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why are straight men incapable of sharing their emotions? they'll literally bottle shit up for 30 years and never tell a single person because they're so retarded
if i ever get a bf can i make him not retarded and honest about his emotions?
Depends, probably not if they're some conservative nutcase. Conservatism is something of an inborn trait, like a cleft palette, which renders the notion of building a new person somewhat dubious.
Otherwise sure it should be possible
okay how about my dad
because women socially isolate and punish men who show emotions other than anger, why not blame the root cause of the behavior, not the reaction to the oppression?
because i am one already pretty undesirable person and i have no say in how the world works, all i can do is help people close to me
Might be a lost cause there, sis
so is he just gonna be hurting for his whole life??
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Reminder the bottle won't betray you like women will.
Prolly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>honest about his emotions
Any man that has ever done with their girlfriend/wife has also had that exact thing used against them. Worse even, some might hop onto their socials or group chat talking about getting the "ick" and slowly losing respect for you while increasingly withholding affection/withdrawing.
The bottle damn near exclusively betrays me actually
how am i supposed to watch this man suffer till he dies, it makes me wanna cry
a tranny wouldnt betray you or hold it against you
because unlike afabs we have the capacity for love
yeah but when a straight man realizes that and wants to go out of their way to date trans women, they are now seen as chasers which is an extremely negative thing according to a lot of people on here
i just dont want to top, get my dick sucked, be treated like im the bottom in a gay relationship, or have my bf have tranny thoughts (no matter if he troons or not)
Because it gives foids the ick.
I share with female friends where I know our relationship isn't founded on sexual attraction, they're receptive and better at it than men usually.
But being emotionally open (I mean honestly, with all the baggage that comes with it, not pretend cutesy romantic bs) with a girl you want to fuck or are already fucking is straight up selfharm when you're male.
Because modern society forces straight men to repress their emotions, feminists and the like say that this is because of “toxic masculinity” but it is very obviously the result of society being feminised or gender neutralised. Men who are open about their feelings get called gay or made fun of by a lot of women. If you read literature or diaries/journals/accounts from before women’s suffrage became common in the west, men are extremely expressive of their emotions, they cry, they embrace one another - they are also much more allowed to do violence against their enemies than today, and aren’t shamed for most masculine behaviours
If you want your bf to be less emotionally retarded you would need to build his trust very carefully so that he knows that he can trust you with that vulnerability, otherwise you’re going to need a massive societal change for this to happen
>socially isolate and punish men who show emotions other than anger
this is by far not just women doing this

but yeah, being socially punished for showing emotions definitely does a lot of damage
t. someone who'll probably never recover from it
I remember opening up to my sister about past trauma and she didn't seem to care which was disappointing. She didn't have anything to say really. I was thinking she might be autistic but no she's a true normie it wouldn't make any sense. I feel like she just wanted to know just because. She's always been nosy about shit.
Why are troons incapable of realizing how none of us actually see them as women?
why are you so mean?
Honesty is the most important form of kindness
mmmmm. whatever. but is it even related to op?
the only time i truly opened up about something that was actively bothering me was when i was cornered and forced into it by my mom as a child and she just fucking hugged me and left it there and i felt infinitely more shitty and i never fucking did it again
Yes. Trans ians are straight men who don’t deal with their feelings. So they go deeper and deeper into their fetish. And make it everyone’s problem.
nobody talks about transbians.
lol who are you fighting here?
op is into men, i'm into men. how your first take is relevant itt?
>open up emotionally to a woman
>she gets the ick
>she either leaves you or cheats on you because you're no longer manly enough to turn her on
>even if she stays (faithful or not), she'll now dredge up your moment of vulnerability in EVERY argument from now on
I somewhat agree but maybe not in the same terms. Progressives are just contradictory about a lot of social demands they make (there are a lot) because tabooing pushback means they're seldom questioned in depth and don't have to think things through... and generally just support cyberbullying and doxxing when it's groups they dislike but not the inverse
>Why won't men open up about their feelings?
>Wow, men don't like it when we verbally abuse them? How fragile
>Why do white people use colorblindness to avoid confronting their advantages?
>Identifying with whiteness is inherently hierarchical and should be abolished
>Silence is violence. Speak up
>Shut up and let other people speak!
Etc etc.
Just a laundry list of violations that are functionally impossible to avoid and should apparently ruin your character for life
This. Imagine it being the 1800's and you say
>ugh why my black bf letting himself be whipped???
This is what it sounds like when a woman complains about men not sharing more of themselves. Your kind has already taken everything from them, if they have anything left they sure as fuck ain't sharing it.
Yes, because you have no honest interest in helping him for his sake. You want to help him for your sake, and you want to do it by trying to turn him into you, and for the sole purpose of having a more tolerable wallet to leech off of.
good question but it's been like this since before feudalism so it's unlikely to go anywhere
i mean i still do that, even after transitioning
it's literally >>38605200 i've autistically studied this in depth btw before you call me an incel
based && drugfeel
dad sent a heart emoji so i think hes feelin better
The only woman who wouldn't get the ick from me crying in front of her is my mom
Try looking on YouTube for "Woman or Tree"
i doubt u will help him with his emotions in any way and probably will get annoyed by them because everyone only cares about themselves. hopefully you make my wrong
Sometimes I think God made me a tranny so that I could truly understand men and be a good wife to one.
no, straight men are incapable of processing their emotions
this is really cute and wholesome, my day is better now i can log off now thanks
Hope you and your dad will be better
That's really sweet
thank you anon.. i dont think ill ever get past all his walls but i wanna at least try and make him happy and cared for
I feel kinda the same
Isn't helping that I'm ugly and people would run away from a hon like me but this is the way
because botttling them up is the correct and healthy thing to do. We’ve known that for like 5000 years. Men chasing their passion leads to insanity
If he really support and care about you don't be annoying just be close I guess it's the best feeling for a parent and everything else he'll figure out
>why are straight men incapable of sharing their emotions? they'll literally bottle shit up for 30 years and never tell a single person because they're so retarded

