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>orange faggot just threw the election
Are trans rights saved?
whatd he do now?
A comedian at his rally insulted Puerto Rico, which has 0 (zero) electoral college votes
No, he didn't? He's destined to win this election.
this, it’s already been decided by God… nothing that happens can change it
destined? lol I think it's 50/50. But ye if he wins I'm looking up how to sneak into canada without going through american customs
your god is a meme and can not make decisions.Humans find it tempting to anthropomorphize forces like fortune but fortune has no will and currently it is unclear who shall win.
>>orange faggot just threw the election
Yeah, into the basket *SWISH*
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Too bad Pennsylvania does.
fine fine, i'll marry you since you're asking so nicely
t. canadian chaser
It's so fucking good that two (2) women career politicians are going to lose to Trump.
Maybe if dems didn't chose kamala fucking harris. She has no chance against trump.
Anyone that was going to vote for him before is still going to vote for him. Like yeah, everyone knows the Republican party is full of racists. Big news, lmao.
it's literally a coinflip & if you think otherwise you're retarded
We didn't choose her tho... she just kind of got undemocratically nominated. Literally no one wanted her and in 2020 she was one of the first to drop because the more she talks the more unlikeable she is to people. I'm just hoping people are scared enough of trump and project 2025 to give her the win.
Is there anything he can still do to make enough people hate him so that he loses?
You don’t understand. It came to me in a vision from God that Trump will win in a 49 state landslide. Bet everything you have on him, and you will be RICH!
Trudeau is going to lose power too. Keep running though! I'm sure that's sustainable
realistically 0 chance of a non-white woman winning presidency in current political climate. very unfortunate but people do be racist and misogynistic
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The guy who launched his political career calling mexicans filthy criminal mongrel wetbacks tossed his chances by having a z-list hypeman take a crack at some island golliwogs that account for zero point nothing percent of the population?
Okay sister
0% chance of a woman winning even, people just really hate women lol
I mean what the fuck is wrong with the democratic party? Why do they keep choosing these unlikable candidates? Why are they so out of touch with the pulse of the public?
Every vote counts in PA
>the more she talks the more unlikeable she is to people
most accurate way i've seen someone describe kamala harris
if walz was put in her place it would actually be a landslide victory
There are likeable politicians?
There are 0 likable people that want to be predident. Kinda sucks but it’s true. Anyone sane would rather have someone else do it.
worship me, goyim, yes yes, hehehehe
Walz is not a woman which gives him a significant boost before considering anything else. The dems need to just realize that a lot of people hate women and roll with it. You can’t make them stop hating women but you’re actively hurting women by throwing the election.
I still don't understand how a guy who writes worse than a third-grader and who can't answer even the lightest of softball questions directly has any popularity whatsoever.
holy shit GOD posts here??
huh. honestly i was more shocked when i found out taylor swift was a 4channer
I'm mostly left leaning and even I hesitate to vote for her after learning what she did in the past and her current campaign speeches....
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>I'm mostly left leaning and even I hesitate to vote for her after learning what she did in the past and her current campaign speeches....
yeah this. just makes it even more likely she'll lose because she's not white. don't know if most people on this board are old enough to remember but a shit ton of online politics when hillary was running were about how people think women are too emotional to run a country
>Walz is not a woman which gives him a significant boost before considering anything else.
sad but true
It's pretty easy to find someone better than fucking kamala lol
I'm in PA and part Puerto Rican, don't at all believe in voting though. It's all a load of shit to make people feel like they matter and have control.
taytay > god confirmed
What's with the intense doomposting here as of late? Is it demoralization?
Cool virtue signal now go fucking vote
How stupid of you to believe people have thoughts.
Well doomposting works like this
>bad thing happens
I was correct about bad thing happening. I am so fucking smart and can now gloat online to the people I told bad thing would happen, which causes happy feelings.
>bad thing does NOT happen
This is just good, which causes happy feelings.
>as of late
isn't it kind of always like this here?
It's called being pragmatic and confronting reality as is
I'm not virtue signaling I'm telling people who think a vote counts that it's all a load of shit. That's not a popular moral stance that people are going to like me for.
Good stay at home. That's the best that can be asked of your type (i.e. you'd almost certainly chose Trump if you voted)
schizo take your meds.

