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>Win the genetic lottery and be born female
>Choose to live as a male

Makes no sense?

You're giving up life on EZ mode for... for LESS? You can do less and have less social privilege?
Why arr there at least five threads exactly like this up rn? Seems like spam.
But anyway. Its because I care more about how many guys I can beat up as opposed to how many cocks I can take. And if you choose estrogen, you choose weakness.
>Win the genetic lottery and be born male
>Choose to live as a female

Makes no sense?
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>Win the genetic lottery and be born female
>can’t top
>Its because I care more about how many guys I can beat up
Have you ever actually fought a man, though? Because you wouldn't actually be able to beat them up you know. Testosterone might make you a bit stronger, but not as strong as a cis man.
Nta but I have and I've learned to use my differences to my advantage. I'm very short (5'1) so I'm able to climb cis men like a feral cat and strangle them.
They could probably beat me up, im a pacifist
Not yet. But one of my goals is to join underground fighting leagues and do so. I will find a way. I'll keep fighting stronger and stronger men. I expect to lose a lot. Just a fact of life. You lose till you persevere and win. Its not just a want either, its a need. I have a debt to pay to the man who ruined my life. I need to be able to kick his shit in. Otherwise I won't live with myself.
I can't tell if you're joking tbhon
This sounds tryhard as fuck
Well what do you want from me then, huh? To try less hard? To find a husband and be a baby factory for him and have him do everything for me? That's woman shit. If I want control and discipline over myself, there's nothing wrong with that.
i hope you’re doing well anon but i’m pretty sure there are better ways to deal with sa trauma than becoming tyler durden
Never underestimate what a pooner is capable of
But Tyler Durden and Batman are fucking cool. Way cooler than being a weak fuckhole chick anyway. I tried the legal way but cops ain't shit, so may as well.
Don't listen to these shitters. I may not be beating people up on the regular, since it's kinda anti-social behaviour. But it's absolutely an amazing feeling to dominate the shit out of some weaker human.
Just, like, remember weight and height are major, MAJOR factors in who you can take in a fight. Like, weapons >>> weight > height > training. The training is just to get you to a point you don't start crying after getting hit the first time.
>t. mtf futamoder
What Ftm's think masculinity is : Posing as a twink soundcloud rapper fuckboi in a Hawaiian shirt.
What masculinity actually is: Looking up used tire specs for your 2005 shitbox and compiling Fire Emblem level up tables to speedrun maniac mode.
>compiling Fire Emblem level up tables to speedrun maniac mode.
That's autism and spergs are not really masculine
well i feel you on cops being shit at dealing with this. well self improvement through martial arts is probably one of the better ways to cope, so good luck on your journey i guess
I didn't like the body I got. I found testosterone body, flat chest body, comfier. It wasn't about social perception or I wouldn't have been trans, ffs.
That's stupid as fuck. Don't be surprised when you get raped again.
Autism is masculine brain++. YWN spend your time purchasing precision german pliers and learning about the machine screw pitches and diameters.Only ever interested in the fashionable side, cope and sneed.
>beat up

You have never fought.
Was he actually a formidable opponent or was he just a weak basedboy
>Autism is masculine brain++.
No, like they struggle to fit in the societal role of a man.
No I mean that shit is something that only happens in movies. You are no different than teenage boys who think they'd be good in the military because they're good at call of duty.
And how do you know that?
its all about power and penises, man.
everyone naturally desires what they cant obtain
hence all the palpable insecurity
your body is naturally predispositioned to take cock, by force. and nothing else
let go of your anger and if you want to ruin his life just accuse him of rape which he probably did

i cant tell if youre larping or not but actual mma comes with a lot of training and pain, especially with permanent (brain) injury
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There is more to life than "easy mode"
Being cis male and female have different pros and cons.

It's better to be a male if you have ambition or dreams. It's better to be female if you just wanna live a life of unemployed hedonism.

I'm a cis male but I do envy women's ability to just marry a middle class dude and do whatever they want. But that's because I was born with a fucked up body and brain that resulted in me having no skills or talents, meaning hedonism is all I really have.
the whole point of those movies were that real men were nothing like them fucking hell. theyre just depictions, you delusional poony
hector hard mode and collecting shitboxes arent that masculine tbhon
theres more to life exactly so just choose taking cock and enjoying womanly pleasure

