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how do we convince more gen z men to support trans rights, sisters?
by talking about class issues and doing trans stuff quietly when you win
zoomer bois all hsve mommy issues and need a mommy gf
the one thing that seriously needs to go is the liberal immigration policy or more broadly than that the acceptance of unprecedented ethnic demographic change
the only real reason these people consider trans or even gay to be wrong is because of demographic replacement (not demographic decline, but the current replacement is necessitated of decline) whether they consciously realize it or not, of course they'll make up other reasons like "religion" to justify it
in summary trans bad because demographic replacement
if westerners were more secure in their national identities then we wouldn't even be talking about trans rights or public bathrooms right now
They consider trans or gay wrong because people who aren't trans or gay find trans and gay to be physically revolting.
that's a feeling
if someone merely feels some way then they can't be reasoned with
the only fact behind lgbt aversion is no reproduction and this only matters (right now) in the context of demographic replacement
in fact im willing to bet that some of these feelers are only coming up with the feeling of disgust after rationalizing the context of demographic replacement
The feeling can't be reasoned with, and it's always the main reason for hate. It can be temporarily numbed because normalfags don't actually rationalize that feeling. But this time of acceptance will be very short, and we're already in the age of pushback. Fighting for all of this rights shit is in my opinion futile, and the time of acceptance will never be meaningfully long in historic context. Like for how long LGBT stuff has been relatively accepted? 10 to 20 years? We're getting like 10 more years, maybe 20 at best.
Because it's impossible to fight human nature. After some time of selling people cope to make them force themselves to like and accept homosexuals and such, people will slowly realize they're just being manipulated. Normalfags are starting to see through all the liberal bullshit right through.
speaing as a cisgender brownoid, the silver lining to the upcoming nazification of america is that you nazi troons will finally find out the consequences of what you've been praying for
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zoomer guy here,
i will support transrights if you provide me with a milenial milf tranner
I kind of agree with this. I have come to believe that everything boils down to money. people are broke and angry so they are looking for people to lash out at. Some lash out at immigrants for taking their jobs but others blame trans people for breaking the fabric of society which in their minds somehow led to the current malaise.
is this one of those episodes where you low effort spam your /pol/ folder and expect people to type sincere replies? maybe someone else will pick you up on that. see you in the concentration camps you vile troon.
I kind of agree with this also. As well as money a lot of things can also be boiled down to lookism. People are distrustful and hostile towards those who look strange.
im not from murica but this
Wish there were milfy trip trannies on this board. I think this demographic is too small
Fuck you, zoomnigger.
Arent millenial women 30+ now and old? That is pretty milfy
>but the current replacement is necessitated of decline
in most places it's really not
like america is fine with their immigration level. The thing americans complain about is illegal immigrants, and while maybe they undercut legal workers it doesn't seem like a big deal. But otherwise america's immigration policies are pretty reasonable and they get good immigration.
The real issue is in countries like canada, the uk, or anywhere in western europe where immigration skyrocketed since 2019. In these countries the immigration levels are far beyond what's necessary for maintaining the economy, and is clearly just being used to suppress wages and keep housing bubbles from popping. And in these countries the integration is a lot worse because they don't put limits on individual countries, so the vast majority are from the same places and never integrate.
The issue is that westerners aren't allowed to be secure in their national identities when the state and the media are constantly trying to suppress any amount of nationalism, because having a society full of people with no shared identity, language, religion, ethnicity, or culture is a lot easier to oppress and extract wealth from than a society where people have shared culture and history. Mass immigration is the most blatant corrupt capitalist plot but lefties are completely blind to it because they've spent the last decade only talking about race and not class.
tgirl wife for every guy.
my mom is an early millennial
>t. 23 yo zoomer
You don't have the institutional power to do anything so might as well give up.
I'd say the bigger problem is that many of these inconvenient voters have encountered people that fit the caricatures that were plastered on political media during election season. I think some would be able to look past the self delusion trans people live in if irl trans people weren't completely toxic. Also, being strong armed by institutions of power into appeasing their delusion of passing pisses off the live and let live groups that rolled over for homosexuals and gay marriage.
You do your thing, I do mine. I call you a man in a dress, and you get to be a man wearing a dress. The current social order demands I ignore what I see, ignore what I think, think something more appropriate, compliment you when your desire for drama leads you to bother me, and having to act in ways that typically inconvenience anyone unfortunate enough to be stuck in your orbit.
Yeah the pedophilia thing wasn't a good look and might lead to the end of court legislated enforcement of gay marriage in the US.
yes, I'm manmoder millennial and am 33
I like that alliteration
I support trannies actively in my life as a Zoomer male, but a lot of trannies wont support themselves or cast off the shackles of hypersexualization. My trans friends I support by being a good friend, and if they are having a hard time financially I will meal prep for them for the week, perhaps not much but I cannot live life for them. Unfortunately a lot of people in power are repressed homosexuals/repressed tranny fuckers and will continue to make life hard for trannies until they die or cope with their repression.
probably by stopping the things we do making them associate LGBT with hating men. Such as talking about hating men.
so what you're saying is that it's once again the fault of the transbians for making all the rest of us look bad?
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no, it's mostly the fault of theyfabs, but transbians who want the approval of theyfabs have done at least 15% of this damage I guess, if I were to be generous.
show hole
yes, i need boobas naow
>Such as talking about hating men.
Ah so we don't have to change a thing then. Good
drop the gender identity bullshit and go full transmedicalist
NTA but that's /lgbt/ OC. /pol/ would never ever admit that nationalism was more pro lgbt than people think.
only one piece of the puzzle
Nothing will win over young men at this point short of rounding up all the pedos and executing them and deporting/murdering every last invader brownoid forced upon them. There is no non-violent solution.
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The Democratic Party is known as the party of borgoise brown obsessed pedophilic traitors that hate the native populous.

