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The people who think gay pride only makes gays hated more are homophobes who can't be reasoned with.
Normalizing homosexuality can only be beneficial.
paid glowpost
u don’t normalize something by dressing like sexpests
what does this even mean
who is being threatened here and how
don’t dress in fetish gear and stuff. also if u wanna normalize being gay. people seeing a normal gay couple in public is way better than some pride parade. cuz those are just 2 gay men who don’t make it their personality. people are fed up with everything being pushed, that’s normal human psychology. if u force people to do anything, they’re gonna be against that.
nothing wrong with fetish gear
its just plastic and shit
keep it in the bedroom, it has nothing to do with lgbt
You're advertising the specific way you like to get fucked to a bunch of unsuspecting strangers who have no interest in fucking you, you're basically demanding for them to think about what you do when you have sex. If you wanna go to a club where that kind of thing is appropriate, then by all means do it in the right setting, but out on the street in broad daylight with kids around and people just trying to go about their business is inappropriate. I would say exactly the same thing if a straight guy or a woman was doing it. Being overtly sexual in public is a bit much.

Also, I know how people like this operate - there's usually an exhibitionist kink involved in this. They're directly getting a sexual high from showing off where it's not appropriate. THEY know perfectly well that it's wrong and that's why they're getting off on it, so please stop with the naive "noooooo there's nothing wrong with it it's perfectly innocent" bullshit because you've missed the mark.
Don't take your kids to pride if you are this upset about the possibility of x-rated costumes.
More people are ok with homosexuality. It’s the trans and queer crowd people are sick of
Don't take your x-rated costumes where there's kids around. It's really not that hard. There are tons of pride events at bars and clubs and shit where kids aren't allowed and it's perfectly appropriate to wear whatever you want and do whatever you want. The only real reason to trot it out in public in broad daylight where anybody could pass by, is if you're specifically getting a kick out of being inappropriate. So don't get so mad when it gets called inappropriate.
I don't think kids need to be protected from nudity or certain shapes of plastic. We used to live in caves bro. You are pushing sexual hysteria.
Would you say the same about a flasher on the subway waving his dick at people just to freak them out? Because it's pretty much exactly the same action and the same motive. I don't see much difference. There's no reason gay pride needs to be inviting and normalizing that type of behavior
I mean, at some point, that's uncomfortable, but I think he's getting a reaction because society has made people scared of our own and other peoples bodies and he knows he can get a reaction because of how strong the puritanical undercurrent is. i think at a certain point we have to allow for sexual freedom, and at the other end of that I think people who are not respecting boundaries need to try to talk it out, but also just realize that like what you are seeing in public is maybe barely the surface of what has happened in their life if they are sexually harassing strangers, like someone has probably abused them from a young age
Yeah you said it right there in your post - respecting boundaries. I'm all for sexual freedom, but there's an appropriate time and place. This is a basic social norm for a reason, and it's not all about "repression" or "hysteria," it's having a base level of respect for other peoples' comfort zones, and a base level of understanding that the world doesn't revolve around you, and that your wants and needs and preferences aren't radically more important than anyone else's. I'd say roughly the same thing about somebody lighting up a cigarette on a plane - not everybody else there wants to breathe your smoke. Stop being a selfish prick and wait till you're in the right place.

I do understand to some extent where this comes from - gays have been oppressed and repressed for so long, and had to fight to exist in public in any form, so it might have initially been difficult to re-draw the lines on what constituted an acceptable public display of homosexuality when the previous stance was "none whatsoever." But I don't think "anything and everything goes" is the proper landing point. There's a reasonable middle ground to be had. You should be allowed to kiss your boyfriend in public but you shouldn't be shoving your hand down his pants till you get in private. Basic social norms apply, I'm just not much in favor of double standards.
>also just realize that like what you are seeing in public is maybe barely the surface of what has happened in their life if they are sexually harassing strangers, like someone has probably abused them from a young age
Yes, absolutely, but the correct response to that is not to normalize and allow the cry-for-help behavior and pretend it's not a cry for help at all, but rather a beautiful expression of his sexual freedom or whatever. Nor is the correct response to demonize and attack the person - but we can and should set reasonable standards for public behavior
>I think you want something violent and are looking to polarize opinion against sexual free expression
>that then justifies your violent fiat
Where the hell are you getting violence in anything I said? Or do you just have to pretend I'm a violent fascist to feel like you have the moral high ground? I'm not talking about physically attacking people who dress a way I don't like. I'm talking about the way we discuss this stuff within the gay community. I feel that we shouldn't be encouraging and normalizing inconsiderate behavior
>x-rated costumes
>nudity or certain shapes of plastic
Sorry Anon but this is pure motte and bailey and not honest.
>It's X-rated costumes but omg it's just a plastic shape
Love u both, just keeping it real
Anybody who shows his dick to my child is going to have a problem
you can't normalize homosexuality because some people will always have homophobia.
when you push for the normalization of homo's, it sends the phobes spiralling out of control.

