What are your letters and star signs? I'm a bi tranny taurus and desu I am pretty stubborn and I do vocals so it fits meI'm also a Virgo moon and Scorpio rising but I don't like know what that means really
>>38508912MtF, biLibra sun, Scorpio rising, Taurus moon.
>>38508912mtfaries sun / scorpio moon / gemini rising
>>38508912I’m a Gemini I don’t know all the sun sign moon sign stuff tho
>>38508912Repressed MTF, LCancer SunLibra MoonScorpio Rising
I'm >>38509309 just forgot to add pic
Sun 03°43' k ScorpioMoon 20°54' g LeoAC (Ascendant = Rising) 00°38' k ScorpioMC (Medium Coeli) 07°00' g Leowhich is funny cause many of the relationships ive had is with leos.virginiity, best friends, soulmates etc.
>>38508912cishet moidsagittarius sunlibra moon
>>38508912mtf, scorpio sun, aries moon, scorpio rising
>>38508912straight mtfvirgo sun, pisces moon, leo rising
>>38508942i like that chart, i feel like that chart has described my general emotional beats - here and there, with considerable differences thrice or four times - throughout the past few years .-.its neat, what is it from? :0what's it based on?also i'm a fckingcapricorn - aquarius ascending
>>38508912Sun - Pisces - 7th houseMoon - Cancer - 12th houseMercury (R) - Aquarius - 7th houseVenus - Pisces - 7th houseMars - Aquarius - 7th houseJupiter - Scorpio - 3rd houseSaturn - Pisces - 7th houseUranus - Capricorn - 6th houseNeptune - Capricorn - 6th housePluto - Scorpio - 4th houseASC - Leo - 1st houseEven without knowing a thing about me. I think you could still accurately predict that I'm MtF, L just based off of this.Likely also picking up that I'm an introverted, introverted weirdo with DPD.
>>38508912Sun - Virgo - 1st houseMoon - Taurus - 9th houseMercury - Libra - 1st houseVenus - Libra - 2nd houseMars - Gemini - 10th houseJupiter - Scorpio - 3rd houseSaturn - Leo - 12th houseUranus - Pisces - 7th houseNeptune - Aquarius - 6th housePluto - Sagittarius - 4th houseASC - Virgo - 1st house
>>38509654b cis guy btw, forgot to add
>>38508912agender, panLibra
>>38508912Sun sign: SagittariusMoon sign: GeminiRising sing: LibraLetters? No, it's you tell ME.
>>38509346At age 28 did you have a major event related to relationships?
>>38509637>>38509654Don't post your charts like this, nobody can fucking read them, just post a pic from astro dot com, or astroseek.
>>38509637>Moon in Cancer>Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius>Mars in Aquarius>Jupiter in Scorpio>Ascendant in LeoYeah, that makes a lot of sense, actually.I'm a Pisces too, but a Cis Straight(ish) male. I'm very bro-dudeish which will probably be obvious from my stats. I'll lay them out for everyone.Sun - Pisces - 1st HouseMoon - Capricorn - 12th HouseMercury (R) - Aries - 1st HouseVenus - Aries - 2nd HouseMars - Scorpio - 8th HouseJupiter - Aries - 1st HouseSaturn - Taurus - 2nd HouseUranus - Aquarius - 12th HouseNeptune - Aquarius - 12th HousePluto - Sagittarius - 10th HouseNorth Node (R) - Leo - 6th HouseLilith - Scorpio - 9th HouseChiron - Sagittarius - 9th HouseLot Of Fortune - Aries - 2nd HouseVertex - Virgo - 7th HouseMC - Sagittarius - 10th HouseASC - Aquarius - 1st House
>>38509903No astrologer will read this coal if you format it like that. Pic or gtfo
>>38509931Wasn't really intending on any astrologer to give a reading based on any aspects. Was just posting my planets and house placements for those curious, but if anyone is curious on the full chart and wants to see all the context there, behold, muh chart.
>>38509977Ketu in 1st makes this nigga very comfortable in masculine roles, his personality is masc by default. He has difficulty with the feminine parts of his personality, but this will change during his 40s or maybe at 48. He also probably has mommy issues and gets depressed, one or the other. May be very cold emotionally or repress his feelings because he is afraid of them.
