. He would not use the term rape, because then he would be comparing himself to a woman, and thus not a normal man. Only gays would use the term rape because thats how they see themselves.

That is why the law makes a distinction between the legal terms rape and involuntary deviate assault. The language of law changes much slower than colloquialisms because legal terms have to be tested for truth. The point is that nowhere in history has getting buttfucked as a man, or even a woman, considered the same as rape.

Also, regarding the notion of marital rape, it is a concept that emerged in the US around the late sixties and was not quickly accepted. Because the idea, at that time, that a woman could legally bind a man to her while she got free room and board, could perform no housework and even refuse sex (and children) is an absurd proposition.

As for the original poster, he did not claim he was raped either. Just that he had taken a dick without explicit consent, but did not stop him either, which is implicit consent. So I dont know who you think you are defending. We both agreed he had not been actually raped, because he is a man, and a gay one at that.
One of the reasons I want to have a bf is because I would like to see him pee not every time but fairly frequently
look. i dont wanna come off as a rape sympathizer or whatever but like.. wouldnt the normal human reaction be to like at least tell the dude something instead of just letting him keep plapping you? like ive been sa'd before but that didnt happen without a fight ill tell you that
Piss kinks make me wonder if me and my bladder could make a killing selling piss vids or something
stfu shartino no one cares
is that what he looks like now?
I mean still, I don’t think anon asked for your opinion on whether or not he was raped. He quite literally said he had an unsavory sexual experience, which made him feel like shit. You’re the one that brought up your opinion on if men can be raped.

You invented a premise, built a foundation that relies on the idea that all homosexual acts are in an unbalanced power dynamic fueled by humiliation, and then shit out a word salad of opinionated ramblings.

I don’t think anon thinks he was raped, at least he didn’t say that specifically. Regardless, he’s allowed to feel violated as the lines of consent were blurred during a sexual encounter. As a top, you should seek affirmative consent.

Furthermore, the idea that men could be raped is one supported by writings created thousands of years ago (even as early as the Bible itself)

It is clear to me, and the other anons reading, that you seem have some sort of hatred towards your own gay feelings. You’re welcome to tap dance your way into whatever humiliating situation you like, but you haven’t successfully thought out all you think you have.

I mean seriously. Clearly that anon was looking for some sympathy and was upset. I’m not saying you have to be kind but it’s a dick-ish time to decide to present your poorly-research thesis on power dynamics in homosexual sexual relationships.
i have never been touched by another man (or woman) in that way
t. 28 yo virgin, will most likely die alone while my pet cat eats my remains
Maybe they froze, maybe they don't know how to say no or protect themselves. It's gross that anon went to have sex with a married guy, but that doesn't mean you can run a train on her.
anon said he froze, maybe he has some sort of mental disorder or past trauma? it sucks but if you’re introducing something that wasn’t previously consented to, it becomes your responsibility to get that consent before letting it happen

a lot of older gays who sleep with younger gays abuse the power of “implicit consent” into getting younger guys to do stuff with them, especially since communication in an intimate setting can be a learned skill for some

“If he doesn’t say no that means it’s okay,” said no one wanting to engage in a health sexual relationship ever
probably an “open” marriage
How many of you currently have 6-10 kidnapped twinks tied up in your basement. DAE?
do you want casual hookups or marriage?
i want to be a twink that ends up being tied in a basement and has to pleasure and satisfy a man with my body everyday
I WISH I had twinks tied up in my basement rn, I’d be setting up one of those death games but instead of death it’s sex
>note to self:
don’t come to gaygen for sympathy if something shitty happens to you haha
I'm very well aware that's a huge issue because I've had one older faggot pull that on me. he kept touching me, trying to turn me on and all while telling me that he knows what bottoms like me like (saying that "no mean yes"), only to walk my ass out that door.

erm yeah sis duh. I'm speaking as someone who went thru it. that said you also have to be aware of what's going on too
Okay let me find you in a dark wood and chase you down until I capture you and tie you up and gas you when you wake up stripped down like a little dick pig in saddle #9
Why not do it, we as gay people need to uplift and protect the rapists within our community. Its hard enough being a kidnapper rapist and even harder to do it while queer. Here's a shout out to all rhe gay rapists
fun fact: when I first told my story one faggot said, and I kid you not, "sounds hot"
Gross. I'm never marrying anyone who wants an open marriage.
You’re so right anon
Except I would rather it be cnc, it’s hotter if they’re into it and I don’t risk jail time
The two conversations happening right now

1. Does anon deserve sympathy for having an older fag take advantage of him?

2. I am a proud gay rapist
Males can be humiliated in a way that is perceived as "sexual" because anal sodomy is a simulation of sex, not sex itself. Even the term "sex" itself to mean male/female vaginal penetration of a penis is sloppy because it misuses the term and invites it to further mean anything recreational one might do with their genitals. "Having sex" is a euphemism, but that is another matter of semantics.