i hate that i have to preach the spread of tolerance to you retards, but here we are. the point of preach tolerance is that you need to be equally as respectful of their phobia as they need to be of your sexual preference because they can be just as fragil as you. the difference is that instead of getting sad and hiding in the their room playing vidya games, the phobes'll come out in full force to break your legs.
I feel the same visceral disgust when I see your stupid red hat.
Go be a fascist somewhere else. It's just a body part.

>Fascist talking points
Amen, well said fellow lgbt family
>if you don't accept the gays we're going to put you in jail!
so who is the fascist again?
This is violence. I feel unsafe.
jk but geez Anon..
but the reality is the people who hate gays are in charge and jails and prisons are disproportionately filled with bi and gay men and women BECAUSE of the underlying belief that those people are automatically criminal/suspicious for being same sex attracted ALONE and that colors all judgements about their other behaviors and conduct
>"nooo we're normal people too!!!!"
>proceeds to be naked, in fetish gear, and hypersexualize themselves
gee i wonder why we're hated
>gee i wonder why we're hated

Neoliberalism and the white western system.

Telling on yourself as a fascist there.

The fascists are the ones wanting to kill people for how they are born.
>Neoliberalism and the white western system.

im a tranny in a libbed out country and not even i want to see nude people running through the city. it's indecent. and the only times we get major exposure the entire community decides to take a huge dump on it and be as lewd as they can. Yes, religious morons etc are never gonna like us, but why does that mean we have to look like hypersexual beasts instead of just being normal? I dont get it. why is being a degen so fucking important? how is being a degen going to increase lgbt acceptance?
>im a tranny in a libbed out country
Why are you supporting far right religio-fascist attitudes then?
i support gay marriage
t. thinks fetish should be kept inside of the bedroom
homosexuality is already normalized. public nudity and indecency needs to be destroyed, and thats all pride parades are.
The problem with pride parades is I can smell the dysgenic aura ten blocks down.
>Why are you supporting far right religio-fascist attitudes then?
bait used to be believable
>are heretics who can't be reasoned with.
Don't pretend that you can be, lefty fundie.
>Normalizing homosexuality can only be beneficial.
You can't, normalfags just really don't like anybody who isn't normalfag, moron.
It seems to be that you actually don't want to normalize homosexuality, instead you want normalfags to view homosexuals as deviant freaks even more than usual.
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>nnooooo think of le kidderinoes
So is trannies like you.
But since when trannies care about decency?
>no fun allowed, fun is le bad!
Decency is pcspeak for mediocry and blandness.
go outside, or hug your mother or something jfc
if having clothes on and not twerking with a dildo strapped on my face is bland then im happily bland
How are those not religio-fascist attitudes?
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>The people who think gay pride only makes gays hated more are homophobes who can't be reasoned with.
>Normalizing homosexuality can only be beneficial.
if youre gonna bait then at least make it realistic lmao
That isn't an answer, this is just deflection . This kind of sex-negative puritanism is just the "acceptable" end of the resurgence in religio-fascist attitudes.
damn right sister, not being nude among others is literally fascism
Glad you agree that using state violence to stop harmless, indeed beneficial, self expression is indeed fascism.
>me not being allowed to wear nothing but a dildo shoved up my ass is literally hitler

why does pride need degeneracy? what is the goal here?
bullying / hating trannies etc goes against the social contract. exposing yourself to others also happen to go against said social contract.
I've never seen a straight couple wearing BDSM gear out on the street
I find the queen on the left incredibly sexy and want him to fuck me until I pass out.
You haven't been very observent then, or youlive in a regressive society.
""Feminists"" are allowed to wear hats innthe shape of a literal vagina
nta but does that make them look appealing or like annoying retards?
The "social contract" isn't worth following in a neoliberal system teetering into open fascism.