>>38509993whoa what about me?? pleeease
Moon/sun/asc lord in 12th house seems to be common in troons/reppers. Hunty Schaefer has it and so do many in this thread, and me.
>>38509571Are you a porn/sex addict? Or have you agp?
>>38508912Sun - Aquarius 2Moon - Libra 10Ascendant Sagittarius Mercury - Capricorn 2Venus - Aries 4Mars - Aquarius 3Jupiter - Capricorn 1Saturn - Pisces 3Uranus - Aquarius 2Neptune - Capricorn 2Pluto - Sagittarius 12I’m anything but an expert on this astrology stuff, but the idea of a dualisticish independent but romantic person much more interested in ideas than physical stuff lands bigly. Would welcome more help reading wtf this all saying tho (particularly with how and if planets interrelate)>>38510182I think I’m more evidence for this with my Pluto in Sagittarius? Pluto is the planet of change, no…?
>>38510374Not giving reading unless you post chart. big list is useless and too much work, the format is one of the most autistic things I've ever seen
>>38510374Charterino for my profile as well
>>38510422speak of the devil: >>38510423
>>38508912>repper (mtf)pisces sun, aries moon, virgo asc. im too lazy to look up the others
>>38510374This person communicates like a retard because they have Mercury conjunct Neptune in 2nd house. Mercury is communication, Neptune is fog and confusion. They are possibly esl, but the fact remains that their communication comes out fucked up because of this placement. Jupiter in Capricorn in 2nd also adds to the problem.
>>38510450Sexuality is also fucked in some way, either actual sexual dysfunction like infertile, or can't get hard, or else some other issue. It will manifest at some point in life. They may also just be a freak in bed, or into crazy porn. Being a tranny could just be the manifestation of this either, but def a freak and will have issues with women. Probably overidealises in relationships too, which is a beautiful if tragic trait. If not this, then they get drug addicts/alcoholics, long distance relationships, people that disappear, never consummate relationships, or get cheated on. Also like masc/andro girls maybe.
>>38510450>>38510462Well English is my mother tongue, but I definitely overidealize and my few relationships have either been LDRs, never got consummated (because I was frigid), and I did get cheated on once. Very into masc girls too, what freaking planet told you that???Aside from just generally being a tranny, dunno what the sexual thing would beSo uh do I have like any positive conjuncts, then?
>>38510496I just realised that you are a similar age to me. You have Saturn return next year babe so get ready. Your moon is decently strong, but it's conjunct Rahu. Often gives mommy issues, overbearing mother, controlling mother, or else succesful/eccentric mother. Can also give many ups and downs in life. I bet your friends are unique in some way. Like out of the ordinary, or special (not in the retard sense). You are probably good looking, or have some sex appeal (pluto near ascendant for sex appeal, moon in Libra conjunct Rahu for beauty)Rahu is north node btw.
>>38510541Very interesting. I am very close with my mother…Saturn is the planet of limitations and age, right? I also see stuff about hard work and objectivity (and it rules my 3rd house?), which doesn’t sound awful, but you don’t make it sound positive…. Is your relationship to Saturn going to be different?Thanks for the yaps anon, this has already been very fun
I have the BPD spread.Libra/Scorpio with Capricorn rising. You all can have I guess at what the letter is make it a little game.
>>38510650Nobody can guess shit off that information.
>>38510447also if i post the rest of my chart will someone be able to say something funny about it?
>>38510657I think some people could, maybe you’re just stupid and boring?
>>38510660I can already tell you that you are a self centered low iq retard that doesn't read the thread.
>>38510674No actually you ugly bitch, you need the entire chart to guess letters properly. You share your big three with hundreds of millions of people.
>>38510678i have just woken up, my brain needs a bit to function normally
>>38510625Your saturn return will focus on themes of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th house. Modern astro sites relate Saturn to hard work and growing up, in reality it's about misery, suffering, and aging. And in it's most positive light, achievement, stability, and durability. Generally you get the worst of Saturn in your Saturn return.
