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Starting yesterday every British media outlet has begun running stories saying the murderer that killed Brianna Ghey had "good morals". At the same time they've begun running stories claiming Brianna was "immersed in darkness".

Many sources have reported on British media having a bias against trans people:

Are they now set on rehabilitating a murderous hate-crime?
fucking disgusting. absolute downer.
If he hadn't pretended not to be a gay man, Brett would still be alive today.
So you're saying trans people are oppressed but gay people aren't then?
dindu nuffin but in a british accent
oi do you have a loicense for that darkness
no, the fear of accepting trans people is letting them escape being shunned and getting to experience "normal" romantic life
transphobia is still a form of homophobia
anons please think critically
"immersed in darkness" was what her mother said about her mental health
the shit about "good morals" is being reported specifically because it's an insane thing to say. not the juxtaposition utilized
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>Word salad
oh yes the british media would never have ulterior motives in trans reporting
moved from uk to canada. you can do it too
It was a prophylactic intervention to cleanse the social body of undesireable elements, what could be more moral than that.
Briannas mother hated her. Its obvious
Seems like calls were made behind the scenes. They want to normalise murdering us.

Painting the murderer as a "boy with good morals" and the victim as "immersed in darkness". Its so fucking blatant, its like a childs version of Orwell, and fucking toddler would realise that murdering an innocent makes one evil.

And yet, millions upon millions of Brits will not see this, they'll see a legitimate murder, someone who deserved it for the crime of defying the British state.

They're gearing up to kill us en mass. Its obvious...
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They want Trump to win the election and anti-trans shit is most of his platform despite not resonating with voters
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>They want to normalise murdering us.
when your house is infested with rats, you call an exterminator
the idea is to create the conditions for a night of long ropes to arise without them doing it directly, and I know for a fact that the would-be perpetrators are just itching for an excuse
All trans people have been (finally) exterminated. There's gonna be a big parade in every city, and every town. And then after that - a picnic.

What food are YOU bringing to the transgender genocide completion picnic?
They literally, literally looked at kristalnact and want to copy it. Reminds me a lot of when that trans woman was attacked, and the Judge said she recieved a call to go easy, and let the attacker off whilst the media painted him as the victim.

Or that 19 year old nazi who kicked a trans woman unconscious on the head, and the judge said that was ok, but his racist beliefs warranted 5 years prison
This explains why British men are shit in bed.
both non-whites and trans people pose a threat to the future social stability of the United Kingdom as we know it
They say the elite do predictive progtamming, as form of alleviating negative karma. So lets say they're going to do something evil, they'll let the public know in a surreptitious manner as a way of saying "well we told you we were going to harm you". I think thats what this is.

It isnt a vote winner, it isnt a good strategy for power, it isnt a good return on investment. So what is it? I think its a genuine warning they wish to kill us, and absolutely will try
When are you going to excise the black-tarred evil from your putrid hateful excuse for a heart?
probably, what does she do after her kid gets killed? starts a fucking podcast
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Ezra Miller warned of this as far back as 2017 and was mocked for being paranoid and schizo for wearing a bulletproof vest
She said she praised the then prime minister for how he spoke with her. The same Rishi Sunak who said on national TV "a man is a man and a woman is a woman, and thats just common sense". The same Sunak whos entire government saw us lose our human rights under EHCR guidance, and whos administration put all trans women in male prisons, even if they've had SRS. The same administration that locked up an innocent trans woman and forcibly destranstitioned her against her will, despite having had an orchi, setting a legal precedent for the RCP and BMA to then start denying trans women hrt. Thats just the BARE MINIMUM that evil man did to us. And Briannas mom never called it out. She never called out the Daily Mail for spreading hate, she never called out the police.

She met the mother of the killer and had a drink with her, then demanded social media be banned for spreading transgenderism.

Im sick of Briannas mom getting a pass, i know a hateful parent when i see one
based and truthpilled
I love him. The Romans and Greeks recognised our divinity. Ofcourse the satanic monsters who worship evil in the UK and US hate us, we are the bridge between Venus and Mars, we are natural healers.

Its why it hurts us so much when people are cruel to us, we absorb energy, negative and positive. Empathetic to a fault. We just want to be left alone.

