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>qott: Got any spooky plans tonight?
im going to kill myself
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no, im gonna leave my laptop on downloading veilguard
I think you spelled krill wrong
I'm a little upset today, also don't celebrate Halloween
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No but maybe I should military crawl through the woods to my neighbors house and look through their windows from afar with a pair of binoculars.
>Got any spooky plans tonight?
Yeah hiding in my house very quietly with all my lights off hoping people realize they shouldn't come to my door because it will give me anxiety like a scared dog
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You could rewatch finding nemo. I know you really like that movie.
Hollow ween
This is so dark and twisted
You could drink some pee. I know you really like doing that.
What's on your mind?
It's what's in my ass that's the problem
Sadly no. I don’t do fun thinks for Halloween any more
We could do it together
If I was friends with Timur irl I'd gift him a big glass of my pee every birthday
>drag queen op
>troll question
>no back link
>shrumpcat.screenshot November 2nd 1985
>[everyone liked that]
>jade: I want to kill myself
>me:hi jade
>welcome to chaser gen. I love you
>June*staying away because the skeltons*
>Nils: nils
>the dude: yo is it gay that I wax my legs?
>LB *wet*
hi chasers :)

Qott: just working tonight, but im gonna wear a cat onesie so that'll be kinda neat
Oh I forgot the back link. Sad!
where am i
i doubt it usfag have a funny trump/haris
Essence of chasergen captured, distill that and release a fragrance
What's in your ass?
this post is extremely high quality
June is really staying away because of that?
I think you just saved me an hour
Guess we're all done here then. Good work everyone.
im handing out candy and going for a walk and watching a spooky movie and playing the legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
what's wrong Tim?
Your iq is below blacks.
My ass horts so bad
glowie summoned woah
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Hello tranner
why doesn't this board have unique IP counter? How many chasers you guys think are here?
Glowing in the dark would be pretty cool tonight
maybe 7
Well is it gay? I need answers
One or more for sure
This general has about 70 regular posters, 30% are chasers and 70% are tranners

t. lorekeeper
You're the only person here at all.
Is it really that hard to believe?
I guess thats like a small bar
There are only two unique people in this general
All the posts you make are one, and me who makes every single other post
I regularly lie in those polls and puff up the numbers with a vpn
hi im chaser hello
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I'm not a chaser, don't count me. The only hot trip here was mousefag and she's living her best life with her husband now
Thank you for all of your effort
You're a bottom
She kinda a bitch
switch tyvm
You're a girl
What did she look like
cis guy, you're 0-2 anon
I'm just from the future.
switches are cool >.>
she's a girl realistically. I mean I love Stu and mina and the rest, but pretty girls don't spread their buttholes on 4chan and have no ambition in life. I think mouse was searching for a husband and trying to enter her adult life and I respect her for that. She's a great girl with a lot of good things in store for her
A cute twiggy lesbian always calling herself fat masculine and ugly
The usual
a beautiful tomboy with lovely brown eyes and pretty light brown hair
transbiangen is the other way you dumbass bitches

This is lowkey patriarchal and transphobic the trannies will love it
its the best of both worlds, ya know? why limit the kindsa fun you can have
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10 of those are Rick alts
No she's so dumb. I'm surprised she can walk and breathe at the same time tbqh.
There's only one person I care about here. I ignore all of the rest of you.
>tfw no tranner gf to smother you with her large galls and grotum
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That isnt very cash money of you t b q h and it certainly equates to a lot of sitting around waiting
Hoo boy political chud threads are gonna be overloading real bad over the next few days
Ignore the nonsense, and shrimp cat instead.
Please never say grotum again
I hope it's me bro
I am mentally prepared to ignore it
It's not.
Ya I got to stop falling down the bait I shit up the thread a bit last night with it
ok i agree with the sentiment but galls and grotum are an afront to god, do not
what about shenis?
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White Dude !!HfqxwQgrRzM for Harris!!!
who's that?
why is it impossible to eat a natures valley bar without it crumbling into dust the second you take a bite
also no, all those are cringe and dumb
you're cringe and dumb
op absolutely destroyed
nuh uh, im just not scared to say i like girl penis. i don't need to dress it up with some dumb nickname
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I vant to cup your galls... ooooooo...
I'm not much of a shenis enjoyer actually.
God is dead, and we chasers slew him
let me guess, you also turn your nose up at shitoris and boycunt
I am very white and did vote so yes lol
Ya I don’t dare eat that shit in my car or it’s going into every fucking crack
Dawg I trusted you
Skill issue
more for me
i am severely lacking in spooky plans. Im going to do some cooking and sewing. Work on fafsa. Cry about election anxiety

