anons how do i make my nipples hurt less early on in hrt
>>38611346THUG IT OUT BITCHwomen will svffer.
>>38611346End the delusion, get yourself together.
>>38611346cut them off with a scissor now that they're so pointy
>>38611346it finishes really fast desu i remember when it hurt a ton for a few days in the first few weeks but then it just kinda stopped. they’re still sensitive now ofc but nowhere near as painful as back thensoft clothing, hold a pillow against them, heating pad, advil, it’s only a few days :(
>>38611346lotion. do you anons not lotion your body after you get out of the shower??give special care to your tits when youre moisturizing yourself, sometimes when mine hurted and still hurt every now and then ill just rub some lotion on and the pain will go down a bit