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Do MTFs have a biological advantage in video game competitions?
everyone who says this fails to mention that literally everyone experiences trash talk and banter in competitive games
no but people pretend like that’s the case cuz when a girl is bad at a game she’s a fake gamer but when she’s good at a game she got carried. women can’t win this cuz men always have an excuse ready
AFaBs can be infuriatingly unresponsive even in cooperative games

You just carry them around

They just don't have the male PTSD
i rememer when i played lol and pretended to be a cis girl, half the ppl simped and wanted to buy me skins for nudes and sexting while the other half told me women dont belong in this game and certainly not in top lane kek
yes. before normies came to the internet there was always hitler, nigger, faggot, jew, etc.
it was the norm.

only after the masses of retards came was that a problem.

now all that organic internet is hidden or gone. just gone.

like people dont even host their own counter-strike servers anymore.

they call scrims comp.
because that is what they are.
true. every mid 5/10 has like 200-1k% more stuff in games and constant man support
while the men have to war eachother.

it is literally the easiest thing in the world.
girls can literally raid engame dungeons with 0 gear on unbuffed and walk out of there with every drop, and run it multiple times a day. rolling need on all. while the men pass/greed

then they will just quit the game. and never log in again, and that bitch rolled on the gear you have been grinding for, for 3 months.
and your guild is a bunch of simp faggots that got made cause you rolled need against her.
amabs have faster reaction times than afabs
no, this is more of a generational issue as video games were considered boys' toys until like 2010
we're just now seeing the first few cis women winning in esports tournaments as a result

notice that most most mtfs who win have been playing video games all their lives. also notice that mtfs are also just as non-competitive as cis women in stuff like league of legends where esports is mostly offline and people live together in gaming houses where trans women feel uncomfortable
as someone who's played these kind of games for a long time, at one point as a guy with my gaming group about half women seeing the difference, and now also as a woman, it's different
toxic people will tilt-rage at anything that breathes but if they catch a whiff of a feeemoid it completely changes tone to misogyny, hypersexual "banter," talking about rape a lot. and a lot of guys who don't seem toxic when playing with male teammates and opponents (just a bit tense and banty) will suddenly be all "get back in the kitchen cunt" when there's a woman on the other team.
it's bad. the gamer gate shitters had a point there is a misogyny problem in the entire gaming space
publicly execute bobby kotick
sort of, but "MTFs" is not the right group to single out, and the advantage is not downstream of amabs being better at games than afabs
gynephilic mtfs and androphilic ftms have a pretty large IQ advantage over the general population, which you'd expect to have an impact on gaming skills.
It's all bell curves. For the few women that actually participate, they can probably beat the vast majority of men, they just don't reach the very top level. People would still want to ban trans women from competing if they anywhere over the average on the woman bell curve, even if they'll never get to the top.
>shit talking and harassment in online gaming
>any kind of "barrier" at all
I must admit I haven't played a competitive shooter since like 2010 but this seems like the standard experience. Is the genetic advantage just thick skin? That seems like a social advantage women should learn from if they want to compete.
in PROFESSIONAL competitive games, you are disqualified for unsportsmanlike behavior even it occurs outside of the event in question
>some guy says suck my dick
>i reply no you suck my dick
the overwhelming power of masculinity in video games
Some cis guy on YouTube took hormones for a month and scientifically concluded that yes we do
Wish I could find the vid
As a cisf, I tried to play with the mic off but everyone was saying awful shit about women anyway so my online gaming stint ended after 2 weeks.
Yes. Possibly any type of competition except a being nice and having friends competition.
>use voice chat
>high-pitched voice? everyone shits on you
>deep voice? everyone shits on you
>black voice? everyone shits on you
>hispanic voice? everyone shits on you
>white voice? everyone shits on you
Everyone gets "harassed". Men are simply more competitive.
>be me
>play video game
>get called a retarded fat nigger
>get told to kill myself
>get told my mother never loved me
>not bothered by it

