Victor is literally me editionQOTT: How do you cope with your mental illnesses?QOTT2: What mental illnesses would you trade for your ones?SOTT:▶Info:HRT Information: Roadmap: Help: Help: Loss Help: >>37908010
>>37928326 secret life of G
Who's the other ftm anon that sometimes shows up on animated beast threads on /gif/?
What makes ftms so breedable?Their juicy tight vaginas?Their fetile boiwombs that beg to be impregnated?Their wide, child bearing hips?Their tiny female skeletons and narrow shoulders?Their soft AFAB skin?
>>37928347Seriously, but who sane listens to some zoomer who looks like a rape victim? Teenage girls?
>>37928889I do, sometimes. to be honest, hipsters and lesbians., and all the Bomba Dischi channel.
>>37928889Also,>who sane listens to>some zoomer who looks like a rape victim>listens>looksYou listen with your ears, not your eyes.
yknow, i haven't been here often and i think this thread makes it clear why i've been playing vidya and going to other boards on anon
>>37929364you're not into the same 5 bait posts, gloves? :D
How does one acquire a cis boyfriend with a decently sized junk who's not a chaser
>>37929493Find yourself a tomboy enjoyer
>have straight right wing fwb>very recently acting strange>ex.1 >middle of watching some youtube shorts slop>"is this what straight people imagine is going to happen under democrats">ex.2>looking at sex dolls together, click on a male one>"can i give it a bussy?">ex.3>post-election results>"yeah just looking over people's reactions in the discord servers I'm in, mostly left wing ones">ex.4>offhandedly joking about breeding catboyswtf is this nigger doing this guy never even joked about gayshit prior to the past 2 weeks
>>37929364>i've been playing vidya>Doesn't name them
>>37929539final fantasy 14 and rimworld
>>37929720>rimworld>Never posts greentextsSseth lied about rimworld being cool.
>>37928347She’s cute
>>37929364No one’s missed you
>>37928326ooooooyou really want to play quake deathmatch on the Bethesda release ooooooyou totally need to play quake dm right now
>>37931458I like gloves, I give him shit sometimes but he takes it well and can laugh at himself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Plus he earnestly says some out there shit sometimes that's funny as hell, like the vampire thing.
Why are so many ftm here bottoms. Have you all just given up and let ur vaginas get pounded by chasers.
>>37931578What's wrong with that anon
>>37931578preferably not by chasers just regular men. chasers are an instant turn off
>>37931578my vagina isn't functional and never has beenfeels great taking cock up the ass though
>>37931578How would that be giving up?
>>37931804I’m mad because I want to fuck ftms but they only want real dick.The only way i’ll be happy is with a ftm bottom who lets me fuck his ass but you’ve all been brainwashed by real dick.
>>37931578the average ftm here is a bottom gayden.i remember someone made a straight ftm general and it got like 4 replies.i don't think there's even any gayden tops it's a bit pitiful really.
>>37932094Me me me me me I’m one!!!Me!!!!!!!!! Me!
>>37931578I'd be gay for pay for $300. Otherwise, testosterone made me slowly start preferring women more.>tfw you were on a date with a cis woman yesterday
God damn I wish I had balls it's not fair
>>37932017I prefer pooners to cis men but I straightup don't know any irl unless they were my exes>>37932094I want to try topping at some point but my friend doesn't want to bottom
>>37932094I've recently discovered I might be a switch but claim I'm a bottom to cope with several things in all honesty
>>37931578Gotta pound my own hole to know what my bottoms will like
>>37932158>I prefer pooners to cis men but I straightup don't know any irl unless they were my exesI have the opposite problem. I got to a college full of pooners. But all of them are obsessed with real dick. they rather take shriveled troon dick instead of my fake one.>>37932155>I'd be gay for pay for $300Give me 2 weeks
Good afternoon FtMG.
>>37932094> no garden topsOh noooo flux, looks like you gotta take one for the team. Oh nooooo, darn.
>>37932094What about gayden verse switches?
>>37931578human dick is not worth the usually terrible person around itdogs and horses never disappoint
>>379329701. Pitbulls eat toddlers.2. It's easy to find a cool cis dude if you're also a cool person.3. Human dicks are bigger than dog dicks and effectively bigger than horse dicks, since you can't really fit a horse dick inside of you further than maybe 2 inches.4. How are you complaining about cis men being icky, then talking about fucking dogs? They literally eat their own shit.
>>37932970Plenty of men are perfectly good company and dogs and horses are disgusting.
>>37932017I date trans men pretty regularly but they are hard to find! I also expect gifts, and for you to do all of the date planning. I used to be the dominant partner because every other trans man I dated couldn't step up to the role.
>>37932504i don't care who /ftmg/ sends to my house, i'm not pity fucking any of you.
Hypothetically, if I were to perform top surgery on myself if for some reason I can never legally obtain it, what drugs would numb me enough to do it without putting me to sleep? Are there any that slow blood flow so I don't just bleed to death?
>>37934444for smaller surgeries in more remote parts of the body, local anesthesia can work. self top surgery is unviable because numbing yourself to the pain of the procedure would compromise the movement of your arms due to the proximity between the breasts and the arms + the necessary quantity of anesthesia for such a large procedure you're probably better off flying to costa rica or turkey to get the surgery. they have good, cheap, safe doctors
>>37933432Yep. Dogs, especially, are some of the lowest forms of life, alongside rats, cockroaches and the like.
>>37934550Thanks for the tip. Gonna study my options so if I'm ultimately denied the legal route I'll already know what to do
I know cutting is fembrained but idk wtf to replace it with that gives me the same euphoria. Any recommendations? I tried lighters once but eeeh i like the blood more
Is it depression if I'm spending more time asleep than awake or am I just really tired
I have a question for gay top ftms if there are any here?
>>3792832615 hours and 43 minutes ago lol
>>37935423It can be a lot of things depression included. Are you tired or just sleeping? Is it more like fatigue rather than normal tired? How do you feel otherwise?
>>37935555Fatigue mostly but I'm kinda always fatigued. But for the past 2 weeks or so I've been sleeping at least 12 hours a day and getting headaches from it. Mostly feel stressed and hopeless
>>37935317getting fucked by a fat 50 year old bald guy is heavenly
>>37935423What is your diet like? Do you have any other negative symptoms going on with you?