I know it's just I can't really do anything but run. I'm just hoping that it takes at least 2 years for shit to hit the fan so I can have my engineering degree by then to make moving countries easier.

idk with hillary they rigged the whole thing. And they unironically tried to do the same with kamala in 2020 and push her as the favorite but people hated her so much that despite all the support she was left in the dust. The DNC just wants corpo stooges with no values who just support whatever wins and makes money for the rich. Like all the dems who just magically flipped on LGBT(bernies a real one tho and has been on our side since like the 80s). But anyone with intuition senses the fakeness and hates it.

this walz is so much better I don't know much about him but just the stuff I've seen seems nice. Like he could be a bad choice to but at least he wasn't proven to be unpopular 4 years ago.

true the whole paradox of power thing only those who shouldn't have it seek it. While reasonable people have other things they would rather do
You're doing contrarian virtue signaling.
I would? Interesting.
It wouldn't be taken seriously; in fact, /she/ would probably just do it for the omega troll of being the first woman president.
Doesn't exist.
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>idk with hillary they rigged the whole thing.
still unreasonably angry about this. it should've been bernie...
and yeah, why the fuck are the dems going for the same candidate that flopped last election? are they stupid? at least tim walz fucks wit the dreamcast
Biden only won thanks to blm riots and covid. No way in hell a ""plus sized woman of color"" is winning now after dems failed to follow through on any of their campaign purposes, and not to forget how they're handling Israel and gaza issue( you might think this issue only matters to far leftists and muslims but I keep seeing a lot of people being demotivated and disillusioned by the electoral politics and don't want to vote at all).
I'm already ahead of the game. married Canadian tranner and am working on immigration application as we speak
It's more like 90(trump)/10(harris), realistically speaking.
>Walz is a gamer
holy based.

Also annoyed about the Bernie thing. Kind of wild because i went onto reddit recently and I guess they are all on the Kamala koolaid/bots and all the comments are like it wasn't rigged whenever someone mentions how similar this was to them forcing hillary..
Right wingers will win this time in canada too tho
they didnt want bernie cuz bernie wants drastic change. all of it is really good id love if bernie won but he wouldnt uphold the current system and way to many people within government profit off that system.
You wildly underestimate the number of Latinos that think rightoids are ok with “the good ones” and are easily blindsided by reality checks like this
is their a better place to try and flee to. I was only considering Canada because I live in New England so if they criminalize being trans it's my simplest first stop before I board a plane elsewhere. The real issue is if I boarded a plane elsewhere from America and being trans is criminalized it could get flagged in the system during security
Sure you did buddy
This site needs global flags
stay the fuck away, we’re doomed as a country as it is and plus we’re already full
As an israeli living in NYC, a Republican victory would help us more in our war against terrorism. I'm not saying the Democrats don't support us, but they act like fence-sitters and condemn our actions from time to time. They even threatened to withhold arms sales to us, wtf? With Republicans you don't have to put up with this bullshit. I just want a permanent end to the terrorist problem so that I could go back to Israel.
ur not in danger in israel tho
Hamas didn't do enough on Oct 7
erm ChaseChads did we just win?
who are you quoting...
Kamala seems really stupid when she speaks as well desu. Of the past several presidents Obama is the only well spoken one until we get to maybe Bill Clinton. Though it seems that the politicians we get are purposely dumbing down their vocabulary and speech after seeing Trump win.
I had to move because Hamas subhumans came within a mile of our town.
It's just too tense and gloomy to be in Israel these days, with the protests and with Hezbollah and Iran doing their thing. I don't understand what's taking so long to flatten gaza and go occupy it. Israel receives a lot of shit for occupying the west bank but there's a reason hamas was able to do what they did. It's because we didn't occupy them in gaza. If that's what it takes to achieve peace in the region then so be it.