It's not harming anyone but limiting free expression does. Public openness especially with kink is a sign of a healthy society (and why fascists need to warp public perception to ban it) Seeing kink can't harm you, seeing kink can't harm children, if anything them seeing it will make them better adjusted and happier as adults.
It makes them look brave when doing it and marching against looming fascism.
It makes them vxlid and brxve and id you oppose this you're a violent mysogynyst
>The "social contract" isn't worth following in a neoliberal system teetering into open fascism.
fine ill bite; you keep saying shit like this while explaining nothing.
>Seeing kink can't harm you, seeing kink can't harm children
A gangbang is a kink.
Should that be public?
How about recreating a human centipede?
the faggots in here really made me understand why normies voted trump holy fucking shit lmao these people
I'm just saying.
Are kids gonna find stuff out?
Do you have to go and (literally) shove it in their face?
im agreeing with you, it's just the lack of awareness and lack of being able to see things from the perspective of non lgbt from the anons in here is astonishing
The reason why pride parades shouldn't happen is that they celebrate being gay, lesbian and bisexual as if it's something special, which misses the point of how to normalise it for the rest of society. You shouldn't look to make something ostracised by certain groups of people in society as something special to be celebrated, but rather move to make it just another normal difference in people that no one gives a fuss about. Pride parades just miss the point, and with the amount of other problems they have nowadays, it just makes a backlash against being gay, lesbian or bisexual all the more likely and all the worse.

Notice how I didn't say trans. I don't consider them a real, immutable characteristic worthy of acceptance. If you're trans, I'm sorry but you're never convincing me to use your preferred pronouns because you'll never be a real man or woman. I'm so sorry that you got taken advantage of by people with malicious intent, especially when you were in a dark place in life, but that doesn't mean that society should or could ever accept you. Please, don't wreck your body for something that will never bring you happiness.
but chud-kun it did bring me happiness...
If you're not LGBT, then why are you even here? Or do you just suffer from internalised homophobia? Pathetic chain of thinking, and it's hilarious seeing you think the average person voted based so much on this kind of stuff instead of immigration and the performance of the economy.
>If you're not LGBT, then why are you even here?
I'm here because i am LGBT.
Do you truly feel like you're the gender you want to be? Do other people accept you for that? Do you suffer from any complications related to the surgical or hormonal transitioning process? The lengths you must go through to validate your dysphoria is insane, and I don't think it's fair on yourself to do all this and still be unable to truly be the opposite sex.

What made you happy? I'd like to know. I'm not trans, never would be, and I have only had negative interactions or been told negative things about the few trans people I met.
>coomplications related to le whoremoans
Hooly shit anon. Havrnt laughed this much in a long time
Lmaoo calling other people faggots as an insult when you're one too. I get some people here are soppy propagandists with Marxist utopian dreams, but your comment is not any more intelligent.
From my understanding, you can be gay, and NOT be a "faggot"
all hood niggers are black, but not all blacks are hood niggers. not everyone in le community are tankies. Us not being a hivemind is actually not a bad thing. grow up.
What, in your definition, constitutes being a "faggot", then?
I didn't say that to mean that all of you are Marxists. This community's diverse mindset is why I go here instead of anywhere else on the Internet, because everywhere else is overrun by the same talking points. What I meant by the Marxists is that they do exist (as they should in a free and freeform space like this), but that doesn't mean I think highly of them.
>Do you truly feel like you're the gender you want to be?
developing primary and sexondary male sex characteristics made me suffer to extreme levels. i no longer do.

>Do other people accept you for that?
I mean yea, excluding chronically online chuds on the mongolian flowerpicking forum ofc.

>Do you suffer from any complications related to the surgical or hormonal transitioning process?
infertility but that one is expected. there is no way id be able to father a child without blowing my brains out anyway so i dont mind

>The lengths you must go through to validate your dysphoria is insane, and I don't think it's fair on yourself to do all this and still be unable to truly be the opposite sex.
youre entitiled to your opinion, i just dont care about it. but sure not TRULY being able to change sex, like uploading your brain in to another body or something, is a shame. but todays medicine is pretty cool and did help me sort out my suffering. i can now live a normal life.

