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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiraling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for the multitude of trans-related threads on the board. Topics related to personal drama, including but not limited to tripfags or discord, are also not relevant. Please report and ignore any and all rulebreakers!

>QOTT 1: What are you doing for Halloween?

>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful. Bee kind.

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previously >>37744946
>QOTT 1: What are you doing for Halloween?
party tomorrow
going as my bg3 character :3
Remember to wash your ass before you go or else no one will talk to you.
im a clean bean
wash yo ass (with a dry, fine powder)
In the movie Jennifer's Body was the light hair girl supposed to be a lesbian/gynephelic? or just trolled by the one who became demon succubus? or just an excuse by director to show megan fox nakedish again on camera?

Help about slpeeiness? Boredom? Tummy ache? Binging? Exercise? Rib removing? I suppose ill nap a lil the workout

nothing im an adult and also dont own a house or have kids so dont give out candy. I love candy tho so if i did own a house id put out a bowl for children
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Last thread was beyond horrible
This bread should be baked with raisins, sugar, and cinnamon spices! Maybe some powdered sugar on top
Way she goes.
that thumbnail of ai art is beyond horrible
Going to pass out candy to kids at my sisters house while she and her husband take their kids trick or treating! I’m excited
halloween is tmr?:0
>QOTT 1: What are you doing for Halloween?
uhm idk maybe ill put on a cosplay and stream i dont know anyone doing anything fun
are you going trick or treating
I’m already over 2024, I’m just gonna go to therapy and try again next year
cause i remember
kissing in the moonlight
back when i was living
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tfw no cis asian ceo of based department gf
my best costume is just my shitty attempt at makeup
my runes look great
my entire lower body is gonna be covered in infernal runes tomorrow for the party
as an excuse to walk around barefoot
stacker hardly knew er
Could be worse.
/clg/ is in the ditch, hard.
i truly wonder why the trolls there havent been banned. it must be janny fuckery, probably acorn
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Whenever I give Jordan longform old timey handjob she thinks it's funny to wipe her watery load on my face and gair (girl hair).
It's been going on for five days. The Janitorial staff are compliant by this point. One of the dykes downloaded an IRC client to plead with the moderators directly, presumably to no avail. I would not be surprised if there is a Janitor or two involved in pushing the /clg/ - Clogged Log General meme. They are prone to the same proclivities as the rest of us.
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That same dyke (also makes the gen and knows the lore of several oldfags from the gen) currently has all her posts wiped and was recently banned. She’s a troll too, one who has admitted to harassing trans women on the rest of the board.

She is also obsessed with over analyzing screenshots of the archives. I’m pretty sure she was one of the/clg/ trolls that drove drawfren out of the gen because of this weird obsession.
Correct. Detective Dyke enjoys "trolling the catalogue", her phrase for being a rotten piece of transphobic shit in dozens of threads until she collects enough reports that the Janny wipes her post history, which often includes the /clg/ OP. I do not feel bad for these people.
what msuic yall got playing?
im trannymaxxing tonight and its on loop
yea she, and multiple clg posters but most famously she, literally will go make posts that are like "ughh, so stressed at work rn, brb gotta troll the rest of the board by telling trannies they wnbaw". ive seen a bunch of posts of this type in clg. also im pretty sure jannies have the ip and post history of the people they ban, so they most likely KNOW that most terfposts and trolling that is done in this board is done by clg posters, including detective dyke, just like >>37752299 says. my theory is that jannies got fed up with clg trolls trolling this board so they just.. gave up trying to police clg and ban bad faith actors and instead just let clogposter ruin free and ruin their gen. iirc clogposter was even banned at some point, but clg posters kept being transphobic and detective dyke kept trolling so jannies probably unbanned him so he can keep wreaking havoc on their gen. because why protect a gen full of bad faith actors and trolls from bad faith actors and trolls? and the worst part is that theyll blame us trannies for all this trolling when it most likely is just janny retribution to them being trolls. it was them that ruined their gen
never ehard of them before
hell yeahhh
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Absolutely based jannies.
>my theory is that jannies got fed up with clg trolls trolling this board so they just.. gave up trying to police clg and ban bad faith actors and instead just let clogposter ruin free and ruin their gen.
Kinda based desu
All terfs shall be clogged
i still feel bad for the clg posters who dont troll and harrass trannies on this board who got caught up on all this, they dont deserve this shitfest(lol)
I lurk there regularly and there are no more than 5 regular posters that aren’t trolls. Don’t waste your empathy on them. It’s usually a tiny handful of oldfags that come and go.
i hate having sleep anxiety
i need a mutual sleep anxiety person to fall asleep with ; _ ;
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>QOTT 1: What are you doing for Halloween?
I got invited to an event that is 99% gay men, so its basically my former situationship taking her navive newly out girlfriend to a party to be fag hag for a few hours... no thanks