Just shut the fuck up already, edgelord.
Antisemitic piece of shit

>Be Trump
>Race is neck and neck
>It all hinges on Pennsylvania
>They have a 3% Puerto Rican population
>"Puerto Rico is a floating pile of garbage"

Chuds are going full damage control but it's already over; there aren't enough Elon Bux to fix this one, sorry bubs!
>Race is neck and neck
the hamas shit happened once tho. like i understand why you fled but cant you just go back. israel isnt really on the defense anymore.
it literally is pls consult nate silver
got the kikes seething
I wasn't necassarily going to stay more so go take a plane from a canadian airport to whatever country I end up going to in the being trans is illegal and I might get arrested at the american airport scenario.
>like i understand why you fled but cant you just go back.
It's a ghost town now. All the towns that were evacuated after the Hamas invasion have not been repopulated and the government doesn't advise people to go there. Of course I can move to other parts of Israel, but I prefer to wait out the war. I have a dual citizenship anyway.
Democrats would combust into flames if people held them to the standard of "everyone that speaks at your rally speaks on your behalf"
lol your country's reputation will never recover and you lost your house because your retard politicians view you as acceptable losses
>The guy who launched his political career calling mexicans filthy criminal mongrel wetbacks
No, the guy that started his campaign by saying h would address the criminal hispanics and leftists cannot separate the 2 in their mind. Same reason why every time they appeal to black people they say "We're gonna ease up on crime, you blackies love crime, right?"
atleast i don't spout pies like this about my faith