No amount of PR this century will backpedal on this.
to get men with healthy levels of testosterone back on the democrat side you would have to wipe all their memories
Kamala would’ve won if beaners couldn’t vote
Tho it’s not a racial problem. It’s an education problem. When you spend a fuckton of money to educate and improve your population and then replace them with illiterate thirdies, what’s the point?
why do you people hate pedophiles so much? half of you are them anyway. That isn't an accusation.
why are you concerned about people hating pedophiles?
Disagree a bit. Tech advances will make trannies if not gays more accepted. Slowly and eventually.
why aren't you?
yes lets wait 50 years for bone pills to be a thing
this please i need a tranny mommy gf
because pedophiles deserve to be hated? they want to rape children
I'm starting to think you're projecting a bit
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You forget that young men have been dealing with constant useless virtue signalling from corporations for the past ten years, causing a reactionary response from the right. Once you tell media corps and video game devs to stop making raceswapping redhead characters and token trannies, I'm sure cis zoomers would stop giving a shit. Post-Gamergate culture wars are the icing on the cake that is our shitty post-pandemic economy.
so people deserve to be hated for their thoughts? not to mention your idea of their thoughts is unproven garbage. that only happens because society is all fucked up and some people can't take the pressure and snap.
Obsession over fake and gay shit like intersectionality led to this downfall.
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one day you will run out of "others" to villainize to explain away your problems.
Sex appeal.
Die pedo
bro do you really think 4chan is the place for that discourse? whats next ethical use of the n-word debate with gang members?
half of this website is pedophiles you newfag. i'm just both on the wrong board and around offboarders from another wrong board for it.
Just date us its that easy
you can say nigger here, newfag
I didnt want to insult your father's roots boy
>Tho it’s not a racial problem
of course it isn't. it's cultural and sociological. but the thing is that through no one's fault some people can never truly integrate even if they wanted to because they just so much as look different from the local/native population
now even under ideal circumstances where racism and discrimination are completely over there is still a human tendency to socialize and form communities with people sharing a similar trait, even lgbt people do it, and yes people of different phenotypes do it, the difference in ethnicity though disconnects you from the host culture even if only a tiny bit by itself
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There is nothing dems can do. They're done.
The democrat agenda is:
>everything men are supposed to be is toxic and they should be weak pushover cucks, but still pay all the bills and make society function
>everything women are supposed to be is oppression, and they should rise up and be something they are physically and mentally incapable of
>traditional family units, friendships, hobby clubs, and gatekeeping of any kind is bad, you must let every retard with a pulse in to ruin whatever it is you enjoy doing
>we must let every third worlder into the first world to compensate for the lack of productivity and reproduction the above points have caused so the economy will continue to function
>but also we must give everyone foreign and stupid and incapable free money, because they can't be expected to earn their keep the normal way
>we're going to stir shit with countries that are literally on the other side of the planet and use all your taxpayer money to send guns to eastern european nazis so they can fight eastern european communists
>and we expect you to join the army and go fight for our chosen side if we get TOO involved, despite systematically obliterating the testosterone from our entire native population
>everything fun or efficient and all food that tastes good is bad for the environment and you need to stop doing it immediately and consciously inconvenience yourself daily and eat bugs and basedbeans exclusively
>feminism is important and women deserve everything they've never worked for, but also we will support the local integration of cultures who hate women and believe that men can be women

