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USA edition

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/LgSjM8aT (embed) (embed)
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag (embed) (embed)

previous thread: >>37712036
Bedtime soon, Venom was doo-doo
can i join clg again?
oh my god the shit stirring spammer is back
There aren’t any cis lesbians on /tttt
First for hot hispanic women with bad attitudes and fat bank accounts
they'll like Stuff more. Think Kindergarten rewards. Stickers and shit. Or lollipops, that's a traditional boo-boo reward from the Doctor.
Any actual female lesbian women who continue to post here with the constant tranny/male/poop trolling are literally braver than any US marine <3
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Mfw /clg/ picrel is a trans woman lol
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>bossa nova music stops
You mean I have to GO OUT to find a girlfriend?
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tfw no gf haha lol
aren't I relatable? someone relate to me
preferably a hot cis female
actually. do not relate to me in any way shape or form UNLESS you are a fine ass cis female.
Is there any truth to this? >>37771109
I'm not sure but most lesbians I know would not date a trans woman regardless of whether she passes or not. I wouldn't either.
Generally I think it would depend on whether the cis woman is lesbian or bisexual. I feel like a lesbian would care more whether the trans woman passes because lesbians are attracted to women and male traits would be a turnoff. A bisexual could overlook those traits because they are attracted to males.
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Back from my 3 day ban for asking the moderator to ban the ban evading spammer lol.
Btw when the spammer got banned on October 21st I thought he got banned because we collectively reported him over 100 times during his raid and after 2 days of the reports pilling up the moderator banned him but shortly after I was banned I noticed what I think was the real reason.

I don't think he was banned for making 162 troll posts in a single /clg/ thread, he was banned because when he sniped the OP post to make a troll thread (for a second time) he made that JK Rowling edition and JK Rowling threads are a banable offense on this board.
An example I will use for this is when a /clg/ poster made a JK Rowling edition last year and the moderator deleted it in under an hour.

After his first ban he then immediately ban evaded and appeared to get banned a second time shortly after (presumably for ban evasion).
He then ban evaded again and spent 72 hours spamming /clg/, making over 75% of all posts in the thread and not getting banned again for multiple days.

That's when I made a thread linking to all his posts, at the time I thought the moderator had been afk for a couple of days and believed that when he returned he would ban the spammer (and likely me aswell) but the mod banned me and not the spammer.

Anyway, the moderator doesn't really seem to mind the spammer making 300 troll posts per /clg/ thread.
That's why last time the spammer spent a week solo raiding us back in May, the moderator didn't ban him despite him making over 800 troll posts a day for 6 days straight, despite him completely killing the thread for an entire week.

If a mod is going to ban someone 1 report is probably enough, reporting all 300 troll posts does nothing but waste your time.
>She made a lot of reports maybe the mods banned her for spamming reports.
I went and made a thread asking the mod to ban the spammer and linked every single post he made, the moderator didn't take kindly to that lol.
btw that was the samefagging falseflagging troll that you replied to.
I love you too mcburger and all my other /clg/ friends too.
I've been meaning to ask if you were planing to do much for Halloween this year considering how much money you spent on it last year.
Yes, I'm a misandrist, but I'm also a transphobe, a racist, a xenophobe, and a cynophobe as well.
Makes sense Thanks
Hello /clg/ can somebody please tug on Detective Dyke's leash to pull her back here, she is bothering us in the thread for real lesbians, thanks
We're not in charge, if anything she's Our mom. You know that we can't talk back to mom
>if anything she's Our mom
my mom is a qanon schizo so i can Kinda relate ngl ngl
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Detective, I'm trans and sometimes I lurk this thread to help report the trolls. That is all. Peace.
Lmao looking at the last few threads and clg has turned into such a shithole. Glad I migrated to other imageboards where there isnt a 95% tranny population
Hi all,

Question for you. I was at a bar Thursday night. It was lesbian night and was chatting to a woman who was also getting a drink. I got the feeling she was trying to pick me up as she was pretty flirty. Anyway, we were talking about ourselves and I described myself as a lesbian but in the conversation I mentioned I had sex with four guys (two in high school, two in college). She promptly told me I wasn't a lesbian and she only likes "real" lesbians and walked away.