that cross is meaningless to 90% of unadherant bigoted "christians"
i am waiting for the US to finally reveal this was all a big joke and nothing about this guy was ever real. like yes he is a felon and corrupt and his policies will make everyones lives worse and also he kinda raped someone but what about the fact the man has to wear diapers because his anus is constantly leaking shit because of drug abuse and obesity. that is gross as fuck i almost vomit just thinking what he must smell like. why tf would you want someone so disgusting to represent your country
Kamala harris provided support for rapists
you are literally schizophrenic I am only pretending to be shizophrenic, learn the difference
Nope. Harris will put us in camps to keep power. After all she a curry roach!
okay? what does that have to do with what i said
no fuck you faggot he would not
truth, amen
you should go already, merica dont need a faggot like you
Do faggots understand kill tony is a roaster and a member of the lgbt community? Jesus christ the watermelon carving joke was hilarious
Roachmala being appointed and not voted on by the public, made me write in Biden
hes not actually gay who just sounds like that, well he is actually gay but he doesnt get clout being a closeted queer.
trannies, faggots, libtards and bitches will literally vote for more genocide of innocent people outside the west just to oppose muh blumfph and then pretend to care about muh fagestine and muh pookraine
cannot wait for when the based muslims flooding your countries start killing you freaks, it's gonna be so worth the wait
trannies acting like nazis is funny because you subhumans spend your entire days screaming and namecalling everyone who doesnt agree with your political views a nazi
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i bet you aren't even a troon STFU
you know, new york got hit by a terrorist attack once...
ok when
>>orange faggot just threw the election
lmao, you wish. literally the only way Trump could "throw the election" is if he died along with JD.
Oh no! Some random comedian said a joke about PR at one of Trump's rallies! I guess I am switching my vote to the opposite of everything I want for this country! It's the only choice!
why would you let the bad comedian do a big rally for you instead of just getting a republican senator or something
Because Trump voters have a sense of humor, and aren't in a cult where they get offended and burn the country to the ground because someone said something that wasn't 100% in line with their current beliefs.
It already happened. 20% of Americans now are Muslim thanks to Biden’s open borders policy, and it’s only going up.
Lay off the drugs, kid.
ban the Quran and send them packing back to their homes
>before the mass importations began
Hah… also don’t post fucking pie charts find literally any other kind of chart fuck you pie fucker
I hope Kamala wins but with how much money Elon can just dump into Trump's campaign I have my doubts about a Kamala victory. So unfair that all you need to do to win is to suck the dick of the richest man on earth.
libshits really are this stupid. kamala has an endless stream of big money and celebrity endorsements
I'm sorry, can you post a citation
idk I feel like both are past the point of significant diminishing returns on that front
I'm puerto rican and my whole family besides me is voting Trump. They don't give a fuck, they literally see him as the second son of God. That is not an exaggeration
so you are a disappointment to your entire family in more than one way. I am not surprised.
lol your family likes a fat retard who used to have fights with vanity fair
She doesn't have Elon money. Elons literally giving a million away to people everyday just for regeristering to vote plus an extra 75 million directly into the campaign, also did you know he owns fucking Twitter? Trump's sucking Elons south African dick so Elon can be president by proxy, literally going to give him position that controls how the government works.
beats having a family that likes a grizzled old hag with a learning disability who sucked willie brown's willie to get a career
Why do you hate women and ethnic minorities so much, anonymous?
>The Biden—now Harris—campaign committee has raised $997.2 million and Trump’s campaign committee raised $388 million in total between Jan. 2023 and Oct. 16, 2024
so do you share trump's opinions on sissy graydon carter
Why do you ask unnecessary questions?
ah, a zionist
Just wanting to know the origins of your tormented soul
Nice source dipshit
shitlibs can't do math, don't even try
this is 4chan, not a wikipedia article. I don't have to provide shit. you can google "how much money did kamala's campaign raise" inside google as easily as I did. now kys.
Hi still wondering about the math on there being 70 million muslims in the US now, which is more than the total number of foreign-born people in the US in total, would love an answer
If they can't even figure out what a woman is, then arithmetic is certainly above their faculties.
Trumpty Dumpty (diapers once again full) will give us chasoids based levels of privileges over trannoids.
We will literally be able to own them.
fucking kek, your mom donated her pussy to me last night retard.
as if you would have given a bloody fuck more if he had provided you with 10 verified sources
listen I just want him to back up his assertion that 1/5 Americans are now muslim, I'm really curious as to where he got that number
If Roachmala wins: USA be like Canada, aka United States of India.... we don't want this! Street shitters and roaches in the streets nooo!
Republicans tried to cancel Obama for wearing a tan suit and you think it's the Democrats holding the other party to impossibly high standards?
I never made that fucking assertion, asshat. Do you think there's only one person in here talking to you?
I just really want to talk to that poster in specific because I think they might be too embarrassed to admit they read a 2% as a 20% once
I meant Oliver-ChaseChads, my trannoid consents to me owning her so I have no need to rely on the state
As if I were to give a fuck about anything that's been said about the election. We've had the same damn election 3 times in a row okay, if you haven't made up your mind until last week you are fucking retarded full stop. I want Kamala to win because I am SO fucking sick of Trump's fucking drama. Just send the fucker to jail like he deserves and let's move on.
Republicans are completely insane and the double standards and hypocrisy are at a scale that's impossible to unpack to a digestible size of information
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Comrad Kamala rather give free rot holes and rot dogs to illegal brown roaches than our own troon citizens. gg
i only hope they import more blacks and muslims so that they kill all libtards keke
this time for sure copium
That's an entirely different era. The media has become far more one sided since then.
I remember the goofy shit they went after Obama on, the size of his flag pin, the fist bump, etc. That was mostly one or 2 outlets though.
These days we have basically 10 media outlets all citing eachother and running with the same line of attack on each individual issue, Google making sure they're the thing that's easier to find later so no one ever has to apologize or walk anything back.
The irony is about half the people that attacked Obama are now on the side Kamala Harris, she has the neo-con vote. There's like 2 or 3 media outlets that will make modest efforts to cover Trump reasonably and one of them is Fox who supported every other candidate when available be it: Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie. I could keep going, you get the idea. They support Trump if only to have a monopoly on cable news coverage of the opposition candidate.
Still, the 2 are totally incomparable maybe Jeremiah Wright is a somewhat similar situation, but, Obama frequently cited him as a spiritual advisor.I doubt Trump did the same for the Tony Hinchcliffe