>What made you happy?
Not suffering and feeling this pain in my soul. i now feel normal in the first time ever. im just content with life you know
A "faggot" is one based on behaving.
Always has the wispy, whiny, lispy voice, always got an answer for everything.
Even if it is nonsense, just so they can have the last word.
Always bitching, moaning and stabbing people in the back.
SUPER gay.
Like STEREOTYPICAL limp-wristed flamer.
i never claimed to be the arbiter of lgbt, or to be some high iq omniscient being. i just said i think it's retarded to make pride as degenerate as possible and then try to get people to agree that lgbt are just normal people too, when the few times we get a platform to show ourselves, people turn it in to a hypersexualized event.
Nice. That honestly gives me a newfound respect for people like you, even if I truly don't feel like I can ever properly support the idea of transitioning. If people have exhausted every other avenue and want to do go through such drastic changes in life, they're entitled to that. I do also think though that many trans people do it out of trauma or from bad role models who push forward this idea. Still, I'm happy that you're happy, and I think that's the most important thing that society should consider.
it’s not even bait u just threw the fishing rod in the water
thank you, chud-kun
>complaining about Marxists

Found the actual Nazi.

"The bad gays made me horny, now I must vote for fascists"


None of those would harm you though would they? You aren't being forced to take part.

>bait bait bait!!!

Go read some theory and come back with arguments not deflection
whoever trained this GPT did an amazing job, bravo.
Public sex and kink at Pride events are not only acceptable but essential aspects of the LGBTQ+ community's fight for liberation. From a Marxist perspective, these activities challenge the dominant heteronormative and patriarchal structures that have historically oppressed and marginalized queer individuals.
Firstly, public sex and kink disrupt the private sphere, which has traditionally been controlled by the nuclear family and the state. By engaging in these activities in public spaces, queer individuals reclaim their bodies and desires, asserting their right to pleasure and autonomy outside of the confines of heterosexuality and monogamy. This act of defiance directly challenges the capitalist system, which commodifies sexuality and seeks to control our desires for profit.
Secondly, public sex and kink provide a space for queer individuals to express themselves authentically and unapologetically. The mainstream LGBTQ+ movement often prioritizes respectability politics, which emphasizes assimilation into heteronormative society. However, queer people have always existed outside of these norms, and Pride events provide a platform for them to embrace their true selves without fear of judgment or persecution. By doing so, they disrupt the binary gender roles and heterosexual norms imposed upon them by the capitalist system, which exploits their labor while denying them full humanity.
Thirdly, public sex and kink are forms of resistance against the puritanical morality that has been used to justify homophobia and transphobia. By openly engaging in these activities, queer individuals reject the notion that their sexuality is deviant or immoral. They reclaim their bodies and desires, asserting their right to pleasure and autonomy in the face of centuries of oppression. This act of defiance undermines the moral authority of the state and religious institutions that have historically sought to control queer bodies and identities.
Finally, public sex and kink promote solidarity within the LGBTQ+ community. By engaging in these activities together, queer individuals affirm their shared experiences of marginalization and oppression. They create a sense of community and camaraderie that transcends individual differences, fostering solidarity and collective action against the forces that seek to oppress them. This solidarity is crucial in the struggle for queer liberation, as it empowers individuals to challenge the status quo and demand their rightful place in society.

