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gay general
the sad thing to realize is that lgb will never be normalized and will always be considered a deviancy and an abnormality, all thanks to mentally ill perverts who wanted to live out their sexual fantasies and deranged fetishes, and ignore boundaries of consent
the point of fighting for lgb rights wasnt to push for sexual degeneracy or hedonism, it was to normalize relationships between two men and two women
now we will never have that in our lifetime because most people have been mass radicalized against the entire queer movement
now we can skulk around in the shadows where we belong i cant wait to cheat on my wife
Ai art is thievery from actual artists who are mostly LGBT
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Pineapple, mango and passionfruit have been a disaster for me in particular
I think the GSA was better as an acronym to be quite honestly with you' fampire
Pick me fags like you are the worst
gay sex association?
trannies never belonged in the lgb community
they are mentally ill and want to mutilate their bodies
meanwhile gays and lesbians just want to be with another person of the same gender
I know I’m unlovable, I literally hate myself and think others would be stupid not to. Idk maybe I’m not so bad. But I mean, look at me right now. Writing this post like a fucking moron knowing no one will care or take it seriously. What sort of retarded sperg does that? I annoy myself but at the end of the day I just cannot help being me. It would be easier if I wasn’t. Hoping this post gets at least a pity reply from someone so I don’t look even more fucking pathetic than I already am lol.
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Carpe diem
chinese ozempic has fentanyl in it
Meant to reply to the STG meme pic, I am so retarded. Look how I’ve managed to fumble even a simple 4chan post kek. Eh, maybe I should think about getting a therapist. I met with one occasionally in college and while it didn’t really help me deal with any of my underlying problems it was at least nice to talk to someone once in a while.
It's impossible to make all straight people like you sis. There will always be some that hate you cause it's just human nature to rebel. Just give up and save yourself the heartache lol.
Go to bed, grandpa, gunsmoke ended over an hour ago
greasy gaydeads vibing their dicks to memories of being bullied
Saves time and needles
george w bush got his guts rearranged by michelle obamas bbc at a diddy freak off
> I don't like anything done or made before 1980 honestly
please stop appropriating bisexual culture it’s not a costume
Smelling my older bfs sweaty balls :)
*sips tea*
*spills tea, embarrassing myself in front of everyone*
He lifts skirts. I lift shirts.
Who said it was appropriation?
lol bernie reading dems
older boyfriend holding me in his strong arms and nuzzling me from behind :3
my bad g
And then you fart and all his friends see he's your little bitch.
mumbling something about the jews when my alarmingly younger boyfriend asks me what i think about the latest streamer drama
Gonna go top that bisexual twink I mentioned earlier that broke my heart

The top’s burden..
That's cool however I don't remember asking
bussy salt
record him without his permission
cuddling with boyfriend while playing vidyagaymes :3
going to the dermatologist to get my bald spot checked out tomorrow wish me luck
keep us updated sweetie
what games
I don’t post based on an asking basis

He’d like that
animal crossing
Dan stands for dick atrophy anon. Why does anyone "entertain" him?
Don't remember asking + don't care about your reply
thats daa though
Gargaling scrotums agressively.
Because I’m cute
didn’t ask anon (or should i say DAN?!)
What do straight chads look like? Does anyone know what attractive straight males look like? Any examples?
he looks like your dad (who guts I'm in on the daily)
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@ left (right is a little gay incel carrying the spoon he cooks his ozempic in)
Don't be so hard on yourself anon. You aren't unlovable.
wdym ffs they are everywhere
It's actually dilapidated asshole namefag because he has anal scabies and had to have his butthole removed to survive.
dan’s parents refinanced their home to pay for his hole rejuvenation and the ungrateful homo stopped using it!
oh maybe they did it with the condition that he man up a “no son of mine is gonna take dick in the booty” move
I have a damaged hole and I need hole now


dan’s like a character from a greek tragedy got this brand new hole but is forbidden from using it
has dan's dox already been posted
or maybe he’ll be an old testament character and disobey his father and god and receive a terrible punishment
i keep seeing ads with that undifferentiated mass of white trash post malone for online betting
Anyone born on or before November 6th, 2000 is carrying expired hole and is advised to exit the gay universe and return to straightdom before the rot gets to your brains.
Delta who did u vote for?
He’s feeding me gruel because I forgot to eat today and he needs Dan cock
You just know dan tells people at the McCafe he frequens that he's a little bit bitchy and a lotta bit witchy.
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Delta probably didn't bother voting at all
Lazy fuck
watching paint dry is more interesting than post-election retardgen
he definitely has a bunch of fuck boy rocks “oh this one’s for soothing troubled souls” type of shit
I don’t bring it up that much or force it on anyone but gays in my experience are so beholden to their sign. It’s like clockwork
the example set for us by jesus christ has moved me to give you a (You)
if project 2025 is still on the table who are the first gigi posters going to prison after they finish with the tranny scare and move to the gays
When was this general ever interesting?
I'm a sun libra, lunar scorpio and taurus ascending
Whom should I date
do you know stuff about that
Thank you for your pity lol.
It doesn’t work like that
why isn’t there a thread astrologer
ronald reagan had an astrologer and he was the last rightly guided president
How does it work then
I still cant believe it. Just the scale of this
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Mad how you can't override the primary results, choose whichever candidate you want to lead your shitty dictator party, and still receive support from the voters. Wow!
dan you gigabitch bottom come lick my ripe hairy hole clean
she ran the worst campaign of all time she should be forced to drink poison and her family should be stripped of their possessions and exiled to canada
Wild stuff
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the guy in the background looks like John Mahoney :0
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Man I live vaporwave stuff
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So do you think my bottom is gonna stop talking to me? He's really left and when we were drinking and sucking each other's dicks last time, I ended up telling him I was a Trump voter.
Idk I've seen him and fucked him since then but he was really freaked out about Trump and I haven't talked to him since Monday 3
what show?
Started a gacha game at actual incels and every time they release a male unit the general seethes lmao
whats the first thing you want to do with your regime mandated concubine (male)?
there’s a poe streamer named ds_lily and poeg calls her ts_larry and talks about how much they want to have sex with him
She almost seemed relieved in her concession speech. She had to have seen how many sharks were surrounding her and what they did to Biden.