Ezra is right
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Trannies be like
>we don't care if cissies like us
and then be like
because when cisoids hate trannies they tend to try and kill us
Their weak hearts were afraid of the darkness. Pitiful.
Probably should've skipped the
>we don't care if cissies like us
part then
no wonder they rapejacketted him
When are you going to excise the black-tarred evil from your putrid hateful excuse for a heart?
I have no hate, it is in fact trannies who are hateful.
they are the only theyMAB I believe and honor cause they were willing to go down with that ship even if it meant being turned into a pariah
You can smoke ketamine?!?!?!?!
Could you explain when you are going to excise the black-tarred evil from your putrid hateful excuse for a heart?
This is projection.
Fuck I knew the accusations were false but reading this I'm starting to realise the reason they were acting so crazy is legit because they're actually sane, it's just the normies around Ezra who are driving them to emotional instability
It's worded in a kooky way but nothing they're actually saying in that pic is word salad or schizo
>dude your 11 year old has so much power and is so cool and mature and I'm an elevated being
Literal groomer tactics
ezra miller is def a bad person and a groomer from these statements you just like him because he's insanely hot appearance-wise
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>This is projection.
What exactly is bad about being a mentor in this current hellscape?
having read the texts that the killers sent to each other, no, neither of them had any morals.
This is also projection.
"Mentors" don't juice up kids. That's classic groomer behaviour. If you're falling for the "you're so special and smart for your age babygirl" shit then you have the mental acuity of an 11 year old.
Nah. The kid was already trans and aspiring to go into the arts/entertainment. It's you and anyone else making it gross after the fact (specifically the mother herself, who was seeking out these interactions up until the other accusation 5 days before then she changed her story)
And since that claim was based on the other, and that has now been retracted as of a few weeks ago, why wouldn't you also question the 2nd?
But what about the people with legitimate reasonable concerns by gender-critical feminists and the governmental ethics committees about your *possible* radical extremist bias leading you to conclude the *alleged* killers had a so-called "lack of morals"?
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>No you don't get it he's just a weird famous rich guy who wants to leverage that to convince greedy parents to let him around their kids that's totally normal
I think you can't call people retarded or small minded if you defend someone simply because who they are contextually, for attacking someone for who they are contextually. You're a mollusk.
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>convince greedy parents to let him around their kids that's totally normal
Didn't happen. More accurate would be to say "mother forced her trans kid onto a celebrity and they were nice"
The mother is the one who was seeking it out
Why are you yapping when you don't know this?
So what you're saying is the mother was convinced by his fame and wealth to allow him around her kid?
So you agree with me then.
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No, she targeted them. When you go to multiple music venues to find someone or text their friends to try to invite your child over to their house, that makes Ezra the victim of the mother's stalking.
An adult talking to a minor in the presence of other adults isn't inherently nefarious unless you make it so. And clearly she didn't consider it nefarious either until she saw the other accusation and thought "what if".
Otherwise you can explain why just 5 days before going to the media she was still trying to bring her kid to their house. Nothing changed except she talked to the guy who organized the entire smear campaign.
Yeah this isn't a good faith discussion, you're defending Ezra because he alligns with you and notihng more. He is such a classic predator that it is comical.
Your arguments are exactly the same as the ones used to defend Michael Jackson.
>dude the parents are greedy and negligent and that somehow means that he's innocent!
This why people don't like trannies and why things are the way they are now, you're practicing Catholic church level tribal ignorance.
Ezra is a sicko, he will always be a sicko, the fact that parents are trying to pimp out their kids to him doesn't make him any less of a sicko. He's not a mentor, he's not wholesome chungus 100, he's a fucking sicko.
If the same situation was playing out with some conservative guy you'd be the first to jump on the band wagon that he is a groomer.
I don't see how people like you can complain when sitatuions like the one in OP play out when you're practicing the exact same sort of ignorance.
If you truly believe that Ezra is innocent then you're a fucking earthworm and you should spend some time in the real world before you share your naive opinions with everyone.
You're linking to old information Anon. The father just recently admitted he was lied to and his allegations were made in bad faith. That has been known since the beginning since the person who made it up admitted to making it up, but the father waited years to admit it after Ezra has continued to get death threats.

You're using false equivalence and assuming that I support someone like Jackson, whose behavior was definitely inappropriate.
But Ezra- an adult in the presence of other adults talking to a minor at a large music venue-is not inherently suspicious unless someone makes it so. And the only reason anyone would make it so is because the person is targeted for being trans during this trans panic.
Ezra Miller is a sicko. It is apparent. He looks like a sicko. Acts like a sicko. The fact that you think that is false equivalence and that that was what I was saying proves you're an idiot.
>And the only reason anyone would make it so is because the person is targeted for being trans during this trans panic.
You're literally just defending him for that reason. If he was a conservative you'd have immediately assumed his guilt, as I have already stated. You're a mollusk. People like you are the reason that the world is a hell.
>He looks like a sicko
>"your honor, just look at him!"

Lol. You lost

Game, set and match
I don't assume anyone's guilt, libtard or conservative. I believe evidence, not based on what they look like like you do.
Bitch please kill yourself. I’m sick of 300lb pedos huffing over some fake story made up by a greasy asshole in 2018 who wanted to profit from metoo?
>if he was conservative
The fact you think the pro gun Ezra is a libtard is hysterical. Go shit your pants in public somewhere else, try applebees.
Then you are correct.
>skips over the part where he acts like a sicko
Looks are evidence. If sickos didn't all look the same you might have an argument. >>37750714
>ummm ackshually the real pedos are the people who aren't molesting children!
>conservative is when you're pro-gun
Ezra isn’t a pedo you shit eating predator. It was proved a lie by multiple sources, including courts, witnesses, your mom, the “victims,” so it’s really just some pedos so fat they can’t clean their dicks anymore making up sex fantasies online about grown lesbians like tokata iron eyes.
Bitch is it 1985? Who talks like a hysterical mom over fake news?
>conservatives aren’t pro gun
Kill yourself before you hurt Jesus with any more lies
We have the same argument because it’s the fucking reality of the situation you tumour faced child molestor
Sperging children
Sorry your hecking based wholesome chungus celeb crush is a gigantic sicko, one day you'll grow up and get over it
You’re far more leftarded than me, learn how to meme you unfuckable faggot for kamala. I would put men who squeal over fake news in the gas chamber. Go clean that unloved sock you call a foreskin.
Does saying the word children make you cum faster?
>obsessing over child sex
Not beating those sicko charges xirs
There aren’t even any accusations, let alone any charges, it’s in your head. Feel free to post the actual legal evidence of charges. It’s Sir to you, cuntslop.
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You’re literally here obsessing over child sex because someone told Rolling Stone that Ezra Miller made this unhinged lesbian a trans. Put the barrel up your ass and pull that trigger.
Said the person who constantly brings up child molestation when presented with the evidence there was none?
Normal people are happy to learn such heinous rumors aren't true regardless of who they were about, but you wish it was real because it fuels your hate against an entire subset of human beings.
I miss when we were talking about Brianna and not Ezra.
He’s mad at them because he can’t get laid. The last time he saw a pussy he was sliding out of his mom at the kennels.
It's actual British intelligence trying to derail the thread onto more friendly terms to their masters. Keep this in mind. There's a high chance it's actually two agents arguing with each other in fact.
Brianna died because of pedos like this guy spinning narratives >>37750844
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>This just in; only poor people can be criminals
Luckily neither of you will ever have children so you won't be able pimp them out to the nearest moderately successful person who is "just a heckin mentor"
Brianna died because of some sicko kids and those sicko kids are now being defended because of retards like yourself who make trannyretards look like sickos because of their tribalism.
Cry all you want, I'm a normal person who is unaffected by all of your retardation. You're the baboons who suffer because you refuse to ever grow even slightly.
It’s literally people who know the Ezra Miller tabloid smear campaign in depth and see a link between the braindead bigotry that killed Brianna and the lies told about Ezra, who also gets death threats from retarded vigilante incels too dumb to look past junk tabloids
Bro you’re literally a pedophile crying because Tokata Iron Eyes was molested by her inbred family instead of a hot movie star who mostly dates white women older than themselves
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it's the exact same demogorgonary at play, down to saying Brianna was "immersed in darkness" (whatever that means).
the same people who killed her and are now lionizing her murderer are the same people who believe any false allegations against any trans person and would employ vigilante justice as a result. which the media is complicit in as well as OP laid out because they want clicks and to sell magazines, and trans hate generates a lot.