I didn't enjoy sex with the men. It felt awkward, unsatisfying and only did it because I thought that was supposed to happen. It has been four years since I had sex with a man, have had sex with three women since (in a relationship with one for a year) and very much enjoyed it, not interest in men, looking for a relationship with a woman.

Can I be considered a lesbian? I've had vegetarian meals in the past but I don't consider myself a vegetarian. Just because I had sex with men (and didn't like it and have stopped having sex with men), I can't be a lesbian?
Just new webs and stuff for the fog machine. I still have all the lights and headstones I made, grabbed some new steaks to nail them in the grass

I wanted to do a Fallout theme this year but I fucked it off, then the back to back hurricane scares enabled me to be lazy.
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To be my girlfriend, you must be:
>7.5/10 or above
>Make guys and girls jealous because you're so cool and beautiful
>Cisgendered, obviously
>Between the ages of 21-31
That's literally asking for NOTHING. The fact I'm not married yet makes me a victim of circumstance.
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Literally lol
Do transbians call you a transphobe for not wanting to date them ?
i have to imagine she bailed because why would you loudly announce you had sex with 4 guys in your literal first conversation at a lesbian bar? doubt it had much to do with wanting a gold star, and more you immediately taking an opportunity to talk about fucking men.
I relate to you anon.
>tfw no gf
feels bad man
Thank you, not that reporting does very much when the global rules are so scarcely enforced but it's the thought that counts.

To be fair to the trannys I'm almost certain that the troll that was making 99% of the troll posts wasn't transgender, unless the samefagging falseflagging troll of the last 4 months is actually a different troll from the samefagging falseflagging troll that was raiding /clg/ intermittently from January to June but these trolls post very similarly and I think they're the same person.
Something that you do have to bear in mind is that while this board has like 100000 trannies we actually only get a couple of tranny troll posts here per week, so it's only a tiny minority of them that are cancerous shitposting invaders.
It's more of a moderation issue than anything else imo.

>Inb4 the mod bans me for complaining about moderation again lol
I don't really understand your fascination with Halloween desu but I do like how enthusiastic about it you are and the local kids must enjoy it :)
I've never spoken to a transbian before in person so I wouldn't know.
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Bump poster I appreciate you.
I used to have to bump the thread a lot and there was a week a few months ago where I was having to set my alarm every 3 hours while I slept so I could wake up and bump the thread from page 9 or 10 but then bipedochan came back and she bumps the thread a lot meaning I had to do it less and then since you started bumping the thread like this I've not had to bump the thread once in 6 weeks or something.
wassup ladies anyone want some of this italian sausage?
It wasn't immediate. Standing at the bar, waiting for drinks, got them and chatted. I think it was
Her: Nice there's no guys here.
Me: yeah. been with a few and not my taste.
Her: How many?
Me: A couple in high school, couple in college. None since.
i would have been more polite about it, but i would have bailed too. it's just weird to bring up your past sexual history with men unprompted. you didn't go "yeah, it's nice to be around women", you went right to "yeah i fucked men repeatedly, but they're gross so it's cool", like that's not a blaring red flag for bishit shenigans.
I appreciate your opinion. Thanks.
>neither of the anons keeping the /clg/ life support system going are cis lesbians
I made the last thread and I'm cis so I don't know what you're talking about.
You're not a cis lesbian?
I'm one of the prolific regulars but I'm kind of too disgusted to post here yet. See y'all in a few weeks.
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>captcha: R0XY0
I miss her
>I'm one of the prolific regulars
Who are you?
Why are you bumping this general?
The anal sex anon lmao. Those were my only recognizable posts, usually I just give out (You)s left and right.
No, I'm not that powerful.
“Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Almost forgot.