Instead Im gonna go watch Radiohead with her other ex-situationship. And play lots of horror games
Agree, our capacity for genuine empathy is a finite reservoir and choosing who to use it on is the burden each and everyone one of us was born to bear
i still feel bad lmao. i know for a fact some arent even terfs, just normie cis women. i worry theyll see what happened to their gen and terf out
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lol are u the one trolling? i thought it was a gaygen nerd. im just watching from a sideline. if youre actually the logposter then youre a weirdo
>i thought it was a gaygen nerd
They think so as well
woah a nun op

hi everyone i hope you have been well

me and my wife are getting our lives started together in our new apartment and things are taking shape! unfortunately my health and body has been declining due to the stress of the move and all the traveling this year

hopefully i can get some stem cell injections to help with my joints and my spine will settle down with the pain ><

wishing you all well <3 blessings )*
if its not you then i really wonder who it is. ive checked gaygen and none of them have ever mentioned clg in the last 5 days which means they probably dont know that theres a big chance one of their own is trolling clg. if he isnt from gaygen then i wonder if theyre from here and if theyre reading this post rn
The gaygen theory comes from Detective Dyke and her ability to pull up the archives and compare filenames of images, etc, to sus out where people have posted before. She mainly does this to call out trannies who post in /clg/ but also did it to find out who the logposter was. All her shit got wiped so it might be gone now, but she was posting screenshots, etc.
To add: By this point there are probably numerous tourists popping into the thread and making a troll post or two so who knows how many people it is
hilarious if true
new to this: can the bottom ask to be girlfriends and like how do i get titles out of her? also is 3 weeks to soon or do you wait longer?
Have you ever read Back Mechanic? It might not be applicable to your situation, but figured I'd throw it out there just in case. It helped me with my back injury.
i haven't heard of it

i have untreated compression fractures from 2018 plus ulcerative colitis plus all of my joints are severely damaged and losing function

i need stem cells so i can bear weight ib my arms again and then maybe i could have spinal fusion surgery and spend a couple years recovering from that, i cant put weight on my arms so i cant handle recovery from a spine surgery, i cant do exercises or stretching or chiropractic because my bones are too fragile i get hurt all the time just from moving in bed

see where it bends and sticks out there at upper left, thats my spine when standing upright as straight as possible

a normal spine isn't visible barely at all, i can't even lay on my back without pillow support to accommodate the protrusion
wydag whos an undecided voter
It is very disappointing to me that the greatest source of c4t art is shippers in gacha game fandoms. I want the full context of the relationships I see so that I may bask in the healing power of c4t love, but gacha games are terrible and a tool of Mammon created to crush the human spirit
At this point, anybody who is not voting democrat is somebody I don't want anything to do with. Just the way things are.
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I honestly agree.
I dont care for jordan and her group of maladjusted weirdos. And i particularly am creeped out by the notion of a ftm posting here, not because i think theyre a guy, just because you know they're the type of ftm that is just a crypto cis woman, which is the WORST kind of cis women.
This was an excellent read. Thanks.
playing black ops 6 because I've basically given up on life completely at this point and have no friends or ambitions left
it's so cute that my puppy think she's human
malebrained cis women...
Bad news, folks. The astute amongst you may have noticed that Office Retard has been absent from our bickering for the past two iterations of lesgen.

Well, she decided to finally take our advice and wash her ass; sadly, she slipped in the shower while attempting to do so and bonked her head. We won't be hearing from her again. May peace be upon her.
Finally beat midir. Once i got over my fear of the charged laser attack it didnt feel that hard of a fight. I probably died like 60 times to it all together tho, def a good boss. I missed the riposte and fumbled quite a few times in the fight i won, but i was so in the zone i wasnt scared of losing and still won despite the crazy fumbles.

