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Extra weight can soften sharp angles, giving your face and body a rounder, softer look.
Society pays less attention to overweight women. You're less likely to be scrutinized, and if you are, it won't be, look at that tranny, it'll be, look at that fatass
Fat distribution can emphasize breasts and hips, enhancing a feminine silhouette.
Who doesn't want to feel like a plush pillow? Soft body = comfy hugs.
If you decide to lose weight later, some fat might just redistribute in more feminine ways thanks to hormones.

Extra perk is being able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want! Dive into those cravings without guilt!

Is the fat pill the unsung hero of transitioning?
>Dive into those cravings without guilt!
fat fetish undertones in that, anon

im into it
You have internalized fatphoboa and I'm sad for you.
Why not try it? You should just have one extra of your favorite snacks today. How bad could that hurt?
I had a lot of health issues and become seriously overweight, morbidly obese at 290lbs. I barely got out of bed and didn't have the muscle mass to lift my weight by the time the other health issues subsided. Walking anywhere would hurt my back and joints. I also couldn't wear nice clothes, everything was from extra plus plus categories, and my choice of shoes was more limited because I couldn't stuff my feet into my regular size.
There was nothing fun or comfy about it. I feel like I lost years of my life wasting away and unable to enjoy myself. I also barely had the energy to do makeup or style my hair.
I would not recommend this to anyone, definitely not by choice either.
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>How bad could that hurt?

See? You already know you like it. Now make it reality. Just one more bite anon. That's not so hard.
disgusting and unhealthy, i love being skinny and healthy
Oh anon, skinny =/= healthy! Especially if you don't eat well. My underweight friend needed a gallbladder removal just last year, and she was only 24!
I started gaining intentionally and I reached about 330 at my heaviest and had all those issues you described. socially it was hell too I just felt so pathetic interacting with people feeling them judge me I got severe agoraphobia and was too insecure to leave my house. and worse I didn't look anywhere as fat as I wanted to be so it didn't even satisfy my fetish. I still have a lot of weight to lose but it's hard to get motivated knowing in 2-3 years I'll probably forget how shitty it is being fat and gain it all back. I wish I could lose this fetish
there's a difference between being underweight and skinny, piggy
Thread ended here
No there literally isn't you retard
there is, u can be skinny and not underweight dumb piggy pig
Okay... maybe I'll eat some snacks today,, not that I like being a fat stupid tranny,, hh
don't listen to that anon, u don't need to eat this much and u need to hit the gym
You're making me horny, keep calling me that.
Good girl.
I wish this "advice" stopped being so commonly broadcast
Yes, if you are skinny, a bit of extra weight while actively taking HRT will fill you out a bit and put curves where they otherwise wouldn't be
But most people who are so skinny that putting on weight would help them are anorexic to some extent and wouldn't take that advice anyway
Regardless of hormones
>I wish this "advice" stopped being so commonly broadcast
it's a psyop by fat activists who are in shambles rn cuz being skinny is back and their movement failed cuz the leaders of their movement started dying around 35 of being extremely obese
It's just the truth. Women's silhouettes are defined by fat, and particularly where it goes compared to men. Women look like women because of fat.
>Women look like women because of fat.
fatty cope, skinny women look like women
No they don't. They get hired by homo fashion designers because they look like boys.
There is some truth to that, but it's not as applicable to trans women unless they are in a very specific set of circumstances
I.e. not already fat and willing/able to put on a bit of weight
Besides, gaining weight is always best done with exercise and will allow you to target specific areas where you would actually like to see growth
I repeat, if you are already fat and gain more, your body will keep stacking it in the same places
i've been trying...
i started this year at 130ish and now im 155ish but I have trouble eating consistently enough
i wanna be fat...
>good girl
awawawawawa whats a good weight for being a stupid fatass tranny i have to know .. for .. reasons
Bigger is better, dear.
I want to find one of those people who are so fat they can't get out of bed like on TV shows. And then turn off their power and break into their home, and take all their means of communicating with the outside world. And then cow tip them over to where they can't get up cause they're too fat and they're just flailing around helplessly and then oil them up like a pig and rut all of their folds senselessly using every part of their body as a pussy everyday while constantly feeding them to keep them immobile. Losing weight would be their only means of escape but they don't have an ounce of self control to ever get away
this has been genuinely frying my brain. thank you so much i can't stop thinking about getting fatter now...
Happy to be of service, future fatty. Don't you have some snacks you should be eating right about now? Quit wasting calories responding to me and get to it already.
you have a death fetish, seek help faggot
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wanted to for years but i am totally unable to gain weight
fatty cope lol
do i really look like i give a fuck
I'm already fat... but just like you said, bigger IS better.. And yes! I really should, shouldn't I.. Its not waisting calories if I eat while responding :p
god i wish i looked like that
I'm at 145 lbs right now but my whole life used to be around 119
Don't have any tummy fat it mostly goes to tights ass and breasts which have been growing nicely lately
As long as you always eat more than you exert, you'll always be a happy girl.
That's a trans woman, you know.
Good. Keep going.
don't worry, ill keep it up :p
>That's a tranny, you know
Of course I know. I'm a troon too. I want to look like that. I want to be as fat as her.
Why not dream bigger?
i wanna be the hot boyfriend prince
just a handsome man with tits
I prefer to date fat women though
You're right, why not dream bigger? Why not completely let myself go, having people stop and stare at me while in public and think "What a fucking slob." To be that fat would fix me, and I dream of nothing more.
>You have internalized fatphoboa and I'm sad for you
not at all, i have an externalized fear of being an unhealthy fatass
encouraging people to be fat and die earlier is retarded and calling it out is not "fatphobia", it's rational self-preservation
>nooo how DARE you die at 60 instead of 80
whatever you need to tell yourself to cope amerifat
I started drinking half and half straight from the carton mixed with a bit of chocolate sauce and olive oil for weight gain but it barely seems to do anything...
> 60
that's optimistic
don't see many big ol fatties with white hair anon, just saying.
you could be a reasonable person and look at the statistics but if you prefer anecdotes instead my grandma lived until 85 and she was 350 pounds
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i've been bmi 16 my entire life and i got on seroquel and gained 4 kg in a week if i dont get a fat pair of tits from this im suing
I want to do so badly but I have a $300 a month budget for food
Being poor sucks :(
Would going on it just for the weight gain even if you don’t actually need it be bad, or…
4kg a week??? holy shit that is some serious weight gain.