In conclusion, public sex and kink at Pride events are not only acceptable but essential aspects of the LGBTQ+ community's fight for liberation. They challenge the dominant structures of power and oppression, promote authentic self-expression, and foster solidarity within the community. By embracing these activities, queer individuals assert their right to pleasure, autonomy, and dignity, and move closer to a world where all people can live free from sexual and gender-based oppression.
So, what you are saying is...
Because "Every day is straight pride", straight people should have the right, and moral duty, to fuck, suck, beat, piss and shit on each other at the bus stop?
>expecting anyone to care enough about ur opinion to read all of this
From a Marxist perspective, seeing kink at Pride events can be beneficial for the development of children in several ways. Firstly, it normalizes diverse sexualities and gender expressions, challenging the heteronormative and cisgender norms that children are often exposed to in their families and schools. By witnessing queer individuals engaging in public sex and kink, children learn that there is no single way to express oneself sexually or gender-wise, promoting acceptance and understanding of diversity.
Secondly, Pride events provide a safe space for children to ask questions and learn about topics that may not be discussed openly in their homes or schools. By witnessing queer individuals engaging in consensual kink activities, children can develop a healthy understanding of BDSM and other kink practices, dispelling myths and misconceptions that may otherwise lead to stigma and fear.
Thirdly, Pride events encourage critical thinking and questioning of societal norms. Children who witness public sex and kink at Pride events may begin to question the dominant narratives they've been taught about sexuality and gender, leading them to question other aspects of power and inequality in society. This critical thinking skills will serve them well in their future struggles against oppression and injustice.
Lastly, Pride events promote solidarity and collective action. By witnessing queer individuals standing together and demanding their rights, children learn the importance of unity and collective action in the face of adversity. This lesson will serve them well as they grow older and confront the various forms of oppression they may face in their lives.
In summary, seeing kink at Pride events can be beneficial for the development of children by normalizing diversity, promoting critical thinking, and fostering solidarity. It helps them develop into well-rounded individuals who are equipped to challenge the status quo and work towards a more just and equitable society.
>seeing kink at Pride events can be beneficial for the development of children
>"I'm a pedo"

What you are too retarded to understand, in your desperate desire to show kids your cock, is that 99% of the population don't CARE about
>challenging the heteronormative and cisgender norms
Only a PEDOPHILE would think that kids under the age of about (legal age - 2 years) need to know, or understand ANYTHING about sex.
anon i think u replied to the wrong person i never said these things
No it makes us look clownish and associates us with hookup and depravity overall.
I did.
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it’s ok
As a society, we often shy away from discussing topics related to sex, particularly when it comes to children. However, it's time we face the reality that children are naturally curious about their bodies and the world around them. Instead of hiding these topics from them, we should be open and honest about them. In this post, I will defend the idea of exposing children to sex, pornography, and public kink, arguing that it is a natural part of their development and can be beneficial in various ways.
Firstly, it's essential to understand that children are born with an innate curiosity about their bodies and the world around them. This curiosity is a natural part of their development and should be encouraged, not suppressed. By exposing children to sex, pornography, and public kink, we are allowing them to explore these topics in a safe and controlled environment. This can help them to develop a healthy understanding of their own bodies and sexuality, as well as an appreciation for the diversity of human experiences.
Secondly, exposing children to sex and pornography can help to prevent them from developing unhealthy attitudes towards sex. Many children learn about sex through rumors, gossip, or inaccurate sources, which can lead to misconceptions and negative attitudes. By providing them with accurate and age-appropriate information, we can help to ensure that they develop a healthy and positive view of sex. This can also help to prevent them from engaging in risky behaviors or making poor decisions related to their sexual health.
Thirdly, public kink events can provide children with a valuable opportunity to learn about different forms of sexual expression and identity. These events can help them to understand that there is a wide range of sexual preferences and practices, and that it's okay to be different. This can foster a sense of acceptance and tolerance, which is essential for a healthy and inclusive society.
normalizing diverse sexualities and gender expressions" is indeed important, but there are more effective and appropriate ways to accomplish this than exposing children to explicit or adult-themed activities. Educational initiatives tailored to their level of understanding

Pride events are meant to celebrate LGBTQ+ identities and advocate for equal rights, and framing them as venues for public sex or explicit kink risks misrepresenting their purpose. This not only alienates potential allies but also reinforces harmful stereotypes about the queer community. Instead, focusing on inclusive and celebratory aspects of Pride—such as family-friendly parades, cultural events, and educational workshops—better serves the goal of fostering understanding and acceptance.

That said, as society evolves, we must remain vigilant against oversanitization of public spaces, lest Pride events lose their vibrant spirit. To this end, we should embrace all forms of expression, including those so radical they defy explanation. For instance, introducing children to the art of tap-dancing mollusks or creating workshops on the political implications of flamboyant lemurs would undoubtedly spark profound critical thinking. Why stop at kink when we could have instructional classes on underwater basket weaving hosted by sentient octopuses? Children could learn teamwork from these octopuses and respect the collective struggle of marine life oppressed by trawling industries.