As a reward im cooking up a NEW outfit, anothrler iconic fashion statement in the works
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Good job!
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I did it using the lightning arrow and two miracle rings plus the lightning clutch ring and of course the spear buff, netting me 250 dmg per arrow. Once i managed to hit the boss for a 1000 combousing my spear after they finished the charged blast. Its probably best to switch to melee for the second part of the fight in future.
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Your builds and combos are a lot better than mine, I just rely on the old strategy of hitting the enemy until it dies.
It seems that becoming the 3 times champion wasn't just because of luck!
edging a girl with codependency issues would fix me
you're a decade younger than me
i dont think it would be appropriate unfortunately
there's this butch i keep seeing that's older and has really nice arms and i can't stop thinking about her and i wish i could make myself talk to her
>mfw 16 is legal here
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Do i have to open the doors that lead to Fillanores church?
Shira said i shouldn't disturb her slumber, and the church people seem to be a net good in these parts so i have no motivation for killing opening the church doors and going against shira's wishes. I slayed midir like shira asked so what do i do now?

Im a pacifist
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You need to beat the pvp boss to get to the final boss of the dlc but you can revive the boss with souls after that.
Its so peaceful here compared to /clg
You can REVIVE a boss? Thats so cool. But for now im gonna just be a spear of the church, it fits my herald roots anyway
dark room only lit by candles sex with death threats and me on top
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>another Friday shitposting
>another Friday without a hot successful gf
>emphasis on hot. and successful
This but I'm in chastity and you get free use of me for two hours
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Extremely hot if you're a bottom
>me on top

but i also dont mind bottoming
why am i always mistreated aaaaa i just want someone to be nice and thoughtful towards me for once
Sorry bubs! My girlfriend, my rules!
i'm 24
No and i aint giving any candy either. Cuz its MINE WHY WOULD I SHARE GRRRRR
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I need to come clean. The real reason I had my wisdom teeth removed was because I was having trouble fitting Jordan's gigantic cock into my mouth and sucking on it. There just wasn't enough room :/
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Lesbian pokemon master.
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I need to really come clean for real this time about why we removed their wisdom teeth.. that CUNT was making eyes at someone while we were out and I just know what she was thinking, so when we got home I busted up her dumbass whore face something good. The fixin I gave her wrecked some of her teeth so we had to get her dental surgery before people started asking questions or whatever.
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yeah well you said i was cool multiple times recently and complimented me about a bunch of different things when you didnt know it was me so there, this is why i didnt play ds3 with you when you asked for my add, because youre a big dumb bullly and dont even realize how often we say nice things to eachother
so frick you bloody asshole bitch
I love daydrinking at the airport
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I also love daydrinking :)
How’s it going losers, I came here to do absolutely one thing and that’s to spoil Life is Strange: Double Exposure for you all.
So basically Max activating her new timeline shifting powers was caused by her “friend” Safi faking her death and framing Max because she also has powers being that of a shapeshifter. The two timelines max created creates another fucking storm that you have to fix and you can decide to join Safi and other people with powers to rule as gods or you can go scorched earth and let the tornado kill them. Btw Chloe is only mentioned afterwards in a literal text so get fucked ig
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my gf @stacker5 told me she had a dream that i fucked her ass and so she immediately got up this morning and started trying on sexy clothes in her dog collar prancing around and looking in the mirror doing poses and talking about how excited she is to get my initials branded on her for our anniversary
she is so agp chat its crazy, she always does this when she is in a good mood she makes a huge mess of clothes playing agp dress up and i have to grab her by the collar and make her pick up all the clothes ( i usually actually do it though because she is a lazy pos but in theory i rub her nose in the mess and beat her with a newspaper)
seriously cis women are the most agp idiot fags ever especially ones that pretend they want to be tomboys or ftm or whatever
i didnt read all that thrash because that game is retarded but you are using one of my pseudonymars and i need you to stop making the name bug so uncool talking about garbage globo homo tranny games
>How's it going losers
You are not that cool. Check yourself, bitch.
ftm reppers all have forced feminization fetish it's crazy
if u actually play those games ur mentally a child
I don’t listen to fake women pretending to be “Lesbians”.
why isn't chloe her gf in the game? I wrote an outline for a sequel a couple of years ago that was unironically way better than this shit
im not pretending to be a lesbian i come here to troll while i stroke my big one, but irregardless of any of that i still dont play faggot slop that looks like it was rendered by a retarded 6 yr old fujoshi with press and hold forward gameplay
now please kys faggot impersonator loser baby
she is probably genetically male with some deformity that made her born with a vagina
Because Square Enix and Deck Nine hate gay people.
my gf @stacker5 wrote this post and now im embarrassed that I even share her butthole with her sometimes
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They wanted romance options without changing the protagonist
Soulless, should've had another protag
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I AM a woman, a CIS woman at that. Shows how much you know.
The only romance option in Double Exposure is the Asian lady that works at the bar
Lies! You are a liar!
Well there's two options but the main thing is that it's not just more Chloe, which it should be
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This is like one of those backstories you wish you never heard