In short, I could see one or 2 outlets highlighting the comments, but the idea that 15 outlets are going to be screaming this for a week straight is an absurdity. It was one speaker at 6 fucking hour event.
it's already happening, stupid tranny
now the numbers will increase
why did you post the size of your gaping axe wound?
>Kamala Harris, she has the neo-con vote
All the Maga people are literally 60+ years old and voted for Bush twice
George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, the remaining McCains all very vocally support Harris.
The people that voted for them all very vocally support Trump
Who gives a shit about that? The point is the powerful people that pushed the Neo Con agenda have made it clear they support Biden and Harris. The fact that the new Republican party better represents people is not the attack you think it is.
be more subtle about it cmon bro
Oh, at least Trump won his 2024 Primary!
Roachmala was appointed, cause democratic partyy needs to come together for her. Fuck Them!
Biden 2024! Which is more democratic? Hope Harris loses and Trump goes after all these Democrats and People who for 8+ years been bitching about him.

Sorry your candidate Hillary lost, maybe stop ignoring the masses dumbshits!
Why would I need to be subtle about anything? I'm stating clear and obvious facts. Ironically the guys that Obama was better than(If I was back in 08 or 2012 I'd still vote for him) now align closer with Kamala Harris than the modern Republican party.
not really. trump has a majority of people who were republican before but he's lost a lot of them and flipped some out of the party
>the masses
trump has never won the popular vote and his path to victory right now involves winning by catching swing states but losing the popular vote again
The Trumptards voted for and supported that "Neo Con agenda", they don't now cause they're retarded sheep with no principles that just go along with whatever. Bush et. al and all in on the rebrand, it's theater
>new Republican party
>represents people
>bankrolled by world's richest corruptest man, jumping for joy at the idea of more corrupt antics
so do you speak english natively because the way you phrase things seems a little off.
I smacked your dad in the face with my big black dick, fuck boi.
There's plenty of Liberals that switched to Trump when the definition of being a Liberal became a weird death cult. My voting record is Clinton(primary), Obama, Obama, Trump, Trump, Trump.
You're flat out wrong about the Republicans too. Trump claimed power from the Republican party by taking on the Bush family first, that was the very first thing he did after the escalator ride. Jeb! "Guacman" Bush was the big money candidate and presumed nominee.
There's a reason there's so many of these videos, Trump vs the Neo Cons in 2015 was a pretty big deal.
I'm gonna cum
A small minority of highly suggestible people
Living in the past
I was responding to someone that brought up the Obama administration's coverage. Also the Neo Con thing is relevant because they support Kamala Harris.
Point is if you were a huge Bush guy, you're now a Kamala Harris guy
i dont really care who wins, if trump wins i can suck the misery energy off of smug liberal losers like a psychic vampire.

If kamala wins at least porn wont be banned

>Lets take a look at the recent history of the Republican Party
No all the glass the sandniggers people support Trump
>but the politicians
Politicians lie, it's their job
you'd think this board for have more sympathy for a guy who cant maintain an election
Trump prevented wars in Syria and Iran, Democrats were pushing for both at the time.
He just wanted to stop giving them our money.
Neocons and Democrats both feed into this cycle where we arm violent people in the middle east then use those very dangerous violent groups as justification for why we need to send our own military there.
The Democrats and John McCain were humiliated when Trump pulled support away from the FSA and suddenly ISIS disappeared.
The propaganda at the time was "We can't just let Putin have Syria" and I think every rational person thought "Why the fuck not? its liability not an asset"
No, it's a cult now.

The only question is who has more members, the cult or the non-cult
Don't worry, soon dude will have a 9 inch erection.
Of course it'll be black and up his ass but that's semantics.
group fallacy
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Both candidates are anti-White zionists
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Orange daddy!
Trump and Kamala equally support the brown people genocide.

