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File: transia.jpg (12 KB, 474x316)
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Why don't transbian polycules start businesses where they let chasers watch during "playtime"? They could probably make loadsa money.
Better question: why don't transbian polycules start worker co-ops?
good idea, lets start one
Because the venn-diagram cross-section between Transbian Polycules and OF Marketable is like the fucking Panama Canal
Many transbians hate men. Even if there was a large amount of money to be made, I do not think most transbians would be down for it.
This is a much better question.
Given the massive amount of transbians with barista training, I'm actually kinda shocked that transbian cafe co-ops are not a relatively common sight in the more progressive cities of the world.
I'm not trans and not really into them but theres a lot of chasers here who would empty their pockets for a sniff of your panties. I have business acumen though so maybe I should approach a bunch of trannies about it.
>inb4 they stab me or something

I don't mean OF I mean at their tranny crackhouses, with 1 way glass or booths or something.
Do you understand what I mean tho. Have you ever actually seen a tranny polycule?
No I've only seen 1 tranny irl in all my time on this earth, other than probably 3 or 4 who posted their pics on this board on the occasions I visit.
they already do. theres a couple i know who are part of a internal poly group. 5 or so girls, top onlyfans girls. theres a local smaller one here (in portland) thats worked with them (also top of girls). and several more i know of, including one involving ex-mtfg trips that just started
Based. I love capitalism, sometimes.
international poly group, not internal.
the new one is mtfg trannies from all over under one roof
hey, they all know each other and collaborate. they make good livings traveling and fucking each other
the kind of person who would pay to watch polyhons fuck is even more deserving of a cruel death than the polyhons themselves. Like, how can you possibly argue that a man who is willing to pay money to watch autistic men in dresses clumsily grope each other while shitting their pants deserves human rights?
>I have business acumen
can u help me sell my panties? i'll give u a cut
>thinks either party deserves death
I only kill delicious animals I'm no judge or executioner of men.

Uh yeah sell them to me and I'll uhh sell them on >_>
I could build you a business plan but honestly I think all you need is a marketer.
is there like an ebay for used panties? i dont know where to start. i just need to make some money to buy a new scooter
God that's fucking cute. I think craigslist and sites like that.
ty, i'll look at craigslist
i'd say it's more like there's three options:
>in a transbian polycule
>hot enough to do OF
>willing to do OF
and you're only allowed to pick two
hi! /pol/ is that way, fag----->
hope your future transition goes well, cryptochaser ;)
What did you think finnster's onlyfans was?

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