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i've been deeply alone for years, i've coped by telling myself i prefer it but really it's just too expensive to go out, i have to borrow money before i can meet up with people. i can't even consistently keep my car gassed up or my soaps and hair care stocked, my clothes are old and ratty, going anywhere people want to go usually also costs money. i feel socially disabled
>inb4 get a job
i need friends first unironically. my life is too barren and i'm disabled so work is a lot of pain. i simply cannot cope with going back without getting some kind of other foundation or i will burn out and get fired
>why am i a loser??
>gives loser mentality as to why you can’t improve yourself

tough it out and get a job anon. friends and money solved in one
a job is a easy way to socialize and make friends, most people want to make friends at work
i can barely even work. i stopped not because i was depressed but because i had a really bad flare up and started having trouble staying on my feet and for awhile was needing to use mobility aids.
it's just that now, i've been out of work for awhile, and it made me take stock of my life. i had no friends and no support network, so i was pouring everything into work trying to get promoted so i could earn more to finish school and also pay for physical therapy sessions. overworking with nothing to go home to but preparing for more work burned me out and led to the flare up and to needing to quit.
i can't put a pin on how it would change anything but i just feel like if i had some close friends to talk stuff through with or unwind with occasionally, it would have worked out. like i would've had more energy, or made more small moment to moment decisions to take care of myself instead of being a good worker, idk.
i haven't ever seemed to be able to make friends at work. i did one time but then it turned out she was bpd, i agreed to get an apartment with her, then she suddenly ghosted me (while like, awkwardly being silent at me at work), then everyone in the store just stopped being as friendly with me, i assume because she said something made up.
i kinda stopped trying to make work friends after that. don't shit where you eat.
southeast usa
are you into men
i'm open to love and companionship but i don't think i'm really much of a sex person
>i'm open to love and companionship
aka I want someone to financially sponsor me with me offering nothing in return
why do guys always say this exact line when a tranner says she doesn't like sex? is a girlfriend literally just an extra realistic fleshlight to you? such a gross mentality. i would give a guy the same things he gives me, sex isn't completely off the table but i just mention up front that it's not really my cup of tea to ward off people like you.
anyway i mainly want to find friends
Because your very opener was about how you are not financially well enough to afford friendship, something that isn't even a requirement. All points that you are just a terrible person both internally and externally and undesirable in many aspects to virtually everyone regardless of their gender.
this is not true. i am a nice person, i just dont know how anyone goes out and meets people when you have to drive five miles to go anywhere or do anything and everywhere that isn't a park costs money. why are you being so mean? :(
>All points that you are just a terrible person both internally and externally and undesirable in many aspects to virtually everyone regardless of their gender.
You have the mindset of a psychotic rapehon
What is wrong with parks?
who wants to just walk around the park all the time? if you made a friend and all they could ever do was go to the park or go over to your place or go out to places with the group and conspicuously just drink water with nothing to eat, wouldn't you get bored of that person? only free things i do that other people enjoy are vidya (if its something i own already) or board games, and the people who have those hobbies and are my age already have a friend group for it
the lonely people my age are literally all 100% of them making their connections at the bar or by failed connections that settled into a friendship on a dating app
newcomer to the thread
what if you’d like to socialize and often feel lonely, but nobody you’ve met across your entire life seems to think the way that you do? It’s not even autistic focus, I have many, arguably too many, interests and some of them have had truly autistic devotees who have every possible factoid memorized to the point of just reciting them when we’d attempt to socialize, that’s not me. Whatever I am feels natural to me, but everyone I’ve met, including my family, doesn’t understand my thought processes or why I care about what I do
At this point I’ve effectively given up on non-working relationships. I feel like a different species. And no, lgbt people aren’t any better, at least not once we meet in person
NTA but every job I've gotten was working with people outside of my age range
20 somethings are hard to come by round these parts. I'm shocked people make friends from work... Ive made a total of ONE friend at a job.
just apply for neetbucks. ez
You know what's worse than a broke neet tranny? A tranny in debt who is bad with money. Such one I know just irks me with how irresponsible she is. She has credit card debt and buys stupid shit like vapes and alcohol and a used car because "she needs it." No you don't, you stupid fucker.
You know whats worse than that? The Rape of Nanking. Legions of Japanese fascist scum gang raping women to death in front of their husbands and bayoneting decapitated baby heads and parading them through the street. And then the filthy fucking japanese bastards were only nuked twice! The Americans should have fucking irradiated ever single fucking gook village with more than a thousand criminal filth living in it. Don't get me started on the Japanese vermin's campaign of horror throughout the rest of Asia. Now we need to listen to the woe is me bullshit from Japanese about how unfair it was that they got nuked, it makes me really ill
We should put the person who drew this comic in a labor camp.
You know what's worse than that? Obama!...
why its a cute art style
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I'm a moid with the same issues basically
I miss when I had friends, even like 1-3 IRL friends was good enough for me
if you're straight then get a boyfriend to pay for everything, chasers will fuck an emaciated stray dog if it goes by she/her and wears stockings
if you're a transbian join a polycule and get addicted to heroin
I feel very very similarly. Though, the way I think is probably better than the way you do.
both those options sound kind of miserable and socially unfulfilling
how do i make friends or date as a broke neet tranny?
in japan
No clue anon

t. Friendless NEET tranny
I mostly just make friends with other jobless losers but that does limit the hanging out part a bit.
Also can't work (for now?) so sadly a lot of life is just accepting you can't participate fully in society like the rest. That's mainly why I even went on 4chan, to find other outcasts.
how do you connect to other jobless in your area?
>have a friend that doesnt work/school
>i also have all the time to do shit
>they never want to do stuff withme
depression is a bitch
try going to fighting game tournaments. a lot of them are free if you dont sign up to compete and just hang out and play casuals with people after the tournament. if you like vidya and dont mind it being a bit malebrained its a good space to meet some vidya frens

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