Like id rather hear of lago's terf exploits than this shit THATS how bad it
>talking about how excited she is to get my initials branded on her for our anniversary
had a dream where i had a huge dick :( god i wish that was real
True, just like the canon romance for the second game is Finn :3
based if you have a pussy
cringe if you have a dick already
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Here is my original outline for a Life is Strange sequel:
>Chloe ending is straight up canon
>Game begins right after the town is rekt
>Basically a cute roadtrip movie for the first act of the game where Max and Chloe figure out where they want to go
>They both have extreme guilt over what happened with the town which starts to spoil the roadtrip and their relationship with arguments/stress/etc
>Then they realize they're being followed
>It's slowly revealed to them that a secretive government group know about Max's powers and are trying to arrest her
>They know she is to blame for the town's destruction
>The 2nd act of the game is them trying to run away from the agents who somehow are always one step ahead
>Eventually Max makes the hard decision to part ways with Chloe in order to protect her from the agents
>Chloe feels betrayed by this and things end on a sour note
>Max finally is cornered and gets arrested by the agents and is sent to some underground bunker
>There she meets another girl being held there who has clairvoyancy powers
>They were using her powers to predict where Max would be so they could catch her
>The girl is cute but like hyper autistic and is sort've being held against her will, but sorta doesn't mind because her tism
>They want to keep Max and this girl in the bunker indefinitely to contain them and use their powers
>The bunker is like a high tech living quarters with every amenity you can think of but they can never leave
>The autistic girl is ecstatic that she finally has a friend even if she's like a prisoner
>The next part of the game you slowly get more familiar with the autistic girl while reluctantly helping the agents with various things with her powers
>Eventually you come up with a plan to escape
wydag who will never love you as much as her Daenerys Targaryen chatbot
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Just finished deadpool 2, its REALLY good. Like dang, its way funnier and better than the first one. They really took all the best stuff from the first one and magnified it. I really like the fourth wall breaking.
>The major choice of the game's ending is basically choosing the autistic girl or reuniting with Chloe
>You can save the girl and escape with her and destroy the bunker and kill everyone in it, but Chloe will never talk to you again
>Or you can escape by yourself without destroying the bunker and reunite with Chloe and be together again, but will forever be on the run and Chloe will always be put in danger because she's with you
Honestly... it's kino.. would you protect Chloe or selfishly be together with her on the run?
Stacker is mtf, Jordan posted a pic of her from behind in the server and she’s massive. Linebacker shoulders. Just larps as a repping pooner.
Post yourself queen
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Ugh, you know what... I think a girl liking deadpool is a dealbreaker. You're probably, like, really ugly. No joke.
puppygirls should be muzzled and crate trained
going to a halloween party and multiple people expressed excitement over being able to see me again. feels good, maybe i should get out more..
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I await your response..
Now post your barrel chest.
I'm gonna nut
That's not how you measure shoulder width though
Jordan said I'm not allowed to post anymore photos because she's getting jealous, but I have a 76 cm underbust. If you don't post your own shoulders you're the biggest pussy faggot of all time. I'm 5'8 and I have size 8.5 feet by the way. I am straight up smaller than you.

