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QOTT: What’s your checklist for 2025?
prev >>38039837
that's blackface.
>QOTT: What’s your checklist for 2025?
buy my own place
Lose my anal virginity to a hung top
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to actually lose my virginity, keep getting anxious
kill myself if i experience anymore upsets
That’s a black peel mask for blackheads
Get my first job and first paycheck. Get a bonus and a promotion for my talents.
Filming yourself doing everything with your partner is so narcissistic. The low intelligence and tone deafness reflects on their dumb boring faces.
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my end of 2024 and start of 2025 checklist:
be less shy
show more skin
embrace the gay
and listen to more tunes:
interested to know how you meet someone in a pride parade. that could be a fun story
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>be me
>cute quiet twinky guy starts working at my job
>can't stop looking at him, so cute
>remember that the odds of him being gay is incredibly small
>chances of him being twink 4 twink is even smaller
>also relationships from places of employment are generally cringe
>get sad and decide not to bother
why does life have to tease me like this?
Perhaps at the public gloryhole meetup?
die twink
I was that twink
Yes I’m totally into you
i want finally feel good mentally and get my life in order and be happy for once, if god doesn t allow that, i either somehow kms finally or murder someone in minecraft and go to prison in minecraft to leech off this shit called society
lol xhe finally decided to put the trip back on
Same. I hate social media gays.
>tfw sitting at work listening to gay music thinking sad gay thoughts 3:
Is that job worth it? You can always find another job sis. I'd risk it for the biscuit sis.
lmao post a pic related to what u did at work today then
yes i'm a pussy and i don't want to get on the shit list at work for trying to be a homo around very straight people and also my company has a long history of shit going sour with employees who are married/dating etc
yea i kinda don't want to find another job i've been here a while and have decent rep and have it mostly easy. i have plans to leave eventually but not rn.
Kooping Cooch
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I always went to church as a kid. Then eventually my family stopped going. Both my parents and each side of my family is christian. My extended family was homophobic though. Saying being gay is wrong.

As a tangent, I started looking at gay porn because I was curious. I didn't know what gay sex was, and I remember my friend would looked it up at school to fuck with people. I checked it out and it was pretty hot. The guys were enjoying themselves. It didn't seem like a bad thing like my family said. Then I thought about the gay people I knew, and they were all good people. I thought why would god make good people and send them to hell for loving someone.

There were already cracks in my faith when science explained things that religion couldn't. Also religions have a history of doing bad things, and seeing people saying how faithful they were being liars or generally bad people.