where we are is the culmination of so much shit and it's scary
>if you call out pedophiles you're actually a pedophile
Oldest pedo trick in the scroll
No its not a bias against trans people its the same with other people.
They down play the violence/crime by talking about nice they are or show pictures of the killer when was young and innocent.
England has gone to shit and the government and mainstream media are hiding it as much as possible.
They love doing this usually whrn theres an immigrant involved, muslim or any minority.
You’re not calling out pedos, you’re making up pedo fantasies. Imagine trying to force a narrative about child sex over an adult lesbian who was hanging out with about 20 other people when her Democrat linked dad tried to milk the association in tabloids. You never even questioned anything, you just fapped to what you thought was going on. It’s weak and emasculated af.
I don't even think it is worth pointing out the irony of accusing someone of making up child sex fantasies when all of your posts have just been exactly that
If this infuriates you then why do woke individuals love islamic people? Why try protect them when they do the same thing. Muslims will behead you just because you are trans or gay or lesbian. Its not just one person either its all of them
Refuting fake allegations you’ve been belching out isn’t fantasizing, dumbfuck. I’m giving you the court verified reality and you’re mad.
I’m calling you a pedo because you are, nobody even called Ezra a pedo, you’ve got the story all wrong, but are too small dicked to man up and admit it.
You’re as bad as any pedo, you will get innocent people killed while real pedos, like Chase Iron Eyes and their sex ring, go free because you are their useful idiot. It’s me calling out pedos, you’re shilling for them.
Because they’re retarded and brainwashed to think brown = victim, white = oppressor.
Why is he wearing makeup like a clown?
Small minded people think Ezra is a groomer because he is turning kids trans. I think Ezra is a groomer because he is sexually grooming minors, which he is. Just because one pedo pimped his daughter out to another pedo and then didn't get his dues and started throwing out allegations which he had to retract because he's a pedo doesn't suddenly make the other pedophile innocent.
If you sincerely believe that Ezra Miller isn't a sicko then you are, willfully or not, ignorant of reality. And I'm going to guess it is most likely willfully because of tribalism.
You keep shit flinging but it is always people like you who are the problem, you're a pedo enabler.
>guy retracts allegations that made you aware of this person to begin with
>you proceed to throw him under the bus and say that makes him a pedo too because he admitted he lied
Unhinged. Proves how easy it is to smear a trans person, because you would believe anything one was accused on based on no evidence.
>tourists found the thread
enjoying your stay?
I like trannies.
I believe that Ezra Miller is a pedo because he is obviously a pedo.
>GNC male
>child actor
>mentally unstable
>interracts with known sickos
>hangs out with minors
>actively talks about minors being mature and special
He could be Johnny Bravo and I'd still think he was a sicko because he is a sicko.
You're literally just defending him because he's a queer while crying because you think everyone is just out to get him. And then people like you act like everyone hates trannies for no reason.
There was no grooming of minors, are you retarded? You aren’t even aware the fake stories weren’t even about sex, but about trans identity, because an 18 year old with multiple trans friends decided, while at college, to be she/them. Retards like you don’t even know Ezra was living in England and not in contact with her.

