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qott: have you ever been on a plane?
qott2: best flight?
qott3: worst flight?
previous: >>38591060
>best flight
In the back with a row to myself
>worst flight
Next to an amerifat
do poons here have sexual harem fantasies? :3 tell me about it, Im going to sleep soon
what's so bad about us
>best flight
Halfway through an acid trip with a window seat, sunrise flight and just stared at the clouds in wonder for hours
>worst flight
Same flight, I thought the guy next to me was a fed who knew I was on acid and was babysitting me in case I did some stupid shit
A bunch of busty and supple tall mommy energy women at my beck and call with warm lighting existing in constant erotic bliss. Also they are mute
>sexual harem fantasies
harems weren't this super sexual thing that's a myth
beautiful thank you
what are you doing with them?
thats why I called them ''fantasies''
catch up old poon
If you can't fit in one seat you shouldn't be allowed to fly
Yeah, I love window seats
Idk I haven't had a particularly good or bad flight. I usually doze off
can trans guys have an sph fetish?
Sounds hot imo
They better have cause their 'dicks' are pathetic
most americans are between 25-35 bmi. you have to be around 350lbs to be using two seats and that's typically 50+ bmi
I've heard of such cases
Yes. I don't have it necessarily but I am open to it from a cis bf. Imagine frotting your ftm clit with a cis cock
>yeah many times
>idk if i have had any "good" flights, being in an airplane has a baseline level of uncomfortable and some are just worse.
Hey hi can we do that
I've got one at my neck and one wetting my thigh, I've got her tits in my face, but they're all around me like a throne of fluid pleasure
I'm too ugly and mentally damaged to sexo sorry
But… please? It could be nice :(
would be hot if a trans guy humiliated me for my dick
>t. cis
Need need need need
Hopefully with Trump back in office another great depression will occur and all you fat fucks will have to go on a pokeweed diet. It would be good for you all.
No shot you live near me anyways
>between 25-35 bmi
Awful. 15-20 is ideal, 20-25 at most
Uhh… US maybe?
Northeast usa
that's not how that works, europoor. the reason the great depression started is because people didn't remember to put actual money on checks, not because of politicians.
plus that would never happen under trump of all presidents, and i'd rather be fat than anything lol
15-20 is disgusting. ideal to me, how i'd want to look, is 40-50. i prefer other people around 30-40
Oh wow, actually?
Yeah but I'm not specifying further
Okay well I mean, I can work with that actually
Is there a specific type of guy you’re into?
As long as they're well written idgaf.
What kind of guys do you like?
I like my bf
Real or online
Y-you have a boyfriend? Cis?
No… It’s over…
How did you meet? :0
No offense anon but I'd never be able to date someone I met off 4chan
Through mutual friends! We met in when we were 13/14 but didn't actually start hanging out until years later. I love him a whole lot :)
one of the most insane characters in the manga
You are not underage right?
He suffered more than Christ on the cross but by god he's insane
No, I'm 20
You guys wonder if your sluttyness as a young shit was because you were trans or just a slut?
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got fucked again and tried it raw after the first time he came
raw is indeed better and yeah i really do like the feeling of sucking cock
Why no cock sucking video then?
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What would fix this, lifting? Suicide?

>qott3: Sat between 2 strangers, neither of whom wore deodorant
yall niggas not getting my face for free
I’ve wondered if my sexual trama had a impact on me being trans for sure
Your wrists look just like mine haha. No fixing them though besides putting on weight really (which Im not going to do)
How long have you been on T though? Has it not redistributed at all or are you just perma-skinny?
It looks masculine, just skinny. Men can be twigs too
Jesus anon, food must go right through you
Do you ever wonder if molestation could have turned you cisgender
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I’ve always had a hard time gaining weight, but I’m not sure I’ve been on T long enough for it not to show up in a female fat distribution if I did. Guess there’s tradeoffs in everything