I have faith but I don't follow a specific religion. Judaism predates Christianity, and before that was ancient Egypt's religion. And before that Sumerian. Religulouas and Zeitgeist do a good job have explaining the similarities and how religion spread. It was basically ideas of how the world worked and stories with morals. So I think religion is good for unifying people and teaching people to be a good person. But people do bad things in the name of religion and sometimes ignore facts. There doesn't need to be one universal religion, and others' views shouldn't be force upon people. It's good to have faith but not be blind.
The nerve of Salvation Army to sit outside my grocery store ringing that bell when everyone is struggling except doctors, lawyers and executives. So nasty.
I just arrived here sis? I haven’t posted as anon. Point out the posts you think I made sis, I’m genuinely curious ;-)
shit going sour with employees who are married/dating [each other] etc. ** retard can't proofread
you only get replied to when youre talking about someone else ;-) mwah have a good night babe
how do i, as a millennial gay, get myself a zoomer bf?
i'm done with the ADHD community
My night is amazing, thanks :-)
atleast say hello to the boy, what are you an incel?
OK Azealia
Got rejected at Pizza Hut. It's over.
it's pretty fucking easy bro, idk what advice you want, try talking to them.
how do i kms
skibidi into their DMs
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bucko more like fucko
when i go out on a job with him i'll chat with him but he's very quiet and i'm very quiet so i don't want to bother him out of nowhere because i have a feeling he probably doesn't like strangers small talking with him for no real reason.
I wanna be billionaire so bad
Xanthippe has been filtered by us for so long lol
how do i kms
now as anon
is grundle another word for taint?
I saw him in class today :-)
you will learn to love me
I want to "milk" a chimpanzee on minecraft
sisma you said that earlier and got >>38042582
maybe post proof or stfu? idk idk but your obsession with him is dumb
I can hear my mother's soft, diarrhetic turds splashing into the toilet bowl
maybe he'll warm up over time, maybe he's only quiet because he can sense you staring at him all the time. idk, best not to fixate
You ever get depressed because you thought you would look like your favorite pornstar at this age?
he’s lighter than you harry
if you werent a pooner youd like that xan
Built for suffocating me
wanting to fuck chimpanzees is like being into white guys
wanting to fuck gorillas is like being into black guys
wanting to fuck macaques is like being a pedophile
is my read of the monkeyphile situation
You say this but beagle is the one that got exposed with pictures of him in class LOL he deserved it desu
no no, he's quiet around everyone. he doesn't talk. he listens, slightly smiles when he hears something funny. i imagine it's easier for him to open up when he's 1-on-1 with someone and not surrounded by a bunch of other ppl who are talking about 50 different things.
I don't have a favorite pornstar.
>not liking brown guys means you are... le pooner
no correlation
what about orangutan, they are like asians cuz they live next to indonesians and such? and being into bonobos is like being into african pygmies considering they are smaller than chimps but still close enough to breed hybrids?
Kkkkkk. No. I look amazing. It’s impressive how I only get sexier and hotter with age.
you are all so fucking stupid and retarded and mentally ill and a waste of space
fucking kys now
Well gay men love shit so that makes sense lol :-)
Hot stinky piss
My favorite porn star is Shabani the gorilla
You look like peter griffin. you posted an unsee before in 2019 when you went by f for femboy and when you got roasted you started acting like this and never wanted to post anything personal again. you went through multiple rebrands trying to get away from that happening lmao
then corner him, make up some bulshit to get partnered up, drop a compliment or something to test the water, it's not hard. The whole thing about not fucking your colleagues is just don't be a retard about it and make it all dramatic if it doesn't work out.
having a work boywife is a dream come true.
are u trying to call me out for that time I told here that I knew what poop tasted like?
I’m not F for femboy? And F for femboy looks nothing like Peter griffin
Remember the purple underwear? lol
A chimpanzee tearing Bucko's ugly Latinx face off after confusing the brown permanently sweaty spic for a rival ape.
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>work boywife is a dream come true
yea that would be pretty swag.
>don't be a retard about it and make it all dramatic if it doesn't work out
i'm a certified professional at not giving a shit so that won't be a problem.
if/when i get partnered with him, yea ofc i will test the waters. not getting my hopes up tho. with my luck ill find out he's a super straight sigma with a gf or something. we will see.
why can t i have a life like everyone else and be human, i am so sad rn
why are south americans always sweaty anyway? like gurl you come from the most humid place on earth
dont be human. be a sexy ape from planet of the apes and fuck thousands of thirsty human twinks
return to monke, make love with a chimp
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are u ok sis
If other great apes had penises as large as humans, I think women and bottoms would have kicked up enough of a storm by now to make sex with them legal.
i hate you
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Sometimes I like to walk or drive around and just look at the world around me. Something about background scenery invokes a comforting feeling in me.
angles and a shirt
he looked thinner in the black shirt and khakis he posted yesterday too. think its angles and him pushing out his gut lol
i can t take the pain anymore
pls help i beg you
Why is Santino aka Beagle aka Xanthippe aka Cooper doing this to Bucko aka Santino aka Beagle aka Xanthippe aka Cooper?
I do. Viktor Rom
lmao at bleagle being banned from posting pics
why does gaygen have the worst trips on this entire board?
can we negotiate to give them all back to /r9k/ or something?
Have you seen a human body before?
there is dozens of women thirsting for caesar and noa from planet of the apes on tiktok edits like 50/50 of the comments being omg he is handsome and the other half life you all need help and to stay away from zoos
Seek help that isn't e-personalities
he's scared to post it bc he reported bucko for the bottom pic earlier lol he knows if he does he'll get banned
why no empathy for me?
i can t take the pain anymore, i suffer so much, everything hurts, have mercy
return to monke and all your problems disappear :3
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>tfw 6'4 and built like a lineman but have a shockingly average penis
everyone expects me to be so hung and I can definitely see the disappointment in their eyes as soon as i pull it out
doesnt help how tiny it looks compared to my body
How’s grindr like in canada?
just learn some penis tricks
bucko can push his gut out but xanthippe could NEVER suck her gut in sisma and that's the difference between the two right there
listen subliminals to make it grow sis :s
Your penis would be considered large in the monkey dating scene. Something to consider.
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why are british twinks so racist?
it's hard to tell if it's even the same guy honestly...and he was caught bfore using pics that weren't of him
i have never been overweight or out of shape so I don't understand how fat can make someone look completely different
also what's his height and weight?
Bless him, hope he makes a few bob AND does a good job
post pic
>it's hard to tell if it's even the same guy honestly
No it isn't.
I may vomit
racism is british culture
im so in love with my suit and tie fetish that I think im not capable of having unclothed sex even tho im a virgin and I only looked at porn
>i have never been overweight or out of shape
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Don't fret. As long as you know how to use it, it's fine.
Testosterone and menthol are a dangerous mix
i can t even have sex bc i am too dysphoric you idiot. my life is fucked and over, why are you so dumb like this
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why is he so wet
i am just dysphoric and i haven t posted my dick in a while, i just want to be a girl
im laughing at bleagle trying to be racist when he literally looks latinx too
like making it disappear?
kys subhuman, pick some rope, it worked for your bro

