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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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thoughts, /lgbt/?
buy an ad nigga
didnt watch, wont watch, dont care
i saw it on lesgen the first time
Who cares
Imagine being enough on a loser to make this video haha could never be me!
She has the right attitude but it's wasted on the kinds of people that come here
didnt even get to the half mark, i spent the whole thing expecting someone to reach out from the dark and slit her throat cause of the shaky shitty camera
haven't seen it but theres no way it can be any good
Bitch needs to voice train Holy fuck put in some effort. I ain't calling someone who sounds like that a woman.
shes right all of you are fucking losers
t. tomboymoder passoid
Lmao doubt this to be true
She's happier than anyone using this board she's beaming with life
Then why’d she film and edit a video together dragging the place and then upload it to youtube ?
You can tell she's a very positive person and she thinks she can help people by doing a wake up call ( she can't )
This place should be MORE toxic so underage tourists stop showing up and shitting all over everything.
so what
>wake up call
Nah she is probably a hon who is mad that she posted in the passgen and wasn’t hugboxed
God she's so right about this place
Lol what did she say? that it is toxic and people are mean? is it a hon? i didnt click the vid because ew
stoppppppppppppp fucking stopppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp telling people who don't need to know about the board
i hate tourists
death to all tourists
Definitely not gonna watch, but this gigahon nigger is seething
this is literally just a guy with long hair crossdressing
Her voice definitely doesn't pass.
I watched the whole video, she clearly doesn't get it.
kys faggot lmao
lmao everyone in the thread is proving her right. GG. Try touching grass sometime.
i made it 3 minutes into this crap.
i dont even disagree with the idea that this place is a cesspool of misery, but im not listening to this slob tell me that for 13 minutes with her awful voice and irritating shifting around / cuts
No thanks. why tf would you call yourself a passoid bro
yeah for real, calling yourself a passoid is like the tranny equivalent of /thread-ing your own post. only other people can make that judgment
>male mannerisms
>tranny voice
>awful hair
opinion disregarded
The whole things reads like a kirbizia video
damn this place is so fucking retarded now
guys she le gigahon oldshit neverpassoid do u like the new lingo i learned 5 days ago
I think she looks cute but she should voice train
god yes the voice is really what ruins her
Holy fuck why is the video shot like a no budget underground hood rap music video, her arms waving everywhere the mic the shaky cam and graffiti covered concrete wall like okay femininem i expected her hoes to come out and start counting money or something
nah its something called stealthing everywhere i go
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dont care, get beetled
i think its really funny that everyone knows this place sucks but so many online tranners browse here to at least some extent
No idea what this video is and i'm not gonna read the thread

BUT i'm going to assume it's going to name everything everybody already knows is super shitty and toxic about the posts here while also leaving out /pol/ psyops because anybody making these shitty videos never includes nuance or hangs out long enough to pick up on stuff like that.
... not that that makes anybody here less toxic
You can tell she grew up on reddit and some liberal hugbox of a state and not the deep south where finding le community is a fucking joke.
Because we know we don't deserve any better.
Babe if you were living as a woman and stealthing i guarantee you would not be posting here
t. I have female friends
/tttt/ sucks but its more honest than all other social sites
lmao youre retarded nobody escapes this board even if to occasionally shitpost
Who cares. Still better than any other LGBT community.
>Thoughts, /LGBT/?
Mmmm wake and bake yummy coffee mmmmm I gotta clean my room after this
her message is fine.
Babe if you were stealthable you wouldn’t even know what this place is!
Please post a selfie, if you are passable i will send you $50 via paypal
was i the only one that got this message under the video?
the video was awesome!
it does that for everyone she made it that way
Kys hug boxer, say what you really think
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late 90s britney spears i've missed you so much
So pretty. i get to keep my 50 for being right however
i told you retards i passed and yall didnt listen but ty for the complement im still as insecure as everyone else on this board
im gonna kick ur ass X3
Hot i would pay you $50 for that
lmao id kick a chasers ass for 50 bucks easy
I will ship you to toronto just wear something cute and i will plan out the rest..
i think normalfags who make videos for other normalfags about the secret hacker club known as 4chan should stay on reddit.
trannies need to be banned from streaming or uploading videos of themselves until they put a little effort into voicetraining desu
spoiler alert: all trans "women" are just crossdressing men with long hair (or wigs)
I have short hair
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>/tttt/ video essay
you people don't really talk about this stuff irl do you?