I know the full story and multiple people involved, so you’re making me laugh with how fucking stupid you are. You’re making yourself look like a pedophile because you read some fake news online. My granny is more savvy than you you dirty pedo lover.
>i believe ezra is a pedo
Because YOU are a pedo so you can’t think of not wanting to molest children. It’s why you’re pretending you can’t read. Tokata is an adult, and Shannon Guin never made any sexual allegations either, so where exactly are you getting your pedo fantasy fromm? Your own ugly head.
There was grooming. I don't care about the tranny smokescreen. He's a sicko child star grooming kids. The cretin is a dime a dozen. You're trying to muddy the waters with this tranny shit because you have a crush on a monster. Get over yourself.
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>noooo he just likes hanging with children don't be ignorant those greedy parents were just being meanie bobeenies
>in fact it is actually you who are the pedophile for using basic critical thinking and pattern recognition
There was no grooming at all. Ezra was lving in England when the grooming’ was alleged to have happened. It wasn’t sexual in any case, the family made vague noises about ezra being the one who influenced their 18 yr old (oh look, not even a child) to be trans. Even that wasn’t true, she decided that when she went off to college. Ezra was thousands of miles away you fucking spastic.
Why do you keep using this actual charged pedo as a red herring?
Oh yeah, because there's no evidence against Ezra lol
You’re not using critical thinking, you’re lying about people you don’t even know the names of. Ezra hasn’t hung around any children, certainly doesn’t have any sexual interest in them, it’s all your fantasy because you’re a pedo. Why are you posting MJ, who had children stay over? Are you jealous of him?
>when Miller was 23 and Iron Eyes was 12. They further claim, and photos document, that the year after the two met, Iron Eyes flew to London to visit Miller on the set of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
>flying out 13 year olds to London is normal non-pedo behaviour
I already posted a sicko without charges right here >>37750941
>you're making things up!
>also Ezra has never hung out with children and doesn't have any sexual interest in them and I just know this okay
>also if you don't like pedos its because ummm you're actually a pedo!
Sad to see the classic pedo smokescreen used time and time again in this thread by pedo enablers. Oh well, looks like trannies don't beat the pedo charges today. Maybe next time a teen is stabbed to death they'll learn.
their claims were based on a massive group trip that multiple other adults went on, as well as other people from the reservation and other celebrities. their story for that changed like 10 times in 2022 when they were peddling that trash in tabloids.
was Ezra grooming all of them because they were on that trip?
theoretically you could twist ANY instance of a minor near an adult as grooming retroactively by your measure.
Hey, what happened to Brianna's killers supposedly being Muslims? Weren't posters like you really dead set on that being the case? What happened?
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>ummm actually he invited the entire family to his house and there were adults there
Theoretically you could twist ANY instance of stars becoming involved with minors as innocent retroactively by your measure.
But it never is, because adults don't take special interest in stranger's children unless they are sickos. And that is doubly true for child stars (trafficking victims). And that is doubly true for men who pretend to be emasculated to give off a safe vibe. And that is doubly true for anyone that acts as though kids are mature, prophetic or anything other than kids.
They didn't organize it and it wasn't at anyone's house, it was a event that tons of people attended years ago. They reframed it as nefarious years later so rubes like you would buy into the hysteria.
You don't even know the basics of the accusations yet you're so haughty and smug about it, kinda sad and proof how easy it is to demonize trans people because you wouldn't be acting this irrational if it was someone else
>you are just blaming him because he is a tranny (he isn't)!
>meanwhile I'm just defending him because he is a tranny
Sad lack of self-awareness. I'll say it again people like you are why the world is rotten.
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I'm defending them because their experience resonates a lot with me and regardless of what YOU think about those literally lived experiences the smear campaign against them feeds into the same feedback loop that fuels the violence against us all.
It's people like you who are happy to throw anyone under the bus instead of take in new information and later modulate your opinion that makes the world rotten.
>I'm defending them because I fell for the groom
Many such cases and unfortunately the reason that many, many sickos get away with it.
>posts a weirdo fantasy already debunked by the family
The whole tribe went to see the HP studio, Ezra wasn’t with Tokata, who was always chaperoned by several family members. So you see what I mean? A low iq pleb like you is using fake stories for a pedo fantasy.
>i can’t refute on anything you so I’ll just talk like a camp pedo
I see you Graham
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>anything I don't like or that goes against my narrative is grooming
You're an asset to the community and definitely not a false flag
You’re literally trying to pun fake allegations on Ezra because Ezra is trans, or because you’re a pedophile. Probably both, you’re giving strong Jame Gumb here. No wonder you are interested in Tokata, she’s about a US 14.
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>he didn't publically kidnap and rape the child in front of cameras therefore he must be innocent!
>nooooo you're not allowed to call someone who uses grooming tactics a groomer
Seems to me like you're the one trying to muddy the waters, all to defend someone you believe is a victim of child sex, ergo incredibly likely a predator themselves.
Already said it has nothing to do with him being a tranny. Already said that he isn't a tranny. Already said I'm not a pedophile. So you're just lying. You've given up and are now resorting to lying.
Sad to see that nothing changes. Predators dress up as a papist, or a conservative righteous neighbour, or a clown, and you trablaist weirdos immediately fall for the grift. And the most sickening part is you pat yourselves on the back while hypocritically accusing others of the very tribalism that inspires you to defend your gold cow sickos.
There is no reaching you, you will continue to blight the world and make things worse for yourself until you rot. Enjoy falling for the same thinly veiled shit that is designed to fool literal children though I guess.
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I've been ignoring all the Ezra Miller spam threads for the last couple years and I don't pay attention to normgroid media at all so I literally have no clue who you guys are even arguing about
You're so right, accusations are evidence enough, nothing gets past you
All that matters is that more people arm themself because this violence isn't going away
In a perfect world every tranner would concealed carry
Is this supposed to tell me who the ezra person is? Are you saying that they're gonna put me in a self defense situation or something?
I'm already hasgunz but basically just for fun, I live in a safe area so I'm not paranoid about violence or anything
unironically white people love doing "dindu nuffin" shit but project as though they'd never close ranks around in-group criminals.
No, they were brought up because they predicted that this was going to happen (widespread anti-trans violence and the need for people to fight back, these media smears/attacks like the one trying to demonize and victim-blame Brianna) and people called them crazy
It got off-topic
>oh he was such a good boy though I’m sure we would all just do a little frenzied knife stabbing if we slip up sometime just like anybody right he isn’t so bad
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Every tranny I've ever spoken to has been into body horror and gore, spends their days doomscrolling and whipping themselves into a panic over nothingburger headlines, exists primarily in a darkened room with blackout curtains and never goes outside, uses hard drugs (like worse than weed), and has been diagnosed with some other mental illness besides just being a tranny.

Explain how that is not congruent with the phrase "immersed in darkness."
You dipshits were saying the same thing all of 2015 and when I walked into work after election day when they announced trump won, all the libs were literally shaking and crying and being retarded assholes asking to take the day off out of despair that they'd be rounded up into camps and shot. Then NOTHING EVER HAPPENED. God you niggers are fucking stupid. We just had four years of no foreign warmongering, no gungrabbing, cheap gas, affordable groceries, and a clown trolling twitter. It was great. It was so great they had to release a virus in the final hour of his presidency and blame him to make him go away.

Then when you "won" the next election (still debatable), what happened? Exorbitant inflation, economic ruin, starting shit with Russia, the ATF assassinating a man for violating a new law that hadn't even been announced yet, DEI on turbo-overdrive ruining every piece of media ever, a dementia patient getting the Weekend at Bernie's treatment by his liar VP who claims to have been every race and had every origin story known to mankind and whose only accomplishments are locking up as many of the people who voted for her as possible, and you think that somehow four more years of that bitch is going to change anything when she's already been in control and done fuck-all. And you spent the last four years of Democrat leadership shidding and farding your amazon babydoll skirts about trump's return anyway, instead of enjoying your life while the people you supposedly like are running the show. You are incapable of happiness because you're mentally ill. You will never be pleased. So just shut the fuck up and let the rest of us have republican leadership so we can afford basic needs again.
>still debatable
>bro they just dump a bunch of extra votes in which miraculously upset an obvious trend ALL THE TIME it's perfectly normal
>ignore the fact our mail in voting system they instituted that year for covid is a worldwide embarrassment that even third world countries laugh at
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>Mother says her child isn't a monster and wants to defend him
Wow! What an absolute shocker that is! How could this have happened?!
Well you see Brianna was no angel. She had the tranny darkness inside her. Really, they had to do something or the demons would get out and terrorize more people.