i really want to be doing fun stuff but theres just nothing i have the courage to do. Sometime i need to go to my first party but i dont think im ready for it now
Every time I see you post I have an urge to sexually harass you
>June*staying away because the skeltons*
im a very brave girl i can handle a few bones
NNN is started for me
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>i can handle a few bones
Can you handle mine first?
>tfw no tranner gf who has nice balls to honk
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>the groomers keep posting this here and on /soc/ which is somehow like 100 times worse than this thread
Making June jerk me off while we watch Martyrs in the fully lit front den at night with the blinds all open
Is it a girrrrrl?
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i just read recent chapter of oshi no ko and i’m very sad
can’t even cry in someone’s arms cus spoilers
i want to watch some movies, any recommendations?

im not sure if i want to watch halloween movies or romcoms

also yall need to get your minds out the gutter.
I have to actively work hard to not be transphobic towards feminine trans afabs
Sorry had to. Do you do horror movies. The thing is one of the best movies in my opinion. It’s more just gross than scary
A Serbian Film
The recent Evil Dead was pretty fun for modern slop
A serbian film
A albanian film
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Was it as brutal as the least remake?
i think theyre nice, basically just allies to me. Im over the whole "trenders" thing; theyre not that harmful. i hate transvestites a lot more.

Personally the only issue i have with them is the fact they seem to think they understand what its like to be fully trans and dysphoric. They dont. its okay for them not to but i wish they would stop pretending, it really pmo. Its not an expirience that cis people really are able to understand

i suppose the whole "resources" thing is also worth talkong about but thats almost entirely a problem youngshits have to deal with as thats when most theyfabs transition. The clinic i went to was so so obviously overfilling with theyfabs that it was obvious my endo didnt understand MtF care as well as FtM, but thats okay, its not that big of an issue either really
What even is that?
are serbian romcoms good?
Females who don't transition and style stereotypically feminine but take on trans identities
I really don't get it but I don't think I gain anything by expressing that and who am I to say that they're not legit just because I don't understand them internally and how they experience social norms, that's how most people view all trans people in general so I want to not contribute to that in just a niche within it
>i hate transvestites
>it really pmo
>Its not an expirience
So they're cis posers pretty much?
It’s a really fucked up film. Watch at your own risk.
God damn it. I almost had her ass.
Watch it it'll remind you of your dad
lol she would of figured it out when she googled it.
I know, but she would have chimped out about it and it would have been funny.
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i havent googled it

what movie are we talking about

also can i get some actual recommendations
I actually haven’t seen it myself but probally not going to. I like fucked up but not sure about that much
Do you only want romcoms or is horror ok?
One time June posted an entire page of replies to prove she wasn't a post and they were ALL (You)'s.
So it makes sense now why she can always ignore me every post she sees is a (You)
Watch that zombie movie with the Skins guy, a romcom in a horror costume perfect for women
no horrpr please i dont like it

really just want romcoms desu
It had extreme sadism and gore, you don't wanna watch it.
bug strong chaser arms around my chest @-@
Boowomp Zigger
Damn frisson (rick) ((twinkchan)) wants a bugchaser, that's crazy
I've got em ;)
what are you talking about?
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carved a pumpkin
now im roasting pumpkin seeds, after that im getting drunk and yearning
ok but i'm going to feel you up a little too
Cute. What are you wearing for Halloween?
That's so good
Warm Bodies
I just remembered there are Mina pics a few threads back I need to go save
Ya its common to get ignored when a ton of people are talking to the same person
>getting drunk and yearning
Doing that right now, pumpkin and seeds yesterday
pumpkin seeds arent that good desu. But they are pretty well balanced nutritionally for a seed, but better than peanuts and almonds