Secondly, this is 4chan, so there was no reason to think anon was being serious or not exaggerating for attention. He conclusion was that he was (somewhat) naturally disgusted, not violated. The only violation was his playmates tackiness. If anything, he should take some pride in handling it well and not blowing up the scene with theatric hysterics.

Thirdly, I have to push back on this implication that rape is about "power". This is something people say to make it sound like other sex is not about exercising and accepting will. Actual rape, or sodomy, is about what people refer to as "sex". Its effectively the same thing. Even feminists, in their warped views, say the same thing, except they mean that all sex is a violation. But its saying the same thing from a different decidely pointed bias against males.

Theres more to it that regards active and passive gender roles, but it basically comes down to pleasing the self vs pleasing another. You can apply and/or project other themes like dominant/submissive that are more abstract, but they are secondary interpretations regarding psychological perspectives...
I've come to realize that sexual assault amongst homos is like an unspoken factoid. When you have a community of men, who generally enjoy sex, having sex with other men and a community that hypersexualizes them (sex is gay culture after all), the lines of what's right and wrong is much muddier.

Therefore, kill all gays tbhon kween.
... Its only relevant here because that mental dynamic is where some women and all gays derive their satisfaction, psychologically, not physically. The reason a woman would actively want to orally please a man or be subject to humiliation of some other kind are the same drives within gays. Its not because women or gays have sexual innervation of the mouth. The desire to please is the common aspect. With gays, there is the added humiliation amplification because of how sexual passivity is viewed by men who decide the culture. So much so that in much of the world and through history, cunnilingus was seen as disgraceful to a man, on par with deviancy suspect of homosexuality and a shameful act.

This old world notion was a subplot theme depicted in this American tv drama



In another scene, Tony explains to Carmela that if a man is suspected of eating pussy, he is suspect of being a "fanook".
Cant believe my husband used an ai art image, straight boi how could you do this to me
your thoughts on depressed loner virgin bottom twinks with a dark and mysterious aura?
Would give him a soft but firm hug and a very strong kiss
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Oh yay! What kind of candies do you like? I like chocolate and sour candy. :p

I made a bunch of cute pictures with it. :>

What’s wrong baby, did I say something weird?
I'm married? (๑•﹏•)
Well obviously, we got married a bit ago. Keep up now, I’d like my dinner soon
Whaaaaa? I didn't know! I don't know how to make dinner. :s
Well you need to figure it out soon! Otherwise I’ll have to give you a punishment
>straight boi
Tying straight boi to the bed and raping him for days on end, and every time you finish he says- 'Thanks (◕ᴗ◕) ! <3! :3'
OH NO please don't punish me, Anon! I'm sorry!! (〒﹏〒)

Hehe that's me

Nooooooo Anon that would not be a very nice thing to do to me! >~<
Sorry, but you messed up and now it’s time for me to breed you
But Anon I'm straight! You wouldn't do that to a straight guy, would you? (〒﹏〒)
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He's still hot at 33. He posted this 4 days ago.
Yes, yes I would. Now spread your legs straight guy
A punishment is a punishment right? Now be a good boy and lay on the bed for me, won’t you?
Your not dom enough, I'm going to rape you and straight boi
I am not allowed to eat candy because I am so fat... But I will bring more than enough for you guys!

Loving the pictures don't mind the rude anons.
You too fatty, I'm raping all 3 of you. Get in line with the others
Settle down pal, you can try to go for me after you go beat one off and relax
I dont like the idea of non-consentual sex, unless we are spouses.
My legs? :s

Y-yes sir... (〒﹏〒)


Wow, thank you that's very noble of you! I wish you well on your weight management!

>Loving the pictures don't mind the rude anons.
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy them! :D
Good boy! Cute boy! Thank you for the adorable pic
Th-thank you and you're welcome~ >///<
<3s are for love, not for coqblocking ..
all his pics are the same
no creativity in positions
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should I trim my beard
looks good to me <3
maybe to even it up a bit but its very sexo
i think i inhaled a moth and it died in my lungs. am i going to become a bugmen now? 0_o
you might ger aspiration pneumonia and die
You’re handsome ;)
oh, how joyous
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do you have a signature coat or jacket you like to wear in the winter?

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