It's a real Dean and Sam sort of manner. You may not agree with everything they did, but you gotta admit, they killed a lot of demons. Two stand up boys, really.

Y'see Eddie Ratcliffe, he was a good boy, smart, had a whole life ahead of him, just like Sam Winchester. But you this "Brianna" was just teeming with the darkness. Can you really say you'd really done differently in his situation?

Poor boy was just trying his best like we all are in this Genderist Dystopia. And now they've gone and ruined his life.

Much love from America. Wish ya the best Eddie, you're a good hunter.
Do you not find it interesting that the UK media uncritically parroted her so uniformly, all starting at the exact same time they decided to uniformly all at once start smearing the murder victim?
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His existence is evidence. It's not hard to look at a long chain of preds and see someone who fits the bill doing the same shit.
Ezra Miller is a child actor (sex traffick victim) who like most victims of show business has grown up to be a weird, deranged schizoid who is also offending, in this case against vulnerable LGBT youth.
The preddy apologists in this thread are defending him because he is queer and because people lack even a basic human level of self-awareness and critical thinking they actually buy the line that you SHOULD defend someone because the allign with you and that anyone who is "attacking" that person is simply doing so because they allign against them.
Basically horseshoe trannies have been tricked once again into making themselves look worse and making everything worse for them and are ironically demonstrating that fact in a thread about how trannies look bad and everything is getting worse for them.
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It's only okay when trannies say it chud
stop noticing things
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Your arguments are literally rooted in basic high school tier association fallacy. You cannot group together a bunch of people you think are the same and claim that in of itself is evidence (X reminds me of Y, so they're clearly the same). Especially when you claim they are "doing the same shit" when as we've established that's demonstrably not the case despite you thinking it was.

All it is mental gymnastics to avoid admitting you got the story wrong from the beginning.
Was Ezra Miller not in contact with minors?
I don't need you to like me, I need you to not murder me. Anyway, as an American, I say fuck the English. Disavow English people. Ignore English people. Do not do business with English people.
The premise of the thread is literally "I care that cis people don't like me", it has nothing to do with not wanting to be murdered.
No, the premise of the thread is the news media in England fostering dehumanization of trans people.
Because people don't like trannies, to further cause people not to like trannies, which is only an issue if you're invested in trannies being disliked.
You're glossing over language that leads to violent action.
You're glossing over the fact that trannies foster the hate that is being directed towards them.
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No, because you're reducing situations with nuance and context into its most basic pidgeonholed form in order to assert that narrative.
"contact with minors" can be applied to literally millions of teachers, counselors, therapists, etc you cannot insist any adult speaking to a child is automatically predatory or nefarious. That's retarded.
You could just as easily point to a tranny speaking to a child in line at the grocery store and claim that's "proof" and that's also the extent to which Ezra has interacted with children.

Removing that nuance does nothing for actual victims and it only promotes stochastic terrorism which you've made obvious you support.
okay you actually gave me a real answer so I'm aligning with you and officially joining team anti-ezra
>every mother saying her son was a good boy is worthy of a news article
You're the one removing the nuance faggot, holy shit you're such a disingenuous worm. You're listing people who are professionally contacting children.
And yes any one of those people would be equally suspicious if they were deranged child actors known for unhinged criminal behaviour having contact with children outside of their work, which is exactly what Ezra is and exactly what he does.
You keep trying to pull it back to trannies but Ezra isn't a tranny, he's queer.
You fell for his little grift, which is common with predators because they tend to be sympathetic people who present themselves in a sympathetic non-threatening way, and now you're seething. You're no different than the Michael Jackson defenders who calimed it was because he's black or any number of Catholics who calimed they were being persectued.
Just keep putting the blinders on and pretend like the man isn't a huge red flag, no one will take you serious and you'll just keep making trannoids look worse.
I've already one, I have no investment, I'm not a pred defender and I'm not a tranny. You lose by default.
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That's all the same shit you've been doing this entire thread (red herrings, false equivalences)- you've still failed to present any evidence they did anything to a kid that didn't come from disinfo campaigns.

>known for unhinged criminal behaviour
What is the link between karaoke bar arguments/trespassing (as that is the extent of the "criminal behavior", 2 misdemeanor citations) and pedophilia?
If you get a DUI can I accuse you of being a pedo and it's more likely to be true? What about jaywalking?
The most persistent form of mental illness on this website is everyone mistakenly projecting their own intelligence on humanity at large.

The most likely explanation of fucking anything is that everyone on earth is retarded compared to you and me. Every article sources each other, media is a giant circlejerk where nobody checks facts, and they all parrot the others because it's easier than writing a headline yourself and they're lazy dumb pieces of shit who wouldn't have survived to adulthood if we hadn't defeated natural selection decades ago.
If you're ex-raped child actor Ezra "The convicted criminal who can't keep from minors" Miller then yes, it is justifiable to call you a pedo.
>let's blame the victim for being murdered by two tranny obsessed weirdos
You need to stop
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Yet the woman who accused them is literally a criminal, and she's the one who forced the kid on them. Ezra was at home minding their business spending time with close friends and she barged in on them which is not the "professional" context you kept lying it was. It went from "by chance" to her intentionally seeking Ezra out to facilitate those additional interactions.
Why would she intentionally continue to try and put her child in harm's way if Ezra is so bad? Either she lied or she's a shitty mother.

You think Ezra is a pedo because they had a completely unrelated misdemeanor citation for liquor, but you've lionized and believe the woman who made the accusation with a clear motive to lie even though she's also a criminal, lol
Yes I've already covered that the parents are pimping out their kids. The fact that these shady parents are associated with Ezra isn't a good look dumb dumb.
If you're ex-raped child actor Ezra "The convicted criminal who can't keep from minors" Miller then yes, it is justifiable to call you a pedo because of a misdemeanor.
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>isn't a good look
Eating dinner in the privacy of your close friend's home isn't a good look? Because that's what happened. All that does is implicate the mother for seeking them out, not Ezra for trying to exist as a famous LGBTQ person in public.
The pro zionist jew who runs that account is more interested in doxxing anti-semites than any right wing based and trad culture war, and that's hilarious
>sicko has a sicko protection force
Why is he associating with minors? Why is he talking about how mature and capable of consent queer minors are? Why did he have a 25 year old woman with two young kids living with him?
I'm sure it is pure coincidence, isn't it Ezra?
its so funny that she calls trans people weird but belongs to that sect of Jews that started digging tunnels in NYC because they got mad the city government told them they couldn't expand their synagogue.
Correct, Ezra hasn’t kidnapped or raped anyone you fucking perverted idiot, let alone in front of cameras. A literal adult joined a large group of people in Hawaii, to make an album, and her grifter dad thought she was leaving home and ruining the family climate change grift, so accused the famous one in the group of grooming her into being an edgelord. The story here is shitty parents, shitty media, mouthbreather public like you.