no dont do it it sucks
makes me feel tired and retarded and gives me that lightheaded feely like after chainsmoking too many cigs
im on it for bpd lol. i also smoke loads of weed
nta but i would SO do it if it meant gaining 8 pounds a fucking week
Hot, the sentenced you to weight gain bimboification
Ikr I’m honestly tempted (I’m the impoverished anon who can’t afford food) but she said no
exactly. being so retarded that only know how to eat. such a stupid fucking fatty, you don't even realize how fat you're getting. bumping into people on accident, every day getting heavier and heavier

its mostly cus i work in a place with easy access to literal free food i think seroquel just made me more aware of it instead of being ambivalent about food and only eating when i need to

anons pls dont take antipsychotics to fulfill your fat fetish you can do so with weed and whatever
The issue is that I just straight up can’t afford enough food to gain weight and I’m very very unhappy with my body so I’m not sure what other options I have
work in a kitchen lol
don't worry, im not going to. just fantasizing. in all actuality i probably do have a need for something like seroquel regardless but i refuse to go to therapy because every single time i have been fucked over/not diagnosed correctly
bump please dont let this thread die i need more people to talk about fat trannies
I'm fantasizing about how it looked when I convinced you to eat more earlier.
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O_o im such a fatass i would have done it anyways desu. but thanks for nudging me in the right direction, nothing wrong with that :p
lol you took the literal fat pill
Suggestions on how to gain on a 60-75 USD weekly food budget? Or is it just not going to be possible?
I know this may not be useful depending on where you currently shop for groceries but Aldi's is my go-to for cheap stuff. If there's one near you, consider checking it out. I'm not home as much as I'd like to but I usually get like 80% of my shit from Aldi.
Just realized I never answered your question about GAINING specifically. I'm not sure. I've been chunky my whole life and have generally ate like shit so it's always came natural to me. The fetish was just an added bonus lmao. I don't know why you're doing it but based on this thread I'm assuming you're not doing it because you're malnourished you're doing it to be a lil freak like me
this thread is about to die and i'm gonna be so sad :(

anyway this shit was so hot

Oh yeah, people love to tell me about how cute I am and how chubby my cheeks are and how young I look.
good for you, anon!! <3
Im already fat and have big boobs etc and id love a partner who would tease me for my body and walk up behind me while I'm eating and squeeze my belly. Then tell me im perfect and nothing needs to change when I tear up from the teasing.
anon, i promise you can find that. it's so wonderful. imagine how adorable it'd be for your partner to sit in your lap, pinning you down, and feed you. all the while making comments about your weight and how you've been gaining so much lately... poking and prodding it, burying their face in it, and then afterwards reassuring you that you're the most beautiful girl they've ever met and they care about you more than anything.
too tall
Suppose it's just the way my fat distributes but my back looks like I have boobs ha
If 3 months of 30ng pio didn’t work much, should I up my dose to 45?
i wanna fatmax but fat people are so gross to me and i don’t make enough money to eat whatever i want
if I had to choose between being fat like op or a hon, I'd kill myself
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Wait, you're doing the hamplanet psyop for free?
The fat one looks like she’s about to cry
I want a chunky butter mommy to smother my face with her boipussy <3
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Fat people who deliberately neglect their health are repulsive.
Fat teamtranny tranime pedophiles are beyond grotesque to normies. NGL
>wake up
>fat thread still up


read the room faggot
i love fatties so much its unreal
could never be fat myself thou
files catbox moe/j06y9l.JPG

Have I fatmaxxed too close to the sun? I weigh like 180 rn at 5'9"

I wanna start running again and get in shape but I'm worried that it'll make me pass less.
everybody should excercise but remember to eat more so you don't end up losing too much fat
if you end up gaining some muscle you wouldn't want to lose too much fat so you might gain a little weight overall
I would cook you the most delicious foods so that you couldn't help yourself from eating and gaining weight
post ass
Anons, you better eat some extra treats/snacks today! It won't hurt you. Get fat. Do it.
cute belly, would grab
i wouldnt get rid of it but it's your call obviously
no, you're beautiful. how the fuck did you get such grabbable hips like that. i gotta know.
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>tfw no bf/gf to cook for me so i can fill my belly and grow fatter for them
I like fat girls but she needs to go on a diet
nah dude idgaf i want to bury myself in that soft pillowy belly of hers
im a statistician, but please tell me more about how being overweight isnt unhealthy and doesn't increase your risk of premature death
not saying I wouldn't but she is too fat
love ur belly, nice tits too
I'm a fat crossdresser and I can say it does help make me look more feminine.
currently begging my trannywife to get as fat as me
mutual fats are underrated
kind of get it though, ideally people would want someone in the relationship to be able to do anything
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Abominations like you is why we had rough times during Covid-19.
I've gained muscles from flipping your lard filled skin in the ICU bed.
how is this relevant
>I've gained muscles from flipping your lard filled skin
okay?? why does it matter if I like the way my body looks. its a fetish. my partner loves my body.
so true. her belly right now is super soft and doughy but nowhere near as big as mine.
currently salivating over 300lb trans girls
I need a pillowy gf so bad
hello :3
Hi! are you here to post tummy pics?
Your body alright.
When you start drawing air from your asshole, ask you fetish to flip you over.
I swear this thread is just single feedie anon samefagging.
I miss IP count.
Normally I love slampigs. I love big fat bitches. But with fat troons, does the fat distribute femininely or masculinely. That's really the deciding factor for me.
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From my observations, with sufficient fat collection beyond critical amount will render the phenotype difference between the sexes into vague lines.
Which is why you see all those fatties with gender identity issues, they're trying to fix their dysphoria in very destructive way.
that'd be a retarded amount of replying for a 100 reply fat fetish thread
hormones largely determine how fat is stored on the body so after a while a trans woman will gain fat like any woman
when you become a shapeless blob you have no gender and fat suppresses testosterone but gaining that much is absolutely idiotic
You would be surprised what kind of effort an autistic individual would do on anonymous image board.
well I'm not samefagging so I at least know there's 2 people minimum
if i did that, my gf might kill me, she's very protective
you are such a tease, so you are not available as a pillowy gf?
and its just innocent tummy pics, nothing lewd about that
but I understand
mwehehehe sorry im taken, didnt mean to tease you that much. its ok anon, you'll find her eventually. additionally, yeah she'd think it's lewd considering she spends her nights after getting off work with her face buried deep in it and saying how soft it is :p sowwy i just wanted to do a little teasing
need more fat tummy/butt posted
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>more fat tummy
very soft and squishy, perfect for kissing and using as a pillow
^_^ ty
Whoa that tummy is literally perfect, I need to see more.
do you have twitter or anything?
Beautiful beautiful girl
perfect skin, perfect body shape. more
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Please tell me kind things I need it please please please
Nobody should be fat. Trans or not. Transwomen can benefit from having extra weight, but not by being a disgusting landwhale with inner thigh friction burns the size of my torso, but even that'll happen naturally as estrogen does its thing.
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hot. am imagining how good it would feel to cuddle with you.
nice little chubby tummy, great shape
you like your snacks dont you, cutie
Thanks :3 I love cuddling but I don't have anyone to do it with :(
Yeah haha I love food. I'm just so hungry all the time..
I wouldn't mind encouraging you more. I don't think I've had my fill yet. And neither has your belly.
is there like a point where you cant see your dick anymore or is that a meme
6'0" 220 here. I can't see my dick if I stand up straight. if I bend slightly I can however.
cute belly, would cuddle
i would snuggle am in new england
am a pregent guy irl /;
i have addiction to pickles and milk.
i wish emily would come over and rip my pants off and rape me tonight! / ;
boytummy hnghhh
This made me drink almost a whole litre of chocolate milk and now my belly is all sloshy
Hope you're proud anon
I am SO proud of you!! That's so adorable! Tomorrow you should do more! ;3
I will, just for you <3
Encouraging feeders are my weakness
oh, im not even a feeder... I just like to encourage fellow feedees to... you know, get BIGGER hehehe
awesome, anon. gj. that is alot for 1st time.
i used to drink 1 gallon of wholemilk every night and it made me very chubby, if you make it a habit you will get very round be careful.