Captcha G0Y4RU
giver or take an inch for the flat resting cloth tape measures it actually is
mogs me
im not jealous
im in control
and i dont want the internet to jerk off to my loved ones unlike some cucks that are known to me
That's fair
Least creepy cis woman
also i cant believe my gf is taking this obvious bait from some loser mod/janny tran that gets no pussy who is blatantly insecure about their self which theyll never post and still in this thread simping for a crumb of cis pussy or cause she said indians are gross or something stupid
just kys lol
uhhh stacker vindicated?
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>unlike some cucks that are known to me
The ruler is upside down, dumbass. How are we supposed to read this?
Turn your phone upside down, put it on vibrate, sit on it and bounce
you love to see it
Sorry bubs! My ruler
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my wife @stacker5 of 4chan fame is taller than me but smaller in every other way :(
should i kms? (i know the answer is yes)
how do i even cope ? iwnbaw ;_;
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I may be a samefag but I do it for the greater good: comedy.
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omg I love you babe
It must suck when the only people attracted to you are straight cis men or terfs who want to detransition you so you end up settling for a mexican creep tranny
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wow the cope sister, its impressive
i kneel
LMAO you're making me feel bad for you
Petty deflection isnt smart
I love my half mexican queen by the way. She makes me so happy nobody could ever compete. Even when we're just laying around doing nothing it's always fun because we're together. She has a huge uncircumcised cock too.
she’s just a fujo, not a repper. that dainty little neck was built to get choked by transbians.
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I would just take the L and move on at this point
lago and stacker are both agamp fujos who chase other agamp trannies but lago is better at hiding it. they’re the average cis f chaser, both want to be gay boys who look like women and are in lesbian relationships.
Repressings pooners, got it
holy fucking based??? when will I get my fujo cisf chaser?
That's so hot
I think you already took it for me zz
no, neither of them seems to be dysphoric. just kinky. I mean just look at the fact that stacker is showing off her dainty figure. lago posts her bubble butt when called obese. neither of them wants to be men.
we're waiting for you to post your shoulders queen any day now
That’s just lesbian sexuality. They like androgyny but in women. Also like to play with gender roles in bed.
im like if joe pesci in goodfellas was an autistic zoomer mutt
>words words

Repooners, got it
So you can jerk of to it? Nah im good kek
yeah, okay honey
uh okay honey
getting my genis sucked this weekend
autofelatio this weekend
I wish I had a cock I'd fold myself over like a calzone and suck it til I'd shoot big cums all over. Big white gunky goey cummer mhm
big if true
her gock is weird looking happy for you tho
I'm a visual learner btw
Weird how? Cuz it's unmutilated by you knowwhoish doctors?
I'm a read/write learner btw
I don't get it. Her dick is the bomb?
I don't get it either. I'm still a visual learner btw.
I learn by example. I can learn most tasks really quickly if you show me how and stand next to me while I do it a couple times
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>I got something she can see alright (Im grabbing and gesturing to my crotch as I say this part), she can even clean it up janny style
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i write and post like this
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>No one talking about Jenna Ortega
Umm? Are we depressed or something? On 12 different antidepressants? Where is the lesbian part of this /lesgen/?
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giwtwm (right)
>On 12 different antidepressants?
I'm only on an SNRI, Mood Stabilizer, Antipsychotic, Lithium, ECT, and an as-needed Stimulant, thanks.
she looks too young for me
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That sucks so much lmao
At least I weened off the Benzodiazepines. Cut me some slack, would ya?
>Lago didn't read my 2000 character post about my hypothetical Life is Strange sequel
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This lesbian art is so cis brained im sorry..
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yeah these women are all adults wtf
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sorry bubz! my thread my art!
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>that gigahon on the right
mogs me
me on the right baking with my prospective wife (she may even be reading this post)
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average indian tranny vs average white tranny
I wanna make Irish soda bread but I need to shoplift buttermilk from the sto ;(
giwtwmgiwtwmgiwtwm (right)
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Signalis was mid. It struck me as having a facade of depth and artistry when it really was just borrowing every element from already existing media. I support making classic survival horror games tho.
cannot decide between rabbit or cat fursona
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rabbits make cute fursonas
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My ds3 fren is being a goober. I beat her 3 times in a row using my new fav weapon, thats not the point im just bragging.
My point is she wont accept the dlc i bought her. Which makes no sense because iv already bought her another dlc and we're both enjoying it!
Its literally pocket change to me so it makes no sense to refuse it.