Thanks bro
unironically steroids, not super healthy but an extra injection per week for a few cycles would give you muscle, just need to keep eating
I was specific
It’s okay man you’ll get there, maybe find someone that’ll feed you burgers or something
Also if you’re young you might simply have a really strong metabolism
fair enough!
daily panic attacks about how i just look like a hyper butch hairy woman and don't trupass because of my dumbass female framed small boned lightweight bitch ass body. fertility goddess compact edition bootlyious definition makes the girls go crazy. i look mad breedable fr fr fr. kms!
Hahaha sheeeesh. I'm in the same boat, you don't need to worry about it. If you keep going down this life the thickness will catch up to you without any effort
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biweekly i hear assaults on me. mental. verbal. psychic. all were shielded from me for so long. poonfidince. i feel as if i soulpass on some level. or at least im cocked enough for people to understand the vibe enough to gender me correctly. i can feel the malice. i can astral project into the transphobic rantings. i know what is being said. i say this with my true soul. i don't pass. i want to die!
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the monthly caller doesn't recognize me yet he names me old. so true. anyway. my natural born goddess bod is apparent to any and all who wish to see. some grovel at my feet. some chew their words up so scrumptious delissio. there is nothing left for me in this world. no lisa, no frank, and no red carpet. only misery. pity sponge. until it bursts. there is nothing left for me but misery. there once was a road ahead. an island of happiness, but they fucking nuked it. (((they))) has always meant I. I NUKED IT. I NUKED MY SANITY FOR YOU. I AM FALLEN. oh great. how i cry for thee.
Idk what you’re rambling about but I bet you’re handsome anon <3
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guilt i feel. i never tried to say goodbye. i never wanted to. that december never ended in my heart. i'm crying now. oh how i feel as if i have summoned a great tragedy upon me. woe. woe. woe. today the minimum wages of sin are still set a death. do you realize how much my brain has FUCKING degraded? do you understand all the sex i have missed out on? I want to FUCK. FUCK YOU. I WANT TO FUCK
Did you make that pooner yourself?
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see what a pathetic ass moron i am? how i struggle to type quick enough to trigger another combo attack? how i am in a rotting carcass of a body? unable to bare fruit. how i wish to get bred so hard. why have i denied myself so? self torment? why? why have i lead myself astray? what is truly in my heart? am i so retarded that i mistook love for autoandrophilla? what is my complex?
Panic attack boy I want to save you
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my deep pain is due to all the suffering. all the asphalt that has been poured onto the already screaming man. yet i can't be even anymore. it seems so unlikely. like how i am fallen and beyond repair. nothing could cure me. so many modes of relaxations and meditation has led me to this. sex, drugs, but not beer. dreams. barely constrained fetishi. why must i estrange myself so? what has led me to this road? I would have rather have been a male, but alas, it was not meant to be. i want meant to be a NATURAL BORN GODDESS DISPENSER of new souls onto this earth. sorry if i'm getting a little crazy, it'll be over soon. anyway, the crazies and the psychos have always been attentive of me. id like to be fucked by one maybe. or by my best friend with what i infer is a big white dick ready for breeding. i could make him into the muscle bull of my dreams. he's just so annoying sometimes though. i find everyone annoying in the end, but no one more than myself. i am an insufferable narcissist like many itt. it's a pity that i was born insane. i could have done great things. 44 55 66 minutes past my bedtime see the spell won't work jank ass nigga. no don't save me you weirdo this is the game i always play. i play this with all the boys and all the girls and even some of the theyfabs but i come across as too normalfaggy and not trans uwu boy adjacent enough to be offputting. this is getting long. nothing can be more triggered than me (a libtard who is a secret hitler). i just want a blond aryan muscle bull hunk to inseminate me. he's even shown me his cock before. i think it was juicy jumbo enough to hork down. i could cope. i could be a mom. i could get bred. i just want him to cum in me
No I think I will save you I’ve decided
finally. there's nothing left to say. i loved you. i think. i don't know why i still hold on. maybe it was a replacement. ever since then ive been cold yet hot. why am i unable to feel? there is a curse that may be lifted on me. i hope so. it would be a good omen. it could mean my breeding.
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I know she knows about that night. i know she knows that we both know the truth and she was complicit in it. it was enough to shatter my illusions, and lead me to cry with my tail between my legs. total pooner death. yet another cursed post
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there could be an awakening, a dawn. i could detrans and get a ton of laser hair removal. or still have people fawn over my n a t u r a l b o r n g o d d e s s b o d anyway? but alas, the embarrassment. i could have worked harder. i could have eaten more. yet i did not. why? how can i signal to him this summer to reignite our passions and fuck the ever living shit out of my blown out poon hole. i want to get lobotomized by cock
schizoanon: the grand awakening. i have announced here and forever more that i must get fucked. >>38605525
looks like my real born bod. you realize the pain? you realize the sleepiness? the tossy turny? how i wish to get DRILLED DOWN HARDCORE BY ALPHA MALE WOLF COKC. there is nothing more i can do with my tainted body. how do you handle this? how can i handle anything? i have been lead (type intentional) to the light by my newfound sweet water. i must be cured. i must be dried. i must be oiled, and carved, and oiled, and carved, and dried, and oiled. how can i lose a body without destroying my full soul?
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i wish i could be a full man. i wish i could write a full post. fragments on the wall. like brains. i wish i could be the stud which deservedly fucks my brains out. why have i mirrored so? why have i had female attraction in da past? how i wish to end. am i truly a hyper boren autist nightmare? unlike terje. i worship you terje. i suspect this will be our last comm for a while. i wish thee well sweet prince.we are hybrid spirits. how i wish many well across the world. kiss. kiss. i want you to suck my nips so hard they squirt.
can you detrans already
>suddenly have dream last night about ex friend from 6 years ago (reason: transphobic)
>he cis m ""straight""
>In dream
>we're hanging out, catching up again
>he kisses me on the neck out of nowhere
>alluding to wanting to fuck
>wake up
>Slightly weirded out but slowly connecting the pieces together
>exfriend has many features of a man that would be attracted to me
>exfriend has long hair, comes from the same state ex boyfriends
>extremely generous, similar creative fetishistic hobbies
>even looks like my current bf
>admitted to being attracted men in some way
You are cheating on your boyfriend in your mind
Why are gaydens such whores
You zesty faggot I love my boyfriend I don't wanna be with this short "man". I can't control my dreams
Are you on t?
Yes, I've been on t for 5.5 yrs
I travel for work and it’s about 60% flying and 40% driving so I’ve flown hundreds of times. It’s almost always delta so it’s not too bad, but it gets old when all I’m doing is flying for months on end. It’s a nice perk that I can fly for leisure for basically free with miles though. Same thing with hotels and car rentals. My gf and I usually take at least one vacay a year and pay almost nothing unless we want an Airbnb.