I know shes not new to politics. But even for a 60 year old attorney general from California, it mustve been terrifying to see how the power circles smack high-ranking people around right next to her like the mafia on steroids. It would explain her constant stammering right up until the moment she was finally out of the cross hairs.
lol it does. I forget who it was.
I've got an interesting aroma underneath my sack
i got high earlier and imagined bibi telling her to throw the elections or else he’d whisper the trigger phrase into her step-daughter’s ear so that’s probably what happened
Idk there’s so many non-white guys that hit me up on apps. It seems weirdly disproportionate.
bottoms will be forced into submission under the new leadership
bottoms will be put in their place
lock bottoms in your homes fellas, bottoms are not supposed to have the same rights as you
you don’t look fruity do you
POE is for sweaty cucks. REAL incel tier gacha games exist mostly on phones
I wish everyone had the chance to live in that real era and see the real 'Vice City'.

That game was done well enough to be kind of a mindf*ck, tbph
vance is going to convince trump to direct congress to make it legal to keep your bottom in total seclusion AND bring back the concept of pater familias
saying stupid shit makes me so happy
when project 2025 is enacted all property your bottoms own will become yours and you will be allowed to put them to death if they displease you
Keep churning out the shitposts maybe you'll get my (You) [you won't]
i don’t post for (You)s i just like laughing at myself
I don’t think so.
Anons which of them are you eating first?
far right is cutest
having money, white skin, and looking masc is gonna garner a lot of bipoc interest if you’re tall too you probably have pick of the litter
gay male meets bi male for naked homosexual gay intercourse.
I'm sorry but I just find bisexual men more attractive on average
My team just won :)
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Its so surreal that I am uncomfortable saying thats too far fetched. I knew her losing was a possibility but jfc I never wouldve believed the Dems would lose even harder than in 2016. I didnt think it was physically possible after seeing Obamas winning margin in 2008 and 2012.

Its just difficult for me to understand how they Dems could have that many voters, more than Republicans by far, and still produce such apathy in their base, especially with every single advantage in money and media and calling the opponent a nazi rapist for eight years.

How can that many elites be that out of touch and politically incompetent? And Trumps campaign was objectively shit this time. Even my most tinfoil theories cant account for it.
why is it never to play chess or go jet skiing i am more than just a pole
daddy has needs that come first.
My chili con carne has too much tomato in it
/sp/ is much gayer and chill than this dogshit general
But I’m not really into bipoc…
... mmm carne...
No that's fit
why is frotty seething 24/7
they managed to convince themselves that they could shit on their base and court some mythical moderate republican vote (hence the cheneys) and win the election because they live in a completely different reality from us is the depressing and real answer i would rather it was a conspiracy
All the Latinos showing up for trump kii
clawing his back, leg-locking him, and biting his neck while he makes love to my buss; that's how a 'top' should be treated.
why are you projecting your seethe onto me?
(US only)
girl you been crying about the state of this general for a hour now
Literally two on the right are kind of uggo. Two left ones are top tier twink tho
unf >.< !!!
i’m just making posts i think you are confused which is a sign of neuroleptic malignant syndrome you might want to see a doctor
It makes my head spin. It means I have to completely re-think what I thought I knew about the state of the US. I mean, ffs, he even picked up votes in bloody NYC...


Those mustve been some seriously pissed off Latinos and immigrants. They didnt just stay home, they came out against Harris ffs
oooooh uwu
Spics 4 Trump

Now deport them back to Mexico
need my bussy busted up
isn't like 4am in the uk tho
it's breedin' season and i ain't got no bf
trump got 2 million votes less than he did in 2020, kamala just ran a piss poor campaign and lost 14 million of sleepy joe’s voters. the only lesson here is “don’t do everything wrong when your candidate is also the vice-president of a very unpopular president” but i’m sure the democrats will do something retarded to compensate instead
i’m not from the uk lol
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holy fuck i got clocked as a british slave i’m going to kill myself
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the great game never ended
You mean sucking? #2 or #4
Thats interesting. I havent looked at total turnout yet. I will look into it, ty. Which just makes her defeat all the more breathtaking. I look Any time republican potus nominees have lost in the last two decades, its always by much more, which makes this all the more puzzling. I clearly dont know the 2024 electorate.
do do doo bi doobie doop
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nutty delta has me nostalging hard
sisters, new form of activism dropped: outing closted magas:
so... you want to subject them to the social targeting for being gay that you object to for being gay yourself because...? You wish to promote gay shaming?

However you justify it, thats what youre doing. Youre legitimizing the idea of gay shaming as a way of protesting gay shaming.

I wont argue against it, I dont see the point and doubt it harms them or benefits you. I am just laying out what youre suggesting because its objectively irrational. Some would say its proof of insanity. But you do you.
>late night steak with mushrooms and onions
Delmonico. Its my favorite ^^

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