Democrat is the party of the insane, the gaslighters contradicting themselves at every turn and trying to turn you insane as well. If their goals are allowed to be accomplished, society will simply collapse.
this is all true but you could make just as long a list for republicans but I guess they did a better job at marketing this time around.
>When you spend a fuckton of money to educate and improve your population and then replace them with illiterate thirdies
We don't spend a ton of money to educate our population though. Public schools are a fucking joke, every single one is constantly straining their budget and expecting underpaid teachers to buy their own supplies, and common core has been ruining children for over a decade because niggers couldn't pass third grade so we had to dumb everything down for them. People only get a useful education once they get to college, which they paid for themselves with turbokiked loans, and even the most prestigious university educations are trash these days because all the professors are more invested in pushing DEI ideals than actually teaching their subject.
The republican agenda can be summed up with
>make it possible to earn a shitload of money through personal effort and keep that money
>keep illegals the fuck out
>resist democrat insanity
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Rohm was purged bud.
Maybe where you're from in Appalachia. I'm from a Coastal elite state where all the kids in schools are thirdies but the schools themselves are extremely well funded by the state as well as billionaire donors who live in the district
I think you had a bit of a point going on before you started spamming ruski bs
for being too revolutionary
the nazis knew he was gay for years, nobody cared
rohm was an anticapitalist and the rest of the nazis were happy to end the revolution once they got power. The SA was full of socialists.
himmler fabricated evidence that rohm was going to betray the nazis as an excuse to remove him and the no longer needed SA.
Homosexuality was the excuse goebbels used in the propaganda to justify it to the public, but it was really just a political purge
Yeah so you've got a bunch of money that's being wasted on students who are incapable of absorbing an education, that's much better.
Give me one fucking reason to give a shit about Ukraine.
>spamming ruski bs
>ONE of the 9 points mentions that americans have no reason to care about ukraine vs russia

Actually kill yourself. For real. You are completely brainwashed.
Godspeed on selling the pro homo nazi story.
You shouldn't Ruski. That's why you need to get out of there.
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>how do we convince more gen z men to support trans rights, sisters?
Judging by Chasergen you have a lot of bottom up support already from GenZ lads.
Liberals don't have anything to sell young men. Onlyfans Weed Hell World sucks. "Lets all be trans and fist each other, we'll cum buckets" is at least an idea. "Let's make the world like vacuum cleaner ads from the 50s" is also an idea. "We need some guy to trick people into thinking this culture is fun" is not an idea, it's wishcasting. It's wanting to type godmode into console
giwtwm (the chaser)
i think money plays a slightly different role. zoomer men as a group (particularly white cishet zoomers) do not think politically in terms of anything other than money or morals, because they simply have no need to. no reference for it. whether anyone gets any rights is only on their radars if it affects them somehow, and conservatards have convinced them trans rights are egregious the same way they’ve convinced them that social safety nets are stealing from them and that abortion is murder out of fear of responsibility. if it were really about “replacement” they would be fine with (if not actively supporting) abortion programs, as most who seek abortions are ethnic minorities in the US. there’s an agenda here that requires a consistent workforce, an economy that asks the absolute least of its most wealthy, and rids itself of any and all eyesores (like trannies and cripples — to whom I’ve seen white zoom-zooms be especially cruel recently) while the dominant demographics are still unattached.
Well I mean the chunk of them that are troons or want to fuck troons will benefit.
It's weird it always seemed to me that troons are natural allies of incels and poons to femcels.
The more hot troons there are it lowers foids relative sexual market value and makes it easier for the average guy to get a hot gf. In addition there's also fewer men even competing with him in the first place so it's like a double whammy.
Then even pooners aren't wholly bad. Because theyfabs on T and stuff also exist creating a rare breed of horny woman.