and to emily...

i cant believe i gave emily an oppurtunity of a lifetime to have an age/looks matched feminized boymoder that would do her hrt for her on the 12th floor of dereks and she was too good for me and would not even protect me from the terminator even after i sucked on licorice and rode a dildo for her and turned blue sniffing amyl nitrites..
if the licorice wasnt so good i would break up with her. this is like the worst long distance blueboard4channel long distance relationship i ever had.
i tried to take 1 for the team by being emily's but she is too good for me. little did she know she could have bimbofied me and turned me into an authentic bimbo shemale sex slave because my brain is absolutely tapped and my body is designed to be man handled raw, but no. she did not want.
stop encouraging other people to get fat
it's genuinely disgusting and one of the most harmful fetishes there is

t. fat hon and lost a lot of weight this year
sooo how do you expect my fetish to go away? fetishes usually don't just disappear
Could've fooled me, your words make me melt like putty ~^-^~
i eat as much as i can stomach
if i wat too much itll make me feel sick
also high metabolism
That is a very nice tummy, I am getting very excited looking at it...
would kiss your belly and thighs up and down
T_T i dont deserve itttt
by jerking off to fictional characters and keeping it to yourself instead of encouraging real life people
It is a very kissable tummy, no need to be ashamed yourself
I would definitely kiss and grope it all over
yes you do, jiggly cutie
weh.. nyoooo... im too big and have ugly scars on my thighs...
need nonetheless !!\

i kind of do like it but i am considering actually shaving for once
You are beautiful, having scars doesn't make you ugly
You look just the right size for longform cuddling
Thank you i love you
if you're gonna shave it I'd invest in a permanent hair removal laser otherwise it could grow back with a vengeance and you'd have to shave it very often, works for facial hair too
Cant take it anymore
This thread is too sexy
I need me qt from this thread to tell me what to eat, how much, and make me as fat as they desire
belly bumpys (with anons face between)
YES. I need to do that with another fat girl with a guy sitting between us..
t-two girls?
I just want to rest my head in a girls lap with her belly gently hanging over me
you forgot to add face down into her muff area having your brain get pheremonally intoxicated on her smells while she delicately cresses your hair (or bald troon hair) and you can hear her belly making girgly sound, and for some reason when she farts a little in smells like a bakery and pink at the same time.
and she covers you in her legs, and you sleep between her thighs, all rest comfortably on her belly which is the real "my pillow" not that crackhead jesus worshipper.
you wake up every morning covered in her belly and leg pheromones' and guys everywhere start flirting with you and are like "wth!?" but it just because their ape brains are confused because you smell like her.
would happily provide thigh and belly pillow
resting my head in a girls lap and slowly turning around and kissing her hanging tummy, soft thighs and delicate crotch...
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very cute, anon. you need a gf or boymoder wrapped around snuggling your belly like a kitty or fox.
>can't see dick or cunt
Yeah denial.
Unfff tummy kisses make me weak
i finally posted belly on here, im not retarded enough to post my estrogenized and small girldick
!!! my gf actually does do that, she likes to pretend she's a fox
>estrogenized and small girldick
I love chubby girls with tiny dicks
i would post more but i honestly don't want my girlfriend to leave me
You've taken your MEF too far.
nta but who gives a shit. fat bellies are cute, and fat bellied trannies with small dicks are even cute
Oh anon~ I hope you're eating snacks today and drinking more chocolate milk! I know you love it.. You love to get bigger, and fatter. You make me so proud when you stuff yourself with calories ;3
funny you say that, i literally just stuffed myself full of sandwich melts half an hour ago, thinking of you <3
good girl!
Yay! I bet it felt soooo good to stuff all those sandwich melts down into your soft, rumbling belly.. How are you now? Still full? Such a good feedee :p

Any chance you could send a picture of your belly? I'd love to see your progress ;3
Awawa thank u anons, being called a good girl and praised makes me melt ~^w^~
might send pic but I'm shy...
don't be shy, you are among friends
I can't get enough of girlbellies and it seems you like the positive attention as well
awwwe! dont be shy anon! its okay! you dont have to if you dont want to. if it helps, I've sent a picture of my belly in this thread but I'll never tell which ;P

i think its really cute how you keep doing what you're told with stuffing yourself~
BUMPing my head into fat tranny bellies rn
I didn't realize there were so many trans feedees and feeders around.
OP keeps pushing everyone's buttons, not sure we can help it
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fiiiine... here's my girlbelly...
I'm was so nervous i stress ate some more chocolate i hope that's okay
i just injected estrogen into my chubby girl(boy) leg and it bled a little / ; . but its okay now.
and my doctor put me on 200mg prog instead of 100. and now have like 250+ progs for free.
which is also nice. also i am on a diet. and i weighed myself and i am actually down 6 lbs from 2 weeks ago.
which is where i figured i would be. so this is 194lbs of boy(girl) fat. and boy(girl) sexo/sexa.
emily doesnt even know i go into heat sometimes.
also i purged all licorice because i asked my doctor about sucking on licorice and she was like "no, thats silly anon. who told you that? emily?"
and i said yeah. and she like patted my belly and was like "there there, mommy will take care of you. stay away from girls like emily, anon."
then she breast fed me. my wholemilk. on tap milkies.