I’m not lying about anything, I’m telling you the truth about Ezra Miller but because you’re a bottom quintile and a pedophile you’re lying about child rape on camera, and still haven’t proved a thing about these federal crimes, so you’re a flat earther too. A normal healthy person would be relieved no children were harmed, but you want bleeding raped children with your breakfast cereals and you’ll wild out like you are now when it’s debunked. Top yourself, you failed at life.
Because she was fleeing domestic violence, her black ex was abusing her
She stayed for like 2 weeks over the summer at their house to get back on her feet then went on her way
She did an entire interview that you probably didn't read: https://cabanadoleitor.com.br/ezra-miller-salvou-minha-vida-diz-mae/

She was also with them on the night they were arrested 4/19/22, you can hear her in the bodycam defending them saying she wanted to make a statement: https://streamable.com/nekws7
They're also incredibly lucid and coherent in this video, but no one has seen it because it doesn't fit the stupid trans terrorist narrative.
Your dildo level iq of course believes the neckbeard youtuber grift. There was no offences, the ‘vulnerable lgbt youth’ was literally gang raped at home and Ezra was the only one with balls to stand up to her abusive Democrat + UN linked parents, so please, kill your self for choosing to be this retarded and pedophilic today. I literally think you’re subhuman.
It's weird how this dude keeps finding himself interracting with dubious parents and their vulnerable children. Just plum odd. Weird that known pedos and their molested children just happen to find their way to him.
I think I'm starting to agree with you, it isn't Ezra it's the dang kids, they're the ones grooming HIM.
No, unless you count being in the same room as contact? In which cases are you fucking every child at family events, because that’s how fucking illogical retarded these accusations are.
It’s TeamPedo as you’re both making up fantasy about child sex
>literally lived with two unrelated minors
Why lie?
>known for unhinged criminal behavior
Ezra was universally praised for their kindness and professionalism until a democrat grifter used a fanfic made up by a self confessed rape fantasist online in 2018, to smear Ezra in 2022 because his nepo baby daughter left home at 18 after being abused on the rez for being a lesbian.
You’re a literal pedophile seething because no children were harmed, you lost as soon as you started
Jimmy Savile was universally praised for their kindness and professionalism until he died and could no longer defend himself.
>citation needed
You’re obsessed with raped minors.you fantasize about Ezra being raped then you fantasize about Ezra raping, it’s giving rejected stan turned stalker.
>I’ve covered
You literally just scream ‘ezwaaa baaaad becuz i fink so!’
>25 year old
So an adult who chose to stay with Ezra, Ezra’s mom , and Ezra’s 26 yo girlfriend rather than in a drug den run by a pimp?
Ezra hasn’t talked about minors in that context, why are you lying?
Why are you asking why the 25 year old mom fled this guy? Not only is he a court verified domestic abuser, he was hurting his own children.
You mean these shady assholes see a famous person and try a grift? Yeah it’s actually common, only Ezra doesn’t do the whole celebrity bs so is an easy target.
>i agree with you it’s the dang kids
There are no groomed children, its literally you lying about one adult lesbian because you’re a child rapist
The media makes more money painting people as villains than it does as painting them as nuanced beings
Oh you’re switching goal posts after being btfo. Let me explain because I know these people whereas you’re just fantasizing about child rape here.
Ezra’s mom + 26 year old girlfriend are also in Ezra’s house, it was Ezra’s mom who invited Ana to stay with them while she - sit your fat pedo ass down for this revelation- got custody of the children from her abusive ex, a pimp + drug dealer in hawaii. So what you’re doing now is admitting you want their abusive father to abuse them all further rather than admit Ezra’s family are empathetic and the good guys here.
wtf based
>jimmy saville
There are multiple verified accounts of his behaviour and he was the British equivalent to P Diddy for his network and clout. You’re really retarded enough to reach and compare him to Ezra, who nobody ever accused of abusing minors sexually. You must be inbred.

>citation needed
When do you start? Your pedo fantasies aren’t facts.
This isn't about money

so what you're saying is, killing trannies is smart people behaviour?
Sure, feel free to kill me then spend 25 years in prison
like eddie ratcliffe is? oh wait :D
Yeah last he checked he was in prison, you next
wait a week, check again
Lol do you work for the High Court in your spare time after posting on 4chan
I avoid all British papers, but the reporting on this is surreal

>Photos of Ratcliffe show an innocent-looking child enjoying a seemingly ordinary upbringing, complete with pets and days out in the countryside.

>But what lay beneath the surface was a child 'genius' who has taught himself A Level Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths and English Literature within the confines of a secure unit.

>One source said of the teen: 'He was a top set student with a small group of friends. He always got good grades, all his school reports were good. His parents described him as a shy, quiet boy who loved animals.'

>A former teacher added: 'I couldn't believe it when I found out he had been arrested for Brianna's murder. He's the last boy in the world I could ever imagine doing something like that.'
>Eddie Ratcliffe, a quiet and studious former champion kickboxer, was given 20 years for killing Brianna, an “out and proud” transgender girl who hoped to become a beauty therapist. The pair, both 16, were named for the first time before the sentencing after the judge lifted reporting restrictions. Sentencing, Mrs Justice Yip said: “You both took part in a brutal and planned murder which was sadistic in nature and where a secondary motive was hostility towards Brianna because of her transgender identity.”