Somehow the right has been effective at suppressing these narratives, possibly because the left doesn't like when it's framed like this.
The democrats would win if they actually gave the working class something ($15 minimum wage, universal healthcare, tariffs on imported goods)
That’s why we need a new party, a progressive party. Fuck the democrats.
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Just get a millennial boyfriend they were cranking it to linetrap instead of /pol/ posting
no it has just as many contradictions as dems do like i mean they push with upmost severity a form of economics which cannot exist without the labor they're trying to get rid of. for the record i hate immigrants too and i will be happy if they're gone but simply saying there are logical inconsistencies here just as strong as on the other side im not gonna type it all though cause you don't care.
If you're not a dirty illegal and not a newly landed immigrant like bro shut the fuck up this has nothing to do with you you're not a victim just for being darker.
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I'll support trannies when the majority of mtfs will have fembrained interests and the majority of ftms will have malebrained interests.
This way I will recognize that you are indeed "people in the wrong body".
>and the majority of ftms will have malebrained interests
b-but... chud-senpai, you are asking for the impossible...!
make them troon out. all of them.
>Blocks your path
But you won't respect a MTF with female hobbies or a FTM with male hobbies right now, because of (your perception of) other trans besides them.
you know damn well that your pic was a rare occurrence the likes of which our world had not and likely will not ever see again for at least another one thousand years, if not two
Stop consistently behaving like tranime influencer pedophile grooming cunts.
People see the teamtranny cult for exactly what it is....
pedophiles on the prowl.
Pedophiles in the preschools
Pedophiles in public schools.
What are you missing?
You are weird gay men who behave like drug fueled imbeciles. We've been watching the tranny cult debauchery for over a decade. Its as plain as fucking day what your objective is.
Are we even reading the same thing? It says black men
No the cutoff is 1997 so 27 iirc
>>Like for how long LGBT stuff has been relatively accepted? 10 to 20 years?
It's been accepted since the sexual revolution of the 60s
>increase minimum wage to $15
>universal healthcare
>tackle housing costs
>strengthen workers rights and 3 weeks of paid holiday
>incest in public infrastructure
>do the diversity Sweden yes thing quietly
tada turns out life is shit and more of the same isn't what the working class wants
No, I would call them their preferred gender and accept them in my bathroom and everything.
But they would be still exceptions, so no reason for legislative work when 1 out of 400mil is valid.
Don't expect me to call a dwarf fortress supporter with a WoW profile with stats akin to those of Asmongold a "she/her" just because I met a "she/her" that spent her high school years writing ACOTAR fan fics, and holds an autographed album of Tori Amos.
Yes, I agree, I will never support trannies, that's basically a fact.
But I gave them a way to convince me to support them.
>>particularly white cishet zoomers
Not even democrats are still saying that, that rhetoric could've flown in 2016 when most trump supporters were actually white but this years dems have gotten slapped in the face with the fact that nonwhites don't like them and for the first time in history voted against them in droves, esp hispanics. This why they're talking about "winning over young black/brown men" all over twitter
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Fuck them, like literally. They're like this because feminazism took away 99% of their possible mates by turning them insane and removed any opportunity for them to try and better themselves through hiring and education discrimination. You can solve half the problem personally and help solve the other half politically by accepting that your rights are linked with AMABs and the AFAB supremacy cult won't ever actually help you.
>1 point of 10 and it's that they're neutral on the war compared to domestic issues
He тyпи.
If you're not a child rapist and not a newly landed hon like bro shut the fuck up this has nothing to do with you you're not a victim just for jerking off to sissy hypno once
/thread also cute pic
if you look at the stats, non-college educated white males were the deciding factor. without them the country would be blue. and it’s probably even worse than that bc the tabulators were tampered with
>Fuck them, like literally
They are all bottoms tho
spend less time on twitter
or don't, it doesn't matter anymore
Start sucking
nta but are you retarded or are you just pretendihng to be? /pol/ has been vehemently anti lgbt for a very long time now. maybe it's time for you to realize that life isn't as simple as "left wing = good guys, right wing = bad guys"
Yes and? So are you, are you trying to throw stones in a glass house?
but who's gonna top them?
Either get over your brainworms together and learn to switch or find a third to be the bull.
actually it really is that simple. if you thought trump was going to be your friend because he would hurt the correct people, you deserve what's coming
Great can you tell that the trans girls? Since i'm actually the zoomer guy and they don't like me for being subby
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>if you thought trump
im not american and i thank god every day for it. im left wing in all aspects except for immigration policy, being from europe and suffering the conseqenses from the mid 2010s. Stop being directionbrained you fuckwad
and i might add, it's not only the right using us as a political pawn, the left are just as guilty for starting the anti trans movement due to their excessive pandering. this is all by design and started post-occupy-wallstreet to keep people divided over bullshit instead of going after the 1%