>>37935317Trying to control your impulses is malebrained.Try torturing yourself by reading a boring book.Any non-fiction topic you might be interested in, pick an introductory text that would be recommended in a uni course and read it when you get the urge.>Muh euphoriaAdrenaline junkie. You are supposed to suppress it, not tend to it.
>>37935687Might be seasonal depression.Don't cover your windows.
>>37936083I have major depressive disorder and bpd so i hope not
>>37935904Pretty poor in all honesty I'm not sure, i don't really do much because i feel so tired all the time. Haven't even been drawing recently and i usually at least do that
>>37935997Why do women get to selfharm and not men? Bogus. Maybe i can find someone to kick the shit outta me instead
>>37936153Sorry man, nothing against you. Just top similar to a groomer i fucked with at 15ish
>>37936155Some things I've changed over the past few months that have helped me are changing my diet for the better, and being more physically active. I basically cut out all fast food, and every dinner I make sure to have some salad that has a bit of ground flax seed mixed into the dressing (has Fiber and more importantly Omega-3s). Every other day I some light calisthenics, couple sets of pushups, bicep curls, shoulder lifts, and weightless squats (ass to ground) then I walk a few miles. This has dramatically boosted my energy and made me look a bit better too. Catching more mires now when I go out. I also cut out drinking mainly for the avoiding the calories but I think just not having the alcohol helps keep me more motivated.
>>37936247Thanks for the tip. Gonna go for a walk actually because i haven't left the house hardly at all since September
>>37928326st4t isn't worth itafter trying it 3 times, i think the "mutual understanding" aspect doesn't override the fact that cis women are 10x more mentally stable and attractive
>>37932475Are you sure you want to bankrupt yourself for a single fuck?
>>37935687It's not necessarily mental if the fatigue is really bad, but it could be.
Have any of you played HOI 4
>>37937800What's that
>>37937800I have no interest in playing Paradox games. I tried Cities Skylines once and have concluded I do not have the necessary autism to find that kind of experience engaging.
I am probably going to kill myself soon
>>37938264What's going on?
>>37938264That's a bad idea anon.
>>37935317pre-t i used to cut myself because it'd prevent me from lashing out at others. testosterone stabilized my emotions enough that, with the exception of one freakout, i haven't felt the urge. unless you're on the max dose i'd imagine most ftms would no longer be as emotionali'd imagine that since it's adrenaline you're seeking, vidya or sports could do the trick. for me, beating a hard game or even just a hard level gives me adrenaline, but the biggest boost of adrenaline i've gotten was going offroading.
>>37938665I am still pre-t so you're probably right, t would likely calm me down. I haven't got a license yet because i think I'd start speeding fir adrenaline but off roading could be a good idea
I'm talking to a cis guy on ifunny and he seems very nice but this is ifunny, how can I tell if he's just pretending to be nice
Need that Laura Becker bitch to kill herself. I genuinely hope she does one day. I hope she gets 100x dysphoria and then wants to stop detrans grifting, then ends up with ZERO COMMUNITY. The terfs she kisses ass too no longer want her and trans people know she's a sellout and won't want to let her anywhere near them.I hope she tries to commit suicide but fucks it up so she dies painfully and slowly. I hope she cries and pleads to 911 for help but it's too late to save her. I hope she changes names just to be buried under her dead name. I hope she never has a single god damn day of happiness. Same goes for every other detrans pooner that's made us look like fake attention whores. Fuck you, moldy cunt
>>37939124Depooned grifter bitch
>>37928872taking the bait cuz I'm bored>Their juicy tight vaginas?not juicy at all>Their fetile boiwombs that beg to be impregnated?not fertile>Their wide, child bearing hips?don't have that>Their tiny female skeletonsyou got me there>narrow shoulders?don't have that either>Their soft AFAB skin?I have never met a single ftm with soft skin
>>37928872No post has ever made me happy to be fat and ugly like the way this one did. You've encourage me not to lose weight
Ugh these instant noodles fuck me up but I keep eating them
get passport faggots>>37940218
>>37938743yeah i'd start t asap. wishing you luck!>>37931516thanks anon>>37939020as much as i hate transphobes, especially detrans grifters, i could not wish a slow, failed suicide attempt on anyone. probably because i've seen it happen to a crazy and transphobic woman my uncle married, who was twice as crazy as her of the schizophrenic variety. happened new year's eve. ruined my day, can't imagine what it did to him.if you get taken to a hospital afterwards, and need an organ transplant, they will deny it to you and leave you to writhe for hours. that incident is why i will never kill myself, especially via pills.>>37939646not me but i agree. being fat is great because it makes tranny hater chimp out
>>37928326i have mixed feelings about seeing my mom
>>37937800Finally.Yes, I did, but logistics are too boring to me.I prefer Crusader Kings 2.Europa Universalis 4 is also great, but I can't larp as a fundamentalist there.
>>37940340lol. lmao even. this guy has it right >>37940410
>>37939646Nope, most pooners are fat, why would you assume I'm gloved
>>37940418I can wish a slow agonizing death because I'm losing my ability to empathize with transphobes at this point. They wish the same to us all the time. They can have that energy back
>>37941044i understand that honestly. i feel the same way in the heat of the moment but it usually manifests in them losing access to life saving medical care or getting injured from their own retardation, without involving suicide
>>37939020I never understood this logic, if you want someone to truly suffer them being alive is best. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Even if she were to suffer a lot that night, it would only last so long, probably way less time than what being alive would ultimately bring. A lot of detransitioners are just people who had mental issues who made a mistake. Nothing to hate them for, the real issue here is people acting like everyone else is a reflection of them. "Transition worked for me so your problems were fake if it didnt help you" or "Detransitioning was my only option I made a mistake so you are too" which is fucking stupid. The reality is dysphoria is a complex issue and there's no one size fits all way of dealing with it (I'm speaking only on dysphoric trans people here because the ones who say they're not dysphoric and then transition I don't understand and also have zero sympathy if they regret their choices etc. I also think it's harmful to have real issues like dysphoria lumped in with what's essentially only body modification. If someone transitions without dysphoria and regrets it that's all on them) It's pretty normal for people who feel like their doctors fucked them to want to speak up against certain practices, but they need to be more objective. "I made a mistake" is hard for people to say though, accepting their hand in their own misfortune is difficult and demoralizing. That shouldn't cross over into "Everyone is making a mistake" though. This kind of issue all sides should be heard for better understanding and proper treatment, but people need to stop making it black and white when they do. Transition clearly works for some people, doesn't for others, the blurred lines come in because there's mental health issues involved always.
