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>be trans girl
>been bestest friends with cis boy since i was 13
>have been in love with him for a long time now
>never told him because i didn't think he'd like me since im tranny
>was my 21st birthday recently
>spent the day with my best friend hanging out at his place
>first time drinking alcohol
>went a little overboard and got incredibly wasted
>barely remember much
>woke up the next day in his bed
>confused and panicking
>immediately left his room and found best friend in his kitchen
>ask him what happened
>he said i passed out after awhile so he put me on his bed to sleep and he slept on the couch
>felt a sense of relief and apologized to him
>he said its okay
>he said he was curious about something though
>ask what
>he said that last night i told him that i always had feelings for him and started rambling about how much i love him and wanted to be with him forever
>he asked me if thats true or was i just too drunk and incoherent
>heart sank
>felt like dying
>can't believe i actually said that to him
>wanted to cry and run away
>couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye
>couldn't bring myself to lie to him either though because he knows me so well that he'd see right through me
>feel like i should just be honest
>i told him that it wasnt nonsense and those are my true feelings
>awkward silence
>he said wow and he doesn't know what to say
>i told him if he doesn't feel the same way its okay and im just happy being friends
>best friend doesn't give any definitive answer and says that he needs to think about it for awhile
>tell him okay and tell him that im gonna go home
>he says okay and i leave
>spent the day in bed depressed with a hangover
>been almost a week
>best friend hasn't mentioned it at all and treats me like nothing happened
>still invites me to play games and hangout with him and talks to me like normal
>feel like ive been quietly rejected
its over, isn't it? he rejected me without rejecting me, hasn't he? i hate this...i want to kms...
girl, don't be a pushover for this man. confront him, ask him how he feels, its better to be rejected outright and see how you go from there than live in this awkward middle area
get prettier, u can do it
yeah.. its over.. theres always more people out there for you im sure.
I wouldn't jump to conclusions too soon. Remember that you're trans so that's a BIG hurdle for a lot of cis men to overcome. He's probably trying to sort out his feelings about it and his sexuality. Just give him some time, don't pressure him.
im scared. i feel like if he never confronted me about it i would have never told him. i feel like if he rejects me to my face ill just jump out a window immediately. i hate the situation right now but getting definitively rejected would destroy me too. im such a coward...
i think im okay. im not a supermodel or anything but im not a hon.
i know...but every day that passes i just feel even more anxious and depressed. im scared to hear his answer but im also scared of him crushing my heart. put me out of my misery...
>not a hon.
might as well be if you can't bag your true love.
not only this op, but also you knew this guy pretransition, which is like probably an even bigger hurdle than normal
>he put me on his bed to sleep
That's pretty romantic ngl. Also you must be a small person.
sigh, i hate that i cant disagree
i guess but hes known me way longer as a trans girl. hes told me before that he sees me as a girl but idk if hes just being kind to me
im a tiny chinese girl and hes a tall white man.
>im a tiny chinese girl and hes a tall white man.
HOT. You might actually have a chance. Just wear some sexy clothes and tempt him a little.
would that work? i don't want to make him uncomfortable if he's not comfortable with that yet...
"Accidentally" send him nudes.
Stupid tranny. A man will NEVER love you, you're just a homo in a dress.
he turned her down, and hes clearly uncomftorble thinking about it based off of his reaction, best case senario is you get a hard "no I dont like you like this"
GIWTWM (the friend).
I wrote a haiku
>homo in a dress
>he may prefer the red one
>who am I kidding
It's over.
I agree with this. Give it some time, try to get closer to him, dress a little more revealing, etc.
this desu... he still wants to spend time with you and now it's under the contextual understanding that you like him
he could be "testing the waters" to see if he could handle a sexual relationship with you
did he? he just kinda said "oh"
you're allowed to look hot, anon. it can't make things worse.
this tbhonky
op just run under that assumption (while remembering he might want to just stay friends), and be bffs with him as usual
was there physical closeness between you two before - you leaning on his shoulder, sitting body to body on the couch, or especially him doing anything physical?
I hope everything works out for you OP, however this pans out I wish you the best. I have no advice to give. Manifesting.
He wants to fuck but doesn't want to admit it (yet).
I don't understand how anyone is attracted to men.
if you are small it feels good to have a big strong person touch you
i mean, anon, it's p weird when your best friend doesn't just come onto you, she straight up confesses her deepest love and desire to be your wife for life. he obviously cares about OP enough to not want to hurt her feelings, but that's some surprising shit to deal with when you were just expecting some chill time.
an 'oh?' isn't a 'no', it's true, but it's not 'oh boy!' either.

hi OP, cishetfag here (blame moot, your thread was on the main page), i don't know your friend so i can't pretend to know what he's thinking, but i'll tell you that listening to the retards telling you to ramp up the sexy to bag him isn't going to do you any favors. best course of action is to just be straight up and tell your friend that you need to know.

i'd start off by apologizing for putting him in such an awkward position (not because it was wrong of you to speak your heart, but because an apology acknowledges his feelings and reminds him that you genuinely care about him, and leading with that is good social grace) and then say that, since it's out in the open, an answer is important to you to move forward in your life. that will show him that you're serious, and not just, like, testing waters or flirting for attention or w/e. but be prepared to hear a 'no'. it can be a big step to change a friendship into a relationship, and there's always the risk that things go south and then he's out a lover AND a friend.

a 'no' doesn't mean you're not worthy of him, anon, it means he values your friendship too much to risk losing it to a relationship that could go wrong.

lastly, try not to do it right away. just go hang out with your bro and have some fun for awhile, see if anything's changed. he obviously cares enough about you AND enjoys your company enough to want to hang out even after that drunken confession and the sober confirmation, so take it as a good sign that you still have your good friend no matter what.
suck his cock you dumb bitch, that's all you need to do.
Okay transbian
There are a lot of people who purposefully keep the infatuated stuck in this uncomfortable limbo as an extended ego-stroke sort of thing
>tell a man you're fine with just being friends
>he just treats you like a friend
>Noooo you need to make things more awkward and reject me which will definitely ruin our friendship
disregard every post but this one OP

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