>biologically male
>likes dick

what would you categorize that poster as then
Uh that was me forgot trip k
What does it mean to be so Julia?
i measured my penis and it isn't even close to six inches -_-
The amount of brown, in a historically white country... This will not go well.
Post it
can you stop making excuses? we know you're mentally ill, you don't have to double down on that
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Why are is every man on grindr over 40 bald?? I just want a boomer bf that has hair on his head is that too much to ask?
were you the one that walked into your brother while he was just hanging around? did it smell yet?
i thought ashe was saying im so julliard at first
charlie xcx has to be the most astrosurfed failed popstar
Or Charles as Azealia Banks calls her.
are we back2back?
pity (you)
ty bro
shes fkn good she has great production and fun songs shut up man
what u drink, flyweight?
whatever dude, just pray that my dysphoria goes away soon and i feel better, no hard feelings
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Charles X
nah she sucks and is carried by that jew ag cook
all tops are bi
all bottoms are gay
all gay men secretly wish they were women
got 1 moscow mule 1 kahlua on ice 1 baileys on ice all for free
and verses?
weirdos who should be killed
wait he's really trans? that wasn't a larp
White people don't say "dom" and "sub" anymore. They say "top" and "bottom"
>wait he's really trans?
A failed one
shut up sub
make it to 2026
is kahlua or baileys better?

so he failed at being a man then failed at being a woman, what else is left
i like you, it is so sad that you hate me instead of liking me back, i think that you are great :'(
yes, i am trans
unlucky genetics
>yes, i am trans
>/cis gaygen/
you are an obvious pooner, it is hilarious that all of you pooners act like this
theyre pretty close but i prob prefer baileys cuz its not as syrupy sweet since its not rum
i wish we wouldn’t tear each other down and be strong as a community u.u
Failing being a non biny.
the community wishes that you'd hang yourself of neareast autobahn bridge
i don't think that's a thing but i hope he fails there too
how big is your cock? :3
dysphoria is not real. you're not trans or gay or bi man(?), you're a lonely secluded porn addict
why do i always want to get fucked? rarely do i ever feel the urge to be the one fucking
brat sold 77k first week, it was a huge flop until the social media 'brat summer' astroturf kicked in
nice soda looks kid friendly
but why do you hate me so much?
i want thornly’s abusive haunted cock inside of me uwu
fb messaged me back but then went cold should I just move on
kill yourself fatty
it’s way better like that because sub and dom don’t always mean top and bottom. sub tops and dom bottoms exist.
You're TFO for him. He likes young smooth boypussy.
14.7 cm
dang it. not again u.u
*kills myself*