>>37941044Most people who are considered "transphobes" don't want anyone dead.
>>37941255Dubs of truth.
>>37939182My initial thought when I saw her is she's just mad about being ugly + older and making that worse for herself with hormones that didn't help her out...but she's 11 years younger than me now that I've actually read (some of) that. Would've never guessed... damn. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I stand by the rest of that though. She probably thinks people with dysphoria are full of shit because she fucked up, and she likely fucked up because the way she's unattractive made her feel like a failed woman (can't be sure but this looks like the case) and she translated that into "I should become a man." and she can't do personal accountability so everyone has to have her shit projected on them. Unfortunate she does that, but the only people who will take her seriously are people who already have those ideas and are pushing them. Anyone who already has a specific agenda will use her and everyone else will either be completely unaware of her existence or just think shit like "oh another loud white woman with thoughts no one cares about" or the alternative "she's dumb" Now if she were attractive and charismatic and wasn't making cringe tie dye shirts and so on you might have a problem...
What Nintendo published switch game should I buy? I ordered pikmin 4 today but I want one more game.
>>37938750You’re getting murdered bro
>>37942273The only game from nintendo that I was able to not drop after the first hour was the first Professor Layton.See if you like the one for the switch.
>>37941134Suicide is particularly appealing because as someone who frequently has suicidal ideation I know just how horrible shit has to be psychological to be driven to that point. I want her to feel it
>>37941244I was talking specifically about detrans grifters such as Laura Becker and Maia Poet
>>37941255Even if they don't want them physically dead they want a large part of a person dead because they're uncomfortable with it. They want trans people to kill off that part of themselves. Many will choose to kill their whole selves as a result
Is being a furry male-brained
>>37943012What's your fursona?
>>37941589I just don't understand how she can go to the point of getting TOP SURGERY and only afterward realize "oops, I'm not trans". Is she that stupid? It sounds more likely she covered what she wanted then yanked the ladder for whatever reason
>>37942621Aww lame he seems cool af tho. Gonna risk it a lil longer, he seems lonely
>>37943023Borzoi with black skeletal pattern. I’ve had to have spent around 200 usd on art.
>>37943048Yup you’re cooked. He’s already got you into the false sense of security. Soon he’ll have u meeting up with him at a sketchy motel late at night. There’s no changing ur fate now
Happy 11/11.
>>37943009>Even if they don't want them physically dead they want a large part of a person dead because they're uncomfortable with it.Fem-brained word gibberish that eschews the actual meaning of words in favor of trying to capture the emotional power of the word 'dead' when it doesn't literally apply to a situation.Most people who are transphobes think a trans person is confused or just in a phase. They would prefer a solution where the trans person doesn't physically transition which they view as physically altering a body or removing parts of a body that are otherwise healthy. They hope for therapy or perhaps a pharmacological (not HRT) treatment that alleviates the gender dysphoria enough where the person can still live a normal life.
>>37943452That is cool, i like it.
>>37943039Her tits probably gave her body dysphoria and she confused that for gender dysphoria so she finally cut off her tits and was like wow I feel so comfortable in my skin and I also hate trannies
>>37943543>when it doesn't literally apply to a situation.It's called "cognitive dissonance". Women are known for being the initiators of this social craze, but the men are the ones to pick it up and spread it.So not really fembrained.>Most people who are transphobes think a trans person is confused or just in a phase. Just delusional.GD is a phase only during childhood.Correct everything else.
>>37940340Yes, would you let your dad fuck you like in this doujin?
>>37943543Exactly, most "trasphobes" aren't evil, they just want what they see the best for others. I think that we'd have more productive conversations about all of this if we stop seeing anti-trans people as mustache twirling villains.
>>37942998I checked out her instagram (she doesn't have many followers, is relatively unknown I'd think) seemed like she was struggling with it young and made a regrettable choice with a doctor's guidance. That's sad and unfortunate, she falls under a category of people I feel for. Clearly was/is mentally ill and was given a treatment that didn't help her and she can't have a normal life now. Unfortunate shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ She's got that problem I mentioned though "This didn't work for me so no one should have it" shit. She's projecting herself onto everyone else and making this black and white "This treatment made my life harder so it shouldn't exist" (because if it didnt she wouldn't have fucked up that specific way.) She can't think about how people have different experiences, or that the same issue can require different treatments due to said experiences, she can't take into account different people are various levels of self aware at different points in their life and her potential lack (though not entirely her fault, mentally ill afterall, at a certain point you're expecting someone with no legs to stand up and walk when you blame them.) and don't need to be infantilized and treated like they're not self aware and can't make decisions. Anyway, I still don't get wishing someone dead if suffering is what you really want for them. She's irrelevant anyway, people who dont need her to push an agenda arent gonna listen to her.
>>37943009They're not hoping people get driven to suicide either. They don't equate the person they see as less than a whole person or something because to them the gender stuff is frivolous and most people hide a lot of themselves in day to day interactions. They see a whole person who's mentally ill and needs "help" based on their definition of help which differs from the "help" a transitioner received (but again "mentally ill, needs help") It's emotionally manipulative to equate this sentiment to wanting anyone dead or even to kill parts of themselves. You can't look inside of yourself to decide someone else's motivations so you have to listen to them and most people have made their issues very clear and most don't want to kill you and leave so God can sort you out later. Have to call shit like it really is not figurative feelings and shit when if comes to this kind of thing,
>>37943656Fucking your dad is disgusting and I don't understand why anyone would do it. Why not fuck your mom instead?