Plz convince her to accept the hecking gift so we can play ariandel together (i hate snoe areas so i wont play it alone thats for sure)
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Argenti... my wife
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My gf is getting so mad at Tekken 8 right now. I'm going to try being really annoying to cheer her up. Any suggestions? I already tried singing songs but replacing the lyrics with racist gibberish
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Have you tried rebooting her?
If I hit the reset button on her computer I think we'd have an explosive domestic situation play out so I will refrain from doing that
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Not the computer. The girlfriend. Have you tried rebooting your girlfriend?
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She just snapped at me for mindlessly yapping while she's try to concentrate >.< I'm not gonna try anything else
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why are the cats dead D:
>based lesbian PIV enjoyers
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Buy and stream Jenna Ortega's movies.
The other day Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was uploaded to YouTube in full HD. I watched it at 3am in the morning on my iPhone.
It was cute! I don't really fuck with Tim Burton pictures but I give it a 7/10. Fun and clever movie.
At least ghost cats don't poop on the floor.
>Buy and stream
Did Jeffrey Bozos write this post?
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>paying for anything
uh retard moment
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I just wanna support her in the small way that I can. I know I'm a sick bastard (female). I know if I ever met her she'd do anything to get away from me. What else can I do, besides opening up a meme fangirl tiktok account, kek.
Damn. If she isn't the coolest girl in the world right now!
my cats would NEVER pee or poo on the floor. theyre very well educated sweethearts
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I’ve never played the games and don’t rly care for fan art of them. Sowwy…
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Cats should never be pooping or peeing on the floor. Something is wrong with your cat either physically or psychologically or it doesn't like the litterbox situation for one reason or another.
Benson & Hedges Menthol 100s Premium, indubitably.
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She’s cute but I’m not helping her pay for her mansion or whatever rich people buy.
You spam art for stuff you haven't played all the darn time!
It happens rarely for any cat. If you have a cat then you pick up vomit or even poop from the floor once or twice a year.
that's shocking to me laugogh because the game feels right up your alley
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I dooo, I’m such a poser. I just like nice art. The anon posting it right now isn’t me, tho.
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You want to know a secret? Something only a cashier knows.
I went to Books A Million and bought her book. The one she wrote when she was 17.
No regrets.
I'm 27, if that matters.
you're weird as fuck
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Is this like a Van Gogh reference? He was cool. I forget where but someone shared an episode of that time travel British show with the blue thingy - anyway it was an emotional scene where Van Gogh sees his art work and legacy at a museum. Rly heartfelt. Kinda cheesy but I liked it. I also like the band La Oreja de Van Gogh.
please say sike
>lago hasnt played signalis
>she hasnt played life is strange
such a poser. is there ANY lesbian game shes played?
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Why are you posting here instead of /clg/? I remember seeing you fawn over here there a few days ago.
have u ever heard that conspiracy theory about him being murdered? it was p interesting
I pray to god i wont be posting here by 27
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Signalis barely has any lesbian content though. Plus it's mid as hell.
all the malebrained coomer ones
im 33 but I feel like a teenage boy playing xbox live in the 00s
I smoke these un-ironically.
Welcome to my world
Sister... I am dead motherfucking serial.
LOOK AT THE STATE OF /CLG/. I can't post there.
Does Sayonara Wild Hearts count? I’m bad at it though. I didn’t play many video games as kid because my mom sold my PS1 and N64 and then we were still broke.
Lago isn't a gamer... it's all starting to click now...
Oh. Here's what I'm blasting. IN CASE ANYONE WANTS TO JUDGE MY MUSIC TASTE, TOO!!!!!
Real lesbians---------> AIC>>>>>>>>Nirvana
its what most likely happened. there was a teen in the town that liked stealing guns, break stuff and do weird mischeif. the day van gogh shot himself both him and the kid werent in town, and not only that but he didnt shot himself in the head like 99% of suicide by guns gun, but around the chest area, and he even survived the shot for a while and went home to sleep were he died sleeping, refusing to talk to anyone in his way home. what definitely happened is the kid stole the gun, and when gogh was on his evening walk, the kid shot him most likely by accident, so then he went home and refused to talk to anyone or get medical attention since it would easily ruin the kids life and then he died on his sleep
Kek I know, I just wanted to laugh at the absolute state of /clogged log gen/.
I play WoW regularly!!!
will will will someone buy me Webfishing on steam I I I tried to sell some tf2 items to buy it but steam is holding the funds for some gay reason :<
Oh shoot sorry forgot to reply. I remember it being mentioned in some YouTube video. Gonna delve into that rabbit hole again later.
sent ;)
WAHHH don't tease me like that
whats the dumbest reason youve ever broken up with someone? i broke up with my ex because she believed erwins last charge from attack on titan was cooler and more inspiring than the charge of rohirrim and that gave me such an ick i ghosted her and never spoke to her again
Like 10 years ago I hit it off with this girl online like rly rly fast, we were totally vibing, but then she posted pics of herself and she was morbidly obese so I ghosted her. I know it was mean and I still feel a tinge of guilt about it, but there was just nothing I could say or do it was a massive turn off. That's so classic being ghosted right after posting pics though I had to be that person ;~;
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>agamp cis lesbians desire agamp trans women
>agamp trans women desire other agamp trans women
>non agamp trans women feel awful and dysphoric at the presence of agamp cis lesbians

