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how does one undo the male brain? Or male socialization etc etc
Right now im getting in to tarot cards and knitting and im trying to type less male although it's not going too well.

What are some other cool, fun hobbies to explore?
don't do this you'll just become more retarded
being malebrained is good
noo i dont like being malebrained :<
you gotta suck DICK
that doesnt work, also being promiscious is malebrained :<
>tarot and knitting
yawn. are you trying to emulate a grandma or a divorced hairdresser?
t. cis f
my sister was in to tarot and i used to do knitting as a kid :<
I've just accepted that I'm a malebrained honlord ogremaxxer
same but im a passoid
why do they always have to rub it in like this
i rlly like nail art but i actually like it, i’m not trying to be fembrained or anything, i just do what i like. i don’t think ur gonna be happy if u force urself doing things u dislike cuz u think it makes u more of a woman. there r prolly 5 autistic cis girls who like the same stuff as u except they rnt ashamed of it and try to change.
nail art is really fun ^^ i like doing acrylic nails :> i didnt mean to specifically force myself to do things i wouldnt enjoy but i want to find new things that arent male dominated lol
i just paint press-ons
>i didnt mean specifically force myself
ok that’s great just do what u like ig, y do u think ur failing at it?
>y do u think ur failing at it?
idkk i just feel malebrained and clearly different from cis women. i guess the awootism doesnt exactly help me
that’s not trying to not be malebrained lol, that’s just dysphoria that makes u see urself as a man in disguise trying to fit in. i have the same thing sometimes.
yeaa ur probably right but idk how else id combat this. transitioning didnt really change it and it's been 5 years already
Real women have mix of feminine and androgynous traits, over obsession with being feminine ends up just as clockable as disinterested in being feminine. You're going to be one of those weirdos who refuses to order a beer around other women if you keep up like this. It doesn't make you passable it's just neuroses
i have it less than u and has been around the same time for me too, i think it’ll never go away cuz we’ll never be cis.
beer is disgusting so terrible example
>i have it less than u and has been around the same time for me too, i think it’ll never go away cuz we’ll never be cis.
hm crap, life is such a meme

>beer is disgusting so terrible example
>beer is disgusting so terrible example
fuck i like beer :<
that’s ok everyone likes diff things, it’s just pretty obv that ur not gonna drink something u don’t like just cuz ur friends drink it
please just fucking accept you lived the first part of your life a man, and the rest a woman. you cannot destroy the old part of you. it is our strength. now go pursue your 'malebrained' hobbies, like moog synth girl did.
yeah it look at it this way you get to be a gf that he can play autistic map painting games with and fuck after, they love that
read about gendered communication. Men are competitive, take credit, and overestimate themselves. Women are communal, refuse credit/place it on someone else, and underestimate themselves. So, women find men obnoxious and arrogant, while men find women meek and weak.

What to do with this? My personal gender expression journey is just to try masculine shit and see what I like. All of it is made up BS anyway. But, it makes more sense if you see gender as a hierarchy, not a binary. I don't think you should tank your confidence to appear more female. But now you know what people expect of you.


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