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Little precious has a natural obsession for temptation
But he just can't see
She gives him loving that his body can't handle
But all he can say is, "Baby, it's good to me"
One day, he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror
But he doesn't recognize his own face
His health is fading, and he doesn't know why
Three letters took him to his final resting place

Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast
Sounds like a girl I guess but the singing is so bad and staccato I couldn't finish it
odd to hear it read like a poem instead of sung but def passes as cute fem voice
Coal. Do voice training and shadowing 2 hours a day for a month then come back.
why do u always make promts that are song i’ve never heard of?
clocky, do more singing and voice train

no pass, also this is a song
weird cuz i got told i pass on the previous thread, can you say why i dont seem to pass here?
this passes don’t listen to the other anon he’s just mad u didn’t sing
the resonance is a bit dark overall and your rise at :30-:32 was overly nasally in a way that is pretty obvious to the trained ear
Can you say "chav halash" as if you are trying to sell whatever chav halash is?
can hear the autism dripping off your singing
Pass-ish as lispy/nasally nerd girl
Male pass
Why does no one know it's a song?
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I like ur whistles :3

this is lovely :)
i think i heard this in some game growing up... is it zelda?
your voice is so beautiful it makes me sad how did you do that how does anyone do that how much voice training do i have to do to sound like that...
:3 thank u
my throat feels super dry idk if u can hear it but if i sound like i’m sick that’s the reason
its impossible to get rid of trannyvoice if you have it. fuck my life
My ex went from trannyvoice to full pass in like 6 months so it is possible, just don't ask me how she did it
bumping from page 10 because i wanna record one too but i'm waiting till i have a chance when i'm home alone
the only tranny i have ever heard from here who didn't have pronounced trannyvoice is aussiehon, and her skull is mega clocky from overly aggressive ffs, so really, there's no winning

Not my genre, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this is me though: https://voca.ro/1em40LDUXFSR
Soulless but pass as female
I don't like either song, but the second is like listening to someone droll on about a boring lecture. You sound just as bored
Well considering I didn't write other song I'm not particularly concerned with how you feel about them.
Maybe a better singing voice would have me enjoy them
Who knows? Can't say I'm concerned, I've gotten more positive feedback than negative over the years and it's impossible to please everyone so it's fine if you're not into it. The first song was literally the OP post so... you could hear quite a few people sing it in this thread and know if you like one of their voices if you're that curious. Could even search the lyrics and hear the original if you really wanted. Personally not a fan of Waterfalls but it was the thread song so when in Rome...
Are you autistic?
No what would that have to do with anything?
>can't say I'm concerned
>paragraph of concern
You could've moved on instead of typing all that unprompted
That's not concern for your opinion anon. You're projecting a lot to think that lol. I get that whoever you're imagining you're talking to has different motivations than I actually do to speak, but come back down to reality and realize that strangers you meet aren't what you envision in their head and text has no tone. It wasn't unprompted at all, you were actively speaking to me were you not? Did I seek you out for conversation? Not at all. You could easily have moved on too, does that mean you care about me? Are you speaking to me because you care deeply about me anon? If the answer is no then rethink the shit you're putting on me.
I'm not reading all that tism text
Get that whoever you're imagining you're talking to has different motivations than you assume

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