>inb4 those arent seeds
yeah and peanut isnt a nut
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Never seen but lol
I don't enjoy drinking it, I enjoy the humiliation of being forced to
Aww bro thanks.
I take a medication because I lose touch with reality and get so scared I can't function, the police have found me twice and say I repeat 'I just want to wake up' while I'm crying. This medication I take 3 times a day it has changed my life for much better but I want off of it.

I got down to 2 pills a day still feel great. I tried down to 1 a day and feel the old symptoms coming back so I'm back to 2 daily. I'm very upset I can't handle down to 1. Even with exercise, good diet, not alcoholic or smoke anymore, overall positive changes to my life my brain is still really fucked. The disappointment when I felt the reality blurring again on 1 pill really got me sad and frustrating.
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Scary movies and ouija. I'm not sure what movies yet.. Recommendations?
I swear I saw you posting a bunch of finding nemo stuff a while ago
i need it in my life
ok bc same
A serbian film
>I take a medication because I lose touch with reality and get so scared I can't function, the police have found me twice and say I repeat 'I just want to wake up' while I'm crying
Shit that really sucks, do you have a diagnosis? What side effects are you getting that make you not like the meds?
For who?
witch costume

:> thank u picrel is the reference
uni cat

bless your heart

wish i had someone to cuddle with and watch a movie
i hate mental health medocation when i talk about it with my mom and doctors i sound like some old nursing home fart that dont need not got dang pills and just gottsa pull myself up

anyways im on contact with a new therapist

and i think the lexapro might be working
"who" is for subjects, "whom" is for objects; "for" (in this case) is a preposition relating the subject and the object
>witch costume
Post it
my pumpkin seeds are tasty :D
whom is an english language relic it's no longer needed
June said they're not
oh okay sorry nvm these suck ass damn
I also do not enjoy pumpkin seeds
It's like pretending to enjoy bird food there are a hundred better nuts and seeds options
>i think the lexapro might be working
Big win. I’m glad
either ur mishearing people or everyone around u is stupid >.> i hear it all the time
fuck my gay tranny life
i partly enjoy eating pumpkin seeds because it makes me feel like a bird so
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hi chasergen... i accidentally got a little hyperfocused on mapping out the chao family tree and maybe sorta spent like 4-5 hours working on this

probably a good use of halloween right haha :(
> witch
That’s actually really cute and based
You're a bird
The only person I've ever heard use whom is my European immigrant dad who learned supposed proper English rules as a foreigner

It's similar to the subjunctive tense/mood falling out of fashion, it's technically a thing but not really used widely anymore. Deciding whether it's correct or not is arbitrary after a while, that's how language evolves
need a cute girl to cuddle and makeout with
i’m watching insidious
Would you please spend the next week or so explaining everything about your chao's in great detail to me?
I don't want to be dependent on it, and another reason I don't want to say right now.
Psychosis induced by ptsd
I dont have any cute girls but if you are okay with gigarapegorillahon then we could hug („• ֊ •„)
thats amazing :3

