i want to be a chaser's weird low functioning creepy autistic girl that he's too embarrassed to even mention to his friends...
ok but you have to fuck me in the butt (and not tell anyone)
>>38489659can I post about it online (anonymous)?
>>38489657no ui want a normal human being. not a mentally ill autist
>>38489657ok but your never allowed to top because i am straight and bottom surgery is expected once the tech gets better next decade
>>38489664I'd prefer not. I'm terrified of being outed.
>>38489676that's fine if you're paying>>38489687:(
>>38489657What things are you autistic about?
>>38489691i like talking about traditional (>1990) roguelikes and their derivatives and torture porn litrpg audiobooks
>>38489698oh and survival crafting games
>>38489698>>38489715Okay this actually sounds pretty comfy
>>38489876are you a chaserwhere are you from
>>38489657what level autism?
>>38489698>>38489715bro wtf if someone irl started talking to me about that shit id be like "what what are you talking about man yo azz tweakin"
>>38489913im outta here that bitch tripping
>>38489879Western Europe so probably no luck there
>>38489965east coast US...
>>38489977well southeast us
>>38489977same which state?
anyone in fl?
>>38490051I'm in the wrong swamp
need you but what if I want to tell all my friends and family about you though?
>>38489657you and 80% of the rest of you
>>38489657ive been that for chasers all my life.got tired of being held down and sucked.
>>38489657no matter how desperate you are you shouldn't settle for someone who won't do you the basic courtesy of introducing you to his friends and family. If he puts slight embarrassment over letting you into his life he doesn't like you, let alone love you
>>38490754>held down and suckedforced meme. it's just repeating that one over and over.
>>38490839same dicklet repeating that one over and over.*
>>38489657it's so much more fun to be the weird low functioning creepy autistic girlfriend that he enthusiastically introduces to his friends uwu
>>384896574chan really has the worst women trans and cis, fucking hell
>>38489657You never will because you're a biological male.
>>38491836what the fuck are you even talking about anoni'll never get a chaser bf because i'm... biologically male? what do you think it is that chasers want?
>>38489657chuds and trannies are made for each other. both are on autism spectrum, sexually frustrated, horny and lonely all the time, lack human touch, likes to touch penis.so why don't you all just kiss and make up, instead of fighting and spew random shit all the time?
I heard too many stories of psycho fags who destroy people's lives over the slightest things desu. First that comes to mind is a doctor who was dating a judge and the judge actually manufactured evidence because he thought the doctor was cheating on him (he wasn't)t.goons to femboy butt whenever I'm home alone