>agamp cis lesbians arent desired by anyone in this thread

Now i see why stacker and lago get so much hate
are you mixing up gamp and agamp?
i dont get it. please use normal words and not mental illness words to explain what you mean
Cis women desire the kinda trans girls who desire other trans girls, and the trans girls that actually like cis women arent liked by cis women. Ergo cis women just shouldn't be here

Ftmg is next door
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First, what is AGAMP.....?
I know AFAB means assigned female at birth.
That's what I am. And real talk? I kinda only fuck with other cis girls. I am the traditional lesbian. Minus the butch part. I am strictly futch.
That is all.
The majority of Lago hate is totally unwarranted seething at whichever cis woman is closest, but the Staker5 hate is because of the mischevious trolling and performance art I am involved in in this thread and elsewhere. I guess sometimes I have it coming. I've always been a Heel.
The double xx invasion worst thing to happen to this gen
no really it sounds like you're mixing up gamp and agamp or assuming one can or must be or not be the other
Praying that this gen be purified of cis scum
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Cry about it, masturbate, seethe, break the furniture, smash the mirror. I'm here, bitch. I'M HERE ON A FRIDAY NIGHT, BITCH!!!!!!
ew the rick and morty socks go soft..
right? after seeing those sucks i went from horny to pure disgust. i hope she dies for having reddit taste
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Pick at it, and analyze as deeply as you wish. Vladislava is cis and one of the hottest there is. Look at her gorgeous feminine face, and sexual muscular body, cry about it! Seethe. She is special. She is a hero to the female sex. She will mog you to hell, beyond hell, beyond Satan and Judas and Bruno. She is CUNT, pure and simple. CUNT. CUNT. CUNT!!!!!
Megan Fox used to be so hot. Such a tasty piece of ass she used to be. Time is a cruel mistress.
Trans women can have vaginas too, you nitwit.
ah man is this the clogged log spammer? why are you picking on us?
ew dont compare those rotting flesh wounds to organically grown pussy
Jordan reminds me of the mud monster from spirited away. She dredges up the most undesirable people the world has to offer like some weird sludge magnet. Which wouldn't be so bad if she had the shit she drags through the door under control.
Luz, now stacker. Whats next? How many more creeps will she bring to this gen besides herself
You’re retarded, go back to your /clogged log general/.
stacker is a gemmy
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almost every single muscular woman built like her ends up being straight. leanbeefpatty, that one muscular 6ft chinese cosplayer that flirted with lesbians at cons. literally most muscular women you find online fuck men, and the ones that dont all poon out and become hairy and titless. the world is a joke
UH OH!!!!!
A TRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LISTEN SISTER. It's OK you wanna FUCK. It's FINE. It's HUMAN!!!!!
Respect. RESPECT! For what you're trying to achieve.
You. Will. Never. Be. A. Cis. Woman.
Please. I respect you. PLEASE. Respect. The genuine, biological, cunt, the true vagina, the vulva, and cervix, the uterus, the ovaries.
Thank you!
Please take a moment and watch Dua Lipa's Houdini. HOT. HOT music video.
That's a cis woman, btw.
New Thread >>37761192

New Thread >>37761192

New Thread >>37761192

New Thread >>37761192

New Thread >>37761192
fuck your thread right in the pussy
I’m cis you fucking newfag.
Eeeeeaaa seniorita u lookie mighty fine tonight come sit ur little poon vag on my face ohh quite musky my dear have u upped your T dose again quite pungent
this girl is on so much tren and other shit she probably licks bathroom floors like big lenny
she is more of a man than 90% of men are naturally its crazy anyone would like this and call themselves a lesbian but its just as crazy to say you like penis and say thatso whatever ig

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