emily.. its over. am never eating licorice again!
Oh my goodness! Such a good girl! Of course it's okay that you ate more chocolate! Better yet, why don't you eat more? I know you want to, I'll bet it tasted so good <3 Those stretch marks are beautiful, and your thighs look so soft..
cute! you might want to slow down a bit but a girl needs to treat herself once in a while
that belly looks like it would be really fun to play with and kiss all over and those thighs look so soft...
tell me more about milkies on tap
thank you so much for the compliments, it really does make my day so much better <3
I have to be careful around you though or else I'll just end up stuffing my face 24/7 >w<
why be fem when you are fat?
awwe.. I'm glad to hear that anon. So happy I could be of service! <3

You're right though, you need to start being careful around me! Stuffing your face constantly like that, you'd get even fatter - growing day by day.. I'd love to see that cute belly of yours even bigger than my own! Bigger is better, dear.
Trans women can't look like female fertility gods that is every straight man's dream because they're too much malebrained and think men want some stick who have even more visible male bones than average man not to mention saggy and starved estrogenised tits. Gross shit.
I've been obese. It sucks. I'd never want to be with an obese person. It objectively sucks. Lots of cope.
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Eating is hard for me. When I do manage to eat something, I feel like throwing it up.

I want chub on my body, but gaining weight is fucking hard
sorry to hear that anon :/
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Normal sized cis girl here. I'm getting a bit chubby lately due to my impulse-control issues caused by my autism. I tend to eat my feelings, so to speak

This thread makes me feel better about gaining a some weight and having a little tummy. It's actually kinda hot
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My ass is getting kinda fat too
I'm glad that this thread could do this for you. Societal standards have a huge impact on how women perceive their bodies, like unrealistic expectations around weight. These standards can be particularly intense for trans women, who may feel additional pressure to conform to certain body types to be seen as more "feminine" or to "pass" more effectively in society.

Having some extra weight does come with benefits, like added energy reserves, which can be crucial during pregnancy and childbirth. It also serves as a natural layer of protection for various organs. Historically, being a bit heavier was often seen as a sign of health and prosperity, but modern beauty standards tend to favor a much slimmer look, which isn't necessarily healthier or more functional.

Speaking SOLELY from the fat fetishist side of me, you call that chubby? Fuck's sake. That's barely even a starter belly. Quit joking. You're emaciated.
nice, you could definitely afford to gain quite a bit
make sure to take tummy pics to document your progress and post them here
>That's barely even a starter belly. Quit joking.
Was just about to say that.
you had me at autism, anon.
she has "the pouch" anon. she started.
look closer and imagine her sitting.
don't fall for the feeedie psyop
tasteful levels of chub, nice
She is still quite skinny.
Anyway, it's just like an AFAB to see a conversation that's not about her and try to one up the people who are participating.
very hot, anon. would snuggle with your butt!

captcha 2s0yj ack!
You call that fat? I'd like to see another 50 pounds on it before you say that.
aw cmon dont be like that anon, we're meant to be an inclusive community here
trans tummy and cis tummy are equal
also, all my best gfs were a little chubby.
same with bf's.

it was always the normal/thin builds that were /;

like growing up i didnt htink it would be this way, but it is. people with a little bit of chub are just better. they cant rely soley on physicality and have to make it up in other departments.

also i would never hax sex with a skinny or normal weight guy, they are too boyish for me.
i like women and masc daddys.
>Having some extra weight does come with benefits, like added energy reserves
cope harder fatty
also i dont think i like really skinny girls either.
like i dont want to break anything.
(except hearts)
It's not a cope. That's what fat is. When I mentioned "excess energy reserves," I was referring to body fat. Fat plays several crucial roles in the body, including serving as an energy reserve in case of periods without food.
All right. You've convinced me. But I want to see more bellies.
Please take a picture of you sitting down with tummy resting on lap. It would look good. And feel good.
are you OP? O_o
>in case of periods without food
Yes, when we were scavengers living in caves.
Or in modern times if you're poor, broke, bad job, have expensive bills...you shoudl really be more empathetic to those who don't live like you, anon. Your socipathy is showing, tsktsk!
I KNEW IT! I eventually did end up posting my belly, I'm the one you were encouraging :p >>38039006
I saw! Excellent job~
Although, it would look nicer with a little bit extra. You need to be softer all over.
Ah yes, the fatty cope.
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Sorry, I didn't mean to one up anyone here. I'm still far too thin to do that, I just wanted to say that I appreciate the people itt
Thank you for the encouraging words, that's what I'm talking about!
Okay, will do
This. Picrel is a photo of my thighs from a while ago. I'll post a follow-up pic of how my thighs look now. I definitely gained quite some weight
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This is what my thighs look like now
thank you,,, i know.. i need to gain even more... I'll get on that, hehe :p
i already did, anon... ugh. fine.
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Don't worry. All are welcome here. And you've been doing quite a bit of growing, haven't you? The absolute best gains are when a girl who's been skinny her whole life realizes that having a little extra is actually kind of fun. And it is! And sometimes, it just keeps going, and going, before you know it, you end up with a hug around your whole body.
Just know that your weight doesn't define who you are as a person. You are valuable inherently just for being alive. And that goes for everyone in this thread.
Looking quite nice and soft! You'd look much more womanly if they were a bit larger, don't you think?
okay. idid.
idk why everyone says i am fat, i am really a girl irl. (boy/hooker with a penis)
like i dont even know why i have to cover my nipples. i am a boy! (man)
You distracted me from my game of Final Fantasy so much one of my characters died. You damn fatty, how are you gonna make it up to me?
woops wrong one. /;
now you all see my nipple.
its over.

janny's please delete that 1.
hot, you really look like a girl
but I would call you a boyslut and a failed male if it makes you feel better
yeah. i am a boy. irl (that is a girl)
i always tell anons i have a shemale body irl.
and theyre like yeah sure kid.
but i really do.
i am a boy!
(that is a girl)

I guess the only thing I'm worried about is, should I be getting rid of my male fat first? I don't want to be stuck as a stupid tranny with male fat. pls help OP.... give me advice....
the pooners i know irl are all envious of how i am. like i am their ideal for pooning out. like their goals. they only tell me this when they get drunk though so idk.
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One last tummy pic be4 i go to bed, my panties r rly smol for me at this point lol
keep this thread alive frens, haven't felt this nice in days ^^
Can't wait until your belly engulfs your panties entirely~
You should feel nice, beautiful. You're very womanly.
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>a girl who's been skinny her whole life realizes that having a little extra is actually kind of fun
That's exactly what's happening to me! I've been growing rapidly because lately I can't stop stuffing my face, but it's just too much fun. I noticed that I don't freeze as much as I used to, now that I have a few pounds extra. That's nice, it's like my body is becoming it's own snuggly warm blanket
>Looking quite nice and soft! You'd look much more womanly if they were a bit larger, don't you think?
True, I also like how my boobs have grown since I gained weight!