i need him tho >w<
ur a woman...
Tops leave skidmarks on their undies
>i need him tho >w<
finally! post cock!
but quick, i ave to work tomorrow so sleepy times nao
what undies?
submissive male breeding, must have
you gotta stop being edgy like this man
empathy is just a gun
What sort of bullets does it fire
With one arm wrapped around his waist and the other on his hip, I pulled him closer to me, as we kissed passionately. Our bodies undulated together as we rubbed against each other. His hands moving across my face, neck and chest. Suddenly, THWAP! I had brought my hand that was on his hip hard on to his butt. I had a tight, firm handful of his ass as I gripped the big, round cheek. I massaged around and slowly dug my fingers into the hole while I listened to him breathe with excitement. "This is mine"
can the latino elliot finish his whining, it ain't the vibe rn
then why can’t i shoot myself with it
sure thing sweetie
you will do nothing to me irl, you are just talking shit, you are a little bitch irl so you come here and act tough
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Need to look like this by summer
because we are literally putting illegal immigrants in hotels, it's not even racism. It's just completely unfair.
and fuck you for throwing that word around willy nilly. Shame on you.
A bottom's falsetto is music to my ears.
i am not a coward and i want to die so much but i just don t feel suicidal properly, it is more scary for me to be alive
are you guys have certain standard criteria in order to consider being open to date a ftm? for example I would be open to date a ftm if they look like 1980s billy idol
does gigi ever get new posters? or are they all pretenders and everyone that comes here has been coming here for years and already have established friendships with each other on discord or whatever? the vibe just seems so off, all the drama seems so fake, and i guess it's always been this way
Yes, I would be open to date a ftm never
lmao qt voice as well anon
need a bf who actually bullies me for fem behavior and makes me feel like a lesser-male; not in a joking way, but as a matter of fact. of course i'm a bottom.
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New posters get scared off.
>does gigi ever get new posters?
im here since around 2022 so I can be considered new :D also I dont have discord so I never formed any type of relationship here and I only recognize the ones that post their face constantly and such
new posters get accused of being old posters or being trans for no reason
i always come back
well so how you guys imagine the 2025 pride month :S
cure your cure your disease
i still hope it will get better and i hope that one day i will feel good and be happy, i hope my emotions will go away but idk, it is weird to tell if i feel less more or different at all most of the time, all ik is that i feel weird and my brain also feels weird and my emotions and the way i feel fluctuates like crazy, i am very unstable and mentally ill regardless
weekend of sex with the bf
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thats like 7 months from now dude who cares
They honestly just have to have a biologically grown penis, then they're good to go!
I only started posting here this year :3
post hole
I've already posted pole, I'm a top :3
post it again
gainer bf... in this economy?!
get raped and save up money
dw, i will still love you babe
it does but they’re usually get run off by the old fat queens fairly quickly
two tops siding with each other and fucking lesser males together is holy
I was referring to america under trump but ok
oh then multiple weekends of sex
the camps will probably start being built around march or so
>come out to sister
>she is extremely understanding and basically said 'yknow I kinda figured, I just never said anything because it felt out of place'
>she helped me plan and execute dying my hair blonde
>comfy texting each other about how much we love each other rn
Bros it's so nice to have some supportive family <3
delta raping emaciated concentration camp inmates so hard their bones shatter
one day she will be dead
One day, I will be dead. We are in a state of existence that is inextricably bound to our immediate mental and emotional state. You are the things you think and feel and do, and if you choose to exist in an existence of temporal and mortal distress you will simply embody distress.
The fleeting joys and intricate moments we witness and create are the sum of our lives, and we must strive to maximize those.
'We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.'
amazing insight considering literally everyone on earth will die
slay her sis. PERIODT
show us your feet
i'm a dark evil vampiric faggot
oh no please dont suck me >_<
You look cute. You should use a tripcode
I'm gonna sneak in your house in bat form then suck out all your cum while you sleep
4 1/2 year old pic, why are bottoms like this?
who are you
I wish I looked like that
Horny again... why cant i cant go a single day without wanting some gay slut's face wrapped around my cock?
eating fast food alone after exhaustive amazing no strings sex with a winning fwb… gem
Hi sis. how are you
>eating fast food
what did u get?
I'm thinking of letting my hair grow like this. The problem is I can't stand hair in my face :x
braums crispy chicken club sandwich and French fries
peak cozy. enjoy your meal champ
you grow it long enough you can just tie it back. the worst is the mid-length phase where it's not long enough to do anything with
thanks darlin :]
Perfect dom top
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whats up :3
relatable, glad im not the only one lmao, I'm 6.5" and I feel small.
Thoughts on chicken little?
feel bad for the fox girl
shut up dumb bitch lol
I just asked cuz you seem new, btw you are out of my league so I promise I wont flirt or anything if that's what you thought I was doing/gonna do
soft top or power bottom?
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mm HMMMMMmm.
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I will now audit this thread for quality content that I may render judgment.