i mean i wouldnt go that far

no thanks
i would but i am unfortunately nauseous as a result of thinking about chao and flowcharts for 4-5 hours straight
I will begin studying. Please infodump me later.
i use "whom" in writing and rarely in spoken english. I think ill say "whose whom" or "for whom..." but thats about it
It's okay to be dependent on meds when it's as severe as psychosis, if it works it works
With a good psych you can find ways to manage side effects if that's the issue, I know insurance and pharmacies also suck ass to deal with
I'm sorry you're going through that Timur
>i mean i wouldnt go that far
You're literally a bird.
im a person
Well yeah. I mean you know what I mean.
I don’t know anything in the world
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I watching VVITCH
Picrel is me rn
Same. Same
I know you're cute
Pichu: "I'm not autistic"
Need a chao and chinese soup gf
This makes me feel a lot better than your last one. I wanted to reorganize it for a while last night.
NNN soon fml... im gonna make it bros
you need to cum as many times as possible right now or you wont make it
im not!!!
i got soooo many things wrong on that first draft in addition to it just being a big ol mess
I haven't for the past two months, so what's one more?
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maybe I should post my witch outfit but censor my face its not very revealing its just mostly cozy
real and true
i already did for preperation.
i just imagined being intimate with a cute girl and it got me got me :) ready for this one
lets see it dude
Thank you for being nice anon. One of the shitty issues is lower sex drive. But doctor suggests no meds that help with that because my testosterone almost is too high.
You stayed locked the whole month
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I give myself a week. But we will see
im not the dude
No I just haven't jerked off
wdym bro?
lets see it rabbit
Yeah I had libido issues with ssris, drive was the same but it took like an hour to orgasm and it was only like a quarter as pleasurable
I was probably prescribed it when I didn't really need it for mild depression and anxiety anyway, it's different to when you really need something that has an immediate obvious effect
I'd be surprised if there is really no similar drug that has less incidence of sexual side effects they could try switching you to
Spooky qplussy?
you did say "slutty witch" but like unless you have another witch outfit i can't imagine people would see much more than the hand with which you take the photo if you censor your face
good boi
qplusso is Rabbit?
Oh no her cover is blown
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It helps a lot you listened and respond, thank you so much.
Now you have to post it
Do you think her costume shows a lot of thigh
Why do you hate her?
Nobody hates Rabbit, it's just a reference to the picture name
The picture someone who hated her kept posting
why doesn't rabbit use her trip anymore?
i mean, one person has been very nasty to her, at least.
That one anon, the ip address watermark scrubber
does anyeone like this picture please
She has to know who he is if he's that vengeful
and also, even if you didn't mean to, that probably dissuaded her from posting
see >>37828065
she hated having that picture posted, and the person doing it did it specifically for that reason
I like it very much
truly the cats of the sea
thank you :)
yeah that did suck, and def kept her from feeling comfy posting more :T big bummer
Omg they so cute
I love you
i dont like when people talk for me
im sorry
that's a bad habit of mine
yeah its pretty good
That's Sarah
wish Sarah was my girlfriend and would answer for me so I don't have to talk to people
thank you a blessing for you
i love you too :)
the skeletons have multiplied there's now two
They transform
yeah now he's blue and doing the Mexican hat dance
Cuddling Pichu when she crawls into bed at 7:30 after a long day of chao gardening and letting her decompress her chao family tree to me.
I find it really funny on phone the color theme changes based on landscape or portrait
If yall were normal we would've gotten costume pics
Where's the ween?
they're at parties right now. that'll be later
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Halloween meal
Could be worse. I am having red bull and a convenient store hotdog.
tfw no canada gf
hopefully a little later on we'll see some
I ate too much food and have to lay down like a beached whale.
this is based
other girls r probably gonna post anyways so just be patient
I had wine and tacos and Halloween candy
You get Olive Garden to go? Sorta fucked up behavior honestly.
I am extra freaky and I'm proud
freakoff = won
Nobody drinks as much pee as me
in addition to freaks scaring qpluso off, the other transers online right now are mostly the ones without plans
obvs we dont have costumes!
Post your potion seller one
could be worse? it hardly gets any better!
i have to be at home to hand out candy...
*a challenger appears*
hold on let me dig up the old photos of me wearing it back when i was 6 months into my transition
Fursuit is expensive.
Worth it
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What costume would you want if you had to wear one today?
putting on an even sluttier costume and not even posting a single picture.
This wont stop me from jerking off
I think my brother's kid may be trans and they're not telling the family yet
The siblings speak about politics including trans stuff and our sister's gay so they know we're cool and accepting
But it would definitely be hard for our parents
You're such a tease
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i guess one of these three from before, though i probably wont ever actually make and wear one of these
you only have a few hours left. clocks ticking.