i think this board is not so completely hopeless and hateful and negative and one dimensional as that person describes

and not everyone is the type of person who can just go out and make random friends with druggies and get fall over drunk at parties

thats no life for me, i could never be like that

i have met some wonderful people here, most especially my wife

im happy today *because* i kept posting here
you're an annoying schizo, your opinion is worthless.
For the love of god, do not send anymore reddithons and twittertroons here. We have enough of these fucking problems dealing with the retards that won't go away.
glad to see you fitting the video so well
what /tttt/ fails to realize is that despite not liking hons they failed to cure themselves of incelism which makes them basically just as dangerous to women
I am going to rape Ellaphae and turn her into a roastie
you'd just be doing it to yourself or some poor person because she only exists in this universe inside of us

you're an abomination to speak like that about anyone, especially someone's religion

i hope your miserable life teaches you the lessons you so badly need to learn
Ellaphae’s pussy is so dry, i had to use coconut oil for lube! her puss is godly though i can see why you like her so much. she says hi btw ;)
>this is the person calling you schizo online
its ok
video feels kinda aimless but shes right about a lot of people coming here because they want their misery to be validated and i like videos where they have a camera person and move around instead of just talking to the camera from the same angle for an hour
you are retarded for making this post though and i hope you die
>oughghuhuh thoughts on this /elgebeetee/?????
kill yourself
please don't speak that way about my goddess

you're a disgusting pig troll

i never call anyone schizo
>no mention of nazism or troonjacks
wholly inaccurate representation
I love digging out Goddess Ellaphae!
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but I'm being serious, not only was she really funny and the whole video had a silly clumsy feel to it but the last bit was especially so nice with really nice music!
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Oh great, some hon is talking about this board on a youtube video, specifically targeting the audience of people who "enjoy le funny 5chin screenshits" but refuse to come to this board and lurk, or worse, the people who come to this board, make a shitty blogpost that opens with >be me, and act like complete fucking redditor faggots

we have a tourist problem
complement means something different
complaining about tourists is a tourist’s job. kys
Lol you are a cutie i am coming to montreal to make you my wife
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Only person I've seen talk about this board tastefully is contrapoints. And that's because she actually has brainworms. This is just opportunistic content farm slop. I don't understand what the point of the video even is.
>not opportunistic content farm slop
you've retarded
>I have a stock opinion this board told me to have duurrr gurrrr unga bunga
Nope the anon is correct
I watched natalie wynne in the cheap purple wig and that was enough to turn me off from the nigga forever
Hrt doesn’t give you good fashion sense, he is just annoying and unfeminine
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how do you know I live here
I loved it everything she said was on point and if she sees this I just want her to know I'm a huge fan <3
"She" has irl friends which is very AGP.
You post about it all the time nigga
I will take you to the vegan sushi place its the best in canada xD
>acting like 4chan isn't a public board
She has a point. Look at this thread lmao
the problem with the video is that it assumes you're an extroverted heckin valid r\trans girl who just got shamed into becoming a brainwormed boymoder by the 4chan hivemind.there isn't just one way of being trans not all trans girls want to do ketamine while listening to femtanyl with they're transbian polycule, i'm not hating on lilith who does that but i'm just a different type of girl not a better type of girl just different. i'm not suppressing my inner luna and if i just let her out i'll be happy. and i don't like the stay out of 4chan don't gain knowledge be blissfully unaware of yourself and your surroundings but i get it because the line of thought that \lgbt has just logically it leads you to kys and that's bad, you should be aware of what you look like how oyu might come off to people and should know where you're at and what you can expect from transition including all the good stuff like i get to be a heckin valid girl but at the same time internelize and accept them and learn to live with these feelings because at the end of the day they're just feelings wether yours or others and you can try your best to find happiness in what you can in your gender expression and in other parts of life, it's either accept hondom achieve nirvana and become a well adjusted functioning members of society who just happens to be visibly trans(while rare they do exist) or subject yourself to a life of bitterness and misery by permaboymoding. and there is no one way to accept your hondom you just have to figure out a way and do it because for the most of us that's the best we can get not even hons and twinkhons also bdd passers struggle with they're appearance and they're attitude towards it won't unless they do massive chages in they're life and let themselves express themselves. sorry for the bad everything i'm at the end of a depressing all nighter and hopefully even though it's uncomprehensible i hope it resonated with someone and helped them improve
Not giving this faggot a view.