>>38510688Whatever, skank
>>38510874loool you actually posted it after I called you ugly. I'm not reading that shit. sit on my lap and call me mommy.
>>38510883I’d rather slit my throat than call someone “mommy”
>>38508912Bisexual FtMSun: CapricornMoon: VirgoMercury: CapricornVenus: AquariusMars: LibraJupiter: PiscesSaturn: AriesUranus: AquariusNeptune: AquariusPluto: SagittariusAscending: Gemini
>>38510182This is an interesting theory and I’d like to have it explored more
>>38509438Yikes! You are trouble.
Nice tranny patterns allround with strong Pluto and Uranus>>38509346Lol, perfect fit for mtf repressor>>38509977You put in effort but your transition will still break you>>38508912>What are your letters and star signs?mtf bishit, Gemini Sun, Moon in Aries, Libra rising
>>38508912Cis bi male
>>38512371Ignore this retard please, they know nothing and have a huuuge ego. They have a similar placement to whatifalthist, the schizo chud that went crazy a while ago. Sun conjunct Rahu.
>>38512456Everyone, look at mars and Venus in this chart and see how close they are together - this is how you identify a bisexual person. Not the only way, but an easy way. Like everything, there are exceptions, but this is pretty reliable.
>>38510192i'm probably best described as a sex addict out of those three. idk if im agp, i don't really believe in agp as i've come to realize that straight cis women embody fucking agp, everything they do is contorting their bodies to look "sexier", from makeup to clothing, so fuck it agp is natural. so i guess i have that kind of "agp", the desire to be physically attractive in a feminine manner? otherwise i just really like men :3
My theory on identifying trannies from birth charts has improved from this thread.
>>38508912bi mftvirgo sungemini moonscorpio rising
>>38512545Thanks for the heads-up. His weird random statement about some unspecified transition breaking me had me slightly curious, but I could glean from the nature of the reply in its entirety that it's likely just loose-speaking nebulous shit slinging.
>>38512371>Lol, perfect fit for mtf repressorReally? Why?
>>38514382what else can you tell me about my chart?
>>38512545Following up from >>38514443 , I think they might have missed where I said I'm a "Cis Straight(ish) guy". I don't have any desire to transition. Their reply makes it look like they just saw charts and quickly replied, assuming that everyone posting are trans or intend on transitioning.
>>38508912I’m a bi cis guy, ftm chaserAnd a Leo, idk about sun moon whatever thoufh
>>38514524That guy is a narcissist with severe ego issues and possible latent/active psychosis, ignore him.
>>38508912>I'm also a Virgo moon and Scorpio risingWhat the hell?I demand answers.
>>38509879Looking at that site...What do I click on?
>>38514686Give me your credit card info, date of birth, ID, and address, and I'll fill it out for you.
>>38514787I'm an immigrant.They are taking away my debit card that I worked hard for.
>>385147871234 5678 9101 1121; 314 (20500)20 April ‘89SSN 616 42 13371600 Pennsylvania AvenueWashington DC 20500
>>38514377Can you describe?
>>38514686I really did look and can't figure it out...I know I'm an Aries, but I dunno what is rising, falling, or doing figure of eights.
>>38508912been told that I'm destined to be sad and lonely. starting to think that it's right. I don't believe in this shit though
>>38516533You should learn foreign languages you would be very good. Please study something, or learn some craft/skill using your hands/dexterity. Or even cards. Anything you are passionate about. Writing even. Research careers/things ruled by Mercury. At the start you may suck but if you pursue these things and put effort into them you will be amazing, and I mean amazing.
>>38516602I've tried learning german at various points in my life but have difficulty staying focused with all the distractions. I'm on adhd meds now, which seem to help, but I'm still not super productive. I've been debating trying to go to college because I don't like my current job/ position in life. no idea what to study and i don't have the best track record with school. thanks for the encouragement, even if it's not based in anything the stars say.
i only rly know my sun/moon/rising off the top of my head
>>38508912ftm, bigemini sun, aries moon, capricorn rising
>>38508912good luck with that underage crap buddy!
>>38516657It's based off your mercury being conjunct north node.
>>38519219Ugly moid detected