im worse in real life
I already came. You have no idea what I am capable of.
i'm not doing halloween tonight because i'm going to a party on saturday and my costume hasn't arrived yet but down the street some dude is holding an anti-halloween christian rally LMAO
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I see a lot of trans dating profiles saying they're only interested in dating an "alpha male". It's often enough that I'm not sure if it's a reference to something or a joke that I'm missing, I'm afraid it might be sincere. Do trans women unironically go for this "alpha" and "beta" shit? I thought it was just an incel thing. Is the meme about trans women being former incels actually true?
>try to chill outside for 2 minutes
>mosquitos destroy my shit
I wish I didn't have delicious blood genetics
came to what exactly?
how strong is average chaser? is 120 lbs liftable for average man? I could drop to 110 to but I would be like 16 bmi which is a bit underweight
As dumb as protesting Santa on Christmas
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Would you stay friends with your friends that vote the opposite candidate as you?
there's a guy at my gym who looks like if chase stokes and fabien frankel had a baby and i somehow always end up doing exercises next to him and at this point it's throwing me off my form. he's always the perfect amount of sweaty and he keeps catching me staring at him and he looks at me kinda weird and i feel like such a creep staring at him but he's kinda hypnotizing idk if i've ever seen a hotter guy in my life in person
I can bench 65 lbs for a few reps
You're very liftable
Very subtle brag, skinny bitch
Yeah that's easily liftable.
By that I mean I could do arm curls with you
I'll be Unodettu if you're Mina
I could lift you easily.
how durable is the average chaser? can the average man handle a 6ft, 185 lb tranny with decent (feminine) muscle?
idk who those people are
Depends on how big she is
Yeah my one friend who works a trade is the stereotypical apolitical centrist who is actually just conservative
It's funny I saw a video yesterday referencing white dudes who only talk politics when the minorities are away and that's literally him, never heard him talk politics in our group which is less than half white until it was just me and him one day and then it was all that was on his mind
I tried to show how hard conservative fearmongering and misinformation has misled him and he agreed but still won't change his mind because no one ever does
I'm not a trip so who is bragging?
that gives me hope
olive garden is the official sponsor of chaser gen
If you're cool with us being the same size idc
Stop larping as strongfat, fatass whale
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these guys. he looks more like the one on the right but with the left's face and eye shape
La-di-da mister fancy pants buying name brand energy drinks and meat
So he looks gay?
your post
it's mostly muscle i'm not really fat
being the same height is ideal
not me but being obsessed with being skinny is an illness and i hope you recover soon
"meat" It's a convenient store hotdog.
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cum to this.
no he had extremely straight vibes. neither of these guys look gay either?
This guy can afford convenience. Only tea I drink is tedium.
weird flex but ok
>being the same height is ideal
Yeah I agree. I'm a little taller but close enough
right is hot :o
no. we would have to have fundamentally different world views and it wouldn't work. >.>
chasergen, now brought to you by gas station "meat".
Ah-hoo, werewolves of London
i've never once in my life been ashamed of being tall. i've also never dated someone more than 2 inches above or below my height. t4t (tall 4 tall) is honestly amazing it feels like you're just built better than other people
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ikr he's sexy af it's so fucked up they made him cut his hair for the stupid game of thrones show
Pretty attractive, anon. Too many women really do have weird shame about it when I always preferred it. And yeah, as a couple it just feels strong for some reason
I doubt we'd have become friends to begin with. Not a problem I've run into.
Psycho killer pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa
Yes. Grow up.
What can I do if the trans girls I've been talking to complains about not having big breasts? She seems to worry a lot about things like that. She's very pretty if that's relevant
>Too many women really do have weird shame about it
because literally every single man except one that i've ever gone on a date with has made a point to mention it repeatedly. how tf could i not be self conscious??? and that one exception was fucking 6'6"... i'll always be a disguting ogre 99% of men
skyward sword. excellent choice. that one was so comfortable.
i don't see any reason to be ashamed. i look better in clothes, people pay more attention to me, i get more respect and i can reach the top shelf. i don't see any downsides!
being tall doesn't make you an ogre. guys who point it out are just insecure. all the guys i've dated never gave a fuck that i was their height, they honestly liked it. said it felt more equal
reassure her
>i'll always be a disguting ogre 99% of men
You only need one person. That's much less than 1%.
do you like small chests? If so let her know. I have very small, almost flat boobs but I know some guys like it and I find comfort in that. I could afford BA but I don't want it at this point
I like nice butts and I told her that. She has a nice butt so it can't hurt to tell her hopefully.
tell her you like her boobs too you fucking idiot how hard is it to say you like tits don't just ignore the insecurity that lets it fester
dressed like a whore, drinking, lying on the fucking couch