>>37943039Well she's mentally ill and has changed over the years, how people feel really can be that drastically different too. Life experiences and time can do a lot. In the moment it might've been positive then over the years a regret or it was bad from the beginning impossible to know. Shit can get pretty fucking bad before you do anything about it. I used heroin I found outside and would get the beginnings of withdrawal if I slept too long to take it before that started. You think that was the moment I thought "I need to stop?" because it wasn't even if that would've made sense because I was in a fucked place. Shit can go way too far with enough momentum and mental illness powering that shit? lol I believe she feels she made a mistake and was failed by everyone (except herself I believe she had 0 personal accountability) around her and thinks she's helping other "victims" because she's a "victim." She's probably genuinely thinking she's heroic for this and saving people, which likely makes her feel better about her experiences. I can understand/respect trying to transform pain into something else and even helping people, it's just... she's the sort of person who is too self focused right now to do that. If she took some time to actually see other people as people who are separate from her and her experiences and she started to self reflect it'd be less of a shit show I think. You're seeing her flailing and regretting her life right now.
>>37943959has* not had my bad. I think she's incapable of feeling personally accountable for her life circumstances to any degree. She literally wants the government to babysit her because she's a victim of everyone else and thinks this should happen to everyone to keep them from being victims too, so she definitely isn't going to see the role she played.
>>37928326fucking women with strap-ons has cured my dysphoria. it's such a powerful feeling. it's so incredible knowing that my 12 inch long 10 inch wide rod will probably be the largest thing to ever enter their vagina. knowing that i'm giving them an experience no cis man outside of the .0001% ever could. it is an experience that utterly affirms your masculinity, knowing that your manhood is not less but actually far greater than a cis man. never do i feel less dysphoric than when i'm jackhammering against a woman's cervix. the only downside is that they don't get pregnant.
Hello. I am cis. How do I stop being cis. Alternatively, how do I stop feeling this way. I'm currently acquiesced to being a pretty enough girl, but I'm seriously wondering if living a life subjected entirely to fulfilling my expectations is one worth living at all, even if I possibly end up going completely bald with horrific acne scarring or anything of the sort.
>>37944690you can just take T if you are cis, you'll immediately stop the moment you get effects because it will feel wrongif you aren't, you'll like it that simple
>>37944540>knowing that i'm giving them an experience no cis man outside of the .0001% ever could.That's just a long piece of rubber attached to your groin, retard. Literally any cis man can do it too.
>>37944540I love it when my boyfriend jackethammers my pussy
>>37944540cis men can easily attach dick extenders or vibrating cock rings if they wanted to. but they dont do that, because they dont need to and their gfs dont want them unless theyre complete dicklets, but at that point may as well just dump him and get a bigger dickes bf
>>37944690Why the fuck women think that being disgusting is the way to achieve happiness?Here is why you should act as a normie, in order to focus on the actually interesting stuff: if you wanna feel T helping you, you need to take it when your progesterone crashes.
>>37944540>never do i feel less dysphoric than when i'm jackhammering against a woman's cervixlol ftms cant jackhammer for shit. youre barely even able to fuck. too weak, low stamina and clumsy. no wonder you feel the need to get such a huge dildo you faggots arent able to fuck like a cis man does so you overcompensate t. mtf lurker
That said, tomorrow brooker prize 2024 winner will be announced.
>>37944996nta but is this true i'm going to kms
>QOTT: How do you cope with your mental illnesses?They don't exist therefore I do not have. QOTT2: What mental illnesses would you trade for your ones?Borderline since it's curable.>>379445401000% with you on this one.>>37929533Are you a repressor?>>37932970>>37934586What can I say.>>37935423Definitely doesn't help.
>>37944992Fucking their faces up and joining convents has gone out of fashion so now it's this.
>>37945122Depends on the person exercise helps you with that as well as being generally healthy and not smoking.>>37944996How are you?
>>37944690Lot of ways to live life on your own terms without doing that. Why is that the one on your mind?
>>37944777That makes sense. "Start now, figure it out later" hadn't been something I'd considered, but I'll definitely be looking at it as an option.>>37944992Fair point as well.>>37945201I'm not sure why it's something that won't leave my mind. I'm fully aware that my life would be infinitely easier if I remain cis and continue as I am. But I am the kind of person who stares a bit too long at T milestone selfies or listens to a few too many strangers' T voice progression clips and wonders about what the minutiae of my life would be if I were in their shoes.
>>37945131Whats up?
>>37945436Life is easier as a woman in a lot of ways yeah, can't argue that I repressed then dealt with my dysphoria other ways. I'm well aware if I had transitioned looking the way I do that wouldn't have gone well. It was hard at times though felt like lying etc and it definitely seemed harder mentally to repress rather than transition but I cant compare the two. Is it a fixation or are you dysphoric?
>>37945122It’s just getting used to it. Ofc someone born with a dick is gonna be better at it. Keep fucking and you’ll get there bro.
>>37944996>lol ftms cant jackhammer for shit.That kind of fucking is just for the pleasure of the man. Women don't want fucking that hard. FTMs can absolutely fuck sufficiently for women.
>>37946326anon you clearly have never been fucked
>>37945885I'm not really sure. It's hard to differentiate between scorning being a woman because of misogyny versus having dysphoria and wanting to be a man, to me personally. I'll figure something out though.
>>37946326I like getting fucked hard, if it hurts that's a bonus. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ >>37946511You should probably figure it out prior to doing anything. Throughout my life I didn't see anything wrong with being a woman, but I felt like my body wasn't mine and like I was lying and passing myself off as female to people. My voice and body didnt feel like they were mine etc. I've never felt that being a woman was a detriment or lesser role etc though, I still struggle to see many social disadvantages and such. So for me it seemed more clear cut.You should spend some time asking yourself this sort of thing and answering the questions as best as you can in the moment. It's best if the detransition rate stays low, for everyone.
>>37946326>hasnt been fucked good
>>37946355>>37946663>women immediately destroying pooncopeBased holes, get pregnant and have triples
>>37946810pooners can get fucked too moron
>>37946833>looks and acts like women>IM A MAN DOODlol, pooners are women
would you consider dating an autistic, non-passing transwoman (don't worry, she manmodes) in her 30s who lives in a trailer park?
>>37946663How does harder even make it better?
>>37947133Besides beunt mtf, my bf is all of the above, and I love him dearly. Surely there is a bi/straight ftm out there for you.