Trump just ALSO supports the queer people genocide.

When it's genocide vs less genocide I'm voting for the less genocide party.
can i get a fact on that ?
I'm voting for Trump because I know his victory would expedite the destruction of Israel

please leave our country, you will never be welcome here
That was based, if he keeps up ill vote for him
Trump literally said he'll stop sending aid to ukraine and Israel, retard.
>ohh noooo he insulted a brown area noooo
dont care
I have been reliably informed for some time now that drumpf is finished
Lmao your dreams?
Only literal demons support Kamala. Trump has this election easy, anybody with sense is voting for Trump
>Insult black people
>get elected by black people

imagine my shock
PLEASE let tony fucking hinchcliffe be the guy who causes trump to lose. it will be the funniest timeline ever
>Trump literally said he'll stop sending aid to ukraine and Israel, retard.
he never said he wants to stop sending aid to israel. and he has also explicitly said over and over biden is being way too mean to bibi and that trump would let israel be unrestrained

he said he'll stop sending aid to ukraine but that is retarded. israel should get no aid and ukraine should get more aid
>he said he'll stop sending aid to ukraine but that is retarded.
No, our money shouldn't fund any fucking war of other countries. Ukraine can go compromise with Russia. I don't give a fuck.
Okay let's just assume what you're saying is true. You're literally saying trump is more anti war than harris, right? He at least doesn't want to support one war whereas dems wants to support both wars.
Trump says a lot of lies to fool people but we know from his previous presidency that he doesn't like blowing money on wars. It's thanks to his now Afghanistan is free.
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It blows my mind that people WANT Kamala to win. If you vote Kamala, you vote for fakeness. You vote for a loss of excellence. Jesus Christ.

The highest virtue in academia today is to "play nice." Don't share "hurtful" facts even if true. Don't speak your mind if it offends someone. Don't conduct certain types of studies if it marginalizes someone. Don't be meritocratic because we must elevate "erased voices." The left is dangerous since it will lie to your FACE about facts that matter. They will tell you math is le bad.

Empathy > Truth
Empathy > Meritocracy
Empathy > Scientific Method
Empathy > Survival Instinct
Empathy > Freedom
Empathy > Liberty
Empathy > Epistemology
Empathy > Competition
Empathy > Innovation
Empathy > Crime
Empathy > Safety

Kamala, like Biden, is a soulless drone. Trump will at least tell you how it is. He's an actual person.

This is why we have ""professors"" lecturing US politicians, about how "men can totally get pregnant, and disagreeing with me is literally killing trans people", live, to the rest of the world.

And people wonder why Americans are such ignorant fucking jokes. It's because of the left.
you are destined to cope
Leftist gays are literally defending people who want to behead them, it's fucking crazy.
i want to behead u
Now even more self-loathing latino Chuds are gonna vote for him! He gets it!
In what way did he insult black people?
you wildly underestimate the number of latinos who think they're "the good ones" even when there's a guy in a maga hat and a nazi armband waving a gun in their face screaming racial slurs
trump could call a man a beaner on stage and still get 20% of the hispanic vote
Its almost like having a shit ton of gangsters that are the same race as you pouring into the country doesn't improve your own quality of life and at times even has consequences.
Maybe the people that fled that actually wanted to get away from it.

Its too risky of a play but Trump might actually gain more votes if he started doing a Carlos Mencia routine. Mexican men at least never got super sensitive and usually just had fun with it.
Pretty much every group that got here had to take a bite out of the shit sandwich at some point. Mexicans like the Irish, Germans, Italians and Asians just kinda accepted the shit talk and jokes and any real racism directed towards them disappeared.
>started doing a Carlos Mencia routine.
so you mean go back in time and be reincarnated as a brown latino immigrant who was born in latin america? yeah that's an interesting strategy that might work, you dumb fuck
vote blue no matter who
No I just mean like the Mexican jokes.
yeah you probably don't touch grass much but racist jokes are usually received differently when they come off as self deprecating or "inside" humor but you seem like the kind of genius who says shit like "the black rapper said the n word so why can't I it's reverse racism cancel culture!?!!?!?!?"
Actually the absurdity was built into my original point
/lgbt/ is a republican board
my bad I read it as "THE carlos mencia routine" (implying the general branding of a racist latino buffoon) and not "A carlos mencia routine" (implying a literal word for word rendition)