I have also been skydiving once and that was my first flight, so I took off in a plane twice before ever landing in one.
Tbh most of them are the same and blend in together. All the uneventful ones were fine.
Probably when I flew with a cold and ended up having blocked ears for two days
i figured i may answer my own question, i've only been on two flights though
my first flight. yeah, i projectile vomited afterwards but that was more from my meds than anything
second flight sucked, they accidentally booked my younger sister (13 at the time, 20 now) across the plane from us and i had pretty bad separation anxiety at the time. staff fixed the issue but i was still shaken up. i was 15, am 21 now.
>Probably when I flew with a cold and ended up having blocked ears for two days
True, flying with a cold will fuck you up worse than you would think.
Are gay trans men more common than bi?
No, bi is the most common sexuality for trans people
But so many gaydens here?
Then I forgive you. You are a man.
If you were pre-t I would call you evil wicked whore
Is it like with cis women where they say they are bi just to turn guys on but in reality they want nothing to do with women
I genuinely think this is true as a gayden. Given the right cis woman, I'd be into it.
I would kiss, finger, or strap fuck a woman, but I would not go down on a vagina.
Is sex with cis men just better?
I though afab bisexuality is true 50/50 while amab have real gender preferences. Bi women just like social perks of being with men
This except I will put my mouth on pussy but not cock or ass
I'm bi and sexually I like women more. I'm not able to orgasm without thinking of girls.
But I have never dated them or wished to date them cause they just cannot give me all the things men can.
What can men give you?
>I'm not able to orgasm without thinking of girls.
So you don’t actually even like men sexually, you just like what they can give you?
I get turned on by men wanting me but I don't really look at them with lust. Don't really have much romantic desires towards women so it is better to date men, and I have fallen in love with them multiple times. I also want bio kids and all that, everything I want is easier with cis men.

I have talked with lots of women and I think this is normal female sexuality
>normal female sexuality
Stop doing that
I'm only attracted in the occasional female celebrity/fictional character, not real life women
I was born intersex and transitioned to male later in life involuntarily although I don't mind it that much, looked like a deformed girl until I was 20 despite looking as male as it gets now, not really sure where I fit in, I usually give trans men advise because I've had to go through a lot of shit myself to make something out of my shit body, don't really feel like either mentally though.

should I continue giving them advise? sometimes I feel like I've got no business talking to them but it's the closest to relatable to me.

I kind of end up making them feel bad sometimes because I've got some stuff going for me due to having mix characteristics which they don't have.
Reminds me of Ivy Asian anon
Doing what? Stop having normal female sexuality
I hope you don't call yourself bisexual
Yes. You’re a man ffs.
I don't know who or what that is.