>>37947133I’ve always wanted to live the trailer park life. Hopfully ur cute and not planning on topping
>>37947133If I liked you and was single sure, none of those things matter.>>37947257More intense feels good, and if it hurts a bit that feels even better and adds to the intensity. Lot of shit can feel good though, "better" is circumstantial.
How do you worship a cock without it being exceedingly gay (to the point where you feel dysphoria)
>>37947760Turn your brain off and enjoy the moment.
>>37947760i imagine doing it with a tranny is off the table given their dicks don't even get hard, so the answer is that unfortunately you need to accept how gay it is.
tfw no cis catboy bf
>>37931578ive went on a few dates/talked to a few tguys in the past and one of them ghosted me for another tguy one of them called himself a ‘bisexual switch’ but he almost exclusively bottomed for cis guys and another one of them was essentially the same thingwe need conversion therapy for trans men and making them into tops and/or to make em more attracted to women>t. ranny>>37928326>QOTT2: What mental illnesses would you trade for your ones?id trade my autism into being the smart at everything with good work ethic autism instead of the useless defeatist retard autism i got rn
>>37949368More straight and tops could be nice to have more people to relate too and have similar experiences since there is a drought of that. But I don’t mind the amount of bottoms I just wish they didn’t exclusively take cis cock. I want to have my own ftfemboy I can fuck
What do my fellow neets do in their free time excluding video games
>>37950054i draw
>>37950058Oh lord
I need the @s of non cringe hopefuel trannies. No pedo stasche pooners please
>>37937218>cis women are 10x more mentally stable and attractiveBut if they're not mentally ill they're boring
>>37950209What does "noncringe" mean to you?
>>37950238Normal passoids
>>37944540i want women to fuck me with strap-on
Baiting cis gay men on other boards with pics of my massive arms
>>37949799ur ew
>>37950054I read contemporary literature.And write poetry.
>>37950054crypto gambling and tentacle dildosi'm looking into hobbies that aren't retarded and all i've come up with are sewing and guns but my state is utterly cucked
>>37949612my size obsession has hit a point where getting a real cock the size I fantasize about is impossible so i'm very open to other pooners. specifically other ftfemboyseven disregarding that fact I've always preferred ftms lookswise but all the ones I knew irl were utter tumblrites. still dated most of them but it wasn't great
>>37952415>I read contemporary literature.fag>And write poetry.ultra fag
>>37952573What state?>>37952415Tripfagé (You) I hope the poetry is nice
I just finished another sketchbook. That makes 10 completed sketchbooks in my possession. I really wish I had kept every single sketchbook I've ever filled, I'd have a small library at this point...
>>37953729I don't draw, but I write and every single one of my notebooks ends up just being virtually empty from ripping things out and tossing them after a bit. I regularly destroy all my writing, think i have a handful of paragraphs left. Can't imagine having filled books and shit.
>>37953801To be fair most of it is just trash scribbling...
>>37952573Show dildos
What's up ftmg?
>>37952415>i do the most woman things totally not a woman btw
>>37953155Illinois, I'm in Chicago. Half of the shit that goes on here isn't even with legal guns anyways. I don't know why they bother. >>37954361Nah my room is in an awful state right now and I have no space that I can take photos of them without exposing how much random shit is scattered on my floors
>>37954707Damn, silicone is my hobby. Shop name?
>>37954367Why so earious
>>37954909You jealous of my big, huge ears?
>>37954812I lied most of my toys aren't tentacles, but I have stuff from Hodge Podge Entourage and Fantasticocks, thinking about picking up some toys from Sinnovator and Mr Hankeys.
>>37955008Nice, what models do you have? I've never tried sinnovator or hankeys. Hodge podge has some great ones, Scylla is one everyone wants to try when they see the collectionHave you tried or the wicked hunt? One has a good ftm stroker and the other some fun ftm cock ring balls
>>37955392I don't know why people keep comparing dicks to soda cans. I've never seen a dick as long as one. Dildos sure, but not a real dick.
>>37955444>I've never seen a dick as long as oneThis must be bait.The average dick cannot be that small.
>QOTT: How do you cope with your mental illnesses?Maladaptive Daydreaming.It's been 2 years since I've decided i wanted to heal from depression, there's been a lot of relapses but hey, at least I shower more now..ADHD is still has horrendous as ever so I'm gonna list that as an illness.OCD- I've been showring symptoms, and I'm not talking about silly organizing things. I can't fucking type properly, writing and spacing the words in certain ways gives me the ughhh I need them to line up perfectly until it's okay. Do you know how frustrating this is? Right now, I'm just pushing through it. My fingers are literally twitching and screaming at me to fix all the typos.Enough with the compulsions. Let's talk about the intrusive thoughts that are mixing with my hypersexual disorder and creating a recipe for disaster. Rape fantsies have gotten extreme, all the gore intrusive thoughts are compulsively sexualized as defense mechanism.>I'm becoming a true freak.Dysphoria has been getting worse, yaoibrainrot has rendered me unable to fantasize myself with a vagina. Sexual fantasies of being impaled down there has become a way to cope with the hole.QOTT2: What mental illnesses would you trade for your ones?Trade ADHD for DID because having alters to take over when I'm overwhelmed sounds cool. Perfect set up for becoming a serial killer, don't you think?
>>37955444It's just to give a common object to scale againstUsed to be banana for scale>also the only person I've been with who had a dick shorter than a soda can was a trans girl
>>37955554NOOO FORGOT TO PUT THE > FOR THE SECOND QOTT... I now must cut myself to repent.
>>37955392I actually do have a Scylla, was my first. Shape is really nice, wish I got it in a larger size and softer though. The frills at the side don't go in as nicely at a firmer silicone, and since I got it when I was first getting into toys I was too intimidated by the length on anything other than the smallest size. Could have pretty easily gone a size up too since it's so tapered. Really wish they had the Alraune model in a large too. God I love the shape and details of the Alraune. Maybe it's weird but I like my toys to be visually appealing on top of feeling good. Alraune fulfills both very well. I've got a Xeno Larva from Fantasticocks coming in the mail, supposed to arrive today actually. Much prefer girthier toys and lots of models across stores are lacking imo. Never heard of either, looked at the catalogues for them though and now I'm interested in some on there. Also never tried a stroker, just assumed I wouldn't have enough bottom growth to use one well. >>37955444Real dicks are usually larger
Its laundry day so I'm wearing my sissy panties...