>be female
>play valorant
>one guy says "hey get back in the kitchen"
>burst out in tears and immediately flee to my discord server to cry to my orbiters
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Males on average have faster reaction times than females.
>still suck at turn-based strategy against men
>>le men have a better reaction times???
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On average yes, men occupy the extreme ends of the IQ bell curve more than women which means you'll see far more super stupid and hyper intelligent men than women and the structure of mens' brains give them an advantage in reaction speed, viso-spatial capacity and fast twitch muscle fibers which play a surprising role in being able to click something faster.
There are a ton of video games where reaction times make minimal to no difference. Card games, turn based strategy, autobattlers, etc.
Women suck more than men not just on the micro level, but the macro level as well. They're worse at the split-second reactions as well as creating overarching game plans, observing game flow, etc.
Chess is a perfect example where men absolutely mog women and it is a test of pure skill, intuition, strategy, etc. with zero influence from physical fitness. If you can lift a chess piece, you can play chess.
Increased viso-spatial ability means they can track things in their mind easier and generally have a better "map" of the situation in their head. This applies not just to shooters but to strategy games because their ability to hold and manipulate information in their heads exceeds that of women on average by a statistically significant margin.
>it was the norm.
Among 13 year olds. That didn't happened in adult spaces.
>be woman
>don't play retarded video games
That's because instead of teaching us how to play you literally just push on ahead and we're always stuck playing catch up.
I remember trying to play a video game with my sister and she kept dying because she would shoot explosive barrels at point range for literally no reason. Even if there was no enemy nearby she would just shoot one, die, and then get mad. No matter how many times I said "sister, stop shooting those things" it just didn't register. Women are bad at games because women are retarded, it's literally that simple.
What's that shit women always say? It's not our job to educate you? There you go. You probably aren't even a woman.
Not anon but this post is peak moid logic. If you're not a dude and that actually works for you sorry but you don't voicepass. Here's how that interaction actually goes:
>Is that a woman? Suck my dick bitch!
>Shut the fuck up dishwasher
>Guys can't we just play the game?
>Siiiiiiiiiimp. Hey (F), why don't you go make me a fucking sandwich you suck at this game
And so on ad infinitum. They get more belligerent no matter how you respond. If you don't respond they just keep saying offensive shit directed at you anyways. I didn't use to be a big man-hater but I literally don't use VOIP in 90% of the games I play anymore and it's entirely because of toxic dudes. Really soured me on men in general.
of course they do, they can play female characters without getting distracted
Don't TERFs realise that trying to ban trans women from chess and video game competitions is ironically sexist?
This is how it goes for men in video games:
>Dude y'all are fuckin ass dawg
>Shut the fuck up nigger I'll fucking kill your ass dawg
>Bro what the fuck? Fuck is wrong with you dude?
>Can you all shut the fuck up and play the fucking video game? Fucking trash dude
Men get berated just as bad if not worse.
>sample size of one
>scientifically concluded
>be black trans
>sound like a white guy
>can play games in peace
I hate my voice but I'm thankful for this.
maybe men need to learn mannerism
>Not anon but this post is peak moid logic
I was not pretending to be anything but a male.

>If you're not a dude
I am a dude, I am cismale.

>They get more belligerent no matter how you respond.
So get more belligerent back. People play competitive online games exclusively to call each other stupid faggots before teabagging each other. I don't understand what else you could possibly want.
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>Some cis guy on YouTube took hormones for a month and scientifically concluded...
And I honestly wouldn't disagree with that. But women also need to stop entering "men's spaces" (using the same terminology modern feminists use) and then expecting men to cater to them.
Huh? TERFs? Sally, those people were a tool for us to wedge open your coalition. You don't have to worry about them anymore. Unless you win again, that is. You're talking to the Conservatives, now.
You would feel differently if someone said
>I hope you go bald
Instead of kys
Video games are not "men's space". A good example would be a boys-only team.
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>Video games are not "men's space"
You can't lie to me. I grew up in the era where liking video games was heavily stigmatized. I remember being told to hide my PS2 to not scare the hoes. Don't try to gaslight men, you women used to be vitriolically against any form of video gaming. Many of you still are. We remember.
Men literally just have an IQ advantage on average that nobody will acknowledge. People aren't surprised when asians outclass whites in games, why are they with gender?
What. Half the girls in my class played all kinds of vidya, from CS to TES, and I'm pushing thirty. My aunt met her husband playing Heroes of Might and Magic. You're extrapolating your experience on everyone and think bullying people for what somebody else did to you is helpful. It's not, you're just coming off as a whiny faggot.
I mean if you consider "being treated online, by your family, by society, by your goverment like shit at all levels" an advantage in developing gaming skills then yes because they face much greater adversity then some hole ever did. Or any man.

Nobody talks shit when you win.
Gitgud and talk all the shit you want.

The problem with women is all they ever git gud at is complaining and sucking large amounts of near anonymous dick.

Maybe take the dick out of your mouth and pick up a rocket launcher and practice you slutty ass bitch.
as a trannh with a rarely clocked voice ever
fuck off lmao
the way i and my cis f friend get treated in lobbies in insanely different from how i got treated as a guy
Cis women are too sensitive. They only exist for taking girlcock.
Extremely late on this thread but I got the vid for u anon
Feel free to heap praise upon me
https://www.youtube com/watch?v=UjfZth98FUQ&t=1

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