I'm also gay as fuck and had surgery (was born with an entanglement of veins and tendons that they were able to reconstruct into a functional dick) so it's really hard for them to not see me as some weird cis man, I look unambiguously male too, like the hormonal condition I have that sort of 'transitioned' me makes me look like a cro-magnon.
I haven't for a long time, not since my last crush on a girl faded
Do you look like a theyfab and still have your boobies? I hate bi fakes like you
I don't call myself bisexual retard, I'm a gayden
That's kind of cool and interesting tho you can probably offer a unique perspective I don't know why anyone would say no to that
It was discussed earlier that all gaydens are fake bi
RevTrap, I see you damn near everywhere. If you ever answer me one question, I would be very thankful if it was this one:
What is your dream job? No limits or road blocks
it's not like I get negative reactions to my advise either so I'll guess I'll continue giving it, I just don't really fit in anywhere and it makes me feel like I'm invading their space which aren't about me.

sometimes it makes me feel like a chaser, I have issues with cis gays too because I can't relate to them, and seeing normal dick gives me dysphoria.
What does this even mean
Male opera singer. 100%. I would kill to be a high tenor
2nd date with the trans guy I've been talking to went well, next date is gonna be in 2 weeks which is also his birthday. We're rather excited about it.
Fake bi: claiming bisexuality when girls you like are only some random ass anime characters or big titty milfs from video game
Thats really nice. Good luck
>Fake bi: claiming bisexuality
But I'm actively denying bisexuality. I haven't had a crush on a real woman in years, I'm aware that I'm not bi
What do you think would be an acceptable gift to get him for his birthday? We've been talking since Nov. but it's only our 3rd date and honestly I really just don't know what I should do here.
I'd still think you belong there. While your experience may not be exactly the same, you still have experiences in common with trans people. I don't think you should be discouraged
Thats good. You are honest.

But most trans me claim to be bisexual when they are just absolute flaming gays. Its disgusting. Its tarnishing true bisexuality
What if you take him out to eat? You pay? It might be too early for any big presents. He liked taxidermy, correct? ^^'
Do you think like.. taking him to Olive Garden (I know, pinnacle of fine dining) would be within reason? I know he mentioned how he liked it some time ago. Yea he liked taxidermy! He showed me his rabbit, fox, bat skulls, his shark fetus, pelts & other such eclectic animal items. Honestly, not my speed whatsoever however it's not hurting anyone so I don't mind it.
malebrained schizo rant
I always want girls but I only wanna fuck dudes when I'm drunk. Works for me
There is no olive garden where I live but I'm sure its fine, he will be happy :3
no one's ever tried to discourage me honestly, I just struggle with myself internally a lot.
What's the worst pizza you've ever had
A pizza from wawa. Unseasoned tomato sauce on top of a glorified cracker.
local italian restaurant. who the FUCK makes pizza with cheddar?
>Gas station pizza
Huge hit or miss, but guaranteed to hit if you're high enough. We don't have those over here
Surprised they managed to mess this up... There's a pizza place run by Arabic people over here that do the same thing. The crust always tastes like it's retaining water.
Some shitty pizza place in bumfuck latin america
You shouldn't feel discouraged even if it's you who's doing the discouraging
there's a lot of italian restaurants and they all have their strengths, that specific place specializes in pasta and desserts
Some place in London. UK food is disgusting if you eat anywhere white people are cooking.
Newfag gtfo
I believe it, even though I've never tried their pizza
I've heard this is a stereotype they have. Messing up pizza is truly next level, though.
NEVER understood the distaste for new people. How long have you been here and why are you here if you don't like to talk to people?
Yeah I'm on planes multiple times a year to visit family, international flights.
when I was 11 and I met my first ever male flight attendant, I got to chat with him since I was on the rearmost seat
I took 20 tablets of bendaryl because I thought tripping on an 8 hour flight would be funny... DO NOT RECOMMEND. I thought my reflection in the window was coming to get me and I fell over running to the bathroom.
>also they are mute
Why this specifically?
Can anyone here bench that much?
Does anyone else no longer experience dysphoria?
What do you mean anon? Like in the sense you’re now comfortable with how you look as a guy?
Lol I'm trying
Well I mean that sounds like the good ending to me, hopefully everything else is goes just as well for you anon
I can but I'm the intersex troglodyte that was posting earlier, I have functional nuts for all intents and purposes, male puberty didn't really start for me until I was like 20 though.
I only ate Chinese and Indian food there and gave up eating elsewhere quickly.
>be exactly like father in personality, interest, hobbies, and style
>he's more interested in literally any cis male in the area
>even the mentally handicapped ones
>swears he isn't gay
It's like dealing with a girl who craves male attention
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I told my doctor about starting hrt and getting me a prescription and she was so stunned like I said it out of nowhere and she was confused why
I told her I wanted to go legal because I've been doing it for a year now and my friends want me to be safe
She got confused and said it's not on my record and she has no idea how I got it. I said I bought it myself. She said if that was safe and I said seems like it.
Im healthy and just got a checkup and full blood test. Everything is perfect. So clearly nothing is wrong.