Nice trips and cute nips ;)
tiny clothes on chubby girls are my kryptonite, you look great
The more weight you gain, the more will go to your breasts. If you ever eventually decide to slim back down, the gains will somewhat stick to them, as well. So if you want larger breasts, it can be good to get just a little chubby.
Now's a good time for a snack, wouldn't you say?
ty! beautiful boobas <3
Ty anons and goodnight <3 love u all
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Yes! I'll go get a snack now, for bigger booba :b

Thank you too, anon <3

you are beautiful anon, ty for sharing your beautiful tummy with us. you are very snuggable and cuddlly and nice also.
have good night anon.
:* *blows rasberrys on belly and kisses belly everywhere*

all the skinnies are seething right now.
everyone knows this is where the love is.
damn you look great
when you gain a bit you will look divine
works if you wanna attract black men tbqh senpai
Excellent. Soon you'll be looking so much more feminine and lovely. And you'll even feel sexier too. The glow up that even very plain looking women get when they get some curves hugging them is absolutely unreal.
Tell me - what do you think when you see this image? And what does it make you feel if you imagine the right side being you? Is it too much, or does it make you feel something...a bit devious? It's definitely a naughty feeling to indulge, in spite of the deep-ingrained messages that society constantly tells us. Almost empowering!
That's just me, though. Curious about your thoughts as someone dipping their toes in.
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Thanks! :)

Hot DAMN, the picture on the right looks hot. I'm bisexual and was always attracted to chubby girls like that, but I never thought about being chubby myself before. The thought is definitely starting to excite me. Imagining myself as the woman on the right is kinda turning me on, but maybe that's mostly because her figure turns me on in general. Very feminine!
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Btw I'm munching on some chocolate right now, since you told me to get a snack
yeah it is hot, like lowkeydeadinside.
also remember to exercise your butt/legs a little every day while gaining to really make the shape pop. fit/toned/shaped.

sculpted like a greco roman goddess of fertility.
i love that this thread has been alive for so long. once it gets archived tho i might kill myself
See, I knew I had you pegged from the second you posted here. In a good way, naturally! I've seen many women like yourself who dabble with the idea over several years, admiring chubby and fat women, and then all of a sudden give into the idea for themselves. It's all very sexy, to be quite honest. Maintaining that much control over the years and then finally letting go is unbelievably cathartic and naughty feeling.
Yes, I would agree that the right's body is so much more womanly and feminine. Not only that, but she's probably happier, too - not needing to log and track everything that goes in your mouth and stand on the scale every day to make sure you absolutely haven't gained a pound...well, it relieves a great deal of stress from you. You end up feeling and looking happier, and people notice.
Here's another of my favorites for you to feast your eyes on and imagine being in the shoes of. I wonder how this one makes you feel? Model is Candii Kayn, a pretty famous model in the fat admirer community.
It's pretty sexy to let go and chug something so eagerly that you know only has one purpose...
Just make a new one then
Hahaha, that's a good girl. It makes me happy to see you so happy with your decision.
nta but god OP ik this is you bc the words make my heart flutter. please never stop.. you should tease me into eating more..
i mean this with no disrespect in my heart, i’ve personally been gaining weight to try and pass better after being underweight pre-hrt, but what about the health concerns? like surely it can’t be good for the body to consistently maintain such a high body fat percentage right? that’s really the only reason i don’t want to fully commit. once again i mean no disrespect honestly i’d kill for a body like the ones in this thread cause fat does help someone pass and it looks “nicer” than the sharpness of muscle
putting all the fat fetish stuff aside, gaining weight wont immediately kill you. you can eat well and still keep your weight
Don't worry, I have no shortage of honeyed words for cute, growing girls like yourself. I'm glad that you found my words so intoxicating you can tell me by just my language. I must have left quite the impression, huh? Well, not as much of an impression as the food you ate will leave on you...but you like that, don't you? Maybe you should have something else. It's two days to Friday, we're in the middle of the week, and I'm sure you need a little pick-me-up to help you through the week...
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> knew I had you pegged from the second you posted here
Heh, I guess you got me
>Maintaining that much control over the years and then finally letting go is unbelievably cathartic and naughty feeling
Yes! I feel like I should be pissed at myself for gaining weight so shamelessly all of a sudden, but not giving a fuck and just being happy and indulgent is such a powertrip
>it relieves a great deal of stress from you. You end up feeling and looking happier, and people notice
>Candii Kayn
Haha, I love that name. And the image, oh my... I just wanna grab and squeeze her belly and thighs, she looks SO huggable! It's kinda exciting in a taboo way that she was the perfect beauty standard before, but decided to get fat instead. It feels naughty and like a huge middlefinger to anyone who's not happy about it. Imagining myself in her shoes is exciting, I wish I could be that confident! And thinking about all the people who would admire abd love my huge body... yeah, get's me wet