>>37932017Nothing better than a male, sorry.he'll be desperate to keep the PLAP-based relationship going, do as I say, and fill me up with spermies
30 minutes before the Booker prize ceremony starts.
>>37955554>Rape fore fantasiesCan you elaborate? Why is it a defense mechanism?
>>37955897You can't say that and not show us
>>37943614body dysphoria isn't gender dysphoria?
>>37956229Hating your female body doesn't mean you have a desire to be male, but with all the trans stuff nowadays being pushed on confused girls this is what happens. Completely undermines regular trans people doing it for the right reasons
>>37955885The frills give an anal bead feeling imo I'm assuming you have a mini but the small in medium firmness is pretty good. It's gotten good feedback from anyone who's taken the strapI've also been eyeing an alarune, I try to restrict myself to a theme for toys so I don't go too overboard. I already have too many but trying different shapes or getting customs based off fav monsters is really fun. I've probably tried 40 different shops by now. What girth are you looking for if you know circumference wise?Xeno larva looks intense, should post when you get it. 8.25 circumf is past my personal limit but I dream of a bottom who could take it
>>37956441what should i do if i have body dysphoria and wish i were a man and wish i were trans so i could be a man but i know deep down i'm just a self-hating woman?
>>37956523You should find some way to come to terms with who you are. Hating being a woman will not change if you try to transition, it would likely make you feel even more inferior. You're never going to escape being female. That's why transitioning is only satisfactory for people who can make peace with themselves.
>>37956514Yeah I've got a mini. I wish Hodge Podge would do customs again. I think something like a large dual density Alraune with clear outer silicone and a colored inner would be my dream toy. Circumference wise the Xeno Larva is going to be my largest toy. Kinda hard to measure it myself, but I can fist myself pretty comfortably with not too much work (though I have small hands) so I figured something around 8 in diameter would be good for me. I've fit bigger (my fwb has almost got his whole fist in me a few times, and he has about average sized hands) in me so I figured 8.25 wouldn't be too big of a deal.
>>37956514Kinda tired and didn't fully parse when I was typing, but also customs based off fav monsters? Like wholly new models? I know some places do that but I figure the price for that would be out of my range and tbqh the places I know that do that I typically don't like the style in which they do their models. Probably derailing the thread at this point going too far into NSFW if I ask for links. Wanna chat on discord? Drop your tag and I'll add you. Phone verification on Discord is so inconvenient for alts I don't bother keeping one, and I don't want to post my tag publicly. I understand if it's the same situation for you, or any other reason you wouldn't want to though.
>>37954209I figured desu, I've known a fair amount of artists and that's part of the process. I can tell by some of the shading though that when you're focused you're probably pretty good with ink and shading. There's uneven pressure applied in some of the details that's very clearly deliberate and these are just zone out pics I imagine. Even scribbles show talent when it's present. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ When I've been feeling particularly sick or something I toss all my shit away because I'd rather it just be for me. I've never gotten around to finishing anything, I've shared writing with people before and have had people like it etc so it's not a shame thing it's an "it's mine" thing, like how I record songs and stuff and just delete them after I've listened to them once or twice to gauge where I'm at. I get no enjoyment out of sharing any of it with people, I have but meh. There's no point anyway then they do things like ask if I'm still working on stuff and it becomes stressful and then I lose interest. Better to just write so it gets out of my head and then destroy it so no one can ask me if I'll finish it ever. My notebooks though inevitably turn into pages of shit like grocery lists, occult shit, rambling etc and bits of stories mixed in. At first I separate shit keep some stuff in the back of the book and other stuff in the front of the book, then it's just whatever page I open it to because of convenience and so that's just a mess anyway. Can't always read my own handwriting if I was wasted and started writing too so no point in keeping that stuff. Just have a million reasons to toss it all.
>>37954639It's sad, you know? Women are sad.They don't talk about books.Do they even read?I feel like only female authors read, the ones who do high brow stuff.Where are they?Everyone seems unable to enjoy the subtleties of life. Men too, fixated on classics and self-help books. Do they even enjoy them? They repeat the same opinions of what was thought in high school.And the ones who devour books are women, who read literature with no subtleties, superficial.Yet they can't even express said superficiality through words.
>>37956671I started collecting maybe 2 years ago so I never knew they did customs. Noticing a lot of shops used to and stopped or only do limited these days. Wish more shops did dual density in general but then they get pricey>fisting Impressive. My desire to find a bottom into fisting intensifies>>37956735Haven't gone as far as a full new model custom (one day maybe) but I do have many customs I based off of Zelda monsters or something related to media I like. Would also prefer not to drop discordNot like the thread is discussing much else atm and it's probably not too nsfw to list shop names>>>/b/927314005
>>37954925My ears are plenty big enough
>>37956523If you are a self hating woman because you hate your body you should address your body dysphoria. Some people hate their body so they think they must be trans but that's another issue. Being trans isnt all about how you look.
>>37955885>Real dicks are usually largerThis is very disturbing.
>>37957639how do i address having tits, they're horrifying
>>37928326I LOOOOOOVE LIDDLE POONERS!!!!!!!!!!!
>>37957857To me (not a professional) if your tits are your biggest concern try binding or something. You can be a woman and not like having big tits or having them in general. Do you think they make you ugly or are you a more timid person and having them embarrasses you. much to consider
>>37957564lol smol-ear ho
Imagine a hypothetical scenario where a decent looking cis man offered you free room and board, free food, and an allowance of $500 a week if you'd just be his live-in fuck toy. He'd call off the deal once you started looking like a dude. Would you take it?
>>37959023I've been offered shit like that multiple times and I've always turned it down.
>>37928326always feel bad clocking someone who I wouldn't if they were 5'6 and built a little widergated out of being a passoid by size is truly cursedgreat to fuck thoughoh and normies never clock them
>>37959583So the line is drawn below 5'6?
I'm addicted to my aunts pussy. Her tits are pretty nice too.