life is good
Let's see
I'm autistic
>never gave a fuck that i was their height
yeah, but i'm already tall for a fucking male. and now i'm a fucking tranny that towers over most men.
i fucking hate this. i seriously fucking hate this.
Post your costume, tonight is for being sexy not brainworms
Move to Europe where the average Gen Z man heightmogs you
this is one of those things you just need to let go of. not sure if you're passing or anything yet, but it's not really an obstacle to getting there. as soon as you realize it's just a trait you have and not something that's so awful, it won't rule your life like this. dooming over things you can't change is a surefire way to pain
t. stealth at 6 even
Since she has nice butt, tell her you like pear shaped girls (big butt small chest). Or that it looks elegant if she is skin. Just dont make it sound like you like it because its gamine/boyish/"youthful", I would feel uncomfortable if that was the draw for a man
I think I already fucked up by not doing what this anon >>37828643 said
It's okay though she likes me and I like her
VVITCH was good. Maybe a bit confusing but good <3

Now I gotta figure out what to watch next. I've never seen a lot of the classics but I want a movie that actually scares me

i dont have a costume. i forgot it was even halloween until someone at work mentioned it
sorry but i dont think u understand. i pass well. i want to feel loveable. there is a big difference.
and you're fucking shorter than me
why are people brainworming in the shrimpcat walkies chao thread
It’s a tranny thread, brainworming is natural.
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oh!! wow!!!
q4t: what's the best way to deworm you when you're spiraling?
t. chaser who loves you
feeling lovable is not related to your height. this is a problem that has to be solved in therapy. let's make like >>37828663 and gtfo
>t. chaser who loves you
Literally nobody
sorry. i fucking hate this too. i'll shut the fuck up now
date someone that doesnt brainworm or who has coping mechanisms to stop themselves from spiraling
Has anyone seen frisson?
Big pile of them
kisses, hugs, laying together, just not saying anything and preventing me from thinking about anything other than the fact that you're there and love me.
I agree with you
I am right here tho
this is very sweet
tbf i do not really get that brainwormed but when i do the most effective deterrent is just a kiss on the forehead and a stfu and then i usually snap out of it. perks of passing ig all the dysphoria stuff feels a lot more minor
Timur, why don't you join the French Foreign Legion?
Are you cut or uncut leaveposter
What are brainworms like?
You don't even know me
I would like that poster to leave.
you assume your worthiness of compassion is conditional. It is not. You are worthy of love.
mostly over my browbone which is only really visible under direct overhead light and everyone but me swears they can't see at all. that and the fact that i have hip dips, those really bother me. the gym has been helping compensate for that though
ctrl + f + name still nothing wtf
Strong cut energy
I wish I could cuddle with you and watch a scary movie. I'm so tired though I'd probably fall asleep.
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What you generally feel with those "brainworms" episodes? Just curious
just feel like it makes me look masculine. wish i could change it. think about how to change it. resolve i'm gonna change it. i don't feel bad anymore and instead focus on the future and what i can control :)
I wish I could hate the way you hate.
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Thats very nice to hear, I wish you the best :D
brainworms are scary to see in real time. I first thought they weren't being fr or being almost ironic, but then they kept going.
I do not hate.
this is why I am a top and not a bottom.
You can't join
Stay, I like you
I do not like hypocrites.
refer to >>37828827
I am not a hypocrite I think
Someone is.
They know.
not me
i'm a hypocrite with low self control and a propensity for emotional self harm :(