Why do you like anal sex?
Does your vagina work properly?
I have a theory that the only women who really like anal have malfunctioning vaginas.
Do you have any data at all to support your hypothesis?
The two other previous /clg/ buttsluts had vaginismus or something similar and the only anal evangelist I know irl finds vaginal penetration very painful.
Hmmmm I don't have vaginismus but vaginal penetration doesn't really feel like anything to me and I only do it to humor my partners because I know what it's like when you desperately want to stick your fingers inside a pussy.
preciousness. love is when you have irreparable brain damage.
am I the only lesbian here who actually likes using her vagina?
i like when other women use my vagina more honestly
Hello anons I posted here once about being an autist and wanting to lose my virginity to a stranger bc there’s no way I can get a gf but you guys scared me away from the idea by talking about stds. I’m proud to announce that I’m going on a second date next week with a girl I met on HER. We made regular small talk at first but by the end of the date she said I was cute and seemed entertained and invested in my sperging about various paranormal topics (spooky season after all) and the differences between rollerskating and rollerblading (she mentioned that she rollerskates & I rollerblade). I’m not delusional enough to think she will 100% end up being my gf but it does feel nice to actually get this far with someone
I remember you, and I was one of the people trying to scare you into a relationship. Glad it worked lol. Good luck out there, I believe in you.
Thank you anon! We’re going to a roller rink and I hope she still likes me by then
same doing it myself doesn't do much for me but when another woman does its great
I was another anon who suggested you save your first time for someone you love.
>I’m proud to announce that I’m going on a second date next week with a girl I met on HER.
>I’m not delusional enough to think she will 100% end up being my gf but it does feel nice to actually get this far with someone
I'm happy for you anon, I hope things go well :)
Anyone else have a cat that'll start screaming at them if they're not in bed by 8?
How do I train a cat to do that?
Thanks anon I might give updates after the date if the thread isn’t completely full of trolls and unusable by then
Adopt a super bitchy cat without knowing they'd do this.
I fell for an older woman again because she took the time to try to understand the sort of weird little creature I am and my stupid dyke whims eat that shit up. Fuck my life I’m a brokeass unstable loser no woman is going to want more than a casual fuckbuddy thing.
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Thanksgiving and my birthday are always right next to one another, all of the media jumps from Halloween to Christmas and I kinda imprinted on the spooky one from an early age. I remember walking alone for MILES and barely getting any candy once when I was young. I swore that night that if I were able to do it, if no child hit any house but mine, they would get something to show for it. Full sized bars for little kids, ziplock bags of petty candy for bigger kids. Their choice of mini soda or juice box. I got mostly tootsie roll stuff this year. The Tootsie Pops and the Not Chocolate flavors on sale, so I got alot, no drinks this year though.
It had to have been '97, '98. Pokémon hadn't hit the U.S. yet but it was After King of the Hill first aired. I think? We were still living in Barstow at the time. I remember fighting with my brother because he wanted to go to a party and not babysit. So I Trick or Treated alone. Stayed out too late, barely got any candy, got grounded for it on top. Worst Halloween Ever. Never Again, I swore it and I am proud to say I keep my oath more years than I don't

Put a full king sized Hershey bar in the hands of a nine year old on Free Candy Night and watch their eyes go wide, tell me it doesn't just melt your heart
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hi dykes
having a good night?
just thought id pop in quickly and say hi
Hello, bottom poster
Good night to you as well
I like to trib women but instead of clit to clit, asshole to asshole. I call it The Fartsnatch. So far women have been hesitant to try at first, but they leave as believers in The Fartsnatch
Based bottomposter. I'm about to ditch my sobriety for the day, so I'm doing well!
holy crap!! this is open?! i thought they stopped making it.
anyway, should i keep my trip on when im on other boards? i think folks look for me on other boards, but young males are to easy to manipulate, so i just keep the trip off. What should i do?
You dont know that anon. Mind the age gap though. If you shouldn't even be on this site... Uhhhh
Apparently Jordan Peterson is lauded as a feminist hero in Korea and Japan because he thinks women should be in the home making babies whereas in traditional Korean and Japanese cultures women are supposed to be out in the fields being worked as borderline slaves (and also making babies)

This world fucking sucks lmao
the more i hear about northeastern asian feminism it always sounds like the dumbest shit ever. the best type of feminists as always are mexican feminists who literally stormed the capitol and destroyed wealthy neighbourhoods because abortion was about to be made illegal

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