>check on lolcow because why not>cissies screaming about trannies, hons, pooners, and passoids in equal measure>trying to fit as many she/her pronouns in one sentence to prove a point>absolute hatred and alogging for standard insta/twitter libs>coaxed some internet autist into cutting off her legsWhy are terminally online women like this. Even worse that some of them pass as normies.
bro this shit is hilarious. >it's like getting shoved in my face 24-7 bro is seeking it out then acting offended. proof incoming. i can't wait for someone to explain the psychology of these freaks>>37959853what auntie pussy taste like? sounds based
>>37956441I hate my body, want a male one, and want to live as a man that's the base definition of being a ftm tranny
>>37959832it's more that every inch below 5'6 makes you much clockier unless you go full shotamode (which is what cis twinks aim to do, desu)at 5'7 provided you haven't got any extremely feminine features like doomed hips you're gonna make it by just dressing like a normal guyat 5'3 you can be fully passing by every measure other than height, frame and gay voice and anyone who interacts with trans men is going to clock you as a pooner instead of a small gay manthe guy had the body of a 14 year old boy but the face of a grown man and just looked like some guyI spent like 5 minutes before I heard him talk going "is that? nah, looks cis, but is it?" and then I heard gay voice and went, yeah, 100% a poonernormies would not ever know
it turns out that this was the book>it's like getting shoved in my face 24-7
>>37959958AFABros should we all kill ourselves?
>>37959963Need a pooner repaint of this
>>37959980just accept that the LGBT community is going to clock you 99% of the time unless you're a 1% luckshit and if it really causes you strife then move to a red state where you will never get clocked by strangers
>>37960039Oh no I'm 5'6 and not American, we should all kill ourselves though.>Verification not required.
>>37955392This shits kinda hot though id prefer a full prosthetic stroker to a cock ring. Need a weird cis dude who'll let me fuck him with as many massive monster dicks as i can get my hands on
>>37960093I've got that too, try banana prosthetics
Any virgin ftms here like me? No judgement
>>37960114That and reelmagik are on my shortlist when i get full time work
>>37960145who's asking
PSA to all pooners!When you put in an erectile rod in your phallo cock, you essentially gain a prosthetic baculum (penis bone). The baculum is a bone found in most adult male mammals, which develops under the influence of androgens, but that human males lost from natural selection for neotenous little basedboys with floppy boneless cocks. You are not a tunapoon with a wacky bendy balloon cock, you are a poon CHAD retvrning to your ancestral, virile roots by choosing to give yourself a permanently stiff penis that could fuck hundreds of prospective mates without ever going limp. Your package is superior to a cis man’s. Remember that.
>>37960389Honestly having an ED device / no whisky dick and little refractory period is a decent trade off for the cosmic joke of being a troon
>>37960389you know humans have some of the largest penis sizes among mammals, right?we have the largest penis sizes among primatesgorillas get cock mogged by a lot of pooners who haven't gotten phallo
>>37960922how did you fuck this up this badly.
>>37960922you are the most female-brained piece of shit to ever walk the the earth you blueMAGA pregnant fuckpig. i can already see the hot milkies leaking from your fucking disgusting puffy nipples, like ozzing pimples popped upon your sagging breasts. you mooing cow. you pregnant sow. kill yourself. you lost the election. you lost your mind. you got lost online and ended up on the wrong website. you will never, ever, ever, ever be a real man. your uterine contractions are starting. go back... to the pregnancy ward cuz i can smell that pregnant pussy from across the room. go bend over for Biden you liberal shit-for-brains female breeding-unit. you are LITERALLY immune to testosterone and incapable of even an iota of rational thought. you are essentially an animal, a living brainless womb. fucking die giving birth, you lactating bitch.
>>37960177Reelmagik is on my list as well but been too pricey to justify so it keeps getting bumped to the bottom
You should love this, it's from a uni that accepts only male students: number 9 has an exam review section that ends at 43:20 btw.
dead as fuck in here>>37960968Looked up the post in the archive, are libs rlly trying to pull a blue stop the steal? Lol
It's over
>>37928326I'm ftm repressor and i love going in YOUR T FTM SPACE
>>37963685post bobs vagine now
>>37963685They don't give a shit generally, for most of the time this general has been around about half the posters haven't been ftm. I'm sure the ones here appreciate that you love to spend time with them though... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how do you know you're a tranny instead of just being jealous of men due to misogyny? I don't necessarily hate my body I just think it's kinda meh and I've never been very feminine. Since I'm autistic and retarded anyways I think I should repress.
>>37959955Ok, congrats, then the post isn't applicable to you. Still keep in mind that even if you desire to transition that doesn't guarantee it will work out for you
Hello girls! Why are you bitching again instead of posting cute ftm tomboys?
>>37964105Based. No point in becoming disgusting hairy mutilated women.
>>37955554>Trade ADHD for DID because having alters to take over when I'm overwhelmed sounds cool. Just learn how to fake it and become a tiktok grifter lol.
>>37964553Based. I like to imagine myself as a cis man raping FTM boicunt. I'd have him act and squeal like a pig while wearing a nose hook and nothing else while out in public. He is free to use by other AMAB folks after all.
i might need to be committed after this visit with family is over ngl
Anyone else gonna have to come out at Thanksgiving this year? I have no idea what to expect lol
>>37964758>no idea what to expectTurkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy. Make sure there's green beans
>>37964437Unfortunately I have the breast cancer gene so there's a >40% chance I'll have to chop the tits off at some point
>>37964883I'm fine with masectomy. In fact, I think that cute ftms are even cuter with masectomy scars. Adds tomboy vibes
>>37964951Can you shut the fuck up and leave the thread already, please? Nobody here likes you. you're like if a redditor tried to mimic a shartyfag combined with tranny hater.
>>37964951Based. All FtMs deserve pregnancy, even against their will. Remember to impregnate vagina bois! They love it!
>>37965112Even Gloves?
>>37964621Are you a ftm? What's your discord?
>>37957066female authors are a myth, they're just old repressed trans menactual cis women are a complete waste of air
>>37965119All that she deserves is a slow painful death for being a worthless fat roastie
What's the difference? Mentally ill old roasie, or normal old roasite? Both are worthless
>>37965233What's your discord cutie?
