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Our xx sisters say no sex to conservative men
what do you say xy sisters? Should we follow them?
These men are the reason we're losing women's right and trans rights
I was already doing this
Ill join you. I promise to only fuck liberal men from now on, and also quit masturbating too i guess
Who the fuck are you retards kidding?
Only people who can’t get laid obsess over sex like this.
You lost btw. GTFO and take your trannie freak show with you.
>the only thing i can offer is sex
When will these retards stop thinking like this?
>brainwashing themselves to turn conservative men into forbidden fruit
This will backfire on them kek
>own the conservative men
>by being chaste
Conservative men are my type though
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This whole subreddit is having a deadass melty rn fr
Men beating the shit out of you is your fetish, right?
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These women said the exact thing when Roe V Wade was repealed, yet that didn't really change anything.

Just the same these women will last max 1 month before going back to their dating-apps for validaiton and sex, they literally can't live without it.
literal TERF movement, calling it now feminists in the US are going to morph into UK-tier TERFs over the coming years
IDC , I don't live in dumbfuckinstan.

I love men.
>GTFO and take your trannie freak show with you.
where exactly are you telling them to go, tourist? you're in /tttt/
the funny thing is it's still the basedboy kamala voters who are affected by this "strike". Chad voted Trump and is banging the entire softball team.
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That subreddit is top kek. I love reading it and laughing at their BPD meltdowns.
sort by new and it's all "omg im literally shaking rn"
Do they represent your average liberal/leftist woman?
once you moids stop seeing woman as nothing more than walking fleshlights
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It is clear that femoids deep down feel this way about themselves. Else they wouldn't be arguing with holes.
White women's oppression stocks are plummetting as the realization sinks in that they're the most privileged group in the history of the world. TwoX is just where they go to invent new ways of marginalizing themselves so they can play the victim. Using they/them pronouns and pretending you have 10 different mental illnesses is passe now, so they just got the more direct route of pretending that the sky is falling and every man hates them viciously.
i don’t wanna ever hear anything about the male loneliness epidemic again tbhon
Funny thing is that chuds will celebrate since they don't want a feminist redditor to reproduce either, it's a win win
???? wtf is this defeatism

you're playing into their hand by refusing to marry, reproduce and raise your kids to be the bright change that is the future. would you rather just sit on your ass to complain that "it's over" on reddit than taking initiative yourself
hope the 4b movement takes off in the us because i’m sick of this
dumb bitches will never follow through they could and should have done that ages ago but they keep stroking chud pp I don't believe a word a woman says
I like reading the replies from femcels protesting having mens kids/sleeping with them. Your protesting by sacrificing nothing and being sexless like you always have been.
hope this number reaches 50% til 2028
trannies mostly have sex with each other
so not much would change
Imagine thinking that some reddit femcel's opinion matters. In the end, most women like masculine men, and these tend to lean right-wing.
I'm starting to think reddit might be an echo chamber that is completely disconnected from the majority of this country.
If they are nice to me and take care of me I don't give a shit. I don't have to live everybody else's lives, only mine.
i'm starting to think this is the new buzzwords lmao
anon forgot he isn't on /pol/

lmfao, as if AFaBs would ever, ever care about the welfare of AMaBs
How come that female-focused subreddits are always so cartoonishly hysterical? It's a 24/7 loop of MEN HATE US, THE SYSTEM IS AGAINST US, WOMEN HAVE NO RIGHTS, THE SKY IS FALLING, BE AFRAID BE AFRAID BE AFRAID. They usually have extremely heavy-handed moderation too, banning anyone who goes against the circlejerk. Male-focused subreddits like AskMen are not like that at all. What gives?
That's obvious, but why does the echo chamber seem stronger for women than for men? I'm comparing subreddit with subreddit, not two different websites.
>be man
>dont like something in society
>decide to do something about it
>acquire power and change things

>be woman
>dont like something in society
>decide to do something about it
>decide to make your holes unavailable

It's hilariously sad on two fronts. One is that however much they screech about being equal to men, when it comes down to it they assign all their values to their holes all on their own. The second one is that rather than producing anything or doing anything, all they can think of doing is trying their hardest to be a detriment to people who actually have power rather than trying to acquire it for themselves. Which means they can't even visualize themselves as ever having power without it being borrowed from someone else.