I didn't realise I should hate the British media a lot more than I already do
Sheesh maybe the chuds were right, the PDF is out in numbers right now
Why do pedophiles always get btfo so badly? Like, you came here with a child rape fantasy and now have to go fuck your dog to ease the pain of no kiddie sex happening
>bestiality out of nowhere
It’s not in a vacuum, it’s literally your personality. You’re not an alpha male by any metric, some fat mouthbreather so mad that no children were abused he’s still whining.
>reee you can't just make things up about people
>now here's this fanfiction I wrote about you
>you making shit up about multiple people you don’t know
>me assuming you’re a pedo because you have spewed child rape fantasies here
See how they differ, pedo
Good. Everything bad that happens like this is deserved after the way the white trannies responded to being asked to stop colonizing "say her name".
Yeah, everyone knows Ezra is a sicko, you don't know shit about me except that I disagree with you. So I guess we can see what matters to you.
I do know you, you’re a low iq mouthbreather who makes up fantasies about children. There’s no other argument, you can fart ‘no u’ until you die, it won’t change what you are. At best you’re an npc who can’t read beyond TMZ bullshit, or you’re a gleeful pedo. End yourself either way.
Ummmm where is...LE EVIDENCE?
You need to go back further, there aren’t any accusations of pedophilia or sexual grooming, maybe if you read what I was trying to tell you earlier instead of whining like a pedo caught in his pants you wouldn’t now be making cringe posts from 2001. Do you miss aol pedo chatrooms or something?
>more baseless accusations
You need to lay off the TMZ
It’s where the fake allegations about Ezra were published you stupid cunt. Imagine trying to talk like you’re king shit when you know fuck all. Leave the kids alone and end fuck all the way off.
>literally making up pedo fantasies
>literally making up pedo fantasy fantasies

She honestly probably visited /tttt/,

""In a statement read to the court, her mother, Esther Ghey, described how Brianna was hyperactive when she was growing up, before she began living as a girl.

Ms Ghey said her daughter began struggling with her mental health from the age of 14, but refused to engage with the Child Adolescent Mental Health Service.

Brianna then developed an eating disorder that resulted in her being hospitalised, the inquest heard.
'Weeks without washing'

At one stage Brianna would go for weeks without washing or brushing her teeth, became totally isolated, and was referred for treatment for ADHD and diagnosed with autism, her mother said.

"I feel she was let down by the lack of mental health treatment," Ms Ghey added.

While at an eating disorder clinic, staff noticed Brianna had been self-harming, with marks on her arms and legs.

"She would cut her arms and legs - at one point she carved a row of love heart shapes on her arm," Ms Ghey's statement said.""
What an evil mother
I fucking hate this bitch, funny how they're banning health care because of comobidities, and calling trans people mentally ill with antipsychotics being the only treatment.

Mental health services, the poor girl needed support to transition, not conversion therapy. No wonder Brianna didn't want to engage.

I know a hateful parent when I see one
Yeah the mother knew she’d fucked up
Good on the kid for taking down the serial killer/mass shooter in the making
Took one for the team
You literally made up rape stories about Tokata Iron Eyes, an adult, and Rain Guin, a teen trans. You are fucking weird.
total transphobe death

the day of the rope is coming for you
I’m cis but get ‘em, I’m so fucking bored of their mouth foaming low iq shit like this nonce cunt here >>37754449
What stories?
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>day of the rope
>ezra miller is def a bad person and a groomer from these statements you just like him because he's insanely hot appearance-wise
I'm a trans girl and I got told I looked like Ezra while I was still presenting male and I got a little upset
>wut stories
Don’t play dumb, you’ve been sperging for hours
Then you'll have no problem producing the evidence
Ezra mogs women, why would it upset you? You’d rather look like Boris Johnson?
You’re denying saying Ezra is a pedo, groomer, sicko? You haven’t given a scrap of evidence and proved you don’t know shit about even the tabloid gossip. Your sealioning is so effete.
My evidence is that Exra Miller is obviously a pred and does pred things. You're the one that said that is not acceptable and then turned around and tried to make accusations about me based on less. Seem to me like you're just a hypocrite who only cares that people allign with them.
That’s not evidence. You fucking retard. It’s your opinion on very little actual information, just twisted slander from shot tier people like criminal wife beater Cazanova Turner.
You are making up the child sex side of Ezra’s drunk antics, proved when you can’t provide a single credible allegation, or police report or federal court case in relation. This means that you fantasize about child sex, or you would fuck off and find evidence then back off. You obviously don’t care about child welfare.
Stop pretending to be on the moral high ground, you’re an abuser imo, full of gaslighting and DARVO bs.
he was a good boy he dindu nuffin
>obviously a pred
Yeah I hate it when men with 10 inch dicks only put them inside women over 18.
There was recent allegations made against that Anon that he kidnapped and molested an entire school bus of kids
I believe it, he seems like a weirdo
It is evidence. If you're too retarded to look at someone's person and not be able to understand what they are then that is your problem.
>Stop pretending to be on the moral high ground, you’re an abuser imo
Which is worth nothing as established by the fact that you worship a sicko
Yeah he brought severe pedo vibes today
I literally know the people you’re trying to smear you autistic fucking degenerate, so by your logic my evidence trumps your opinion now kys
You’re really shit at arguing. It’s like talking to a retarded who expects a biscuit if he doesn’t shit his pants for a full day. Stop sniffing kids you sicko.
>still making things up
>sicko defending their sicko friends
The truth revealed
Is it bad that I don’t care about some random ugly white trans person? Like why should I give a fuck? White people are literally the devil
Find an adult partner, have sex, I’m begging you.Stop lying about people just because they have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better lives than your whole family tree. It’s not Ezra’s fault you’re inbred.
Feel free to fuck off out of all our countries, thanks
>molested as a teen
>arrested constantly for being a mentally ill mess
Doesn't sound like a better life
You’re literally a pedo and you lied about Ezra to deflect from that fact.
Are you 45 and having a hairline struggle? Why do you talk like a pedo?
>arrested once for an argument in a bar with grown men
based beyond comprehension. welcome to canada
immersed, innit
This. Everyone ITT is badly rarted and autismaxxing, completely unable to read context
>Ezra *huff huff* was molested *huff huff*please please please please *huff huff* don’t debunk it i need to *huff huff* think of their lithe underage *huff huff* body. Hnnnnggg uhhhhh.
Literally END YOURSELF holy shit
Imagine simping for a sicko lol
I haven’t simped for you once, I’m pointing out the reality around ezra. Having an argument in a bar is regular white guy Saturday night, not child rape, Graham. Calm down. Zip up.
You should have eaten a bullet here. People who can’t think critically should be made into glue.
Ummmmmm >>37751705
Where's your evidence?
You don’t get to ask for any after your pedophile rape fantasy today. You’re a humiliation to your race. You aren’t even aware it was the bar argument in Hawaii that got the attention of Chase Iron Eyes, it’s why he tried to cash in with a fake story in junk media. Funny how there’s police reports and videos of literally all this you’re ignoring it for your child sex fantasy. No wonder you’re single.
You aren't even aware of my gf. Embarrassing.
>she underestimated the eternal anglo
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you he doesn't exist
I don't think you understand, this isn't an anomalous hateful parent, this is just how much British middle-class people trust institutions like national government or the BBC/wider London mediasphere
Unironically yes. The news hasn't been about what's newsworthy for well over a decade now. It's about what will generate the most clicks.
I don't find it interesting at all. News is one big circlejerk, they copy each other all the time because it's easier. The news is an industry like any other, they want to maximize profit at all costs.
Nah, motherfucker. Don't talk if you're a newfag. I was there when this tranny panic started up, that was malice from the British media. That wasn't a fucking accident. All of those people's names need written down
Only newfags call other people newfag.
OK I am right though
>20 years for first degree murder
I thought that was how long you get for doing magic mushrooms? or did they just have a tranny panic attack and got a reduced sentence + rishi sunak mocks trannies infront of brianna's mother for forcing cis people to be near a tranny in public