to address your point as you intended, the entire bit could have been delivered by a puerto rican and changed the phrase "our country" to "this country" and it would have been just mildly edgy humor but because it was delivered by that guy, with that history, with that choice of words, it comes off as full nazi. so although I misread your post, it still doesn't really work, though it's not as stupid as it sounded when I misread it originally
That’s what makes it “too risky of a play” thus close to the election but Mexicans (as in actual Mexicans not a blanket term for Hispanics) love banter
I think you’re reading this as if you should be the type of person he should be trying to reach and it’s making us have 2 entirely different conversations. Trump never stood a chance of winning over the overly sensitive liberal types. He might have had a good chance to win more of the regular Mexicans.
He could never win someone like you over.
A white well off guy being racist isn't banter it's just racism
Your type reach to call him that anyway. Were not writing a campaign strategy for Kamala here where all he has to do is never offend anyone, Trump never has the benefit of being the presumed safe bet, where all he has to do is try to be odorless and let CNN and MSNBC do the work. He had to take on a presumed winner in Jeb Bush the moment he announced that the “Former Host of The Apprentice” was running for President.
no, I'm reading this as a brownoid who doesn't mind humor based on racial stereotypes about my people when it feels like it's coming from a "peer" (however you want to define it), but I don't like it much when it feels like it's coming from an asshole who just wants to be racist. also I don't remember mexicans ever coming up by name in the brownshirt comedy guy's bit but I admit I didn't watch the whole thing
It didn’t, the scenario mentioned was a totally absurd hypothetical, you’re just taking yourself way too seriously and trying to give a lecture on racial sensitivity.
The reality is Trump has never said anything racist at all.
you're just fishing for reasons to be indignant about sensitive libtards, the whole conversation is hypothetical but hypotheticals are supposed to be for discussing "what if", the scenario still has to have some tenuous connection to reality otherwise you're just having a schizo fantasy that nobody can comprehend
It was a single line in a whole post. You’re about 60% as intelligent as you think you are.
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what's it like being a cartoon with a pulse?
Trump will not genocide us.
Migrants would if they could.
ron paul was likable. so was bernie, too bad his policies were batshit insane. jd vance is pretty good too lately. probably the most likable candidate in this election cycle.
Where are you pulling these numbers lol
out of his poonhole (I filled him up with trump cummies last night)
The orange faggot didn't throw the election now. He threw the election months ago.

The "october surprise" is a myth. Very few people's votes were legitimately affected by the Puerto Rico stuff. What really matters is the keys to presidential power.

Blumpf won't win because of the 13 keys. Hail Allan Lichtman.
The keys Donald... you can't ignore them...
>Lichtman acknowledges experiencing unprecedented backlash for his prediction this election cycle. He reports receiving vulgar and threatening messages, claiming that the safety of his family has been compromised. This level of hostility has been unlike anything he has faced in previous elections
how disgusting. Just because he made a prediction they don't like
Political intimidation needs to carry extremely harsh sentencing and be aggressively pursued by the feds, tired of this shit happening, this is literal domestic terrorism
Not even political intimidation. Just one random civilian threatening another random civilian who happens to have an opinion
Yeah. An opinion about politics.
If we don't vote, they will take that right from us. I'm flipping a coin at the ballet just to protect our right to vote.
Doesn't seem that way to me
Yes, it is nearly nothing but AMaBs, so the percentage should be huge, but still not Trump-dominant.
Chase(r) Oliver is the troon's best bet.
just voted harris
>Unitarian Universality
The first time I ever heard about this. Wtf is this?
The Blue Cult takes another,

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