Does the video mention reppers?
Would u watch my hypothetical video if it presented /tttt/ in a positive light and I flashed my big tits at the end?
No. Stop talking about this place.
dudette, please learn to use commas and periods.
but is what you're saying that we only have limited options, and none of them are particularly good, so we should try to find happiness outside of transition and gender identity? am i getting the right message here?
i sort of agree, but i don't know how to stop obsessing. that's why i'm addicted to this shit board
But what else can I vlog about?
normies fuck off
Talk about how bad unpassing trannies are for our optics, then you may be forgiven.
But only like 4% pass in reality.
Ya we know you don't pass, now apologize for your sins, hon.
hell yeah colonize this shithole of a board further. fuck it man we ball
Watched it twice, will watch again, cared
gross imagine all the....fluids
Find autistic liberal "trans" frens to be weird with and act like you are bbfs before you decide to kys. Make cringe videos and act like a hipster in front of people with your cringe frens and make zero effort to look/sound like a girl! You are on the right path desu :')
>muh sekret club
Yeah, we know we’re in a crab bucket
how u know she’s seething if u don’t watch?
while obviously you should find happiness outside of your transition i mean if you don't have any happiness outside of your gender exxpression you're just gonna be depressed because you don't have anything else to be happy about. what i'm trying to say is that alot of people are currently boymoding because they're trying to dodge the hardships of being a visiblly trans woman (for good reason) for alot of people they won't be able to fully escape it and so being in this rat race of "ill boymode just until i'll pass" but most of the time you'll never pass enough or you'll never think you'll pass enough to allow yourself to be who you want to be wear the clothes you want to wear etc so at a certain point you should just do it, girlmode, personally i think a good place to come out is when you have the basics down to be managable on a day to day(no facial hair, makeup clothes,voice more optionally) you don't have to master them just have an idea of what you're gonna do on a day to day and be able to do it day to day. but obviously every person is different so you have to find the point at where you can girlmode(try making it on objective things like when i switch jobs or when my facial hair is lazered off or when i move out of my parents and not on subjective no meaning things like when i pass). and you're gonna have to girlmode, because for alot of people boymoding is not living it's purgatory, you're just waiting to move to next stage in your life but sometimes when your waiting for a bus the bus dosen't come you can try to call the bus comapny and put all the effort in the world but sometimes the bus just dosen't come so you can't jsut set up camp in the bus station rottin on the bench waiting that someday the bus is gonna come sometimes you just gotta say the bus isn't coming and walk to your destination
lol i considered asking the board on their thoughts on her content in general yesterday before i saw this vid, beat me to it. she's not really wrong in anything she said, however that will not stop me from continuing to post here and be miserable. i like her content in general
her voice isn't even that bad it's relatively passable imo, though i'm ftm so i might just not be as good at clocking transfem voice issues
this is just her video style i gotta admit it makes me focus more than if she just did a normal a video essay on a topic lol
she mentioned the suicide of her friend in the vid which i think got it flagged
>part 2
but what if i don't want to live as a visibly trans woman not because i'm scared of the hardships but because i don't think that's what will eliviate my dysphoria and in fact it will make my life worse because i will never be treated as a woman rather i would be treated as a freak and in fact that will make my life worse because not only will i have to deal with my physical dysphoria i will also have to deal with the anxiety of being a visibly trans woman as well.all trans people have physical dysphoria even the ones that pass you will never get rid of the feelings of dysphoria you have completely, you can minimize them with surgeries and other stuff but there are things you cannot change, you will have to make peace with that and not let that hold you back from expressing yourself i'm not saying to love your male body parts but i am saying accept them and learn how to live a well adjusted life with them. while it's true that girlmoding might not eliviate your dysphoria because you feel that you will never be percieved as a cis woman so thus you will still be dysphoric to that i can really only say that supressing parts of yourself is not a sustainable way of life and depending on your living situation you can live a normal life as a visibly trans person if that's what you're after, the best advice i can give is don't dwell on your dysphoria if you genuinely think you can never be happy with your gender sitting around in imageboards all day thinking about how bad your life is because you won't allow yourself to live won't do you any good and you should try to find other ways you can express yourself and live your life to the fullest you can don't prevent yourself from doing things you want to do because you boymode that's i think kind of my biggest mistake in my boymoding journey.
2 minutes of that video was enough to die of cringe
I didn't watch the video but I'm assuming it's just
>wow guys look at all this funny lingo
>4chan trannies sure do hate themselves don't they?
we get it, /lgbt/ is a giant crab bucket and anyone telling themselves they like it because it's not le hugbox is lying to themselves but we all come here anyways. we know this place is filled with bitterhons and pol tourists and we don't need another outsider to tell us that.
didn't read fuck ya mudda, etc
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this youtuber and the associated twitter circles need to kill themselves. Not because they're trans or anything like that but because their pervasive schizo politics poisons culture, makes it schizo and generally ruins the minds of everyone who has had the displeasure of encountering it
god i wish she'd commit to the bit with that aesthetic the shitty digital thing just isn't that cool she needs to be in 4:3, on tape, with a mic that has worse dynamics so the camerawoman yelling at her will sound crappier. and maybe remove the windscreen from it as well. then add in some really harsh 7000K lights, just direct and not bounced off anything. then it'd look cool.
based video

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