I am not trying to insult anybody, but i do want to know your thoughts and feelings about this.Some of you paid 1000s of dollars to have yourself turned into a "woman" and the medical community fully supports you in this.There are people who have a certain fetish where they wish to consume human feces.This can lead to serious illness and disease.So why isnt the medical community facilitating this disorder with a place and medication to make sure they do not get ill and can have their sexual pleasures accommodated safely and effectively?TL:DR if you can have your genitals mutilated for good money by professionals, why cant a man have a professional shit in his mouth and receive antibiotics ans Vitamin C or whatever to deal with his or her disorder?Anyways I am sure I will be permabanned like I was before when I criticized transgenderism.Have a nice weekend.
>I am not trying to insult anybody
>>38611962kek is that the left wing activist who got culturally enriched to death while his gf stood and did nothing?
>>38611962Whats the color of your skin? Does it look like poo poo?
>>38611962>Anyways I am sure I will be permabanned like I was before when I criticized transgenderism.god I wish
the response so far show cowardice.Not a single one of you dare enage the morality let alone question your disorder.
>>38612020if I wanted to argue about politics I'd be on /pol/kys
>>38612030this isnt politics, there is nothing political about it.
The amount of deflection is expected from people with the transgender disorder.
Trust me when I say this, I dont hate you, I just want the best for you.
>>38611962>why isnt the medical community facilitating this disorderSimply? We dont have an infinite supply of money or time. We actually dont even have enough doctors to go around, and the burden of disease from coprophagy is extremely small, and theres no way to manage it preventatively, and the illnesses associated with it are mostly worms and giardia which are treatable by vermicides and antibiotics, so investing countless hours into a preventative treatment is an absurd waste when the best prevention possible is to just not eat shit in the first placeBesides, people into shit are mostly into the act of shitting, lab-sterilized shit wouldnt interest them in the first placeOn the other hand we can give trannies a VAS and measurably show that hormone treatment and gender affirmation are effective for reducing their pain and stress. Even if you ideologically opposed it with all your heart, if you were a decent doctor you'd at least accept that the treatment was proven to be effectiveTldr medicine's job is to treat people who are suffering, not to enable every kink under the sun
>>38612020Well why can't you answer me what your skin color is saaar
>>38611962now this is shitposting!the answer is pretty simple -- NOT eating shit isn't going to harm you.
>>38611962I lot of the tourists who come in here always come in immediately implying that all trannies are trans for fetishistic/sexual reasons. You'll never be able to understand anyone's point of view or participate in good-faith discussion if you can't comprehend gender dysphoria and any of the research surrounding it.
>>38612115You should find a friend and show them this thread and your response and watch them realize you are full of shit.Not to be offensive, I am just direct by nature.You suggest that something as simple and easy to treat like scat fetishism shouldnt be treated because it is a waste of resources, but an extremely expensive and time wasting process of mutilating a human to "become" the other sex is better because it is more expensive and harder to treat...That is absolutely illogical.btw if it wasnt mutilation, as it is today, like maybe in the future you could have your consciousness transported to another body.I would still be against it, because it is a mental disorder and that should be treated, but I wouldnt have any serious concerns as it would actually be real and well wtf am I gonna say about it?but today it is a seriously fucked up thing to do, way beyond the level of scat fetishism.
>>38611962>professional shit in his mouthJeet detected
>>38612180I'm sorry nobody cares enough to cure your fetish
>>38612126it wouldnt matter, if i told you the truth you wouldnt believe me and it is pretty racist.>>38612135Not getting your genitals mutilated and not taking poison wont harm you either>>38612159No, I didnt imply that all transgenders are fetishists, I am suggesting a scat fetish is less fucked up than trans "affirming" "care".I dont think being transgender is a bad, it is a disorder and it sucks for you yo have to deal with that.The fucked up part is the medical community actually playing along and not giving a shit about your well being.TL:DR can a doctor shit in your mouth for X amount of money without losing his job?So why can he cut your dick to shreds and or make a sausage out of your forearm and attach it to your pubic bone?It's nuts dude.>>38612192go to >>>/b/ if you want to be racist>>38612200I dont have one, i just consider scat fetishism far less a problem, objectively.I am also against cosmetic surgery, unless your face is extremely fucked up.
>>38612073>jeet tourist comes in comparing trannies to shit eaters>people come in saying it's bad faith>hmmmmmm they're deflecting my arguments... how queer... ha ha that is a good one if I do say so myself! These people are both acting illogically as well as being trannies. Quite the double meaning!stfu retard
>>38612242>it is pretty racist.Well you're just non white so your opinions don't matter much
>>38612253So far none of you have actually looked inward and asked yourself a serious question.Not my problem that you want to destroy your body and pay a fortune for it, I cant save everybody.but I can tell the truth and hope somebody will rethink their decisions and just live their lives as they are dealing with their disorder as best they can AND hopefully the medical community gets their shit together ( hehe shit ) and actually treat transgenders as they ought to be instead of taking the easy and lucrative way out.no offense, but most transgenders look like dogshit.
Why are saars obsessed with shit?
>>38612258No, if Hitler was alive today he would love me for my genes and hate me for my beliefs.
>>38612292Saaar ehy can't you just post your hand. Pooniggers aren't aryan btw
>>38612299Arent there transgenders in india or something?