Gee I don't know anon, it's not like men are told their entire life that one of the key emotions of a human is worthless if it is coming from them, and then when they inevitably do cry infront of someone else, especially if it is a woman, all they are shown is disgust and not a single fucking ounce of compassion.

>t. anon who used to get bullied for being a "crybaby", especially by girl bullies.
Rather than letting men cry we should just trash women when they cry for being pathetic cucks . That’s what I do
I'm a repper but I am so fucked up that nothing can help except crying in a girls arms for hours while she kisses my head and holds me. Talking is a waste of time, I have analysed myself to death, read Guenon, and understand how the world works. Touch and acceptance is all that matters.
I support this.
it's actually insufferable how much women cry over literally nothing. and you can't just tell them to shut the fuck up because then you look like an asshole, and then it just makes them cry more.
yah they really do cry over nothing, it's funny because men cry too little and women cry too much, at least men would cry over them actually being sad women literally just cry whenever they feel any emotion, like little children
Everything I have ever shared has been weaponized against me.
This will be too. You're thinking about doing it right now.
Go fuck yourself.
no im not and i wont
Almost every guy has been told this by someone at some point who later tore him down.
yah well i cant promise anything other than ill do my best to be different, doesnt being a tranny count for anything?
>doesnt being a tranny count for anything?
I thought that, once.
Then she did it too.
Maybe you're different.
Prove it to the next guy in your life.
It's safe to feel unsafe with
Tbh all this open up and feel safe being yourself tell me entering what you feel open up don't close yourself shit kinda neglects borders
I'd give physical affection a lot tho
>With me*
>Tell me everything*
Sorry for typos
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>why are straight men incapable of sharing their emotions?
>if i ever get a bf can i make him not retarded and honest about his emotions?
Okay so are you talking from actual experience or are you just regurgitating the passive aggressive complaining that women pass off as comedy on twitter?
Men are never in their lives encouraged to share their feelings meaningfully. In fact we're usually encouraged to do the opposite.
On top of that recent culture does nothing but dumpster men for sharing their feelings and calls them toxic. The irony being that the sort of "feeling sharing" that society promotes comes from actual toxic men, and that any legitimate attempts to share feelings by normal men are immediately dragged.
Women particularly are incredibly cruel and will use their concern against you, and everything they've remembered about you will be ammo for them when they want to use it.
Finally the real kicker is that for all of this "men don't share their feelings" shit women are actually far worse for it. Women largely will never play an active role in pursuing relationships outside of dropping what they think are hints that they're into you, women will largely never discuss how they actually feel when there is a problem outside of dropping passive aggressive remarks that they think are hints, and they'll complain about men being shit at sex but won't vocalize what they want and expect you to decode everything. Sure it's not true for all women but it is true for a lot of them. So to answer your question don't be a shitty person and communicate and maybe you'll find a partner who is also not a shitty person and will communicate back.
>Okay so are you talking from actual experience or are you just regurgitating the passive aggressive complaining that women pass off as comedy on twitter?
it was about my dad mostly, he's very closed off..

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