trannies, blm, vaccines, palestine or whatever is currently the divisive topic is all pushed by both sides to maintain the status quo. it isnt as simple as in starwars when you have the rebels vs the empire. the entire political landscape IS the empire.

both sides make fair points, both sides make retarded points, and both sides see you as nothing but a pawn they can use to garner support.
You want white people to die anyway. Literally what's the difference
You're mostly right. It's a major reason why atomization and hostility to random strangers has increased across the west, too - along with economic decline. People don't see a future for themselves or their community, now we are in a catch 22 where over 70% of the population is deeply unhappy with low self esteem but many of the reasons why can't be discussed. The Overton window has shifted common people's concerns from polite conversation entirely.

Of course, most brownoid migrants only wish to benefit from living in the vestiges of empire themselves, despite growing more emotionally adept at shaming westerners for it
it's crazy how young men are so low status that the obvious solution of even remotely improving their quality of life never gets mentioned. Zoomers literally joke about having no money and no bitches, all you have to do is listen and learn.
Oh woops sounds like your unwillingness to put in your half of the effort needed to overcome to bottom's curse just broke your chances of stable dating.
There hasn't been opportunity or social mobility since the millenials. It only got worse with zoomers, except they learned that trying puts you in debt or prison on top of being poor to start with. GenZ is the end result of the pit of despair experiments while millenials were the initial monkey.
Millennial guy here I'll support trannies if I get a zoomer trans gf
Thankfully they all have daddy issues so if you can pick them up in your arms and hold them gently they will melt like fresh snow. The caveat is they will all call you dad once you start having sex.
trvthnvke incoming:
1. market trans women as the solution to the male loneliness problem. if trans girls presented themselves as tradwives and the superior alternative to feminism-poisoned cis women the narrative would completely shift.
2. abandon all demonizing of male sexuality. the massive culture war over hot girls in video games is being fed by people with trans flags in their bio. most of the tweets shitting on men and demonizing them are made by people with trans flags in their bio. this is what is radicalizing men against you.
3. acknowledge the issues men have and treat them with kindness. this isn't just a trans issue specifically but more so people on the left are completely incapable of viewing men as anything other than evil oppressors. until this changes men will continue to swing to the right.

unfortunately I know none of this will never happen because you're all too retarded and prideful to make these changes.
I do all of this but it doesn't matter
Of course I want to be my chud boyfriends tradwife. But do you know how remarkably embarrassing and clingy it'd be to talk about that and present yourself as superior to women as a tranny? That's a joke, we'll never match up to actual women even if they were all completely man hating
Do you know the most important thing a tradwife does too? She bears you children. We can never do this. The closest I can get is a surrogacy and that's very expensive so I have to have a job and save up money for that
Here’s the real truth. Have you ever heard of people whose whole job is to say they are trans? Like its very easy to sabotage the trans community. Like very easy. Anyone can say they are a trans girl. So even if every tranny did what you want them to do cis people would just fake transition and create the problem. So yeah nothing anyone can do.

