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cats & dogs edition

QOTT: catboy or dogboy?
QOTT2: do you have any pets?

HRT Information:https://diyhrt.wiki/transmasc
HRT Roadmap:https://transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-testosterone-hormone-therapy
Style Help:https://ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/index.htm
Fitness Help:https://ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/fitness1.htm
Hair Loss Help:https://rhrli.com/blog/trans-men-hrt-hair-loss/

Previous: >>38018726
definitely catboy, it's not even a competition
I often hear women say the most misogynistic people are mtf. Are ftm the most misandristic?
>I often hear women say the most misogynistic people are mtf
Are you part of a xx only TERF wombyn group?
MTFs tend to be insanely jealous of Cis Women. Don't really see the same dynamic with FTMs.
Women interpret mtfs wearing dresses as misogynistic "woman face" men don't give a shit
finally called a therapist to talk about hrt
is elliot page's voice stuck like that because he started t so late? if you're over 30 is it joever?
His voice sounds like that because he’s not voice training and he’s 5 ft 1, smaller body means voice resonance isn’t as deep
>if you're over 30 is it joever?
It's because being insanely jealous of cis men just makes us seem more pathetic and fembrained
Bring insanely jealous of cis women makes us seem pathetic and male rained as well tbf
What took so long
Elliot should not have transitioned. He will look like the ultimate pooner stereotype forever. The muscle implants don't help, in fact they make him even more pathetic. Why he didn't just rep for the rest of his life is beyond me - he made it to his 30s, he even starred in multiple movies purely based on him being an attractive woman, he was clearly good at repping and it was obviously way too late. Now he just exists to make FTMs look terrible
Mostly just putting it off, allowing myself to repress, making myself forget testosterone would give me everything I want. Knowing that I want to keep some feminine aspects (long hair but just because I like the sensation of weight on my head, bisexual attraction) so knowing that people won't take me seriously. But actually, people will take you seriously if you're paying them to.
why do you retarded ass bitches always take the bait on "being a woman is better and you're throwing it away" posts
It's debatable anon the people in those threads could be anyone on the other side of the screen. I only lurk in ftmg.

I have 2 birds and a lot of fish (55g community tank with kuhli and rosy loaches, pygmy and dwarf corys, ember tetras, emerald corys, shrimp, celestial pearl danios, and emerald dwarf rasboras and some assassin snails in it + a 10 gallon betta tank)

No, cis lesbians hate men the most (they likely also hate women the most.)

Probably because he started late. His existence makes me grateful I never transitioned desu.
Taking bait can be fun.
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catboy all the way. you cannot be rid of the catboys just because dogboys are the new meta
i have two cats, one named snarf, one named tigger. picrel is tigger
I know it's bait, I'm just there to meme
i'm bored and have nothing better to do than reply to bait. sometimes i try to further bait the people who took the bait as well. depends on how committed i am.
Hey guys, I'm living in a bad environment right now and I was cleaning out a spare storage bag and I found 6 T Cypionate vials with an expiry of 2021. I haven't been able to see a doc since then because of finances, would taking this reserve harm me until I start my new job in a couple weeks? I've been pretty miserable since I ran out but I don't want to end up in the hospital. All the oil is clear and no crystals. I was on a 0.5 dose and I just want to feel how I used to. Thanks for any advice.
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QOTT: catboy
QOTT2: i have a cat and a dog
congrats dood
call planned parenthood and ask
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Anyone else loved this book as a kid? Asking because it has one of the very, very few forcemasc scenes I've encountered in media. At the end of the story the female villain falls into a plastic surgery machine she invented, and the machine was previously calibrated to a buff Chad male body, so she gets transformed against her will. I can't remember whether she survives or not. Still I spent my whole childhood going GIWTWM and might not have trooned if not for this book.
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me and her <3
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You say you don’t want to get pregnant…and yet you’re ovulating… your lips say no but your body says yes…
>and yet you’re ovulating
no im not
>your body says yes
no it isnt
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It do be doe
Hey bros i am having big dysphoria hours. Please convince me to not plunge this 8inch hunting knife into my throat! I want to suffer terribly for being born such a hideous disfigured freak.
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How does one unlearn the shame of being transgender? Has anyone here successfully done this?
i feel like an alien all the time. why am i such a freak. why do i never get it right
>QOTT: catboy or dogboy?
>QOTT2: do you have any pets?
I have a poodle. He is quite weird.
How did it go?
Voice train.
Are you a NEET?
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i need to be huge
What are some ways to naturally boost testosterone and lower estrogen? I have never had surgery and I do my best not to take medicines.
No one cares
Exercise, good diet.
I've also said I feel like an animal. Even other trans men seem to treat me that way. But I also use this feel to absolve me of all responsibility because animals can't do anything "bad"
Aren't you already suffering terribly for it when you're in this state? Doesn't seem like you need to add anything in to suffer more. What's going in?
no i have a full time job and friends who seem to care about me but i feel like i can't stop taking L's no matter how hard i try. idk what i'm supposed to do anymore. other people seem to get it, like they put the effort in and are rewarded but not me. i try so hard to emulate what i see and i fail every time. i try to go with the flow and just be me and that's worse. i'm not a NEET but i wish i was. i'm not meant to be in society
What do you think you should be rewarded with?
Are you emulating others because you see them satisfied or because you want their same outcome?
it isnt about being rewarded. being a doomer gets me no where and the things that are supposed to be healthy and steps towards bettering myself no matter how hard i try never seem to be effective. ill go to the gym, ill socialize, i work full time, i put myself out there. and i always feel like i've failed
What is your goal and why do you think you are failing?
You are clearly putting the work in and I can understand it can be tiring to try so hard and not feel recompensed for your effort. I would tell you that often the more healthy the thing you do the longer it is going to take to see the effects of it.
I am I just want it to stop
I can pretend all I want like I've accepted yeah sure I got the shit hand dealt in life
But I can't accept that. I try every fucking day and I just can't accept it.
I'm angry at myself for that and thus I deserve to feel at my worst once I finally get permanent relief from this hell life
i don't understand why doing things that are objectively good for me are not making me feel even a little better. i want to not be sad, i want to be healthy, i want these things but my brain just won't let me celebrate or enjoy anything, big or small. it's infuriating. talking about these feelings does nothing because i know it's within myself. i just wish i could recognize my own efforts as good instead of pathetic
Do you guys want to see my white cat?
Have you been taking your shots brother
...I haven't actually...
I think i should go do that now huh
i wish i could bedrot like a neet and die
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It's ok to not want to accept it though, normal to struggle with it, why are you angry at yourself for having a normal reaction? Acceptance is ideal but it doesn't just happen immediately for people.

When you're in this kind of headspace it's pretty normal to not be able to see anything as good, it's not some failure on your part that you're struggling or can't just turn it off. It's a lot of work and effort to dig yourself out of this kind of thing and it can be hard to feel like you're getting better because the bad shit will still be there sometimes and you'll still have these moments. Getting better isn't a linear thing and sometimes the way there isn't pretty at all. In fact it can often look like how you're feeling right now, especially early on.

What things are you doing right now that are good for you? I don't want to give advice on things that can help if it's shit you're already trying.
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I meant this one
I like Hugo better.
Women, especially lesbians, are the misandry bunch. They often preface their hatred as a response to men (including mtf) hating them first, but men are like Don Draper, they don't think about women at all.
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What about this one?
That one's pretty good but >>38048253 no competition. Show the other 2 (you have 5 right?) and we'll see, but I suspect Hugo is still the best.
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