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..but keep their penis? Like, at that point why even call yourself a woman and not non-binary? Didn't you have dreams ever since you were young of magically not having a penis anymore, and then being upset when you woke up and it was still there? Weren't you confused and upset as a kid when your mother told you you could never be pregnant and that you're supposed to like girls? Didn't you hate it the first time it ever got hard or when you had your first wet dream and it felt like an evil demonic tumor non-consensually attached to your body from birth?
didnt read the pseudo intellectual drivel
kept it because im a top and have zero genital dysphoria
As if there is a real surgery that replicates real female genitalia. It is just a hole bro I don’t want that, I’d rather have what god gifted me if man cannot yet replicate gods pussy.
Honestly, I don't get it either. I don't understand how there are trans women who don't have bottom dysphoria. But I also don't understand how cis men aren't dysphoric or why trans men want to have a penis. I just have kind of a narrow conception of the world I guess. I really want to get SRS, but I just don't foresee getting vaginoplasty with how expensive and hard on the body it is, especially when you consider the results. I hate the results currently, even of just straight vulvoplasty. It just doesn't look natural 9 times out of 10, but I want it bad enough that I might accept that some day. I don't really know.
I'd rather have nothing than rapestick. A pussy simulation is an upgrade from nothing tbhon
Some feel like they are just women with a penis. Some don't like it but keep it because they are scared of srs some are just fine with it being there.
There are also trannies that consider themselves men but like getting surgeries to appear as women.
Okay this might sound like the most retarded reason ever but hear me out

So there was this trans woman who was a biologist who somehow idk how but somehow she used CRISPR on her balls to produce estrogen instead of testosterone. So I’m over here thinking maybe if I keep them eventually this kind of tech will become mainstream and I can make it so my balls produce estrogen and never have to worry about taking estrogen ever again because my body just produces it naturally
Honestly my dysphoria presents itself almost as if I’m renting the body I’m in. Like my brain was put in this body from another one and I get to use it for what it’s worth. I feel disconnected from it and I don’t have ownership over it. I plan on getting srs at some point because I think it will be better for me, but having a dick doesn’t bother me a lot because I don’t feel like it really belongs to me.
Because I have a nearly 8 inch cock and it was like the only trait people valued about me whenever I tried to form relationships. People didn't want to be friends, they never respected me or found me attractive enough in other ways so it was always just one night stands where people came to me asking to be dicked down. It's hard to get rid of something when it's one of the only things people ever valued you for in life. I even have people telling me now that getting SRS would be a sin with a gift like that, so it just makes everything even more confusing.
im gonna be real having a pussy is way better than having my huge dick was i promise you'll find better enjoyment that way
pay for my SRS then dumbass where the fuck am I supposed to get that kinda money
It’s very expensive and the recovery is very intense. I’ve also just been scared away by everyone calling it gross. I do want it though, so I’m think of getting zero depth.
>why even call yourself a woman and not non-binary?
I'm both a woman AND non-binary
i had planned on getting srs but then changed my mind, on hrt i realised i really had everything that i needed to be happy now and that extra surgery was unneeded, i know its a meme but as i thought about it to be being a woman is more then just genitals ya know? you dont see peoples genitals on a daily basis, its traits like breasts and curves you see, and when i look inside myself i realise i needed to have breasts, without them i felt like i was missing part of my body, like missing a limb, but with having a penis i didnt like that because it was a stereotypical man thing to have and that my need for srs wasnt an internal need to make my body how it needed to be but an external force from how women as classified in society and too be honest i feel like thats not a good reason to get srs

basically if i was raised in a magical world were all women had not boobs i would still need boobs, but if i was reased in a magical world where women had cocks i would no longer feel bad about mine so that asymmetry made me realize that specifically for this part of me self acceptance is needed not surgery or medical intervention like with breasts
Yeah I think non ops arent trans. Because what's more mannish than wanting to keep male parts of you? I can't wait for srs.
girls with dicks are hot, actually

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