Then if you point any of it out to them they just deflect it onto being men's fault somehow even if men aren't even part of the conversation.

My absolute favorite is when they screech about how MEN cost them the election, and then another pointer points out that college-aged men voted more for kamala than biden while no female voting categories shifted towards kamala, and also that the gap between the women that voted for trump and the men that voted for trump is fairly small. Their answer is usually to throw white women under the bus so that they don't have to come to terms with the fact that their entire womanhood = suffering ideology is an abject failure and that everything bad in their life is something they could take control over but don't because they prefer to produce nothing, acquire no power, and blame men when things go wrong.
as long as he’s a good man idc if he’s conservative
>Our xx sisters
If they're white, they're lying.
Because they voted for Trump.
>only fuck liberal men
You might as well become a lesbian.
Estrogen makes you scared, it makes you see shadows in the corner of the cave, and it makes you hysterical. I don't know why it does this because it doesn't make sense to me that one half of the human race becomes actually functionally delusional during/after childbirth, as well as to a slightly lesser degree during other times. I wish it didn't happen and that women were always logical, but they aren't. That's why pre and post-partum psychosis exists, as well as a myriad of other psychological disorders that stem from spikes of estrogen in the system.

As much as I respect and desire the idea of transhumanism, ascending past our mortal limits, and casting off the meat containers that constrain who we are as individuals, the fact of the matter is that women can get hysterical and often desire to have stable men lead them. That's why a lot of women also instinctually reject female leaders because they crave stability and they know from experience that women typically aren't stable.

Lots of people are discovering today exactly where the scales lie for some women. Yes, the man can be mean, awful, a rapist, and probably a terrible person, he can even hate women, and many women will still see him as a more suitable leader than any woman. It's how it is, and women will always have to fight uphill, not just against the standards of men, but against those of other women, if they want to occupy a leadership role, especially if they're in competition with a man. I suppose that's how much most people value stability over changes that may result in quality of life.
This is why right wing revolutions happen. I hope you like white sharia
Yes. Yes they do. They're all this childish and unstable
>It's how it is, and women will always have to fight uphill, not just against the standards of men, but against those of other women, if they want to occupy a leadership role
To occupy a leadership role, a woman has to give up her womanhood and adopt a masculine persona. There is no other way. There are many woman leaders, and there's even some whom are respected by the men below her, but they are always masculine.
It's absolutely hilarious how they rant and rave about chuds and incels like they aren't the female equivalent of them. Their pussy protest is just nature reassurting itself to make sure weak individuals don't get to spread their inferior genes to future generations
Best part is, they declared it right as NNN begins.
But anon.
Then they won't be able to get the XX pregnant and literally force them to have an abortion!
>Young male virginity reaches peak levels
>Young men no longer have an emotional connection to women and their wellbeing
>Young men become increasingly selfish with regards to their ideals
>Women's Rights, as a political issue, drops waaaayyy down the list of priorities

Ah yes.
That will teach those men!
NTA but the solution to this mess, and to the birth rate decline, is to find a way to make single motherhold viable. Het men only care about their porn and their drugs, alcohol, it would be very easy to depolitize their next generations.
>lets just destroy family
Yeah because it worked for blacks so well
Tbdesu, I'd love to have a conservative bf or husband.
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These are the people who call republicans cultists.
>NTA but the solution to this mess, and to the birth rate decline, is to find a way to give single mothers more taxpayer money through welfare benefits.
100% disagree.
The welfare state is shit.
We have "can't work's" being impacted negatively because "won't work's" are absolute leeches.
Have a single mother hostel.
Community living, 3 basic meals a day and that's it.
They want a cellphone? Get a job.
They want chocolate? Get a job.
They want a TV? Get a job.