I will now gorge on pizza while watching Glenn Greenwald while claiming to read the thread and pass judgment anyways.

A truth and a lie.

The game begins.
Is he transrace?
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cooking meatballs on the same pan i made cookies on because i dont even fucking care anymore
this is fuckin dark man do you have anyone to talk to?
Tell me more please.
soft top x sub bottom who frequently demands gaysex in a respectful manner, but doesn't pester him if he says no
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only the void here
simple noms - 1 lb beef, 1/3 cup breadcrumbs, salt pepper & garlic
i should not have opened this at full volume in my apartment
that looks so sad
cute plate :-3
why is it that only gaygen tops can cook?
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>simple noms - 1 lb beef, 1/3 cup breadcrumbs, salt pepper & garlic
Looks tasty- Bon appetit!
No it looks pretty decent desu, would eat
I hope get to 250 pounds when I return to the states
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I so love seeing gaygen cook. It may seem a simple thing, but it shows self love and caring, self respect and creativity. Its such an important skill that not everyone even attempts. Cooking takes heart, can be magic, real life sorcery to create wonderful things that excite the senses. I am always happily humbled when I see people with more skill than me share their dishes, and those who at least are trying.

I can only make very simple things, but its always inspiring when I see people make really nice stuff. Someday I hope I can work up the nerve to attempt a nice casserole or lasagne.
I think so too. I bet he has some nice sauce and cheeses.
homosexual gaysex fem bf with a small penis
There's no sauce and the bread isn't even toasted.
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ty lads
my man that is a zucchini
you can do it bjorn!!
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would gaygen bottom for a hogg?
zucchini on this balls
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>tiny hairless balloon head small lipped twink
Kek no
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How do I cope with needing to look like OP to get pic related?
Strongest Kamala Concubine
Slow thread tonite
Sauce drought ova heeeeeeere
Yeah? Wanna kiss me
Sure but I’m really good at it
i miss timmy thick
I miss Heath Ledger
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going to start going on dates with 40yo+ men to see what's it like (I'm 23)
any suggestions or advice?
Good kinky lays but inevitably you’ll get bored and worry about them being very old while when you’re their age
dan bottomed so hard he had to become a top
Had a guy using a medium sized toy on me earlier tonight but then I fucked him. *shrug*
I'm 40 and my age preference on grindr stops at 22
I'm actually finding myself more bored with guys my age and I like the idea of being a caretaker to someone who takes care of me. So many older gay men with money die alone with no close family members still alive. The bank gets all their goods. Why shouldnt it be me?
that's hot, do you have a terminal disease? we should get married
I just wouldn’t want to be 35 with a guy approaching 55+. That porn does not give. Sex isn’t the most important thing but settling terrifies me.
>No, you cannot be married to two people in the United States, as polygamy is illegal in every state.

That needs to change. A child deserves more than two parents and I deserve more than one spouse.
Gaygen is so dead these days
How taboo of a subject is hrt in here
Game over
just like become mormon
I think my family hates me

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