I'm glad you told me to, I've been craving something sweet real bad! Told myself to ignore it and keep some self control, but I feel better now that I'm having a treat :) Being a good girl and learning to enjoy myself feels so so relieving
>but not giving a fuck and just being happy and indulgent is such a powertrip
This is the most intoxicating part, and the best part is that you have control over how far you want to let that feeling go on for. But I must warn you, it really, truly does not ever end. And once you gain even more and become truly chubby, or even fat, that power trip turns from "I'm skinny but ok with gaining weight" to "I'm fat and getting fatter, and I don't even care." It's a different kind of letting go entirely, but something that's even scarily sometimes even more intoxicating than the first feeling.
>It's kinda exciting in a taboo way that she was the perfect beauty standard before, but decided to get fat instead.
Precisely! See, you're already understand very well exactly what makes this all so addicting. It is absolutely a huge middle finger - it's complete and utter liberation of self, thoughts, and opinions of others. It's all about no longer letting that control you.
The confidence comes with time, especially if you start feeling good and sexy about your body. It'll shine right through, and people will see how womanly you've become. And yes, they will lust for it. On a deeper and more visceral level that just thinking of thrusting inside, but about an admiration of your entire form and being itself.
>Told myself to ignore it and keep some self control, but I feel better now that I'm having a treat :)
That's good girl talk. I like that. The more you give in to these desires, the better it's going to feel. I'll keep replying and putting threads up for as long as you engage, so feel free to respond whenever you need, and I'll give that extra donut a push right into your hungry mouth, using your own hand as a proxy.
fuuuckkk this thread is so hot omfggg i need someone to get fat with
its like every word you're saying to me is drenched in a sugary sweet liquid that it'd be idiotic of me not to eat them up just like the snacks I'm about to go eat hehehe.. i think i have some oreos around here somewhere~
Good girl. That's what I like to see. A happy, good, obedient girl. I'm so glad you're doing something nice for yourself, you deserve it. You deserve however much is left in the entire container, actually. Hopefully it's full. And if it isn't, I do hope you'll find something else to satiate you hunger...you wouldn't be nearly full enough yet.
>a girl who's been skinny her whole life realizes that having a little extra is actually kind of fun
this is slowly becoming me, I've been so slim my entire life and I've really been enjoying having a bit of squish. kneading my thighs just seeing how big they are getting feels great
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Awwe.. I forgot when they delivered my groceries they couldn't find the oreos I asked for so they just didn't pick up anything... I'm going to have to see what other treats I have laying around.. Or maybe I could just go pick up a new pack and eat em all? Hehehe.. I'll never be full! I wanna eat until I look like either of these two. Preferably the one on the left ;)
Ah, Betterwithsalt! I like their art, although I'm more particular to more visceral depictions, myself.
Yes, you should get a completely new pack. Or two. Maybe a pizza too, to balance out all that sweet with some savory. And a drink, too - you'll probably get thirsty, right? Get some kind of milkshake, too. Or ice cream...
also it will get to the point where like when you go to sit down on your legs you will feel ALOT more cushion. its crazy. sometimes when i sit on my legs i am look "oops these got bigger since last time."
i can feel it. like i am sitting up like an inch higher than a month ago.
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>It's a different kind of letting go entirely, but something that's even scarily sometimes even more intoxicating than the first feeling
I won't lie, I'm still a little nervous about just letting go completely. But I don't want to worry aboutmy weight anymore. I want to be happy, head empty, and belly full <3
>The confidence comes with time, especially if you start feeling good and sexy about your body. It'll shine right through, and people will see how womanly you've become
I can't wait to get bigger hips and let someone who appreciates it lay in my lap. Having my (soon to be) huge thighs and belly squeezed and wo/manhandled must feel amazing!
>That's good girl talk. I like that
Being called a good girl is kind of my weakness, so this is a win-win for me ;b
>I'll keep replying and putting threads up for as long as you engage, so feel free to respond whenever you need, and I'll give that extra donut a push right into your hungry mouth, using your own hand as a proxy
My god, that sounds SO good. I have to go to sleep now, but I'll be around for you to guide me through this
because trannies are retarded
gahh ive never heard of sweetdreamcoffee before, I'll have to check them out. what do you mean by more visceral depictions? :o

I have a pizza here, but I also have some of those soft pretzels with cheese sauce that they have at auntie annes.. those are my favorite. I might go make those if I get nudged in the right direction ;p
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Please excuse my poor camera quality
Fuck how are you built like this
am the chubby femboy.
you are hot af honestly.
i want to shape myself like lowkeydeadinside
like i want to melt my belly down just a little and put it into my legs/butt more in the coming months.. that what my project is for holidays/winter. so by summer next year..
You've got that much more ass on you, huh? Excellent work.
>I won't lie, I'm still a little nervous about just letting go completely.
That's okay. It's natural to be nervous. As people, we are ever resistant to outright change. But what I hope will give you some comfort for this nervousness is that it won't be all at once. It'll creep up, and up, until slowly, over the coming months, you'll notice it like a warm embrace, until you can't ignore it anymore. You'll ease right into it like putting on your favorite sock, and by that time, you'll be so comfortable that you won't even notice the difference, besides being wider, and softer, and jiggly. Just don't worry too hard, and keep eating things that make you happy.
>Being called a good girl is kind of my weakness, so this is a win-win for me ;b
That's a good girl. I know it's your weakness - what girl doesn't want to be called good? And when you do something worth rewarding, I will reward you, and any other girl, by showering them with praise.
>My god, that sounds SO good. I have to go to sleep now, but I'll be around for you to guide me through this
Good night, dear. I'll be around as well. It's good to get some sleep to really let those calories stick onto you.
You've very well excused. You made up for it with such a cute starter belly. I'm looking forward to seeing you blossom into your own as a woman.

By visceral, I mean somewhat more realistic. Heavier looking. I like BWS, but their depictions are a bit idealized and cartoony for my tastes. A little too perfect.
>I meant somewhat more realistic
Oh don't worry, I get it. I enjoy that stuff too, because of course I do lol

Something that I'm having a really hard time shaking is that

1. I'm pretty sure I understand where me liking this fetish came from. It came from my mom always criticizing my weight. Me, being naturally chunky, am into this because I was told a million times that I'd "never want to look like that", and that "nobody would ever want you if you look like that". I really want to fully commit my body to be as fat as I want, but honestly I'm afraid of what my mom might say. Of course I don't live with her, but she's pretty twofaced and nosy and would probably see me, whether it be family gatherings or social media posts.

2. The past couple of years she's been an absolute health nut and has been apparently making comments about my weight behind my back. And I'd like to get even fatter! So of course that's not really helping. Sorry to dump all of this here but as someone who's known they've had this fetish since like 9 years old its been really eating at me lately, pun intended.

Lastly, since I haven't lost weight since starting HRT, I need to know if it'd actually be beneficial for my body shape to LOSE weight first (scary I know) or if I could just keep piling it on.