Child support should also be dependent on a paternity test and only offer enough financial support to provide the child a comfortable living.
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child support should make the dad choose what the money goes towards from a list of acceptable expenses (healthy food, education, reasonable housing) and the mother should see 0 of it so she doesnt spend it in retarded bullshit
The west is a matriarchy anyway. Remove women and simping from men's lives, and this become even more clear.
Black american gypsies are a anomaly on this planet, they're one of the few cultures without land and territory.
>Implying I'm talking abiut welfare
Single mothers need instructions, some goods and specialized services. Just like a lot of industries, like construction, they're badly optimized because there are some old cultural reasons that protect them from being questioned at all.
the simpler solution is to outlaw sex outside of wedlock
>>Implying I'm talking abiut welfare
>Single mothers need goods and specialized services.
How will the single mothers pay for this?
>Remove women and simping from men's lives
And the world would become a hell of a lot more conservative.
Men allowing themselves to become beholden to women, putting them on a pedestal, is one of the primary reasons we are in this spot
Only if you want to have lower birth rates than Seoul.
whats the point in having more people than africa if theyre all dysfunctional
>How will the single mothers pay for this?
The state can provide it without paying it to the mother.
Find a way for them to not be dysfunctional? That's one of the things that people don't want to touch because if it works the nuclear family will lose it's raison d'etre
the nuclear family is shit we actually need the extended family and have both families cooperate to raise children
Or we can have a special organization focused om raising children, with less costs, best outcomes and less raped children, we all know that most rapists are close relatives to the vicmtims.
>The state can provide it without paying it to the mother.
>>Implying I'm talking abiut welfare
i dont really see how a government organization would succeed at raising children. i mean orphans that get raised in orphanages dont get the best results
i guess if you just send them to the army and raise child soldiers metal gear style would be funny but i wouldnt call it well adjusted either
What should we call this particular organisation?
I was thinking something along the lines of "Child Protective Services".
Ok, I'm wrong I thought welfare was only money paid to poor people but good and services provided by the goverment are more like public schools than some money paid to poor people.
Orphanages were never intended to actually raise children, just to keep them alive and out of jail
Child protection is a entirely different thing, maybe a child development agency?
Welfare isn't just cash in hand.
If you are providing something to a specific group of people that you aren't giving to others in an attempt to make things more "equitable".
That's welfare.
When it is paid by taxpayers' money, that's government welfare.
Should be made illegal as it is discriminatory.
not to radfem out, but aborting male babies seems like a more viable long-term strategy
bruh this is just too convoluted the family is literally the natural child development agency thats worked for all of history
If you also want to lose the 22 century go ahead. Prussla became a big power thanks to public education and demographics will be the next game changer after the orthodox church, islam, the huge, and old, chinese male population and evangrlical bralizians fuck the BRICS birth rates the next 100 years.
Hunting and gatering worked for thousands of yesrs until some sedentary civilizations with some gundpowder came and colonized.
Libtards are so butthurt they're now breeding themselves out of the gene pool. Love it.
This is unironically the real reason trump won. It’s not like he offers anything remotely resembling a solution, but just by his camp’s acknowledgment that it is a real problem, and not something to be spat on with disdain, offers comfort.