I just moved back to my town and when she first saw me she asked if I still went by my old tranny name. I told her no I didn't. Not sure how this came left field though. She didn't recognize my voice ever over the phone
what? you're sad that your dad wants to fuck real men instead of you?
listen bestie. i don't know what i'm feeling no more. i might be going insane. maybe the grass is always greener? i like my life as a man but i don't pass. afraid to go further. too much work. too many logistical hurdles for moi. can you wipe my ass mommy? it's getting really stinky
You gotta think of it from his perspective, he's been wiping your ass and changing your diapers for 18 years. He probably still someway thinks of you as you were before. He might still be uncomfortable.
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I pretty much only have dysphoria over my genitals, and THAT is severe to the point where I can’t have sex, idk if that counts
he's doing the thing cisgender parents do when they think you're weird, so they "ignore" you while the other (same sex) parent belittles you.
i'm always so insanely horny the first couple days after my t shot it's so sudden and intense
What do you do with the feelings
Jerk off like a normal person? Idk
Then what's stopping you anon
Use those horny hands to satisfy sudden sexual sensations
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i'm jerking off rn, i like to see how wet i can get before actually cumming. once that happens i just go feral and need to get towels. i beat my tdick until i have literally no squirt or piss left, this lasts like hours. it's like once i cum i have to keep cumming until i physically can't. even then i end up humping my pillow till i get sleepy. idk, it's like my t levels skyrocket and all i can think about is like bouncing boobs and girls covered in cum and how salty they are when they sweat from sex under the covers..i love women. i know i sound so degen rn but you asked lol
what do you do to jerk off
Why is doxxing allowed and why is some mouthbreathing retard following around Gloves and spamming his dox?
i'm glad you love women anon
I wish my genital dysphoria wasn’t so extreme and I could actually JERK off. My “dick” is pretty big but it’s obviously just a mockery of a real dick and not even remotely the same, I have never ever been able to get off without underwear on

How exactly do you get “permabanned” from 4chan?
It's extremely rare and only reserved for people posting illegal content like cp, death threats, or repeated ban evasion.
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Sorry I know I’ve spammed this already but fr, does anybody have serious tips on how to get over terrible genital dysphoria? I’m basically a volcel cuz it’s that bad, anytime I get naked and can feel the disgusting space between my legs I immediately lose my erection.
i wish i knew, but i'm just glad nobody wants to fuck me
i love them. i want to better myself not only for my own health but so that i can be a worthwhile partner to whoever i end up meeting
Has anyone here ever used a pump for dick growth?
just tug on it a lot bro
Would you guys be willing to give me advice on how not to fumble a hot trans guy I just matched with
give us more info
Okay uhh, I’m a cis guy and he’s trans masc I guess. His bio says he’s mainly looking for fwb so I guess I just need to get to that? He’s actually really handsome too, like his facial hair fits his face well. Oh and he matched with me, technically. Is that good or do I need to give more?
are you gay/bi? or are you 'bi' only for 'transmascs'?
I’m gay…? Idk what you’re getting at
Offer him weed
You know we love weed
Okay but what do I do if I don’t have weed?
oh sorry. there's a whole subset of straight men who claim to have 'gone bi' for trans men. you're a real homo homo. holy hell
Yeah no, women repulse me. I’m not straight
Do you have advice tho?
am i a bad person guys
Gloves how old are you
i can't think of any ftm specific advice. remember that testosterone does tend to make boys horny so he might be more than you handle. or maybe not. don't assume just because he's ftm that he's a bottom. let him lead sometimes.
That’s fair, he probably will be more than I can handle I’m not super great at sex lol
I’ll let him lead sometimes, I’m not opposed to it!
if ur asking strangers on a tranny board on 4chan? ya probably

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