I need to impregnate cute afabs
>>37965122Would rather give out my Discord to a fellow trans chaser than a cis chaser. Sorry mate.
>>37965325I'm not a cis chaser. I'm a ftm enjoyer. I enjoy cute ftm tomboys.
>>37965337cis ftm enjoyer
Do ftm chasers really just have a lesbian correction fetish evolved?
>>37965398Most of them, yeah
>>37965337Yeah, you enjoy cranking your hog to the idea of chasing and wanting to fuck them.>>37965398It's pretty much like how MtF chasers see trans women as femboys.
>>37965489At least mtf chasers dominate them, which is what trannies want... Well, some of them, anyways.
>>37965515FtMs wants to be dominated by real men
>>37965614Not all of them. Not saying submissive ftms are bad, but they're not all ftms.
>>37965632It's all of them. It's in their nature - we have penises, and vagina bois have...vaginas.
>>37965685What about the ones who get (ugly, disgusting, not good, etc) phallo?
>>37965697And what sane guy would want to fuck some disgusting mutilated woman?
>>37965726You're confusing FtMs with MtFs buddy.
>>37965075>please? Nobody here likes you.>you're like if a redditor>with tranny hater.
every gayden is always dating either a 6foot gigachud straight guy who hates women and minorities or a mentally ill skinny big dicked twink like victor from arcane
>>37965726So you don't want ftms, you can't convince lesbians to fuck you so you go for future depooners because they're easy lays and that's all your charisma buys you?
>>37965736Since when AMAB troons are women?
>>37928871I think actual beastality is disgusting, but I still lurk the beast threads for the occasional insect or werewolf webm>>37931578I want to top but I'm worried most bottoms would much rather get fucked by a real cock as opposed to a strap-on>>37935484What is it?
>>37965767>they're easy laysI have no idea why everybody thinks that ftms are easy to get. Perhaps fat testosterone-mutilated hairy women, but not cute ftm twinks - they get picked extremely fast from dating market.Plus, I'm into normal FtMs, with mastectomy and without wombs etc., I just want them to look breedable and cute, and not as some sick caricatures of real men.
>>37965844>I have no idea why everybody thinks that ftms are easy to getCute ftm tomboys are easy to get when you're decently attractive and call them bro>without wombsBut then they can't carry your dysgenic seed to term
>>37965789Would ftm top care if cism bottoms cock doesn't get fully erect but still functioning normal otherwise?
>>37965904I personally wouldn't care
filter all cis namefags, ignore all cis namefags
>>37965893How you could know that? You're a cute little soft vagina boi yourself.
Why is th rude towards basically everyone in this gen, except for G? Make you think
>>37963311How could anyone study and PAY for studying this shit? It's a pseudoscience on par with psychology or psychiatry.
>>37965946G is extremely breedable, the vast majority of AFABs here are disgusting fat slobs. Here's your answer.
>>37932094I'm surprised so many of us are completely gay. I've found a couple guys attractive but I don't think I could ever sleep with one. Dysphoria via comparison would turn me off entirely
>>37965991watch gay porn. hot guys sleep with fat round slobs all the time. and i doubt all of that is hookups some of them have to be actual boyfriends.
>>37965991Don't worry lil guy. It's ok to be a man and have a vagina, and it's more than ok to use that vagina.
>>37966053What's wrong with you?
>>37965763Most gaydens I've seen go for theymabs.>>37965789>I think actual beastiality is disgustingbut anon, FtM bussy is made for big black horse dicks to knock up. >I want to top but I'm worried most bottoms would rather get fucked by a real cockJust get phallo.
>>37966019By "comparison" I mean my lack of a penis not physique>>37966053I'd still be topping if I slept with a guy. Also part of what puts me off of hooking up with guys — it's much easier for me to get laid with women with my preferences (swarming with bi chicks where I live), and I vastly prefer them anyway
>>37966053Never thought I would have expected a "you are valid" post in here out of all things.
>>37966099you dont understand how hot you are and thats ok
>>37966099You can lie to yourself, but it's coded in your DNA - you want and need to be impregnated by a real man.
>>37960145Mee I heart dick but far to dysphoric to do anything
>>37965971>on par with psychology or psychiatry.It's even worse than that... they reject the evolution theory.
>>37966136What I need is to get a girl pregnant tbdesu but biology is cruelChin up anon I'm sure there's plenty of ftms out there who want to be bred
Someone make a thread or else Vi dies.
>>37966136If you love FtMs so much why can't you just go out, find a cute girl, force-masculinize her and make her pregnant?
I'm girlmoding on T and I read a post on /a/ the other day that hrt makes your hair feel like shit and ugly for ftms.Is that true?I bleached and dyed my hair (blonde) for the first time ever last year after Christmas with my sister and mom. it felt like ass for months but when it finally grew back and started growing out more so you could see the routes I dyed it back to my natural colour.I started HRT at the end of March but by then my hair felt healthy and more soft again. I dyed my hair maybe in June? So I was on HRT for a bit then, but my hair has never returned to how it used to feel. Just feels very wirey like when I bleached it Is it always going to be like this so I can stop stressing about it so much and that my hair is unhealthy? Also I have a lot of dandruff >>37960145Yeah, I've never even got close to a girl before to have sex
>>37960145I fingered a theyfab in high school but I still feel like a virgin.
>>37966274Never heard anything about your hair (on your head) going bad unless it's related to balding. I've been on hrt for 5 years and haven't noticed anything.
>>37966274Probably just some wormpost that breached containment. No point in getting worried.
NEW >>37966682
>>37965904I wouldn't care>>37966082>Just get phalloUntil phallo dicks are 1-1 with cis dicks I'm not interested
>>37966983I don't understand this mindset. A vagina is preferable to a not so good dick?
>>37967140It is to me. What's the point of having a dick if you can't impregnate someone with it? Also having a pussy sucks but at least I know I can get myself off with it easily, I don't know if I'd be able to as reliably with a phallo dick. That and I'm not exactly keen on having a surgeon fuck with my urethra
>>37967518Should infertile men cut off their dicks?
>>37967988Yes, so I can watch and jerk off to it. That's exactly what I'm saying