I didn’t vote because my vote doesn’t matter but I don’t think i would’ve voted for people that treat my mental health with such abject derision while at the same time telling me that I need to protect the immigrant and low income people slamming ass all over town and having 30 kids or the women getting raw dogged some how need my help (I’m being hyperbolic, but it really feels better when you aren’t being gaslit that your shitty horrible life of constant solitude as you pedal towards finality is really achsully good because of your skin color or gender
i mean its not like this hypothetical government pseudo family thing could actually superior and it sounds like it could only do the family's job but worse
We don't know because nobody wants to try it, yet.
same as long as he was trans-inclusive
because its just not worth it to destroy the family as an institution for a weird experiment bruh lmao
>the solution to this mess, and to the birth rate decline, is to find a way to make single motherhold viable
Yeah sure, more single mothers. It's going so well in the black community, we definitely should encourage other races to be like that.
i already said that!!!!!!
Oh sorry then, I replied as I was reading.
We wil see. It's not like it was worth it to destroy the good old nobility, right?
Not the same thing, the "afro-american" communty is very different from a most modern societies. I've already said that they're closer to gypsies for their lack of land and territory, fix that first.
I doubt trumpsters are into trans girls and if they are they’re closeted
its fine because i agree
>she thinks the nobility disappeared
>their lack of land and territory
What does that even mean? They have the same rights as anyone else. Or do you mean in some kind of ethno-nationalist sense and want to send them back to Africa or something?
>deport all blacks to africa
>redistribute land to whites
>abolish the family
I'm talking about their culture. Even the poorest people in Burundi have a land, a homeland and that makes them closer to the mainstream US culture than to the afroamerican culture, I don't know about any "landless" people that don't have similar issues than afroamericans but I guess they can find them if they acknowledge the root of their problems first.
Modern nobility it's why the west is losing against the BRICS, not the best argument.
im just saying that the family is an obviously good universal thing
Just like pacifism, until you find that someone else wants your land/resources/your people and then you lost everything in a couple of years.
i dont understand what youre trying to say lol. do you think having families stops a country from having an army?
I'm saying that things that you can't go agsinst the power of real material advantages, families aren't prepared to survive the urban lifestyle of the industrialized world, even fucking Iran and Saudi Arabia are doomed by declining birth rates, less population=less soldiers, Vietnam and Afghanistan won because there were millions of them, if they had only hundred of thousands they would've lost like the banana republics invaded by the US in the 19 century
i agree but the solution is to make cities more family friendly instead of some weird government child raising thing
Isn't working that good in Europe but well we will see the consequences in the future.
europe just needs to go back to radical catholicism so it locks in again
>Europe become catholic again
>It ends in another religious 30 years war
>Germany loses 50% of their population, again.
next time it should be 100% i hate germans
Who cares what foids say? White women overwhelmingly voted for Trump, so these "no sex with conservacucks" posters are an irrelevant minority.
what do germans have to do with germany's population?
TwoXChromosomes is a literal TERF subreddit lmao
kek you alrite yt boy
Women never stick to shit like this though. They'll break as soon as they see a mildly hot conservative man. Hell, even if they didn't, they don't have any real power. If a man actually wants them, they can't really stop him.
Based on this thread none of you will ever be real women holy shit
i assumed the majority of the misogynistic shit is being spewed by election tourists and chasers
I am a liberal man. There are lots of us.
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>>xy sisters

why do literal males think they have any place in sisterhood
>you can't go agsinst the power of real material advantages, families aren't prepared to survive the urban lifestyle of the industrialized world, even fucking Iran and Saudi Arabia are doomed by declining birth rates
Explaining declining birth rates with a lack of "material advantages" is some kind of bizarro world leftist logic. All the data points to the opposite. The more educated people are, the more career and entertainment opportunities, the more wealth, the fewer children they have.
Women are the ultimate bedwenches. Not only are they going to fuck is but shit like this is only going to make them want to fuck us more. These reddit femcels are literally doing all the hard work for us.
this is definitely going to work
as we all know, women hate having sex with the bad boys
I was talking about modern warfare.
>The more educated people are, the more career and entertainment opportunities, the more wealth, the fewer children they have
And that's why it would be easier if someone develops a blueprint about how to raise children and helps mothers to raise them when they're at work. Married couples are doomed here because: 1, both lf them need to decide if they want children; 2, because more often than not the father becomes another children for the mother; and 3 because having most parents end fighting over programmed decisions
Okay, then I didn't interpret your post accurately.
>it would be easier if someone develops a blueprint about how to raise children and helps mothers to raise them when they're at work. Married couples are doomed here because
Sounds sensible, but you have to take into account the base rate of utopian visions usually ending in tears. I'm apprehensive about the whole idea because children raised by single mothers usually end up worse off than those raised by a couple, it's not just a stereotype. Now, of course you could argue that there are lots of confounding factors: mother has low IQ / impulse control, sleeps with a lot of men who aren't husband material and won't commit, children inherit her poor behavioral genetics. And you'd probably be right, but does that explain all of it? I'm not sure about that, having a male role model may actually be important. Instead of attacking the nuclear family, why not something less radical, like an alternative life path for career-oriented women?
1. Complete your education.
2. Focus on having children and raising them for some years.
3. Take some refresher courses and start your career when the children are older and no longer need constant supervision.
>makes one thread about sex
>"obsessed with sex bwuh!"
4chan is /pol
I didn't talked about any utopia, just a system good enough or slightly superior to the current one. Unless there's enough proof that single motherhood by choice is worse with some realistic replacements of what a father brings to a children's life I don't think "killing" the nuclear family will be a bad idea.
>2. Focus on having children and raising them for some years.
Companies surely will love this, it's sarcasm btw. Another alternative will be reforming capitalism but that's nearly impossible in the US.
Estrogen is anxiogenic and women are conformist, you figure it out.
>Estrogen makes you scared, it makes you see shadows in the corner of the cave, and it makes you hysterical. I don't know why it does this
Being more scared than what's reational encourages women to seek out a man to protect them, in the hunter gatherer environment, which increases number of children and thus fitness. It's a great evolutionary adaptation to that environment, the problem is that in modern society it means that women, as a bloc, will always vote for stupid safetyism, nanny state, etc.
volunteer as an election officer and saw the muscular chud who used to bully me in hs for being a faggot and have boymoder breasts walk in with a sample dem ballot. saw a couple very very hot big bulky men who also had sample dem ballots. one hot black guy with a harris 24 shirt. when i served in the june primaries where you had to choose one party to vote for (which kinda made it obvious if you are a dem or cons bcuz they told us which ballot they wanted) lots and lots of normal looking masculine guys voted in the dem ballots.
i think you forget that every other guy voted democrat in the election, and so every other hot guy you see probablt voted democrat
>looks up 4B movement
based everyone should become homo or ace