Gatekeeping is the only way, we need to say and mean it that you need to be at least 1 year on hrt before you can call yourself a transgirl and you need to have blood test proof!
what you are failing to understand is that you are superior to cis women by virtue of the fact that you will actually date men who aren't in the top 5% of gigachads. you need to understand that for men getting a girlfriend is fucking impossible, and getting a tradwife is even more impossible. the choice isn't between a trans tradwife and a cis tradwife, the choice is between a trans tradwife and being completely alone.
yeah but going around saying you're superior to cis women is tacky
>if trans girls presented themselves as tradwives
Why marrying someone if they don't get me kids?
I wanna spread my genes as much as I can.
but you literally can be. if you pass, you treat men with love and kindness, and you are willing to cook, clean, and be a traditional wife you will brutally mog 95% of women. and if they get mad at you who gives a fuck because they're lonely femcels who refuse to lower their standards.
>brutally mog 95% of women
You'd mog 95% of city whores.
Just get one in the countryside and she'd mog you, because she cooked for much longer and she learned the secrets of her grandma's cooking.
>if you pass
basically impossible unless you're a youngshit, and if you're a youngshit you just get the same mindset as a cis woman
That's retarded. How can you fuck things up more than millenials
Don't the dems have less pollution and better schools?
They should have a chapter in history books about how successfully the right managed to convince the entire country that retarded wokescolds on college campuses were an imminent threat to their wellbeing to the degree that they have no problem voting for a literal military police state wannabe fascist. This shit literally killed the libertarian right dead. And there isn't even a legitimate economic crisis or crime wave or anything to justify it.

nazi troons and transphobic brownoids are both gonna get whats coming to them! This is divine justice in action.
it's not complicated: people care more about identity politics than class politics, and democrats insult men and refuse to admit men have any problems.
Men are idiots, I'm sorry this is hard to admit but it's true and it is never wrong to speak the truth.
>democrats insult men and refuse to admit men have any problems
Agree, can't believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris said this. What were they thinking???
>to get anything done atleast on the public school level
Murica is trully doomed, topkek.
you love to see it
I hear this retort from leftoids all the time. What you don't understand is that even though Biden and Harris do not do this, there are literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of tweets from leftists online doing this. People see those tweets and see that they are all made by democrats, so they vote republican.
Well this is just admiting people are morons and there is zero reason to ever bother helping them. Let the wolves of wall street feast!
I will cry about it, because retards like you who lack two brain cells to realize that the federal government is not going to solve all your problems are actively dragging yourself and the rest of the country down. But hey, at least your sports team won right?
This isn't rational thinking, this is politicians and grifters relentlessly pushing people who say stuff that makes you mad in front of you and you reacting in the exact way they want.
>I love drinking liberal sissy tears
conservatives always have the funniest fetishes
fr. full circle, fpbp.

in my rust belt tranny -hole utopia, we can take a good long cry whenever we want, even if we’re on the job!<3
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except for me it’s j b/c i’m sick of dysphoric pre-t dudes thinking it’s unethical to transition b/c men manly evil bad + dysphoric early-hrt women thinking they should never be seen as actual women b/c you got born w/the rapestick.

but hey, solidarity?
the problem with democrats is that a teen boy can sense their fagotrry from a mile a way, and by faggotry i dont mean they are gay, i mean it as an insult.

The whole trump universe caters to men, podcasts, combat sports, comedians, streamers, video games, all the things young men like

While democrats cater to upper middle class white women cat ladies
If i were a young man i would look at both choices

1. democrats want you to be a self flagellating cuckold, you arent allowed to speak, sit down shut up, and if you do something wrong thats a micro aggression

2. republicans: yeah bro, those fuckers are crazy, come inside and learn to become a man. hot fox news bimbos and beer, we got it all
offer them your bussy or at least a blowjob, its that simple. many young guys are incels, they could be easily convinced.
I'm on it. Mark my word, I will turn men's rights into a leftist issue and trans women into based deconstructors of the matriarchy.
it's always the transbians
>It's weird it always seemed to me that troons are natural allies of incels
most troons are very anti incel
which is ironic since most of them are former incels
>The thing americans complain about is illegal immigrants
No it's not. It is the radical cultural change being forced on us by this immigration. 20 years ago this was a primarily white nation. Now there are so many Mexicans, Chinese and Indians here that they have equal seating at the table. And if we extrapolate forward they are going to take over.