>>38612305Saaar i think you know this the best
4chan the place where truth finally dies
4chan the place where saaars can't post their hands
>>38612180My friends are trannies and stemfags bro, they agree with me. We shouldnt RESEARCH some absurd way of enabling that fetish any more than we have an obligation to make tentacles that lay eggs in your urethra or a way to wear another person as a skinsuit. Its simply not healthcare. The doctor's job is to treat your gardiasis AFTER you get sick from eating shit, because your disease state is a result of a treatable pathogen, and to advise you to not expose yourself to that pathogen in the future. You seem to not understand medicine at all so let me give you the crash course. A doctor's job is to make you well. Simply that means no diseases but more accurately it means managing the biopsychosocial factors that contribute to poor health. Fundamentally that means the job is to make the patient happy. Lets look at some examples>sick from eating pooYour disease state is caused by a pathogen. Once that's treated you are well, and prevention is given as advice>sick from starving yourselfYour problem is secondary to psychological issues, but your specific disease is a physical process, so we give you weight gain diets and therapy>suicidal because uglyYour problem is psychological but if the best results for YOU also involve cosmetic surgery then it should be managed multi-modally with therapy and cosmetic surgery. All that matters is we gave you the best treatment for YOU. Obviously we cant medicate or therapy away transness (its been exhaustively tried) so we use the methods medically proven to alleviate suffering, which is our job, not to make edible shit for retardsIf you're mad about srs specifically then whatever, but most trannies dont get it at all and it shouldnt be conflated with all gender affirming care. YES surgeries can be invasive and expensive. But we tried everything else and none of it works, and its not a doctors job to make moral judgements about how something should or shouldnt be treated regardless.
>>38612335best gek dat je dit nodig hebt om jezelf te overtuigen van oe geliek
>>38612346Do the now import jeets to the Netherlands?
>>38612342You write a lot in an attempt to overload me with information, but it doesnt work I am too keen for that.What you are saying is that lobotomy at the time was a good solution.Clearly it wasnt and neither is mutilating people just because>wE dOnT kNoW aNy BeTtErWhat a dum argument to make.
>>38612364denk nie da ie 'n indiƫr ka vin'n die as me proat'n ka.
>>38611962>I will be permabannedall goes silent as the deed is done and the Janny has been given the signal.LoL so predictable
>>38611962>I'm not trying to insult anybody.>immediately makes an absolutely ridiculous assertion designed to evoke an emotional responseJust say "I'm trolling for screenshots" instead
>>38612381I wrote a lot becauase you dont understand the basics. Lobotomy is STILL USED TODAY to treat chronic severe siezures because 1) we dont have anything better but also 2) BECAUSE ITS PROVEN TO WORK. we have studies on effect size for this stuff. We use it because it is the BEST AVAILABLE TREATMENT. We dont use psychology based approaches because they HAVE NOT WORKED. Get it through your head.
>>38612696No, you are full of shit again, you need to convince yourself that there is only 1 solution.>we dont have anything betterPeople with serious debilitating anxiety disorders get sedatives and cognitive therapy, but for some unexplained reason you need surgery to deal with a far less serious disorder.You just have obsessive thoughts and there are plenty of ways to deal with those, more than there are for anxiety disorders.the problem is that you dont want to be treated, you want your fantasy.
>>38612696btw those Dutch studies are apparently so great the Dutch have more restrictions on muh gender affirming care than the USA
>>38612494No, but I should take screenshots then contact the moderators because you assholes abuse the system to control the /lgbt/ board
anyways Im out, there is nothing here but a few transgenders scared to face the truth and 1 guy trying to use the info dump tactic to convince all the transgenders here.see you in a few months or so, cowards.
>>38612833>inb4 I bet the info dumper is going to post the last comment because he cant control his emotions.
>>38611962>broken English nonsense comparing completely unrelated things interspersed with his gooning image collectionWhen India sends it's people, they aren't sending their best!>>38612242The hormones trannies take are molecularly identical to naturally produced hormones. Is everyone being "poisoned?"The medical community "playing along" is what allows trannies to have a shot at living tolerable lives instead of being completely dysfunctional/deadThere is no "cure" and conversion therapy does not work, if you're not just concern trolling and actually interested in learning more then I suggest reading https://archive.is/D5Q0t
>>38612853LoL called it
>>38612860>1 link>"infodump"lolsorry you're scared to face the truth coward
>>38612811>anxiety disorders get sedativesOh gee yeah benzos, which stimulate the release of the GABA neurotransmitter which controls mood. Which neurotransmitter do you propose we stimulate/supress to change someone's gender identity you absolute fucking retard? As for psychotherapy, WE TRIED IT AND IT DOESNT WORK. What is so hard to understand about that? Ive said it like four times now, figure it the fuck out
>>38612872haha you cant help yourself
>>38612888Yeah I can't help but include some supporting evidence when making a claim, sorry saar
>>38612901No, what you did was post a bs link i.e. "muh sOuRcE" to not have to come up with an argument but info dump yet again
>>38612853You're boiling and broiling and steaming! I'm so so so sorry... I really wanted you to win, I really did, I believed in you I truly did, but if you're seeing this, you lost. I'm sorry. Things will turn around for you, here, I just made a little poopy, you've tried so hard you can have just a little.
>>38613220oopsies even the legends reply to the wrong guys some times! >>38612888I meant to reply to this!God Bless America!
>>38613114No, what I did was come up with an argument and post evidence directly related to that argument>yet againno I don't believe so