I want 77%

because the only women who regularly use feminist subreddits think about feminism all the time. And feminist idealogy has women are victimized by men as the cor belief.

this but unironically. Giga based.
nona please dont post in politics threads in the middle of your goon sessions... its a bad look
>Companies surely will love this
Where's the problem? It would be the same career, just started years later. Seems better than focusing on establishing yourself in your best childbearing years and then sinking tons of money into fertility treatments because you realized that the clock is ticking when you were 35.
>why did my man leave me? what a selfish asshole!
The way companies work it will make it harder for woman to get a raise or a promotion, not the best idea imo.
This is such a long post for such a thinly veiled larp
You american "liberals" aren't remotely liberal. You have nothing in common with actual, classical liberalism and are just generic, authoritarian leftists. You're also low-test, low iq, self-hating cucks and have neither spine nor character. You're hardly men even.
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>NTA, obviously it's your ex-husband who's in the wrong here, he should have read your mind.
They're right, men are to blame, they're to blame for enabling subhumans like this. Men need to start holding women accountable for their actions, fortunately we're starting that now by banning abortion.
It always makes me laugh when transbians who've never even seen a woman talk about how evil men are and women are the more emotionally grown sex. Here's your emotional maturity.
Obviously of she delays starting her career for N years then she'll get promoted N years later also. That's not unfair, that's just life. You can't eat your cake and have it too.
I thank that you accidentally some words.
Nope, read it again tran
And that's one of the reasons of why women don't have children, reduce it to some months or even a year and your birht rate will be bigger, another thing I forgot it's having a good marketing program, one focused on woman more than on men. I'm genuinely surprised that nobody tried to sell woman that their kids can be their legacy and carry their ideals and culture.
straight male i.e. the possessor of the only opinion that matters here.

all these cis women aren't gonna stop fucking us but it is still your duty to let as fuck you as much as possible in the face of these threads

you want to be a good girl, yes?

say FUCK FAGGOTS if you assent to these terms, tranny slut whore
>reddit spacing
You're right. I got it now.

Yeah, not gonna happen. Children don't grow up in "a few months or maybe a year". I strongly suspect that this girlboss "you can have it all without tradeoffs" bullshit is exactly why women are unhappy.
That's why you need a organization that will help you in raising them, it can be more effective and even cheaper thanks to econonies of scale.
if you fuck trannies then aren't you a bit faggy too?
no. I am a heterosexual male, therefore anyone I fuck is a woman. simple logic.
I don't think that mothers are a commodity and can be replaced by any random unrelated person with the same emotional results. Radical view among leftists, I know.
No one said that they will not see their children but with the actual technology they can interact and with the from work or even have some sort of digital twin that will help the children to have a good emotional development, isn't like screens aren't the ones raising the new generations.
Also fathers are good to have around and a woman shouldnt have to raise children alone
If they keep saying shit like this people won't let him leave office, he'll become forever emperor.
That too.
Do you mean the grown-up child? It will be better for society to have another baby if that's the case. Few fathers actually help mothers with half of their non-paid housework and they make the decision making process harder, another reason of the declinning birth rates

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