All love is conditional to a point.
Sending you a virtual hug rn
I do not like hypocrites.
Maybe, but if you automatically decide for others that they cannot love you, not only do you remove their autonomy to decide for themselves, but you also cut short the possibility of them surprising you with their capacity for love.
Nice, I am not a hypocrite
I am a hippo crip
leaveposter why is hypocrite anon a hypocrite she seems cool and normal
I don't think I'm pushing anyone away.
I am a dude actually
Maybe you're not, only saying it because your word choice potentially reveals a certain mindset that could, but also because it's something I need to tell myself as well.
wait is leaveposter a woman then? i'm confused.
I am Hippocrates
I am shrimp cat
I am a man. This mystery needs no solving.
Yeah you're probably right. I'm probably pushing everyone out of my life so it's easier to kill myself.
Your not getting dressed up?
I knew you were among us. You are safe here friend
are you guys two gay men in toxic yaoi love
dysphor Rhea
I don't understand Blanchard's transsexualism typology
The mods are hunting me down for what I do. They're trying to kill me.
leaveposter is a power bottom
theres nothing to get, its always all just been nonsense
leaveposter is my boyfriend
leaveposter is my girlfriend
no homie, that ain't it. That's like the same type of logic, but instead of others' relationships with you, it's your relationship to this world. Do not remove the possibility of a life you struggle to imagine today just because you're afraid of failing yourself or others. This is your life, please fight for it.
leaveposter is my theyfriend
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i bet she has the pinkest, tightest virgin hole mmmmmmm aaaaaaa
leaveposter is my nigga
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I have a really gay drink
leaveposter is bald
Looks fancy
didnt ask
leaveposter has long hair
Why you guys hate Jade? She seems cool
I guess this is your first week in this gen
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Pro-tip: when men flirt with you, they're thinking about how delicious your hole is
You mean jade slade of groobygirls fame?
you must be new
Hey (thinkin about ur hole)
Yes, please explain this place lore and characters
Verbalizing and public lusting like a animal is gross
Always a hearty chuckle for that particular bit of lore
There's this cat but it's also a shrimp and it's a really cool animal but the mods are all conspiring to kill the guy posting it.
Yeah because you're drinking it
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has anybody seen frisson?
has anybody seen meemaw
im still here. just had to cry for a bit :))
Cry? But why?
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me and you
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has anybody seen my gun
Me and you
I have 9 guns and schizophrenia
Has anybody seen LB glisten?
You and I.
Hi mom.
Thank goodness the guns are in the possession of the responsible personality
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don’t cry over spilled milk
drink it, defy God
I wouldn't admit to witnessing such a lustful spectacle (evidence of base desires) but I have it on good authority it is something to behold
Has anyone seen shrimp cat glisten?
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Mxc n cheese
I have never seen her not be moist and shiny
I have never seen shrimp cat moist and shiny
Men are animals. Surprised you didnt know that
Glisten like the warm waters of the Amalfi coast
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i had a bout of brainworms a bit ago. im ok now tho :))
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I’m cooked
Ohhhh myyy goooooddd, I will vooote
I will vote
For Donal Tronp
I miss Ava
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That looks pretty good
Do you think Jimmy still talks to Ava Kris Tyson
there's pilk in there
I just realized she probably won't be back since she's not in a hotel recovering now.
I'm watching signs now