These people need to go back, legal or not. They are absolutely destroying the fabric of the US.
Yes. If you are trooning out to be more of a queer and don't actually have dysphoria, you are cancer.
>1. market trans women as the solution to the male loneliness problem. if trans girls presented themselves as tradwives and the superior alternative to feminism-poisoned cis women the narrative would completely shift.
this doesn't work when most trannies are transbians who hate men
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younger guys will never lean blue.
especially when the left is associated with dorks like destiny hasan vaush
all the trans cringe youtubers
biden hillary kamala.
republicans lowkey have all the cool ppl like rogan tucker elon cobratate dana white trump adin ross
even sports teams go republican
republican men look manly and lib men dont
lib women are headcases and republican women are trad. being liberal is like a fucking mental illness. honestly
young guys will always lean red and that will never change
get used to it lgbt. accept the facts. if u dont like it u can always leave the country and go to canada. they have trudeau there. biden never fixed shit and people really thought kamala the fucking vp was going to fix shit? seriously?
trump beat Hillary with ease. same with kamala. xqc bet 800k on kamala because destiny told him to like a fucking retard. a woman will never be a president. it sucks i know but thats life. just saying. accept things for how they are. trump is not that bad. things will get better. trust him. i sure do.
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>>white women cat ladies
Nope, white cat ladies went MAGA this year after the trump defended the cats from haitians. Older white women were literally one of trump's biggest voting blocks, here's who really voted dem in 2024, blacks, jews and you people
>bruh my favorite streamers love trump! all the other streamers are gay cuck soibois! trump 4 life!!
zoomers are the dumbest generation yet
By passing
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Self report. Imagine being a boomer. Get off 4chan and get ur ass back in the nursing home retard grandma.
This mentality is exactly why trump won and dipshit kamala lost.
Keep ignoring men and this is what happens. Boomers really are the dumbest generation yet.
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This. Bannon played the long game with Dark Enlightenment/ironpill shit over a decade ago and now has the incel demographic locked down (and more importantly, actually voting).
The only things that will convert incels back to blue is literal government-issued big titty goth gfs and madonna-whore tradwives, or tangible economic prosperity where economic milestones are as easy to achieve as it was for boomers or gen-x at least. The former is an obvious non-starter and the dems are unwilling to betray their corporate masters to try the latter. To achieve even a smidge of latter also requires you to be in power and ACTUALLY USE POWER in those two to four years.
You need an outspoken charismatic meathead himbo who speaks the language of Bernie Sanders to win back the presidency. A more down-to-earth hasan without his insane tankie baggage. The Dems have no such person on their bench, it's all failsons and triangulating PPE grifters.
Even if the Dems pulled Arnie's Idaho birth cert of of their ass and got him into power, the real blackpill is that TQ is still getting thrown under the bus regardless. In their copium brainfog, Dems are blaming activist twitterhons and theyfabs for the loss of the presidency.
I think Shoe on Head has this issue pretty much sorted. Stop trying to recruit them, start trying to help them.
zoomer men will never deradicalize until zoomer women make dating less miserable
You'll get millennial women turning to trumpers and that's it. Gen Z women are a lost generation man, hang up the towel.
Stop pretending to be women, people don’t buy it anymore. I’m serious, if you would just admit that you’re mentally I’ll men who took your sexual fetish too far and stopped trying to get societal privileges based on your illness you would have so many more people supporting you for your honesty.
Seduce them. That's what made me give a shit.
It’s just a lazy idpol tactic, you call a group of people pedophiles, anyone who tries to defend them catches the pedo label too, then you say “any sensible person hates pedos, let’s take away their rights”

It’s just a political redirect, it’s already illegal to fuck kids, if you want pedos to suffer then stop letting rich people be above the law. The problem comes down to capitalism and oligarchy, like everything else on this gay earth. It’s only illegal if you’re poor.