I don't know if anyone has any advice, or what. Thanks Fatanons and especially OP.
just get more fat tranny
omg i want to put you in corsets until you look like a cartoon
i am honestly into that.
find me a good one that will help shape me up. if you have skills in that department, because i am really into it and want that honestly.

like i want someone like that irl that would coach me and make me like 100% hot.

but idk where to even find anyone like that honestly.
like if you know about them, and know a really good 1, link me it, i can buy it, its np.
and next time am being a degen or go into heat i will put it on and show you all.
>honestly I'm afraid of what my mom might say
That's understandable. I mean, who wouldn't understand that sentiment? When we weigh someone else's opinion on ourselves too heavily, it can cause us to feel restricted. There's no easy cure for this. But it is an act of liberation to, in the stead of someone like that, to become fatter anyway. To say, "yes, I'm fat. Got a problem with it?"
>as someone who's known they've had this fetish since like 9 years old its been really eating at me lately, pun intended.
If you've had these kinds of thoughts since you were young, it's even more important to go for it. If there's a certain weight that, if you got there, would be significant to you, you should go for it. Stuff yourself silly, until you couldn't possibly eat another bite. Let yourself experience that life firsthand. Give yourself the freedom and liberation you crave. If you don't, your life might pass by to the point where you miss the chance to do this at the point it'll look best on you. I don't want you to have any regrets.
>I need to know if it'd actually be beneficial for my body shape to LOSE weight first (scary I know) or if I could just keep piling it on.
It's anecdotal, but as someone who does extreme weight cycling, I have noticed an extreme effect on my body. It's pronounced. It's worth looking into before you start your true gain.
Thank you.These words are honestly super helpful to hear.
>To say, "yes, I'm fat. Got a problem with it?"
Yeah, I've thought about going this route. It's just, I've seen what she's capable of, so to know that she's ALREADY talking about me behind my back.. It really hurts. But it's also a cycle in a way. My brain processes that as sorrow but then I think refuels my hunger for feederism.
>If you've had these kinds of thoughts since you were young, it's even more important to go for it.
Yeah.. unrestricted internet access while having a mother that constantly tells you about how you'd never want to be that fat really gets you thinking about how you'd really like to be that fat, huh? lol. I remember having a Wii in my room and watching all the things that interested me. There was a video of a girl drinking a bunch of pop (real, not animated) until her button on her pants flew off. That was quite possibly one of the hottest things I'd seen before. But in that moment I didn't know it was sexual, I just felt a strange attraction to it
> I don't want you to have any regrets.
This. It might seem silly to everyone else, but to have a larger belly, and to have it be worshipped would make me truly happy I think. It just sounds so nice. I've thought about it for so long...
>I have noticed an extreme effect on my body.
OK, I'll bite. How extreme of weight cycling? What's your regimen? If I had to put in the work to get feminine looking fat in there I truly would make an effort, even if just to gain it all back.

Thanks again OP. I didn't expect to have a levelheaded conversation with you about my deep rooted fetish
I'm pretty knowledgeable in that world. I love that you want to be visually extreme. I'm envisioning a body that cannot be made modest, that stands out even in boring clothing. As for a corset, what are your current measurements? Use measuring tape just below your breasts
>Thank you.These words are honestly super helpful to hear.
I'm glad, anon. I wish only to help others feel more comfortable in their skin.
>It's just, I've seen what she's capable of, so to know that she's ALREADY talking about me behind my back.
I can understand why that's so painful. But if she's alreasdy doing it, it's not going to stop until you get to a weight she finds acceptable. And for what? People like her are never satisfied; she would undoubtly find something else about you to pinpoint on and criticize. You'd live your life for her approval, never get it, and be quite unhappy.
>I remember having a Wii in my room and watching all the things that interested me.
The Wii and the internet browser within held many secrets that were told to me at an age where I was barely prepared to handle them. Love that for us.
>It just sounds so nice. I've thought about it for so long...
Then why complicate the entire process with pesky thinking, and worrying? You sound like you'd be much happier with a snack.
>OK, I'll bite. How extreme of weight cycling? What's your regimen?
I gain and lose 60 pounds a year. The first year, I gain until I weigh 200 pounds. Then I lose weight over the next year until I'm around 145 pounds. I am 5 foot 8, for reference. I have absolutely noticed a difference.
>I wish only to help others feel more comfortable in their skin.
So sweet <3 <3 <3
>You'd live your life for her approval, never get it, and be quite unhappy
Again, this is just true, and it hurts. I've already been doing enough of this and she already criticizes me on other things because she wants me to be just like her. Sort of a tall order. She's not going to stop doing that so why should I limit myself for her?
>Love that for us.
FUCK yeah. So many things I shouldn't have seen (meant in a positive way)
>Then why complicate the entire process with pesky thinking, and worrying?
Because I've always thought that it was impossible to be happy with what I look like in general. Now that I'm an adult and I'm seeing its not true, I'm starting to rethink things about my body. I think I could genuinely be so much hotter if I lost and regain weight.
>You sound like you'd be much happier with a snack.
Your words never fail to make me completely confident that this is what I want to do. I WOULD be much happier with a snack.. I need to not think and worry about anything.. Just eating :3
>I gain and lose 60 pounds a year.
OK now THIS is insane. I honestly would love to try this out just to see where it gets me. If it doesn't significantly change me, I could just gain the weight back. There is literally nothing to lose, but everything to *gain* (hehe) I think I've made up my mind now to actually do weight cycling. I'm 6ft. I wonder if it'll do anything for me.

I'd love to add you on like, discord or whatever but if you're serious about making new threads, I don't know if we really need to do that. it'd probably take away from the fun of teasing me & others if it wasn't anonymous hehe
bump buh buh bump bump ... bump bump!
housing a taco bell box and chugging milk tonight for this thread :3
Girl you do nottt. I got fat due to an accident and yeah your hips expand but like getting skinny again is hard. I'm slightly overweight which guys like but yeah definitely just like weight cycle and try to be patient.
I like skinnies :o
i had a skinny bf once and he was the nicest and sweetest person i ever met, we just drifted apart cause of going to different universities for too long
still, I'd let someone chubby *or* skinny grab my tummy any day ^^
Something I’ve always found interesting about the LGBT community is that fat fetishism seems to be very common in it (I’m into it too as a bi male, so I’m not exempt from it).

Is there just something about being queer that just invites gluttony and good shit like that?
It’s because when a cis straight man says “i like it when there’s meat on her bones heheheh” you don’t automatically label him as such and that says more about you than anything
Fat fetishism is just hella common in general
that sounds awfully deathfobic
True, but I can’t help but notice patterns.

The amount of LGBT artists that draw some variation of fat/expansion porn is absolutely insane. Not to mention that a lot of LGBT people get fat themselves.
for my part, i was into it before i transitioned too, so i guess it's either coincidence or just a certain type of person, not necessarily any part of the queer culture
tfw no trans girl to mutually gain weight with
I’m a relatively skinny guy and my genuine plan is to get fat together with someone else once I settle down.