I wish reality was a cartoon where the 0.5% could live to their own accord and rules peacefully without the 99.5% being allowed to police their right to exist
You are not. I have been using this board since its inception, and using this website since you were probably in elementary school. If you really want to go bar for bar, I've been using this website since 2011. You need you shut the fuck up, retard.
When God made hell, he realised he had too much of it, so he put a little bit of it on earth and called it Great Britain.
Cool story kid I don't give a fuck, apparently you weren't paying any attention so you may as well not have been there
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>ywn travel the countryside with Ezra mowing down transphobes with a semi-automatic
The media will always try to facilitate violence for its political enemies, to change the public's opinion, even if subtly. The media is a wonderful instrument for maintaining symbolic order. The wonderful here is not seen as positive, but as effective.

It is a violence that is exercised with the tacit complicity of those who suffer it and also, frequently, of those who exercise it. Symbolic violence is in the symbolic action of TV or newspapers in the information sphere, for example, which consists of drawing attention to facts that interest everyone, which can be said to be omnibus.

For example, in Champagne (1993), in “La misêre du monde”, when the media gives “representation” to the so-called suburbs, the journalists selected categories of perception according to their respective worldviews. And if we follow Bourdieu (1997), “words do things, create fantasies, fears, phobias or simply false representations”.

A girl, a teenager may have died, but the media, instead of vilifying the killer, vilifies the victim. I doubt if it were a cisgender woman who was the victim of femicide, the approach would be the same. It is dehumanization of transgender people, as clear as day. The approach of the article speaks volumes about the kind of times this country lives in.
>im more of a loser than you haha
calm down dude none of us have sex here
Uh huh. Keep shifting the goalpost.
Just had sex a few weeks ago.
>white on white crime

Also some cis girl killed her? So a biological woman killed a biological man. Sheesh
Where did I shift the goalpost? Calling you a newfag was shorthand for saying you weren't there while the discussion for trans topics developed in British media landscape years ago. If you were "there" but too retarded to comprehend what was going on, then I was essentially correct the first time.
>Just had sex a few weeks ago
wtf youre not allowed to do that
Insulting me isn't going to make your schizoid delusions any more real.
No, but you did bump the thread. Thanks.
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>doesn't know what sage is
>calls other people newfag
like pottery, it rhymes
My replies bump.
Okay so YOU bumped the thread but I didn't lol. You have a very clear case of narcissism, very malebrained. Any time you're shown to be wrong, you just twist things a bit and do some mental gymnastics so you're right again. You will never be a woman.
Yeah but Trump poisoned everyone's drinking water. Huh, I guess that's pretty fucked up that he did that.
Could you explain why Trump poisoned everyone's drinking water? Because it seems pretty fucked up that Trump poisoned everyone's drinking water.
>Exorbitant inflation
Trump alone did that with record money printing going exclusively to corporations in 2020 before the election.
Then he blamed it all on Biden even though he is the one who did it.
What the fuck are you going on about, schizo? What does anything I said have to do with turnip lol. I'm literally voting Kamala. You don't have to be a dump supporter to call out tranny nonsense when you see it
Huh? Huh? What does that have to do with it? Huh?
You are a deeply disturbed individual. I think you may have more luck posting on /pol/
Wow, that's pretty deranged of you to say. You belong in a mental asylum, freak.
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I'm rubber and you're glue, anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.
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You have only weeks
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Nah I just checked the fridge and I got eggs, oat milk, orange juice, a head of green cabbage, hot sauce, ketchup, colby jack cheese, buncha other stuff
Porn isn't allowed on this board.
You're right, how about you just come over to my place and I fuck you like you deserve. We don't have to tell anyone else.
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Hot dogs
"uuuhh he was a good guy, akshually, because he wanted to study at an old university"
how the fuck is wanting to go to uni indicative of ones character or morals? does getting a masters grant you One Free Murder or something? fucking hate british media honest
This is literally just the white version of a dindu. I don't know why anyone here is shocked.
apply equal measure toward females then
>nooooo cissies have to be nice to us but we can do whatever we want!
? you're the one murdering people
who deserve it
ermm... based?
I've never murdered anyone
when asked if she regretted killing Brianna, Scarlett said "for about two hours, now I feel nothing, fuck it, I'd do it again"
Your existence is actively oppressing and causing violence against roughly 51% of the human population.

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