troons are delusional but at least they DIDNT choose to be a faggot and be takers instead of receivers. poons have no life experience
>may not be beating people up on the regular, since it's kinda anti-social behaviour.
I wouldn't unless they wanted to (like an org), or they deserved it.
Thanks for the advice.
I'll bring weapons too for that fight. So I doubt it. But if it happens that way, I'd hope at the very least I can help other weak people with no one to help them, like how I was. Like be a protector. That's what's so cool about men. That'd make me fufilled. The fact I tried my all would make me fufilled too.
I trained Thai Kwon Do and I'm doing BJJ now. But I haven't been in a proper no rules spar, true.
>just accuse him of rape
Doesn't do shit. I reported too late. My fault. He did it to his two daughters too. And probably more. I can't let go of that. That shit is all at least partially my fault.
>lot of training and pain, especially with permanent (brain) injury
I'm willing to take it.
The point is that I'm an inadequate man and yet I'm somehow still gonna win. I fall short of masculinity as a loopy ponytail man and yet I can still laugh at mumble-rap wannabe manlet tough guys. Real masculinity isn't posting up to your brahs in the underground, it's trying to find a niche, sell your laughable goods and keep your life running.
>theres more to life exactly so just choose taking cock and enjoying womanly pleasure
No thanks. I find more fulfillment in hard work.
Yeah, bleeding every month like subhuman, being a retarded walking incubator, in gender where feminism actually exists and when no one takes you seriously is such genetics lottery lmfao.
Oh wait I forgot mtfs can't relate to this.
>It's better to be a male if you have ambition or dreams. It's better to be female if you just wanna live a life of unemployed hedonism.
Unironically this. This is the answer to all those "why did you throw away being a woman/man when it's so much better" threads.
I have dreams and ambitions but I'm still staying as woman. (I'm repressor).
Bro your revenge fantasy isn't gonna come true if you try to beat him with brute strength.

A better way would be to seduce him and then manipulate him into provoking some dangerous men. I know it's not ideal, but you have to play the cards you were given. Take your weakness and turn it into a strength.
Oh fuck right off. You go jack off to that crap if you want to.
Gender dysphoria.
Fair, being a transman doesn't really give you the benefits of being a male anyway. Vice versa applies.

Sex based privileges are for the cis.
Well when your plan ends badly just remember that I warned you
Looks like they took it
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typical autistic male agp post tsk tsk
>less social priviledge
i think you're living in a alternate reality anon, every ftm i know always talks about how much easier life is after transitioning.
Also its for the same reason everyone else transitions, dysphoria
>how much easier life is
How so? I have only ever met 1 ftm and he always bitched about having to "suck it up and deal with it".
NTA but I have thrown fists and armwrestled with cis men on multiple occasions and won or resulted in a tie every time. My grip strength, benchpress etc. stats are significantly higher than average cis male of my age.
fembrained theyfab

>How so?
employment, progression, culture, interaction, only failed depressed men don't realize the advantages they have for being men, at least if you aren't black in places like the US, then u fucked and odds are you won't get anywhere from raw structural denial
Having to suck it up is not a disadvantage it's normal. Bothering others with your problems and making your problems other people's problems is wrong. Friendships with men are a lot better because they don't bother me with their emotions and I don't bother them with mine. Women experience a minor problem and they immediately start crying to seek comfort, shit's tiring
Please FtMs bodyswap with me (CisM) It'd be so kek
Do you take a higher-than-normal amount of T?
yeah but what's your gorilla grip strength?
Those men were probably smaller than average basedboys. And the average stats for men your age are lowered by the massive number of fat fucks who don't exercise. If you compared yourself to the average guy who actually worked out, you'd be far below average.
60 kg
I take 100 mg weekly
anon, i don't think you realize this but poons outperform cis men with normal levels because of biomechanical advantages, its the wildest fucking shit but the only way to make a athlete better than a random dude its getting a poon of same height and weight
they are confused and need to be taken to the infirmary
Bitch I love women topping me are you fucking retarded?
>Win the genetic lottery and be born female
>Choose to live as a male
>Always seen as MtF because I don't pass as female anymore

Living life on ultrahardmode and loving it
>care to explain yourselves?
hm no
That's not true but keep coping I guess
Lol. Lmao even.
because we have gender dysphoria dipshit
Not yet >w< Buwt one of my goaws is to join uwndewgwouwnd fighting weaguwes and do so. I wiww find a way. I'ww keep fighting stwongew and stwongew men. I expect to wose a wot. Juwst a fact of wife. Youw wose tiww u pewsevewe and win. Its not juwst a want eithew, its a need. I have a debt to pay to the man who wuwined my wife. I need to be abwe to kick his shit in. Othewwise i won't wive with mysewf.
I tried to live as a woman and I couldn't hack it. Simple
would you rather spend 50 hours inside the Retard Chamber or be forced to live as a 5'1 ftm for 2 weeks?
What's in the retard chamber?
NTA but i made a cis guy puke by repeatedly stomping on his balls after he bet I couldn't beat him up
i'm not a poon anons, its just the magic of biomechanics and body proportions, those are the results of the only set of serious research ran on trans athletic performance, long term trannies, 5+ years, get fucked because of proportions without male musculature while long term poons have the advantage of proportions and male musculature, obviously everything becomes moot if they transition early enough to avoid their natural puberty
You should kill yourself since you lost the genetic lottery apparently

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