An example of a perfectly groomed chud voter. The idea that nebulous left wing cultural forces killed the nuclear family and not reaganomics is funny. You can’t support a family on a single man’s income, that’s the only reason ppl don’t have kids like they used to, not le essjaydubyus poisoning everyone’s mind.

This is hilarious lol, no. The Republican agenda is all the money you earn goes to your boss and you work for subsistence wages until you die. The Republican Party is retarded and their policies are proven failures, you have to be a moron or a zoomer to think this. Stop being a cuck for the 2 party Jew.

Just because you’re a retarded faggot who doesn’t understand foreign policy doesn’t mean it’s heckin based to sit on our ass and let Russia gain power on the global stage. We should let Israel get raped but you know nothing about Russia/ukraine.
You can still have kids you’ll just need artificial insemination and a surrogate
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>How Democrats win back young men
Retarded statement that proves they have no idea what they are doing and wont figure it out for a long while.
If I weren't gay I would have absolutely zero incentive to vote Democrat at any point.
DNC bought into their own propaganda and fucked themselves hard
The fact that only a few have been naturally gifted with enough intelligence to understand this reality, is why democracy, communism and anarchy will never be viable. The majority will always be too retarded to not destroy themselves if given power that they were not born to wield.
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>demographics is destiny
>we can shame the young and second gen immigrants from conservative countries into voting for us
>we'll win if we just keep parroting how trump is bad for democracy
>there's never been a means test I don't like
>better things just aren't possible
Pic related is how delusional establishment dems are after believing spouting the above will win them elections. They live in a fundamentally different reality from the average voter and slopenjoyer.
ew fuck that slop youtuber. watched a few times never again. surprised she even gets views. grifting faggot with no spine. oh muh center. she is a fucking dipshit magatard. says the same shit over and over in her videos. same trash just like blaire white>>38043338
lol not happening delusional. online dating caused this. thank silicone valley. only gonna get worse. >>38043220
lol at himbo. hasan is the best dems got but even then he is a cancer. dems cooked dude. dug their own grave. harris never should have run. got fucking mauled. less votes than biden is abhorrent. all the celeb endorsements too, what a waste.
as a trans guy I'm really tired of cis men acting like women in politics.
What happened to stoicism? Chivalry? Protecting those who need protecting? Yet all they do is whine and complain about people not paying enough attention to them... We need to start making the title of 'man' something you earn because this is ridiculous. Cis men need more hardship in their lives.
>stoicism? Chivalry? Protecting those who need protecting?
All of this was never real. You're an idiot.
I never said I believed it myself lol relax anon. Why so hostile?
If you don't believe it why invoke it
stoicism is just another word for being a cuck. the guy who invented that philosphys wife was fucking a gladiator on the side
>If you don't believe it why invoke it
You don't need me to tell you these are old ideals of 'positive' masculinity, but my post never said how I personally feel about it being something I believed the whole time.
>What happened to
implies they were real or possible, and can be returned to or otherwise invoked
your shitty motte and bailey doesnt work. sorry.
You arguing with nothing anon, I don't believe any of that stuff was really achievable for the regular cis guy. Idk what to tell ya
ok? I already pointed out that you walked your initial premise back. why are you still replying to me if you truly never believed in it? idiot
I didn't walk nothing back lol
You're misinterpreting the tone. It's mocking rather than actually trying to uphold those ideals within their uhh "community". Do I need to add tone indicators for you?
again, shitty motte-bailey. typical of a biofoid.
That's alright anon, I'll add the tone indicators/gen
I'm all in favor of both cis and trans women's rights, but only for straight women.

Pro-transgenderism, anti-homosexuality.
>sit on our ass and let Russia gain power on the global stage
MOST of the UN is over in europe, why the fuck is this our problem to solve from the other hemisphere?
Men with power may choose to act mercifully, but for a good deal of human history this has never been a given. It's been more common for the weak to end up enslaved & abused than otherwise.

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