I fucking love food and like to binge eat until I’m bloated already, but I’d love to do it mutually with another person. It’s funny because despite being a glutton, I always used to be paranoid about gaining, but ever since I just let myself gain a little more to the point that I’m no longer underweight, I’m much happier.
crazy how much happier you become once you stop restricting yourself from nice things, isnt it? :3
true, I'm in a server that has a pretty high lgbt furry population and almost all their fursonas are at least chubby if not fat
even their idolized versions of themselves are fat, there's definitely a correlation here
fat is fucking gross. fungus growing between numerous skin flaps, the inability to ride a cock, the cost of food, and the diabetes is not really appealing. I'm getting a six pack, try to stop me.
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go ahead anon, everyone deserves the body they want, whether that be chubby or fit
I love massaging chubby thighs, thin girls are so mid
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so soft and cuddly <3
like a human snuggle pillow
I'll I've ever wanted in my life was to serve as someone's pillow ... and never have to worry about anything else... thank you!
I wanna feed you candy and kiss your belly
I want to be fed candy and to have my belly rubbed! This morning I ate candy for breakfast, actually
You can't just have candy for breakfast!
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this top used to fit me..

nice belly, anon
very cuddly <3
Naughty girl, you should have a full breakfast and then you can have some candy if you are not full
I have been practicing making caramels and cream toffee, now I just need a girl to try them all out
;-; what would you feed me instead anon?
Thank you, yours is super cute too, would cuddle with you, and would rub, looks super soft maybe with (anon) in between us..looks like it fits fine to me, you should go out like that <3
That is such an erotic belly, I am getting very indecent thoughts about what to do with it
I would try all of them for you...
And... im sorry, it was just the thing i had closest to me, no damn real food right now going to go shopping tomorrow
A big stack of thick pancakes drenched in syrup with bacon between every slice alongside hash browns and berries dipped in chocolate. After I'll cuddle you rubbing your belly while slipping candies past your cute lips and kissing you.
Candy doesn't provide all the nutrients a growing girl needs, that is why it is a treat after a full meal
it fits you even better now
fuck i have to get fatter... im gonna go drink a 2 liter
ty cutie, cuddlepile sounds great ^^
mind sharing? ;3
you're too nice <3
It's kinda embarrassing how worked up I got starting at your belly...
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This belly is 10/10
I hope you get fungal infestation in your fat rolls
If anything is embarrassing it's how much i let myself go ^^'
that's rly high praise... thank u <3
Good morning my piggies.

>She's not going to stop doing that so why should I limit myself for her?
Precisely. Live your life by your own way, and do not let someone's perception of you stop you. Especially if their perception stops you from getting nice and soft and jiggly and happy. You deserve to be happy.
>I think I could genuinely be so much hotter if I lost and regain weight.
Yes, I agree. No one would be able to deny how womanly and soft and cute you'll become all over once it redistributes to your thick thighs.
>I need to not think and worry about anything.. Just eating :3
I agree wholeheartedly! I'm so glad that having a snack made you feel better! That feeling is exactly why you should keep having little snacks, all throughout the day - it's to keep you happy!
>if you're serious about making new threads, I don't know if we really need to do that.
I'm going to continue making weight gain gens for as long as I'm allowed to get away with it. As far as discord goes, it's too personal to me. I don't want to get so thoroughly entangled in people's lives - i want to be a guiding force, a helping hand, but I'm not seeking a relationship. I just like helping people become fatter. All people. The obesity rate in America is dropping, and I'm here to do my job to pump those numbers again.

Good girl. Just one, though? Surely you're going to be left hungry.

Beautiful. This is exactly what I hoped for when I made this thread, was seeing beautiful, soft trans bellies. So underrepresented in the community!

And now it does not! What a wonderful change you've made. Now, let's changed that from "used to fit me" to, "used to be able to put it on"...

Good girl. You should get things that make you happy.

Embarrassing? Yeah, I suppose it is. But it's also so very cute. Chubby trans girls are the cutest thing besides fat trans girls. Ahhhh. Wonderful.
good morning, today im chugging melted ice cream
>Beautiful. This is exactly what I hoped for when I made this thread, was seeing beautiful, soft trans bellies. So underrepresented in the community!
Thank you so much :( do you think my belly is special?
> I just like helping people become fatter. All people. The obesity rate in America is dropping, and I'm here to do my job to pump those numbers again.
Also this turned me on because I've always loved the idea of like a fat utopia or whatever...
>Good girl. You should get things that make you happy.
And im going to!!
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That's a good girl! I'm proud of you! It's unbelievably naughty, right? If you have the ability, it'd be good to take a little nap after, to really make it stick. Unless of course, you have something else to eat!
Also, I really like being fat and soft but sometimes I feel like when im in public im being judged so I wear clothes that are too big for me and if im not im constantly pulling at my clothes, I wish I could be more confident and wear crop tops in public.
Every belly is special, but your belly does have a sensual, alluring charm to it that turns me on to the point where I almost feel compelled to find release.
Excellent! I can't wait to see the impact of your decision making on your expanding waistline...
That's a natural part of being fat in society, unfortunately. And it is hard. I won't take that away from you. The confidence to wear crop tops is hard earned. Try wearing high waisted bottoms to ease yourself into it - many people will "hide" their belly in their leggings or bottoms, and then have that little strip of lovely, luscious soft chubby peeking out. God, it's irresistible. And that's what you need to think when you're parading that sexy body of yours - that to the right person, you are mouth wateringly irresistible. Who cares what the others think? It ain't about them. They don't want you happy, they want you skinny and snack less and sad. Who cares about an opinion like that?
Morning anon, thanks for the compliments ^^
And thank you for making this thread, I've been looking forward to checking in on it every day it's been up
You get your belly pics, and us fatties get our praise, perfect system <3
>. Try wearing high waisted bottoms to ease yourself into it - many people will "hide" their belly in their leggings or bottoms, and then have that little strip of lovely, luscious soft chubby peeking out.
I was thinking about doing exactly this!! I was like, well, i don't want to show my entire stomach but I was looking in the mirror and pulling up my shorts and sort of pulling my shirt down and I was thinking that it looked doable.. I have really cute shirts... hehe and I know exactly what you're talking about , I love when I can see girls bellies...
Do you think that the desperate attempts to hide their bellies are cute? Even though they're obviously still fat? Sometimes when I sit down on the couch I hold a pillow over my stomach :p
>Every belly is special, but your belly does have a sensual, alluring charm to it that turns me on to the point where I almost feel compelled to find release.
Omg!? Do you promise? I wouldn't mind if you did... thank you...
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Would u be happy if I was ur gf and I was wearing ur jacket like this ..
I'm way more interested what is under that jacket, your breasts and tummy both look so big and inviting

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