By the time a six-year-old debates the ethical merits of broccoli voting rights with an eight-year-old dressed as a non-binary space pirate, we will have achieved the zenith of progressive pedagogy. These methods will redefine solidarity, ensuring the children of today are not only critical thinkers but also prepared to thrive in the kaleidoscope of intergalactic anarcho-queer utopias we can only dream of.
Finally, exposing children to sex, pornography, and public kink can also help to prepare them for the realities of adult life. In today's world, it's impossible to shield children from these topics forever. By introducing them to these subjects in a controlled and age-appropriate manner, we can help to ensure that they are prepared to navigate the complexities of adult relationships and sexuality.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to exposing children to sex, pornography, and public kink. By doing so, we can help them to develop a healthy understanding of their own bodies and sexuality, prevent them from developing unhealthy attitudes towards sex, foster a sense of acceptance and tolerance, and prepare them for the realities of adult life. It's time we stop shying away from these topics and start embracing the natural curiosity of children.>>38611632
this an ai or smth?
Just dusting off my old Marxist critique skills from uni. Will be fun getting called a bot and a nigger and having zero actual points made against it.
Fuck fascists
i’m not even reading it i just wonder y anyone would throw laps of texts like that on a mongolian basketweaving forum
It's fun and annoys fascists and homophobes, what more reason do I need?
If someone with a humilation kink is being walked around like a dog in full BDSM fetish gear in public, I am being forced to participate in their kink without my consent. By doing sexual acts in public you are committing sexual assault by forcing others to participate in your own kinks/fetishes without their consent.
>there are many benefits to exposing children to sex, pornography, and public kink
Yes, we know.
You are a pedophile.
>i just wonder y anyone would throw laps of texts like that on a mongolian basketweaving forum
It's simply to make their stupidity.
Try it.
Type something out as a draft, take it to ChatGPT, paste it and ask to expand on it.
Where is the harm in a puppy mask or a leash though? Only if you by in to the right wing shame of kink and sexuality could you make this argument.
tried having a life? i don’t think anyone here is annoyed at whatever u said except one autist lol
Even one angry nazi is worth it.
Fuck fascists and defend piblic kink at pride.
lol u sound just as miserable as the /pol/ tourists
Is being forced to participate in someone else's kink without your consent not the definition of sexual assault?
Just seeing/being present when it is happening is not participation. Once more I ask where is the harm? It's just clothing/gear and totally natural and healthy interpersonal interactions that are taking place near you.
My presence is getting them off if its a humiliation/exhibitionism kink.
And that is harming you how?
Sorry I do not wish to be participating in someone else's sex act by proxy. Them violating that is sexual assault.
So you want to leverage the states monopoly on deadly force to stop others harmless pleasure? Textbook fascist behaviour
honestly thats a really epic picture i dont know what other anons are even talking about its genderqueer for sure but i dont even see anything fetishy here
If I grope someone I didn't harm them in any way, so I should be allowed to grope people all I want? If I go up and jerk off to you in front of you I'm not harming you should I be allowed to do that? All just some harmless pleasure right?
We aren't talking about groping though are we. Fascists and right wingers froth at the mouth about willing kink and willing sexual acts between willing participants taking place near people who have chosen to come out in public where they know it will be taking place (a pride parade)
Fascists like you want to take away the freedom to do this as you feel uncomfortable that others are having a fulfilling and pleasant time exploring their identities in public.
Eat shit and die you fucking right wing scum.
How is being touched harming you in any way? If it makes you feel "bad" think about how much of that is caused by the damage religio-fascist society has inflicted on you.
Ok so you think rape is ok? Consent doesn't really exist so I can whatever I like to you. If everyone around them where they are doing it has consented more power too them, but that isn't what you were arguing for, is it.
This sounds like some of my university professors.
I'm so embarrassed to be queer sometimes.
You'll be pulling out "think of the children!!!" next. Pretty pathetic NGL.
Pretty pathetic that you love to talk about rights and fascism yet here you are wish you could sexually assault people without recourse.

How is being raped harming you in any way? Just putting your penis in someone else and a little friction.
rule of thumb is if women can do it at Mardi Gras men can do it at pride.
walk away
They already do this anon

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