I hope you have a wonderful night and happy Halloween anon <3<3<3
I don't have anything to put on really
My gf after I binged her home McDonald's
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you ain’t a real man unless you vote for T
Where is she?
Signs is one of my favorite movies I love it so much
I am voting for playboi carti
I will not be going outside tonight, it feels weird to not go outside.
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Probably not, Jimmy just got reported to the FBI for having cp in his work gc
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there’s a T in that name, you passed the test
What are the odds Kamala will win?
Same, now is my walking hours but there's gonna be a bunch of people and kids
On the plus side I probably don't have to wait for the gym to be empty and can go whenever
Pretty low
Why the airfryer is so fucking loud?
halloween sucks
allergies suck
pretty much everything sucks
Frying the air tends to be really loud
Those darn people need to stay confined to daylight hours. I didn't give them permission to invade my night like this, even if it's just one night it is not fair. Don't they know these hours are supposed to belong to me?
I turned the airfryer volume up bc I knew you were going to get stoned yw
I agree. I have become a grumpy old man and hate Halloween now.
She'll win the popular vote but actual electoral college win is pretty split chances
is it cringe to be on your knees as a cis man worshiping your gf's cock and remembering the scent of her feminine balls so that when you're at work, you can remember them and remember that she owns me?
You people are so lame
Goku would be mad disappointed in you, twinkchan
oh shit forgot to take off the trip lel
I don't think goku knows how to use a computer
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make sure you vote for T
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I hope it's low
I'm not voting, politics scare me and I think the people in charge know more about what's going on than I do. All I want to do is worship my future gf's cock.
I love smelling white guys farts
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it’s technically november where i am

does this mean i can post a titty unsee for thedude
it looks kind of gay. I watched some videos with a big muscular dude sucking off some pretty trans woman, and like there's no way to make it like masculine, probably doesn't help that he was deepthroating and going at it like a champ. even though its a girl, idk it still looks emasculating. but like it has to be done
Because Timur loves dictators and facism
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110kg bench (242lbs)
140kg squat (308lbs)
180kg deadlift (397lbs)
Pls I wanna fail the first day
Timur can you say "don't try this at home. I am professional Russian"
True masculine top chaser men only orally please their intact trannard gf's shenis from under a sheet, preferably one blessed by a priest rabbi or witch doctor
I think if she holds her hands up to her face blushing. I would eat pussy with the same intensity, I would just slobber and throat her girl dick with just as much passion as if I were eating cis pussy.. If it were just a cock, I wouldn't care but it's HER cock attached to the most beautiful gf in the world. I'm going to suck the NUT and DNA out of those estrogenized balls
ok that works
nils is, unfortunately, cute
Post passgen
These are outstanding numbers brother . Good on you
My 1 rep max est on bench is 280lbs
I should start going to the gym again.
nils is, fortunately, cute
not sukei but passgen is stupid shit
fuck passgen
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you should, it's good for your health and it makes initial attraction easier for dating. my gf and I have been together for 2 months now
I used to lift a lot when I was younger but I'm getting older and my body started falling apart so I had to stop. I've been watching a lot of DBZ lately so I feel inspired.
falling apart how? like an actual degenerative disease?
Not November here yet but you do you.
She can post there and not get banned though
Still not you
I think its funny how Timur act with his persona here
My spine is just all sorts of fucked up and I have bad carpal tunnel. If I'm on my feet for more than 6 hours in a day my lower spine just freezes as soon as I stop moving for a bit.
Bad thread
yeah post in passgen just for trips and anons to tell me i look like a man and don’t pass and need ffs
there i just saved myself an hour of my life be describing exactly what will be said to me
who is it then? lol
sorry to hear that anon, I think I remember you yeah. Damn, maybe you can do some seated lifts then?
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if these two are actually both of you respectively, i want you to hold me please
Sometimes I question just how much in life I really have going for me. Then I remember hey I at least have more going than the guy who pretended to be Rick for months
It's not. They're stolen pictures.
The gay man you took them from, as evinced by your unwillingness to timestamp
Nils is real, other is not
i’m crying rn november is already ruined
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same thing i do every Halloween
watch Donnie Darko alone on my laptop
im neither a lesbian nor do i have a husband. i am a gay male incel
That fast?
What happened?
Nils not good enough for you?
one of the muscle anons isn’t the pic he sent

nonono, the opposite, i’d let nils fuck me if he wants
https://unsee cc/album#MjKgaqYHAj0N

fucking hate my chicken nugget life
thanks for the support bro I love you
im enjoying it so far

things have become worse, friends
is everything okay?
no not really

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